J U L Y 2 0 1 4

NorthEast Kansas Lutheran Church Partnership
God’s Authority
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
Ecclesiastes 12:13
As a youngster I had a tremendous fascination with cars. While most of the kids my
age were content riding their bicycles and playing sand lot ball, I spent much of my free
time at my friend Kenny’s garage, working on his 1958 Chevrolet 2 door hard top. We tore
it down to the frame and then reassembled it, piece by piece. I remember we had to push the
firewall back far enough to accommodate the big block engine Kenny and I had rebuilt for
it. It contained high compression pistons, a special high performance camshaft, port and
polished heads, solid lifters and a high rise manifold… sporting not just one, but two four
barreled Holley carburetors, each one fed by its own electric fuel pump. Even by our
modern day standards, that car was… ‘Fast!’
On its maiden voyage, Kenny headed south out of town towards the town of
Crescent on the old highway. Now Solomon tells us in the First Chapter of Ecclesiastes
(v15) that, ‘…What is crooked cannot be made straight…’, but, Kenny sure tried to pull the
curves out of that highway; until, that is, he rounded one and saw up ahead the flashing
lights of a police car which had someone stopped on the side of the road! Did I mention the
brakes? Thankfully, they were rebuilt too!
Despite all the speed and power that had been put into that old car, they were no
match for the ‘authority’ of that stopped police car. It prompted Kenny to immediately slow
down. But, did Kenny slow down out of a fear of getting a ticket or out of a respect for the
law and of the authority the police car represented? That’s the million dollar question, isn’t
it? And it’s one which we will now apply to God’s authority and our response to it.
Throughout the Bible we are told that God is the ultimate authority and that we’re to ‘fear’
Him. Does that mean we’re to be afraid of him? How can we be afraid of a God whose
attributes are love, grace and mercy? Yet, we all know He hates sin and cannot abide in its
presence. We’ve read about His wrath and can’t help but be, if not fearful, at least very,
very nervous.
Continued to next page...
Office Address:
112 E. Maple, Fairview, KS 66425
Phone: 785-467-8810
FAX: 785-467-8820
[email protected]
Office hours:
8 am-1 pm Mon & Wed
8 am-3pm Tues & Thurs
Pastors’ day off/Office Closed—
Rev. Michael Dunaway
Cell 785-285-1714
First Lutheran, Sabetha
311 Cedar, PO Box 6
Sabetha, KS 66534
Church 785-284-3566
St. Paul, Fairview
110 E. Maple,
PO Box 158
Fairview, KS 66425
Immanuel, Fairview
656 240th St.
Fairview, KS 66425
Zion Lutheran, Hiawatha
613 S. First St.
Hiawatha, KS 66434
Continued from first page…
The answer is simply that, according to Luther, Scripture speaks of two kinds of fear. The
First is what he calls ‘servile’ fear…that kind of fear in which someone is frightened by the clear and
present danger that is represented by another person. This would be the fear that a prisoner in a
torture chamber has for his tormentor, or which a man sentenced to capital punishment has for his
executioner, or finally which a slave would have at the hands of a malicious master who came at him
or her with the whip.
In contrast to this ‘servile’ fear is what Luther calls ‘filial’ fear. This type of fear is likened to
the tremendous respect and love which a child has for his or her father or mother, whom they dearly
want to please. Such a child fears offending the one he or she loves. They fear not the threat of
torture or even of punishment; they fear ‘displeasing’ the one who is, in that child’s world, the very
source of their security and love.
It is with this second type of ‘fear,’ this ‘filial’ fear that we are called to fear God. This ‘filial
fear’ is what Scripture calls, “…the beginning of wisdom.” It is an awe and respect for the majesty
of God and acknowledges His absolute authority over us. It is with this kind of fear that we approach
God on the highways of this life; a fear which prompts us to remember and to obey His laws, even
while trusting in His grace and mercy. When He gives us a ticket, it’s for our own good and because
He loves us.
