an index of all CLJ reviews

Index to CLJ Reviews
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"Cell-a-bration" : Cytology
"Cell-a-bration" : Cytology.
Fantasy and your family : exploring
Accad, Fouad Elias
The Lord of the rings, Harry Potter
and modern magick / Richard
Abanes. Apr.03
Building Bridges: Christianity and
Islam. Aug.03
Acheson, Alison
100 words every middle schooler
should know
100 words every middle schooler
should know / from the editors of
the American Heritage Dictionaries.
August 2011
Abanes, Richard
Harry Potter and the Bible : the
menace behind the magick /
Richard Abanes. Fall.01
Thunder Ice / Alison Acheson.
Acker, Rick
Abanes, Richard
case of the Autumn Rose / Rick
Acker. Aug.2004
2001 Years Since Then. Win.00
Harry Potter, Narnia, and The lord
of the rings / Richard Abanes.
Acker, Rick
Aardema, Verna
Abbington, James
bookworm who hatched / by Verna
Aardema ; photographs by Dede
Smith. Sept.2007
Let Mt. Zion rejoice! : music in the
African American church / James
Abbington. SprSum.02
Aardema, Verna
Abbott, Candy
This for That : A Tonga Tale / retold
by Verna Aardema; pictures by
Victoria Chess. Jan.98
Gavin Goodfellow : the lure of
Burnt Swamp / by Candy Abbott.
Ackerman, Karen
Aardema, Verna
Ackerman, Susan Yoder
Why mosquitoes buzz in people's
ears : a West African tale / retold by
Verna Aardema ; pictures by Leo
and Diane Dillon. Nov.2004
Abortion / David Haugen, Susan
Musser, and Kacy Lovelace, book
editors. Feb / Apr 2012
flying pie and other stories. Nov.96
2001 Years Since Then
Abraham, Ken
Aaseng, Nathan
Navajo code talkers. Jun.03
Exodus / Ken Abraham and Daniel
Hart. Nov.2004
Aaseng, Nathan
Abraham, Ken
Navajo code talkers / Nathan
Aaseng. Oct.03
Genesis / Ken Abraham and Daniel
Hart. Nov.2004
Aaseng, Nathan
Abraham, Ken
Sports great John Stockton. Sept.96
Numbers / Ken Abraham and Daniel
Hart. Nov.2004
Aaseng, Nathan
Titanic / by Nathan Aaseng. Fall.01
Abanes, Richard
lost treasure of Fernando Montoya
/ Rick Acker. Aug.2004
Ackerman, Karen
Song and dance man / by Karen
Ackerman ; illustrated by Stephen
Gammell. Aug.2004
Walking with Clara Belle. Jan.96
Adam, David
Power Lines : Celtic Prayers About
Work / by David Adam. Fall.00
Adams, Anne
Baker Book of Bible Travels for Kids
/ by Anne Adams. Fall.00
Adams, Anne
laughing princess of the desert : the
diary of Sarah's traveling
companion / [author, Anne Tyra
Adams ; illustrator, Dennis
Edwards]. Dec.2004
Abramovitz, Melissa
West Nile Virus / by Melissa
Abramovitz. Dec.2004
Adams, Anne
peaceful warrior : the diary of
Deborah's armor bearer, Israel
1200 B.C. / [Anne Tyra Adams].
Adeney, Miriam
Daughters of Islam: Building Bridges
with Muslim Women. Aug.03
Adams, Anne
Persia's brightest star / [author,
Anne Tyra Adams ; illustrator,
Dennis Edwards]. Dec.2004
Adams, Anne
Priceless jewel at the well : the
diary of Rebekah's nursemaid /
[Anne Tyra Adams]. Dec.2004
Adams, Jean Ekman
Clarence and the great surprise /
written and illustrated by Jean
Ekman Adams. SprSum.02
Adams, Jean Ekman
Clarence and the purple horse
bounce into town / written and
illustrated by Jean Edman Adams.
Adams, Jean Ekman
Clarence goes Out West and meets
a purple horse / written and
illustrated by Jean Edman Adams.
Adams, Michelle Medlock
I will not be afraid / by Michelle
Medlock Adams ; illustrated by
Jeremy Tugeau. AprJune 2010
Adams, Noah
Flyers : In Search of Wilbur & Orville
Wright. Aug.03
Adams, Simon
Presidents of the United States /
Simon Adams. Win.02
Time zones / by David A. Adler ;
illustrated by Edward Miller. 41061
Adler, David A.
Adler, David A
A picture book of John and Abigail
Adams / by David A. Adler and
Michael S. Adler ; illustrated by
Ronald Himler. 41061
Adler, David A
picture book of Dwight David
Eisenhower / David A. Adler.
Adler, David A.
A picture book of Dolley and James
Madison / by David A. Adler and
Michael S. Adler ; illustrated by
Ronald Himler. Oct. 2010
Adler, David A.
Cam Jansen and the Catnapping
Mystery / by David A. Adler ;
illustrated by Susanna Natti.
Adler, David A.
Young Cam Jansen and the
Dinosaur Game / by David A. Adler;
illustrated by Susanna Natti. Jan.98
Adler, David A.
Young Cam Jansen and the Ice
Skate Mystery / by David A. Adler ;
illustrated by Susanna Natti. Fall.98
Adler, David A.
Young Cam Jansen and the Lost
Tooth / by David A. Adler;
illustrated by Susanna Natti. Jan.98
Adler, David A.
Young Cam Jansen and the Missing
Cookie / by David A. Adler;
illustrated by Susanna Natti. Jan.98
Adler, David A.
Young Cam Jansen and the spotted
cat mystery / by David A. Adler ;
illustrated by Susanna Natti.
Cam Jansen and the Scary Snake
Mystery / by David A. Adler;
illustrated by Susanna Natti.
Adoff, Arnold
Adler, David A.
Adventure stories that will thrill
Lou Gehrig : The Luckiest Man / by
David A. Adler; illustrated by Terry
Widener. Fall.98
OUTside INside poems. Nov.96
Adventure stories that will thrill
you. SprSum.02
Adler, David A.
Adventures from the Bible
One yellow daffodil : a Hanukkah
story. Sept.96
Adventures from the Bible /
produced and directed by Rina
Risitano; art direction, Carl Gover.
Adler, David A.
Addy, Sharon Hart
Right Here on This Spot / by Sharon
Hart Addy; illustrated by John
Clapp. Fall.00
picture book of Dolley and James
Madison / by David A. Adler and
Michael S. Adler ; illustrated by
Ronald Himler. October 2010
Adler, David A.
Adventures in Odyssey Bible
Adventures in Odyssey Bible.
Adventures in Willoughby :
Familiar Faces & Faraway Places
Adventures in Willoughby : Familiar
Faces & Faraway Places. Jan.98
The jolly pocket postman. Sept.96
Aiken, Ginny
Camellia / Ginny Aiken. Win.02
Intercessors / Elizabeth (Beth)
Alves, Barbara (Tommi) Femrite &
Karen Kaufman. Jun.03
Albrecht, Peggy
Adventures in Willoughby : Trains,
Planes, & Other Fun Things
Aiken, Ginny
Adventures in Willoughby : Trains,
Planes, & Other Fun Things. Jan.98
Interior motives / Ginny Aiken.
African-American faith in America
Aiken, Ginny
African-American faith in America /
Larry Murphy. Apr.03
Light of my heart / Ginny Aiken.
Albrecht, Peggy
Afshar, Tessa
Aikman, David
Alcock, Deborah
Harvest of gold / Tessa Afshar.
man of faith : the spiritual journey
of George W. Bush / David Aikman.
Doctor Adrian : a story of old
Holland / by Deborah Alcock.
Aikman, David
Alcorn, Angela
Mother Teresa / written by David
Aikman and Tom Ivy. Sept.2006
Ishbane Conspiracy / Angela, Karina
& Randy Alcorn. SprSum.02
Aitken, Jonathan
Alcorn, Randy
John Newton : from disgrace to
amazing grace / Jonathan Aitken ;
forword by Philip Yancey. Sept.2007
Dominion / Alcorn, Randy. Sep.97
Afshar, Tessa
Harvest of rubies / Tessa Afshar.
Afshar, Tessa
Pearl in the sand / Tessa Afshar.
Agee, Jon
The return of Freddy LeGrand.
Albrecht, Peggy
house beyond Congo Cross. Nov.96
Age of extremes
Age of extremes. Mar.96
Ainesworth prowler. Nov.96
secret of the old house. Nov.96
Alcorn, Randy C.
Ajmera, Maya
Deception / Randy Alcorn.
Back to school / Maya Ajmera, John
D. Ivanko; with a foreword by
Marilyn Jachetti Whirry. Apr.03
Alcorn, Randy C.
Heaven / Randy Alcorn. June 2009
Alatalo, Jaakko
Agosta, Val
Spy mom / Val Agosta with Dee
Axelrod ; afterword by Christine
Agosta Quintana. October 2010
In a Nordic village / Jaakko Alatalo.
Albania in Pictures
Alcorn, Randy C.
Lord Foulgrin's letters : how to
strike back at the tyrant by
deceiving and destroying his human
vermin / by Randy Alcorn. Sum.01
Albania in Pictures. Sep.97
Agosta, Val
Spy mom / Val Agosta with Dee
Axelrod ; afterword by Christine
Agosta Quintana. Oct. 2010
Alcorn, Randy C.
Alberts, Nancy Markham
Elizabeth's Beauty / written by
Nancy Markham Alberts; illustrated
by Pat Skiles. MarMay.98
Ahlberg, Allan
Better Brown Stories. Jan.97
Ahlberg, Janet
Albes, Elizabeth
Safely home / by Randy C. Alcorn.
Alcorn, Randy C.
Tell me about heaven / Randy
Alcorn ; [illustrations by] Ron
DiCianni. Sept.2007
Alcorn, Randy C.
The chasm : a journey to the edge
of life / Randy Alcorn. August 2011
Alcott, Louisa May
Rose in Bloom / by Louisa May
Alcott. MarMay.98
Alcorn, Randy C.
The goodness of God : assurance of
purpose in the midst of suffering /
Randy Alcorn. 40695
Alcorn, Randy C.
treasure principle / Randy Alcorn.
June 2009
Alcott, Louisa May
Under the Lilacs / by Louisa May
Alcott. MarMay.98
Aldape, Virginia Totorica
Nicole's story : a book about a girl
with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Alcorn, Randy C.
Why pro-life? / Randy Alcorn.
Alcott, Louisa May
Eight Cousins / by Louisa May
Alcott. MarMay.98
Alexander, Hannah
Silent pledge / Hannah Alexander.
Alexander, Hannah
Solemn oath / by Hannah
Alexander. Spr.01
Alexander, Hannah
Urgent care / by Hannah Alexander.
Aldrich, Kathleen
Out of the dark. Jan.96
Alex, Ben
David Livingstone : the missionary
who "discovered" Africa, 18131873. Nov.96
Alcott, Louisa May
Inheritance / by Louisa May Alcott.
Second opinion / Hannah
Alexander. Apr.03
Alexander, Lloyd
Black Cauldron / Lloyd Alexander.
Alexander, Lloyd
book of three / Lloyd Alexander.
Alex, Ben
Alexander, Lloyd
Alcott, Louisa May
Martin Luther : the German monk
who changed the church, 14831546. Nov.96
Jo's Boys and How They Turned Out
/ by Louisa May Alcott. MarMay.98
Alex, Marlee
Alexander, Lloyd
Hudson Taylor : the missionary who
won a nation by prayer, 1832-1905.
foundling and other tales of Prydain
/ Lloyd Alexander. Aug.2004
Alcott, Louisa May
Little Men : Life at Plumfield with
Jo's Boys / by Louisa May Alcott.
Alcott, Louisa May
Little Women / by Louisa May
Alcott; illustrations by James
Prunier. MarMay.98
Alexander, Cecil Frances
All things bright and beautiful / text
by Cecil Frances Alexander;
illustrated by Preston McDaniels.
Alexander, Hannah
Alcott, Louisa May
Little Women : or Meg, Jo, Beth and
Amy / by Louisa May Alcott.
Alcott, Louisa May
Old-Fashioned Girl / by Louisa May
Alcott. MarMay.98
Necessary measures / Hannah
Alexander. Jun.03
castle of Llyr / Lloyd Alexander.
Alexander, Lloyd
high king / Lloyd Alexander.
Alexander, Lloyd
How the cat swallowed thunder /
by Lloyd Alexander; illustrated by
Judith Byron Schachner. Sum.01
Alexander, Lloyd
Alexander, Hannah
Sacred Trust / by Hannah
Alexander. Fall.00
Alexander, Hannah
Iron Ring / Lloyd Alexander. Nov.97
Alexander, Lloyd
Taran wanderer / Lloyd Alexander.
Alexander, Martha G.
Alexie, Sherman
Max and the dumb flower picture /
Martha Alexander ; illustrated by
Martha Alexander and James
Rumford. OctDec 2009
absolutely true diary of a part-time
Indian / by Sherman Alexie,
illustrated by Ellen Forney. 39912
Alger, Neil
Alexander, Myrna
Behold your God. SprSum.02
Palestinians and the disputed
territories / Neil Alger, book editor.
Alexander, Pat
Song of the Morning : Easter Stories
and Poems for Children / A special
collection compiled by Pat
Alexander; illustrated by Robin
Lawrie. Nov.97
All the people
Alexander, Sally Hobart
Do you remember the color blue? :
and other questions kids ask about
blindness / by Sally Hobart
Alexander. Sum.01
Behold the trees. Apr.04
Allaby, Michael
Alexander, Tamera
Beyond this moment / Tamera
Alexander. 40210
Asylum / Nan Corbitt Allen.
The write book for Christian
families. Sept.96
Allan, Tony
Allen, Ronald B.
Pharaohs and Pyramids / by Tony
Allan ; edited by Philippa Wingate ;
designed by Michele Busby and
John Jamieson ; illustrated by Toni
Goffe. Fall.98
wonder of worship. SprSum.02
Allan-Meyer, Kathleen
I Have a New Friend. Jan.97
Little Bear's Big Adventure / by
Kathleen Allan-Meyer ; illustrated
by Elaine Garvin. WinSpr.99
Allan-Meyer, Kathleen
Little Bear's Surprise / by Kathleen
Allan-Meyer; illustrated by Elaine
Garvin. Fall.00
Allen, Thomas B.
George Washington, spymaster :
how America outspied the British
and won the Revolutionary War /
Thomas B. Allen ; featuring
illustrations by Cheryl Harness.
Allen, Thomas B.
Mr. Lincoln's high-tech war : how
the North used the telegraph,
railroads, surveillance balloons,
iron-clads, high-powered weapons,
and more to win the Civil War /
Thomas B. Allen & Roger MacBride
Allen. October 2010
Allen, Thomas B.
Alexander, Tamara
Remembered / Tamera Alexander.
June 2009
Allen, Nan Corbitt
Deserts / Michael Allaby. Fall.01
Alexander, Sue
One more time, mama / by Sue
Alexander; illustrated by David
Soman. Spr.01
Best little wingman / by Janet Allen
; illustrated by Jim Postier.
Allen, Robert
Allan-Meyer, Kathleen
Alexander, Sue
Allen, Janet
All the people. Mar.96
Alexander, Pat
Star of Wonder : Christmas Stories
and Poems for Children / Robin
Lawrie; Compiled by Pat Alexander.
Charlotte Allen .. [et al.]] ; Christian
History Project. Nov.2004
Allan-Meyer, Kathleen
Play fair, Little Bear / Kathleen
Allan-Meyer ; illustrated by Elaine
Garvin. June.2005
Allegra, Mike
Mr. Lincoln's high-tech war : how
the North used the telegraph,
railroads, surveillance balloons,
iron-clads, high-powered weapons,
and more to win the Civil War /
Thomas B. Allen & Roger MacBride
Allen. Oct. 2010
Sarah gives thanks. Aug.Sept.2013
Aller, Susan Bivin
Alexander, Tamera
Within my heart / Tamera
Alexander. August 2011
Allen, Charlotte
pinch of incense : A.D. 70 to 250,
from the fall of Jerusalem to the
Decian persecution / [writers:
Emma and the Night Dogs / Susan
Bivin Aller; illustrated by Marni
Backer. Nov.97
Allison, Linda
Altman, Linda Jacobs
Pint-size science : finding-out fun
for you and your preschooler.
California Gold Rush in American
History / by Linda Jacobs Altman.
Allison, Linda
Altman, Linda Jacobs
Razzle dazzle doodle art : creative
play for you and your young child.
creation of Israel / by Linda Jacobs
Altman. Apr.04
Altman, Linda Jacobs
Allman, Barbara
Her Piano Sang : A Story About
Clara Schumann / by Barbara
Allman; illustrations by Shelly O.
Haas. Nov.97
Escape-- teens on the run : primary
sources from the Holocaust / Linda
Jacobs Altman ; Holocaust research
by Margaret Shannon. 40848
Altman, Linda Jacobs
The importance of Cesar Chavez.
Ambrosio, Michael
Destiny, valor, and a lizard named
Louie / by Michael Ambrosio ;
illustrated by Bob Langan.
Ambrosio, Michael
I don't like mosquitoes! / written by
Michael Ambrosio ; illustrated by
Bob Langan. Aug.2004
Altman, Linda Jacobs
Almy, Gary L.
How Christian is Christian
counseling? / by Gary L. Almy, M.D.
Hate and racist groups : a hot issue
/ by Linda Jacobs Altman. Fall.01
Ambrosio, Michael
Altman, Linda Jacobs
I don't want to be lunch / written
by Michael Ambrosio; illustrated by
Bob Langan. Jun.03
Alnor, William M.
Holocaust Ghettos / by Linda
Altman Jacobs. Win.00
Heaven Can't Wait : A Survey of
Alleged Trips to the Other Side /
William M. Alnor. Sep.97
Ambrosio, Michael
Altman, Linda Jacobs
Alonzo, Rebecca Nichols
Jewish victims of the Holocaust /
Linda Jacobs Altman. Apr.04
I don't want to take a nap / written
by Michael Ambrosio; illustrated by
Bob Langan. Jun.03
American Heritage Children's
The devil in pew number seven /
Rebecca N. Alonzo with Bob
DeMoss. August 2011
Altman, Linda Jacobs
Alter, Judy
Altman, Linda Jacobs
American Heritage Children's
Dictionary / by the editors of the
American Heritage Dictionaries.
Extraordinary women of the
American West / Judy Alter.
Plague and Pestilence : A History of
Infectious Disease / by Linda Jacobs
Altman. WinSpr.99
American heritage children's
science dictionary
Alter, Judy
Altman, Linda Jacobs
American heritage children's
science dictionary. 39912
Great women of the Old West / by
Judy Alter. Nov.2004
Shattered youth in Nazi Germany /
Linda Jacobs Altman. 40391
Altman, Linda Jacobs
Altman, Linda Jacobs
Arkansas / by Linda Jacobs Altman.
Simon Wiesenthal / by Linda Jacobs
Altman. Apr.04
Life on an Israeli kibbutz. Nov.96
Altman, Linda Jacobs
Altman, Linda Jacobs
California / by Linda Jacobs Altman.
Slavery and Abolition in American
History / by Linda Jacobs Altman.
American Heritage children's
science dictionary
American Heritage children's
science dictionary. 41061
American Heritage Collegiate
Dictionary (CD)
American Heritage Collegiate
Dictionary (CD). Win.00
American Heritage student
American Heritage student
dictionary. Aug.03
American Heritage student science
American Heritage student science
dictionary. Apr.03
Americana Journal
Americana Journal. Win.00
Amery, Heather
Alphabet Book / by Heather Amery
; illustrated by Stephen Cartwright ;
edited by Jenny Tyler ; designed by
Amanda Barlow. Fall.98
Amstel, Marsha
Sybil Ludington's midnight ride / by
Marsha Amstel; illustrations by
Ellen Beier. Fall.01
Amstutz, Lorraine Stutzman
little book of restorative discipline
for schools : teaching responsibility,
creating caring climates / Lorraine
Stutzman Amstutz and Judy H.
Mullet. Dec.2006
Anaya, Rudolfo A.
Andersen, Hans Christian
Fairy tales of Hans Christian
Andersen. Nov.96
Andersen, Hans Christian
Ancona, George
Self portrait / text and photographs
by George Ancona. Sept.2007
Andersen, Hans Christian
Ancona, George
Old Testament : the Usborne
children's Bible / retold by Heather
Amery; illustrated by Linda
Edwards. Sum.01
The American family farm : a photo
essay. Nov.95
Rome and Romans / by Heather
Amery and Patricia Vanags ; edited
by Philippa Wingate; designed by
Michele Busby and John Jamieson ;
illustrated by Stephen Cartwright.
Emperor's New Clothes / by Hans
Christian Andersen; retold by
Christine San José; illustrated by
Anastassija Archipowa. Win.00
Hans Christian Andersen's The
snow queen / retold by Ken
Setterington; art by Nelly and Ernst
Hofer. Sum.01
The farolitos of Christmas. Jan.96
Amery, Heather
Amery, Heather
Andersen, Hans Christian
Little Match Girl / by Hans Christian
Andersen; adapted and illustrated
by Jerry Pinkney. Fall.00
Andersen, Hans Christian
And it was so!
And it was so!. SprSum.02
Anders, Isabel
Easter ABCs : Matthew 28:1-28;
Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12; John
20:1-18 / Isabel Anders; illustrated
by Shelly Rasche. Spr.01
Little Mermaid and Other Fairy
Tales / by Hans Christian Andersen;
collected and with an introduction
by Neil Philip; illustrated by Isabelle
Brent. Win.00
Andersen, Hans Christian
Amery, Heather
Anders, Isabel
nightingale / by Hans Christian
Andersen; [illustrated by] Lisbeth
Zwerger; translated from the
Danish by Anthea Bell. Sum.01
Usborne children's Bible : a
collection of Bible stories / retold
by Heather Amery; illustrated by
Linda Edwards. Sum.01
Real Night Before Christmas.
Andersen, Hans Christian
Amis, Nancy
Anders, Isabel
year of the child / by Isabel Anders
and Sarah Alison Throop. Spr.01
orphans of Normandy: a true story
of World War II told through
drawings by children / Nancy Amis.
Anders, Jeanne
Ammer, Christine
Andersen, Gerald H.
Facts on File dictionary of cliches /
Christine Ammer. Mar.2007
Biographical Dictionary of Christian
Missions / edited by Gerald H.
Andersen. Fall.00
nightingale / Hans Christian
Andersen ; adapted and illustrated
by Jerry Pinkney. Apr.04
Andersen, Hans Christian
Leslie / Jeanne Anders. Nov.97
Tales of Faith and Wonder : Stories
of Christian Faith from a Master
Storyteller / by Hans Christian
Andersen ; illustrated by Hal
Betzold. Fall.98
Andersen, Hans Christian
The snow queen & other stories.
Turkey Pox / Laurie Halse Anderson
/ Dorothy Donohue. Sep.97
Let's Get Ready for Christmas.
Anderson, Debby
Anderson, Leith
Anderson, Sheila B.
I love my Bible! / written and
illustrated by Debby Anderson.
Jesus : an intimate portrait of the
man, his land, and his people / Leith
Anderson. Sept.2005
Serving older teens / edited by
Sheila B. Anderson. Apr.04
Anderson, Debby
Anderson, M.T.
Let's talk about Heaven. Nov.95
Daily life during the Reformation /
James M. Anderson. Feb / Apr 2012
astonishing life of Octavian
Nothing, traitor to the nation /
taken from accounts by his own
hand and other sundry sources ;
collected by Mr. M.T. Anderson of
Boston. 39912
Anderson, Janet S.
Anderson, Marcella Fisher
Going Through the Gate / by Janet
S. Anderson. MarMay.98
Young patriots : inspiring stories of
the American Revolution / by
Marcella Fisher Anderson and
Elizabeth Weiss Vollstadt. Mar.2005
Anderson, Stephen Axel
Anderson, James Maxwell
Anderson, Janet S.
Monkey Tree / by Janet S.
Anderson. Win.00
Anderson, Margaret J.
Anderson, John Aubrey
Aristotle : philosopher and scientist
/ Margaret J. Anderson and Karen F.
Stephenson. Dec.2005
Abiding darkness / John Aubrey
Anderson. June.2006
Anderson, Margaret J.
I know the moon / Stephen Axel
Anderson; illustrated by Greg
Couch. Win.02
Anderson, William T.
Musical Memories of Laura Ingalls
Wilder / written and edited by
William T. Anderson; color
photography by Leslie A. Kelly.
Andreasen, Dan
With a little help from daddy / by
Dan Andreasen. Dec.2005
Andrews, Andy
heart mender : a story of second
chances / Andy Andrews. October
Isaac Newton : The Greatest
Scientist of All Time. Mar.97
Andrews, Andy
Anderson, Margaret Jean
The heart mender : a story of
second chances / Andy Andrews.
Oct. 2010
Carl Linnaeus : father of
classification / Margaret J.
Anderson. Dec.2005
Andrews, Beth
Anderson, Kerby
Anderson, Neil
Church library ministry information
service / Beth Andrews and others.
Marriage, family, and sexuality /
Kerby Anderson, general editor.
In search of the source : a first
encounter with God's word. Sept.96
Anderson, Kelly
Immigration. Mar.96
Anderson, Ken
innkeeper's son / Ken Anderson.
Anderson, Peggy King
Anderson, Laurie Halse
Safe at Home. Nov.96
Thank you, Sarah : the woman who
saved Thanksgiving / Laurie Halse
Anderson ; [illustrated by] Matt
Faulkner. Apr.04
Anderson, Peggy Perry
Andrews, Mesu
Love in a broken vessel : a novel /
Mesu Andrews. Oct.Nov.2013
Andronik, Catherine M.
Chuck's band / by Peggy Perry
Anderson. 40026
Copernicus : founder of modern
astronomy / Catherine M.
Andronik. Dec.2005
Anderson, Sandra Myhr
Andryszewski, Tricia
Anderson, Laurie Halse
School Prayer : A Historical Debate
/ by Tricia Andryszewski. WinSpr.99
Bubba and Beau, best friends /
Kathi Appelt; [illustrated by] Arthur
Howard. Feb.03
Angelo, Joseph A.
Goose moon / Carolyn Arden,
illustrated by Jim Postier. Nov.2004
Ardley, Neil
Facts on File dictionary of space
technology / Joseph A. Angelo, Jr.
Apple, Margot
Angler, Evan
Appleford, Annie
Sneak / Evan Angler. Apr.2013
Storm / Evan Angler. Apr.2013
M is for mitten : a Michigan
alphabet / written by Annie
Appleford, poems by Kathy-Jo
Wargin; illustrated by Michael G.
Monroe. SprSum.02
Angler, Evan
Applegate, Katherine
Swipe / Evan Angler. Apr.2013
The one and only Ivan / Katherine
Applegate. June.July.2013
Brave Martha / written and
illustrated by Margot Apple. Spr.01
The science book of things that
grow / by Neil Ardley. Oct.95
Arensen, Sheldon
Angler, Evan
Anholt, Catherine
Sun, snow, stars, sky. Jan.96
Applegate, Stan
Devil's Highway. Aug.03
Antle, Nancy
Lost in the War / by Nancy Antle.
Araki, Chiyo
Antle, Nancy
Arana, Nikki
Sam's Wild West Show. Mar.96
fragrance of roses / Nikki Arana.
carjackers / Shel Arensen.
Arensen, Sheldon
Come away : how to have a
personal prayer retreat / Shel
Arensen. Nov.2004
Arensen, Sheldon
Poachers beware / Shel Arensen.
Arensen, Sheldon
poison arrow tree / Shel Arensen.
Origami for Christmas. Jan.96
Arensen, Sheldon
Arkins, Anne
Antle, Nancy
Spacey riddles. Mar.96
Antoine, Heloise
The big book of words for curious
kids. Mar.96
Appelt, Kathi
Arana, Nikki
In the shade of the jacaranda /
Nikki Arana. June.2007
Araten, Harry
Two by two : favorite Bible stories.
Alley cat's meow / Kathi Appelt;
illustrated by Jon Goodell. Apr.03
Archer, Jules
Appelt, Kathi
To Save the Earth : The American
Environmental Movement / by
Jules Archer. WinSpr.99
Bubba and Beau go night-night /
Kathi Appelt, Arthur Howard.
Archibald, Erika F.
Appelt, Kathi
secret oath / Shel Arensen.
Watchmen on the Walls. Fall.00
Armistead, John
$66 summer / by John Armistead;
illustrated by Fran Gregory. Spr.01
Armstrong, Jennifer
Audubon : painter of birds in the
wild frontier / by Jennifer
Armstrong ; illustrated by Jos. A.
Smith. Apr.04
Armstrong, Nancy M.
Sudanese Family / by Erika F.
Archibald. Jan.98
Navajo long walk / Nancy M.
Armstrong ; illustrated by Paulette
Lambert. Nov.2004
Arden, Carolyn
Armstrong, William Howard
Sounder / by William H. Armstrong
; illustrated by James Barkley.
Arquette, Kerry
Arnosky, Jim
All about turtles / written and
illustrated by Jim Arnosky. Spr.01
What did you do today? / Kerry
Arquette; illustrated by Nancy
Hayashi. Feb.03
Arnold, Bill T.
Encountering the Old Testament : A
Christian Survey / by Bill T. Arnold
and Bryan E. Beyer. Win.00
Arnosky, Jim
ancient cliff dwellers of Mesa
Verde. Jun.03
Hook, line & seeker : a beginner's
guide to fishing, boating, and
watching water wildlife / Jim
Arnosky ; with photographs and
illustrations by the author.
Arnold, Caroline
Arnosky, Jim
Bobcats / by Caroline Arnold ;
photographs by Richard R. Hewett.
Little Champ. Sept.96
Arnold, Caroline
Arnosky, Jim
Little Lions / by Jim Arnosky. Win.00
Arnold, Caroline
Did you hear that? / Caroline
Arnold; illustrated by Cathy
Trachok. SprSum.02
Arnosky, Jim
Whole days outdoors : an
autobiographical album / by Jim
Arnosky. Sept.2007
Heart of a Friendship : An East
African Folktale / retold by H. J.
Arrington; illustrated by JoAnn E.
Kitchel. Nov.97
Arrington, Lael F.
Worldproofing Your Kids : Helping
Moms Prepare Their Kids to
Navigate Today's Turbulent Times /
by Lael F. Arrington. Win.00
Arterburn, Stephen
130 questions children ask about
war and terrorists / Stephen
Arterburn, David Stoop. Apr.03
Arterburn, Stephen
Aroner, Miriam
Drugproof your kids : the complete
guide to education, prevention,
intervention. Jan.96
The kingdom of singing birds.
Arterburn, Stephen
Arnold, Johann Christoph
Little Child Shall Lead Them :
Hopeful Parenting in a Confused
World / Johann Christoph Arnold.
Arrington, H. J.
Steering Them Straight. Jan.97
Arnold, Marsha Diane
Aronson, Billy
Chicken Salad Club / by Marsha
Diane Arnold ; pictures by Julie
Downing. Fall.98
Abraham Lincoln / by Billy Aronson.
Aronson, Marc
Arnold, Marsha Diane
Heart of a tiger. Nov.96
Arnold, Marsha Diane
Pumpkin Runner / by Marsha Diane
Arnold ; pictures by Brad Sneed.
Arnold, Tedd
Parts / by Tedd Arnold. WinSpr.99
Arnosky, Jim
All About Deer / Jim Arnosky.
Master of deceit : J. Edgar Hoover
and America in the age of lies /
Marc Aronson. 41061
Aronson, Marc
Sir Walter Ralegh and the quest for
El Dorado / Marc Aronson.
Aronson, Marc
Sugar changed the world : a story of
magic, spice, slavery, freedom, and
science / by Marc Aronson and
Marina Budhos. 40848
Arterburn, Stephen
Surprised by God : Experiencing
Grace from the God of Second
Chances / by Stephen Arterburn.
Arthur, Kay
How to Study Your Bible : The
Lasting Rewards of the Inductive
Approach / by Kay Arthur. Fall.00
Arthur, Kay
Israel, My Beloved / A novel by Kay
Arthur. MarMay.98
Arthur, Kay
Lord, Teach Me to Pray. Fall.00
Arthur, Kay
Our covenant God : learning to
trust Him / by Kay Arthur. Spr.01
Arthur, Randall
Jordan's crossing / Randall Arthur.
Asher, Sandy
Mexico / Sandy Asher. Aug.03
Asher, Sandy
Stella's dancing days / Sandy Asher;
illustrated by Kathryn Brown.
Arthur, Sarah
Walking through the wardrobe : a
devotional quest into The lion, the
witch, and the wardrobe / Sarah
Arthur. Sept.2005
Arthur, Sarah
Walking with Frodo : a devotional
journey through The lord of the
rings / Sarah Arthur. Apr.04
Aruego, Jose
Weird friends : unlikely allies in the
animal kingdom / Jose Aruego and
Ariane Dewey. Feb.03
Arvin, Reed
Wind in the wheat. Nov.95
Asch, Frank
Cactus Poems / poems by Frank
Asch ; photographs and notes by
Ted Levin. Fall.98
Ashford, Ray
And we fly away : living beyond
Alzheimer's / Ray Ashford. Aug.03
Walking with God on the road you
never wanted to travel / by Mark
Atteberry. June.2006
Attema, Martha
Time to Choose. Mar.97
Attwell, Arthur P.
Marching to a different drum :
successful learning for all kids /
Arthur P. Attwell. Apr.04
Auch, Mary Jane
Ashman, Linda
Sailing off to sleep / by Linda
Ashman; illustrated by Susan
Winter. SprSum.02
Ashman, Linda
What could be better than this? /
Linda Ashman ; paintings by Linda
S. Wingerter. Sept.2007
Ashton, John F.
In six days / edited by John F.
Ashton. Win.02
Asteroids, comets, and meteorites
: cosmic invaders of the earth
Ashes of roses / Mary Jane Auch.
Auch, Ron
He Hears Your Prayers : Simple
Steps to God / by Ron Auch.
Auer, Chris
Chinese puzzle box / by Chris Auer.
Auer, Chris
forgotten room / by Chris Auer.
Asteroids, comets, and meteorites :
cosmic invaders of the earth / Jon
Erickson. Apr.03
Auer, Chris
Aston, Dianna Hutts
Auer, Chris
egg is quiet / by Dianna Aston ;
illustrated by Sylvia Long. Dec.2006
legend of the sand dollar / by Chris
Auer ; illustrated by Rick Johnson.
Hidden in plain sight / by Chris
Auer. June.2005
Asch, Frank
One Man Show / by Frank Asch;
photographs by Jan Asch.
Ashbery, John
Can You Hear, Bird : Poems / John
Ashbery. Sep.97
Aston, Dianna Hutts
moon over Star / by Dianna Hutts
Aston ; pictures by Jerry Pinkney.
Auer, Chris
Atanasoff, Stevan E.
Auer, Chris
How to Survive as a Teen : When
No one Understands / Stevan E.
Atanasoff. Sep.97
Molly & the Good Shepherd / by
Chris Auer ; illustrated by Amy
Wummer. Sept.2005
littlest Magi : a Christmas tale / by
Chris Auer. Dec.2004
Ashby, Ruth
Elizabethan England / by Ruth
Ashby. Win.00
Ashcroft, Mary Ellen
Magdalene Gospel. Mar.97
Atteberry, Mark
Auer, Chris
stranger, a thief & a pack of lies / by
Chris Auer. June.2005
Austin, Lynn N.
proper pursuit / Lynn Austin. June
Nothing but the truth : a
documentary novel / by Avi. Apr.04
Austin, Lynn N.
Song of redemption : a novel / Lynn
Austin. June.2005
Perloo the Bold / by Avi. WinSpr.99
Augsburger, Myron S.
The deacon / by Myron S.
Augsburger and Marcia Augsburger
Kincanon. Oct.95
Augustine, Peg
Child's Garden of Virtues : Stories
About Virtues. Jan.97
Austere academy
Austere academy. Feb.03
Austin, Lynn N.
Though waters roar / Lynn Austin.
Austin, Lynn N.
Until we reach home / Lynn Austin.
OctDec 2009
Austin, Lynn N.
All she ever wanted / Lynn Austin.
Austin, Lynn N.
While we're far apart / Lynn Austin.
August 2011
Wings of refuge / by Lynn Austin.
Austin, Lynn N.
Wonderland Creek / Lynn Austin.
Aug / Oct 2012
Austin, Lynn N.
Eve's Daughters / by Lynn N. Austin.
Avakian, Monique
Atlas of Asian-American history /
Monique Avakian. SprSum.02
Austin, Lynn N.
Fire by night / by Lynn Austin.
Crispin: The Cross of Lead / Avi.
Austin, Lynn N.
Gods & kings : a novel / Lynn
Austin. June.2005
Austin, Lynn N.
Hidden places : a novel / Lynn N.
Austin. Win.02
Austin, Lynn N.
light to my path / Lynn Austin.
Poppy & Rye. SprSum.02
Poppy and Rye / by Avi ; illustrated
by Brian Floca. WinSpr.99
Austin, Lynn N.
Austin, Lynn N.
Candle in the darkness / Lynn
Austin. Aug.03
Ragweed. SprSum.02
Austin, Lynn N.
Among the Gods / Lynn Austin.
Poppy. SprSum.02
Ereth's birthday. SprSum.02
Murder at midnight / Avi. October
Murder at midnight / Avi. Oct. 2010
true confessions of Charlotte Doyle
/ Avi ; decorations by Ruth E.
Murray. Oct.03
Avi-Yonah, Michael
Ancient scrolls / Michael Avi-Yonah.
Aycock, Don M.
Christian Writer's Book : A Practical
Guide to Writing. Mar.97
Ayer, Eleanor H.
Colorado / by Eleanor H. Ayer.
Ayer, Eleanor H.
Poland : A Troubled Past, a New
Start. Mar.97
Ayer, Eleanor H.
Survivors / by Eleanor H. Ayer.
Ayer, Eleanor H.
The importance of Adolf Hitler.
Tia's story / Judy Baer. SprSum.02
Baehr, Ted
culture-wise family / Ted Baehr, Pat
Boone. 39912
Aylesworth, Jim
Aunt Pitty Patty's Piggy / retold by
Jim Aylesworth; illustrated by
Barbara McClintock. Fall.00
Azarian, Mary
farmer's alphabet / Mary Azarian.
Baab, Lynne M.
Sabbath keeping : finding freedom
in the rhythms of rest / Lynne M.
Baab. June.2007
Babbitt, Natalie
The moon over High Street /
Natalie Babbitt. Feb.2013
Baby's Bible friends
Baby's Bible friends. Sum.01
Baby's world
Baby's world. Sum.01
Bachrach, Deborah
Resistance / by Deborah Bachrach.
Bachrach, Susan D.
Tell them we remember : the story
of the Holocaust. Mar.96
Backus, William D.
What your counselor never told you
/ by William Backus. Win.02
Bad beginning
Bad beginning. Feb.03
Baden, Robert
My Book About Life in Jesus' Time /
by Robert Baden ; illustrated by
Michelle Dorenkamp. WinSpr.99
Bagdon, Paul
Long road to Larosa : a novel / Paul
Bagdon. Jun.03
Baehr, Ted
Media-Wise Family / by Ted Baehr.
Bagdon, Paul
Stallions at Burnt Rock : a novel /
Paul Bagdon. Jun.03
Baehr, Ted
Narnia beckons : C.S. Lewis's The
lion, the witch and the wardrobe
and beyond / Ted Baehr, James
Baehr ; with illustrations by Angela
West. Sept.2005
Bagnull, Marlene
Baehr, Theodore
Bagnull, Marlene
Frodo & Harry : understanding
visual media and its impact on our
lives / by Ted Baehr and Tom
Snyder. 39912
Write His Answer : A Bible Study for
Christian Writers / by Marlene
Bagnull. Win.00
Baer, Judy
Faded Dreams / Judy Baer. Sep.97
For better, for worse : devotional
thoughts for married couples /
compiled and edited by Marlene
Bagnull. Dec.2004
Bahr, Mary
If Nathan were here / by Mary
Bahr; illustrated by Karen A.
Jerome. Sum.01
Baer, Judy
Forever Friends / by Judy Baer.
Bahr, Mary
Baer, Judy
Baicich, Paul J.
Heartless Hero / by Judy Baer.
Guide to the Nests, Eggs and
Nestlings of North American Birds /
by Paul J. Baicich and Colin O. J.
Harrison. WinSpr.99
Baer, Judy
The memory box. Nov.96
Jenny's story / by Judy Baer. Spr.01
Bailer, Darice
New girl in town. Nov.95
Humpback Goes North / by Darice
Bailer ; illustrated by Stephen
Marchesi. Fall.98
Baer, Judy
Bailer, Darice
Sarah's Dilemma / Judy Baer.
Last Rail / written by Darice Bailer;
illustrated by Bill Farnsworth.
Baer, Judy
Baer, Judy
Silent thief. Nov.96
Baer, Judy
Bailer, Darice
Wanted, a Few Bold Riders : A
Story of the Pony Express / written
by Darice Bailer ; illustrated by Tom
Antonishak. Fall.98
What's a Daring Detective Like Me
Doing in the Doghouse? / by Linda
Bailey. Fall.98
Baker, C. D.
Bailey, Linda
Baker, Jason D.
When Addie was scared / by Linda
and Wendy Bailey. Spr.01
Baker's guide to Christian distance
education : online learning for all
ages / by Jason D. Baker. Spr.01
Quest of hope / C.D. Baker.
Bailey, Betty Jane
Who Are the Christians in the
Middle East?. Aug.03
Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin
Miss Hickory / by Carolyn Sherwin
Bailey, with lithographs by Ruth
Gannett. Nov.2004
Baillie, Allan
Bailey, Jill
Baines, John
How Spiders Make Their Webs / by
Jill Bailey. MarMay.98
Cultural atlas of Ancient Egypt / by
John Baines and Jaromir Malek.
Secrets of Walden Rising / Allan
Baillie. Nov.97
Bailey, Linda
Adventures in ancient China /
written by Linda Bailey ; illustrated
by Bill Slavin. Aug.03
Bainton, Roland H.
Martin Luther's Easter book /
edited by Roland H. Bainton. Spr.01
Bailey, Linda
Baird, Audrey B.
Adventures in ancient Greece /
written by Linda Bailey; illustrations
by Bill Slavin. Feb.03
Storm coming! / poems by Audrey
B. Baird; illustrated by Patrick
O'Brien. Win.02
Baker, Jason D.
Christian Cyberspace Companion :
A Guide to the Internet and
Christian Online Resources / Jason
D. Baker. Nov.97
Baker, Leslie A.
You bad dog! / by Leslie Baker.
Baker, Robert C.
What happened to Merry
Christmas? / by Robert C. Baker ;
art by Dave Hill. Sept.2007
Baker, Sanna Anderson
Mississippi Going North. Mar.97
Bailey, Linda
Baker, Barbara
Adventures with the Vikings /
written by Linda Bailey ; illustrated
by Bill Slavin. Aug.03
Digby and Kate and the Beautiful
Day / by Barbara Baker ; pictures by
Marsha Winborn. WinSpr.99
Bakke, Jeannette A.
Bailey, Linda
Baker, Barbara
Bakke, Jeannette A.
best figure skater in the whole wide
world / written by Linda Bailey;
illustrated by Alan and Lea Daniel.
One Saturday Afternoon / by
Barbara Baker; pictures by Kate
Duke. Fall.00
Holy invitations : exploring spiritual
direction / by Jeannette A. Bakke.
Holy invitations / Jeannette A.
Bakke. Win.02
Baker, Betty
Bailey, Linda
Bakke, Robert O.
Rat is dead and ant is sad. Jun.03
How Can I Be a Detective If I Have
to Baby-sit? / by Linda Bailey.
power of extraordinary prayer / by
Robert O. Bakke. Sum.01
Baker, C. D.
Bailey, Linda
How Come the Best Clues Are
Always in the Garbage? / by Linda
Bailey. MarMay.98
Bailey, Linda
Crusade of tears / C.D. Baker.
Baker, C. D.
Pilgrims of promise / C.D. Baker.
Balaban, Naomi E.
The handy science answer book /
compiled by the Carnegie Library of
Pittsburgh ; [edited by Naomi E.
Balaban and James E. Bobick].
Balcavage, Dynise
Ludwig Van Beethoven : Composer
/ by Dynise Balcavage. Jan.98
breaking point : a novel / Karen
Ball. Oct.03
Baldacci, Sharon
Ball, Karen
sundog moment : a novel of hope /
Sharon Baldacci. Nov.2004
Shattered justice : a novel / Karen
Ball. Dec.2005
Bang, Molly
Living sunlight : how plants bring
the earth to life / by Molly Bang &
Penny Chisholm ; illustrated by
Molly Bang. 41061
Bang, Molly
Baldry, Cherith
Ball, Karen
Cradoc's quest / by Cherith Baldry.
Wilderness / by Karen Ball. Win.00
When Sophie gets angry--really,
really angry… / by Molly Bang.
Balliett, Blue
Bang-Campbell, Monika
Rite of brotherhood / by Cherith
Baldry. Oct.95
Calder game / by Blue Balliett ;
illustrated by Brett Helquist. June
Little Rat sets sail / Monika BangCampbell; illustrated by Molly Bang.
Baldwin, Guy
Balliett, Blue
Banks, Lynne Reid
Oklahoma / Guy Baldwin. Win.02
Chasing Vermeer / by Blue Balliett ;
illustrated by Brett Helquist.
Harry the Poisonous Centipede.
Baldry, Cherith
Baldwin, Guy
Wyoming / by Guy Baldwin. Win.00
Ballmann, Ray E
Banks, Lynne Reid
how and why of home schooling.
Key to the Indian / by Lynne Reid
Banks ; illustrated by James
Watling. WinSpr.99
Balter, Marie
Bannatyne-Cugnet, Jo
1999 : a novel. Nov.95
Nobody's child / by Marie Balter
and Richard Katz. Oct.95
A prairie year. Sept.96
Balkin, Karen
Bambola, Sylvia
Alcohol : opposing viewpoints /
Karen F. Balkin, book editor.
Refiner's fire / by Sylvia Bambola.
Baldwin, Robert F.
New England whaler. Nov.96
Baldwin, Stanley C.
life and times of the Apostle Paul.
Tears in a bottle / Sylvia Bambola.
Bite into an apple / by Jackie Ball.
Ball, Jacqueline A.
Start the car / by Jackie Ball.
Ball, Karen
Madeleine L'Engle / Tracey Baptiste
; foreword by Kyle Zimmer. 40210
Barber, Barbara E.
There's always tomorrow. Mar.96
Saturday at The New You / by
Barbara E. Barber; illustrated by
Anna Rich. MarMay.98
Bandy, Roberta
Barber, Raymond W.
dance goes on / Roberta Bandy.
Senior high core collection / edited
by Raymond W. Barber and Patrice
Bartell. 40634
Bancroft, Brenda
Ball, Jacqueline A.
Prairie Alphabet. Jan.97
Baptiste, Tracey
Bambola, Sylvia
Ball, Charles Ferguson
Bannatyne-Cugnet, Jo
Bang, Molly
Goose / Molly Bang. Sep.97
Barbero, Maria
bravest mouse / by Maria Barbero;
translated by Sibylle Kazeroid.
Mark L. Strauss, Ronald F.
Youngblood. June 2009
Barker, M.P.
Barbour, Scott
Drug legalization / edited by Scott
Barbour. Fall.01
Barbour, Scott
environment / by Scott Barbour.
difficult boy / M.P. Barker. 40210
Barlas, Robert
Latvia / by Robert Barlas. Win.00
Barlas, Robert
Barnes, Emilie
Making My Room Special : Creative
Ways to Decorate Your Room / by
Emilie Barnes with Ann Christian
Buchanan. WinSpr.99
Barnes, Emilie
Twelve Teas of Christmas : Sharing
the Season with Those You Love /
by Emilie Barnes; paintings by
Sandy Lynam Clough. Win.00
Uganda / by Robert Barlas. Win.00
Barnes, Emilie
Barbour, Scott
Free speech / edited by Scott
Barbour. Fall.01
Barmeier, Jim
Barclift, Betty
Barmeier, Jim
Gypsy summer / by Betty Barclift.
Manners and Customs / Jim
Barmeier. Nov.97
Bard, Mitchell
Barna, George
founding of the state of Israel /
Mitchell Bard, book editor. Apr.04
Boiling point : it only takes one
degree : monitoring cultural shifts
in the 21st century / George Barna
and Mark Hatch. Fall.01
Bard, Mitchell
On one foot / Mitchell Bard. Apr.04
Brain. Mar.97
Very Best Christmas Ever! / by
Emilie Barnes with Anne and
Elizabeth Buchanan ; illustrations by
Michal Sparks. Fall.98
Barnes, Emilie
Welcome Home / by Emilie Barnes
with Anne Christian Buchanan.
Barnes, Joyce Annette
Promise Me the Moon / Joyce
Annette Barnes. Nov.97
Barna, George
Barnes, Michael
Generation next. Mar.96
Ontario. Sept.96
Sammy, Dog Detective / by Colleen
Stanley Bare. WinSpr.99
Barna, George
Barnett-Gramckow, Kacy
Bare, Leen Stanley
Transforming children into spiritual
champions / George Barna.
crown in the stars / Kacy BarnettGramckow. Dec.2005
Bare, Leen Stanley
Toby the tabby kitten. Nov.96
Barner, Bob
Barganier, Jeff S.
Slash Brokers / by Jeff S. Barganier.
I have a garden / Bob Barner.
Barnes, Bob
Barghusen, Joan D.
Aztecs : end of a civilization / by
Joan D. Barghusen. Fall.01
Preparing Your Child for Dating / by
Dr. Bob Barnes. Fall.98
Barnes, Emilie
Barker, Kenneth L.
Zondervan NIV Study Bible /
general editor, Kenneth L. Barker ;
associates editors, John H. Stek,
little book of manners / Emilie
Barnes with Anne Christian
Buchanan ; illustrations by Michal
Sparks. 40026
Barnett-Gramckow, Kacy
He who lifts the skies / Kacy
Barnett-Gramckow. June.2005
Barnett-Gramckow, Kacy
heavens before / Kacy BarnettGramckow. Nov.2004
Barnhouse, Rebecca
The book of the maidservant /
Rebecca Barnhouse. 40634
Barr, Catherine
Best books for children : preschool
through grade 6 / Catherine Barr,
John T. Gillespie. Mar.2007
Barrett, Michael Paul Vernon
Barr, Catherine
Barrett, Tracy
Best books for children : preschool
through grade 6 / Catherine Barr
and John T. Gillespie. 40634
Kentucky / by Tracy Barrett. Win.00
beauty of holiness : a guide to
biblical worship. Sept.2007
Best books for high school readers :
grades 9-12 / Catherine Barr and
John T. Gillespie. 40634
Barr, Catherine
Best books for middle school and
junior high readers : grades 6-9 /
Catherine Barr and John T.
Gillespie. 40634
Tennessee / by Tracy Barrett.
Barrett, Tracy
Virginia / by Tracy Barrett.
Barrie, J. M.
Peter Pan and Wendy / original text
by J.M. Barrie ; illustrated by Robert
Ingpen. Mar.2005
Barr, Catherine
From biography to history : best
books for children's entertainment
and education / edited by
Catherine Barr ; foreword by James
Cross Giblin ; contributors, Rebecca
L. Thomas, Deanna McDaniel.
Barr, Shari
Barrie, J.M.
Peter Pan / by J.M. Barrie; compiled
by Cooper Edens. Sum.01
Barrow, Lloyd H.
Adventures with rocks and
minerals. : geology experiments for
young people. Mar.96
Barrows, Allison
Barr, Steve
Artist's Model / Allison Barrows.
1-2-3 draw cartoon animals / by
Steve Barr. Oct.03
Barrows, Annie
1-2-3 draw cartoon faces / by Steve
Barr. Oct.03
Ivy + Bean : what's the big idea? /
written by Annie Barrows ;
illustrated by Sophie Blackall. 40695
1-2-3 draw cartoon people / by
Steve Barr. Oct.03
Bartel, Julie
Annotated book lists for every teen
reader : the best from the experts
at YALSA-BK / Julie Bartel and Pam
Spencer Holley for the Young Adult
Library Services Association. 40848
Bartholomew, Alan
Electric mischief : battery-powered
gadgets kids can make / written by
Alan Bartholomew; illustrated by
Lynn Bartholomew. Jun.03
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (CD)
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations (CD).
Black potatoes : the story of the
great Irish famine, 1845-1850 /
Susan Campbell Bartoletti. Feb.03
Bartoletti, Susan Campbell
boy who dared / Susan Campbell
Bartoletti. AprJune 2010
Bartoletti, Susan Campbell
Barrows, Annie
Barr, Steve
Beyond picture books : subject
access to best books for beginning
readers / Barbara Barstow, Judith
Riggle, Leslie Molnar. 40634
Bartoletti, Susan Campbell
McKenzie's Montana mystery /
Shari Barr. 40391
Barr, Steve
Beyond picture books : a guide to
first readers / Barbara Barstow,
Judith Riggle. Mar.2005
Barstow, Barbara
Barrett, Tracy
Barr, Catherine
Barstow, Barbara
Ivy + Bean doomed to dance /
written by Annie Barrows ;
illustrated by Sophie Blackall.
AprJune 2010
Barracca, Debra
Barrs, Jerram
The adventures of Taxi Dog. Nov.96
Heart of evangelism / Jerram Barrs.
coal miner's bride : the diary of
Anetka Kaminska / by Susan
Campbell Bartoletti. Sum.01
Bartoletti, Susan Campbell
Dancing with Dziadziu / by Susan
Campbell Bartoletti; illustrated by
Annika Nelson. MarMay.98
Bartoletti, Susan Campbell
journal of Finn Reardon, newsie /
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti.
sounding brass / Shelley Bates.
Bateson-Hill, Margaret
Bash, Barbara
Ancient ones : the world of the oldgrowth Douglas fir. Jan.96
basket bed for Baby Moses
basket bed for Baby Moses. Sum.01
Basket of Flowers : A Tale for the
Basket of Flowers : A Tale for the
Young / Author unknown.
Translated by J. H. St. A.
Baskwill, Jane
Somewhere / by Jane Baskwill;
illustrated by Trish Hill. MarMay.98
Bassis, Volodymyr
Ukraine / Volodymyr Bassis &
Sakina Dhilawala. 40210
Battle-Lavert, Gwendolyn
shaking bag / written by Gwendolyn
Battle-Lavert; illustrated by Aminah
Brenda Lynn Robinson. Sum.01
Lao of Dragon Mountain. Mar.97
Bauer, Joan
Bateson-Hill, Margaret
Shota and the star quilt / written by
Margaret Bateson-Hill ; illustrated
by Christine Fowler ; Lakota text by
Philomine Lakota. Dec.2005
Backwater / by Joan Bauer. Spr.01
Bauer, Joan
Hope was here / by Joan Bauer.
Batson, Thomas
Bauer, Joan
The sword in the stars / Wayne
Thomas Batson. 40513
Rules of the Road / by Joan Bauer.
Batson, Wayne
Bauer, Marion Dane
door within / by Wayne Thomas
Batson. June.2006
Land of the buffalo bones: the diary
of Mary Elizabeth Rodgers / by
Marion Dane Bauer. Jun.03
Batson, Wayne Thomas
Curse of the spider king / by Wayne
Thomas Batson and Christopher
Hopper. OctDec 2009
Bauer, Marion Dane
Little dog, lost / Marion Dane Bauer
; with illustrations by Jennifer Bell.
Batson, Wayne Thomas
Bassis, Volodymyr
Isle of fire / by Wayne Thomas
Batson. AprJune 2010
Bauer, Marion Dane
Ukraine / Volodymyr Bassis. Nov.97
Batchelor, Mary
Batson, Wayne Thomas
Bauer, Marion Dane
The children's Bible : in 365
stories. Jan.96
Isle of swords / by Wayne Thomas
Batson. AprJune 2010
Runt / by Marion Dane Bauer.
Bateman, Donna M.
Batson, Wayne Thomas
Bauer, Marion Dane
Out on the prairie / Donna M.
Bateman ; illustrated by Susan
Swan. Dec.2012
The final storm / by Wayne Thomas
Batson. August 2011
Thank you for me! / by Marion
Dane Bauer ; illustrated by Kristina
Stephenson. Aug / Oct 2012
Question of Trust. Jan.97
Batson, Wayne Thomas
Bateman, Tracey
color of the soul / Tracey Bateman.
The rise of the Wyrm Lord / by
Wayne Thomas Batson. August
Bates, Artie Ann
Batten, Mary
Ragsale. Jan.96
Hey, Daddy!: animal fathers and
their babies / written by Mary
Batten; illustrated by Higgins Bond.
Bates, Shelley
Bauer, Yehuda
history of the Holocaust / Yehuda
Bauer, with the assistance of Nili
Keren. Apr.04
Baum, L. Frank
Lost Princess of Oz / by L. Frank
Baum; illustrated by John R. Neill.
Beausay, Bill
Baum, L. Frank
Bayer, Linda N.
Rinkitink in Oz / by L. Frank Baum;
illustrated by John R. Neill. Win.00
Elie Wiesel : spokesman for
remembrance / Linda Bayer. Apr.04
Bauman, Elizabeth Hershberger
Baylor, Byrd
Coals of fire. Nov.95
way to make perfect mountains :
Native American legends of sacred
mountains / as told by Byrd Baylor ;
illustrations Leonard F. Chana.
Bausum, Ann
Marching to the mountaintop : how
poverty, labor fights, and civil rights
set the stage for Martin Luther
King, Jr.'s final hours / by Ann
Bausum. Feb / Apr 2012
Baxter, Leon
Christmas Story. Jan.97
Teenage Boys!: Surviving &
Enjoying These Extraordinary Years
/ by Bill Beausay. WinSpr.99
Beazely, Jan
King's ransom / Jan Beazely and
Thom Lemmons. June.2005
Beck, Andrea
Elliot bakes a cake / written and
illustrated by Andrea Beck. Spr.01
Baylor, Byrd
way to make perfect mountains :
Native American legends of sacred
mountains / as told by Byrd Baylor ;
illustrations Leonard F. Chana.
Beck, Andrea
Elliot digs for treasure / written and
illustrated by Andrea Beck. Fall.01
Beck, Andrea
Baxter, Leon
Bazler, Judith
David and Goliath. Mar.97
More science projects for all
students / Judith A. Bazler. Jun.03
Beck, Andrea
Baxter, Leon
In the Beginning. Mar.97
Baxter, Leon
Noah's Ark. Mar.97
Beach, Mark
Simply in season children's
cookbook : a world community
cookbook / edited by Mark Beach ;
designed and edited by Julie
Kauffman ; photography by Jenna
Stoltzfus. June.2007
Bayer, John F.
Janus deception / John F. Bayer.
Beach, Shelly
Hallie's heart : a novel / by Shelly
Beach. June.2007
Bayer, John F.
Lazarus Project : A Novel / by John
Bayer. Fall.00
Elliot gets stuck / written and
illustrated by Andrea Beck. Apr.03
Elliot's bath / written and
illustrated by Andrea Beck. Win.02
Beck, Andrea
Elliot's Emergency / written and
illustrated by Andrea Beck.
Becker, Mary Grace
Family funstuff Bible stories /
written by Mary Grace Becker and
others. Win.02
Beall, Pamela Conn
Wee sing more Bible songs. Nov.96
Beckett, John D.
Necessary Risk : A Novel / a novel
by John F. Bayer. Fall.98
Bean, Jonathan
Loving Monday : Succeeding in
Business Without Selling Your Soul /
by John D. Beckett. WinSpr.99
Bayer, John F.
Beard, D. C.
Omega deception / by John F.
Bayer. Spr.01
American boys handy book. Sept.96
Bayer, John F.
At night / Jonathan Bean. June 2009
Beaty, Andrea
Bayer, John F.
Satan's ring : a novel / John F.
Bayer. Jun.03
Secrets of the cicada summer /
Andrea Beaty. 41061
Beckett, Sister Wendy
Sister Wendy's Book of Saints / by
Sister Wendy Beckett. WinSpr.99
Beckett, Wendy
Sister Wendy's nativity / by Sister
Wendy Beckett. Spr.01
Beckwith, Francis J.
Relativism : Feet Firmly Planted in
Mid-Air / by Francis J. Beckwith and
Gregory Koukl. Win.00
Bedford, Deborah
Blessing / Deborah Bedford.
Bee, Clair
Backcourt ace / Clair Bee; updated
by Randall and Cynthia Bee Farley;
foreword by Dr. Rogers McAvoy.
Boys in the Well / by Cecil Freeman.
Beers, V. Gilbert
1-2-3's : learn about counting with
Moses and other Bible friends.
Bell, Debra
Beers, V. Gilbert
Bell, Howard
ABC's : learn about letters from 10
Bible stories. Nov.95
More Than a Conqueror : Winning
in the Face of Adversity / by
Howard Bell. WinSpr.99
Big Book of All-Time Favorite Bible
Stories. Mar.97
Beers, V. Gilbert
Comeback Cagers / Clair Bee;
updated by Randall and Cynthia
Bee Farley. Feb.03
My bedtime anytime storybook.
Fiery fullback / Coach Clair Bee;
updated by Randall and Cynthia
Bee Farley. Feb.03
ultimate guide to homeschooling /
by Debra Bell. Sum.01
Beers, V. Gilbert
Bee, Clair
Bee, Clair
Mattie Mae / by Edna Beiler;
illustrated by Esther Rose Graber.
Bell, James Scott
Blind justice : a novel / by James
Scott Bell. Spr.01
Bell, James Scott
Breach of promise / James Scott
Bell. June.2005
Beers, V. Gilbert
One year Bible for children / V.
Gilbert Beers. SprSum.02
Bell, James Scott
Breach of promise / James Scott
Bell. Aug.2004
Beers, V. Gilbert
Bee, Clair
Home run feud / Clair Bee; updated
by Randall and Cynthia Bee Farley.
Bee, Clair
Hungry hurler : the homecoming /
Clair Bee; foreword by Rogers
McAvoy; updated by Randall and
Cynthia Bee Farley. Apr.03
Bee, Clair
Triple threat trouble / Clair Bee;
updated by Randall and Cynthia
Bee Farley; foreword by Jack
McCallum. Fall.01
Preschoolers Family Story Book.
Heart and mind : what the Bible
says about learning / Ruth
Beechick. 40848
certain truth / James Scott Bell.
Beers, V. Gilbert
Toddlers Bible Christmas Book.
Bell, James Scott
Circumstantial Evidence : A Novel /
by James Scott Bell. Jan.98
Beers, V. Gilbert
Toddlers Bible Easter Book. Jan.97
Bell, James Scott
Behler, John L.
Darwin conspiracy : the confessions
of Sir Max Busby / James Scott Bell.
National Audubon Society First
Field Guide to Reptiles / by John L.
Behler. Win.00
Bell, James Scott
Beikmann, Ralph
Beechick, Ruth
Bell, James Scott
God in My Classroom : Devotions
for Christian Teachers / by Ralph
Beikmann. MarMay.98
Glimpses of paradise : a novel /
James Scott Bell. June.2005
Bell, James Scott
higher justice / by James Scott Bell.
Beiler, Edna
Beeler, Cecil Freeman
Bell, James Scott
Nephilim seed : a novel / James
Scott Bell. Fall.01
Revolutionary War / by Susan
Beller. SprSum.02
Lilac blossom time / Carrie Bender.
Bell, James Scott
Belliveau, G. K.
Bender, Carrie
Sins of the fathers / James Scott
Bell. June.2005
Go down to silence : a novel / G. K.
Belliveau. Fall.01
Summerville Days / Carrie Bender.
Bell, Janes Scott
Belloni, Giulia
Bender, Carrie
greater glory / James Scott Bell.
Anything is possible / Giulia Belloni,
Marco Trevisan. Oct.Nov.2013
The fruitful vine / by Carrie Bender.
Bell, Katherine
Beloved Bible stories
Bender, Carrie
Jonathan's Journey / by Katherine
Bell ; illustrations by Steve Miller.
Beloved Bible stories / Rabbit Ears
Entertainment. Mar.2007
The joyous heart / by Carrie
Bender. Oct.95
Beltz, Bob
Bender, Carrie
Becoming a Man of Prayer. Fall.00
The winding path / by Carrie
Bender. Oct.95
Bell, Mary Reeves
Checkmate in the Carpathians / by
Mary Reeves Bell. Sum.01
Bemelmans, Ludwig
Bender, Carrie
Sagebrush Rebellion / by Mary
Reeves Bell. Fall.00
Madeline in America and other
holiday tales / by Ludwig
Bemelmans and John Bemelmans
Marciano. Sum.01
Bell, Mary Reeves
Bemelmans, Ludwig
treasured friendship. Nov.96
secret of the Mezuzah / by Mary
Reeves Bell. Spr.01
Madeline's rescue / story and
pictures by Ludwig Bemelmans.
Bender, Carrie
Bell, Mary Reeves
Timber Lane Cove / Carrie Bender.
Bender, Carrie
Whispering Brook Farm. Jan.96
Bell, William
River My Friend / William Bell / Ken
Campbell. Sep.97
Bender, Carrie
Beyond mist blue mountains /
Carrie Bender. Nov.2004
Bender, Esther
Billy Yank and Johnny Reb :
soldiering in the Civil War / by
Susan Provost Beller. Sum.01
Bender, Carrie
Bender, Esther
Birch Hollow Schoolmarm / by
Carrie Bender. Fall.00
Katie and the lemon tree. Nov.95
Beller, Susan Provost
Bender, Carrie
Civil War / Susan Provost Beller.
Golden Sunbeam / Carrie Bender.
Search for a Fawn / by Esther
Bender; illustrated by Edna Bender.
Beller, Susan Provost
Bender, Carrie
Bender, Esther
Revolutionary War / Susan Provost
Beller. Jun.03
Hemlock Hill hideaway / by Carrie
Bender. Fall.01
Shadow at Sun Lake. Nov.95
Beller, Susan Provost
Bender, Carrie
April bluebird. Jan.96
Beller, Susan Provost
Bender, Esther
Bender, Esther
Thank God for rocks / by Esther
Bender; illustrated by Mary Anne
Lard. Aug.03
Benge, Janet
Benge, Janet
C.T. Studd : no retreat / by Janet
and Geoff Benge. 40210
George Washington : true patriot /
Janet & Geoff Benge. Dec.2004
Benge, Janet
Benge, Janet
Clarence Jones : Mr. Radio / Janet &
Geoff Benge. OctDec 2009
George Washington : unit study
curriculum guide / Janet & Geoff
Benge. Dec.2004
Bender, Esther
Virginia and the Tiny One / by
Esther Bender ; illustrated by Joy
Dunn Keenan. WinSpr.99
Bender, Robert
Toads and diamonds. Nov.95
Bendick, Jeanne
Archimedes and the door of science
/ by Jeanne Bendick ; pictures by
the author. Dec.2005
Bendick, Jeanne
Galen and the gateway to medicine
/ by Jeanne Bendick ; pictures by
the author. Dec.2005
Bendick, Jeanne
Herodotus and the road to history /
by Jeanne Bendick ; pictures by the
author. 40695
Benge, Janet
Abraham Lincoln : a new birth of
freedom / Janet & Geoff Benge. Feb
/ Apr 2012
Benge, Janet
Amy Carmichael : rescuer of
precious gems / by Janet and Geoff
Benge. Fall.01
Benge, Janet
Betty Greene : wings to serve /
Janet & Geoff Benge. OctDec 2009
Benge, Janet
C.S. Lewis : master storyteller / by
Janet and Geoff Benge. 40210
Benge, Janet
Corrie Ten Boom : keeper of the
angels' den / by Janet and Geoff
Benge. Fall.01
Benge, Janet
George Washington Carver : from
slave to scientist / Janet & Geoff
Benge. Dec.2004
Benge, Janet
D.L. Moody : bringing souls to
Christ / by Janet and Geoff Benge.
Benge, Janet
George Washington Carver : unit
study, curriculum guide / Janet &
Geoff Benge. Dec.2004
Benge, Janet
Elisabeth Elliot : joyful surrender /
Janet & Geoff Benge. Feb / Apr
Benge, Janet
Eric Liddell : Something Greater
than God / by Janet and Geoff
Benge. Sum.01
Benge, Janet
Eric Liddell : something greater
than gold / by Janet and Geoff
Benge. Oct.Nov.2013
Benge, Janet
George Washington Carver, What
Do You See? / by Janet and Geoff
Benge; illustrated by Kennon
James. Jan.98
Benge, Janet
Gladys Aylward : The Adventure of
a Lifetime / by Janet and Geoff
Benge. Sum.01
Benge, Janet
Harriet Tubman : freedombound /
Janet & Geoff Benge. Nov.2004
Benge, Janet
Eric Liddell : unit study, curriculum
guide / Janet & Geoff Benge.
Benge, Janet
Helen Keller : facing her.. / by Janet
and Geoff Benge; illustrated by
Kennon James. Win.02
Benge, Janet
George Muller : the guardian of
Bristol's orphans / Janet & Geoff
Benge. Nov.2004
Benge, Janet
Hudson Taylor : Deep in the Heart
of China / by Janet and Geoff
Benge. Sum.01
Benge, Janet
Benge, Janet
C.S. Lewis : master storyteller / by
Janet and Geoff Benge. Sept.2007
George Muller : unit study,
curriculum guide / Janet & Geoff
Benge. Nov.2004
Benge, Janet
Ida Scudder : healing bodies,
touching hearts / Janet & Geoff
Benge. OctDec 2009
Lottie Moon : giving her all for
China / Janet & Geoff Benge.
Benge, Janet
Benge, Janet
Isobel Kuhn : on the roof of the
world / by Janet and Geoff Benge.
Lottie Moon : giving her all to China
/ Janet & Geoff Benge. Dec.2004
Benge, Janet
Benge, Janet
Jacob DeShazer : forgive your
enemies / by Janet and Geoff
Benge. 40210
Lottie Moon : unit study curriculum
guide / Janet & Geoff Benge.
Benge, Janet
Benge, Janet
Jim Elliot : one great purpose / by
Janet and Geoff Benge. 40210
Mary Slessor : forward into Calabar
/ Janet and Geoff Benge. OctDec
Benge, Janet
Benge, Janet
John Adams : independence forever
/ Janet & Geoff Benge. Nov.2004
Meriwether Lewis : off the edge of
the map / Janet & Geoff Benge.
Benge, Janet
John Wesley : the world, his parish
/ by Janet and Geoff Benge. 40210
Benge, Janet
Meriwether Lewis : off the edge of
the map. Aug.03
Benge, Janet
John Wesley : the world, his parish
/ by Janet and Geoff Benge.
Benge, Janet
Meriwether Lewis : unit study,
curriculum guide / Janet & Geoff
Benge. June.2006
Benge, Janet
Laura Ingalls Wilder : a storybook
life / Janet and Geoff Benge.
Benge, Janet
Nate Saint : on a wing and a prayer
/ by Janet and Geoff Benge. Spr.01
Benge, Janet
Benge, Janet
Lillian Trasher : the greatest
wonder in Egypt / by Janet and
Geoff Benge. 40210
Paul Brand : helping hands / Janet
Benge, Geoff Benge. Feb / Apr 2012
Lottie Moon : a unit study,
curriculum guide / Janet & Geoff
Benge. Nov.2004
Benge, Janet
Rowland Bingham : into Africa's
interior / Janet & Geoff Benge.
Benge, Janet
Rowland Bingham : into Africa's
interior / Janet & Geoff Benge.
Benge, Janet
Sundar Singh : footprints over the
mountains / Janet & Geoff Benge.
OctDec 2009
Benge, Janet
Thomas Edison : inspiration and
hard work / by Janet and Geoff
Benge. Sept.2007
Benge, Janet
William Booth : soup, soap and
salvation / Janet & Geoff Benge.
Benge, Janet
William Booth : soup, soap, and
salvation / Janet & Geoff Benge.
Benge, Janet
William Carey : obliged to go / Janet
& Geoff Benge. Nov.2004
Benge, Janet
William Carey : unit study,
curriculum guide / Janet & Geoff
Benge. Nov.2004
Benge, Janet
Benge, Janet
Benge, Janet
Benge, Janet
Rachel Saint : a star in the jungle /
Janet and Geoff Benge. Sept.2007
Benge, Janet
Ronald Reagan : destiny at his side /
Janet & Geoff Benge. Dec.2012
William Penn : liberty and justice
for all / Janet & Geoff Benge.
Benge, Janet
Cameron Townsend : good news in
every language / Janet & Geoff
Benge. Mar.2005
Benhart, John E.
South Asia / John E. Benhart and
George M. Pomeroy. Dec.2006
Benioff, David
City of thieves : a novel / David
Benioff. June 2009
Bennett, Cathereen L
Will Rogers : quotable cowboy.
Dennis Benson's Creative Bible
studies. Jan.96
Benson, Robert
Venite : A Book of Daily Prayer / by
Robert Benson. Fall.00
Bentley, Judith
Dear Friend : Thomas Garrett &
William Still, Collaborators on the
Underground Railroad / by Judith
Bentley; illustrated with
photographs & old prints.
Berenstain, Jan
Berenstain Bears love their
neighbors / written by Jan and Mike
Berenstain. OctDec 2009
Berenstain, Jan
Berenstain Bears play a good game
/ written by Jan and Mike
Berenstain. OctDec 2009
Berenstain, Jan
The Berenstain bears and the gift of
courage / written by Jan and Mike
Berenstain. 40513
Bennett, Michelle
Missouri / Michelle Bennett.
Benton, Gail
Berenstain, Jan
Six ready-to-go storytimes / Gail
Benton, Trisha Waichulaitis. Apr.03
The Berenstain Bears and the joy of
giving / written by Jan and Mike
Berenstain. August 2011
Bennett, Rita
To Heaven and Back : True Stories
of Those Who Have Made the
Journey / Rita Bennett; foreword by
Jack Hayford. Nov.97
Bennett, William John
The book of virtues for young
people : a treasury of great moral
stories. Nov.95
Bentz , Joseph
At close of day / by Joseph Bentz.
Bentz, Joseph
Son Comes Home / by Joseph
Bentz. Fall.00
second mile / Ron and Janet
Benrey. Aug.2004
Benson, Allen C.
Connecting kids and the Internet : a
handbook for librarians, teachers,
and parents; 2nd ed. / by Allen C.
Benson and Linda M. Fodemski.
Let Me Die in Ireland : The True
Story of Patrick / by David W.
Bercot. WinSpr.99
Berenbaum, Michael
promise to remember : the
Holocaust in the words and voices
of its survivors / Michael
Berenbaum. Apr.04
Berenstain, Jan
Benson, Angela
Abiding hope / Angela Benson.
Benson, Angela
Awakening mercy / by Angela
Benson. Fall.01
Benson, Dennis C
Berenstain Bears and the golden
rule / created by Stan and Jan
Berenstain ; written by Mike
Berenstain. OctDec 2009
Berenstain, Michael
Bercot, David W.
Benrey, Ron
Berenstain, Michael
Berenstain Bears go to Sunday
school / created by Stan and Jan
Berenstain ; written by Mike
Berenstain. OctDec 2009
Berenstain, Michael
Berenstain Bears say their prayers /
created by Stan and Jan Berenstain
; written by Mike Berenstain.
OctDec 2009
Berenstain, Mike
Berenstain Bears faithful friends /
written by Jan and Mike Berenstain.
OctDec 2009
The Berenstain bears and a job well
done / created by Stan and Jan
Berenstain ; written by Mike
Berenstain. 40513
Berenstain, Jan
Berenstain, Stan
Berenstain Bears give thanks /
written by Jan and Mike Berenstain.
OctDec 2009
Berenstain Bears discover God's
creation / created by Stan and Jan
Berenstain ; with Mike Berenstain.
Berenstain, Stan
illustrations by Cassia Thomas.
Berenstain Bears do their best /
created by Stan and Jan Berenstain
; with Mike Berenstain. 40391
Bergman, Tanya
Berenstain, Stan
Bergman, Thomas
Berenstain Bears God loves you! /
by Stan and Jan Berenstain ; with
Mike Berenstain. OctDec 2009
One Day at a Time : Children Living
with Leukemia / by Thomas
Bergman. MarMay.98
Berenstain, Stan
Bergman, Thomas
Berenstain Bears hurry to help /
created by Stan and Jan Berenstain
; with Mike Berenstain. 40391
Precious Time : Children Living with
Muscular Dystrophy / by Thomas
Bergman. MarMay.98
Berenstain, Stan
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
Berenstain Bears learn to share /
created by Stan and Jan Berenstain
; with Mike Berenstain. 40391
Breathe : a novel of Colorado / Lisa
T. Bergren. 40391
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
Torrent / Lisa T. Bergren. Feb / Apr
Along the tracks. Sept.96
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
Berg, Elizabeth L.
Senegal / by Elizabeth L. Berg.
Berg, Lois Anne
Eritrean Family / by Lois Anne Berg.
Berg, Phia van den
Bobby's friends! / by Phia van den
Berg ; [translated by Paulina M.
Janssen ; illustrations by Corrie van
der Baan]. 40695
Berger, Carin
Forever friends / Carin Berger.
Waterfall : a novel / Lisa T. Bergren.
August 2011
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
God gave us Christmas / by Lisa
Tawn Bergren ; art by David Hohn.
OctDec 2009
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
God gave us heaven / by Lisa Tawn
Bergren ; art by Laura Bryant.
OctDec 2009
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
bridge / by Lisa Tawn Bergren.
God gave us love / by Lisa Tawn
Bergren ; art by Laura Bryant.
OctDec 2009
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
Cascade : a novel / Lisa T. Bergren.
August 2011
God gave us two / by Lisa Tawn
Bergren ; art by Laura Bryant.
OctDec 2009
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
Claim : a novel of Colorado / Lisa T.
Bergren. 40391
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
God gave us you / by Lisa Tawn
Bergren ; art by Laura Bryant.
OctDec 2009
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
Deep Harbor / by Lisa Tawn
Bergren. Fall.00
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
Berleth, Richard J.
Samuel's choice / Richard Berleth ;
illustrated by James Watling. Aug /
Oct 2012
God gave us Easter. Aug.Sept.2013
Berger, Melvin
Spinning spiders / by Melvin Berger
; illustrated by S.D. Schindler.
Berleth, Richard J.
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
God gave us the world / by Lisa
Tawn Bergren ; [illustrations by
Laura J. Bryant]. August 2011
Bergman, Mara
Lively Elizabeth : what happens
when you push / Mara Bergman ;
Samuel's choice / Richard Berleth ;
illustrated by James Watling. Aug /
Oct 2012
Berman, Ruth
Bergren, Lisa Tawn
Sing : a novel of Colorado / Lisa T.
Bergren. 40391
Sharks. Sept.96
Bernard, Catherine
E.B. White : spinner of webs and
tales / Catherine Bernard.
100 Ideas That Work! : Discipline in
the Classroom. Jan.97
Bial, Raymond
Bertrand, Diane Gonzales
Bial, Raymond
Inuit / Raymond Bial. SprSum.02
The familiar stranger / Cristina
Berry. 40695
My pal, Victor / written by Diane
Gonzales ; illustrated by Robert L.
Sweetland ; translated by Eida de la
Vega = Mi amigo, Victor / escrito
por Diane Gonzales Bertrand ;
ilustrado por Robert L. Sweetland ;
traducción por Eida de la Vega.
Berry, Eileen M.
Bertrand, J. Mark
Buttercup Hill / Eileen M. Berry ;
illustrated by Marilee Harrald-Pilz.
Back on murder / J. Mark Bertrand.
August 2011
long walk : the story of Navajo
captivity / by Raymond Bial.
Bernardin, Joseph Louis
Gift of Peace / by Joseph Cardinal
Bernardin. Nov.97
Berry, Christina
Huron / Raymond Bial. Win.02
Bial, Raymond
Long Walk : the story of Navajo
captivity / by Raymond Bial.
Bial, Raymond
Bethlehem Inn
Berry, Eileen M.
Bial, Raymond
Bethlehem Inn. Win.00
Haiku on your shoe / by Eileen M.
Berry ; illustrated by Dana Regan.
Mandan / by Raymond Bial. Aug.03
Better, Cathy Drinkwater
Bial, Raymond
Berry, Eileen M.
Excuse me! / Poem by Cathy
Drinkwater Better; illustrated by
Nancy Johnston. Win.02
Nez Perce / Raymond Bial.
Looking for home / by Eileen M.
Berry ; Maurie J. Manning,
illustrator. Dec.2006
Betz, Adrienne
Berry, Eileen M.
Scholastic treasury of quotations
for children / [compiles and written
by] Adrienne Betz. Spr.01
Roses on Baker Street / by Eileen
M. Berry ; illustrated by John
Roberts. WinSpr.99
Berry, Joy
Casey's revenge : a story about
fights between brothers & sisters.
Beyond the next mountain
Beyond the next mountain / a
presentation of Inspirational Films
Distributors, Inc. ; directed by Rolf
Forsberg and James F. Collier ;
produced by J.D. Kenneth Bliss ;
screenplay by Rolf Forsberg.
Bial, Raymond
Angry kids : understanding and
managing the emotions that control
them / Richard L. Berry. SprSum.02
Portrait of a farm family. Nov.96
Bial, Raymond
Powhatan / Raymond Bial.
Bial, Raymond
Shoshone / Raymond Bial.
Apache / Raymond Bial. Win.02
Bial, Raymond
Bial, Raymond
Berry, Richard L.
One-Room School / by Raymond
Bial. Fall.00
Bial, Raymond
Berry, Joy
The unforgettable pen pal : a story
about prejudice & discrimination.
Bial, Raymond
The underground railroad. Jan.96
Blackfeet / by Raymond Bial. Jun.03
Bial, Raymond
Bial, Raymond
Tlingit / by Raymond Bial. Aug.03
Haida / Raymond Bial. Win.02
Berry, Sharon R.
Bialostok, Steven
Raising Readers : Helping Your Child
to Literacy. Jan.97
Bibee, John
Mystery at the Broken Bridge / by
John Bibee. MarMay.98
Bickel, Bruce
Bruce & Stan's God said it ---and
bang! It happened : the believable
explanation of creation / Bruce
Bickel, Stan Jantz. Win.02
Bickel, Bruce
Bibee, John
Mystery of the Vanishing Cave / by
John Bibee. MarMay.98
Bibee, John
The mystery of the homeless
treasure. Jan.96
Real life begins after high school :
facing the future without freaking
out / by Bruce and Stan. Spr.01
Bickel, Bruce
Real life to the extreme : finding
God's will for your life / Bruce &
Stan. Feb.03
Bibee, John
Biebel, David
The toy campaign : the plot to trick
a town with toys. Nov.95
If God Is So Good, Why Do I Feel So
Bad? / by David Biebel. MarMay.98
Bible Activities : Games, Puzzles,
and More
Jonathan, You Left Too Soon / by
David B. Biebel ; foreword by
Charles Swindoll. MarMay.98
Bible Baseball : A Quiz Game with
Hundreds of Questions
Biel, Timothy Levi
Bible explorer
Bible explorer. 40210
Bible, Debbie
Across the Centuries : Teaching
Units for Timeless Children's
Literature from a Christian
Perspective, Level C, Vol.2 / by
Debbie Bible. Win.00
Biffi, Inos
Way to Bethlehem / text by Inos
Biffi; illustrations by Franco
Vignazia. Nov.97
Biggar, Joan Rawlins
Missing on Castaway Island / by
Joan Rawlins Biggar. Fall.98
Biggar, Joan Rawlins
Mystery at Camp Galena / by Joan
Rawlins Biggar. Fall.98
Biggar, Joan Rawlins
Trapped in Haunted Canyon / by
Joan Rawlins Biggar. Fall.98
Biebel, David B.
Bible Activities : Games, Puzzles,
and More. Fall.98
Bible Baseball : A Quiz Game with
Hundreds of Questions. Fall.98
Rome : in spectacular cross-section
/ Stephen Biesty; text by Andrew
Solway. Jun.03
Importance of Charlemagne / by
Timothy Levi Biel. MarMay.98
Biggar, Joan Rawlins
Trouble in Yakima Valley / by Joan
Rawlins Biggar. Fall.98
Billerbeck, Kristin
Perfectly dateless : a universally
misunderstood novel / Kristin
Billerbeck. 40634
Bierhorst, John
people with five fingers : a native
Californian creation tale / retold by
John Bierhorst ; illustrated by
Robert Andrew Parker. Mar.2005
Bierhorst, John
people with five fingers : a native
Californian creation tale / retold by
John Bierhorst ; illustrated by
Robert Andrew Parker. Dec.2004
Billings, Charlene W.
Lasers : the technology and uses of
crafted light / Charlene W. Billings
and John Tabak. Sept.2007
Bingham, Kelly L.
Z is for Moose / by Kelly Bingham ;
pictures by Paul O. Zelinsky. Aug /
Oct 2012
Bibleland.COM. WinSpr.99
Bickel, Bruce
Bible answers to life's big questions
/ Bruce Bickel & Stan Jantz.
Bierle, Don
Bingham, Kelly L.
Surprised by faith : a scientist
shares his personal, life-changing
discoveries about God, the Bible,
and personal fulfillment / by Dr.
Don Bierle. Spr.01
Z is for Moose / by Kelly Bingham ;
pictures by Paul O. Zelinsky. Aug /
Oct 2012
Biesty, Stephen
Biology : an illustrated guide to
Biology : an illustrated guide to
science / the Diagram Group.
Bjorklund, Ruth
Black, Chuck
Montana / by Ruth Bjorklund.
Sir Kendrick and the castle of Bel
Lione / Chuck Black ; [illustrations
by Marcella Johnson]. 40210
Birch, Barbara
Björkman, Steve
Katie and Jake and the Birthday
Circus. Jan.97
Good Night, Little One / by Steve
Björkman. Fall.00
Black, Veronica
Birch, Barbara
Bjornlund, Lydia D.
Black, Veronica
Katie and Jake and the Haircut
Mistake. Jan.97
Constitution and the founding of
America / by Lydia D. Bjornlund.
The vow of devotion. Mar.96
Birch, Beverley
Marie Curie. Jan.97
Birch, Beverley
Marie Curie's Search for Radium /
by Beverley Birch; illustrated by
Christian Birmingham. Jan.98
Black, Chuck
Kingdom's call / Chuck Black.
August 2011
The vow of chastity. Mar.96
Black, Veronica
The vow of obedience. Mar.96
Black, Veronica
The vow of penance. Mar.96
Black, Chuck
Kingdom's dawn / Chuck Black.
August 2011
Black, Veronica
Penderwicks on Gardam Street /
Jeanne Birdsall ; [illustrations by
David Frankland]. June 2009
Black, Chuck
Black, Veronica
Kingdom's edge / Chuck Black.
August 2011
The vow of silence. Mar.96
Birdseye, Tom
Black, Chuck
Storm mountain / Tom Birdseye.
Feb / Apr 2012
Kingdom's hope / Chuck Black.
August 2011
Biros, Florence Kilgore
Black, Chuck
Dog Jack / by Florence W. Biros.
Kingdom's quest / Chuck Black.
August 2011
Blackaby, Henry T.
Bishop, Gary
Black, Chuck
Shifting Gears : A Cycling Adventure
Across South America Leads to
Mission Service in England / Gary
Bishop. Nov.97
Kingdom's reign / Chuck Black.
August 2011
ways of God : how God reveals
himself before a watching world /
by Henry T. Blackaby and Roy T.
Edgemon. Spr.01
The vow of sanctity. Mar.96
Birdsall, Jeanne
Blackaby, Henry T.
Blackaby, Susan
Black, Chuck
Bishop, Nic
Nic Bishop butterflies and moths /
Nic Bishop. October 2010
Bishop, Nic
Nic Bishop butterflies and moths /
Nic Bishop. Oct. 2010
Experiencing God : How to Live the
Full Adventure of Knowing and
Doing the Will of God / from the
best-selling authors Henry T.
Blackaby and Claude V. King. Fall.98
Sir Bentley and Holbrook Court /
Chuck Black ; [illustrations by
Marcella Johnson]. 40210
Nest, nook & cranny / by Susan
Blackaby ; illustrated by Jamie
Hogan. 40391
Black, Chuck
Blackbirch kid's visual reference of
the United States
Sir Dalton and the Shadow Heart /
Chuck Black ; [illustrations by
Marcella Johnson]. 40210
Blackbirch kid's visual reference of
the United States / by the editors of
Blackbirch Press. Nov.2004
Blacklock, Dyan
Pankration : the ultimate game / by
Dyan Blacklock. Fall.01
Blackston, Ray
Blackwood, Gary L.
delirious summer : a novel / Ray
Blackston. Dec.2004
Life in a medieval castle / by Gary L.
Blackwood. Fall.01
Blackston, Ray
Blackwood, Gary L.
Flabbergasted : a novel / Ray
Blackston. Aug.03
Mysterious messages : a history of
codes and ciphers / Gary
Blackwood ; designed and
illustrated by Jason Henry. Feb /
Apr 2012
Blackstock, Terri
Double minds : a novel / Terri
Blackstock. 40634
Blackstock, Terri
Intervention : a novel / Terri
Blackstock. 40634
Blackston, Ray
Lost in Rooville : a novel / Ray
Blackston. Sept.2005
Blackstock, Terri
Line of duty / Terri Blackstock.
Blackston, Ray
pagan's nightmare : a novel / by
Ray Blackston. Sept.2006
Blackstock, Terri
Line of duty / Terri Blackstock.
Blackstock, Terri
Predator / Terri Blackstock. 40391
Blackwood, Gary L.
Rough Riding Reformer : Theodore
Roosevelt / by Gary L. Blackwood.
Blackwood, Gary L.
Blackwell, Kate
Like a river glorious. Mar.96
Shakespeare Stealer / by Gary
Blackwood. Fall.98
Blackwell, Lawana
Blackwood, Gary L.
Courtship of the Vicar's Daughter /
by Lawana Blackwell. WinSpr.99
Shakespeare's scribe / by Gary
Blackwood. Spr.01
Blackwell, Lawana
Blades, Ann
Dowry of Miss Lydia Clark / by
Lawanna Blackwell. Fall.00
Back to the Cabin / written and
illustrated by Ann Blades.
Blackstock, Terri
Private justice / Terri Blackstock.
Blackstock, Terri
Seaside / by Terri Blackstock.
Blackwell, Lawana
Leading lady / by Lawana Blackwell.
Blair, Clifford
Blackwell, Lawana
Blair, Clifford
maiden of Mayfair / Lawana
Blackwell. Fall.01
Storm over the Lightning L. Mar.96
Guns of Sacred Heart. Mar.96
Blackstock, Terri
Shadow of doubt / Terri Blackstock.
Blackstock, Terri
Sweet delights / Terri Blackstock,
Elizabeth White, Ranee McCollum.
Blake, Robert J.
Blackwell, Lawana
Togo / Robert J. Blake. Aug.2004
Measures of grace. Nov.96
Blakeslee, Ann R.
Blackstock, Terri
Trial by fire / Terri Blackstock.
Blackwell, Lawana
table by the window / by Lawana
Blackwell. Sept.2005
Different Kind of Hero / by Ann R.
Blakeslee. WinSpr.99
Blankenbaker, Frances
Blackstock, Terri
Word of honor / Terri Blackstock.
Blackwell, Lawana
Widow of Larkspur Inn / by Lawana
Blackwell. Fall.98
What the Bible is all about Bible
handbook for kids : based on the
best-selling classic by Dr. Henrietta
Mears. Aug.Sept.2013
Blankenship, Leroy
Papa Ob Long : The Animals' Great
Journey / by Leroy Blankenship ;
illustrated by Kelly Magladry.
Bloom, Harold
Elie Wiesel's Night / edited and
with an introduction by Harold
Bloom. Fall.01
Bloom, Harold
Emily Dickinson / edited and with
an introduction by Harold Bloom.
Blankenship, Leroy
Somebody Bigger Than I / written
by Leroy Blankenship; illustrated by
Peggy Tagel. Fall.00
Bloom, Harold
Gabriel Garcia Marquez / edited
and with an introduction by Harold
Bloom. Mar.2007
Blansett, Mary Lee
Put a book in their hands : whole
language projects for beginning
readers. Jan.96
Blauser, Tami S.
exhaustive study guide for The
Stranger at Home : A Childhood
Account / by Tami S. Blauser.
Herman Melville / edited and with
an introduction by Harold Bloom.
Bledsoe, Lucy Jane
How to survive in Antarctica /
written and photographed by Lucy
Jane Bledsoe. June.2007
Blomberg, Craig
Jesus and the Gospels. Win.00
Blomgren, Jennifer
Where do I sleep : a Pacific
Northwest lullabye / Jennifer
Blomgren; illustrated by Andrea
Gabriel. SprSum.02
Piggy Monday / written and
illustrated by Suzanne Bloom.
Bloom, Suzanne
What about bear? / Suzanne
Bloom. October 2010
Bloom, Suzanne
What about bear? / Suzanne
Bloom. Oct. 2010
Blos, Joan W.
gathering of days : a New England
girl's journal, 1830-32 : a novel / by
Joan Blos. Apr.04
Bloom, Harold
James Baldwin / edited and with an
introduction by Harold Bloom.
Bloom, Harold
William Blake / edited and with an
introduction by Harold Bloom.
Blaylock, Mike
right way to win : how athletes can
place God first in their hearts /
Mike Blaylock. Fall.01
Bloom, Suzanne
Bloom, Harold
Blatchford, Claire
Nick's Mission / by Claire
Blatchford. MarMay.98
bus for us / Suzanne Bloom.
Bluedorn, Harvey
Greek alphabetarion : a primer for
teaching how read, write, &
pronounce ancient & biblical Greek
/ by Harvey Bluedorn. Mar.2005
Bluedorn, Johannah
Bless the Lord / illustrated by
Johannah Bluedorn. June.2006
Bloom, Jan
Who should we then read? :
authors of good books for children
and young adults / Jan Bloom.