Safe Travels (and mind your speed),
Pastor Mike
Please make sure the Partnership office has your current address,
current home phone number and cell phone number.
If you have an E-mail account, it would also be extremely handy to have
your E-mail address also!
You can E-mail the office at [email protected] or call 785-467-8810.
The Partnership office would also like to be notified if you have an upcoming graduate, whether
it be Middle School, High School, or College.
Thank You!
The following Bible Studies are available each week:
9:15am Sunday @Zion
9:15am Sunday @First
3:00pm Sunday @First
3:00pm Sunday @Zion
9:00am Wednesday @Zion (Ladies)
(Please trade if you have a date conflict)
July 6th: Elders-Ken Georg & Steve Huneke, Acolytes-Jose’ Avila & Kinley Schuette,
Ushers-Eldon TenEyck & Shaun Pearson, Greeters-Jim & Lori Risinger,
Counters-Glenna Strahm & Steve Aeschliman
July 13th: Elders-Michael Bachelor & Steve Aeschliman, Acolytes-Madisen Cochran & Paul Pearson,
Ushers-Darrell Schuette & Shane Schuette, Greeters-Kurt & Melissa Detweiler,
Counters-Vicki Edelman & Joyce Meyer
July 20th: Elders-John Feek & Patrick Cochran, Acolytes-Leah Deckinger & Memphis Cochran,
Ushers-Steve Huneke & Ryan Schuette, Greeters-Dale & Bettye Bosse,
Counters-Ken Meyer & Stan Remmers
July 27th: Elders-Steve Huneke & Ken Georg, Acolytes-Morgan Schuette & Madisen Cochran,
Ushers-Rick Strahm & Paige Strahm, Greeters-Ken & Joyce Meyer,
Counters-Patty Remmers & Eldon Schwant
Altar Guild for July: Karen Kohlmeier, Patty Remmers, Carole Feek
Trustees for July: Ken Meyer & Stan Remmers
(Please trade if you have a date conflict)
July 6th: Elder-Matt Sprick, Acolyte-Alisha Barnhart, Ushers-Richard Clay & Jr. Lowe,
Greeters-Dale & Bee Strobel, Lector-Dale Strobel, Sound System-Dwight & Sue Meyer
July 13th: Elder-Bruce Kleppe, Acolyte-Savannah Dunavan, Ushers-Leon Wissmann & Bob Freese,
Greeters-Dale & Bee Strobel, Lector-Sue Meyer, Sound System-Matt & Jill Sprick
July 20th: Elder-Mike Ogden, Acolyte-Paige Stover, Ushers-Jr. Lowe & Bruce Kleppe,
Greeters-Esther Koerperich & Nanci Oswald, Lector-Richard Clay, Sound System-Leon Wissmann
July 27th: Elder-Dale Strobel, Acolyte-Corey Dunaway, Ushers-Richard Clay & Leon Wissmann,
Greeters-Esther Koerperich & Nanci Oswald, Lector-Virginia Freese,
Sound System-Jr. & Jeanne Lowe
Altar Guild for July:
Shelley Dunaway, Amanda Hinton, Joann Davidson
-MeetingsFirst LWML: July 2 @1:30pm
St. Paul Dorcas: July 2 @ 7:00pm
Immanuel Dorcas: July 8 @ 1:30pm
Zion LWML: July 8 @ 7:00pm
Naomi Circle: July 16 @ 6:30pm
Altar Committee for July:
Kathy Heiniger, Johanna Brockhoff,
and Jeff Brockhoff.
Zion Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
First LWML
The Zion Lutheran Women’s Missionary
League held their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday,
June 10, at 7:00 p.m.
The First Lutheran LWML ladies met on
Wednesday afternoon, June 4, 2014 at 1:30pm.
Bettye Bosse had the Bible study, “Finally”, taken
Judy Clay presented the devotion entitled, “In
from the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, Spring,
His Steps”. Traci Rahe shared her experiences on her
recent mission trip to Nicaragua where the team’s major 2014. Bettye used part of the Bible study for the
opening devotion.
emphasis were women’s health, children’s ministry,
water purification systems and installation of skylights.
Lela Middendorf, President, opened the
business meeting with 6 members in attendance. Diane
Davis presented the financial report which will be filed
for audit.
Committee reports for July:
Greeters: Dale & Bee Strobel on July 6 and 13 ;
Esther Koerperich and Nanci Oswald on July 20th and
Chancel Servers: Shelley Dunaway, Amanda Hinton
and Joann Davidson
Devotion: Carol Walter
Bible Study Leader: Lela Middendorf
New Business: Lela reminded the members
that there will be a 5th Sunday Coffee & Pastry on June
29 with Sharon Lowe, Lela Middendorf, Jill Sprick,
Evelyn Jones and Diane Davis on the committee.
The roll call was “My father left me this bit
of wisdom” answered by 4 members, remembering
many pleasant memories of our Dads.
Ruth Swart, secretary, read the minutes from
the May meeting. They were approved as read.
Kay Holden, co-treasurer, passed copies of
the treasurer’s report and collected mites and dues.
Flowers had been send to a member that had
been in the hospital.
Carole Feek, hostess, treated all to Angel
Food Cake with fresh strawberries and whipped
The next meeting will be July 2nd with
Martha Pearson leading the Bible study. Bettye
Bosse will be hostess.
Lela also reminded the members that the
election of officers should be held at the next monthly
meeting on July 8, and she is seeking nominations for
those officers.
Ruth P. Swart, secretary
There being no further business, the meeting
was adjourned and closed with the members reading
Psalm 150.
The family of Ruth Swart
will be hosting an Open House
for Ruth’s 80th birthday
on Sunday, June 29, 2014.
Lela Middendorf, Acting Secretary
Plan to join us at the 5th Sunday Joint service
on June 29th starting at 10:30am.
This will be from 2:00—4:00pm
at the Corning Community Center
in Corning, Kansas.
No gifts please—just Best Wishes and Hugs!
SERVICE TIMES for the Partnership Churches:
Immanuel Lutheran Church—8:30am
Zion Lutheran Church -10:30am
St. Paul Lutheran Church—8:30am
First Lutheran Church-10:30am
The St. Paul Dorcas Society met June 4th at 7:00pm at the church. Kathy Heiniger read Sarah
Kleopfer’s devotion in Sarah’s absence. The devotion from Guidepost was entitled, “The 2 Minute Vacation”
by Elizabeth Sherrill.
Traci Rahe gave a presentation on her trip with MOST Ministries to Nicaragua. During their mission
they gave out 41 water filtration buckets, installed eleven skylights, did child evangelism and womens’ health
Kathy called the business meeting to order. The minutes were read and stand approved as read. Kathy
thanked the ladies for helping with the Schneider bench dedication brunch and Pastor Nuttmann’s farewell
brunch. Leslie Brockhoff reported a balance of $858.11. Rosalie Mellenbruch reviewed the financial books.
There were no communications.
Kathy will be attending the Kansas Assembly of Leaders on June 27. There is an ingathering and she
shared the list with the ladies. The ingathering is for Ashby House. They are requesting toiletries, paper towels,
trash bags, clothing, laundry & bath soap, cleaning supplies. Kathy will collect items until June 22.
Maxine reported she gave 3 quilts to Good Shepherd and 3 quilts to the Rescue Mission. She boxed up
4 quilts and Judy boxed up 7 quilts for LWR.
In unfinished business, Nancy reported on countertop choices and sink choices. Discussion was held
and everyone was asked to give their opinion to Nancy. She will present the cost to the voters.
Becky Meyer purchased items for VBS. She spent $78.00. Ladies may purchase items or give her a
In new business, discussion was held regarding a LWR fundraiser. Linda Duesing moved to put out a
basket for donations, Cindy Manche seconded. Discussion was held and Linda amended her motion to have a
basket for donations for health kits. Cindy seconded the motion. The motion carried. There will be a basket set
out for the entire month of September.