Bloom, Jan
Who should we then read? :
authors of good books for children
and young adults / Jan Bloom.
Bluedorn, Johannah
Lord builds the house : the 127th
psalm / illustrated by Johannah
Bluedorn. June.2006
Bluedorn, Johannah
My mommy, my teacher / written
and illustrated by Johannah
Bluedorn. June.2006
Bloom, Ona
Bluedorn, Johannah
Cells of the nervous system / Ona
Bloom and Jennifer Morgan.
story of Mr. Pippin / written and
illustrated by Johannah Bluedorn.
Bloom, Suzanne
Blumberg, Rhoda
Commodore Perry in the land of
the Shogun / by Rhoda Blumberg.
Bly, Stephen A.
Hawks don't say goodbye / by
Stephen A. Bly. Oct.95
Blumberg, Rhoda
Shipwrecked! : the true adventures
of a Japanese boy / Rhoda
Blumberg. June.2005
Bly, Stephen A.
I'm Off to Montana for to Throw
the Hoolihan / by Stephen A. Bly.
Bly, Janet
The island mansion mysteries.
Bly, Stephen A.
Adventures of Nathan T. Riggins /
Stephen By. Fall.01
Kill Fee of Cindy LaCoste / by
Stephen Bly. MarMay.98
Last Swan in Sacramento / by
Stephen Bly. Fall.00
long trail home / Stephen Bly.
Bly, Stephen A.
Memories of a dirt road town /
Stephen Bly. Sept.2005
Bly, Stephen A.
Miss Fontenot / by Stephen Bly.
Bly, Stephen A.
Bly, Stephen A.
final chapter of Chance McCall.
Bly, Stephen A.
Final Chapter of Chance McCall.
Bly, Stephen A.
general's notorious widow /
Stephen Bly. Jun.03
Red Dove of Monterey / by Stephen
Bly. WinSpr.99
Bly, Stephen A.
senator's other daughter / Stephen
Bly. Jun.03
Bly, Stephen A.
senator's other daughter / Stephen
Bly. Fall.01
Bly, Stephen A.
Bly, Stephen A.
Daring rescue at Sonora Pass /
Stephen Bly. Apr.04
Bly, Stephen A.
Bly, Stephen A.
Marquesa / by Stephen Bly. Spr.01
Dangerous ride across Humboldt
Flats / Stephen Bly. Apr.04
power of a godly grandparent :
leaving a spiritual legacy / Stephen
& Janet Bly. June.2005
Bly, Stephen A.
Bly, Stephen A.
Beneath a Dakota Cross / by
Stephan Bly. Fall.00
Bly, Stephen A.
Bly, Stephen A.
Blumenthal, Scott E.
Great Israel scavenger hunt. Apr.04
Bly, Stephen A.
Picture rock / Stephen Bly. Fall.01
Blume, Judy
Double fudge / Judy Blume.
Paperback writer / Stephen Bly.
Bly, Stephen A.
My Foot's in the Stirrup..My Pony
Won't Stand / Stephen A. Bly.
Bly, Stephen A.
Mysterious robbery on the Utah
plains / Stephen Bly. Apr.04
Bly, Stephen A.
Shadow of legends : a novel / by
Stephen Bly. Sum.01
Bly, Stephen A.
Stay Away from That City..They Call
It Cheyenne. Jan.97
Bly, Stephen A.
Sweet Carolina / by Stephen A. Bly.
Boa, Kenneth
Augustine to Freud : what
theologians & psychologists tell us
about human nature (and why it
matters) / Kenneth Boa. Mar.2005
Boa, Kenneth
Bly, Stephen A.
One went to Denver and the other
went wrong. Nov.95
Bly, Stephen A.
Face to face. SprSum.02
Boase, Susan
Lucky Boy / written & illustrated by
Susan Boase. Apr.03
Boelts, Maribeth
Boaz, John
Afghanistan / John Boaz, book
editor. Nov.2004
Bochinski, Julianne Blair
complete handbook of science fair
projects / Julianne Blair Bochinski ;
illustrated by Judy DiBiase. OctDec
Big Daddy, frog wrestler / written
by Maribeth Boelts; illustrated by
Benrei Huang. Fall.01
Boelts, Maribeth
Lullaby babes. Nov.96
Boelts, Maribeth
With my mom, with my dad.
Bochinski, Julianne Blair
More award-winning science fair
projects / Julianne Blair Bochinski ;
illustrated by Judy DiBiase. OctDec
Bodie, Idella
Secret of Telfair Inn. Nov.96
Boelts, Maribeth
You're a brother, Little Bunny! / by
Maribeth Boelts; illustrated by
Kathy Parkinson. SprSum.02
Boeshaar, Andrea
Uncertain heart / Andrea Kuhn
Boeshaar. 40634
Bodkin, Odds
Christmas cobwebs / by Odds
Bodkin; illustrated by Terry
Widener. Win.02
Bodmer, Judy
When love dies : how to save a
hopeless marriage / by Judy
Bodmer. Spr.01
Boeshaar, Andrea
Undaunted faith / Andrea Kuhn
Boeshaar. August 2011
impact your family / Ray Bohlin,
general editor. Sum.01
Boice, James Montgomery
Jesus on trial / James Montgomery
Boice, Philip Graham Ryken; with a
foreword by David A. Skeel, Jr.
Boice, James Montgomery
Two Cities, Two Loves : Christian
Responsibility in a Crumbling
Culture / by James Montgomery
Boice. Jan.98
Boice, James Montgomery
Whatever happened to the gospel
of grace? : rediscovering the
doctrines that shook the world /
James Montgomery Boice;
foreword by Eric J. Alexander.
Boland, Janice
Annabel. Mar.96
Boeshaar, Andrea
Boland, Janice
Unexpected love / Andrea Kuhn
Boeshaar. August 2011
Dog Named Sam. Jan.97
Bolden, Tonya
Boehme, Ron
The fourth wave : taking your place
in the new era of missions / Ron
Boehme. Aug / Oct 2012
Boeshaar, Andrea
Unwilling warrior / Andrea Kuhn
Boeshaar. 40634
Bogan, Paulette
Boehme, Ron
The fourth wave : taking your place
in the new era of missions / Ron
Boehme. Aug / Oct 2012
Spike / written and illustrated by
Paulette Bogan. WinSpr.99
Just Family. Mar.97
Bolduc, Kathleen Deyer
Autism & alleluias / Kathleen Deyer
Bolduc ; foreword by Bill Gaventa.
Bolles, Richard N.
Gifts. Jan.97
How to Find Your Mission in Life /
by Richard N. Bolles. WinSpr.99
Boggs, Tamara
Bolotin, Norm
Children are a blessing from the
Lord / Tamara Boggs. Win.02
For home and country : a Civil War
scrapbook. Jan.96
Bohlin, Ray
Bolotin, Norman
Creation, evolution, and modern
science : probing the headlines that
Civil War A to Z : a young readers'
guide to over 100 people, places,
Bogart, Jo Ellen
Boeken, Ark
Uncle Walt's Christmas box / Ark
Boekin; illustrations by Michel de
Boer. SprSum.02
Boelts, Maribeh
Summer's end. Nov.95
and points of importance / Norman
Bolotin. Apr.04
Bolton, Martha
Don't jump to conclusions without
a bungee cord : and other wise
advice / by Martha Bolton. Sum.01
Bond, Jill
Dinner's in the Freezer : More Mary
and Less Martha / by Jill Bond.
Bolton, Martha
Growing your own turtleneck-- :
and other benefits of aging /
Martha Bolton. Sept.2006
Bolton, Martha
If the tongue's a fire, who needs
salsa? : cool advice for hot topics
from the Book of James / Martha
Bolton. Aug.03
Bolton, Martha
DK guide to space / by Peter Bond.
Bonhoeffer : agent of grace /
produced by: D. Judson, K. Krause,
R. Nielson, G. Pfander, K. ratting, C.
Stehr, A. Thies; director of
photography: Sebastian Richter;
original music by Claude Desjardins
and Eric Robertson; directed by:
Eric Till. Sum.01
Love letters from cell 92 : the
correspondence between Dietrich
Bonhoeffer and Maria von
Wedemeyer, 1943-45. Nov.95
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
Bolton, Martha
Bonners, Susan
Who put lemons in my fruit of the
Spirit? : fresh-squeezed insights
from the book of Galatians /
Martha Bolton. Jun.03
Hunter in the snow : the lynx.
Bonnett-Rampersaud, Louise
Bombay, Cal R.
Booth, Martin
War Dog : A Novel / by Martin
Booth. MarMay.98
Boraas, Tracey
Israel / by Tracey Boraas. Apr.04
Borcherding, Gwyn
good that I should : Romans 7 for
kids / written by Gwyn Borcherding
; pictures by Vincent Nguyen.
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
Meditations on the Cross / by
Dietrich Bonhoeffer ; edited by
Manfred Weber. WinSpr.99
Science fair success / Ruth
Bombaugh. Sept.2007
Dust Bowl / written by David Booth;
illustrated by Karen Reczuch. Jan.98
Bonhoeffer : agent of grace
On the loose : the Cafeteria Lady.
Bombaugh, Ruth
Booth, David
Bond, Peter
Bolton, Martha
Good ol' Noah had an ark, E-I-E-I-O
/ written by Martha Bolton;
illustrated by Lyn Boyer Nelles.
The butterfly kiss. Mar.96
Bubble & Squeak / by Louise
Bonnett-Rampersaud ; illustrated
by Susan Banta. Mar.2007
Borden, Louise
A. Lincoln and me / by Louise
Borden; illustrated by Ted Lewin.
Borden, Louise
His name was Raoul Wallenberg :
courage, rescue, and mystery
during World War II / by Louise
Borden. 41061
Borden, Louise
journey that saved Curious George :
the true wartime escape of Margret
and H.A. Rey / by Louise Borden ;
illustrated by Allan Drummond.
Bordon, David
Bonnett-Rampersaud, Louise
Let My People Go! / by Cal R.
Bombay. Win.00
Polly Hopper's pouch / by Louise
Bonnett-Rampersaud; illustrated by
Lina Chesak-Liberace. Win.02
Bomer, Norm
Bonsall, Joseph S.
Willow / by Norm Bomer ;
watercolor illustrations by Stan D.
Myers. WinSpr.99
G.I. Joe and Lillie / Joseph S.
Bonsall. Apr.04
Bóo, Marcial
Everything Christmas / David
Bordon, Tom Winters. 40848
Borg, Marcus
Jesus in Contemporary Scholarship.
Borland, Kathryn Kilby
Phillis Wheatley : young
revolutionary poet / by Kathryn
Kilby Borland and Helen Ross
Speicher ; illustrated by Cathy
Morrison. Sept.2006
heart of worship. SprSum.02
Boshers, Bo
Little red riding hood : told in
signed English. Mar.96
Vision moments : creating lasting
truths in the lives of your students /
Bo Boshers and Keith Cote.
Bornstein, Harry
Bostrom, Kathleen Long
Nursery rhymes from Mother
Goose : told in signed English / by
Harry Bornstein and Karen Luczak
Saulnier. Oct.95
Are angels real? / Kathleen Long
Bostrom; illustrated by Elena
Kucharik. Win.02
Bornstein, Harry
Bostrom, Kathleen Long
Bornstein, Ruth
Butterflies and lizards, Beryl and me
/ by Ruth Lercher Bornstein.
Josie's gift / Kathleen Long Bostrom
; illustrated by Frank Ordaz.
Finders Keepers for Franklin /
written by Paulette Bourgeois ;
illustrated by Brenda Clark.
Bourgeois, Paulette
Firefighters / written by Paulette
Bourgeois ; illustrated by Kim
LaFave. Sept.2005
Bourgeois, Paulette
Franklin and Harriet / written by
Paulette Bourgeois; illustrated by
Brenda Clark. Win.02
Bourgeois, Paulette
Bouchard, Dave
Franklin and the Thunderstorm /
written by Paulette Bourgeois ;
illustrated by Brenda Clark.
If Sarah Will Take Me / Poem by
Dave Bouchard; paintings by Robb
Terrence Dunfield. Nov.97
Bourgeois, Paulette
Borntrager, Mary Christner
Bouchard, Dave
Franklin Rides a Bike / written by
Paulette Bourgeois; illustrated by
Brenda Clark. Fall.98
Ellie / by Mary Christner
Borntrager. Oct.95
Prairie Born / poem by Dave
Bouchard ; paintings by Peter
Shostak. MarMay.98
Bourgeois, Paulette
Bouchard, David
Franklin says I love you / written by
Paulette Bourgeois; illustrated by
Brenda Clark. Feb.03
Barnyard Bestiary : Poem / by David
Bouchard; paintings by Kimball
Allen. Fall.00
Bourgeois, Paulette
Bouchard, David
Franklin's class trip / written by
Paulette Bourgeois; illustrated by
Brenda Clark. Spr.01
Borntrager, Mary Christner
Annie / Mary Christner Borntrager.
Borntrager, Mary Christner
Mandy / Mary Christner
Borntrager. Nov.97
Borntrager, Mary Christner
Sarah. Jan.97
Borrowed Stable
For the love of reading : books to
build lifelong readers. June.2005
Borrowed Stable. Win.00
Boulton, Kim
Borthwick, Paul
Mind for Missions / Paul Borthwick.
Conversations at the Girlville Diner :
Finding God in the Hairdos & the
Hash Browns / written by Kim
Boulton and Chris Wave. Fall.00
Bosch, Carl
Schools Under Siege : Guns, Gangs,
and Hidden Dangers / by Carl
Bosch. WinSpr.99
Bounds, Edward McKendree
Boschman, LaMar
Bourgeois, Paulette
Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on
Prayer. Fall.00
Bourgeois, Paulette
Franklin's Classic Treasury / by
Paulette Bourgeois; illustrated by
Brenda Clark. Sum.01
Bourgeois, Paulette
Franklin's New Friend / written by
Paulette Bourgeois; illustrated by
Brenda Clark. MarMay.98
Bourgeois, Paulette
Franklin's school treasury / Paulette
Bourgeois; Brenda Clark. Win.02
Bourgeois, Paulette
Franklin's Secret Club / written by
Paulette Bourgeois ; illustrated by
Brenda Clark. WinSpr.99
Back of Beyond : A Story About
Lewis and Clark / by Andy Russell
Bowen; illustrations by Ralph L.
Ramstad. Fall.98
Bowen, Andy Russell
Bourgeois, Paulette
Franklin's Thanksgiving / story
based on characters created by
Paulette Bourgeois and Brenda
Clark; illustrated by Brenda Clark.
Bourgeois, Paulette
Garbage collectors / Paulette
Bourgeois ; Kim LaFave. Dec.2004
Head Full of Notions : Story About
Robert Fulton / by Andy Russell
Bowen; illustrations by Lisa Harvey.
Many Hats of Mr. Minches / by
Paulette Bourgeois; illustrated by
Kathryn Naylor. MarMay.98
Bourgeois, Paulette
Oma's quilt / written by Paulette
Bourgeois; illustrated by Stephane
Jorisch. Win.02
Bourgeois, Paulette
Police officers / Paulette Bourgeois
; Kim LaFave. Dec.2004
Bowen, Andy Russell
The world of knowing : a story
about Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet.
Postal workers / written by Paulette
Bourgeois ; illustrated by Kim
LaFave. Sept.2005
Wolf : the journey home / 'Asta
Bowen. June.2007
Bowen, Fred
Golden Glove / by Fred Bowen;
illustrated by Jim Thorpe.
Bowen, Fred
Kid Coach / by Fred Bowen;
illustrated by Ann Barrow.
Wyatt's wagon / written by Gary
Bower; illustrated by Jan Bower.
British Columbia. Sept.96
Bowers, Vivien
Wow, Canada! : exploring this land
from coast to coast to coast / by
Vivien Bowers; illustrated by Dan
Hobbs. Sum.01
memory verse Bible storybook / by
K. Christie Bowler; illustrated by
Patricia Jaster. SprSum.02
Bowman, Crystal
Off the Rim / by Fred Bowen ;
illustrated by Ann Barrow.
Star Conquerors. Win.00
Playoff Dreams / by Fred Bowen;
illustrated by Ann Barrow.
Bowden, Rob
Bowen, Fred
Kenya / Rob Bowden. Apr.04
T.J.'s Secret Pitch. Jan.97
Bowden, Rob
Bower, Gary
United Kingdom / Rob Bowden.
Cody's castle / written by Gary
Bower ; illustrated by Jan Bower.
Bowen, Andy Russell
Tessa's treasures / written by Gary
Bower; illustrated by Jan Bower.
Bowler, K. Christie
Bowen, Fred
Bova, Ben
Bower, Gary
Bowers, Vivien
Bowen, Fred
Bourgeois, Paulette
Ivy's icicle / written by Gary Bower ;
illustrated by Jan Bower. June.2005
Bower, Gary
Bowen, 'Asta
Bourgeois, Paulette
Bower, Gary
Ivan and the Dynamos / by Crystal
Bowman. Jan.98
Bowman, Crystal
Jonathan James Says, "Christmas Is
Coming!". Win.00
Bowman, Crystal
Jonathan James Says, "Christmas Is
Coming!" / by Crystal Bowman;
illustrated by Karen Maizel.
Bowman, Crystal
Jonathan James Says, "Happy
Birthday to Me!" / by Crystal
Bowman; illustrated by Karen
Maizel. MarMay.98
Bowman, J.H.
Essential Dewey / J. H. Bowman.
Coral reef hideaway : the story of a
clown anemonefish. Sept.96
Fundamental Gymnastics / by Linda
Wallenberg Bragg; photographs by
Andy King. MarMay.98
Bozzo, Linda
Box, Su
My book of prayers / written and
compiled by Su Box ; illustrated by
Carolyn Cox. Nov.2004
Boyce, Kim
My first bird / Linda Bozzo. OctDec
Bozzo, Linda
My first guinea pig and other small
pets / Linda Bozzo. OctDec 2009
In Process. Mar.97
evidence / Austin Boyd. June.2007
Boyd, Austin
Nobody's child / Austin W. Boyd.
A visual history of the King James
Bible : the dramatic story of the
world's best-known translation /
Donald L. Brake with Shelly Beach.
Braman, Arlette N.
Bozzuti-Jones, Mark Francisco
Boyd, Austin
Brake, Donald L.
God created / by Mark Francisco
Bozzuti-Jones ; illustrated by Jui
Ishida. Sept.2006
Traditional Native American arts
and activities / Arlette N. Braman ;
illustrated by Bill Helin. Apr.04
Brammer, Deb
Bozzuti-Jones, Mark Francisco
Jesus, the Word / by Mark
Francisco Bozzuti-Jones ; illustrated
by Shelly Hehenberger. Dec.2006
Boyd, Austin
Peanut butter friends in a chop
suey world. Mar.96
Brammer, Deb
Brackett, Mary Virginia
Two sides to everything / by Deb
Brammer. Sept.2005
return / Austin Boyd. Sept.2007
Facts on File companion to the
British novel / Virginia Brackett and
Victoria Gaydosik. Dec.2005
Branch, Muriel Miller
Boyd, Gregory A.
Bradbury, Judy
Juneteenth : Freedom Day / by
Muriel Miller Branch ; photographs
by Willis Branch. WinSpr.99
Cynic Sage or Son of God. Mar.97
Look what you can make with
dozens of household items! / Boyds
Mills. Apr.04
Children's book corner : a readaloud resource with tips,
techniques, and plans for teachers,
librarians, and parents, grades 1
and 2 / Judy Bradbury ;
photographs by Gene Bradbury.
Boyer, Franklin
Braddon, Kathryn L
For you they signed : the spiritual
heritage of those who shaped our
nation / by Marilyn Boyer ;
illustrated by Linda Linder. August
Math through children's literature :
making the NCTM standards come
alive. Nov.95
proof / Austin Boyd. June.2007
Boyd, Austin
Boyds Mills
Boyett, Jason
Boyle, Doe
The water brought us : the story of
Gullah-speaking people. Nov.96
Brand, Chad
Holman illustrated Bible dictionary
/ general editors: Chad Brand,
Charles Draper, Archie England.
Brandolini, Anita J.
Bradford, Karleen
There Will Be Wolves. Mar.97
A guy's guide to life : how to
become a man in 224 pages or less
/ Jason Boyett. 40634
Branch, Muriel Miller
Brager, Millie
Like Abigail / by Millie Barger.
Bragg, Linda Wallenberg
Fizz, bubble & flash! : element
explorations and atom adventures
for hands-on science fun! / Anita
Brandolini ; illustration by Michael
Kline. Sept.2007
Branhill, Carla
Blessings every day / written by
Carla Barnhill; illustrated by Elena
Kucharik. Win.02
Branson, Mary
Fun Around the World : Games,
Crafts, Food, and Dress Ideas You
Can Use. Jan.97
Brantley, Judi S.
Camille's Crossroad / by Judi S.
Brantley; illustrated by MarthaElizabeth Ferguson. Fall.00
Brazelton, Katie
Pathway to purpose for women :
connecting your to-do list, your
passions, and God's purposes for
your life / Katie Brazelton. Dec.2005
Daddy Longlegs at Birch Lane / by
Beverley Brenna; illustrated by
Sandra Blair. Jan.98
Brennan, Jan
Treasured time with your toddler.
Brazelton, T. Berry
Going to the Doctor / by T. Berry
Brazelton, M.D.; drawings by Alfred
Womack; photographs by Sam
Ogden. Jan.98
Brennan, Patrick J.
way of forgiveness : how to heal
life's hurts and restore broken
relationships / by Patrick J.
Brennan. Spr.01
Brébeuf, Jean de, Saint
Brantley, Steven
Throwaway Cat / by Steven and
Judi Brantley; illustrated by Del
Holt. Fall.00
Huron carol / written by Father
Jean de Brebeuf ; illustrated by
Frances Tyrrell. Oct.03
Brennan-Nelson, Denise
My teacher likes to say / by Denise
Brennan-Nelson ; illustrated by Jane
Monroe Donovan. Mar.2005
Bredeson, Carmen
Braswell, George W. Jr.
Islam: Its Prophet, Peoples, Politics
and Power. Aug.03
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Winners. Mar.97
Bredeson, Carmen
Braswell, George W. Jr.
What You Need to Know About
Islam & Muslims. Aug.03
Ross Perot : billionaire politician.
Bredeson, Carmen
Braswell, George W., Jr.
Islam : Its Prophet, Peoples, Politics,
and Power / by George W. Braswell,
Jr. MarMay.98
Bratun, Katy
Gingerbread mouse / written and
illustrated by Katy Bratun.
Brawner, Christy Akins
How to be spiritual without being
weird : 12 core values for thriving in
a modern world / Christy Brawner.
Bray, Marian
Danger at Echo Cliffs. Nov.96
Texas / by Carmen Bredeson.
Bredsdorff, Bodil
Crow-girl : the children of Crow
Cove / Bodil Bredsdorff ; translated
from the Danish by Faith
Ingwersen. Mar.2005
Boy Who Loved to Draw : Benjamin
West / by Barbara Brenner;
illustrated by Olivier Dunrea. Fall.00
Brett, Jan
Gingerbread Baby / by Jan Brett.
Brett, Jan
Hedgie's surprise / written &
illustrated by Jan Brett. Sum.01
Brett, Jan
Honey, honey--lion! : a story of
Africa / Jan Brett. Sept.2007
Bree, Loris Theovin
Brett, Jan
The kid's squish book / by Marlin
and Loris Theovin Bree. Oct.95
On Noah's ark / Jan Brett. Aug.2004
Breen, Mark
kids' book of weather forecasting :
build a weather station, "read" the
sky, & make predictions! / Mark
Breen and Kathleen Friestad ;
illustrations by Michael Kline.
OctDec 2009
Bray, Marian
Hayloft Hideout. Jan.97
Brenner, Barbara
Brenna, Beverley
Brett, Jan
umbrella / Jan Brett. June.2005
Breuilly, Elizabeth
Festivals of the world : the
illustrated guide to celebrations,
customs, events, and holidays /
Elizabeth Breuilly, Joanne O'Brien,
Martin Palmer; consultant editor,
Martin E. Marty. Apr.03
child of the king / by Bill Bright and
M.R. Wells. SprSum.02
Brewer, David
Bright, Bill
Wrens, dippers and thrashers / by
David Brewer; illustrated by Barry
Kent MacKay. SprSum.02
Fire / Bill Bright & Jack Cavanaugh.
Bright, Bill
Brian, Janeen
Where does Thursday go? / words,
Janeen Brian; pictures, Stephen
Michael King. Feb.03
Bricker, Sandra D.
If the shoe fits : a contemporary
fairy tale / Sandra D. Bricker.
Bridges, Jerry
I exalt you, O Lord. SprSum.02
Bridges, Margaret Park
Will You Take Care of Me? / by
Margaret Park Bridges ; illustrated
by Melissa Sweet. WinSpr.99
Bridges, Ruby
Through my eyes : the
autobiography of Ruby Bridges / by
Ruby Bridges. Sum.01
Briner, Bob
Lambs among wolves : how
Americans are influencing American
culture. Sept.96
Fury / Bill Bright & Jack Cavanaugh.
Brink, Carol Ryrie
Bright, Bill
Caddie Woodlawn / by Caddie
Woodlawn ; illustrated by Trina
Schart Hyman. Nov.2004
Proof / Bill Bright & Jack
Cavanaugh. June.2006
Bright, Bill
Storm / Bill Bright & Jack
Cavanaugh. Sept.2006
Bright, Vonette Z.
Round the corner / Vonette Bright
& Nancy Moser. Apr.04
Bright, Vonette Z.
sister circle / Vonette Bright &
Nancy Moser. Apr.04
Brill, Marlene Targ
Illinois / by Marlene Targ Brill.
Briggs, D. Barkley
Corus the champion / D. Barkley
Briggs. 41061
Booker T. Washington : getting into
the schoolhouse / Larry Dane
Brimner. August 2011
Brinkerhoff, Shirley
Choice Summer / Shirley
Brinkerhoff. Sep.97
Brinkerhoff, Shirley
Mysterious Love / Shirley
Brinkerhoff. Sep.97
Brinkerhoff, Shirley
Second choices / by Shirley
Brinkerhoff. Spr.01
Brinkerhoff, Shirley
Tangled web / by Shirley
Brinkerhoff. Sum.01
Brinley, Bertrand R.
Indiana / by Marlene Targ Brill.
Big Kerplop! : the original
adventure of the Mad Scientists'
Club / by Bertrand R. Brinley ;
illustrated by Charles Geer. Apr.04
Brillhart, Julie
Briscoe, Jill
Molly rides the school bus / written
and illustrated by Julie Brillhart.
David Drops a Giant Problem and
Other Fearless Heroes / by Jill &
Stuart Briscoe ; pictures and
cartoons by Russ Flint ; music by
Larry Moore. Fall.98
Brill, Marlene Targ
Briggs, D. Barkley
The book of names / D. Barkley
Briggs. 41061
Briggs, D. Barkley
The song of unmaking / D. Barkley
Briggs. 41061
Bright 'n beautiful
Bright 'n beautiful. Spr.01
Bright, Bill
Brimner, Larry Dane
Birmingham Sunday / Larry Dane
Brimner. 41061
Briscoe, Jill
Brimner, Larry Dane
Paul Hits the Beach and Other Wild
Adventures / by Jill & Stuart Briscoe
; pictures and cartoons by Russ Flint
; music by Larry Moore. Fall.98
Briscoe, Jill
power of prayer : plugging into the
power source / presented by Jill
Briscoe. Aug.2004
Briscoe, Jill
Running on empty : refilling your
spirit at the low points of life.
Brodsky, Joseph
Brooks, Elbridge Streeter
On Grief and Reason : Essays /
Joseph Brodsky. Sep.97
Historic girls : stories of girls who
have influenced the history of their
times / E. S. Brooks. Nov.2004
Brody, J.J.
day with a Mimbres. Jun.03
Brooks, Sandra
I Can Pray to God. Fall.00
Broida, Marian
Briscoe, Stuart
Choices for a lifetime : determining
the values that will shape your
future. Sept.96
Briscoe, Stuart
Meet Him at the Manger. Mar.97
Briscoe, Stuart
What Works When Life Doesn't / by
Stuart Briscoe. WinSpr.99
Brisson, Pat
Hobbledy-clop / by Pat Brisson ;
illustrated by Maxie Chambliss.
Projects about colonial life / Marian
Broida. Mar.2005
Broida, Marian
Projects about Indians of the
southwest / Marian Broida.
Broida, Marian
Projects about plantation life /
Marian Broida. Mar.2005
Broida, Marian
Projects about the plains Indians /
Marian Broida. Mar.2005
Broida, Marian
Brisson, Pat
Summer My Father Was Ten / by
Pat Brisson ; illustrated by Andrea
Shine. WinSpr.99
Brock, Frank A.
educated choice : advice for
parents of college-bound students /
Frank A. Brock. Apr.03
Brodeur, Thomas J.
Regina Silsby's phantom militia / by
Thomas J. Brodeur. Dec.2006
Brodeur, Thomas J.
Regina Silsby's secret war / by
Thomas J. Brodeur. Mar.2005
Projects about westward expansion
/ Marian Broida. Mar.2005
Brokering, Herbert F.
Earth & all stars / hymn Herbert F.
Brokering; illustrated by Preston
McDaniels. SprSum.02
Buffalo / written and illustrated by
Beverly Brodsky. Dec.2005
For the Love of My Brothers / by
Brother Andrew ; with Verne
Becker. WinSpr.99
Brother Andrew
The narrow road : stories of those
who walk this road together /
Brother Andrew with John &
Elizabeth Sherrill. Dec.2012
Brotherton, Marcus
Teacher : the Henrietta Mears story
/ Marcus Brotherton. June.2007
Brouwer, Sigmund
Ambush / Sigmund Brouwer. 40210
Brouwer, Sigmund
angel and the cross / Sigmund
Brouwer. June.2006
Brouwer, Sigmund
angel and the ring / Sigmund
Brouwer. June.2006
Brooks, Alan
Frogs Jump : A Counting Book /
Alan Brooks / Steven Kellogg.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brooks, Bruce
Brouwer, Sigmund
moves make the man / by Bruce
Brooks. Sept.2005
Barbarians from the Isle. Mar.97
angel and the sword / Sigmund
Brouwer. June.2006
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brooks, Elbridge Streeter
Brodsky, Beverly
Brother Andrew
Historic boys : their endeavors,
their achievements and their times
/ E. S. Brooks. Nov.2004
Camp craziness / by Sigmund
Brouwer. Oct.03
Brouwer, Sigmund
carpenter's cloth / Sigmund
Brouwer. Spr.01
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brouwer, Sigmund
Fly trap / by Sigmund Brouwer.
Mars diaries. Mission 4,
Hammerhead / Sigmund Brouwer.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Chief Honor / by Sigmund Brouwer.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Forsaken Crusade. Mar.97
Brouwer, Sigmund
Mars diaries. Mission 5, Sole
survivor / Sigmund Brouwer. Fall.01
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brouwer, Sigmund
City of Dreams. Mar.97
Hurricane Power / by Sigmund
Brouwer. Fall.00
Brouwer, Sigmund
Cobra Threat / by Sigmund
Brouwer. Fall.00
Brouwer, Sigmund
Mars diaries. Mission 6, Moon
racer / Sigmund Brouwer.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brouwer, Sigmund
Counterattck / Sigmund Brouwer.
Legend of Burning Water. Mar.97
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brouwer, Sigmund
Creature of the mists / Sigmund
Brouwer. Oct.03
Brouwer, Sigmund
Crown of thorns : a Nick Barrett
mystery / Sigmund Brouwer. Oct.03
Brouwer, Sigmund
Dance of Darkness / by Sigmund
Brouwer. Fall.98
Brouwer, Sigmund
Death trap / Sigmund Brouwer.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Jester's Quest. Mar.97
Brouwer, Sigmund
Mars diaries. Mission 7,
Countdown / Sigmund Brouwer.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Legend of the gilded saber / by
Sigmund Brower. Jun.03
Brouwer, Sigmund
Mars diaries. Mission 8, Robot war
/ Sigmund Brouwer. SprSum.02
Brouwer, Sigmund
Lies of saints : a Nick Barrett
mystery / Sigmund Brouwer. Oct.03
Brouwer, Sigmund
Maverick mania / Sigmund
Brouwer. 40210
Brouwer, Sigmund
Madness at Moonshiner's Bay /
Sigmund Brouwer. Oct.03
Brouwer, Sigmund
Maverick Mania / by Sigmund
Brouwer. Fall.00
Brouwer, Sigmund
Magnus / by Sigmund Brouwer.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Maverick Mania / by Sigmund
Brouwer. Win.00
Brouwer, Sigmund
Double cross / Sigmund Brouwer.
Mars diaries. Mission 1, Oxygen
level zero / Sigmund Brouwer.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brouwer, Sigmund
Evening star : a novel / by Sigmund
Brouwer. Sum.01
Mars diaries. Mission 2, Alien
pursuit / Sigmund Brouwer. Fall.01
Brouwer, Sigmund
Merlin's Destiny. Mar.97
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brouwer, Sigmund
Final battle / Sigmund Brouwer.
Mars diaries. Mission 3, Time
bomb / Sigmund Brouwer. Fall.01
Morning Star. Jan.96
Brouwer, Sigmund
Mystery pennies / Sigmund
Brouwer. Oct.03
Brouwer, Sigmund
mystery tribe of Camp Blackeagle /
Sigmund Brouwer. Oct.03
Brouwer, Sigmund
Titan Clash / by Sigmund Brouwer.
Brown, Don
Defiance / Don Brown. 40026
Brouwer, Sigmund
Out of the shadows / Sigmund
Brouwer. Fall.01
Brouwer, Sigmund
Tyrant of the Badlands / by
Sigmund Brower. Jun.03
Brouwer, Sigmund
Phantom outlaw at Wolf Creek / by
Sigmund Brouwer. Sept.2005
Brouwer, Sigmund
Tyrone's story / Sigmund Brouwer.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Scarlet Thunder / by Sigmund
Brouwer. Fall.00
Brouwer, Sigmund
weeping chamber / Sigmund
Brouwer. Spr.01
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brown, Don
Hostage / Don Brown. 40026
Brown, Don
Malacca conspiracy / Don Brown.
October 2010
Brown, Don
Rare Treasure : Mary Anning and
Her Remarkable Discoveries /
written and illustrated by Don
Brown. Fall.00
Short cuts / by Sigmund Brouwer.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Wings of an Angel. Mar.97
Brown, Don
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brouwer, Sigmund
The Malacca conspiracy / Don
Brown. Oct. 2010
Shroud of the lion / Sigmund
Brouwer. Oct.03
Wings of Dawn / by Sigmund
Brouwer. Win.00
Brown, Don
Treason / Don Brown. Sept.2005
Brouwer, Sigmund
Brown, Brian
Silver moon : a novel / by Sigmund
Brouwer. Sum.01
Captured! / Concept created and
written by Brian Brown and Andrew
Melrose. MarMay.98
Brouwer, Sigmund
Strunk soup / Sigmund Brouwer.
Brown, Craig McFarland
Mule train mail / Craig Brown.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Sun dance / Sigmund Brouwer.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Thunder voice / Sigmund Brouwer.
Brouwer, Sigmund
Thunderbird spirit / Sigmund
Brouwer. 40210
Brouwer, Sigmund
Tiger Heat / by Sigmund Brouwer.
Brown, Devin
Inside Narnia : a guide to exploring
The lion, the witch, and the
wardrobe / Devin Brown. Sept.2005
Brown, Don
Treason / Don Brown. 40026
Brown, Don
Voice from the wilderness / written
& illustrated by Don Brown. Win.02
Brown, Irene Bennett
Before the lark / by Irene Bennett
Brown. Oct.95
Brown, Irene Bennett
Brown, Devin
Inside The voyage of the Dawn
Treader : a guide to exploring the
journey beyond Narnia / Devin
Brown. 40848
Morning glory afternoon / by Irene
Bennett Brown. Oct.95
Brown, Irene Bennett
Skitterbrain / by Irene Bennett
Brown. Oct.95
Brown, Don
A wizard from the start : the
incredible boyhood & amazing
inventions of Thomas Edison / Don
Brown. 40848
Brown, Irene Bennett
Willow whip / by Irene Bennett
Brown. Oct.95
African animals ABC. Sept.96
Brown, Judith Gwyn
Brown, Marcia
Bless All Creatures Here Below : A
Celebration for the Blessing of the
Animals. Mar.97
Once a mouse / by Marcia Brown.
Brownridge, William Roy
Final Game / by William Roy
Brownridge. Fall.00
Brown, Margaret Wise
Brown, Ken
Animals in the Snow. Jan.97
Mucky Pup / by Ken Brown. Fall.98
Brownridge, William Roy
The moccasin goalie. Sept.96
Brown, Margaret Wise
Brown, Ken
scarecrow's hat / written and
illustrated by Ken Brown. Fall.01
little island / by Margaret Wise
Brown ; with illustrations by
Leonard Weisgard. Sept.2006
Brown, Ken
Brown, Margaret Wise
What's the time, Grandma Wolf? /
written and illustrated by Ken
Brown. Win.02
Sneakers, the seaside cat / by
Margaret Wise Brown ; illustrated
by Anne Mortimer. Nov.2004
Brown, Laurene Krasny
Brown, Mary Calhoun
The vegetable show. Jan.96
There are no words / Mary Calhoun
Brown. 40391
Brown, Marc Tolon
Arthur babysits. Jan.96
Brown, Marc Tolon
Arthur turns green / Marc Brown.
Brown, Marc Tolon
Arthur's April fool. Jan.96
Brown, Marc Tolon
1787-1861 (10 volumes) by (Grolier
Educational, 2002, [each volume
has its own ISBN], HC, no price
shown) This. Aug.03
Bruce, Debra Fulghum
Celebrate the journey / by Debra
Fulghum Bruce and Ellen Oldacre.
Bruce, F. F.
Brown, Marc Talon
Arthur's family vacation. Nov.95
Brownstone, David M.
Brown, Michael L.
Revolution! : the call to holy war /
Michael L. Brown. Fall.01
In the Steps of Our Lord / by F. F.
Bruce. MarMay.98
Bruce, F. F.
Brown, Rebecca
The gifts of the body. Mar.96
Brown, Roslind Varghese
Tunisia / Roslind Varghese Brown.
In the Steps of the Apostle Paul.
Bruchac, Joseph
Children of the Longhouse. Jan.97
Bruchac, Joseph
Brown, Ruth
Cry Baby / by Ruth Brown.
Crazy Horse's vision / by Joseph
Bruchac ; illustrated by S.D. Nelson.
Arthur's first sleepover. Jan.96
Brown, Ruth
Brown, Marc Tolon
Toad / Ruth Brown. Nov.97
Arthur's pet business. Jan.96
Bruchac, Joseph
Eagle Song / by Joseph Bruchac;
pictures by Dan Andreasen.
Brown, Tricia
Brown, Marc Tolon
D.W. thinks big. Nov.95
Brown, Marc Tolon
D.W., the picky eater. Nov.95
Children of the midnight sun :
young native voices of Alaska /
profiles by Tricia Brown ;
photographs by Roy Corral. Oct.03
Browne, Philippa-Alys
Bruchac, Joseph
first strawberries : a Cherokee story
/ retold by Joseph Bruchac ;
pictures by Anna Vojtech.
Bruchac, Joseph
Bruchac, Joseph
Geronimo / Joseph Bruchac.
Squanto's journey : the story of the
first Thanksgiving / Joseph Bruchac
; illustrated by Greg Shed. Aug.2004
Brunelle, Lynn
Bruchac, Joseph
heart of a chief / by Joseph
Bruchac. Feb.03
Bruchac, Joseph
Heart of a Chief / a novel by Joseph
Bruchac. WinSpr.99
Bruchac, Joseph
Jim Thorpe : original All-American /
Joseph Bruchac. Sept.2007
Bruchac, Joseph
Navajo long walk : the tragic story
of a proud people's forced march
from their homeland / by Joseph
Bruchac ; with illustrations and
captions by Shonto Begay.
Bruchac, Joseph
Thirteen moons on Turtle’s back : a
Native American year of moons / by
Joseph Bruchac and Jonathan
London ; illustrated by Thomas
Locker. Dec.2004
Camp out! : the ultimate kids'
guide, from the backyard to the
backwoods / Lynn Brunelle ;
illustrations by Brian Biggs ;
technical illustrations by Elara
Tanguy. 39912
Bruchac, Joseph
Brunelle, Lynn
Thirteen moons on turtle's back : a
Native American year of moons / by
Joseph Bruchac and Jonathan
London ; illustrated by Thomas
Locker. Mar.2005
Turn on the faucet / by Lynn
Brunelle. Aug.2004
Night wings / Joseph Bruchac ;
illustrations by Sally Wern Comport.
Bruchac, Joseph
Pocahontas / Joseph Bruchac.
Bruchac, Joseph
Pocahontas / Joseph Bruchac.
Bruchac, Joseph
Sacajawea : the story of Bird
Woman and the Lewis and Clark
Expedition / Joseph Bruchac.
Bruner, Kurt D.
Finding God in the land of Narnia /
Kurt Bruner, Jim Ware. Sept.2005
Bruchac, Joseph
Trail of Tears / by Joseph Bruchac ;
illustrated by Diana Magnuson.
Bruchac, Joseph
Bruchac, Joseph
Simply the Savior : A Woman's
Search for Simple Joy / by Nancy
Parker Burmmett. WinSpr.99
winter people / Joseph Bruchac.
Bruner, Kurt D.
Finding God in The lord of the rings
/ Kurt Bruner, Jim Ware. Apr.03
Bruner, Kurt D.
Finding God in the story of amazing
grace / Kurt Bruner, Jim Ware.
Revision req.
Brumbaugh, Renae
Mystery at Discovery Lake / Renae
Brumbaugh. 40391
Bruner, Roger
Found in translation / by Roger E.
Bruner with Kristi Bruner. 41061
Brumbeau, Jeff
Miss Hunnicutt's hat / Jeff
Brumbeau, Gail de Marcken. Jun.03
Brumbeau, Jeff
quiltmaker's gift / story by Jeff
Brumbeau; pictures by Gail de
Marcken. Feb.03
Bruner, Roger
Lost in dreams. 41061
Bruno, Bonnie
Abigail's secret journal / Bonnie
Bruno. June.2005
Brumbeau, Jeff
Bruno, Bonnie
Bruchac, Joseph
quiltmaker's journey / by Jeff
Brumbeau ; illustrated Gail de
Marcken. June.2005
Seeing the circle / by Joseph
Bruchac ; photographs by John
Christopher Fine. Aug.2004
God thought of everything weird
and wacky / written by Bonnie
Bruno ; illustrated by Kevin Brown.
Brummett, Nancy Parker
Bruns, Roger A.
Billy the Kid : Outlaw of the Wild
West / by Roger A. Bruns. Win.00
Bryson, Jamie S.
war canoe. Nov.96
Only God Can Heal a Wounded
Heart / by Ed Bulkley. MarMay.98
Bruns, Roger A.
Bryson, Kenneth A.
Bulkley, Ed
Jesse James : Legendary Outlaw /
by Roger Bruns. Fall.98
Flowers and Death / by Kenneth A.
Bryson. Jan.98
Why Christians Can't Trust
Psychology / by Ed Bulkley.
Brunstetter, Wanda E.
Buchanan, Paul
cousin's promise / Wanda E
Brunstetter. June 2009
Invasion from Planet X / by Paul
Buchanan and Rod Randall.
Bull, Schuyler
Crocodile crossing / by Schuyler Bull
; illustrated by Alan Male. Nov.2004
Brunstetter, Wanda E.
storekeeper's daughter / Wanda E.
Brunstetter. Sept.2005
Buchmann, Stephen L.
Bull, Schuyler
Honey bees : letters from the hive /
Stephen Buchmann. Feb / Apr 2012
Through Tsavo : A Story of an East
African Savanna / by Schuyler Bull ;
illustrated by Paul Kratter. Fall.98
Bryan, T. Scott
Geysers : what they are and how
they work / T. Scott Bryan.
Buckley, Ray
Bryant, Jennifer
Buckley, William F., Jr.
Lucretia Mott : A Guiding Light.
Nearer, My God : An Autobiography
of Faith / by William F. Buckley Jr.
God's love is like / written and
illustrated by Ray Buckley. Apr.04
Bryant, Jennifer
river of words : the story of William
Carlos Williams / written by Jen
Bryant ; illustrated by Melissa
Sweet. June 2009
Bryant, Rob
Buckwalter, Stephanie
Volcanoes : disaster & survival /
Stephanie Buckwalter. Sept.2005
Buechner, Frederick
Buller, Jon
Smart about the fifty states /
written and illustrated by Jon Buller
.. [et al.]. Oct.03
Bunn, Davis
Centurion's wife / Davis Bunn &
Janette Oke. October 2010
Bunn, Davis
Centurion's wife / Davis Bunn &
Janette Oke. Oct. 2010
Bunn, Davis
Walking through adversity / Rob
Bryant. Win.02
Eyes of the Heart : A Memoir of the
Lost and Found / by Frederick
Buechner. Fall.00
Bryant, Teddie
Buehner, Caralyn
Bunn, Davis
Randy and Prince / by Teddie
Bryant. Oct.95
Fanny's Dream. Mar.97
Lion of Babylon / Davis Bunn.
Bryd, Robert
Buehner, Caralyn
hidden flame / Davis Bunn and
Janette Oke. October 2010
Bunn, Davis
Saint Francis and the Christmas
donkey / by Robert Byrd. Sum.01
I Did It , I'm Sorry / by Caralyn
Buehner ; pictures by Mark
Buehner. Fall.98
Bryd, Sandra
Bug Safari : Entomology
Bunn, Davis
inside-out beauty book : tips and
tools for girls like you / by Sandra
Byrd. Feb.03
Bug Safari : Entomology. WinSpr.99
The black Madonna / Davis Bunn.
Bulkley, Ed
Rare earth / Davis Bunn.
Bunn, Davis
The Damascus way / Davis Bunn &
Janette Oke. 40695
Bunn, T. Davis
One Shenandoah Winter : A Novel /
by T. Davis Bunn. Win.00
Bunting, Eve
Dandelions. Jan.96
Bunn, Davis
The hidden flame / Davis Bunn and
Janette Oke. Oct. 2010
Bunn, T. Davis
book of hours / Davis Bunn.
Bunn, T. Davis
Princess Bella and the Red Velvet
Hat / by T. Davis Bunn ; illustrated
by Doreen Gay-Kassel. WinSpr.99
Bunn, T. Davis
Bunn, T. Davis
Riders of the pale horse. Jan.96
Bunting, Eve
Bunn, T. Davis
Little Badger, terror of the seven
seas / written by Eve Bunting;
illustrated by LeUyen Pham. Fall.01
solitary envoy / by T. Davis Bunn &
Isabella Bunn. Apr.04
Bunting, Eve
Bunn, T. Davis
Elixir / Davis Bunn. Mar.2005
Have you seen my new blue socks?