Kathy mentioned we will be hosting the NE Zone LWML Fall Workshop sometime in October.
Discussion was held on the date and location. Kathy will check with Pastor and the Community Building for
available dates. The Bible Study for the Fall Workshop is from Donna Pyle entitled “Overflowing Abundance.”
Kathy made announcements. Nancy Manche has a birthday on June 14. Our next meeting is July 2 at
7:00pm. It is a LWML meeting. Remember to bring mites. Hostesses will be Helen Bauerle and Karen
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Hostesses Becky Meyer and Kim Priest served an assortment of cookies and tea.
Cindy Manche, Acting Secretary
On June 10th, nine Dorcas members and friends journeyed to the Six Mile Café for supper. It
was a fun evening enjoyed by all.
Our next meeting will be on July 8th at the home of Hazel Steely in Hiawatha. Sue Brockhoff
will have the devotions.
Joyce Brockhoff, Reporter
A special voter’s assembly meeting
will be held on July 6th
at Zion, Immanuel & First
to discuss the call process for the Northeast Kansas Partnership.
The meeting will be held immediately after services.
Please plan on attending this important meeting.
The Naomi Circle of First Lutheran met on Wednesday, June 16, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the church basement
with 2 members and one guest present. For devotions and a short Bble study, the Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly
was used making everyone aware of the $30,000 LWML mission grant for Training K-9 Comfort Dogs for LCMS
Chaplains. We prayed the League Pledge.
The treasurer’s report was reviewed. The VBS bill at Garretts and a bill for flowers for Darlene while in the hospital
was paid. Offering and mites were collected.
The kitchen and supplies have been checked. The next meeting will be held on July 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the church
basement. With no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Submitted by Carole Feek
We will not be meeting during the months of July and August.
Regular meetings will start back up in September and will be the 2nd
Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm.
Remember - friends are always welcome!
We are very thankful for all the work everyone did and the donations given
at the recent pancake benefit. God’s Blessings to everyone who made this
Teresa Deckinger family
At St. Paul
The theme this year was “International Spy Academy”. We grabbed our secret decoder rings and put
on our rearview mirror glasses and trained to become “special agents” for the one true God!
Our mission was to instill in your children an understanding of the one true God of the Bible that they can
carry with them for the rest of their lives and share with those around them. We uncovered the clues
that lead to the one true God who is the Creator of all and who calls people from every tribe and nation
to have fellowship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. We synchronized our watches
and our “special agents” learned to know, love, and live for the one true God!
Openings by Pastor Dunaway & Emily Meyer
Bible Stories told by Sharon Meyer
Bible Challenge activities with Kathy Heiniger
Preschool: Cindy Manche & Jeanne Lowe
Music led by Sarah Kleopfer
Recreation coached by Johanna Brockhoff & Sadie Meyer
Crafts organized by Regina Rygaard
The kitchen help made up and served snacks: Mary Scott
Overall helpers and runners: Logan Torkelson, Emily Meyer & Sadie Meyer
Closings by Kathy Heiniger & Emily Meyer
Director – Becky Meyer
A BIG Thank you to all who helped through the week.
Also a BIG Thank you for the donations of goodies.
Thanks for the hard work of Joann and David Davidson for the set design.
Our daily offering went to the Calin Strahm family.
It was a week of joy and adventure!
Sat., JULY 19
Serving begins at 5:30 PM
Located on the east side of Dr. Whittaker’s Office
(Corner of Washington & Main)
You don’t want to miss a variety of flavors of Mrs. Moser homemade ice cream
plus lots of homemade fruit pies and cakes!
See you July 19th !!!!
Military: (F)Aaron Foist; Sky Carey, Allan Feek, Kevin Remmers, Drew Streit, Daniel Wheeler; (Z) Addison
Isaacs; (SP) Mary Burkett; (I) Paul Reynolds Jr., Wade Reynolds.