/ illustrated by Sergio Ruzzier. / by
Eve Bunting ; illustrated by Sergio
Ruzzier. June.July.2013
Bunn, T. Davis
Bunn, T. Davis
Drummer in the dark / T. Davis
Bunn. Win.02
Flower garden. Sept.96
Bunting, Eve
Promises to keep. Jan.96
Dangerous devices. Nov.96
Bunting, Eve
Bunn, T. Davis
The gift. Jan.96
Little Badger's just-about birthday /
written by Eve Bunting; illustrated
by LeUyen Pham. Feb.03
Bunn, T. Davis
Florian's Gate. Jan.96
Bunn, T. Davis
The maestro. Jan.96
Bunn, T. Davis
Heartland / Davis Bunn. Mar.2007
Bunn, T. Davis
Bunting, Eve
Little Bear's little boat / by Eve
Bunting ; illustrated by Nancy
Carpenter. Aug.2004
The presence. Jan.96
Bunting, Eve
Bunn, T. Davis
My Backpack / by Eve Bunting;
illustrated by Maryann CoccaLeffler. Jan.98
innocent libertine / T. Davis Bunn &
Isabella Bunn. June.2005
Bunn, T. Davis
Bunn, T. Davis
Bunn, T. Davis
Istanbul Express / by T. Davis Bunn.
To the Ends of the Earth / by T.
Davis Bunn. WinSpr.99
Bunn, T. Davis
Bunson, Matthew
Lazarus trap / Davis Bunn.
Encyclopedia of the Roman Empire
/ Matthew Bunson. Feb.03
Bunn, T. Davis
Bunting, Eve
My special day at Third Street
School / by Eve Bunting ; illustrated
by Suzanne Bloom. Dec.2004
Light & shadow. Jan.96
Blue and the Gray / Eve Bunting;
illustrated by Ned Bittinger. Nov.97
Bunting, Eve
Bunting, Eve
On Call Back Mountain / Eve
Bunting / Barry Moser. Sep.97
Butterfly house / by Eve Bunting;
illustrated by Greg Shed. Spr.01
Bunting, Eve
The quilt. Jan.96
Bunn, T. Davis
Messenger / T. Davis Bunn. Nov.97
Bunting, Eve
My special day at Third Street
school / by Eve Bunting ; illustrated
by Suzanne Bloom. 40210
Bunting, Eve
Once upon a time. Jan.96
Burger, Delores T.
Bunting, Eve
Women Who Changed the Heart of
the City : The Untold Story of the
City Rescue Mission Movement / by
Delores T. Burger. Jan.98
Pop's bridge / written by Eve
Bunting ; illustrated by C.F. Payne.
Burgess, John P.
Bunting, Eve
Sing a song of piglets : a calendar in
verse / by Eve Bunting ; pictures by
Emily Arnold McCully. Jun.03
In Whose Image : Faith, Science,
and the New Genetics / edited by
John P. Burgess. WinSpr.99
Burkart, Gina
Bunting, Eve
Smoky night / written by Eve
Bunting ; illustrated by Dvid Diaz.
Bunting, Eve
So far from the sea / by Eve Bunting
; illustrated by Chris Soentpiet.
parent's guide to Harry Potter /
Gina Burkart. June.2006
366 Read to Me Bedtime Bible
Stories / by Melanie M. Burnette.
Burnham, Gracia
In the presence of my enemies /
Gracia Burnham, with Dean Merrill.
Burnham, Gracia
In the presence of my enemies /
Gracia Burnham, with Dean Merrill.
Burke, Brad
Does God still do miracles? / Brad
Burke. June.2007
Burke, John
Neal-Schuman library technology
companion / John J. Burke. 40210
Bunting, Eve,
S is for shamrock : an Ireland
alphabet / written by Eve Bunting ;
illustrated by Matt Faulkner.
Burnette, Melanie M.
Burke, Tim
Major League Dad. Jan.97
Burnham, Janelle
Beckoning streams. Mar.96
Burnie, David
Shrublands / Burnie, David. 41061
Burnie, David
Visual encyclopedia of science /
[writers and consultants, David
Burnie .. et al.]. June.2007
Burkett, Larry
Bunyan, John
Target earth! : John Bunyan's The
holy war. Nov.95
Burby, Liza N.
Watts Riots / by Liza N. Burgy.
Burg, Ann E.
All the broken pieces : a novel in
verse / by Ann E. Burg. 40634
Burgan, Michael
Buddhist faith in America / Michael
Burgan. Jun.03
Burgan, Michael
Underground Railroad / Michael
Burgan. Sept.2007
How our house works / Larry
Burkett; illustrator Ed Letwenko.
Burkhart, Jeffrey E.
surprise in disguise / written by
Jeffrey E. Burkhart. Spr.01
Burleigh, Robert
Into the Air : The Story of the
Wright Brothers’ First Flight. Aug.03
Burnett, David
Clash of worlds / David Burnett.
Burnett, Frances Hodgson
lost prince of Samavia / by Frances
Hodgson Burnett ; [edited by
Reverie Collins]. June.2005
Burns, Jim
Accept nothing less / Jim Burns.
Burns, Jim
God made your body / Jim Burns.
Burns, Jim
How God makes babies / Jim Burns.
Burns, Jim
purity code : God's plan for sex and
your body / Jim Burns. 40210
Burns, Jim
Teaching your children healthy
sexuality : a biblical approach to
prepare them for life / Jim Burns.
Burns, Loree Griffin
The hive detectives : chronicle of a
honey bee catastrophe / Loree
Griffin Burns ; with photographs by
Ellen Harasimowicz. Feb / Apr 2012
Burton, Virginia Lee
little house / story and pictures by
Virginia Lee Burton. Dec.2006
Burton, Virginia Lee
Mike Mulligan and more / [Virginia
Lee Burton.]. Apr.04
truth about Truman School / Dori
Hillestad Butler. OctDec 2009
Butler, John
Pi-shu, the little panda / [written
and illustrated by] John Butler.
Butler, John
Burns, Mary M.
Children's classics : a booklist for
parents. June.2005
Bush, Max
Plays for young audiences. Nov.96
While You Were Sleeping / by John
Butler. Fall.00
Butler, Philippa
Burridge, Richard A.
Butcher, Sam
What Are the Gospels : A
Comparison with Graeco-Roman
Biography. Mar.97
Precious Moments Noah's Ark /
illustrated by Sam Butcher. Win.00
Pawprints in Time / by Philippa
Butler ; illustrated by George Smith.
Butler, Amy
Butler, Robert W.
Virginia bound / Amy Butler. Jun.03
Great Blue Heron : A Natural
History and Ecology of a Seashore
Sentinel / by Robert W. Butler.
Burris, Priscilla
Five green and speckled frogs /
Priscilla Burris. Jun.03
Burstein, Shmuel
war against God and his people : a
guide to the Holocaust for young
people / Shmuel Burstein. Apr.04
Burt, Daniel S.
novel 100 : a ranking of the greatest
novels of all time / Daniel S. Burt.
Burt, William D.
golden wood / William D. Burt.
Butler, Dori Hillestad
The Buddy files : the case of the fire
alarm / by Dori Hillestad Butler ;
pictures by Jeremy Tugeau. 40695
Butler, Dori Hillestad
Butler, Susan
Hermit Thrush Sings / by Susan
Butler. Fall.00
The Buddy files : the case of the lost
boy / by Dori Hillestad Butler ;
pictures by Jeremy Tugeau. 40695
Butterworth, Nick
Butler, Dori Hillestad
Butterworth, Nick
The Buddy files : the case of the
missing family / by Dori Hillestad
Butler ; pictures by Jeremy Tugeau.
When it's time for bed. Nov.95
The secret path. Nov.95
Butterworth, Nick
When there's work to do. Nov.95
Burt, William D.
Butler, Dori Hillestad
King of the Trees / by William D.
Burt. WinSpr.99
The Buddy files : the case of the
mixed-up mutts / by Dori Hillestad
Butler ; pictures by Jeremy Tugeau.
Burt, William D.
Torsils in time / William D. Burt.
Burton, Katherine
One Gray Mouse / by Katherine
Burton ; illustrations by Kim
Fernandes. Fall.98
Butterworth, Nick
When we go shopping. Nov.95
Butterworth, Nick
Butler, Dori Hillestad
The case of the library monster /
Dori Hillestad Butler ; pictures by
Jeremy Tugeau and Dan Crisp.
Butler, Dori Hillestad
When we play together. Nov.95
Butterworth, Nick
Wonderful Earth / by Nick
Butterworth and Mick Inkpen.
Butzow, Carol M.
Science through children's
literature : an integrated approach
/ by Carol and John Butzow. Oct.95
Byrd, Sandra
Cross my heart / by Sandra Byrd.
Petal power / by Sandra Byrd.
Byrd, Sandra
Red velvet / Sandra Byrd. June.2006
By this sign : A.D. 250 to 350 ; from
the Decian persecution to the
Constantine era
By this sign : A.D. 250 to 350 ; from
the Decian persecution to the
Constantine era / Christian History
Project. Nov.2004
Byrd, Sandra
Daisy chains / Sandra Byrd.
Byars, Betsy
Disappearing Acts / by Betsy Byars.
Byrd, Sandra
Byars, Betsy
Heart to Heart / by Sandra Byrd.
Keeper of the doves / by Betsy
Byars. Apr.03
Byrd, Sandra
Byars, Betsy
Holiday hero / by Sandra Byrd.
Byrd, Sandra
Take a bow / Sandra Byrd. Oct.03
Byrd, Sandra
Take a chance / Sandra Byrd. Oct.03
Byrd, Sandra
My brother, Ant. Nov.96
Byrd, Sandra
Summer of the swans / [by] Betsy
Byars ; illustrated by Ted Coconis.
Take a bow / by Sandra Byrd.
Byrd, Sandra
Girl talk : 61 questions from girls
like you! (with answers from the
Bible) / by Sandra Byrd. Fall.01
Byars, Betsy Cromer
Byrd, Sandra
Island girl / by Sandra Byrd.
White Pony : A Tale of Great Love /
by Sandra Byrd; paintings by Sarah
Waldron. Win.00
Byrdsong, Ricky
Coaching your kids in the game of
life / by Ricky Byrdsong; with Dave
and Neta Jackson; foreword by Lute
Olson. Fall.01
Byrd, Sandra
Byers, Ann
Just between friends / by Sandra
Byrd. Win.02
Cabrera, Jane
Holocaust Camps / by Ann Byers.
Byrd, Sandra
Just between friends / Sandra Byrd.
Cadnum, Michael
Byers, Ann
Holocaust Overview / by Ann Byers.
Byrd, Sandra
Cadnum, Michael
Byers, Ann
Make a wish / by Sandra Byrd.
Jaime Escalante : Sensational
Teacher. Mar.97
Byrd, Sandra
Lost and Found House / by Michael
Cadnum; paintings by Steve
Johnson and Lou Fancher.
Cat's Colors / by Jane Cabrera.
Heat / by Michael Cadnum. Win.00
One plus one / Sandra Byrd. Oct.03
Cadnum, Michael
Byrd, Sandra
Change of heart / Sandra Byrd.
Byrd, Sandra
Chopstick / by Sandra Byrd.
Pass it on / Sandra Byrd. Oct.03
Starfall : Phaeton and the chariot of
the sun / Michael Cadnum.
Byrd, Sandra
Caduto, Michael J.
Byrd, Sandra
Catch the wind, harness the sun :
22 super-charged science projects
for kids / by Michael J. Caduto. Aug
/ Oct 2012
Cahn, Victor L
The thinking student's guide to
college. Jan.96
Calaway, Phil
Growing up on the edge of the
world / Phil Callaway. Nov.2004
Callihan, David
guidance manual for the Christian
home school : a parent's guide for
preparing home school students for
college or career / by David and
Laurie Callihan. Sum.01
Calmenson, Stephanie
Perfect puppy / by Stephanie
Calmenson; illustrated by Thomas
Yezerski. SprSum.02
Calvert, Candice
Calcines, Eduardo F.
Leaving Glorytown : one boy's
struggle under Castro / Eduardo F.
Calcines. Feb / Apr 2012
Caldwell, Louis O.
After the Tassel Is Moved :
Guidelines for High School
Graduates. Mar.97
Critical care / Candace Calvert.
OctDec 2009
Calvert, Candice
Disaster status / Candace Calvert.
Daniel Boone / by Patricia Calvert.
Calhoun, Adele Ahlberg
Spiritual disciplines handbook :
practices that transform us / Adele
Ahlberg Calhoun. Sept.2006
mystery of the attic lion / by
Elspeth Campbell; illustrated by Joe
Nordstrom. Spr.01
Campbell, Elspeth
mystery of the backdoor bundle /
by Elspeth Campbell; illustrated by
Joe Nordstrom. Spr.01
Campbell, Elspeth
mystery of the golden reindeer / by
Elspeth Campbell; illustrated by Joe
Nordstrom. Spr.01
Importance of Joe Louis / by Jim
Campbell. MarMay.98
Campbell, R. Wayne
Calvert, Patricia
Hernando Cortes : fortune favored
the bold / Patricia Calvert. Apr.04
Caldwell, V. M.
Runt / V.M. Caldwell. Mar.2007
Campbell, Elspeth
Campbell, Jim
Calvert, Patricia
Caldwell, V. M.
Ocean Within / by V. M. Caldwell;
illustrated by Erica Magnus. Fall.00
Sally Ride : First American Woman
in Space / by Carole Ann Camp.
birds of British Columbia / by R.
Wayne Campbell… [et al.]. Fall.01
Campbell, Regi
Calvert, Patricia
Robert E. Peary / by Patricia
Calvert. SprSum.02
About my Father's business / Regi
Campbell. June.2006
Campbell, Ross
Cameron, Catherine M.
Kids in Danger. Mar.97
Hopi dwellings. Jun.03
Campbell, Ross
Calhoun, Dia
Cameron, Sara
Firegold / by Dia Calhoun; pictures
by Hervé Blondon. Fall.01
Out of war : true stories from the
front lines of the Children's
Movement for Peace in Colombia /
Sara Cameron; in conjunction with
UNICEF. SprSum.02
Calkhoven, Laurie
Daniel at the Siege of Boston, 1776
/ Laurie Calkhoven. August 2011
Camon, Ferdinando
Callahan, Kerry P.
Mordechai Anielewicz : hero of the
Warsaw ghetto uprising / Kerry P.
Callahan. Apr.04
Memorial. Jan.96
Camp, Carole Ann
Kids in danger / by Ross Campbell
with Carole Sanderson Streeter.
Campbell, Sarah C.
Growing patterns : fibonacci
numbers in nature / Sarah C.
Campbell ; photographs by Sarah C.
Campbell and Richard P. Campbell.
October 2010
Campbell, Sarah C.
Growing patterns : Fibonacci
numbers in nature / Sarah C.
Campbell ; photographs by Sarah C.
Campbell and Richard P. Campbell.
Oct. 2010
Blood on the river : James Town
1607 / Elisa Carbone. Sept.2007
Carey, Charles W.
American scientists / Charles W.
Carey, Jr. Dec.2005
Card, Michael
Close Your Eyes So You Can See :
Stories of Children in the Life of
Jesus / by Michael Card;
illustrations by Stephen Marchesi.
Carey, George
Card, Michael
Carlblom, Linda McQuinn
Candaele, Kerry
fragile stone : the emotional life of
Simon Peter / Michael Card. Oct.03
Bound for Glory : From the Great
Migration to the Harlem
Renaissance, 1910-1930 / Kerry
Candaele. Nov.97
Bailey's Peoria problem / by Linda
Carlblom. 40391
Card, Michael
Carle, Eric
Joy in the Journey / by Michael
Card and Timothy R. Botts. Jan.98
From Head to Toe / Eric Carle.
Card, Michael
Carle, Eric
Scribbling in the sand : Christ and
creativity / Michael Card. Apr.03
The very lonely firefly. Nov.95
Campbell, Sarah C.
Wolfsnail : a backyard predator /
Sarah C. Campbell ; photographs by
Sarah C. Campbell and Richard P.
Campbell. 39912
Why I Believe in a Personal God :
The Credibility of Faith in a
Doubting Culture / by George
Carey. MarMay.98
Caner, Ergun Mehmet
Unveiling Islam: An Insider’s Look
at Muslim Life and Beliefs. Aug.03
Canfield, Jack
Sopa de Pollo Para El Alma : Relatos
Que Conmueven El Corazon Y
Ponen Fuego En El Espiritu / by Jack
Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen.
Card, Michael
Tell me why : eternal answers to
life's timeless questions / by
Michael Card; illustrations by Ron
DiCianni. Spr.01
Cannon, Janell
Card, Orson Scott
Stellaluna. Nov.95
Pastwatch : The Redemption of
Christopher Columbus. Nov.96
Capek, Michael
Murals : Cave, Cathedral, to Street.
Caras, Roger A.
Most Dangerous Journey : The Life
of an African Elephant. Jan.97
Carbone, Elisa Lynn
Very Clumsy Click Beetle / by Eric
Carle. Fall.00
Carling, Amelia Lau
Mama and Papa Have a Store /
story and pictures by Amelia Lau
Carling. Fall.98
Carlisle, Bob
Capaldi, Gina
boy named Beckoning : the true
story of Dr. Carlos Montezuma,
Native American hero / adapted
and illustrated by Gina Capaldi.
Carle, Eric
Career discovery encyclopedia.
Butterfly Kisses / by Bob Carlisle;
text adapted by Cindy Sterling;
illustrated by Sally Huss.
Career discovery encyclopedia
Carlisle, Rodney P.
Career discovery encyclopedia.
Iraq War / Rodney P. Carlisle ; John
S. Bowman, general editor.
Career discovery encyclopedia
Carew-Miller, Anna
Palestinians / Anna Carew-Miller.
Carey, Benedict
The unknowns : a mystery /
Benedict Carey. 40513
Carlson, Dwight L.
Overcoming the 7 obstacles to
spiritual growth / Dwight Carlson.
Carlson, Gregory C.
Rock-solid teacher / Gregory C.
Carlson. Sept.2007
Carlson, Melody
Double take : a novel / Melody
Carlson. 40848
Carlson, Melody
Awakening Heart / by Melody
Carlson. Fall.98
Carlson, Melody
Bad connection : a novel / Melody
Carlson. Sept.2006
Carlson, Melody
Benjamin's box : a resurrection
story / story by Melody Carlson;
illustrations by Jack Stockman.
Carlson, Melody
Easterville miracle / Melody Carlson
; illustrations by Susan Reagan.
Carlson, Melody
Everything I long for / by Melody
Carlson. Spr.01
Carlson, Melody
Falling up / Melody Carlson.
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Beyond reach : a novel / Melody
Carlson. Sept.2007
Farmer Brown's field trip / written
by Melody Carlson; illustrations by
Steve Bjorkman. Spr.01
Hi, I'm Mull Beary : the fruit of the
Spirit is patience / by Melody
Carlson; illustrations by Ben Mahan.
Carlson, Melody
Hi, I'm Razz Beary : the fruit of the
Spirit is joy / by Melody Carlson;
illustrations by Ben Mahan. Fall.01
Carlson, Melody
Homeward / by Marilyn Carlson.
Carlson, Melody
I do! : a novel / Melody Carlson.
Carlson, Melody
It's a green thing / Melody Carlson.
AprJune 2010
Carlson, Melody
Bitsy's harvest party / Melody
Carlson ; illustrations by Susan
Reagan. June.2005
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Finding Alice / Melody Carlson.
It's my life : diary of a teenage girl,
by Caitlin O'Conner / Melody
Carlson. SprSum.02
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Catwalk / Melody Carlson. 40391
Forgotten : seventeen and
homeless / Melody Carlson. 40695
Carlson, Melody
Crystal lies / by Melody Carlson.
Carlson, Melody
day the circus came to town / by
Melody Carlson; illustrations by
Ned Butterfield. Spr.01
Carlson, Melody
Diary of a teenage girl / by Melody
Carlson. Spr.01
Carlson, Melody
Hi, I'm Black Beary : the fruit of the
Spirit is peace / by Melody Carlson;
illustrations by Ben Mahan. Fall.01
Don't worry about tomorrow /
Melody Carlson ; illustrations by
Susan Reagan. Nov.2004
Just ask / Melody Carlson.
Carlson, Melody
Limelight / Melody Carlson.
AprJune 2010
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Hi, I'm Blue Beary : the fruit of the
Spirit is goodness / by Melody
Carlson; illustrations by Ben Mahan.
Looking for Cassandra Jane /
Melody Carlson. Jun.03
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Hi, I'm Huckle Beary : the fruit of
the Spirit is love / by Melody
Carlson; illustrations by Ben Mahan.
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Looking for you all my life / by
Melody Carlson. Spr.01
Carlson, Melody
Lost Lamb / written by Melody
Carlson; illustrated by Steve
Björkman. Win.00
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Nancy L.
Love your neighbor / Melody
Carlson ; illustrations by Susan
Reagan. Nov.2004
Secretly do good deeds / Melody
Carlson ; illustrations by Susan
Reagan. Nov.2004
It's Going to Be Perfect / by Nancy
Carlson. Fall.98
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Meant to be / Melody Carlson.
Shades of Light / by Marilyn
Carlson. Win.00
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Does God know how to tie shoes?.
Miranda's story / Melody Carlson.
Show each other forgiveness /
Melody Carlson ; illustrations by
Susan Reagan. Nov.2004
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Carlson, Melody
Glory / written by Nancy White
Carlstrom; illustrated by Debra Reid
Jenkins. SprSum.02
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Carlson, Melody
My name is Chloe, by Chloe Miller :
a novel / Melody Carlson. Jun.03
Sold out : a novel / by Melody
Carlson. Jun.03
Carlson, Melody
Baby-O. Jan.96
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Grandpappy. Mar.96
not-so-simple life / Melody Carlson.
AprJune 2010
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
On my own, by Caitlin O'Conner /
by Melody Carlson. Feb.03
That was then-- / by Melody
Carlson. Mar.2007
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Other Brother / written by Melody
Carlson; illustrated by Steve
Björkman. Fall.00
Twas the night : the nativity story /
Melody Carlson ; illustrations by
Susan Reagan. Mar.2005
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
parable of two builders : a retelling
of the Bible story / by Melody
Carlson ; illustrated by Steve
Bjorkman. Aug.2004
What matters most / Melody
Carlson. AprJune 2010
What does the sky say? / written by
Nancy White Carlstrom; illustrated
by Tim Ladwig. Win.02
Carlson, Melody
Carlton, Kathryn
When the creepy things come out /
by Melody Carlson ; illustrated by
Susan Reagan. Oct.03
Light the window / Produced by
Kathryn Carlton. Sep.97
Spotlight / Melody Carlson. 40513
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Mama, will it snow tonight? /
Nancy White Carlstrom ; illustrated
by Paul Tong. AprJune 2010
Carlstrom, Nancy White
This is the day / written by Nancy
White Carlstrom ; illustrated by
Richard Cowdrey. 40391
Carlstrom, Nancy White
Carlson, Melody
place to come home to / by Melody
Carlson. Spr.01
Carlton, Kathryn
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Melody
Premiere / Melody Carlson. 40391
Who I am, by Caitlin O'Conner /
Melody Carlson. Feb.03
Carlson, Melody
Carlson, Nancy L.
Rendezvous / Melody Carlson.
First grade, here I come! / Nancy
Carlson. Sept.2007
To the ends of the earth / Produced
by Kathryn Carlton. Sep.97
Carlyle, Linda Porter
Beautiful Bones and Butterflies.
Carlyle, Linda Porter
Cookies in the Mailbox. Mar.97
Hero's lot. Aug.Sept.2013
Carmichael, Nancie
Carlyle, Linda Porter
God and Joseph and Me. Mar.97
Carlyle, Linda Porter
Grandma stepped on Fred. Nov.96
Carlyle, Linda Porter
Grandma Stepped on Fred! / Linda
Porter Carlyle / Mary Rumford.
Carlyle, Linda Porter
No Olives Tonight!. Mar.97
Carlyle, Linda Porter
Your Life, God's Home : Knowing
the Joy of His Presence / by Nancie
Carmichael. WinSpr.99
Carris, Joan Davenport
Carmichael, William
Carroll, Bob
Lord, Bless My Child. Fall.00
The importance of Pancho Villa.
Peterson's success with words.
Carmichael, William
missionary : a novel / William
Carmichael and David Lambert.
OctDec 2009
Carroll, Lewis
Alice in Wonderland / by Lewis
Carroll; illustrated by Lisbeth
Zwerger. Sum.01
Carney, Margaret
Biggest fish in the lake / written by
Margaret Carney; illustrated by
Janet Wilson. Win.02
Red and Purple on My Feet. Jan.97
Carroll, Lewis
Alice's adventures in Wonderland /
by Lewis Carroll; compiled by
Cooper Edens. Sum.01
Carnivorous carnival
Carlyle, Linda Porter
Carnivorous carnival. Feb.03
Carroll, Michael
Carpan, Carolyn
Volcanoes and Earthquakes : A
Child's Guide to God's Power
Beneath Our Feet / by Michael
Carroll. Fall.98
Rescued from the river. Nov.96
Carman, L. Kay
Reaching out to religious youth / L.
Kay Carman, editor ; Carol S. Reich,
assistant editor. Mar.2005
Jane Yolen / Carolyn Carpan ;
foreword by Kyle Zimmer.
Carroll, Michael W.
Carpenter, Angelica Shirley
Carmi, Daniella
Samir and Yonatan / by Daniella
Carmi; translated by Yael Lotan.
Robert Louis Stevenson : Finding
Treasure Island / by Angelica Shirley
Carpenter & Jean Shirley. Jan.98
Carroll, Michael W.
Carr, G. Lloyd
Carmi, Danielle
Samir and Yonatan. Apr.04
Fierce goodbye : living in the
shadow of suicide / by G. Lloyd Carr
; with poetry by Gwendolyn C. Carr.
Carmichael, Amy
Gold Cord : The Story of a
Fellowship / Amy Carmichael.
Carr, Jan
Big Truck and Little Truck / by Jan
Carr; illustrated by Ivan Bates.
Carr, Patrick W.
A cast of stones / Patrick W. Carr.
Carmichael, Nancie
Desperate for God. Fall.00
Exploring ancient cities of the Bible
/ Michael and Caroline Carroll.
Carroll, Michael W.
Fish, bugs & birds / written and
illustrated by Michael and Caroline
Carroll ; cartoons by Travis King.
Carroll, Michael W.
Carmichael, Clay
Wild things / written & illustrated
by Clay Carmichael. AprJune 2010
Dinosaurs : exploring the scientific
mystery of God's creation / Michael
and Caroline Carroll. Feb.03
Carr, Patrick W.
Rocks & plants / written and
illustrated by Michael and Caroline
Carroll ; cartoons by Travis King.
Carroll, Michael W.
Sky & sea / written and illustrated
by Michael and Caroline Carroll.
Roman Empire and the New
Testament : an essential guide /
Warren Carter. Sept.2007
Cartmell, Todd
Carroll, Michael W.
Space & time / written and
illustrated by Michael and Caroline
Carroll. June.2007
Respectful kids : the complete
guide to bringing out the best in
your child / Todd Cartmell.
Carson, D.A.
Caruana, Vicki
How long, O Lord? : reflections on
suffering and evil / D.A. Carson.
ABC's of homeschooling / Vicki
Caruana. Win.02
Caruana, Vicki
Carson, Mary Kay
Exploring the solar system : a
history with 22 activities / Mary Kay
Carson. Dec.2006
Carter, Alden R.
Big Brother Dustin / by Alden R.
Carter; photographs by Dan Young
with Carol Carter. Jan.98
Chrissa stands strong : by Mary
Casanova. / by Mary Casanova ;
[illustrations by Richard Jones].
June 2009
Case, Robert
Japan / Robert Case. Apr.04
Caseley, Judith
Mickey's Class Play / by Judith
Caseley. WinSpr.99
Casey, Tina
Educating your gifted child / Vicki
Caruana. Apr.03
runaway valentine / by Tina Casey;
illustrated by Theresa Smythe.
Caruana, Vicki
Cassady, Marsh
Homeschooler's guide to-- / Vicki
Caruana. Aug.03
The theatre and you : a beginning.
Caruana, Vicki
Cassie, Brian
organized home schooler / Vicki
Caruana. SprSum.02
National Audubon Society First
Field Guide to Trees / by Brian
Cassie. Win.00
Carter, Alden R.
I'm Tougher than Asthma. Jan.97
Casanova, Mary
Carus, Marianne
I'm tougher than diabetes! / by
Alden R. Carter; photographs by
Carol Shadis Carter. SprSum.02
Fire and wings : dragon tales from
east & west / edited by Marianne
Carus ; illustrated by Nilesh Mistry,
with an introduction by Jane Yolen.
Carter, Betty Smartt
Carvell, Marlene
I Read It in the Wordless Book.
Sweetgrass basket / by Marlene
Carvell. June.2006
Leap into space / Nancy F. Castaldo
; illustrated by Patrick T. McRae.
Carter, Betty Smartt
Casad, Mary Brooke
Castaldo, Nancy Fusco
Tower, the Mask, and the Grave / A
mystery novel by Betty Smartt
Carter. Jan.98
Bluebonnet at the Texas State
Capitol / by Mary Brooke Casad;
illustrated by Benjamin Vincent.
Rainy Day Play! / Nancy Fusco
Castaldo; illustrations by Loretta
Braren. Nov.97
Carter, Alden R.
Carter, Penny
Big Trip for the Morrisons / by
Penny Carter. Fall.98
Carter, Warren
Casanova, Mary
Chrissa : by Mary Casanova. / by
Mary Casanova ; [illustrations by
Richard Jones]. June 2009
Cassie, Brian
National Audubon Society First
Field Guide. Amphibians / written
by Brian Cassie. Fall.00
Castaldo, Nancy F.
Castleman, Robbie
Parenting in the pew. SprSum.02
Castor, Harriet
Ballet stories / chosen by Harriet
Castor ; illustrated by Sally Holmes.
Caudill, Rebecca
Cavanaugh, Jack
Schoolroom in the parlor / Rebecca
Caudill. Dec.2005
His watchful eye / Jack Cavanaugh.
Caswell, Helen Rayburn
Caudill, Rebecca
Cavanaugh, Jack
God must like to laugh. Nov.95
Up and down the river / by Rebecca
Caudill ; pictures by Decie Merwin.
Patriots / Jack Cavanaugh. Sep.97
Caswell, Helen Rayburn
God's world makes me feel so little
/ by Helen Rayburn Caswell. Oct.95
Caught. Jan.97
Caswell, Helen Rayburn
Lord's Prayer / by Helen Rayburn
Caswell. Oct.95
Caswell, Helen Rayburn
Parable of the leaven. Jan.96
Causey, Linda
Across the Centuries : Teaching
Units for Timeless Children's
Literature from a Christian
Perspective, Level B, Vol.2 / by
Linda Causey and Debbie Bible.
Caswell, Helen Rayburn
Parable of the lost sheep. Jan.96
Caswell, Helen Rayburn
Cavanaugh, Jack
Above all earthly powers / Jack
Cavanaugh. Sept.2005
Parable of the mustard seed. Jan.96
Cavanaugh, Jack
Caswell, Helen Rayburn
The 23rd Psalm / illustrated by
Helen Caswell. Oct.95
Adversaries / Jack Cavanaugh.
Cavanaugh, Jack
Catherall, Arthur
strange intruder / Arthur Catherall.
Catholic faith in America
Catholic faith in America / Chester
Gillis. Apr.03
Allies / Jack Cavanaugh. Nov.97
Cavanaugh, Jack
Beyond the sacred page : a novel :
the Tyndale translation / Jack
Cavanaugh. Apr.04
Cavanaugh, Jack
Caudill, Rebecca
Happy little family / by Rebecca
Caudill ; pictures by Decie Merwin.
Colonists / Jack Cavanaugh. Sep.97
Cavanaugh, Jack
Pioneers / Jack Cavanaugh. Sep.97
Cavanaugh, Jack
Postmarked heaven / Jack
Cavanaugh. Apr.03
Cavanaugh, Jack
Puritans / Jack Cavanaugh. Sep.97
Cavanaugh, Jack
While mortals sleep / Jack
Cavanaugh. SprSum.02
Cave, Julie
Deadly disclosures / Julie Cave.
Cave, Julie
Pieces of light / Julie Cave. 40848
Cave, Julie
Shadowed mind / Julie Cave. 40848
Cave, Kathryn
boy who became an eagle / by
Kathryn Cave; illustrated by Nick
Maland. Sum.01
Cave, Kathryn
Henry's song. Sum.01
Dear enemy / by Jack Cavanaugh.
Cave, Kathryn
Cavanaugh, Jack
Something Else / by Kathryn Cave ;
illustrated by Chris Riddell.
Caudill, Rebecca
Schoolhouse in the woods / by
Rebecca Caudill ; pictures by Decie
Merwin. June.2005
Cavanaugh, Jack
Glimpses of truth / Jack Cavanaugh.
Ceban, Bonnie J.
Tornadoes : disaster & survival /
Bonnie J. Ceban. Sept.2005
photographs by Jeffrey L. Rotman.
Cecka, Melanie
Chaconas, Doris J.
Violet comes to stay : a Mitford
storybook / story by Melanie Cecka
; pictures by Emily Arnold McCully.
On a wintry morning / by Doris
Chaconas; illustrated by Stephen
Johnson. Fall.01
Chadder's Wild Frontier Adventure
Cejka, Mary Ann
Artisans of peace : grassroots
peacemaking among Christian
communities / edited by Mary Ann
Cejka and Thomas Barnat. Jun.03
Chadder's Wild Frontier Adventure.
Chaikin, L. L.
For whom the stars shine / by Linda
Chaikin. Sum.01
Chaikin, L. L.
Golden Palaces. Mar.97
Chaikin, L. L.
Kingscote. Jan.96
Chadwick, Roxane
Chaikin, L. L.
Amelia Earhart : aviation pioneer.
Lions of the Desert / by Linda
Chaiken. WinSpr.99
Chadwick, Roxane
Chaikin, L. L.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh : pilot and
poet. Nov.95
Lions of the Desert / by Linda
Chaikin. MarMay.98
farewell symphony / Anna Harwell
Celenza ; illustrated by JoAnn E.
Kitchel. Nov.2004
Chaffee, Janice
Chaikin, L. L.
If the prodigal were a daughter /
Janice Chaffee. Oct.03
Silk. Jan.96
Celenza, Anna Harwell
Chaiet, Donna
Swords and Scimitars. Mar.97
heroic symphony / Anna Harwell
Celenza ; illustrated by JoAnn E.
Kitchel. Nov.2004
Safe Zone : A Kid's Guide to
Personal Safety / by Donna Chaiet
and Francine Russell ; photographs
by Lillian Gee. Fall.98
Chaikin, L. L.
Celenza, Anna Harwell
Bach's Goldberg Variations / Anna
Harwell Celenza ; illustrated by
JoAnn E. Kitchel. June.2005
Celenza, Anna Harwell
Chaikin, L. L.
Tomorrow's treasure / Linda Lee
Chaikin. Nov.2004
Celenza, Anna Harwell
Pictures at an exhibition / Anna
Harwell Celenza ; illustrated by
JoAnn E. Kitchel. Nov.2004
Chaikin, L. L.
Cendrars, Blaise
Chaikin, L. L.
Chaikin, L. L.
Shadow / translated and illustrated
by Marcia Brown from the French
of Blaise Cendrars. Aug.2004
Behind the Veil / by Linda Chaikin.
Valiant Hearts / by Linda Chaikin.
Chaikin, L. L.
Chaikin, L. L.
Certain Poor Shepherds : A
Christmas Tale
Desert Rose / Linda Chaikin. Aug.03
Winds of Allegiance / by Linda
Chaikin. MarMay.98
Certain Poor Shepherds : A
Christmas Tale / Elizabeth Thomas.
Chaikin, L. L.
Arabian Winds / by Linda Chaikin.
Empire builders. Sept.96
Cerullo, Mary M.
Chaikin, L. L.
Dolphins : What They Can Teach Us
/ text by Mary M. Cerullo;
Endangered / by Linda Chaikin.
Chaikin, L. L.
Under eastern stars. Jan.96
Chaikin, L. L.
Yesterday's promise / Linda Lee
Chaikin. Nov.2004
Chall, Sally Leman
Making God Real to Your Children.
Chamberlin-Calamar, Pat
Alaska's 12 days of summer / by Pat
Chamberlin-Calamar; illustrated by
Shannon Cartwright. Aug.03
Champion, Joyce
Emily and Alice baby-sit Burton /
written by Joyce Champion;
illustrated by Joan Parazette. Fall.01
Champion, Joyce
Emily and Alice stick together /
written by Joyce Champion;
illustrated by Susie Stevenson.
Champion, Joyce
Emily and Alice, best friends / Joyce
Champion; illustrated by Susie
Stevenson. Fall.01
Chan, Gillian
carved box / by Gillian Chan.
Chandra, Deborah
Who comes. Nov.96
Changing Times
Chapman, Colin Gilbert
Cross and crescent : responding to
the challenge of Islam / Colin
Chapman. Aug.2004
Chapman, Gary
A perfect pet for Peyton / Gary
Chapman & Rick Osborne ;
illustrated by Wilson Williams, Jr.
Chapman, Gary
five love languages : how to express
heartfelt commitment to your mate
/ Gary Chapman. SprSum.02
Chapman, Gary
five love languages of children /
Gary Chapman & Ross Campbell,
M.D. SprSum.02
Chapman, Gary
Other Side of Love : Handling Anger
in a Godly Way / by Gary Chapman.
Chapman, Gary
The 5 love languages : the secret to
love that lasts / Gary Chapman.
Chapman, Gary
Changing Times. Nov.96
The 5 love languages of teenagers /
Gary Chapman. 40634
Chapell, Bryan
Chapman, Gary
Holiness by grace : delighting in the
joy that is our strength / Bryan
Chapell. SprSum.02
The five languages of apology /
Gary Chapman, Jennifer Thomas.
Chapian, Marie
Chapman, Gillian
Alula-Belle Blows into Town / Marie
Chapian. Sep.97
Bible make & do : reproducible
craft ideas for ages 6-12, book 3 /
Gillian Chapman. Aug.2004
Chapian, Marie
Alula-Belle Braves Ice Cream Beach
/ Marie Chapian. Sep.97
Chapman, Gillian
Bible make & do : reproducible
craft ideas for ages 6-12, book 4 /
Gillian Chapman. Aug.2004
Chapman, Gillian
Celebrations make & do / by Gillian
Chapman. Dec.2004
Chapman, Gillian
Easter make & do : reproducible
Bible craft ideas for ages 6-12 /
Gillian Chapman. Nov.2004
Chapman, Kelly
A warrior prince for God / by Kelly
Chapman ; illustrated by Jeff
Ebbeler. Oct. 2010
Chapman, Kelly
Princess with a purpose / by Kelly
Chapman ; illustrated by Tammy
Lyon. October 2010
Chapman, Kelly
Princess with a purpose / by Kelly
Chapman ; illustrated by Tammy
Lyon. Oct. 2010
Chapman, Kelly
warrior prince for God / by Kelly
Chapman ; illustrated by Jeff
Ebbeler. October 2010
Chapman, Mary Beth
Choosing to see : a journey of
struggle and hope / Mary Beth
Chapman with Ellen Vaughn. 40695
Charles, Veronika Martenova
Hey! What's That Sound? / by
Veronika Martenova Charles.
Charles, Veronika Martenova
Necklace of Stars / by Veronika
Martenova Charles. MarMay.98
Charley, Catherine
Tombs & Treasures. Jan.97
Charman, Andy
I wonder why trees have leaves,
and other questions about plants /
Andrew Charman. Nov.2004
America, a patriotic primer / Lynne
Cheney ; illustrated by Robin Preiss
Glasser. June.2007
Charnas, Suzy McKee
Cheney, Lynne V.
Kingdom of Kevin Malone / by Suzy
McKee Charnas. Fall.98
is for Abigail: an almanac of
amazing American women / by
Lynne Cheney ; illustrated by Robin
Preiss Glasser. June.2007
Charton, Barbara
Clarice Bean / Lauren Child. 40695
Child, Lauren
Clarice Bean / Lauren Child. 40695
Children's atlas of the world
Children's atlas of the world.
Facts on File Marine dict..marine
science / Barbaraa Charton. Win.02
Cheney, Lynne V.
children's Bible encyclopedia
Chase, Emily Parke
Our 50 states : a family adventure
across America / Lynne Cheney ;
illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser.
children's Bible encyclopedia.
Help! my family's messed up / Emily
Parke Chase. AprJune 2010
Children's core collection
Cheney, Lynne V.
Cheatham, Kae
Dennis Banks : Native American
Activist / by Kae Cheatham.
Chediak, Alex
Thriving at college : make great
friends, keep your faith, and get
ready for the real world! / Alex
Chediak ; [foreword by Alex and
Brett Harris]. 41061
Cheever, George Barrell
Lectures on the Pilgrim's progress.
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
river ran wild / by Lynne Cherry.
child's garden of prayer
Cheney, Lynne V.
child's garden of prayer /
illustrations by Marilynn Barr.
time for freedom : what happened
when in America / Lynne Cheney.
Chisholm, Sarah Reid
Cheney, Lynne V.
When Washington crossed the
Delaware : a wintertime story for
young patriots / Lynne Cheney ;
illustrated by Peter Fiore. June.2007
Chessa, Francesca
Holly's red boots / Francesca
Chessa. 40513
Kashtanka. Nov.96
Chicoine, Stephen
Chemistry : an illustrated guide to
Chemistry : an illustrated guide to
science / the Diagram Group.
Chen, Jiang Hong
legend of the kite : a story of China
/ by Jiang Hong Chen. Sum.01
Cheney, Lynne V.
Children's core collection. 40634
Liberian Family / by Stephen
Chicoine. Jan.98
Chicoine, Stephen
Lithuania : the nation that would be
free. Jan.96
Chicoine, Stephen
Spain : Bridge Between Continents /
by Stephen Chicoine. MarMay.98
Child, Lauren
Easter hunt : a hide-and-seek story
/ written by Sarah Reid Chisholm;
illustrated by Michelle Neavill.
Chodos-Irvine, Margaret
Ella Sarah gets dressed / Margaret
Chodos-Irvine. Mar.2005
Chodos-Irvine, Margaret
Ella Sarah gets dressed / Margaret
Chodos-Irvine. Jun.03
Choi, Anne Soon
Korean Americans / Anne Soon
Choi. Sept.2007
Choldenko, Gennifer
Al Capone does my shirts / Gennifer
Choldenko. Sept.2005
Chorao, Kay
Book of Giving : Poems of Thanks,
Praise and Celebration / Collected
and illustrated by Kay Chorao.
Chorao, Kay
Christenson, Larry
Christopher, Matt
wonderful way babies are made /
by Larry Christenson; illustrated by
Cheri Bladholm. Spr.01
Man out at first : a Peach Street
Mudders story. Jan.96
Grayboy / Kay Chorao. Apr.03
Christopher, Matt
Chorao, Kay
Christian parenting answers : a
reference book for parents of
children ages 0 to 5
Penalty Shot / by Matt Christopher.
Jumpety-Bumpety Hop : A Parade
of Animal Poems / by Kay Chorao.
Christian parenting answers : a
reference book for parents of
children ages 0 to 5. Sept.96
Christopher, Matt
Chorao, Kay
Christian, Judith A.
Christopher, Matt
Rhymes round the world /
[compiled by] Kay Chorao. August
Celebration puzzle pieces.
Top Wing. Jan.97
Pressure play. Jan.96
Chrisman, Arthur Bowie
Shen of the Sea / by Arthur Bowie
Chrisman ; illustrated by Else
Hasselriis. Sept.2005
Christian, Judith A.
Christian, Peggy
bookstore mouse. SprSum.02
Christelow, Eileen
Vote! / Eileen Christelow. Aug.2004
Christensen, Bonnie
Christianson, Stephen G.
Time to Pray God's Way. Fall.00
international book of days / by
Stephen G. Christianson ; edited by
Lynn M. Messina ; contributors,
Jennifer Peloso, Norris Smith, Laura
Ware. Dec.2005
Christenson, Evelyn
Christmas : An Annual Treasury
What Happens When Children
Pray?. Fall.00
Christmas : An Annual Treasury.
Christenson, Evelyn
Christopher, Matt
What Happens When We Pray for
Our Families?. Fall.00
Baseball flyhawk. Jan.96
Christenson, Evelyn
Christenson, Evelyn
What Happens When Women
Pray?. Fall.00
Ride the river / Larry Christenson.
Christy Volume 3: A closer walk;
and Both your houses. Nov.96
Chronology of World History (CD)
Chronology of World History (CD).
Chrystie, Frances N.
Pets : A Comprehensive Handbook
for Kids. Jan.97
Chudler, Eric H.
Inside your brain / Eric H. Chudler.
Chung, Chi
That Easter morn / text taken from
Lutheran Service Book ; art by Chi
Chung. June.2007
Christopher, Matt
Double play at short. Jan.96
Christopher, Matt
Christenson, Larry
Christy Volume 3: A closer walk;
and Both your houses
Christian, Peggy
The bookstore mouse. Sept.96
Rebus Riot / by Bonnie Christensen.
Christy. Sept.96
Hallelujah! Hurray!. SprSum.02
Fighting Tackle / by Matt
Christopher; illustrated by Karen
Lidbeck. Jan.98
Cifarelli, Megan
India : One Nation, Many
Traditions. Mar.97
Ciovacco, Justine
State-by-state atlas / Justine
Ciovacco, Kathleen A. Feeley, and
Kristen Behrens. June.2007
Ciovacco, Justine
Surf the internet / by Justine
Ciovacco. Aug.2004
Ciovacco, Justine
Turn on the TV / by Justine
Ciovacco. Aug.2004
City of the bees
Nellie Bishop / Clara Gillow Clark.
Classic Bible stories
Classic Bible stories / Rabbit Ears
Entertainment. Mar.2007
Clark, Clara Gillow
Nellie Bishop / Clara Gillow Clark.
Claude-Pierre, Peggy
Secret Language of Eating Disorders
/ by Peggy Claude-Pierre. Fall.98
Clark, Clara Gillow
Willie and the Rattlesnake King / by
Clara Gillow Clark. MarMay.98
City of the bees. Sept.96
Clay, Rebecca
Ukraine : A New Independence /
Rebecca Clay. Nov.97
Clark, John Owen Edward
Civardi, Anne
Viking Raiders / by Ann Civardi and
James Graham-Campbell ; edited by
Phillippa Wingate ; illustrated by
Stephen Cartwright ; designed by
Michele Busby and John Jamieson.
Clairmont, Patsy
Sportin' a 'Tude : What Your
Attitude Says When You're Not
Looking / Patsy Clairmont. Sep.97
Facts on File dictionary of earth
science / edited by John O.E. Clark
and Stella Stiegeler. Fall.01
Claybourne, Anna
Clark, Mary Higgins
Claybourne, Anna
Silent Night. Mar.97
Golda Meir / Anna Claybourne.
Genetics / Anna Claybourne.
Clark, Mindy Starns
dime a dozen / Mindy Starns Clark.
Claybourne, Anna
human body / Anna Claybourne.
Clark, Mindy Starns
Clairmont, Patsy
Tea with Patsy Clairmont / by Patsy
Clairmont. WinSpr.99
Don't take any wooden nickels /
Mindy Starns Clark. Aug.03
Claybourne, Anna
solar system / Anna Claybourne.
Clark, Mindy Starns
Clark, Ann Nolan
Little boy with three names. Jun.03
Clark, Ann Nolan
Secret of the Andes / by Ann Nolan
Clark ; with drawings by Jean
Charlot. Apr.04
Penny for your thoughts / Mindy
Starns Clark. Apr.03
Annie's Choice / Clara Gillow Clark.
Clark, Clara Gillow
Annie's Choice / Clara Gillow Clark.
Clark, Clara Gillow
Stories Jesus still tells : the parables
/ John Claypool. Fall.01
Clark, Mindy Starns
quarter for a kiss / Mindy Starns
Clark. Apr.04
Clark, Silvana
Clark, Clara Gillow
Claypool, John
151 Ways to Raise Creative,
Confident Kids / by Silvana Clark.
Cleary, Beverly
Dear Mr. Henshaw / Beverly Cleary
; illustrated by Paul O. Zelinsky.
Cleary, Beverly
girl from Yamhill : a memoir /
Beverly Cleary. Sept.2007
Clarke, David
Marriage after God's own heart /
David Clarke. Win.02
Clary, Margie Willis
Cleary, Beverly
Henry Huggins / Beverly Cleary ;
illustrated by Louis Darling.
The sweet, sweet basket. Nov.96
Cleary, Beverly
mouse and the motorcycle.
Cleary, Beverly
I, Too, Sing America : Three
Centuries of African American
Poetry / by Catherine Clinton;
illustrated by Stephen Alcorn.
mouse and the motorcycle /
Beverly Cleary ; illustrated by Tracy
Dockray. Sept.2007
Clinton, Catherine
Cleary, Beverly
Phillis’s big test / written by
Catherine Clinton ; illustrated by
Sean Qualls. OctDec 2009
Ralph S. Mouse. SprSum.02
Ralph S. Mouse / Beverly Cleary ;
illustrated by Tracy Dockray.
Cleary, Beverly
Runaway Ralph. SprSum.02
Cleary, Beverly
Runaway Ralph / Beverly Cleary ;
illustrated by Tracy Dockray.
Scholastic encyclopedia of the Civil
War / by Catherine Clinton. Sum.01
Clinton, Cathryn
stone in my hand. Apr.04
Clinton, Verna
Ashkii’s journey / written and
illustrated by Verna Clinton ; Navajo
editing, Elavina Perkins ; English
editing, Jerrold T. Johnson.
Clement, Nathan
Clipston, Amy
Job site / Nathan Clement. 41061
A place of peace / Amy Clipston.
Clements, Andrew
Frindle. Win.00
Cline, Foster W.
Parenting teens with love & logic :
preparing adolescents for
responsible adulthood / Cline,
Foster W.\Fay, Jim. Sept.96
Clipston, Amy
A promise of hope / Amy Clipston.
Reckless heart / Amy Clipston. Aug
/ Oct 2012
Clipston, Amy
Parenting with love & logic :
teaching children responsibility /
Cline, Foster W.\Fay, Jim. Sept.96
Reckless heart / Amy Clipston. Aug
/ Oct 2012
Clipston, Amy
Black soldier : 1492 to the present /
Catherine Clinton. Win.02
The gift of grace / Amy Clipston.
Closson, Don
Clinton, Catherine
Boundaries face to face : how to
have that difficult conversation
you've been avoiding / Henry Cloud
and John Townsend. Apr.04
Boundaries with Kids : When to Say
Yes, When to Say No to Help Your
Children Gain Control of Their Lives
/ by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John
Townsend. Fall.98
Cloud, Henry
How people grow : what the Bible
reveals about personal growth /
Henry Cloud, John Townsend.
Cloud, Henry
NIV life journey Bible / [edited by]
Henry Cloud, John Townsend.
Cloud, Henry
NIV life journey Bible / [edited by]
Henry Cloud, John Townsend.
Cloud, Teri
Clipston, Amy
Cline, Foster W.
Clinton, Catherine
Cloud, Henry
Cloud, Henry
Clinton, Catherine
Cleary, Beverly
the headlines that impact your
family / Don Closson, general
editor. Sum.01
Kids, classrooms, and
contemporary education : probing
Sophie and Sam : when to say "yes"
and when to say "no" / by Tori
Cloud ; illustrated by Becky
Valentine. Dec.2006
Clouse, Bonnidell
Teaching for Moral Growth : A
Guide for the Christian Community,
Teachers, Parents, and Pastors / by
Bonnie Clouse. WinSpr.99
Clouse, Nancy L.
Perugino's Path : The Journey of a
Renaissance Painter / Author and
illustrator Nancy L. Clouse.
Coble, Colleen
Coatsworth, Elizabeth Jane
cat who went to heaven / by
Elizabeth Coatsworth ; illustrated
by Lynd Ward. Apr.04
Cobb, Mary
The quilt-block history of pioneer
days : with projects kids can make.
Distant echoes / Colleen Coble.
Cobb, Vicki
Don't Try This at Home : Science
Fun for Kids on the Go / by Vicki
Cobb and Kathy Darling ; illustrated
by True Kelley. Fall.98
Historical Album of Washington.
Coble, Colleen
Fire dancer / Colleen Coble.
Cocke, William
Historical Album of Washington.
Coble, Colleen
Into the deep / Colleen Coble.
Cobb, Nancy
How to get your husband to talk to
you / Nancy Cobb, Connie Grigsby.
Cocke, William
Coble, Colleen
Safe in his arms / Colleen Coble.
Coble, Colleen
Without a trace / Colleen Coble.
Coel, Margaret
Ghost Walker. Mar.97
Coggins, James R.
Who's Grace? / James R. Coggins.
Coggins, James Robert
Mountaintop Drive : a John Smyth
mystery / James R. Coggins.
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann
Cobb, Vicki
Science experiments you can eat /
Vicki Cobb ; illustrated by David
Cain. Sept.2007
Bravery soup / written and
illustrated by Maryann CoccaLeffler. Apr.03
Cohen, Barbara
Molly's Pilgrim / by Barbara Cohen;
illustrated by Daniel Mark Duffy.
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann
Cobb, Vicki
You gotta try this! : absolutely
irresistible science / by Vicki Cobb
and Kathy Darling ; illustrated by
True Kelley. Sept.2007
Cobb, Vicki
Your body battles a broken bone /
by Vicki Cobb ; with
microphotographs by Dennis
Kunkel ; illustrated by Andrew N.
Harris. 40210
Missing : One Stuffed Rabbit / by
Maryann Cocca-Leffler. WinSpr.99
Cocca-Leffler, Maryann
Mr. Tanen's tie trouble / written
and illustrated by Maryann CoccaLeffler. Mar.2005
Cohen, Caron Lee
Happy to you! / by Caron Lee
Cohen; illustrated by Rosanne
Litzinger. SprSum.02
Cohen, Lisa J.
The handy psychology answer book
/ Lisa J. Cohen. 40848
Cochran, Brian
Easter promise / original story by
Brian Cochran; text adaptation by
Lila Empson; art direction by Angela
Costello & Linda Powell. Spr.01
Cohn, Janice
Christmas menorahs : how a town
fought hate. Nov.96
Coble, Coleen
Rock Harbor Search and Rescue / by
Colleen Coble and Robin Caroll.
Cochran, Gary
Shaping Our Environmental
Conscience : The Caring Christian's
Environmental Guide. Jan.97
Coble, Colleen
Beyond a doubt / Colleen Coble.
Coker, Rachel
Chasing Jupiter / Rachel Coker.
Coker, Rachel
Cochran, Judith
Using Literature to Learn America's
Story / by Judith Cochran. Jan.98
Chasing Jupiter / Rachel Coker.
Cole, C. Donald
All You Need to Believe / by C.
Donald Cole. WinSpr.99
Friendship 7 : first American in
orbit. Jan.96
Colfer, Eoin
Artemis Fowl / Eoin Colfer. Oct.03
Cole, Michael D.
Cole, Joanna
Give a Dog a Bone : Stories, Poems,
Jokes, and Riddles About Dogs /
Compiled by Joanna Cold and
Stephanie Calmenson; with original
illustrations by John Speirs. Jan.98
Cole, Joanna
Magic School Bus and the science
fair expedition / by Joanna Cole ;
illustrated by Bruce Degen.
John F. Kennedy : president of the
New Frontier. Nov.96
Vostok 1 : first human in space.
Facts on File dict..cultural and
historical allusions / Sylvia Cole,
Abraham H. Lass. Win.02
Magic School Bus and the science
fair expedition / by Joanna Cole ;
illustrated by Bruce Degen. 39912
Facts on File dict..modern allusions
/ Sylvia Cole, Abraham H. Lass.
Cole, Joanna
Coleman, Evelyn
Magic School Bus Inside a
Hurricane. Jan.97
White Socks Only / by Evelyn
Coleman; illustrations by Tyrone
Geter. Fall.00
Fins, feathers, and faith / William L.
Coleman. Win.02
Coleman, William L.
Apollo 11 : first moon landing.
If I Could Raise My Kids Again /
William L. Coleman. Sep.97
Cole, Michael D.
Coleman, William L.
Apollo 13 : space emergency.
light in the shadows : emerging
from the darkness of depression /
by William L. Coleman. Spr.01
Challenger : America's space
tragedy. Jan.96
Coleman, William L.
light in the shadows : emerging
from the darkness of depression /
William L. Coleman. Fall.01
Cole, Michael D.
Columbia : first flight of the space
shuttle. Jan.96
Cole, Michael D.
Artemis Fowl : the eternity code /
Eoin Colfer. Oct.03
Collard, Sneed B.
B is for Big Sky Country : a Montana
alphabet / written by Sneed B.
Collard III ; illustrated by Joanna
Yardley. Nov.2004
Collard, Sneed B.
Leaving home / Sneed B. Collard, III;
illustrated by Joan Dunning. Feb.03
College 101 : campus life for
College 101 : campus life for
Christians. 40695
Coleman, William L.
Cole, Michael D.
Cole, Michael D.
Colfer, Eoin
Cole, Sylvia
Cole, Sylvia
New Baby at Your House, rev. ed. /
by Joanna Cole ; photographs by
Margaret Miller. Fall.98
Artemis Fowl : the Arctic incident /
Eoin Colfer. Oct.03
Cole, Michael D.
Cole, Joanna
Cole, Joanna
Colfer, Eoin
Cole-Turner, Ronald
Human Cloning : Religious
Responses / edited by Ronald ColeTurner. WinSpr.99
Collicott, Sharleen
Toestomper and the bad butterflies
/ [written and illustrated by]
Sharleen Collicott. Aug.03
Collier, Christopher
American Revolution, 1763-1784 /
by Christopher Collier and James
Lincoln Collier. WinSpr.99
Collier, Christopher
Century of Immigration, 1820-1924
/ by Christopher Collier and James
Lincoln Collier. Win.00
Collier, Christopher
Civil War, 1860-1865 / by
Christopher Collier and James
Lincoln Collier. Win.00
Collier, Christopher
Clash of Cultures, Prehistory-1638 /
by Christopher Collier and James
Lincoln Collier. WinSpr.99
rise of the cities, 1820-1920 / by
Christopher Collier and James
Lincoln Collier. Fall.01
Collins, Brandilyn
Collier, Christopher
Collier, Christopher
Collins, Brandilyn
French and Indian War, 1660-1763
/ by Christopher Collier and James
Lincoln Collier. WinSpr.99
Slavery and the Coming of the Civil
War, 1831-1861 / by Christopher
Collier and James Lincoln Collier.
Crimson eve / Brandilyn Collins.
Collins, Brandilyn
Collier, Christopher
Indians, cowboys, and farmers and
the battle for the Great Plains,
1865-1910 / by Christopher Collier
and James Lincoln Collier. Fall.01
Collier, Christopher
middle road : American politics,
1945-2000 / by Christopher Collier
and James Lincoln Collier. Feb.03
Coral moon / Brandilyn Collins.
Collier, Christopher
United States enters the world
stage : from Alaska through World
War I, 1867-1919 / by Christopher
Collier and James Lincoln Collier.
Dead of night / Brandilyn Collins.
Collins, Brandilyn
Exposure : a novel / Brandilyn
Collins. August 2011
Collier, James Lincoln
Collins, Brandilyn
Clocks / James Lincoln Collier.
Final touch / Brandilyn Collins &
Amberly Collins. 40391
Collier, James Lincoln
Collins, Brandilyn
My brother Sam is dead / James
Lincoln Collier and Christopher
Collier. Apr.04
Last breath / Brandilyn Collins &
Amberly Collins. 40210
Collier, Christopher
Paradox of Jamestown, 1585-1700 /
by Christopher Collier and James
Lincoln Collier. WinSpr.99
Collier, Christopher
Pilgrims and Puritans, 1620-1676 /
by Christopher Collier and James
Lincoln Collier. WinSpr.99
Collier, James Lincoln
Collier, Christopher
Collier, Kevin Scott
Progressivism, the Great
Depression, and the New Deal,
1901 to 1941 / by Christopher
Collier and James Lincoln Collier.
[email protected] : the story
of young Jordon Mink and the email
he got from Heaven / Kevin Scott
Collier. Dec.2005
Collier, Christopher
Reconstruction and the Rise of Jim
Crow, 1864-1896 / by Christopher
Collier and James Lincoln Collier.
Collier, Christopher
Rise of Industry, 1860-1900 / by
Christopher Collier and James
Lincoln Collier. Win.00
Collier, Christopher
Vaccines / James Lincoln Collier.
Collins, Brandilyn
Stain of guilt / Brandilyn Collins.
Collins, Brandilyn
Violet dawn / Brandilyn Collins.
Collins, Brandilyn
Collins, Brandilyn
Web of lies / Brandilyn Collins.
Always watching / by Brandilyn
Collins & Amberly Collins. 40210
Collins, C. John
Collins, Brandilyn
Brink of death / Brandilyn Collins.
Collins, Brandilyn
Cast a road before me / Brandilyn
Collins. Fall.01
Science & faith : friends or foes? /
C. John Collins. Mar.2007
Collins, Gary R.
Family Shock : Keeping Families
Strong in the Midst of Earthshaking
Change. Jan.97
Collins, Pat Lowery
Hidden voices : the orphan
musicians of Venice / Pat Lowery
Collins. October 2010
Collins, Suzanne
Catching fire / Suzanne Collins.
Colson, Charles W.
Human dignity in the biotech
century : a Christian vision for
public policy / Charles W. Colson
and Nigel M. de S. Cameron,
editors. June.2005
Colver, Kevin
Mockingjay / by Suzanne Collins.
Stokes Field Guide to Bird Songs :
Western Region / by Lang Elliott,
with Donald & Lillian Stokes.
Collins, Suzanne
Colyer, Carlton
The Hunger Games / by Suzanne
Collins. 41061
The art of acting : from basic
exercises to multidimensional
performances. Jan.96
Collins, Suzanne
Collinwood, Dean W.
Korea : The High and Beautiful
Peninsula / Dean W. Collinwood.
Colopy, Elsa Kok
Pure love pure life / Elsa Kok
Colopy. Aug / Oct 2012
Colopy, Elsa Kok
Pure love pure life / Elsa Kok
Colopy. Aug / Oct 2012
Combres, Elisabeth
Broken memory : a novel of
Rwanda / Élisabeth Combres ;
translated by Shelley Tanaka.
October 2010
Concise Columbia Electronic
Encyclopedia (online). Win.00
Conde-Frazier, Elizabeth
Listen to the children :
conversations with immigrant
families / Elizabeth Conde-Frazier ;
foreword by Luis Cortés, Jr. 40695
Conford, Ellen
Get the picture, Jenny Archer?.
Conlan, Kathleen Elizabeth
Under the ice / Kathy Conlan;
[photographs by Louise Dickson].
Connor, Ralph
Company of the Noble Seven /
Ralph Connor ; edited by Timothy
McCullough. Sep.97
Combres, Elisabeth
Conrad, Pam
Broken memory : a novel of
Rwanda / Élisabeth Combres ;
translated by Shelley Tanaka. Oct.
Blue Willow / by Pam Conrad;
illustrated by S. Saelig Gallagher.
Cook, Jean Thor
Companjen, Johan
Room for a stepdaddy. Sept.96
Against the night / by Charles
Colson with Ellen Santilli Vaughn.
Please pray for us : praying for
persecuted Christians in 52 nations
/ Johan Companjen, general editor.
Coombs, Karen Mueller
Colson, Charles
Compher, Catherine Hardy
Christ in Easter : a family
celebration of holy week. Nov.96
Shoes on, shoes off. Mar.96
Colson, Charles
Colson, Charles
Christ in Easter : A Family
Celebration of Holy Week. Jan.97
Colson, Charles
Christ in Easter : a family
celebration of Holy Week / Charles
W. Colson … [et al.; compiled and
edited by Cheryl Stine]. Spr.01
Compton's Encyclopedia (CD)
Compton's Encyclopedia (CD).
Compton's Encyclopedia (online)
Compton's Encyclopedia (online).
Jackie Robinson : Baseball's Civil
Rights Legend / by Karen Mueller
Coombs. WinSpr.99
Coon, Cliff
mending string / Cliff Coon.
Cooney, Barbara
Chanticleer and the fox / Geoffrey
Chaucer ; adapted and illustrated
by Barbara Cooney. June.2007
Cooney, Barbara
Concise Columbia Electronic
Encyclopedia (online)
Eleanor / Barbara Cooney. Nov.97
Cooney, Caroline B.
They never came back / Caroline B.
Cooney. October 2010
Cooper, Robert
case of bad taste / Lori Copeland.
Croatia / Robert Cooper. SprSum.02
Copeland, Lori
Cooney, Caroline B.
Wanted! / by Caroline B. Cooney.
Cooper, Stephen Andrew
Augustine for armchair theologians
/ Stephen Cooper ; illustrations by
Ron Hill. Apr.04
Cooper, Catherine W.
Ukraine / Catherine W. Cooper ;
ith additional te t by oran
Pavlovi . June.2007
Cooper, Elisha
Ice cream / Elisha Cooper. Apr.03
Cooper, Susan
dark is rising / Susan Cooper ;
illustrated by Alan E. Cober. Apr.04
Cooper, Susan
Child of grace / Lori Copeland.
Copeland, Lori
island of Heavenly Daze / by Lori
Copeland and Angela Hunt. Sum.01
Copeland, Lori
Roses will bloom again / Lori
Copeland. Apr.03
Greenwitch / Susan Cooper. Apr.04
Copeland, Lori
Cooper, Floyd
Cumbayah / by Floyd Cooper.
Cooper, Helen
Boy Who Wouldn't Go to Bed / by
Helen Cooper. MarMay.98
Cooper, Susan
grey king / by Susan Cooper ; ill. by
Michael Heslop. Apr.04
Cooper, Susan
Over sea, under stone / Susan
Cooper ; illustrated by Margery Gill.
Sam I am / Ilene Cooper. Sept.2005
Cooper, Susan
Cooper, Michael L
Silver on the tree / Susan Cooper.
Bound for the promised land : the
great black migration. Nov.96
Copan, Paul
Double V Campaign : African
Americans and World War II / by
Michael L. Cooper. Fall.00
How do you know you're not
wrong? : responding to objections
that leave Christians speechless /
Paul Copan. Dec.2005
Copan, Paul
Cooper, Patrick
Never trust a squirrel! / by Patrick
Cooper; illustrated by Catherine
Walters. Spr.01
Cooper, Robert
Bahrain / Robert Cooper.
Cooper, Robert
Bhutan / Robert Cooper. SprSum.02
Copeland, Lori
warmth in winter / Lori Copeland
and Angela Hunt. Jun.03
Copley, Robert E.
Cooper, Ilene
Cooper, Michael L.
Stranded in paradise : a story of
letting go / by Lori Copeland.
True for You, But Not for Me :
Deflating the Slogans That Leave
Christians Speechless / by Paul
Copan. Win.00
Copeland, Kathe Martin
Mama's going to heaven soon / by
Kathe Martin Copeland ; illustrated
by Elissa Hudson. Dec.2006
Copeland, Lori
Tall Mexican : the Life of Hank
Aguirre, All-Star Pitcher,
Businessman, Humanitarian / by
Robert E. Copley ; with a forward by
José F. Niño. WinSpr.99
Coplon, Emily and Orgel, Doris
She'll Be Coming Around the
Mountain / by Emily Coplon, Doris
Orgel, and Ellen Schecter;
illustrated by Rowan BarnesMurphy. MarMay.98
Corbett, Steve
When helping hurts : how to
alleviate poverty without hurting
the poor …and yourself / Steve
Corbett and Brian Fikkert. 40695
Corbett, Sue
The last newspaper boy in America
/ Sue Corbett. August 2011
Corcoran, Elisabeth K.
Corrick, James A.
Calm in my chaos / Elisabeth K.
Corcoran. Win.02
Byzantine Empire / by James A.
Corrick. MarMay.98
Lord, help me love my sister : she
breathed on my food again / by
Clair G. Cosby. Oct.95
Corcoran, Mary K.
Corrick, James A.
Costello, Angela Ward
circulatory story / Mary K. Corcoran
; illustrated by Jef Czekaj. October
Renaissance / by James A. Corrick.
Easter promise [and] The witness /
created and directed by Angela
Ward Costello. June.2007
Corrigan, Jim
Corcoran, Mary K.
The circulatory story / Mary K.
Corcoran ; illustrated by Jef Czekaj.
Oct. 2010
Cordeiro, Wayne
Rising above / Wayne Cordeiro.
Coren, Michael
Man Who Created Narnia : Story of
C. S. Lewis / Michael Coren. Nov.97
Corey, Dorothy
Will There Be a Lap for Me?. Jan.97
Corey, Shana
Here come the Girl Scouts! : the
amazing all-true story of Juliette
"Daisy" Gordon Low and her great
adventure / by Shana Corey ;
illustrated by Hadley Hooper.
Causes of the World War II / Jim
Corrigan. June.2006
Corrigan, Patricia
Waterfalls / Patricia Corrigan.
Corriveau, Danielle
Inuit of Canada / Danielle
Corriveau. Oct.03
Pueblo Indian. Nov.96
Corzine, Phyllis
Black Death / by Phyllis Corzine.
Cosby, Bill
Money Troubles / by Bill Cosby ;
illustrated by Varnette P.
Honeywood. Fall.98
Killing fields, living fields : an
unfinished portrait of the
Cambodian Church--the Church
that would not die / Don Cormack.
My big lie / by Bill Cosby; illustrated
by Varnette P. Honeywood. Sum.01
Cosby, Bill
Shipwreck Saturday / by Bill Cosby ;
illustrated by Varnette P.
Honeywood. Fall.98
Now and at the hour. Nov.95
Cosby, Bill
Ruth, a Portrait : The Story of Ruth
Bell Graham / by Patricia Cornwell.
Cote, Lyn
Autumn's shadow / Lyn Cote.
Cote, Lyn
Winter's secret / Lyn Cote. Feb.03
Cosby, Bill
Cornwell, Patricia
Realm of the panther : a story of
South Florida's forests / by Emily
Costello; illustrated by Wes Siegrist.
Cory, Steven
Cormack, Don
Cormier, Robert
Costello, Emily
Super-fine Valentine / by Bill Cosby
; illustrated by Varnette P.
Honeywood. Fall.98
Cote, Nancy
Flip-Flops / by Nancy Cote.
Cothern, Clark
At the Heart of Every Great Father :
Finding the Heart of Jesus / by Clark
Cothern. Win.00
Cottrell, William H.
book of fire / William H. Cottrell, Jr.
Coughlin, Paul T.
Unleashing courageous faith : the
hidden power of a man's soul / Paul
Coughlin. OctDec 2009
Coughlin, Sandy
The reluctant entertainer : every
woman's guide to simple and
gracious hospitality / Sandy
Coughlin. 40848
Coulson, Sheila
Cosby, Clair G.
Making your own cross stitch gifts.
Cowley, Joy
Macbeth : A Guide to the Play /
Herbert R. Coursen. Nov.97
Where horses run free : a dream for
the American mustang / by Joy
Cowley ; paintings by Layne
Johnson. Nov.2004
Couser, Thomas
Cox, Clinton
Real Men Pray. Fall.00
Come All You Brave Soldiers : Blacks
in the Revolutionary War / by
Clinton Cox. WinSpr.99
Coursen, Herbert R.
Covell, Jim
Day I met God / Jim & Karen Covell,
Victorya Michaels Rogers. Win.02
Cox, Clinton
Fiery Vision : The Life and Death of
John Brown / Clinton Cox. Nov.97
Coville, Bruce
Glory of Unicorns / compiled and
edited by Bruce Coville ;
illustrations by Alix Berenzy.
Cox, Clinton
Mark Twain : America's humorist,
dreamer, prophet. Sept.96
Two old potatoes and me / words
by John Coy ; pictures by Carolyn
Fisher. Mar.2005
Coyle, Neva
Answering God's Call to Quiet :
Finding Strength and Peace for a
Pressured Life / by Neva Coyle.
Coyle, Neva
Cari's secret / by Neva Coyle.
Coyle, Neva
Close to a Father's Heart / Neva
Coyle. Sep.97
Coyle, Neva
Inside the Privet Hedge / Neva
Coyle. Sep.97
Cowan, Louise
Cox, Judy
Invitation to the Classics : A Guide
to Books You've Always Wanted to
Read / edited by Louise Cowan and
Os Guinness. Win.00
Carmen learns English / by Judy Cox
; illustrated by Angela N.
Dominguez. 41061
Coyle, Neva
Cox, Judy
Coyne, Jennifer Tarr
case of the purloined professor / by
Judy Cox ; with illustrations by
Omar Rayyan. 40391
Come look with me : discovering
women artists for children /
Jennifer Tarr Coyne ; [edited by]
Charles Davey. Sept.2005
Cowan, Mary Morton
Captain Mac : the life of Donald
Baxter MacMillan, Arctic explorer /
Mary Morton Cowan. October 2010
The door of hope. Sept.96
Cox, Judy
Cowan, Mary Morton
Captain Mac : the life of Donald
Baxter MacMillan, Arctic explorer /
Mary Morton Cowan. Oct. 2010
Cowles, Rose
Amazing International Space
Station / written by the editors of
YES Mag ; illustrated by Rose
Cowles. Aug.03
One is a feast for a mouse : a
Thanksgiving tale / by Judy Cox ;
illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler. 40210
Craats, Rennay
Cox, Paul
Craats, Rennay
Molokai : the story of Father
Damien. Apr.04
E.B. White / Rennay Cratts.
Cox, Vic
Crabb, Larry
Guns, Violence, and Teens / by Vic
Cox. WinSpr.99
Inside Out / by Larry Crabb.
Cox, Vicki
Craig, Lynn
Betsy Ross : a flag for a new nation
/ Vicki Cox. June.2007
New friends in new places. Nov.95
Cowley, Joy
Gracias, the Thanksgiving Turkey /
Joy Cowley / Joe Cepeda. Sep.97
Columbus Day / Rennay Craats.
Cowley, Joy
The mouse bride. Nov.96
Coy, John
Craighead, Jean George
Talking Earth. Aug.03
Freedom's belle / Dianna Crawford.
Cramer, Dale
The captive heart / Dale Cramer.
image maker / by Terry M. Crist.
Crawford, Kathleen
Abingdon book of Bible stories :
selected for 3-4 year olds. Mar.96
Cramer, W. Dale
Paradise Valley / Dale Cramer.
Crist, Terry M.
Criswell, Susan Gwen
Nature through science and art.
Crawford, Kathleen\Cope, Jane, ill
Have you seen the wind?. Sept.96
Crockett, Marsha
Cramer, W. Dale
Crawley, Dave
Sutter's cross / W. Dale Cramer.
Reading, rhyming, and 'rithmetic :
poems / by Dave Crawley ;
illustrations by Liz Callen. October
See the Wind, Mommy? : Sensing
God's Presence Through the Lives
of Your Children / Marsha Crockett.
Cramer, W. Dale.
Levi's will : a novel / W. Dale
Cramer. Sept.2006
Crawley, Dave
Crane, Carol
Reading, rhyming, and 'rithmetic :
poems / by Dave Crawley ;
illustrations by Liz Callen. Oct. 2010
handkerchief quilt / written by
Carol Crane ; illustrated by Gary
Palmer. 40391
Crane, Carol
L is for Lonestar : a Texas alphabet /
written by Carol Crane; illustrated
by Alan Stacy. SprSum.02
Creamer, Robert W.
Babe : the legend comes to life /
Robert W. Creamer. Apr.04
Weaving a Life of Prayer : A 30-day
Journey / by Marsha Crockett.
Crofford, Emily
Place to Belong / by Emily Crofford.
Crofford, Emily
Stories from the Blue Road. Nov.95
Creech, Sharon
Replay : a new book / by Sharon
Creech. Sept.2006
Crane, Carol
P is for pilgrim : a Thanksgiving
alphabet / written by Carol Crane ;
illustrated by Helle Urban.
Crockett, Marsha
Creech, Sharon
Walk two moons / by Sharon
Creech. Apr.04
Croft, Andy
Storylines : your map to
understanding the Bible / Andy
Croft and Mike Pilavachi. 40391
Cromer, Mary Leonhard
Stories for Jason. Mar.96
Creech, Sharon
Crane, Carol
S is for sunshine : a Florida alphabet
/ written by Carol Crane; and
illustrated by Michael Glenn
Monroe. SprSum.02
Walk two moons. Nov.96
Creeden, Sharon
Fair is fair : world folktales of
justice. Nov.95
Crawford, Dianna
John Adams : American patriot /
Samuel Willard Crompton.
Crompton, Samuel Willard
Crane, Carol
T is for Tar Heel : a North Carolina
alphabet / written by Carol Crane ;
illustrated by Gary Palmer.
Crompton, Samuel Willard
Crippen, Alan
Reclaiming the Culture : How You
Can Protect Your Family's Future /
by Focus on the Family; Alan
Crippen II, editor; with
contributions from Chuck Colson
and Bill Bennett. MarMay.98
Nelson Mandela : ending apartheid
in South Africa / Samuel Willard
Crompton. June.2007
Crompton, Samuel Willard
Queen Elizabeth : and England's
golden age / Samuel Willard
Crompton. Sept.2006
Crompton, Samuel Willard
Crow, Donna Fletcher
Thomas Paine : and the fight for
liberty / Samuel Willard Crompton.
Where love begins / by Donna
Fletcher Crow. Oct.95
Crow, Donna Fletcher
Cronin, Doreen
Diary of a worm / by Doreen Cronin
; pictures by Harry Bliss. Nov.2004
Where Love Calls / by Donna
Fletcher Crow. WinSpr.99
Crowe, Carole
Crook, Connie Brummel
Laura's choice : the story of Laura
Secord. Nov.95
Groover's heart / Carole Crowe.
Crowe, Carole
Crook, Connie Brummel
Maple Moon / by Connie Brummel
Crook and Scott Cameron. Fall.98
Groover's heart / Carole Crowe.
Mysteries of the Komodo dragon /
Marty Crump. August 2011
Cruz, Nicky
Run, baby, run / Nicky Cruz with
Jamie Buckingham. Dec.2005
Cuevas, Lou
Anasazi legends : songs of the wind
dancer / Lou Cuevas. Mar.2005
Cuevas, Lou
Anasazi legends : songs of the wind
dancer / Lou Cuevas. Dec.2004
Culea, John
Light the Night / John Culea. Nov.97
Crowe, Carole
Crook, Connie Brummel
Nellie's Quest / by Connie Brummel
Crook. Fall.98
Waiting for dolphins / by Carole
Crowe. Sum.01
Cullen, Lynn
Regina Calhoun Eats Dog Food / by
Lynn Cullen. Fall.98
Crozat, François
Crosby, Cindy
Waiting for morning / Cindy Crosby;
foreword by Phyllis Tickle. Win.02
Cross, F. L.
Oxford Dictionary of the Christian
Church / Edited by F. L. Cross.
Cross, F. L. (Frank Leslie)
Oxford dictionary of the Christian
church / edited by F.L. Cross ; 3rd
ed. rev. edited by E. A. Livingstone.
Crossan, John Dominic
I Am a Little Giraffe. Jan.97
Cruise, Robin
Little Mama forgets / Robin Cruise ;
pictures by Stacey DressenMcQueen. June.2007
Crum, Shutta
Thunder-boomer! / by Shutta Crum
; illustrated by Carol Thompson.
August 2011
Crummel, Susan Stevens
All in one hour / by Susan Stevens
Crummel; illustrations by Dorothy
Donohue. Aug.03
Historical Jesus. Win.00
Encounter the Light / by Donna
Fletcher Crow. MarMay.98
Crow, Donna Fletcher
To be worthy / by Donna Fletcher
Crow. Oct.95
Read to me : raising kids who love
to read / by Bernice E. Cullinan.
Cullinan, Bernice E.
Three voices : an invitation to
poetry across the curriculum.
Cullum, Carolyn N.
storytime sourcebook : a
compendium of ideas and
resources for storytellers / Carolyn
N. Cullum. Sept.2007
Cullum, Carolyn N.
Crummell, Susan Stevens
Crow, Donna Fletcher
Cullinan, Bernice E.
City dog, country dog : adapted
from an Aesop fable / story by
Susan Stevens Crummel and
Dorothy Donohue ; illustrated by
Dorothy Donohue. Dec.2004
Crump, Marty
storytime sourcebook II : [a
compendium of 3500+ new ideas
and resources for storytellers] /
Carolyn N. Cullum. Sept.2007
Cumbaa, Stephen L.
Sea monsters / written by Stephen
Cumbaa ; illustrated by Margot
Thompson. Sept.2007
Cummings, Priscilla
Currie, Robin
Cushman, Karen
Autumn Journey / by Priscilla
Cummings. MarMay.98
Toddlers' Action Bible / by Robin
Currie ; illustrated by Bill Clark.
Catherine, called Birdy / by Karen
Cushman. Sept.2005
Cummins, Julie
Cushman, Karen.
Sam Patch : daredevil jumper / by
Julie Cummins ; illustrated by
Michael Austin. 40210
Currie, Stephen
Cunningham, David
Currie, Stephen
Crow's Journey. Jan.97
Issues in immigration / by Stephen
Currie. Fall.01
Abortion / by Stephen Currie.
midwife's apprentice / by Karen
Cushman. Apr.04
Cushman, Kathryn
Cunningham, Loren
Daring to live on the edge : the
adventure of faith and finances / by
Loren Cunningham; with Janice
Rogers. Spr.01
Currie, Stephen
Issues in Sports / by Stephen Currie.
Is that really you, God? / by Loren
Cunningham with Janice Rogers.
Cunningham, Loren
Is that really you, God? : hearing
the voice of God / by Loren
Cunningham; with Janice Rogers.
Cunningham, Loren
Making Jesus Lord : the dynamic
power of laying down your rights /
by Loren Cunningham; with Janice
Rogers. Sum.01
Cushman, Kathryn
Leaving yesterday / Kathryn
Cushman. 40210
Custer, Elizabeth Bacon
We Have Marched Together : The
Working Children's Crusade / by
Stephen Currie. MarMay.98
diary of Elizabeth Bacon Custer : on
the plains with General Custer /
edited by Nancy Plain ; illustrations
and map by Laszlo Kubinyi.
Currier, Mary
Custer, Stewart
Christian crafts from paper plates.
stars speak : astronomy in the Bible
/ Stewart Custer. Sept.2006
Curry, Lorraine
Cutler, Jane
Easy homeschooling companion /
by Lorraine Curry. June.2005
Cello of Mr. O / by Jane Cutler;
illustrated by Greg Couch. Fall.00
Curry, Lorraine
Cutler, Jane
Easy homeschooling techniques /
by Lorraine Curry. June.2005
My Wartime Summers. Jan.97
Currie, Stephen
Cunningham, Loren
Another dawn. 40695
Cutler, Jane
Cunningham, Loren
Curson, Jon
Why not women? : a fresh look at
Scripture on women in missions,
ministry, and leadership / Loren
Cunningham, David J. Hamilton ;
with Janice Rogers. Apr.04
Warblers of the Americas : An
Identification Guide / by Jon
Curson, David Quinn, and David
Beadle. MarMay.98
Curtis, C. A.
Currey, Anna
Synthesis / by C.A. Curtis. Fall.00
Tickling Tigers. Mar.97
Curtis, Christopher Paul.
Currey, Anna
Tickling Tigers. Mar.97
Bud, not Buddy / Christopher Paul
Curtis. Nov.2004
Spaceman / by Jane Cutler.
Cutrer, William
Deadly cure / William Cutrer,
Sandra Glahn. Win.02
Cutrer, William
Lethal harvest / by William Cutrer,
Sandra Glahn. Spr.01
Cuyas, Arturo
Picture Dictionary : Spanish /
English / Arturo Cuyas. Sep.97
Cuyler, Margery
Please play safe : Penguin's guide to
playground safety / by Margery
Cuyler ; illustrated by Will
Hillenbrand. June.2007
My secret camera : life in the Lodz
ghetto / photographs by Mendel
Grossman ; text by Frank Dabba
Smith. Apr.04
Daintith, John
Dahl, Roald
Daintith, John
Roald Dahl Treasury / by Roald
Dahl. MarMay.98
Facts on File dictionary of computer
science / edited by John Daintith,
Edmund Wright. Mar.2007
Cuyler, Margery
Dahl, Roald
Please say please! : Penguin's guide
to manners / by Margery Cuyler ;
illustrated by Will Hillenbrand.
Umbrella Man / by Roald Dahl.
Cymbala, Jim
Fresh faith CATALOG / Jim Cymbala
with Dean Merrill. Feb.03
Cymbala, Jim
Fresh power CATALOG / Jim
Cymbala with Dean Merrill. Feb.03
Cymbala, Jim
Facts on File dictionary of
astronomy / edited by John
Daintith, William Gould. Sept.2006
Daintith, John.
Facts on File dictionary of chemistry
/ edited by John Daintith. Sept.2005
Dahlquist, Anna Marie
Burgess of Guatemala / by Anna
Marie Dahlquist. Nov.97
Dahlquist, Anna Marie
Daughter of the Covenants / by
Anna Marie Dahlquist. Nov.97
Dahlstrom, Kathryn
Captives in the wilderness / by
Kathryn Dahlstrom. Sum.01
Fresh wind, fresh fire. SprSum.02
Daintith, John.
Facts on File dictionary of
mathematics / edited by John
Daintith, John Clark. Sept.2005
Daintith, John.
Facts on File dictionary of physics /
edited by John Daintith, Richard
Rennie. Sept.2005
Dakos, Kalli
Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire. Fall.00
Hate fighters / by Kathryn
Dahlstrom. Sum.01
Goof Who Invented Homework and
Other School Poems / Kalli Dakos;
illustrated by Denise Brunkus.
Cymbala, Jim
Dahlstrom, Kathryn
Dalhouse, Mark Taylor
Fresh wind, fresh fire : what
happens when God's spirit invades
the heart of his people / Jim
Cymbala with Dean Merrill. Feb.03
Sent into hiding / by Kathryn
Dahlstrom. Sum.01
Island in the Lake of Fire : Bob
Jones University, Fundamentalism,
and the Separatist Movement / by
Mark Taylor Dalhouse. Fall.00
Dahlstrom, Kathryn
Cymbala, Jim
Czech Republic in Pictures
Dahlstrom, Kathryn
Street games / by Kathryn
Dahlstrom. Sum.01
Czech Republic in Pictures. Mar.97
Dahlstrom, Kathryn
Czech Republic in Pictures
Czech Republic in Pictures. Sep.97
Trapped by an earthquake / by
Kathryn Dahlstrom. Sum.01
Dallas, Joe
Strong Delusion / by Joe Dallas.
Dallas, Joe
Unforgiven sins. Nov.95
da Costa, Deborah
Snow in Jerusalem / Deborah da
Costa; illustrated by Cornelius Van
Wright & Ying-Hwa Hu. SprSum.02
Dabba Smith, Frank
Daily life through world history in
primary documents
Daily life through world history in
primary documents / Lawrence
Morris, general editor. 40391
Dallimore, Arnold A.
George Whitefield : God's anointed
servant in the Great Revival of the
nineteenth century / Arnold A.
Dallimore. October 2010
Dallimore, Arnold A.
George Whitefield : God's anointed
servant in the great revival of the
nineteenth century / Arnold A.
Dallimore. Oct. 2010
Family reminders / Julie Danneberg
; illustrated by John Shelley. 40210
Amber Brown is not a crayon.
Dant, Traci
Some kind of love : a family reunion
in poems / by Traci Dant ;
Illustrated by Eric Velasquez. 40695
Dalton, Russell W.
Faith journey through fantasy lands
: a Christian dialogue with Harry
Potter, Star wars, & The Lord of the
rings / Russell W. Dalton. June.2006
Danziger, Paula\Ross, Tony
Darom, David
Animals of the Bible / David Darom
; photographs by Yoshi Eshbol.
D'Antonio, Nancy
Our Baby from China : An Adoption
Story / Nancy D'Antonio. Sep.97
Darty, Peggy
Danzig, Dianne
Dash, Joan
Stronger : trading brokenness for
unbreakable strength / Jim Daly
with James Lund. August 2011
Babies don't eat pizza : the big kids'
book about baby brothers and baby
sisters / by Dianne Danzig ;
illustrated by Debbie Tilley. 40634
dangerous engine : Benjamin
Franklin, from scientist to diplomat
/ Joan Dash ; pictures by Dusan
Petricic. Sept.2007
Daly, Jude
Danziger, Paula
To everything there is a season /
Jude Daly. Sept.2006
Dashefsky, H. Steven
Amber Brown Is Feeling Blue / by
Paula Danziger; illustrated by Tony
Ross. Fall.00
Insect Biology : 49 Science Fair
Projects. Mar.97
Daly, Jim
D'Amico, Carmela
Ella takes the cake / by Carmelo
D'Amico ; illustrated by Steven
D'Amico. Dec.2005
Danziger, Paula
Amber Brown is green with envy /
Paula Danziger ; illustrated by Tony
Ross. Aug.2004
Damon, Duane
When this cruel war is over : the
Civil War home front. Nov.96
Daniel & the lions : plus three
other stories
Daniel & the lions : plus three other
stories. Sept.96
Daniell, David
Man with a mission / a captivating
interview with renowned scholar
David Daniell. June.2007
Daniels, Teri
Math man / by Teri Daniels;
illustrated by Timothy Bush.
Danneberg, Julie
Danziger, Paula
I, Amber Brown / by Paula
Danziger; illustrated by Tony Ross.
Danziger, Paula
It's Justin time, Amber Brown /
Paula Danziger; illustrated by Tony
Ross. Win.02
Spirits / by Peggy Darty. WinSpr.99
Datnow, Claire L.
American Science Fiction and
Fantasy Writers / by Claire L.
Datnow. Win.00
Datnow, Claire L.
Edwin Hubble : discoverer of
galaxies / Claire L. Datnow.
Dau, John Bul
Lost boy, lost girl : escaping Civil
War in Sudan / by John Bul Dau and
Martha Arual Akech ; with Michael
S. Sweeney and K. M. Kostyal. Feb /
Apr 2012
Danziger, Paula
P.S. Longer Letter Later / by Paula
Danziger and Ann M. Martin.
Davenport, John C.
Dante : poet, author, and proud
Florentine / John C. Davenport.
Danziger, Paula
What a trip, Amber Brown / Paula
Danziger; illustrated by Tony Ross.
Davey, Cyril
Saint in the Slums : The Story of
Kagawa of Japan. Mar.97
David & the giant : plus three
other stories
Davis, Aubrey
David & the giant : plus three other
stories. Sept.96
Sody Salleratus / retold by Aubrey
Davis ; illustrated by Alan and Lea
Daniels. WinSpr.99
David Pietrusza
Davis, Bryan
Chinese Cultural Revolution / by
Pietrusza, David. MarMay.98
Beyond the reflection's edge / by
Bryan Davis. AprJune 2010
Davidson, Alice Joyce
Davis, Bryan
Mary and the empty tomb / written
by Alice Joyce Davidson; illustrated
by Tammie Lyon. Spr.01
bones of Makaidos / by Bryan
Davis. 40210
Davis, Bryan
Davidson, Rebecca Piatt
All the world's a stage / Rebecca
Piatt Davidson ; pictures by Anita
Lobel. Apr.04
Davies, Bob
Portraits of freedom : 14 people
who came out of homosexuality /
Bob Davies with Lela Gilbert. Fall.01
Davies, Jacqueline
boy who drew birds : a story of
John James Audubon / by
Jacqueline Davies ; illustrated by
Melissa Sweet. Mar.2005
Circles of seven / Bryan Davis.
Davis, Bryan
Nightmare's edge / Bryan Davis.
AprJune 2010
Davis, Bryan
Raising dragons / Bryan Davis.
Davis, Bryan
Starlighter / by Bryan Davis.
AprJune 2010
Davis, Bryan
Davis, Bryan
story of the empty tomb : John 20
for children / written by Bryan
Davis; illustrated by Len Ebert.
day Jesus died / by Bryan Davis.
Davis, Bryan
Davis, Bryan
Tears of a dragon / Bryan Davis.
Diviner / Bryan Davis. Feb / Apr
Davis, Bryan
Davis, Bryan
The candlestone / Bryan Davis.
Enoch's ghost / by Bryan Davis.
Davis, Bryan
Warrior / by Bryan Davis. 40695
Davies, Jacqueline
Davis, Bryan
Lost / Jacqueline Davies. OctDec
Eternity's edge / by Bryan Davis.
AprJune 2010
Davies, Sally J.K.
Davis, Bryan
Why Did We Have to Move Here? /
by Sally J.K. Davies. WinSpr.99
Eye of the Oracle / by Bryan Davis.
Davis, Amanda L.
Davis, Bryan
My Birthday, Jesus' Birthday / by
Holly Davis ; illustrated by Nancy
Munger. Fall.98
Precisely terminated / Amanda L.
Davis. Feb / Apr 2012
Last of the Nephilim / by Bryan
Davis. 40210
Davis, Jimmie L.
Davis, Aubrey
Davis, Bryan
Bone Button Borscht / written by
Aubrey Davis; illustrated by Dusan
Petricic. Based on the folk tale,
Stone Soup. Jan.98
Liberator / Bryan Davis. Dec.2012
Davis, Bryan
Masters & slayers / Bryan Davis.
Davis, Donald D
Listening for the crack of dawn.
Davis, Holly
Virtual you! : love, beauty,
relationships, purity, truth / Jimmie
L. Davis. Aug.03
Davis, Jimmy H.