Care Facilities & Shut-Ins: (F) Agnes Lacy, Esther Lukert, Gerrianne Heim, Darlene Rison, Rosemary Scher,
Shirley TenEyck, Don & Georgia Windle; (Z) Darlene Covert; (I) Juanita Kneisel, Gladys Cook, Curly
Wenger, Jeanne Meyer, Wilma Hawk.
Also in our prayers: Carlos family (F) Lee White, Cayson Lindquist, Steve TenEyck, Angie McGuire, Jacob
Scher, Amy Johnson, Edith Schumann, Brenda Rodvelt, Gabriel Cook, Howard Hill, Lily Pearson, John Rutten, Phillip John Scher, Teresa Deckinger, Wes Goodman, Calin Strahm, Melonie Creek, Bill Swart, Megan
McConnauhey, Eldon TenEyck, Darrel & Sharon Cohoon; (IMM) Oliver Smith, Kamariaha Wheeler, Mike
Bitterman, Marian Thompson, Larry Brockhoff, Todd Stump, Abigail McFall, Elora Bickford, Janice Backer,
Darwin Ball, Butch Titus; (Z) Jo Harnish, Addi Thomas, Ryan Davis, Cindy Schilling, Tim Davidson, Evelyn
Wissmann, Jody Morey, Sherry Hartley, Brittany Fritz, Judy Clay; (St.P) Bob Kleopfer, Gary Keim, Helen
Bauerle, Kennedy Kleopfer.
We Remember the blessed saints who now rest in the Lord and we pray for their families that they remember all who die in the Lord live with the Lord. (Romans 6:5)
We invite all kids to come and join us for Sunday School!
Sunday School meets each Sunday morning at 9:15.
The Zion Adult Bible Class meets on Sunday mornings at 9:15am.
Please come join us!!
5th Sunday Services
Joint Partnership Worship Services
will be held on the months having a 5th Sunday,
starting on June 29, 2014.
The service on June 29th will be held at First Lutheran in Sabetha,
and then will be rotated to the other partnership churches.
(the next service will be on August 31st at Immanuel Lutheran.)
We pray the Lord’s richest blessings that the Lord would help us to grow closer
to each other as a family of God’s children.
If you have not been to the partnership website, you are missing out!
The website contains the history of the partnership and partnership churches,
a calendar of events, recent happenings and a taste of what will be happening in the future.
It also has past copies of the newsletters and calendar for you to reference.
Go to www.neklutherans.org to see the partnership website.
JULY, 2014
Partnership Office 785-467-8810
Pastor Dunaway 785-285-1714
& Counseling (with apt)
9:00a-Z Bible Study
1:30P LWML @First
7:00p St. Paul
Independence Day
4th Sunday after Pentecost
Voter’s Mtg. (after services)
3:00p Bible Study @First
3:00p Bible Study @Zion
5th Sunday after Pentecost
3:00p Bible Study @First
3:00p Bible Study @Zion
3:00p Bible Study @First
3:00p Bible Study @Zion
1:00p Staff mtg.
9:00a-Z Bible Study
& Counseling (with apt)
Office Closed
Pastors’ Day Off
9:00a-Z Bible Study
6:30p Naomi Circle
& Counseling (with apt)
Office Closed
Pastors’ Day Off
Rodeo Parade & Food
Stand for Preschool
Articles Due for
9:00a – 3 Shuts-ins
1:00p Staff mtg.
7:00p – Joint Council
3:00p Bible Study @First
3:00p Bible Study @Zion
7th Sunday after Pentecost
7:00p-Zion LWML
9:00a – 2 Shuts-ins
1:00p Staff mtg.
7:00p – Joint Elders
11:30a Council Mtg. @First
6th Sunday after Pentecost
9:00a – 1 Shuts-ins
9:00a-Z Bible Study
1:00p-Life Care Center
service & visit shut-in
7:00p-Sunday School
Teacher’s Mtg.
9:00a-Z Bible Study
Office Closed
Pastors’ Day Off
& Counseling (with apt)
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