Designer universe : intelligent
design and the existence of God /
Jimmy H. Davis and Harry L. Poe.
Davis, Kenneth C.
Don't know much about the
pioneers. Aug.03
Davis, Susie
time of your life: finding God's rest
in your busy schedule / Susie Davis.
Davis, Tim
Mice of the herring bone. Nov.96
Davis, Mary
Newlywed games / by Mary Davis.
Davis, Tim
Davis, Patricia Anne
Davis, Tim
Brian's bird / written by Patricia A.
David; illustrated by Layne Johnson.
Mice of the Nine Lives. Jan.97
Mice of the herring bone. Nov.96
proving ground. Nov.96
Davis, W. E.
Drastic Park / by W. E. Davis. Jan.98
Davis, W. E.
Refining Fire / by W.E. Davis.
Davis, W. E.
Victim of circumstance. Mar.96
Davis, Wally
Suspended animation. Mar.96
Davis, Tim
Davis, Paul B. (Paul Benjamin)
Critical companion to Charles
Dickens : a literary reference to his
life and work / Paul Davis.
Mice of the Seven Seas. Jan.97
Davis, Tim
Mice of the Westing Wind : Book
One / written and illustrated by Tim
Davis. WinSpr.99
Davis, Rebecca
George Mueller : a father to the
fatherless / Rebecca Davis.
Davis, Tim
Mice of the Westing Wind : Book
Two / written and illustrated by Tim
Davis. WinSpr.99
Davis, Rebecca Henry
Fanny Crosby : queen of gospel
songs / Rebecca Davis. Oct.03
Davis, Tim
More tales from Dust River Gulch /
Tim Davis. Aug.2004
Davis, Rebecca Henry
With daring faith : a biography of
Amy Carmichael. Nov.96
Davis, Tim
Tales from Dust River Gulch / by
Tim Davis. MarMay.98
Davis, Robert
Dawn, Marva J.
I'm Lonely, Lord, How Long:
Meditations on the Psalms / by
Marva J. Dawn. WinSpr.99
Dawn, Marva J.
To Walk and Not Faint : A Month of
Meditations on Isaiah 40 / by
Marva J. Dawn. WinSpr.99
Dawson, George
Life is so good / George Dawson
and Richard Glaubman. Win.02
Dawson, Joy
Forever ruined for the ordinary /
Joy Dawson. June.2007
Dawson, Joy
Scared : a novel on the edge of the
world / Tom Davis. 40210
Forever ruined for the ordinary :
the adventure of hearing and
obeying God's voice / Joy Dawson.
Finding Marie / Susan Page Davis.
Davis, W. E
Day, Malm
Black dragon. Nov.96
The ancient world of the Bible.
Davis, Susan Page
Davis, W. E
Inside story / Susan Page Davis.
gathering storm. Nov.96
That girl of Pierre's / Robert Davis.
Davis, Tom
Davis, Susan Page
Davis, W. E
Day, Terry Jean
Baker Book of Bible People for Kids
/ by Terry Jean Day ; contributing
editor, Daryl J. Lucas. WinSpr.99
Day-Bivins, Pat
Rabbit and the Promise Sign / by
Pat Day-Bivins and Philip Dale
Smith; illustrated by Donna Brooks.
The door in the wall / by
Marguerite de Angeli. Sept.2005
De Angeli, Marguerite
Thee, Hannah! / written and
illustrated by Marguerite de Angeli.
Dayton, Howard Lape
Money & marriage God's way /
Howard Dayton. OctDec 2009
DC Talk
Yonie Wondernose / by Marguerite
De Angeli. MarMay.98
Starring Arabelle / written by Hillary
Hall De Baun. Oct.Nov.2013
DC Talk
De Borchgrave, Helen
Jesus freaks. Vol. II : stories of
revolutionaries who changed their
world : fearing God, not man / DC
Talk and the Voice of the Martyrs.
Journey into Christian art / Helen
de Borchgrave. Win.02
De Capua, Sarah
Colombia / Sarah De Capua.
De Capua, Sarah
Dominican Republic / by Sarah De
Capua. Nov.2004
DC Talk
Promises for a Jesus freak / dc Talk.
De Capua, Sarah
de Angeli, Marguerite
De Coteau Orie, Sandra
Henner's Lydia / written and
illustrated by Marguerite de Angeli.
Did you hear Wind sing your name?
: an Oneida song of spring. Nov.95
De Angeli, Marguerite
Skippack School / written and
illustrated by Marguerite de Angeli.
De Angeli, Marguerite
Where the Fire Burns / by Anne de
Graaf. Nov.97
de Koster, Katie
Readings on Fahrenheit 451 /
edited by Katie de Koster. Fall.01
de Koster, Katie
Readings on J.R.R. Tolkien / edited
by Katie de Koster. Fall.01
De Blij, Harm J.
Atlas of the United States / H.J. de
Blij, editor ; [cartography by
Philip's]. Sept.2007
Live like a Jesus freak : spend today
as if it were your last / dc Talk.
De Graaf, Anne
De Baun, Hillary H.
Jesus freaks journal / DC Talk.
DC Talk
Son of a gun / Anne de Graaf.
De Angeli, Marguerite
DC Talk
Jesus freaks : stories of those who
stood for Jesus : the ultimate Jesus
freaks / DC Talk and the Voice of
the Martyrs. Oct.03
De Graaf, Anne
Russia / Sarah De Capua. Aug.2004
de Koster, Katie
Readings on Mark Twain / Katie de
Koster. Sep.97
de Koster, Katie
Readings on Mark Twain / Katie de
Koster. Sep.97
De Paola, Tomie
26 Fairmount Avenue / by Tomie
De Paola. Fall.00
De Paola, Tomie
Adelita : a Mexican Cinderella Story
/ written and illustrated by Tomie
dePaola. Apr.04
De Paola, Tomie
new Barker in the house / written
and illustrated by Tomie dePaola.
De Paola, Tomie
De Fina, Allan A.
When a City Leans Against a Sky /
poems by Allan A. De Fina ;
illustrations by Ken Condon. Fall.98
Pascual and the kitchen angels /
written and illustrated by Tomie
dePaola. June.2005
De Paola, Tomie
De Graaf, Anne
Bread upon the waters. Sept.96
Strega Nona takes a vacation / by
Tomie De Paola. Sum.01
De Paola, Tomie
Tomie de Paola's book of the Old
Testament. Nov.95
De Paola, Tomie
Trouble in the Barkers' class /
written and illustrated by Tomie
dePaola. Dec.2004
De Paola, Tomie
Trouble in the Barkers' class /
written and illustrated by Tomie
dePaola. Aug.03
De Paola, Tomie
What a year! / written and
illustrated by Tomie dePaola.
Deak, Erzsi
Dearing, Shirley
Period pieces / selected by Erzsi
Deak and Kristin Embry Litchman.
Elegantly frugal costumes : the poor
man's do-it-yourself costume
maker's guide. Jan.96
Deal, Ron L.
Decker, Timothy
The smart stepmom / Ron L. Deal
and Laura Petherbridge. 40634
For liberty : the story of the Boston
Massacre / Timothy Decker. 40210
Dean, Carol Shorey
DeClements, Barthe
live bale of hay : a real Maine
adventure / by Carol Dean ;
illustrated by Sandy Dunn.
Liar, Liar / by Barthe DeClements.
Dean, Jennifer Kennedy
He leads me beside still waters /
Jennifer Kennedy Dean. Win.02
De Regniers, Beatrice Schenk
Power Praying. Fall.00
Little Sister and the Month Brothers
/ retold by Beatrice Schenk de
Regniers ; pictures by Margot
Tomes. AprJune 2010
Dean, Kenda Creasy
May I bring a friend? / Beatrice
Schenk De Regniers ; illustrated by
Beni Montresor. Dec.2004
A black hole is not a hole / Carolyn
Cinami DeCristofano ; Illustrated by
Michael Carroll. Feb.2013
Almost Christian : what the faith of
our teenagers is telling the
American church / Kenda Creasy
Dean. 40634
Dedrick, William
DeAngelis, Therese
Deedy, Carmen Agra
Cherokee : native basket weavers /
by Therese DeAngelis. Sept.2005
Agatha's Feather Bed : Not Just
Another Wild Goose Story / story
by Carmen Agra Deedy; pictures by
Laura L. Seeley. MarMay.98
De Waal, Esther
Celtic Way of Prayer / by Esther De
Wahl. Jan.98
A black hole is not a hole / Carolyn
Cinami DeCristofano ; Illustrated by
Michael Carroll. Feb.2013
DeCristofano, Carolyn Cinami
Dean, Jennifer Kennedy
De Regniers, Beatrice Schenk
DeCristofano, Carolyn Cinami
DeAngelis, Therese
Little Book of Christian Character &
Manners / by William & Colleen
Dedrick. MarMay.98
Cherokee : Native Basket Weavers.
Deedy, Carmen Agra
Citadel of God. Mar.97
DeAngelis, Therese
Secret of Old Zeb / by Carmen Agra
Deedy; illustrated by Michael P.
White. Fall.98
de Wohl, Louis
Navajo : weavers of the Southwest
/ by Therese DeAngelis. Sept.2005
de Wohl, Louis
Lay Siege to Heaven. Mar.97
DeAngelis, Therese
de Wohl, Louis
Quiet Light. Mar.97
Ojibwa : wild rice gatherers / by
Therese DeAngelis. Sept.2005
Deedy, Carmen Agra
Treeman / written by Carmen Agra
Deedy; illustrated by Douglas J.
Ponte. Nov.97
Deedy, Carmen Agra
de Wohl, Louis
Set All Afire. Mar.97
Dearen, Patrick
Comanche peace pipe. SprSum.02
yellow star : the legend of King
Christian X of Denmark / by Carmen
Agra Deedy; illustrated by Henri
Sorensen. Sum.01
Deem, James M.
Dekker, Ted
Dekker, Ted
Auschwitz : voices from the death
camp / James M. Deem. Feb / Apr
Blink / Ted Dekker. Jun.03
Skin / Ted Dekker. June.2007
Dekker, Ted
Dekker, Ted
Deering, Kathryn
BoneMan's daughters / Ted Dekker.
Gifted for good : every woman's
guide to her spiritual gifts / by
Kathryn Deering. Spr.01
Dekker, Ted
Thr3e / a Namesake Entertainment
production in association with Total
Living Network and Movieroom
Productions, Ltd. ; produced by Joe
Goodman, Bobby Neutz, Ralph
Winter ; screenplay by Alan
McElroy ; directed by Robby
Henson. June.2007
Chaos / Ted Dekker. AprJune 2010
DeFries, Cheryl L.
Seven natural wonders of the
United States and Canada / Cheryl
L. DeFries. Dec.2005
Dekker, Ted
Chosen / Ted Dekker. AprJune 2010
Dekker, Ted
Degen, Bruce
Sailaway home. Nov.96
Elyon : a lost book / Ted Dekker and
Kaci Hill. AprJune 2010
Dekker, Ted
Three / by Ted Dekker. Jun.03
Dekker, Ted
White / Ted Dekker. Dec.2004
DeGraaf, Anne
Dekker, Ted
The children's Bible story book.
Green : the beginning and the end /
Ted Dekker. OctDec 2009
DeGross, Monalisa
Dekker, Ted
Donavan's double trouble /
Monalisa DeGross ; illustrated by
Amy Bates. 40026
Infidel / Ted Dekker. AprJune 2010
DeLaCroix, Alice
Dekker, Ted
Mattie's Whisper / by Alice
DeLaCroix; illustrated by John
Dyess. MarMay.98
DeJong, Meindert
Wheel on the school / Meindert De
Jong ; pictures by Maurice Sendak.
Dekker, John\Neely, Lois
Torches of joy : the dynamic story
of a stone age tribe's encounter
with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Kiss / Ted Dekker and Erin Healy.
OctDec 2009
Dekker, Ted
Lunatic / Ted Dekker and Kaci Hill.
AprJune 2010
Dekker, Ted
Delacre, Lulu
Salsa stories / stories and linocuts
by Lulu Delacre. Fall.01
Delaney, Mark
Growler's horn / by Mark Delaney.
Delaney, Mark
Kingfisher's tale / Mark Delaney.
Obsessed / Ted Dekker. Mar.2005
Delaney, Mark
Dekker, Ted
Red / Ted Dekker. Nov.2004
Of heroes and villains / by Mark
Delaney. Sum.01
Dekker, Ted
Delaney, Mark
Adam / Ted Dekker. 40210
Renegade / Ted Dekker. AprJune
Protester's song / Mark Delaney.
Dekker, Ted
Dekker, Ted
Delano, Marfé Ferguson
Black / by Ted Dekker. Nov.2004
Sinner / Ted Dekker. OctDec 2009
Dekker, Saint
Saint / Ted Dekker. Sept.2007
Dekker, Ted
Helen's eyes : a photobiography of
Annie Sullivan, Helen Keller's
teacher / Marfé Ferguson Delano.
In the Name of God. Aug.03
Demas, Corinne
boy who was generous with salt /
by Corinne Demas; illustrated by
Michael Hays. SprSum.02
Denenberg, Barry
Dembski, William A.
Denenberg, Barry
Darwin's nemesis : Phillip Johnson
and the intelligent design
movement / edited by William A.
Dembski ; forword by Rick
Santorum. Mar.2007
Elisabeth of Austria : the princess
bride / by Barry Denenberg. Aug.03
Delany, Sarah Louise
The Delany sisters' book of
everyday wisdom. Nov.95
Delffs, D. J.
Judas Tree / by D. J. Delffs. Fall.00
Delffs, D. J.
Martyr's Chapel / by D. J. Delffs.
Dell, Owen E.
How to open and operate a homebased landscaping business. Mar.96
DeLong, Janice
Contemporary Christian authors :
lives and works / by Janice DeLong
and Rachel Schwedt. Spr.01
DeLong, Janice
Core collection for small libraries :
an annotated bibliography of books
for children and young adults /
Janice A. DeLong and Rachel E.
Schwedt. Nov.2004
Delton, Judy
Angel bites the bullet / Judy Delton
; illustrated by Jill Weber. Dec.2004
Delton, Judy
Angel's mother's baby / Judy Delton
; illustrated by Jill Weber. Dec.2004
Dembski, William A.
design revolution : answering the
toughest questions about
intelligent design / William A.
Dembski. Dec.2004
Dembski, William A.
Intelligent Design : The Bridge
Between Science and Theology / by
William A. Dembski. Fall.00
One Grain of Rice : A Mathematical
Folktale / by Demi. Jan.98
DeMoss, Nancy Leigh
Lies young women believe / Nancy
Leigh DeMoss, Dannah Gresh.
OctDec 2009
DeMoss, Robert G.
TV--the great escape! / Robert G.
DeMoss, Jr. Win.02
DeMuth, Mary E.
Daisy chain / Mary E. DeMuth.
Atticus of Rome, 30 B.C. / by Barry
Denenberg. June.2005
Denenberg, Barry
Journal of Ben Uchida : Citizen
13559, Mirror Lake Internment
Camp / by Barry Denenberg. Fall.00
Denenberg, Barry
Journal of William Thomas Emerson
: A Revolutionary War Patriot / by
Barry Denenberg. WinSpr.99
Denenberg, Barry
One eye laughing, the other
weeping : the diary of Julie Weiss /
by Barry Denenberg. Spr.01
Denenberg, Barry
Pandora of Athens, 399 B.C. / by
Barry Denenberg. June.2005
Denenberg, Barry
Shadow life : a portrait of Anne
Frank and her family / Barry
Denenberg. June.2005
Denenberg, Barry
So Far from Home : The Diary of
Mary Driscoll, an Irish Mill Girl / by
Barry Denenberg. Fall.98
Denenberg, Barry
Delval, Marie-Hélène
Animals of the Bible : for young
children / Marie-Hélène Delval ;
illustrated by Aurélia Fronty. 40695
DeMar, Gary
America's Christian heritage / Gary
DeMar. Apr.04
Demy, Timothy J.
Genetic Engineering : A Christian
Response : Crucial Considerations in
Shaping Life / Timothy J. Demy and
Gary P. Stewart, editors: foreword
by Hessel Bouma. Fall.00
Demy, Timothy J.
When Will This Cruel War Be Over?
: The Civil War Diary of Emma
Simpson / Barry Denenberg. Sep.97
Dengler, Marianna
worry stone / by Marianna Dengler
; illustrated by Sibyl Graber Berig.
Dengler, Sandy
Battle before time / by Jim Denney.
Sequoyah : 1770?-1843 / by Yvonne
Wakim Dennis. Aug.2004
Denney, James D.
Denslow, Sharon Phillips
Doorway to doom / by Jim Denney.
All their names were courage /
Sharon Phillips Denslow. Apr.04
Dennis, Brian
DePaola, Tomie
Nubs : the true story of a mutt, a
marine & a miracle / by Brian
Dennis, Kirby Larson, and Mary
Nethery. 40210
Bill and Pete to the Rescue / written
and illustrated by Tomie DePaola.
Code of honor. Mar.96
Dengler, Sandy
East of outback. Mar.96
Dengler, Sandy
Power of Pinjarra. Mar.96
Dengler, Sandy
DePaola, Tomie
Taste of victory. Mar.96
Dennis, Brian
Denham, Joyce
Child's Book of Celtic Prayers /
written and compiled by Joyce
Denham ; illustrated by Helen Cann.
Dennard, Deborah
Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle / by
Deborah Dennard; illustrated by
Kristin Kest. Feb.03
Dennard, Deborah
Nubs : the true story of a mutt, a
marine & a miracle / by Brian
Dennis, Kirby Larson, and Mary
Nethery. Feb / Apr 2012
Meet the Barkers / written and
illustrated by Tomie dePaola.
dePaola, Tomie
Dennis, Jeanne Gowen
night of Las Posadas / written and
illustrated by Tomie dePaola. Spr.01
Attack! / written by Jeanne Gowen
Dennis and Sheila Seifert ;
illustration by David Hohn.
dePaola, Tomie
On my way / written and illustrated
by Tomie dePaola. Win.02
Dennis, Jeanne Gowen
Coyote at Pinon Place / written by
Deborah Dennard; illustrated by
John Paul Genzo. Spr.01
Deadly expedition / written by
Jeanne Gowen Dennis and Sheila
Seifert ; illustration by David Hohn.
Dennard, Deborah
Dennis, Jeanne Gowen
Hedgehog haven : a story of a
British hedgerow community / by
Deborah Dennard; illustrated by
Robert Hynes. Feb.03
Escape! / written by Jeanne Gowen
Dennis and Sheila Seifert ;
illustration by David Hohn.
DePaola, Tomie
song of Francis / Tomie dePaola.
DePree, Traci
Dandelions in a jelly jar / Traci
DePree. Nov.2004
Derby, Sally
Kyle's island / Sally Derby. 40391
Dennard, Deborah
Dennis, Jeanne Gowen
Koala country / by Deborah
Dennard; illustrated by James
McKinnon. Win.02
Marta's promise : a novel / by
Jeanne Dennis and Sheila Seifert.
Dennard, Deborah
Dennis, Jeanne Gowen
Travis and the Better Mousetrap /
Deborah Dennard / Theresa Burns.
Trapped! / written by Jeanne
Gowen Dennis and Sheila Seifert ;
illustration by David Hohn.
deRubertis, Barbara
Dennis, Yvonne Wakim
deRubertis, Barbara
DeRosa, Tom
The earth : its structure & its
changes / Tom DeRosa, Carolyn
Reeves. August 2011
Count on Pablo / by Barbara
deRubertis; illustrated by Rebecca
Thornburgh. Sum.01
Denney, James D.
Deena's lucky penny / by Barbara
deRubertis; illustrated by Joan
Holub and Cynthia Fisher. Win.02
DeVries, Catherine
Nirv kids' quest study bible /
[edited by] Catherine DeVries.
Dewdney, Anna
Don't call it a comeback : the old
faith for a new day / edited by
Kevin DeYoung ; foreword by D.A.
Carson. August 2011
Llama Llama misses mama / Anna
Dewdney. 40391
DeYoung, Kevin
Derzipilski, Kathleen
Arizona / by Kathleen Derzipilski.
Desjarlais, John
Throne of Tara / John Desjarlais.
DeYoung, Karen
Dewey, David
user's guide to Bible translations /
David Dewey. June.2005
What is the mission of the church? :
making sense of social justice,
shalom, and the Great Commission
/ Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert.
DeSpain, Pleasant
Eleven turtle tales : adventure tales
from around the world. Nov.95
Dewey, Jennifer
Borderlands / by Jennifer Owings
Dewey. Feb.03
Dessen, Sarah
Along for the ride : a novel / by
Sarah Dessen. October 2010
Dever, Mark
message of the Old Testament :
promises made / Mark Dever ;
foreword by Graeme Goldsworthy.
Deverell, Richard\Deverell,
Abingdon's Bible handbook for
young readers. Sept.96
Dewey, Jennifer Owings
Bedbugs in Our House : True Tales
of Insect, Bug, and Spider Discovery
/ written and illustrated by Jennifer
Owings Dewey. MarMay.98
DeVries, Anne
Story Bible for older children : New
Testament / Anne DeVries ;
illustrations by Cornelis Jetses ;
[translated by Theodore Plantinga].
August 2011
DeVries, Anne
Story Bible for older children : Old
Testament / Anne DeVries ;
illustrations by Cornelis Jetses ;
[translated by Theodore Plantinga].
August 2011
Armenia / Sakina Dhilawala. 40210
Dhilawala, Sakina
Armenia / Sakina Dhilawala. Nov.97
Diagram Group
Facts on File biology handbook /
the Diagram Group. Mar.2007
Dewey, Jennifer Owings
Mud Matters / by Jennifer Owings
Dewey ; photographs by Stephen
Trimble. WinSpr.99
Dewhurst, Rick
Bye-bye, Bertie / by Rick Dewhurst.
Devon, Paddie
The grumpy shepherd. Sept.96
Dhilawala, Sakina
Diagram Group
Facts on File chemistry handbook /
the Diagram Group. Mar.2007
Diagram Group
Facts on File earth science
handbook / the Diagram Group.
DeWitt, Calvin
Caring for Creation : Responsible
Stewardship of God's Handiwork /
by Calvin B. DeWitt ; with responses
by Richard A. Baer Jr., Thomas
Sieger Derr and Vernon J. Ehlers ;
edited by James W. Skillen and Luis
E. Lugo. Fall.98
Diagram Group
Facts on File physics handbook /
the Diagram Group. Mar.2007
Diagram Group
Marine science on file / the
Diagram Group. Fall.01
DeYoung, Donald B.
Astronomy and the Bible :
questions and answers. Sept.96
Diagram Group
Timelines 2000 on file / by the
Diagram Group. Spr.01
DeYoung, Donald B.
Dinosaurs and creation / Donald B.
DeYoung. Win.02
Diagram Group
Weather and climate on file / the
Diagram Group. Fall.01
and a spool of thread / Kate
DiCamillo ; illustrated by Timothy
Basil Ering. Mar.2005
From Homer to Harry Potter /
Matthew T. Dickerson & David
O'Hara. 39912
hatseller and the monkeys : a West
African folktale / retold and
illustrated by Baba Wagué Diakité.
DiCianni, Ron
Dickerson, Melanie
faith of the presidents : our
national leaders at prayer / Ron
DiCianni. June.2005
The fairest beauty / Melanie
Dickerson. Apr.2013
Diakité, Baba Wagué
DiCianni, Ron
hunterman and the crocodile : a
West African folktale / retold and
illustrated by Baba Wagué Diakité.
Praying with the presidents : our
nation's legacy of prayer / Ron
DiCianni. June.2005
Diakité, Baba Wagué
Dickerson, Melanie
Dick, Janice
Diamond, Marie Josephine
Encyclopedia of world writers : 19th
& 20th centuries / Marie Josephine
Diamond, general editor. Oct.03
Calm before the storm / Janice L.
Dick. Mar.2005
The merchant's daughter / Melanie
Dickerson. Apr.2013
Dicks, Brian
Brazil / Brian Dicks. Apr.04
Dickson, Athol
cure / Athol Dickson. 39912
Dick, Janice
Eye of the storm / Janice L. Dick.
Dickson, Athol
Dick, Janice L.
Dickson, Athol
Dibra, Bashkim
Eye of the storm / Janice L. Dick.
River rising / Athol Dickson.
DogSpeak : how to learn it, speak it,
and use it to have a happy, healthy,
well-behaved dog / Bash Dibra,
with Mary Ann Crenshaw ;
illustrations by José Dennis. 40695
Dick, Janice L.
Dickson, Athol
Out of the storm / Janice L. Dick.
They shall see God / Athol Dickson.
DiCamillo, Kate
Dick, Lois Hoadley
magician's elephant / Kate
DiCamillo ; illustrated by Yoko
Tanaka. 40210
False coin, true coin. Nov.96
Dictionary of Science & Technology
Dibble, J. Birney
Outlaw for God : the story of Esther
Bacon. Nov.95
DiCamillo, Kate
Mercy Watson to the rescue / Kate
DiCamillo ; illustrated by Chris van
Dusen. Sept.2005
DiCamillo, Kate
miraculous journey of Edward
Tulane / Kate DiCamillo ; illustrated
by Bagram Ibatoulline. Sept.2006
Dickens, Charles
Lost mission / Athol Dickson. 40210
Dictionary of Science & Technology
(CD). Win.00
Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens;
illustrated by Ian Andrew; adapted
by Naia Bray-Moffatt. Sum.01
Dictionary of the Old Testament :
wisdom, poetry & writings
Dickens, Charles
Dictionary of the Old Testament :
wisdom, poetry & writings /
editors, Tremper Longman III, Peter
Enns. 39912
Oliver Twist. Mar.97
Dickens, Charles\Innocenti,
Roberto, ill
Diehn, Gwen
Nature crafts for kids. Nov.95
Christmas carol. Sept.96
DiCamillo, Kate
tale of Despereaux : being the story
of a mouse, a princess, some soup,
Diessel, Janice Hartwick
Dickerson, Matthew T.
Teaching and Learning about
Multicultural Literature : Students
Reading Outside Their Culture in a
Middle School Classroom. Aug.03
Dixon, Ann
Dobson, James C.
Merry Birthday, Nora Noël. Mar.97
Love Must Be Tough. Jan.97
DiGeronimo, Theresa Foy
Dixon, Ann\Elizabeth Johns, ill
Dobson, James C.
The student's guide to
volunteering. Nov.95
The sleeping lady. Sept.96
Myth of Safe Sex. Jan.97
DK science encyclopedia
Dobson, James C.
DK science encyclopedia. June.2007
new hide or seek : building selfesteem in your child / by James
Dobson. Sum.01
Dillard, Raymond B.
Introduction to the Old Testament.
DNA Decoders : Genetics
Dillon, Leo
Rap a tap tap : here's Bojangles-think of that / Leo & Diane Dillon.
Dinsmore, Mary
Homeschool Guide to the Internet :
Your Onramp to the Information
Superhighway / by Mark & Wendy
Dinsmore; foreword by Kathy
Ridpath. MarMay.98
DNA Decoders : Genetics.
Dobson, Danae
Let's walk the talk : girlfriend to
girlfriend on faith, friendship, &
finding real love / Danae Dobson.
AprJune 2010
Dobson, James C.
Bringing up boys / Dr. James
Dobson. SprSum.02
Dinsmore, Mary
Homeschool Guide to the Online
World : Everything You Need to
Know to Start Making Great
Connections! / by Mark & Wendy
Dinsmore; foreword by Mary Pride.
Dionne, Wanda
Yank Among Us / by Wanda
Dionne. WinSpr.99
Disher, Garry
Dobson, James C.
Bringing up girls / James Dobson.
Dobson, James C.
Christ in Christmas : A Family
Advent Celebration. Nov.96
Dobson, James C.
Christ in Christmas : A Family
Advent Celebration. Jan.97
Switch cat. Nov.95
Dobson, James C.
Ditchfield, Christin
family guide to Narnia : biblical
truths in C.S. Lewis's The Chronicles
of Narnia / Christin Ditchfield.
Emotions : Can You Trust Them?.
Dobson, James C.
Pornography : Addictive,
Progressive and Deadly. Jan.97
Dobson, James C.
Solid Answers : America's Foremost
Family Counselor Responds to
Tough Questions Facing Today's
Families / by Dr. James Dobson.
Dobson, James C.
When God Doesn't Make Sense.
Dobson, Lorna
Caring for your pastor / Lorna
Dobson. Win.02
Dobson, Melanie B.
black cloister : a novel / Melanie
Dobson. OctDec 2009
Dobson, Melanie B.
Together for good : a novel / by
Melanie Dobson. Mar.2007
Dockery, David S.
Finding God's Will for Your Life.
New Dimensions in Evangelical
Thought : Essays in Honor of Millard
J. Erickson. / edited by David S.
Dockery. Win.00
Dobson, James C.
Dockrey, Karen
Keys to a Lifelong Love. Jan.97
Facing Down the Tough Stuff / by
Karen Dockrey ; with others. Fall.98
Dobson, James C.
Ditchfield, Christin
three wise women : a Christmas
reflection / Christin Ditchfield.
Dodd, Anne Wescott
Story of the Sea Glass / by Anne
Wescott Dodd; illustrated by Mary
Beth Owens. Fall.00
Dodd, Emma
Doherty, Craig A\Doherty,
Katherine M
Sears Tower. Sept.96
Doherty, Craig A\Doherty,
Katherine M
Washington Monument. Sept.96
I love bugs / Emma Dodd. 41061
Dodds, Bill
My Sister Annie / by Bill Dodds.
Dodson, Brandt
Daniel's den / Brandt Dodson.
Doherty, Katherine M\Doherty,
Craig A
Gateway Arch. Sept.96
Doherty, Katherine M\Doherty,
Craig A
Hoover Dam. Sept.96
Dolan, David
shadow of the bear : Snow White
and Rose Red retold / by Regina
Doman. Mar.2005
Domeniconi, David
M is for majestic : a national parks
alphabet / written by David
Domeniconi and illustrated by Pam
Carroll. Nov.2004
Domico, Terry
Bears of the world. Nov.95
Dominguez, Kelli Kyle
perfect pinata = La pinata perfecta /
by Kelli Kyle Dominguez; illustrated
by Diane Paterson; translated by
Teresa Mlawer. Apr.03
Dodson, Brandt
End of Days / David Dolan. Nov.97
Original sin / Brandt Dodson.
Dolan, David
Dodson, DeAnna Julie
Holy War for the Promised Land:
Israel at the Crossroads. Aug.03
Agatha Christie : Writer of Mystery
/ by Carol Dommermuth-Costa.
By Love Redeemed / by DeAnna
Julie Dodson. MarMay.98
Dolan, David
Dommermuth-Costa, Carol
Dodson, DeAnna Julie
Israel in crisis : what lies ahead? /
David Dolan. Feb.03
Emily Dickinson : Singular Poet / by
Carol Dommermuth-Costa. Fall.98
In Honor Bound / DeAnna Julie
Dodson. Nov.97
Dolan, Edward F.
Donahue, Bill
Beyond the frontier : the story of
the trails West / by Edward F.
Dolan. Fall.01
In the company of Jesus : finding
unconventional wisdom and
unexpected hope / Bill Donahue.
Dodson, DeAnna Julie
To Grace Surrendered / by DeAnna
Julie Dodson. Fall.98
Dommermuth-Costa, Carol
Dolan, Edward F.
Doherty, Berlie
famous adventures of Jack / Berlie
Doherty; decorations by Sonja
Lamut. Apr.03
Doherty, Craig A\Doherty,
Katherine M
Irish potato famine : the story of
Irish-American immigration / by
Edward F. Dolan. Dec.2004
Donaldson, Joan
On Viney's mountain / Joan
Donaldson. October 2010
Dolan, Edward F.
Doner, Kim
Our Poisoned Waters / by Edward
F. Dolan. WinSpr.99
Buffalo dreams / Kim Doner.
Doman, Regina
Doner, Kim
Black as night : a fairy tale retold /
by Regina Doman. Mar.2005
Buffalo dreams / [written and
illustrated by] Kim Doner. Dec.2004
Doman, Regina
Doney, Meryl
Golden Gate Bridge. Sept.96
Doherty, Craig A\Doherty,
Katherine M
Mount Rushmore. Sept.96
How the Bible came to us : the
story of the book that changed the
world. Mar.96
expression / Ted. M. Dorman.
Reaping the whirlwind : a Trent
Tyson historical mystery / by Rosey
Dow. Spr.01
Dornfeld, Margaret
Doney, Meryl
Jesus : the man who changed
history. Mar.96
Donihue, Anita Corrine
When I'm on My Knees. Fall.00
Donoghue, Emma
Room : a novel / Emma Donoghue.
Donovan, Gail,
In memory of Gorfman T. Frog /
Gail Donovan. August 2011
Donovan, Sandra
Job smarts : how to find work or
start a business, manage earnings,
and more / Sandy Donovan.
Dooley, Norah
Everybody Bakes Bread / by Norah
Dooley; illustrations by Peter J.
Thornton. Jan.98
Dooley, Tom
true story of Noah's ark / Tom
Dooley ; illustrated by Bill Looney.
Maine / Margaret Dornfeld. Win.02
Hogsty Reef / by John Dowd. Spr.01
Dorrell, Linda
Face to face / Linda Dorrell. Jun.03
Dorrell, Linda
True believers / Linda Dorrell.
Dorros, Arthur
Under the sun / Arthur Dorros.
Dotlich, Rebecca Kai
In the spin of things / by Rebecca
Kai Dotlich ; illustrations by Karen
Dugan. Apr.04
The great horse-less carriage race /
by Michael Dooling. Nov.2004
Dorling Kindersley children's
illustrated encyclopedia
Dorling Kindersley children's
illustrated encyclopedia. June.2007
Over in the pink house : new jump
rope rhymes / Rebecca Kai Dotlich,
illustrated by Melanie Hall.
Rare and endangered / by John
Dowd. Spr.01
Dowell, Frances O'Roark
Shooting the moon / Frances
O'Roark Dowell. June 2009
Dowell, Frances O'Roark
The second life of Abigail Walker /
Frances O'Roark Dowell. Feb.2013
Dowell, Frances O'Roark
The second life of Abigail Walker /
Frances O'Roark Dowell. Feb.2013
Dowley, Tim
Baker atlas of Christian history /
[edited by] Tim Dowley. Spr.01
Dowley, Tim
Dotlich, Rebecca Kai
Sweet Dreams of the Wild : Poems
for Bedtime / by Rebecca Kai
Dotlich; illustrated by Katharine
Dodge. Nov.97
Crossway illustrated Bible
handbook / edited by Tim Dowley ;
contributors, Stephen Motyer .. [et
al.]. June.2006
Dowley, Tim
American women and flight since
1940 / Deborah G. Douglas, with
the assistance of Amy E. Foster,
Alan D. Meyer, and Lucy B. Young.
Kregel pictorial guide to the Bible /
Tim Dowley. Fall.01
Dowley, Tim
Kregel pictorial guide to the story of
the Bible / Tim Dowley. Win.02
Douglass, Frederick
Frederick Douglass, in his own
words. Nov.95
Dorman, Theodore Martin
Faith for all seasons : historic
Christian belief in its classical
Dowd, John
Dotlich, Rebecca Kai
Douglas, Deborah G.
Dooling, Michael
Dowd, John
Dow, Rosey
Downie, Mary Alice
Snow Paws / by Mary Alice Downie;
illustrated by Kathryn Naylor.
Downie, N. A. (Neil A.)
Vacuum bazookas, electric rainbow
jelly, and 27 other Saturday science
projects / Neil A. Downie ;
illustrations by Jim Wilkinson.
OctDec 2009
Downing, David
Less than dead / Tim Downs. June
Doyle, Arthur Conan
refugees / by A. Conan Doyle ;
illustrated by T. de Thulstrup.
Colombia / David Downing. 40634
Into the wardrobe : C.S. Lewis and
the Narnia chronicles / David C.
Downing. Sept.2005
Downing, Peggy
Bible story begins : from creation to
covenant / by John William Drane.
Draper, Allison Stark
story of Easter / Christopher Doyle
and John Haysom. Sept.2005
Pastor Andre Trocme : spiritual
leader of the French village Le
Chambon / Allison Stark Draper.
Doyle, Peter Reese
Dravecky, Dave
Escape from the Black Forest.
Called up : stories of life and faith
from the great game of baseball /
by Dave Dravecky with Mike
Yorkey. Nov.2004
Doyle, Christopher
Downing, David C.
Drane, John William
Brill of Exitorn. Sept.96
Doyle, Peter Reese
Downing, Peggy
Lost Prince / Peggy Downing;
illustrated by Sherry Neidigh.
Downs, Sandra
Earth's fiery fury / by Sandra
Downs. Spr.01
Downs, Susan K.
Ekaterina / by Susan K. Downs and
Susan May Warren. Dec.2005
Launched from the Castle. Jan.97
Dragons : legends & lore of
Dragons : legends & lore of
dinosaurs. 40848
Dragonwagon, Crescent
Bat in the Dining Room / by
Crescent Dragonwagon; illustrated
by S. D. Schindler. MarMay.98
Kids Campfire Book / by Jane Drake
and Ann Love ; illustrated by
Heather Collins. WinSpr.99
Downs, Susan K.
Drake, Jane
Nadia / by Susan K. Downs and
Susan May Warren. Dec.2005
Kids Summer Games Book / by Jane
Drake and Ann Love ; illustrated by
Heather Collins. WinSpr.99
Downs, Susan K.
Downs, Tim
Drake, Jane
Kids winter handbook / written by
Jane Drake and Ann Love;
illustrated by Heather Collins.
Head game / Tim Downs. June.2007
Drane, John
Downs, Tim
For bitter or for better? : keys for a
great marriage / presenter, John
Drescher. SprSum.02
Drescher, John M.
Marina / by Susan K. Downs and
Susan May Warren. Dec.2005
Oksana / by Susan K. Downs and
Susan May Warren. Dec.2005
Jesus plan : breaking though
barriers to introduce the people
you love to the God you love /
Bruce Roberts Dreisbach. Jun.03
Drescher, John
Drake, Jane
Downs, Susan K.
Dreisbach, Bruce Roberts
Christians through the ages--around
the world. Mar.96
When your child is 6 to 12 / by John
M. Drescher. Sum.01
Drescher, John M.
Your child 6 to 12 : your last great
chance / by John M. Drescher.
American flags : designs for a young
nation / by Nancy Druckman ; with
commentaries by Jeffrey Kenneth
Kohn. Dec.2004
Drummond, Lewis
Women of Awakenings : The
Historic Contribution of Women to
Revival Movements / Lewis and
Betty Drummond. Nov.97
Du Bois, William Pene
DuBosque, Douglas C.
twenty-one balloons / written and
illustrated by William Pene Du Bois.
Draw! rainforest animals. Nov.95
Du Boulay, Shirley
Road to Canterbury : A Modern
Pilgrimage / Shirley Du Boulay;
illustrated by Ursula Sieger. Nov.97
Du Jardin, Rosamund
Class ring / by Rosamund du Jardin.
DuBois, Jill
Israel / Jill DuBois, Mair Rosh.
DuBosque, Douglas C.
Draw 3-D : a step-by-step guide to
perspective drawing / by Doug
DuBosque. Spr.01
DuBosque, Douglas C.
Draw Cars / by Doug DuBosque.
Duck, Daymond R.
Revelation for teens / Daymond R.
Duck; [edited by] Larry Richards,
Ph.D. Feb.03
Dudley, William
Draw Dinosaurs / by Doug
DuBosque. WinSpr.99
Cody's Secret Admirer / by Betsy
Duffey ; illustrated by Ellen
Thompson. WinSpr.99
Duffey, Betsy
Spotlight on Cody / by Betsy Duffey;
illustrated by Ellen Thompson.
Dudley, William
Duffey, Betsy
American slavery / edited by
William Dudley. Win.02
Utterly yours, Booker Jones. Mar.96
Dudley, William
Biological warfare : opposing
viewpoints / William Dudley, book
editor. Nov.2004
Dudley, William
Iraq : opposing viewpoints: /
William Dudley, book editor.
Duffey, Betsy
Virtual Cody / by Betsy Duffey;
illustrated by Ellen Thompson.
Duggleby, John
Artist in Overalls : The Life of Grant
Wood. Jan.97
Duke, Kate
Middle East : opposing viewpoints /
William Dudley, book editor.
DuBosque, Douglas C.
Dudley-Smith, Timothy
Draw Insects / by Doug DuBosque.
John Stott : a biography / Timothy
Dudley-Smith. Feb.03
DuBosque, Douglas C.
Dueck, Adele
Draw! Desert Animals / by Doug
DuBosque. MarMay.98
Anywhere But Here / Adele Dueck.
DuBosque, Douglas C.
Duey, Kathleen
Draw! Grassland Animals / by Doug
DuBosque. MarMay.98
Sarah Anne Hartford,
Massachusetts, 1651 / by Kathleen
Duey. MarMay.98
Aunt Isabel Makes Trouble / Kate
Duke. Sep.97
Duke, Kate
One Guinea Pig Is Not Enough / by
Kate Duke. WinSpr.99
Dulka, Ed
Colombian Jungle Escape / by Ed
and Doreen Dulka. Nov.97
Dumas, Alexandre
Three Musketeers / by Alexandre
Dumas; illustrated by Tim Kidd;
afterword by Peter Glassman;
translated by Lowell Bair. Win.00
Dunbar, Joyce
DuBosque, Douglas C.
Draw! ocean animals / by D. C.
DuBosque. Oct.95
Duffey, Betsy
Africa : opposing viewpoints /
edited by William Dudley. Fall.01
Dudley, William
DuBosque, Douglas C.
Cody unplugged / by Betsy Duffey;
illustrated by Ellen Thompson.
Duffey, Betsy
chick called Saturday / written by
Joyce Dunbar ; illustrated by Brita
Granstrom. Oct.03
Duncan, Lois
Song of the circus / Lois Duncan;
illustrated by Meg Michele Cundiff.
Teaching with Bible games : twenty
"kid-tested" contests to make
Christian education fun. Jan.96
Dungy, Tony
Dunham, Montrew
Abner Doubleday : boy baseball
pioneer / by Montrew Dunham ;
illustrated by Cathy Morrison.
Dunn, Jon
Field Guide to the Warblers of
North America / by Jon L. Dunn and
Kimball L. Garrett. MarMay.98
Dunn, Jon L.
Field Guide to the Birds of North
America / edited by Jon L. Dunn.
Dunham, Montrew
Mahalia Jackson : gospel singer and
civil rights champion / written by
Montrew Dunham ; illustrated by
Cathy Morrison. Nov.2004
Dunker, Marilee
Walker's Point / by Marilee Dunker.
Dunkle, Sidney W.
Dragonflies through binoculars : a
field guide to dragonflies of North
America / by Sidney W. Dunkle.
Dunn, Jon L.
Large Gulls of North America / by
Jon L. Dunn. Win.00
Birds in the Bushes : A Story About
Margaret Morse Nice / by Julie
Dunlap; illustrations by Ralph L.
Ramstad. Nov.97
Dunlap, Julie
Eye on the wild : a story about
Ansel Adams. Nov.96
Dunn, Ronald
Don't Just Stand there, Pray
Something. Fall.00
Dunlop, Ed
Carter G. Woodson : Father of
African-American History / by
Robert F. Durden. WinSpr.99
Duriez, Colin
AD 33 : the year that changed the
world / Colin Duriez. Sept.2007
Duriez, Colin
C. S. Lewis encyclopedia : a
complete guide to his life, thought,
and writings / Colin Duriez.
field guide to Narnia / Colin Duriez.
Durrant, Lynda
Dunphy, Madeleine
peregrine's journey : a story of
migration / by Madeleine Dunphy;
illustrated by Kristin Kest. Sum.01
sun, the rain, and the apple seed : a
novel of Johnny Appleseed / Lynda
Durrant. Jun.03
Durrant, Lynda
Mystery at Maple Street Park.
Turtle clan journey / by Lynda
Durrant. Feb.03
Durrett, Deanne
Duplex, Mary H.
The rockhound mystery. Jan.96
Duplex, Mary H\Peterson, Mary
Joseph, ill.
Mystery on Oak Street and other
stories. Sept.96
Importance of Jim Henson / by
Deanne Durrett. MarMay.98
Durrett, Deanne
Importance of Norman Rockwell /
by Deanne Durrett. MarMay.98
Durrett, Deanne
Dunlop, Ed
incredible rescues / Ed Dunlop ;
[illustrated by Tom Halverson].
Durden, Robert F.
Duriez, Colin
Duplex, Mary H.
Dunlap, Julie
Journal of Sean Sullivan : A
Transcontinental Railroad Worker /
by William Durbin. Fall.00
Dunn, John
spread of Islam. Nov.96
Quiet strength / Tony Dungy with
Nathan Whitaker. June 2009
Durbin, William
Durbin, William
journal of Otto Peltonen : a Finnish
immigrant / by William Durbin.
Unsung heroes of World War II : the
story of the Navajo code talkers /
Deanne Durrett. Oct.03
Dust or destiny
Dust or destiny. Sept.96
DuTemple, Lesley A.
Moose / by Lesley A. DuTemple ;
photographs by Frank Staub.
DuTemple, Lesley A.
Polar Bears / by Lesley A. DuTemple
; photographs by William Muñoz.
Dutton, Sandra
Mary Mae and the Gospel Truth /
by Sandra Dutton. 40513
Duty, Guy
Divorce & remarriage / Guy Duty.
Dyck, Peter J
A leap of faith : true stories for
young and old. Nov.95
Visual faith : art, theology, and
worship in dialogue / William
Dryness. Feb.03
Eastman, Dick
Dyson, Marianne J.
Easton, Richard
Space station science : life in free
fall / by Marianne J. Dyson;
foreword by Buzz Aldrin. Spr.01
real American / Richard Easton.
Dyson, Wanda L.
Abduction / Wanda L. Dyson.
Heights of delight / Dick Eastman.
Eberbach, Andrea
Sacred songs of Christmas : a family
treasury / illustrations by Andrea
Eberbach, Paine Proffitt, Nicole
Wong. Dec.2005
Dyson, Wanda L.
Intimidation / Wanda L. Dyson.
Eamer, Claire
The world in your lunch box / Claire
Eamer ; artwork by Sa Boothroyd.
Eckard, Leslie
Which came first, the chicken or
the egg? / written by Leslie Eckard;
illustrated by Judy Sakaguchi.
Eckert, Allan W.
Incident at Hawk's Hill. Nov.95
Earl of Oats
Dyck, Peter J.
Earl of Oats. Sept.96
Shalom at last. Jan.96
Earle, Sylvia A.
Dyck, Peter J.
Storytime jamboree. Mar.96
Coral reefs / by Sylvia A. Earle ;
illustrated by Bonnie Matthews.
OctDec 2009
Dyck, Peter J.
Easter Storykeepers
The great shalom. Jan.96
Easter Storykeepers. WinSpr.99
Dyer, Charles H.
Easterby, John
Rise of Babylon: Is Iraq At the
Center of the Final Drama?. Aug.03
150 projects to strengthen your
photography skills / John Easterby.
August 2011
Dyer, Heather
Tina and the penguin / written by
Heather Dyer, illustrated by Mireille
Levert. Apr.03
Eastern / Central Bird Songs
Eastern / Central Bird Songs.
Edens, Cooper
A present for Rose / by Cooper
Edens; illustrated by Molly
Hashimoto. Oct.95
Edens, Cooper
The glorious American songbook : a
classic illustrated edition / compiled
by Cooper Edens. Sept.2007
Edgren, Mary Elizabeth
Methuselah's gift / by Mary
Elizabeth Edgren; illustrated by
Kathryn Penk Koch. Oct.95
Edited by Neil Philip
Singing America. Jan.97
Edlin, Richard J.
Dyess, Ernest L
Eastman, Dick
God, if you're real, let the cow be in
the pen when I get home. Sept.96
Beyond Imagination : A Simple Plan
to Save the World / by Dick
Eastman. Jan.98
Dyrness, William A.
Cause of Christian Education, 2nd
ed. / by Richard J. Edlin ; with an
introduction by Albert D. Greene,
Jr. ; and an annotated bibliography
compiled by Harro Van Brummelen.
Edman, V. Raymond
Finney on revival / V. Raymond
Edman. Fall.01
Edmonds, Walter Dumaux
The matchlock gun / by Walter D.
Edmonds ; illustrated by Paul Lantz.
You're Safe Now, Waterdog / by
Richard Edwards; illustrated by
Sophy Williams. MarMay.98
Under my nose / by Lois Ehlert ;
photographs by Carlo Ontal.
Edwards, Richard
Eichenberg, Fritz
You're Safe Now, Waterdog / by
Richard Edwards; illustrated by
Sophy Williams. Fall.00
Ape in a cape / Fritz Eichenberg.
Eidsmoe, John
Edwards, Wallace
Ednerle, Judith Ross
Francis the Earthquake Dog. Jan.97
Alphabeasts / Wallace Edwards.
Columbus & Cortez, conquerors for
Christ. Nov.96
Eidso, Tom
Edwards, Bruce L.
Not-a-tame lion : unveil Narnia
through the eyes of Lucy, Peter,
and other characters created by C.
S. Lewis / Bruce L. Edwards.
Egan, Tim
St. Agnes' stand. Jan.96
Burnt Toast on Davenport Street /
written and illustrated by Tim Egan.
Eisenman, Tom L.
Egan, Tim
Temptations Families Face :
Breaking Patterns That Keep Us
Apart. Mar.97
Chestnut Cove. Sept.96
Edwards, Gene
return. Nov.96
Edwards, Gene
Eisenstein, Marilyn
Egendorf, Laura K.
Elizabethan drama / edited by
Laura K. Egendorf. Fall.01
Triumph. Jan.97
Ekey, Maribeth
Egendorf, Laura K.
Edwards, Jonathan
His redeeming love / Jonathan
Edwards; compiled by Judith
Couchman and Lisa Marzano.
Edwards, Judith
great expedition of Lewis and Clark
: by Private Reubin Field, member
of the Corps of Discovery / as
recorded by Judith Edwards ;
pictures by Sally Wern Comport.
Edwards, Judith
Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping in
American History / by Judith
Edwards. Win.00
Edwards, Richard
Kate can't wait / Marilyn Eisenstein;
paintings by Miranda Jones. Win.02
Food safety / edited by Laura K.
Egendorf. Fall.01
Shattered Hopes, Renewed Hearts :
What to Do With Wishes That Don't
Come True / by Maribeth Ekey;
foreword by Paul Meier. Win.00
Egendorf, Laura K.
information revolution : opposing
viewpoints / Laura K. Egendorf,
book editor. Nov.2004
Egendorf, Laura K.
Ekker, Ernst A.
W. A. Mozart : [a musical picture
book] / by Ernst A. Ekker ;
illustrated by Doris Eisenburger.
Third World : opposing viewpoints /
edited by Laura K. Egendorf. Fall.01
Elbrosh, Mark
Eggerichs, Emerson
Bird tracks & sign : a guide to North
American species / by Mark Elbroch
& Eleanor Marks. SprSum.02
Love and respect / Emerson
Eggerichs. June 2009
Ehlert, Lois
Eating the alphabet : fruits and
vegetables from A to Z. Jan.96
Ehlert, Lois
Eldash, Khaled
In an Egyptian city / by Khaled
Eldash and Dalia Khattab. Aug.03
Eldredge, John
Wild at heart : discovering the
secret of a man's soul / John
Eldredge. Aug.03
Asteroids, meteorites, and comets /
Linda T. Elkins-Tanton. Sept.2006
Elliot, Elisabeth
Quest for Love / Elisabeth Elliot.
Elkins-Tanton, Linda T.
Eleanor Estes
Ginger Pye / Eleanor Estes ; with
illustrations by the author.
Electric Library (online)
earth and the moon / Linda T.
Elkins-Tanton. Sept.2006
Elliot, Elisabeth
Secure in the everlasting arms /
Elisabeth Elliot. Apr.03
Elkins-Tanton, Linda T.
Jupiter and Saturn / Linda T. ElkinsTanton. Sept.2006
Electric Library (online). Win.00
Elliot, Elisabeth
shaping of a Christian family / by
Elisabeth Elliot. Spr.01
Elkins-Tanton, Linda T.
Elias, Marie Louise
Barbados / by Marie Louise Elias.
Mars / Linda T. Elkins-Tanton.
Elliot, Laura
Give me liberty / L.M. Elliott.
Elkins-Tanton, Linda T.
Elish, Dan
Trail of Tears / by Dan Elish. Win.02
sun, Mercury, and Venus / Linda T.
Elkins-Tanton. Sept.2006
Elish, Dan
Elkins-Tanton, Linda T.
Vermont / by Dan Elish. Fall.98
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the
outer solar system / Linda T. ElkinsTanton. Sept.2006
Elkins, Stephen
Ebony & ivory : discovering 10 keys
to racial harmony / Stephen Elkins ;
illustrated by Jesse Reisch, CD
narrated by Toby McKeehan and
Michael Tait of dc talk. Sept.2005
Elleman, Barbara
Virginia Lee Burton : a life in art / by
Barbara Elleman. Apr.04
Elliff, Tom
Elkins, Stephen
God's power / Stephen Elkins,
author ; Tim O'Connor, illustrations.
Passion for Prayer : Experiencing
Deeper Intimacy with God / by Tom
Elliff. Win.00
Special families / Stephen Elkins,
author ; Tim O'Connor, illustrations.
Chance to Die : The Life and Legacy
of Amy Carmichael / Elisabeth
Elliot. Sep.97
Elliot, Elisabeth
Elkins, Stephen
Thank you : a very special story for
children / story written by Stephen
Elkins; narrated by Ray Boltz;
illustrated by Ellie Colton.
Elkins-Tanton, Linda T.
A troubled peace / L. M. Elliot ;
[edited by] Katherine Tegen. Oct.
Elliott, L. M.
troubled peace / L. M. Elliot ;
[edited by] Katherine Tegen.
October 2010
Elliott, Lang
songs of insects / Lang Elliott and
Wil Hershberger ; with photos and
sound recordings by the authors.
Elliott, Lang
Elliot, Elisabeth
Elkins, Stephen
Elliott, L. M.
songs of wild birds / Lang Elliott
with photos and sound recordings
by the author and others.
Elliott, Lang
music of his promises : listening to
God with love, trust, and obedience
/ Elisabeth Elliot. Feb.03
Stokes Field Guide to Bird Songs :
Eastern Region / by Kevin Colver,
with Donald & Lillian Stokes.
Elliot, Elisabeth
Elliott, Sharon Norris
Passion and purity : learning to
bring your love life under Christ's
control / Elisabeth Elliot. Feb.03
Raising boys to be like Jesus /
Sharon Norris Elliott. 40210
Elliott, Zetta
Bird / by Zetta Elliott ; illustrated by
Shadra Strickland. 39912
About-face space race / Robert
Elmer; illustrated by Paul
Turnbaugh. SprSum.02
Ellis, Carol
Elmer, Robert
Hamsters and gerbils / by Carol
Ellis. OctDec 2009
Beyond Corista / by Robert Elmer.
AprJune 2010
Ellis, Deborah
Elmer, Robert
heaven shop / Deborah Ellis.
celebrity / Robert Elmer. June.2006
Into the Flames. Jan.97
Elmer, Robert
Koala Beach outbreak / by Robert
Elmer. Spr.01
Elmer, Robert
Light in the Castle / Robert Elmer.
Elmer, Robert
Elmer, Robert
Chasing the Wind. Jan.97
Mid-air zillionaire / Robert Elmer.
Elmer, Robert
Elmer, Robert
cosmic camp caper / Robert Elmer.
Miko's muzzy mess / by Robert
Elmer. Fall.01
Elmer, Robert
Elmer, Robert
Tiffany / Joyce K. Ellis. Sep.97
Dingo Creek Challenge / by Robert
Elmer. Fall.98
owling / Robert Elmer. AprJune
Ellis, Julie
Elmer, Robert
Elmer, Robert
Pythagoras and the ratios / Julie
Ellis ; illustrated by Phyllis Hornung
Peacock. 40391
duet / Robert Elmer. Mar.2005
Panic at Emu Flat / by Robert Elmer.
Ellis, Deborah
Off to war / Deborah Ellis. 40513
Ellis, Gwen
God's Promises for Girls / edited by
Gwen Ellis. WinSpr.99
Ellis, Joyce K
Ellisen, Stanley A.
Parables in the eye of the storm /
by Stanley A. Ellisen. Win.02
Ellsworth, Loretta
shrouding woman / Loretta
Ellsworth. Apr.03
Ellsworth, Mary Ellen
Gertrude Chandler Warner and the
Boxcar children / Mary Ellen
Ellsworth; illustrated by Marie
DeJohn. Apr.03
Ellwand, David
Emma's Elephant & Other Favorite
Animal Friends / David Ellwand.
Elmer, Robert
Elmer, Robert
Escape to Murray River / by Robert
Elmer. Fall.98
Elmer, Robert
Peace rebel / by Robert Elmer.
Elmer, Robert
Far from the Storm / Robert Elmer.
Elmer, Robert
Promise breaker / by Robert Elmer.
Elmer, Robert
Firestorm at Kookaburra Station /
by Robert Elmer. Fall.00
Elmer, Robert
Race to Wallaby Bay / by Robert
Elmer. WinSpr.99
Elmer, Robert
Follow the Star / by Robert Elmer.
Elmer, Robert
Elmer, Robert
Elmer, Robert
great galaxy goof / by Robert Elmer.
Refugee treasure / Robert Elmer.
Elmer, Robert
Elmer, Robert
recital / Robert Elmer. June.2007
Touch the Sky / by Robert Elmer.
Elwood, Roger
Encarta Online Deluxe
On holy ground : an angelwalk
novel / [Roger Elwood.]. Fall.01
Encarta Online Deluxe. Win.00
Elmer, Robert
Tow-away stowaway / Robert
Elmer. Jun.03
Encarta Online Library
Elwood, Roger
Where Angels Dare / by Roger
Elwood. Fall.00
Elmer, Robert
Trion rising / by Robert Elmer.
AprJune 2010
Elmer, Robert
Emberley, Barbara
Drummer Hoff / adapted by
Barbara Emberley ; illustrated by Ed
Emberley. Aug.2004
Way Through the Sea. Jan.97
Emberley, Ed
Elmer, Robert
Wired wonder woof / by Robert
Elmer. Win.02
Encarta Online Library. Win.00
Encarta Reference Suite (CD)
Encarta Reference Suite (CD).
Encyclopedia Americana on CDROM
Encyclopedia Americana on CDROM. Win.00
Drawing Book of Animals. Jan.96
Encyclopedia Americana Online
Emberley, Rebecca
Three cool kids. Jan.96
Encyclopedia Americana Online.
Elmer, Robert
Zero-G headache / by Robert Elmer.
Elphick, Jonathan
Dorling Kindersley animal
encyclopedia / [authors, Jonathan
Elphick .. [et al.]. Sept.2007
Elvgren, Jennifer Riesmeyer
Josias, hold the book / Jennifer
Riesmeyer Elvgren ; illustrated by
Nicole Tadgell. June.2007
Elwell, Ellen Banks
Christian Mom's Idea Book :
Hundreds of Ideas, Tips, and
Activities to Help You Be a Great
Mom / by Ellen Banks Elwell. Jan.98
Embry, Margaret
Everyday life in Bible times : work,
worship, and war / by Margaret
Embry. Oct.95
Encyclopedia Britannica on CDROM
Encyclopedia Britannica on CDROM. Win.00
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Encyclopedia Britannica Online
Father, we thank you / Ralph Waldo
Emerson; illustrated by Mark
Graham. SprSum.02
Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
Empty cities
Empty cities / produced and
distributed by Moody Publishers.
encyclopedia of Bible games for
children's ministry
encyclopedia of Bible games for
children's ministry. Mar.2005
Encarta 99 : Deluxe Edition (CD)
Encyclopedia of careers and
vocational guidance
Encarta 99 : Deluxe Edition (CD).
Encyclopedia of careers and
vocational guidance. Dec.2005
Elwood, Christopher
Encarta 99 : Standard Edition (CD)
Ende, Michael
Calvin for armchair theologians /
Christopher Elwood ; illustrations
by Ron Hill. Apr.04
Encarta 99 : Standard Edition (CD).
Neverending Story / Michael Ende;
translated by Ralph Manheim.
Elwood, Roger
Encarta Concise Free Encyclopedia
Darien's angelwalk for children.
Encarta Concise Free Encyclopedia
(online). Win.00
Enderle, Judith Ross
Dear Timothy Tibbitts / by Judith
Ross Enderle and Stephanie Gordon
Tessler; illustrated by Carolyn
Ewing. MarMay.98
Englar, Mary
Enderle, Judith Ross
Where Are You, Little Zack? / by
Judith Ross Enderle and Stephanie
Gordon Tessler; illustrated by Brian
Floca. Jan.98
Pueblo : farmers of the Southwest /
by Mary Englar. Sept.2005
walk on the wild side : walking with
the master / by Dave Ens. Sum.01
Enslow, Anne
Englar, Mary
Pueblo : southwestern potters / by
Mary Englar. Sept.2005
Music of the American colonies / by
Anne Enslow and Ridley Enslow.
Englar, Mary
Ensor, John M.
Seminole : First People of Florida.
Doing things right in matters of the
heart / John Ensor. Sept.2007
Defenders of Joona. Nov.95
Englar, Mary
Engelmann, Kim
Seminole : the first people of
Florida / by Mary Englar. Sept.2005
Environment : an illustrated guide
to science
Endicott, Irene
Grandparenting : It's Not What It
Used to Be / Irene Endicott. Nov.97
Engelmann, Kim
Journey to Joona. Nov.95
Environment : an illustrated guide
to science / the Diagram Group.
Englar, Mary
Engelmann, Kim
The crown of Joona. Nov.95
Enger, Leif
Peace like a river / Leif Enger.
Englar, Mary
Cherokee and their history / by
Mary Englar. June.2006
Englar, Mary
Cheyenne : hunter-gatherers of the
northern plains / by Mary Englar.
Sioux and their history / by Mary
Englar. June.2006
Chief Joseph : 1840-1904 / by Mary
Englar. Aug.2004
surrender tree : poems of Cuba's
struggle for freedom / Margarita
Engle. AprJune 2010
Englehart, Steve
Dangers / by Steve and Terry
Englehart. MarMay.98
English, Karen
Big Wind Coming!. Mar.97
Just Right Stew / by Karen English ;
illustrated by Anna Rich. WinSpr.99
Enright, Elizabeth
Englar, Mary
Comanche : nomads of the
southern plains / by Mary Englar.
Gone-Away Lake / Elizabeth Enright
; illustrated by Beth and Joe Krush.
Enright, Elizabeth
Englar, Mary
Iroquois : the Six Nations
Confederacy / by Mary Englar.
Environmental issues on file / the
Diagram Group. Jun.03
Engle, Margarita
English, Karen
Englar, Mary
Environmental issues on file
Thimble summer / written and
illustrated by Elizabeth Enright.
Ens, Dave
EO International
Ten commandments / produced by
EO International. Spr.01
Epperson, James F.
Causes of the Civil War / James F.
Epperson. June.2006
Erdman, Loula Grace
wind blows free : a tale of the Texas
panhandle / Loula Grace Erdman.
Erickson, John R.
Case of the Measled Cowboy / by
John R. Erickson; illustrations by
Gerald L. Holmes. Fall.00
Erickson, John R.
case of the raging Rottweiler / by
John R. Erickson; illustrations by
Gerald L. Holmes. Sum.01
Erickson, John R.
Case of the Vanishing Fishhook / by
John R. Erickson; illustrations by
Gerald L. Holmes. Fall.00
Meet Caroline. Aug.Sept.2013
Esperanca rising
Esperanca rising. Sum.01
Ernst, Kathleen
Erickson, John R.
Traitor in the shipyard.
Estes, Eleanor
Garbage Monster from Outer Space
/ by John R. Erickson; illustrations
by Gerald L. Holmes. Fall.00
Ernst, Kathleen
Estes, Eleanor
Trouble at Fort La Pointe / by
Kathleen Ernst. Feb.03
hundred dresses / by Eleanor Estes,
illustrated by Louis Slobodkin.
Erickson, Millard J.
concise dictionary of Christian
theology / Millard J. Erickson.
Erlanger, Ellen
Isaac Asimov--scientist and
storyteller. Jan.96
Ernst, Lisa Campbell
Hannah Mae O'Hannigan's Wild
West Show / written and illustrated
by Lisa Campbell Ernst. Aug.03
Estes, Eleanor
middle Moffat / Eleanor Estes ;
illustrated by Louis Slobodkin.
Ersatz elevator
Ersatz elevator. Feb.03
Erlbach, Arlene
Happy New Year, everywhere! / by
Arlene Erlbach; illustrated by
Sharon Lane Holm. Sum.01
Ginger Pye. Jan.96
Erwin, Vicki Berger
Case of the Questionable Cousin /
Vicki Berger Erwin. Nov.97
Estes, Eleanor
middle Moffat / Eleanor Estes ;
illustrated by Louis Slobodkin.
Estes, Eleanor
Ernst, Kathleen
Erwin, Vicki Berger
A surprise for Caroline.
Catnapping Caper / Vicki Berger
Erwin. Nov.97
Moffat Museum / Eleanor Estes ;
illustrated by the author. June.2006
Estes, Eleanor
Ernst, Kathleen
Erwin, Vicki Berger
Caroline takes a chance.
Disappearing Card Trick / Vicki
Berger Erwin. Nov.97
Moffats / Eleanor Estes ; illustrated
by Louis Slobodkin. June.2006
Estes, Eleanor
Ernst, Kathleen
Erwin, Vicki Berger
Caroline's battle. Aug.Sept.2013
Secret in the Old Book / by Vicki
Berger Erwin. WinSpr.99
Ernst, Kathleen
Caroline's secret message.
Esbensen, Barbara Juster
Pinky Pye / Eleanor Estes ;
illustrated by Edward Ardizzone.
Estes, Eleanor
celebration of bees : helping
children to write poetry. Apr.03
Rufus M. / Eleanor Estes ;
illustrated by Louis Slobodkin.
Esbensen, Barbara Juster
Esther, Gulshan
Dream Mouse : a lullaby tale from
Old Latvia. Nov.95
Torn Veil : Story of Sister Gulshan
Esther / by Sister Gulshan Esther; as
told to Thelma Sangster, with Noble
Din interpreter. Jan.98
Ernst, Kathleen
Challenges for Caroline.
Ernst, Kathleen
Hearts of stone / Kathleen Ernst.
Ernst, Kathleen
Eshleman, Paul
Touch of Jesus / Paul Eshleman.
Etchinson, Birdie L.
The heart has its reasons. Mar.96
Ethridge, Shannon
Every young woman's battle :
guarding your mind, heart, and
body in a sex-saturated world /
Shannon Ethridge & Stephen
Arterburn. Nov.2004
Sawdust Trail Preacher : The Story
of Billy Sunday. Mar.97
John Charles Fremont : pathfinder
to the West / Harold Faber. Oct.03
Eversole, Robyn
Faber, Harold
Red berry wool / by Robyn
Eversole; paintings by Tim Coffey.
La Salle : down the Mississippi / by
Harold Faber. SprSum.02
Faber, Harold
Etue, Kate
Evert, Jason
Mission--Africa : a field guide /
[compiled by Kate Etue and Recah
Theodosiou]. Aug.2004
Hard questions, straight answers :
for guys only / featuring Jason
Evert. Feb.03
Eubank, Patricia Reeder
Everts, Don
Seaman's journal. Aug.03
God in the flesh : what speechless
lawyers, kneeling soldiers, and
shocked crowds teach us about
Jesus / Don Everts. Dec.2005
Evans, Freddi Williams
bus of our own / written by Freddi
Williams Evans; illustrated by
Shawn Costello. SprSum.02
Evans, Freddi Williams
Hush harbor : praying in secret /
Freddi Williams Evans ; illustrated
by Erin Bennet Banks. 40210
Everyday Evangelism : Making a
Difference for Christ Where You
Everyday Evangelism : Making a
Difference for Christ Where You
Live / by Randy Becton. Fall.98
Lewis and Clark / by Harold Faber.
Fabian, Bobbi
Twinkle, Twinkle : An Animal
Lover's Mother Goose / Painted
and photographed by Bobbi Fabian.
Fabry, Chris
Almost heaven / Chris Fabry. 40634
Fabry, Chris
Borders of the heart / Chris Fabry.
Fabry, Chris
Evans, James S.
Uncommon Gifts : Transforming
Learning Disabilities into Blessings /
by James S. Evans. Win.00
Evans, Mike
American prophecies : ancient
scriptures reveal our nation's future
/ Michael D. Evans. Dec.2005
EvanTell, Inc.
Growing in the family : 8 vital
relationships for the growing
Christian / EvanTell; foreword by R.
Larry Moyer. Fall.01
Ewen, Pamela Binnings
moon in the mango tree : a novel /
Pamela Binnings Ewen. OctDec
Eyeopeners II
June bug / Chris Fabry. AprJune
Facklam, Margery
Only a Star / Margery Facklam /
Nancy Carpenter. Sep.97
Eyeopeners II. Mar.96
Facts of faith
Eyer, Richard C.
Holy people, holy lives : law and
Gospel in bioethics / by Richard C.
Eyer. Spr.01
Facts of faith / produced and
distributed by Moody Publishers.
Facts on File chemistry handbook
Eyer, William J
darkness over covenant. Nov.96
Facts on File chemistry handbook /
Diagram Group. Sum.01
Everett, Betty Steele
Ezell, Rick
Facts on File, Inc.
Freedom fighter : the story of
William Wilberforce, the British
Parliamentarian who fought to free
slaves. Jan.96
Cutting to the core / by Rick Ezell.
Geography on file. Jun.03
Facts on File, Inc.
Faber, Harold
Everett, Betty Steele
Outline maps on file. Aug.03
Fain, Moira
Snow Day. Mar.97
Farndon, John
Farjeon, Eleanor
Morning Has Broken. Mar.97
Sound and hearing / by John
Farndon. Win.02
Fairfield, James G. T.
God's pace : stress and Psalm 24 /
James G. T. Fairfield. Win.02
Farley, Carol
Mr. Pak Buys a Story / Carol Farley;
illustrated by Benrei Huang. Nov.97
Faith for Today
Farndon, John
Time / John Farndon. Apr.04
Farndon, John
John Hus. Sept.2005
Farmer, Nancy
Water / by John Farndon. Win.02
Fajardo, Sara Andrea
Casey Jones's Fireman : The Story of
Sim Webb / by Nancy Farmer;
pictures by James Bernardin. Fall.00
Farndon, John
in a Peruvian city / Sara Andrea
Fajardo. Aug.03
Farmer, Nancy
Falconer, Ian
Olivia saves the circus / written and
illustrated by Ian Falconer. June
Clever Ali / by Nancy Farmer ;
illustrated by Gail De Marcken.
Farmer, Nancy
Falvey, David
Letters to a soldier / by 1st Lt. David
Falvey and Mrs. Julie Hutt's fourthgrade class. 40391
ear, the eye and the arm / by Nancy
Farmer. Nov.2004
Farndon, John
Buoyancy / John Farndon. Apr.04
Family Bible Challenge
Family Bible Challenge. WinSpr.99
Farndon, John
Chemicals / John Farndon. Apr.04
Family stories you can relate to
Family stories you can relate to.
Fantastic faith
Fantastic faith. Spr.01
Farndon, John
Energy / John Farndon. Apr.04
Farber, Seth
Unholy Madness : The Church's
Surrender to Psychiatry / by Seth
Farber. Fall.00
Farjeon, Eleanor
Morning Has Broken. Mar.97
Farnes, Catherine
Out of hiding / by Catherine Farnes.
Farnes, Catherine
Over the divide / Catherine Farnes.
Farnes, Catherine
Rivers of Judah / Catherine Farnes.
Farnes, Catherine
Snow / by Catherine Farnes. Spr.01
Farnes, Catherine
way of escape / Catherine Farnes.
Farndon, John
Giant book of space / by John
Farndon. Win.02
Fantastic feats and failures
Fantastic feats and failures / by the
editors of YES Mag ; illustrated by
Jane Kurisu. Dec.2004
Weather / by John Farndon. Win.02
Farndon, John
Light and optics / by John Farndon.
Farra, Harry
The little monk. Jan.96
Farrar, Sid
The year comes round : haiku
through the seasons / Sid Farrar ;
illustrated by Ilse Plume. Apr.2013
Farndon, John
Motion / John Farndon. Apr.04
Farrel, Pam
Farndon, John
Woman of confidence : wisdom for
achieving with integrity / Pam
Farrel. Feb.03
Rocks and minerals / John Farndon.
Farrell, Jeanette
Invisible allies : microbes that shape
our lives / Jeanette Farrell.
Feinberg, Barbara Silberdick
Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg
Address / by Barbara Silberdick
Feinberg. Sum.01
Farrington, Karen
Historical atlas of expeditions /
Karen Farrington. Fall.01
Feinberg, Barbara Silberdick
John Marshall : the great Chief
Justice. Sept.96
Farris, Christine King
My brother Martin : a sister
remembers growing up with the
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. / by
Christine King Farris ; illustrated by
Chris Soentpiet. Sept.2005
Feinberg, John S.
Ethics for a Brave New World / by
John S. Feinberg & Paul D. Feinberg.
Feinstein, Stephen
1920s from prohibition to Charles
Lindbergh / by Stephen Feinstein.
Farris, Michael
Feinstein, Stephen
How a Man Prepares His Daughters
for Life. Jan.97
1930s from the Great Depression to
the Wizard of Oz / by Stephen
Feinstein. Fall.01
Favole, Robert
Monday Redux / Robert Favole.
Faxel, Tammy
Finding God's peace in perilous
times / [compiled by Tammy Faxel].
Feinstein, Stephen
1940s from World War II to Jackie
Robinson / by Stephen Feinstein.
Fedor, Janis
For the love of Adam. Nov.95
Feelings, Muriel L.
Zamani Goes to Market / by Muriel
L. Feelings; illustrated by Tom
Feelings. Fall.98
Feinstein, Stephen
1950s from the Korean War to Elvis
/ by Stephen Feinstein. Fall.01
I Lost My Bear / by Jules Feiffer.
Before Winter Comes. Mar.96
Blue mist on the Danube / Doris
Elaine Fell. Fall.01
Fell, Doris Elaine
Race for Autumn's Glory / by Doris
Elaine Fell. MarMay.98
Fell, Doris Elaine
Sunrise on Stradbury Square / Doris
Elaine Fell. Feb.03
Fell, Doris Elaine
The twelfth rose of spring. Mar.96
Fell, Doris Elaine
To Catch the Summer Wind / Doris
Elaine Fell. Sep.97
trumpet at Twisp / Doris Elaine Fell.
Fell, Doris Elaine
Feldhahn, Jeff
For young men only : a guy's guide
to the alien gender / Jeff Feldhahn
and Eric Rice. 39912
Feldhaln, Shaunti Christine
lights of Tenth Street / Shaunti
Feldhahn. Apr.04
Willows on the Windrush / Doris
Elaine Fell. Fall.01
Felton, Sandra
Organizing for life : declutter your
mind to declutter your world /
Sandra Felton. Sept.2007
Fenton, John
Felix, Antonia
Feiffer, Jules
Fell, Doris Elaine
Fell, Doris Elaine
Fazio, Brenda Lena
Grandfather's Story. Mar.97
Always in September. Mar.96
Fell, Doris Elaine
Farrington, Karen
Historical atlas of the Holy Lands /
Karen Farrington. Aug.03
Fell, Doris Elaine
Windtalkers : a John Woo film /
preface by John Woo ; introduction
by Jeff Bingaman ; photographs by
Stephen Vaughan ; edited by
Antonia Felix ; designed by Timothy
Shaner. Oct.03
Matthew passion : a Lenten journey
to the Cross and Resurrection /
John Fenton. Spr.01
Ferber, Elizabeth
Life with Animals : Jane Goodall /
by Elizabeth Ferber. Fall.98
Ferrell, Nancy Warren
Battle of Little Bighorn in American
History. Jan.97
Ferguson, David\Ferguson, Teresa
Parenting with intimacy. Sept.96
Ferguson, David\Ferguson, Teresa
Parenting with intimacy workbook.
Ferguson-Lees, James
Raptors of the world / by James
Ferguson-Lees and David A.
Christie; illustrated by Kim Franklin,
David Mead, and Philip Burton.
Ferlo, Roger
Opening the Bible / by Roger Ferlo.
Fernandes, Eugenie
Big week for Little Mouse / written
by Eugenie Fernandes ; illustrated
by Kim Fernandes. Aug.2004
Ferris, Jeri
Native American doctor : the story
of Susan LaFlesche Picotte / Jeri
Ferris. Aug.2004
Fernando, Ajith
Spiritual living in a secular world :
applying the book of Daniel today /
Ajith Fernando. Jun.03
Finding Nouf / Zoë Ferraris. 39912
Ferrebee, Louise A.
healthy marriage handbook /
Louise A. Ferrebee, general editor.
Ferreira, Anton
Zulu dog / Anton Ferreira. Nov.2004
Field, Rachel
Ferris, Jeri Chase
Thomas Jefferson : Father of Liberty
/ by Jeri Chase Ferris. Win.00
Fields, Ed
Ferris, Jeri Chase
With Open Hands : A Story About
Biddy Mason / by Jeri Chase Ferris;
illustrated by Ralph L. Ramstad.
Ferro, Jeffrey
Juvenile crime / Jeffrey Ferro.
Fessenden, David E
Father to nobody's children : the
life of Thomas J. Barnardo. Jan.96
Ark of the covenant / a Gateway
Films / Vision Video release, an
Alexandria Productions ; producers,
Ed Fields, Geoff Deehan, Michael
Sanders ; directors, Joel Westbrook,
Steve Ruggi. June.2007
Fields, T. S.
Danger in the Desert / by T. S.
Fields. MarMay.98
Figley, Marty Rhodes
Mary and Martha. Nov.96
Figley, Marty Rhodes
Fiarotta, Phyllis
Colossal Book of Crafts for Kids &
Their Families; originally published
as: Sticks & Stones & Ice Cream
Cones and Snips & Snails & Walnut
Whales / by Phyllis Fiarotta with
Noel Fiarotta. WinSpr.99
Field, Christine M.
Ferraris, Zoë
Hitty : her first hundred years /
Rachel Field ; with illustrations by
Dorothy P. Lathrop. Sept.2005
Prayer for a child / by Rachel Field ;
pictures by Elizabeth Orton Jones.
Fernandes, Eugenie
Difficult Day / written and
illustrated by Eugenie Fernandes.
Field, Rachel
Field Guide to Home Schooling / by
Christian M. Field. WinSpr.99
Field, Christine M.
Homeschooling the challenging
child : a practical guide / Christine
M. Field. June.2005
Field, Rachel
Grace for an island meal / Rachel
Field ; pictures by Cynthia Jabar.
Noah's Wife / written by Marty
Rhodes ; illustrated by Anita Riggio.
Finchler, Judy\O'Malley, Kevin, ill.
Miss Malarkey doesn't live in Room
10. Sept.96
Finchler, Judy\O'Malley, Kevin, ill.
Miss Malarkey doesn't live in Room
10. Sept.96
Findon, Joanne
Auld Lang Syne / by Joanne Findon ;
paintings by Ted Nasmith.
Fine, Edith Hope
Barbara McClintock : Nobel Prize
Geneticist / by Edith Hope Fine.
Finger, Charles Joseph
Tales from silver lands / by Charles
J. Finger, woodcuts by Paul Honoré.
Finkelstein, Norman H.
Three across : the great
transatlantic air race of 1927 /
Norman H. Finkelstein. 40026
Finlayson, Reggie
Colin Powell : People's Hero / by
Reggie Finlayson. Jan.98
Answers to prayer / by Charles G.
Finney; compiled & edited by Louis
Gifford Parkhurst, Jr. Apr.03
Finney, Charles Grandison
autobiography of Charles G. Finney
: the life story of America's greatest
evangelist--in his own words /
condensed and edited by Helen
Wessel. Mar.2007
First Picture Book of Nursery
First Picture Book of Nursery
Rhymes. Jan.97
First World War
First World War. Jan.97
Finnie, Kellsye M.
Beyond the Minarets : A Biography
of Henry Martyn / Kellsye M.
Finnie; foreword by Bishop
Dehqani-Tafti. Nov.97
Finley, Carol
Art of the Far North : Inuit
Sculpture, Drawing, and
Printmaking / by Carol Finley.
First nature encyclopedia.
Fischer, Jean
Sydney's D.C. discovery / Jean
Fischer. 40391
Fischer, John
Finnie, Kellsye M.
William Carey : Missionary Pioneer
/ Kellsye M. Finnie; illustrations by
John Finnie. Nov.97
Finley, Martha
Finto, Don
Elsie Dinsmore / by Martha Finley.
Your people shall be my people /
Don Finto. Fall.01
Ashes on the Wind / by John
Fischer. Fall.98
Fischer, John
Dark horse / John Fischer. Apr.04
Fischer, Laura
Life on the trail of tears / Laura
Fischer. Nov.2004
Finley, Martha
Fiorenza, Elizabeth Schussler
Elsie's Girlhood / by Martha Finley.
Jesus: Miriam's Child; Sophia's
Prophet. Win.00
Fish, Melinda
Finley, Martha
Fireside, Harvey
Elsie's Holidays at Roselands / by
Martha Finley. MarMay.98
Keep coming, Holy Spirit : living in
the heart of revival / Melinda Fish.
Brown v. Board of Education : equal
schooling for all. Sept.96
Fisher, Leonard Everett
Finley, Martha
Fireside, Harvey
Elsie's Womanhood / by Martha
Finley. MarMay.98
architects / written and illustrated
by Leonard Everett Fisher. Fall.01
Fifth Amendment : Right to Remain
Silent / by Harvey Fireside.
Fisher, Leonard Everett
Fireside, Harvey
blacksmiths / written and
illustrated by Leonard Everett
Fisher. Fall.01
Finley, Martha
Millie's courageous days / based on
the beloved books by Martha
Finley. SprSum.02
Plessy v. Ferguson : Separate But
Equal? / by Harvey Fireside. Fall.98
Finley, Martha
First Americans
Millie's unsettled season / based on
the beloved books by Martha
Finley. SprSum.02
First Americans. Mar.96
hatters / written and illustrated by
Leonard Everett Fisher. Fall.01
Fisher, Leonard Everett
First nature encyclopedia
Finney, Charles Grandison
Fisher, Leonard Everett
Jetty Chronicles / by Leonard
Everett Fisher. Fall.98
Fisher, Leonard Everett
limners : America's earliest portrait
painters / written and illustrated by
Leonard Everett Fisher. Fall.01
Five little loaves and two little fish.
Flack, Marjorie
Fleischman, Sid
Bandit's Moon / by Sid Fleischman ;
illustrations by Jos. A. Smith.
La Historia de Ping. Mar.97
Fleischman, Sid
Fisher, Leonard Everett
Flame in the Wind
papermakers / written and
illustrated by Leonard Everett
Fisher. Fall.01
Flame in the Wind / directed by
Katherine Stenholm. Fall.98
Fisher, Leonard Everett
potters / written and illustrated by
Leonard Everett Fisher. Fall.01
Fleischman, Sid
Flatt, Lizann
My first nature treasury. Jan.96
Fleischer, Paul
Fisher, Leonard Everett
printers / written and illustrated by
Leonard Everett Fisher. Fall.01
Fisher, Leonard Everett
tanners / written and illustrated by
Leonard Everett Fisher. Fall.01
Fisher, Leonard Everett
wigmakers / written and illustrated
by Leonard Everett Fisher. Fall.01
Fisher, Suzanne Woods
The keeper / Suzanne Woods
Fisher. Aug / Oct 2012
Fisher, Suzanne Woods
The keeper / Suzanne Woods
Fisher. Aug / Oct 2012
Fitzmaurice, Kathryn
The year the swallows came early /
Kathryn Fitzmaurice. Feb / Apr 2012
Dream Stealer / Sid Fleischman ;
pictures by Peter Sís. October 2010
The Dream Stealer / Sid Fleischman
; pictures by Peter Sís. Oct. 2010
Fleischman, Sid
Coral Reef / by Paul Fleisher.
The whipping boy / by Sid
Fleischman ; illustrations by Peter
Sis. Dec.2005
Fleischer, Paul
Fleisher, Donna
Oak Tree / by Paul Fleisher.
Valiant hope / Donna Fleisher.
Fleischer, Paul
Fleisher, Donna
Saguaro Cactus / by Paul Fleisher.
Warrior's heart / Donna Fleisher.
Fleischer, Paul
Fleisher, Donna
Tide Pool / by Paul Fleisher.
Wounded healer / Donna Fleisher.
Fleischman, Paul
Fleisher, Paul
Bull Run / Paul Fleischman ;
woodcuts by David Frampton.
Gorillas / Paul Fleisher. Win.02
Fleming, Candace
Fleischman, Paul
Joyful noise : poems for two voices
/ Paul Fleischman ; illustrated by
Eric Beddows. Apr.04
Amelia lost : the life and
disappearance of Amelia Earhart /
by Candace Fleming. 41061
Fleming, Candace
Fitzpatrick, Marie-Louise
Fleischman, Paul
long march : the Choctaw's gift to
Irish famine relief / Marie-Louise
Fitzpatrick ; foreword by Gary
WhiteDeer. Nov.2004
The matchbox diary. Oct.Nov.2013
Five little loaves and two little fish
Ben Franklin's almanac: being a
true account of the good
gentleman's life / Candace Fleming.
Fleischman, Sid
Abracadabra Kid : A Writer's Life /
by Sid Fleischman. Fall.98
Fleming, Candice
Oh, no! / words by Candace
Fleming ; pictures by Eric Rohmann.
Fleming, Denise
Buster / Denise Fleming. Aug.2004
Fleming, Denise
Count / Denise Fleming. Nov.97
Fleming, Denise
everything book / by Denise
Fleming. Spr.01
Flinchbaugh, C. Hope
Flower, Amanda
Across the China sky : a novel / C.
Hope Flinchbaugh. June.2007
A plain disappearance / Amanda
Flower. Oct.Nov.2013
Flinchbaugh, C. Hope
Flower, Amanda
Daughter of China / by C. Hope
Flinchbaugh. Jun.03
A plain scandal / Amanda Flower.
Flood, Bo
Flower, Amanda
I'll Go to School If.. / by Bo Flood;
illustrated by Ronnie Walter
Shipman. Jan.98
Andi unexpected / Amanda Flower.
Fleming, Denise
Time to Sleep / Denise Fleming.
Flowers, Charles
Flood, Bo
Warriors in the crossfire / Nancy Bo
Flood. October 2010
Cortés and the conquest of the
Aztec Empire in world history / by
Charles Flowers. Fall.01
Flood, Bo
Flowers, Lois
Warriors in the crossfire / Nancy Bo
Flood. Oct. 2010
Women, faith, and work : how ten
successful professionals blend
belief and business / Lois Flowers;
foreword by Thomas G. Addington
and Stephen R. Graves. SprSum.02
Fleming, Denise
Where once there was a wood / by
Denise Fleming. Spr.01
Fleming, Jean
The homesick heart : longing for
spiritual intimacy. Sept.96
Fleming, Thomas J.
Everybody's revolution : a new look
at the people who won America's
freedom / Thomas Fleming.
Florczak, Robert
Yikes! / Robert Florczak. Apr.04
Flowers, Sarah
Florian, Douglas
In the Swim / poems and paintings
by Douglas Florian. MarMay.98
Florian, Douglas
Fletcher, Ralph
Poetry matters : writing a poem
from the Inside out. Apr.03
Insectlopedia / poems and
paintings by Douglas Florian. Fall.98
Flournoy, Valerie
Fletcher, Sarah
Tanya's reunion. Nov.96
Christian babysitter's handbook /
written by Sarah Fletcher ; edited
by Melinda Walz. June.2006
Flournoy, Valerie
Fletcher, Sarah
La Historia de Jesús: Historias del
Nuevo / por Sarah Fletcher y
traducido y editado por Hector
Hoppe. Win.00
Flicka. June.2007
Floyd, Madeleine
Captain's purr / Madeleine Floyd.
Floyd, Madeleine
Captain's Purr / Madeleine Floyd.
Floyd, Ronnie W.
The patchwork quilt. Jan.96
Flower, Amanda
A plain death / Amanda Flower.
Flower, Amanda
Sports in America. Jan.97
A plain death / Amanda Flower.
Power of Prayer and Fasting : 10
Secrets of Spiritual Strength / by
Ronnie W. Floyd; foreword by Bill
Bright. MarMay.98
Floyer, Edith S.
young Huguenots / by Edith S.
Floyer. Nov.2004
Flying on wings of beauty
Flying on wings of beauty. Dec.2004
Fogelin, Adrian
Anna Casey's place in the world /
Adrian Fogelin; illustrations by Suzy
Schultz. Win.02
Foley, Mike
Fundamental Hockey / by Mike
Foley; photographs by Andy King.
Robert Fulton : the steamboat man
/ Carin T. Ford. Mar.2005
Food, faith, and fun : a Faithgirlz!
Food, faith, and fun : a Faithgirlz!
Cookbook. Dec.2012
Healing for the heart : the hope of
full surrender / Cheryl V. Ford.
Formento, Alison
These bees count! / Alison
Formento ; illustrated by Sarah
Snow. Aug / Oct 2012
Ford, Jamie
Hotel on the corner of Bitter and
Sweet / Jamie Ford. October 2010
Ford, Jamie
Hotel on the corner of Bitter and
Sweet : a novel / Jamie Ford. Oct.
Formento, Alison
These bees count! / Alison
Formento ; illustrated by Sarah
Snow. Aug / Oct 2012
Forrester, Sandra
My Home Is Over Jordan / by
Sandra Forrester. Fall.98
Ford, June
Child's Garden of Verses Collection
of Scriptures, Prayers & Poems.
Foran, Jill
Dr. Seuss / Jill Foran. Dec.2004
African Queen / by C.S. Forester.
Ford, Cheryl V.
Fong, Ken Uyeda
Secure in God's embrace : living as
the Father's adopted child / Ken
Fong. Apr.04
Forester, C.S.
Ford, Leighton
Fortner, Tama
child's garden of prayers : a
collection of classic prayers and
timeless blessings / compiled by
Tama Fortner; featuring the
artwork of Thomas Kinkade. Spr.01
Independence Day / Jill Foran.
The power of story : rediscovering
the oldest, most natural way to
reach people for Christ / by
Leighton Ford and James D.
Denney. Oct.95
Foran, Jill
Ford, Paul F.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day / Jill
Foran. Dec.2004
Forward, Toby
Companion to Narnia : a complete
guide to the magical world of C.S.
Lewis's The chronicles of Narnia /
Paul F. Ford ; foreword by
Madeleine L'Engle ; illustrated by
Lorinda Bryan Cauley. Dec.2005
Pie Magic / by Toby Forward ;
pictures by Laura Cornell. Fall.98
Foran, Jill
Forbes, Esther
Johnny Tremain / Esther Forbes ;
illustrated by Michael McCurdy.
Forward, Toby
Ben's Christmas Carol / Toby
Forward / Ruth Brown. Sep.97
Foster, Charles
Jesus for little ones : illustrated
Bible stories for children. Nov.95
Ford, Paul F.
Forbes, Stephanie
Help Your Self : Today's Obsession
with Satan's Oldest Lie / Stephanie
Forbes. Sep.97
Forché, Carolyn A\Cox, Charles, ill
Colors come from God..just like
me!. Sept.96
Pocket companion to Narnia : a
guide to the magical world of C.S.
Lewis / Paul F. Ford ; illustrated by
Lorinda Bryan Cauley. Dec.2005
By the Light of the Moon. Sept.96
Foster, Kelli C\Erickson, Gina Clegg
Foreman, Lelia Rose
Pancake Day. Sept.96
Shatter World. Jan.97
Foster, Kelli C\Erickson, Gina Clegg
Forest, Heather
Ford, Carin T.
Foster, Kelli C.
The old man at the moat. Sept.96
The animals could talk. Nov.95
Foster, Kelli C\Erickson, Gina Clegg
Where is the treasure?. Sept.96
Foster, Lynn V.
Little Swineherd and Other Tales /
by Paula Fox; illustrated by Robert
Byrd. Jan.98
Audrey Fraggalosch; illustrated by
Higgins Bond. Feb.03
Frame, Jeron Ashford
brief history of Central America / by
Lynn V. Foster. Sum.01
Fox, Paula
Discovering Christmas. Win.00
Foster, Richard J.
slave dancer : a novel / Paula Fox ;
with illustrations by Eros Keith.
Frame, Jeron Ashford
Frader, Laura Levine
Discovering oceans, lakes, ponds
and puddles / by Jeron Ashford
Frame. Oct.95
industrial revolution : a history in
documents / Laura L. Frader.
Frame, Jeron Ashford
Fradin, Dennis B.
Yesterday I had the blues / by Jeron
Ashford Frame ; illustrations by R.
Gregory Christie. Apr.04
Longing for God / Richard J. Foster
& Gayle D. Beebe. OctDec 2009
Foster, Scarlett Ryan
Secret of the Viking Dagger / by
Scarlett Ryan Foster. MarMay.98
Foster, Sharon Elwell
Ain't no mountain / Sharon Ewell
Foster. Nov.2004
Fight on! : Mary Church Terrell's
battle for integration / Dennis
Brindell Fradin & Judith Bloom
Fradin. Mar.2005
Francis, Julia
Fradin, Dennis B.
Frank, Marjorie
Who was Thomas Jefferson? / by
Dennis Brindell Fradin ; illustrated
by John O'Brien. Apr.04
I can make a rainbow : things to
create and do for children and their
grown up friends. Nov.96
Fradin, Dennis Brindell
Frank, Marjorie
Kansas. Nov.96
If you're trying to teach kids how to
write, you've gotta have this book.
orphans and the ravens. Nov.96
Foster, Sharon Ewell
Ain't no river / Sharon Ewell Foster.
Foster, Sharon Ewell
Passing by Samaria / by Sharon
Ewell Foster. Fall.00
Foster, Sharon Ewell
Passing by Samaria / Sharon Ewell
Foster. Fall.01
Fradin, Dennis Brindell
Fountain, Daniel E.
Fradin, Dennis Brindell
God, Medicine & Miracles : The
Spiritual Factor in Healing / by
Daniel E. Fountain. Fall.00
Rhode Island. Nov.96
Fowler, Susi Gregg
Albertina the Practically Perfect /
by Susi Gregg Fowler ; pictures by
Jim Fowler. WinSpr.99
King Philip : Indian leader. Jan.96
Frank, Marjorie
Using writing portfolios to enhance
instruction & assessment. Mar.96
Frank, Mitch
Fraggalosch, Audrey
Great grizzly wilderness : a story of
the Pacific rain forest / by Audrey
Fraggalosch; illustrated by Donald
G. Eberhart. Sum.01
Understanding the Holy Land :
answering questions about the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict / Mitch
Frank. Dec.2006
Franklin, Benjamin
Fraggalosch, Audrey
Every Monday in the mailbox.
Grizzly bear family / by Audrey
Fraggalosch ; illustrated by Donald
G. Eberhart. Nov.2004
Dictionary of American literary
characters / edited by Benjamin
Franklin V ; revised by American
BookWorks Corporation. Oct.03
Fox, Paula
Fraggalosch, Audrey
Frantz, Jennifer
Trails above the tree line : a story of
a Rocky Mountain meadow / by
Totem poles / by Jennifer Frantz ;
illustrated by Allen Eitzen. Apr.04
Fox, Louisa\Jones, Jan Naimo, ill.
Frasier, Debra
Out of the Ocean / by Debra
Frasier. Win.00
Fraustino, Lisa Rowe
I walk in dread : the diary of
Deliverance Trembley, witness to
the Salem witch trials / by Lisa
Rowe Fraustino. Mar.2005
Frazee, Marla
couple of boys have the best week
ever / Marla Frazee. 40026
In the days of the vaqueros :
America's first true cowboys / by
Russell Freedman. Feb / Apr 2012
Freeman, Becky
Freedman, Russell
Freeman, Becky
In the days of the vaqueros :
America's first true cowboys / by
Russell Freedman. SprSum.02
wild rattle in the woods / Freeman,
Becky. SprSum.02
Freedman, Russell
Freeman, Chester D\McGuire, John
Lincoln : a photobiography / Russell
Freedman. Apr.04
Runaway bear. Sept.96
Freedman, Russell
Nellie Bly : Daredevil Reporter / by
Charles Fredeen. Fall.00
The adventures of Marco Polo / by
Russell Freedman ; with
illustrations by Bagram Ibatoulline ;
accompanied by archival, period
artwork. Feb / Apr 2012
Fredericks, Anthony D.
Freedman, Russell
Social studies through children's
literature : an integrated approach
/ by Anthony D. Fredricks;
illustrated by Rebecca N.
Fredericks. Oct.95
The Boston Tea Party / by Russell
Freeman ; illustrated by Peter
Malone. Oct.Nov.2013
Fredeen, Charles
Freedman, Russell
Freedman, David Noel
Eerdmans dictionary of the Bible /
David Noel Freedman, editor-inchief; Allen C. Myers, associate
editor; Astrid B. Beck, managing
editor. Sum.01
Freedman, Russell
Abraham Lincoln and Frederick
Douglass : the story behind an
American friendship / Russell
Freedman. Aug / Oct 2012
voice that challenged a nation :
Marian Anderson and the struggle
for equal rights / by Russell
Freedman. Mar.2005
Freedman, Russell
Washington at Valley Forge /
Russell Freedman. OctDec 2009
Freedman, Russell
In the days of the vaqueros :
America's first true cowboys / by
Russell Freedman. Feb / Apr 2012
Freedman, Russell
Freeman, Don
Corduroy. Jan.96
Freeman, Don
Corduroy goes to the doctor /
written by Don Freeman ;
illustrated by Lisa McCue.
Freeman, Don
Corduroy goes to the library /
written by Don Freeman ;
illustrated by Lisa McCue.
Freeman, Judy
The winners! Handbook : a closer
look at Judy Freeman's top-rated
children's books of 2009 / Judy
Freeman. 40634
Freeman, Judy
Freedman, Russell
Lafayette and the American
Revolution / by Russell Freedman.
Feb / Apr 2012
Freedman, Russell
Eleanor Roosevelt : a life of
discovery. Nov.96
Riddles from the hope chest / by
Becky Freeman. Feb.03
Freedman, Suzanne
The winners! Handbook : a closer
look at Judy Freeman's toprated
children's books of 2010 / Judy
Freeman. 40848
Freeman, Judy.
Clay v. United States : Muhammad
Ali Objects to War / by Suzanne
Freedman. Fall.98
winners! handbook : a closer look
at Judy Freeman's top-rated
children's books of 2006 / Judy
Freeman. Sept.2007
Freedman, Suzanne
Fremon, David K.
Roger Taney : the Dred Scott
legacy. Sept.96
Alaska Purchase in American
History / by David K. Fremon.
Fremon, David K.
Great Depression in American
History / by David K. Fremon.
Break a leg! : the kids' books of
acting and stagecraft / Lise
Friedman; photographs by Mary
Dowdle. Apr.03
Holocaust Heroes / by David K.
Fremon. Fall.98
importance of wings / Robin
Friedman. 40210
Friedrich, Elizabeth
Fremon, David K.
Native Americans and the
Reservation in American History.
From colonies to country. Mar.96
Froman, Craig
Friedman, Robin
Fremon, David K.
From colonies to country
Leah's Pony / Elizabeth Friedrich /
Michael Garland. Sep.97
Passport to the world : your A to Z
guided language tour / by Craig
Froman. August 2011
Frost, Abigail
Ancient Egypt. Mar.96
Frost, Abigail
Friend, Catherine
The age of chivalry. Mar.96
My Head Is Full of Colors. Jan.97
Frost, Abigail
Fremon, David K.
Watergate Scandal in American
History / by David K. Fremon.
Friesen, Jonathan
The last Martin / Jonathan Friesen.
Aug / Oct 2012
The amazon. Mar.96
Frost, Dorothy R.
Dad! why'd you leave me?. Mar.96
Fremont, Walter
Friesen, Jonathan
Rambunctious rattler / Walter G.
Fremont [and] Susan W. Young.
The last Martin / Jonathan Friesen.
Aug / Oct 2012
Frost, Helen
Frissett, Susan
Frost, Helen
South Pacific journal / by David &
Nancy French. Sum.01
Eating Disorders and Weight
Control / by Susan Frisset and Paula
Harney. WinSpr.99
Crossing stones / Helen Frost.
OctDec 2009
French, Vivian
Frith, Margaret
Oh No, Anna! / by Vivian French;
illustrated by Alex Ayliffe.
Frida Kahlo : the artist who painted
herself / written by Margaret Frith ;
illustrated by Tomie dePaola.
French, David
braid / Frost, Helen. Sept.2007
Frost, Mary Pierce
Mexican Revolution / by Mary
Pierce Frost and Susan Keegan.
Frueh, Erne R.
Frender, Gloria
Chicago Stained Glass / by Erne R.
and Florence Frueh; photography
by Erne R. Frueh and George A.
Lane. Fall.00
Learning to learn : strengthening
study skills and brain power. Jan.96
Fritz, Jean
Freymann, Saxton
Fritz, Jean
Dr. Pompo's nose / written and
illustrated by Saxton Freymann.
Why Not, Lafayette? / by Jean Fritz;
illustrated by Ronald Himler. Fall.00
Fry, Ronald W
Froeb, Lori
Fry, Ronald W
child's book of parables / Illustrated
by Trace Moroney ; retold by Lori
Froeb. Apr.04
How to study. Jan.96
Freymann, Saxton
One lonely sea horse / [by Saxton
Freymann and Joost Elffers}. Win.02
Surprising myself. Jan.96
Ace any test. Jan.96
Fry, Ronald W
Friedman, Lise
Improve your memory. Jan.96
When Children Pray. Fall.00
Fry, Ronald W
Improve your reading. Jan.96
Funk, Robert
Fuller, Cheri
Five Gospels. Win.00
When Families Pray. Fall.00
Fry, Ronald W
Manage your time. Jan.96
Fry, Ronald W
Funk, Robert
Fuller, Cheri
When Mothers Pray / Cheri Fuller.
Take notes. Jan.96
Fuller, Cheri
Fry, Ronald W
Fryar, Jane L.
Armed and Dangerous : Praying
with Boldness / by Jane L. Fryar.
thief lord / Cornelia Funke; [English
translation, Oliver Latsch]. Jun.03
Furtick, Steven
Fuller, Kathleen
Armed and Dangerous. Fall.00
Funke, Cornelia Caroline
When Mothers Pray. Fall.00
Write papers. Jan.96
Fryar, Jane L.
Honest to Jesus. Win.00
summer secret / by Kathleen Fuller.
Funderburk, Robert
All the Days Were Summer / by
Robert Funderburk. MarMay.98
Sun stand still : what happens when
you dare to ask God for the
impossible / Steven Furtick. Feb /
Apr 2012
Futrelle, Jacques
Professor Van Dusen : the thinking
machine / by Jacques Futrelle.
Funderburk, Robert
Fugate, J. Richard
What the Bible Says About..Child
Training. Jan.97
Fires of Autumn. Mar.97
Jericho ride / Betty Gaard. Oct.03
Funderburk, Robert
Old Familiar Places. Jan.97
Fuller, Barbara
Germany / Barbara Fuller, Gabriele
Vossmeyer. Nov.2004
theft / by Betty Gaard. Spr.01
Spring of Our Exile / by Robert
Funderburk. Fall.00
How to grow a young music lover :
helping your child discover and
enjoy the world of music. Sept.96
Funderburk, Robert
Fuller, Cheri
Funderburk, Robert
Mother-daughter duet : getting to
the relationship you want with your
adult daughter / Cheri Fuller & Ali
Plum. 40634
These golden days. Nov.95
Opening your child's spiritual
windows : ideas to nurture your
child's relationship with God / Cheri
Fuller. SprSum.02
Fuller, Cheri
Gaard, Betty
Funderburk, Robert
Fuller, Cheri
Fuller, Cheri
Gaard, Betty
Tenderness and Fire / by Robert
Funderburk. Jan.98
Gaardner, Jostein
Christmas Mystery / Jostein
Gaardner / Decorations by
Rosemary Wells. Sep.97
Gabhart, Ann
scent of lilacs / Ann H. Gabhart.
Gabhart, Ann H.
Funderburk, Robert
Winter of Grace / by Robert
Funderburk. Fall.98
The outsider : a novel / Ann H.
Gabhart. 40513
Gaebelein, Frank
Funk & Wagnalls Online
Multimedia Encyclopedia
Funk & Wagnalls Online Multimedia
Encyclopedia. Win.00
Christian Education in a Democracy
/ Frank Gaebelein. Sep.97
Gaeddert, Louann
Hope. Nov.96
Jim Bowie : Hero of the Alamo / by
Ann Graham Gaines. Win.00
Gaetz, Dayle
The sea lion called Salena. Nov.96
Gaffney, Virginia
Tender Rebel / by Virginia Gaffney.
Chief : the life of Peter J. Ganci, a
New York City firefighter / by Chris
Ganci. Oct.03
Gaines, Ann Graham
Panama Canal in American History /
by Ann Graham Gaines. Win.00
Gaither, Gloria
My Father's Angels. Win.00
Gaffney, Virginia
Ganeri, Anita
I wonder why camels have humps
and other questions about animals
/ Anita Ganeri. Nov.2004
Ganeri, Anita
Under the Southern Moon / by
Virginia Gaffney. Jan.98
Galindo, Israel
Let Us Pray. Fall.00
I wonder why the wind blows and
other questions about our planet /
Anita Ganeri. Nov.2004
Gage, Amy Glaser
Gallagher, Jim
Gangel, Kenneth O.
Pascual's Magic Pictures / Amy
Glaser Gage; Karen Dugan. Sep.97
Causes of the Iraq War / Jim
Gallagher. June.2006
Gage, Rodney
Galvin, Irene Flum
Called to Teach : A Biblical
Challenge to Renounce Intellectual
Idolatry and Dedicate Ourselves to
Spiritual Discipleship on Christian
School Campuses. Jan.97
Let's Talk About AIDS and Sex.
Ancient Maya / by Irene Flum
Galvin. Jan.98
Gagliano, Eugene M.
Galvin, Irene Flum
C is for cowboy: a Wyoming
alphabet / written by Eugene
Gagliano ; illustrated by Susan Guy.
Brazil : Many Voices, Many Faces.
Gaiman, Neil
graveyard book / Neil Gaiman ; with
illustrations by Dave McKean. June
Gaiman, Neil
The dangerous alphabet / Neil
Gaiman ; illustrated by Gris Grimly.
Gaines, Ann
Louisiana Purchase in American
History / by Ann Gaines. Win.00
Gaines, Ann
Nelson Mandela and apartheid in
world history / by Ann Gaines.
Gansky, Alton
Beneath the ice / Alton Gansky.
Gansky, Alton
Galvin, Laura Gates
By My Hands : A Novel / by Alton
Gansky. Jan.98
Armadillo at Riverside Road / by
Laura Gates Galvin; illustrated by
Katy Bratun. Jan.98
Gansky, Alton
Out of time / Alton Gansky. Apr.04
Galvin, Laura Gates
Bumblebee at Apple Tree Lane / by
Laura Gates Galvin; illustrated by
Kristin Kest. Spr.01
Gansky, Alton
Out of time / Alton Gansky. Aug.03
Gansky, Alton
Galvin, Laura Gates
Deer Mouse at Old Farm Road / by
Laura Gates Galvin ; illustrated by
Katy Bratun. Fall.98
prodigy : a novel of suspense /
Alton Gansky. Feb.03
Gansky, Alton
Gamble, Jeremiah
Ship Possessed / by Alton Gansky.
Hold the Boat / by Jeremiah
Gamble; illustrated by Joy Allen.
Gansky, Alton
Ship Possessed. Win.00
Ganci, Chris
Gaines, Ann Graham
Gansky, Alton
Submerged / Alton Gansky.
Experiments with lights and
mirrors. Nov.96
Science projects about light / by
Robert Gardner. Oct.95
Gansky, Alton
Gardner, Robert
Gardner, Robert
treasure deep / Alton Gansky.
Experiments with motion. Nov.96
Science Projects About Math / by
Robert Gardner. Win.00
Gardner, Robert
Gansky, Alton
Light, sound, and waves science fair
projects : using sunglasses, guitars,
CDs, and other stuff / Robert
Gardner. 39912
Gardner, Robert
Tarnished Image / by Alton L.
Gansky. WinSpr.99
Gardner, Robert
Gardner, Robert
Ganz, Richard L.
Planet Earth science fair projects :
using the moon, stars, beach balls,
frisbees, and other far-out stuff /
Robert Gardner. 39912
Science Projects About Physics in
the Home / by Robert Gardner.
Vanished / by Alton Gansky. Fall.00
Gansky, Alton L.
Secret of Self-Control : What God
Wants You to Know About Taking
Charge of Your Life / by Dr. Richard
L. Ganz. Win.00
garden of virtues : a bouquet of
stories about timeless virtues
Science Projects About Methods of
Measuring / by Robert Gardner.
Gardner, Robert
Gardner, Robert
Planet Earth science fair projects :
using the moon, stars, beach balls,
frisbees, and other far-out stuff /
Robert Gardner. June.2006
Science Projects About Plants / by
Robert Gardner. Win.00
Gardner, Robert
garden of virtues : a bouquet of
stories about timeless virtues.
Gardner, Robert
Science projects about solids,
liquids, and gases / Robert Gardner.
Garden, Nancy
Science Fair Projects—Planning,
Presenting, Succeeding / by Robert
Gardner. Win.00
Gardner, Robert
Gardner, Robert
Science projects about temperature
and heat / by Robert Gardner and
Eric Kemer. Oct.95
Dove and sword. Mar.96
Gardner, Andrew
Gospel of liberty : Virginia's great
awakening and the separation of
church and state / director, Andrew
Gardner. Sept.2006
Gardner, Robert
Bicycle science projects : physics on
wheels / Robert Gardner. OctDec
Gardner, Robert
Experiments with balloons. Nov.96
Science project ideas in the house /
Robert Gardner. 39912
Gardner, Robert
Science projects about chemistry /
by Robert Gardner. Oct.95
Science Projects About the
Environment and Ecology / by
Robert Gardner. Win.00
Gardner, Robert
Gardner, Robert
Science projects about electricity
and magnets / by Robert Gardner.
Gardner, Robert
Experiments with bubbles. Nov.96
Science Projects About Kitchen
Chemistry / by Robert Gardner.
Gardner, Robert
Gardner, Robert
Gardner, Robert
Gardner, Robert
Science projects about the human
body / by Robert Gardner. Oct.95
Gardner, Robert
Science Projects About the Physics
of Sports / by Robert Gardner.
Gardner, Robert
Science projects about the science
behind magic / by Robert Gardner.
Gardner, Robert
Science Projects About the Science
Behind Magic / by Robert Gardner.
Gardner, Robert
Science projects about weather / by
Robert Gardner and David Webster.
Garlock, H.B.
Before we kill and eat you : the
miracles and adventures of a
pioneer missionary couple in Africa
/ H.B. Garlock with Ruthanne
Garlock. Oct.03
Gariepy, Henry
Songs in the Night : Inspiring Stories
Behind 100 Hymns Born in Trial and
Suffering. Jan.97
Garland, Michael
Icarus Swinebuckle / written and
illustrated by Michael Garland.
Covenant A Bible Study / by James
L. Garlow. Fall.00
Garrett, Ginger
Chosen : the lost diaries of Queen
Esther / Ginger Garrett. 40848
Journal of Jesse Smoke : a Cherokee
boy / by Sherry Garland. Win.02
Garland, Sherry
My Father's Boat / by Sherry
Garland ; illustrated by Ted Rand.
Valley of the Moon : the diary of
Maria Rosalia de Milagros / by
Sherry Garland. Win.02
Gauch, Patricia Lee
Aaron and the Green Mountain
Boys / by Patricia Lee Gauch ;
pictures by Margot Tomes.
In the arms of immortals / Ginger
Garrett. AprJune 2010
Presenting Tanya, the Ugly Duckling
/ by Patricia Lee Gauch; illustrated
by Satomi Ichikawa. Fall.00
Garrett, Ginger
Gaustad, Edwin S.
In the shadow of the lions / Ginger
Garrett. AprJune 2010
Church and state in America /
Edwin S. Gaustad. Oct.03
Garrett, Martin
Gauthier, Gail
Elizabeth Barrett Browning and
Robert Browning / Martin Garrett.
Year with Butch and Spike / by Gail
Gauthier. Fall.98
Gay, Kathleen
Native American faith in America /
Michael Garrett and J.T. Garrett.
Leaving Cuba : from Operation
Pedro Pan to Elian / by Kathleen
Gay. Spr.01
Gay, Kathlyn
Garrington, Sally
United States / Sally Garrington.
Militias : Armed and Dangerous / by
Kathlyn Gay. WinSpr.99
Gay, Kathlyn
Garriott, Charles M.
Garland, Sherry
Encyclopedia of earthquakes and
volcanoes / Alexander E. Gates and
David Ritchie. June.2007
Gauch, Patricia Lee
Garrett, Ginger
Garrett, Michael Tlanusta
Garland, Sherry
Gates, Alexander E.
Garlow, James L.
Gardner, Robert
Weather science fair projects :
using sunlight, rainbows, ice cubes,
and more / Robert Gardner.
Papua New Guinea / by Ingrid
Gascoigne. Win.00
Work excellence : a biblical
perspective of work / Charles M.
Garriott. Sept.2007
Neo-Nazis : A Growing Threat / by
Kathlyn Gay. WinSpr.99
Gay, Michel
Zee / Michel Gay. Apr.04
Gascoigne, Ingrid
Garlington, Joseph L.
Right or Reconciled? : God's Heart
for Reconciliation / by Joseph L.
Garlington. WinSpr.99
Papua New Guinea / by Ingrid
Gascoigne. 40634
Gascoigne, Ingrid
Gebauer, Roland
Lass / by Roland Gebauer ;
illustrated by Cheri Bladholm.
Gehman, Mary W.
Abdi and the elephants. Nov.95
Unshakable foundations / Norman
Geisler & Peter Bocchino. Fall.01
Geisert, Arthur
Geisler, Norman L.
Country road ABC : an illustrated
journey through America's
farmland / Arthur Geisert. 40634
Why I am a Christian / Norman L.
Geisler and Paul K. Hoffman,
editors. Win.02
Geisert, Arthur
Geivett, R. Douglas
Country road ABC : an illustrated
journey through America's
farmland / Arthur Geisert. Feb / Apr
In Defense of Miracles : A
Comprehensive Case for God's
Action in History / edited by R.
Douglas Geivett and Gary R.
Habermas. MarMay.98
Geisert, Arthur
Etcher's Studio / by Arthur Geisert.
Geisert, Bonnie
Gelman, Rita Golden
Queen Esther Saves Her People /
retold by Rita Golden Gelman ;
illustrated by Frané Lessac.
Geng, Don
Mountain town / by Bonnie and
Arthur Geisert. Sum.01
Fundamental Baseball / by Don
Geng; photographs by Andy King.
Geisler, Norman L.
George Philip & Son
Answering Islam: The Crescent In
Light of the Cross. Aug.03
Atlas of the world / [cartography by
Philip's]. Sept.2006
Geisler, Norman L.
George W. Bush : faith in the
White House
Living loud : defending your faith /
Norman Geisler & Joseph Holden.
Following God with All Your Heart /
Elizabeth George. June 2009
George, Elizabeth
Woman After God's Own Heart / by
Elizabeth George. MarMay.98
George, Elizabeth
woman's high calling / Elizabeth
George. Feb.03
George, Elizabeth
Haystack. Jan.97
Geisert, Bonnie
George, Elizabeth
George W. Bush : faith in the White
House. Dec.2005
woman's high calling : growth and
study guide / Elizabeth George.
George, Elizabeth
young woman after God's own
heart / Elizabeth George. Jun.03
George, Elizabeth
young woman's call to prayer /
Elizabeth George. Mar.2005
George, Elizabeth
young woman's walk with God /
Elizabeth George. Dec.2005
George, Jean Craighead
Dipper of Copper Creek. Mar.97
Geisler, Norman L.
George, Denise
George, Jean Craighead
Love your neighbor : thinking wisely
about right and wrong / Norman L.
Geisler and Ryan P. Snuffer.
Come to the quiet : the secrets of
solitude and rest / by Denise
George. Aug.03
Frightful's Mountain / written and
illustrated by Jean Craighead
George; with a foreword by Robert
F. Kennedy, Jr. Fall.00
George, Elizabeth
Geisler, Norman L.
Making sense of Bible difficulties :
clear and concise answers from
Genesis to Revelation / Norman L.
Geisler & Thomas Howe. OctDec
Geisler, Norman L.
A girl after God's own heart /
Elizabeth George. 40695
George, Jean Craighead
Julie of the wolves / by Julie
Craighead George ; pictures by John
Schoenherr. Apr.04
George, Elizabeth
Beautiful in God's Eyes: The
Treasures of the Proverbs 31
Woman / by Elizabeth George.
George, Jean Craighead,
How to talk to your dog / Jean
Craighead George ; illustrated by
Sue Truesdell. 40391
& lone guns / Holly George-Warren.
Geras, Adele
George, Jim
young man after God's own heart /
Jim George. Mar.2005
Sleeping Beauty / retold by Adèle
Geras ; illustrated by Christian
Birmingham. Dec.2004
Gerth, Holley
greatest shepherd of all : a really
woolly Christmas story / illustrated
by Julie Sawyer Phillips ; written by
Holley Gerth. June.2007
Getz, Gene A.
George, Linda S.
Geras, Adele
Golden Age of Islam / by Linda S.
George. MarMay.98
Troy / Adele Geras. Win.02
Building Up One Another / by Gene
A. Getz. MarMay.98
Gerber, Carole
Getz, Gene A.
Blizzard / Carole Gerber; illustrated
by Marty Husted. SprSum.02
Encouraging One Another / by
Gene A. Getz. MarMay.98
Gerdes, Louise
Getz, Gene A.
Serial killers / edited by Louise
Gerdes. Fall.01
Loving One Another / by Gene A.
Getz. MarMay.98
Germany, Rebecca
Gherman, Beverly
In the kitchen with Mary & Martha :
a cookbook featuring oodles of
inspiration, recipes & tips. Dec.2006
Sparky : the life and art of Charles
Schulz / by Beverly Gherman. Feb /
Apr 2012
History of Christianity / video series
written and presented by Dr.
Timothy George; guide prepared by
Denise George and staff of Christian
History Institute. Sum.01
Germany, Rebecca
Gibbons, Alan
In the kitchen with Mary & Martha :
one dish wonders. Dec.2006
Jaws of the Dragon / by Alan
Gibbons. MarMay.98
George, Timothy
Gerritsen, Paula
Gibbons, Faye
Is the Father of Jesus the God of
Muhammad?. Aug.03
Nuts / Paula Gerritsen. Sept.2007
Emma Jo's song / by Faye Gibbons;
illustrated by Sherry Meidel. Fall.01
George, Linda S.
World War I / by Linda S. George.
George, Margaret
Lucille lost : a true adventure / by
Margaret George and Christopher J.
Murphy ; illustrated by Debra
Bandelin and Bob Dacey. Sept.2007
George, Timothy
Gershator, David
George, Timothy
mark of Jesus : loving in a way the
world can see / Timothy George,
John Woodbridge. June.2006
Palampam Day / by David and
Phillis Gershator; illustrated by
Enrique O. Sánchez. MarMay.98
Gibbons, Gail
Catch the wind! : all about kites.
Gershator, Phillis
Gibbons, Gail
George, Timothy
Sweet, Sweet Fig Banana. Mar.97
Country fair. Nov.95
Mighty long journey / Timothy
George, Robert Smith, Jr., editors.
Gerstein, Mordicai
Gibbons, Gail
Jonah and the Two Great Fish / by
Mordicai Gerstein. MarMay.98
Dogs / by Gail Gibbons. OctDec
Gerstein, Mordicai
Gibbons, Gail
man who walked between the
towers / Mordicai Gerstein.
Horses! / by Gail Gibbons. Dec.2004
George-Warren, Holly
Cowboy : how Hollywood invented
the Wild West : featuring The real
West, Campfire melodies, Matinee
idols, Four legged friends, Cowgirls
Gibbons, Gail
Rabbits, rabbits, and more rabbits /
by Gail Gibbons. OctDec 2009
Gibson, Eva
Sara / Eva Gibson. Nov.97
Gietzen, Jean
Gibbs, David
Gibson, J. Phil
Fighting for dear life : the untold
story of Terri Schiavo and what it
means for all of us / David Gibbs
with Bob DeMoss. June.2007
Plant ecology / J. Phil Gibson and
Terri R. Gibson. Mar.2007
If You're Missing Baby Jesus : A
True Story that Embraces the Spirit
of Christmas. Win.00
Gifaldi, David
Gibson, Karen Bush
Gibbs, Ollie E.
Classroom Discipline : A
Management Guide for Christian
School Teachers / Jerry L. Haddock.
Gibbs, Ollie E.
Classroom Discipline : A
Management Guide for Christian
School Teachers / Ollie E. Gibbs and
Jerry L. Haddock. Sep.97
Chumash : seafarers of the Pacific
Coast / by Karen Bush Gibson.
Giff, Patricia Reilly
Gibson, Karen Bush
Chumash : seafarers of the Pacific
Coast / by Karen Bush Gibson.
Gibbs, Ollie E.
Homework : Assignment to
Assessment. Jan.97
Gibbs, Stuart
Gibson, Karen Bush
Longhouses / by Karen Bush
Gibson. Sept.2005
Gibson, Karen Bush
Pawnee : farmers and hunters of
the central plains / by Karen Bush
Gibson. Sept.2005
Gibson, Karen Bush
Plank houses / by Karen Bush
Gibson. Sept.2005
Spy school / Stuart Gibbs. Apr.2013
Gibson, Mel
life and death of Adolph Hitler / by
James Cross Giblin. Apr.04
passion of the Christ / Icon
Productions presents in association
with Newmarket Films an Icon
production ; a Mel Gibson film ;
produced by Mel Gibson, Bruce
Davey, Stephen McEveety ;
screenplay by Benedict Fitzgerald
and Mel Gibson ; directed by Mel
Gibson. June.2007
Giblin, James Cross
Giddens, Sandra
Amazing life of Benjamin Franklin /
by James Cross Giblin; illustrated by
Michael Dooling. Spr.01
Escape : teens who escaped from
the Holocaust to freedom / Sandra
Giddens. Apr.04
Gibson, Eva
Giertz, Bo
Colleen. Sept.96
hammer of God / by Bo Giertz.
Giblin, James
life and death of Adolf Hitler / by
James Cross Giblin. Aug.03
Giblin, James
Glass Slipper for Rosie / by Patricia
Reilly Giff; illustrated by Julie
Durrell. MarMay.98
Giff, Patricia Reilly
Gibbs, Ollie E.
Homework : Assignment to
Assessment. Jan.97
Ben, king of the river / written by
David Gifaldi; illustrated by Layne
Johnson. Win.02
Good Luck, Ronald Morgan /
Patricia Reilly Giff; Susanna Natti.
Giff, Patricia Reilly
Not-So-Perfect Rosie / by Patricia
Reilly Giff; illustrated by Julie
Durrell. MarMay.98
Giff, Patricia Reilly
Ronald Morgan goes to camp.
Giff, Patricia Reilly
Rosie's Big City Ballet / by Patricia
Reilly Giff ; illustrated by Julie
Durrell. WinSpr.99
Giff, Patricia Reilly
Starring Rosie / by Patricia Reilly
Giff; illustrated by Julie Durrell.
Gifford, Clive
Kingfisher science encyclopedia /
[contributors, Clive Gifford .. [et
al.]]. Mar.2007
Gifford, Peggy Elizabeth
Moxy Maxwell does not love
practicing the piano / by Peggy
Gifford ; photographs by Valorie
Fisher. 40210
My signing book of numbers / by
Patricia Bellan Gillen. Oct.95
Gifford, Peggy Elizabeth
Gillespie, John Thomas
Moxy Maxwell does not love Stuart
Little / by Peggy Gifford ;
photographs by Valorie Fisher.
Best books for children : preschool
through grade 6 / John T. Gillespie
and Catherine Barr. Mar.2005
Moxy Maxwell does not love
writing thank-you notes / by Peggy
Gifford ; photographs by Valorie
Fisher. 40210
Gifford, Scott
Piece=part=portion :
fractions=decimals=percents / by
Scott Gifford ; photographs by
Shmuel Thaler. Aug.03
gift of hope : the Tony Melendez
Best books for children : preschool
through grade 6 / John T. Gillespie.
Classic teenplots : a booktalk guide
to use with readers ages 12-18 / by
John T. Gillespie and Corinne J.
Naden. Mar.2007
Gillespie, John Thomas
Gillespie, John Thomas
Best books for children : preschool
through grade 6 / John T. Gillespie
and Catherine Barr. Mar.2007
Teenplots : a booktalk guide to use
with readers ages 12-18 / John T.
Gillespie and Corinne J. Naden.
Gillespie, John Thomas
Best books for children : preschool
through grade 6 / John T. Gillespie.
gift of hope : the Tony Melendez
story. SprSum.02
Gillespie, John Thomas
Gilbert, Suzie
Best books for high school readers :
grades 9-12 / by John T. Gillespie,
Catherine Barr. Mar.2007
Hawk Hill / by Suzie Gilbert;
illustrated by Sylvia Long. Nov.97
Gilbreth, Frank B.
Cheaper by the dozen / Frank B.
Gilbreth, Jr. and Ernestine Gilbreth
Carey. Nov.2004
Gilchrist, Jan Spivey
Madelia / by Jan Spivey Gilchrist.
Kids Can Press jumbo cookbook /
written by Judi Gillies and Jennifer
Glossop; illustrated by Louise
Phillips. Sum.01
Gilliland, Glaphre
Talking with God. Fall.00
Gillis, Jennifer Storey
Best books for high school readers,
grades 9-12 / John T. Gillespie and
Catherine Barr. Mar.2005
An apple a day. Nov.95
Gillespie, John Thomas
Best books for high school readers,
grades 9-12 / John T. Gillespie and
Catherine Barr. Mar.2007
Growing-Up Summer / by Jeanette
Gilge; illustrated by Carl Hauge.
Best books for middle school and
junior high readers : grades 6-9 /
John T. Gillespie and Catherine
Barr. Mar.2005
Gililand, Hap
Gillespie, John Thomas
Alone in the wilderness. SprSum.02
Best books for middle school and
junior high readers : grades 6-9 / by
John T. Gillespie, Catherine Barr.
Gillen, Patricia Bellan
Gillies, Judi
Gillespie, John Thomas
Gillespie, John Thomas
Gilge, Jeanette
Best books for middle school and
junior high readers : grades 6-9 /
John T. Gillespie and Catherine
Barr. Mar.2007
Gillespie, John Thomas
Gillespie, John Thomas
Gifford, Peggy Elizabeth
Gillespie, John Thomas
Gillis, Jennifer Storey
Green beans & tambourines : over
30 summer projects & activities for
fun-loving kids. Nov.95
Gillis, Jennifer Storey
In a pumpkin shell : over 20
pumpkin projects for kids. Nov.95
Gills, Sandy
Mr. Francis' Wife / by Sandy Gills.
Gilmore, Rachna
Grandpa's clock / story by Rachna
Gilmore ; illustrations by Amy
Meissner. Sept.2007
Gilson, Jamie
Thirteen ways to sink a sub / Jamie
Gilson. AprJune 2010
Gipson, Morrell
surprise doll / story by Morrell
Gipson ;illustrations by Steffie
Lerch. Dec.2005
Gire, Ken
Treasure in an oatmeal box. Mar.97
Emma's poem : the voice of the
Statue of Liberty / by Linda Glaser ;
with paintings by Claire A. Nivola.
Oct. 2010
Glatt, Lisa
Glaser, Linda
Glaze, Dave
Magnificent monarchs / by Linda
Glaser; illustrated by Gay Holland.
Who Took Henry and Mr. Z? / by
Dave Glaze. Jan.98
Glaspey, Terry
Children of a greater God :
awakening your child's moral
imagination. Nov.95
Girzone, Joseph F.
Portrait of Jesus / by Joseph F.
Girzone. WinSpr.99
Gish, Duane T.
Amazing story of creation from
science and Bible. Nov.96
Dinosaurs by design. Jan.96
Gish, Melissa
Alligators / Melissa Gish. 41061
Glenny, W. Edward
Missions in a new millennium :
change and challenges in world
missions` / W. Edward Glenny and
William H. Smallman, general
editors. Fall.01
Glaspey, Terry W.
Book lover's guide to great reading :
a guided tour of classic &
contemporary literature / Terry W.
Glaspey. Nov.2004
Glaspey, Terry W.
Gish, Duane T.
Abigail Iris : the pet project / Lisa
Glatt and Suzanne Greenberg ;
illustrated by Joy Allen. 40695
Not a Tame Lion : The Spiritual
Legacy of C.S. Lewis. Mar.97
Glover, Ruth
Back roads to Bliss : a novel / Ruth
Glover. Mar.2005
Glover, Ruth
Bitter thistle, sweet rose. Mar.96
Glover, Ruth
Glaspey, Terry W.
Pathway to the Heart of God.
Bittersweet Bliss : a novel / Ruth
Glover. Mar.2005
Glover, Ruth
Gish, Melissa
Glass, Andrew
Bats / by Melissa Gish. 41061
wondrous whirligig : the Wright
brothers first flying machine /
Andrew Glass. Nov.2004
Gist, Deeanne
bride most begrudging / Deeanne
Gist. June.2005
Glancy, Diane
Glassman, Peter
My dad's job / story by Peter
Glassman; pictures by Timothy
Bush. Aug.03
Only Piece of Furniture in the
House. Mar.97
Journey to Bliss : a novel / Ruth
Glover. SprSum.02
Glover, Ruth
place called Bliss / Ruth Glover.
Glover, Ruth
Seasons of Bliss / Ruth Glover.
Glassman, Peter
Glaser, Linda
Emma's poem : the voice of the
Statue of Liberty / by Linda Glaser ;
with paintings by Claire A. Nivola.
October 2010
Glaser, Linda
My dad's job / story by Peter
Glassman ; pictures by Timothy
Bush. Oct.03
Glatt, Lisa
Abigail Iris : the one and only / Lisa
Glatt and Suzanne Greenberg ;
illustrated by Joy Allen. 40695
Glover, Ruth
The shining light. Nov.95
Glover, Ruth
With love from Bliss / Ruth Glover.
Glynn, Patrick
God, the Evidence : The
Reconciliation of Faith and Reason
in a Postsecular World / by Patrick
Glynn. Fall.98
Godfrey, Jan\Cope, Jane, ill
Who made the morning?. Sept.96
While the Candles Burn : Eight
Stories for Hanukkah / by Barbara
Diamond Goldin; illustrated by
Elaine Greenstein. MarMay.98
Godfrey, Joline
Gnojewski, Carol
Kwanzaa : seven days of AfricanAmerican pride / Carol Gnojewski.
Go out and play! : favorite outdoor
games from Kaboom!
Go out and play! : favorite outdoor
games from Kaboom!. Dec.2012
Goble, Paul
girl who loved wild horses / story
and illustrations by Paul Goble.
Goble, Paul
Raising financially fit kids / Joline
Godfrey. Nov.2004
Barnyard prayers / by Laura
Godwin; illustrated by Brian
Selznick. Spr.01
Gogerty, Clare
Conflict in Art / by Clare Gogerty.
God chasers extreme New
People in Art / by Clare Gogerty;
artwork by Annabel Spenceley.
Vatsana's Lucky New Year / by Sara
Gogol. MarMay.98
Golding, Theresa Martin
Memorial Day surprise / by Theresa
Martin Golding ; illustrated by
Alexandra Artigas. Dec.2004
Goldman, Alex J.
I am a Holocaust Torah : the story
of the saving of 1,564 Torahs stolen
by the Nazis / Rabbi Alex J.
Goldman. Apr.04
Goldstein, Ernest
Journey of Diego Rivera. Jan.97
I have seen him in the watchfires /
Cathy Gohlke. 40391
Gohlke, Cathy
God of the atom
Gold, Alison Leslie
God of the atom / produced and
distributed by Moody Publishers.
special fate : Chiune Sugihara : hero
of the Holocaust / by Alison Leslie
Gold. Spr.01
Godawa, Brian
Goldenstern, Joyce
Hollywood worldviews : watching
films with wisdom & discernment /
Brian Godawa. Oct.03
Albert Einstein, physicist and
genius. Mar.96
Cherry Blossom Tree : A
Grandfather Talks About Life and
Death. Mar.97
Cynthia / by Leila Prince Golding.
Gohlke, Cathy
God chasers extreme New
Testament / foreword by Tommy
Tenney. Win.02
Godfrey, Jan
Golding, Leila Prince
Gogerty, Clare
Gogol, Sara
Hau kola, hello friend / by Paul
Goble ; photographs by Gerry
Perrin. Aug.2004
Dragonfly / Julia Golding. AprJune
Godwain, Laura
Hau kola Hello friend. Jan.96
Goble, Paul
Golding, Julia
William Henry is a fine name /
Cathy Gohlke. 40391
Golenbock, Peter
Hank Aaron : brave in every way /
Peter Golenbock; illustrated by Paul
Lee. Win.02
Goll, Jim W.
Kneeling on the Promises. Fall.00
Gomes, Peter J.
Good Book : Reading the Bible With
Mind and Heart / Peter J. Gomes.
Gonzales, Doreen
Seven wonders of the modern
world / Doreen Gonzales. Dec.2005
Goldin, Barbara Diamond
The world's birthday. Jan.96
Goldin, Barbara Diamond
Good, Phyllis Pellman
Fix-it and forget it kids cookbook :
50 favorite recipes to make in a
slow cooker / Phyllis Pellman Good
; Rebecca Good Fennimore,
photography editor. 40848
illustrated by Michael McCurdy.
Poland / by Sharon Gordon.
Goodall, Jane
Goodnough, David
Gordon, Sharon
Dr. White / by Jane Goodall;
illustrated by Julie Litty. Sum.01
Endangered animals of North
America : a hot issue / by David
Goodnough. Fall.01
What's inside a fire truck? / Sharon
Gordon. Mar.2005
Goode, Diane
Diane Goode's Book of Giants and
Little People / by Diane Goode.
Goode, Diane
Mama's Perfect Present / Diane
Goode. Sep.97
Goode, Diane
Gordon, Sharon
Goodstein, Madeline
Plastics and polymers science fair
projects : using hair gel, soda
bottles, and slimy stuff / Madeline
Goodstein. 39912
Gorbachev, Valeri
Chicken chickens / Valeri
Gorbachev. Feb.03
Mind your manners! / Diane
Goode. Sept.2006
Gordon, Jeenie
Goode, Diane
Turbulent Teens of Panicking
Parents / by Jeenie Gordon.
most perfect spot / by Diane
Goode. Mar.2007
Goodman, Barbara A.
Readings on Silas Marner / edited
by Barbara A. Goodman. Fall.01
What's inside a firehouse? / Sharon
Gordon. Mar.2005
Gordon, Sharon
What's inside a hospital? / Sharon
Gordon. Mar.2005
Gordon, Sharon
What's inside a police car? / Sharon
Gordon. Mar.2005
Gordon, Sharon
What's inside a police station? /
Sharon Gordon. Mar.2005
Gordon, Matthew
Islam / by Matthew S. Gordon.
Gordon, Sharon
What's inside an ambulance? /
Sharon Gordon. Mar.2005
Gordon, Sharon
Argentina / by Sharon Gordon.
Gore, Willma Willis
Goodman, Emily
Plant secrets / Emily Goodman ;
illustrated by Phyllis Limbacher
Tildes. Feb / Apr 2012
Gordon, Sharon
Gorman, Carol
Cuba / Sharon Gordon. Apr.04
Million Dollar Winner. Jan.97
Bernard's Bath / by Joan Elizabeth
Goodman; illustrated by Dominic
Catalano. Jan.98
Gordon, Sharon
Gorman, Carol
Great Britain / by Sharon Gordon.
Rumor. Jan.97
Goodman, Joan Elizabeth
Gordon, Sharon
Beyond the sea of ice : the voyages
of Henry Hudson / by Joan
Elizabeth Goodman; illustrated by
Fernando Rangel; with maps by
Bette Duke. Sum.01
Greece / by Sharon Gordon.
C. S. Lewis : Christian and
Storyteller / by Beatrice Gormley.
Gordon, Sharon
Gormley, Beatrice
Philippines / Sharon Gordon. Apr.04
Maria Mitchell : the soul of an
astronomer. Sept.96
Earth day. Nov.95
Goodman, Joan Elizabeth
Gormley, Beatrice
Goodman, Steve
train they call the City of New
Orleans / Steve Goodman ;
Gordon, Sharon
Gospel of Judas
Gospel of Judas / Ensign Media.
Gouge, Louise M.
Once there was a way back home /
by Louise M. Gouge. Oct.95
Arms of deliverance : a story of
promise / by Tricia Goyer.
Gouge, Louise M.
Goyer, Tricia
Son of perdition / Louise M. Gouge.
By the light of the silvery moon /
Tricia Goyer. Dec.2012
Gould, Leslie
Goyer, Tricia
Garden of dreams / Leslie Gould.
From dust and ashes : a story of
liberation / Tricia Goyer. Apr.04
Gosselin, John
Goursac, Olivier de.
Goyer, Tricia
Multiple blessings : surviving to
thriving with twins and sextuplets /
Jon and Kate Gosselin and Beth
Carson. 39912
Space : exploring the moon, the
planets, and beyond / by Olivier de
Goursac ; illustrated by Pascal Laye.
Generation next parenting / Tricia
Goyer. June.2007
Gottfried, Ted
Gow, Catherine Hester
Capital Punishment : The Death
Penalty Debate / Ted Gottfried.
Cuban Missile Crisis / by Catherine
Hester Gow. MarMay.98
Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Matthew. Dec.2006
Goss, Leonard George
little style guide to great Christian
writing and publishing / Leonard G.
Goss & Carolyn Stanford Goss.
Gottfried, Ted
Deniers of the Holocaust : who they
are, what they do, why they do it /
Ted Gottfried ; illustrations by
Stephen Alcorn. Apr.04
Gow, Mary
Archimedes : mathematical genius
of the ancient world / Mary Gow.
Goyer, Tricia
Night song : a story of sacrifice : a
novel / Tricia Goyer. Mar.2005
Goyer, Tricia
Songbird under a German moon /
Tricia Goyer. 41061
Goyer, Tricia
valley of betrayal / Tricia Goyer.
Gow, Mary
Gottfried, Ted
Martyrs to madness : the victims of
the Holocaust / by Ted Gottfried;
illustrations by Stephen Alcorn.
Gottfried, Ted
Nazi Germany : the face of tyranny
/ by Ted Gottfried; illustrations by
Stephen Alcorn. Spr.01
Gouge, Louise M.
Ahab's bride / Louise M. Gouge.
Gouge, Louise M.
Hannah Rose / Louise M. Gouge.
Johannes Kepler : discovering the
laws of planetary motion / Mary
Gow. Dec.2005
Grace, Catherine O'Neill
White House : an illustrated history
/ by Catherine O'Neill Grace.
Gow, Mary
The greatest doctor of ancient
times : Hippocrates and his oath /
Mary Gow. August 2011
Grace, Eric S
Seals. Nov.95
Gow, Mary
Grace, Eric S.
Tycho Brahe : astronomer / by
Mary Gow. Dec.2005
Snakes. Nov.95
Grady, Shawn
Gower, Ralph
new manners & customs of Bible
times / Ralph Gower. Sept.2007
Through the fire / Shawn Grady.
Grady, Shawn
Goyer, Tricia
Tomorrow we die / Shawn Grady.
Graham, Amy
Seven wonders of the natural world
/ Amy Graham. Dec.2005
Graham, Billy
Just as I Am : The Autobiography of
Billy Graham / by Billy Graham.
Graham, Cliff
Covenant of war / Cliff Graham.
Graham, Cliff
Day of war / Cliff Graham. 41061
Graham, Ian
Boats. Mar.96
Graham, Jack
Courageous parenting / Jack and
Deb Graham. Mar.2007
diaries, notebooks and sketchbooks
/ by Paula W. Graham. Spr.01
and Western civilization / George
Grant. Apr.03
Graham, Ruth Bell
Grant, Judyann
One Wintry Night / Ruth Bell
Graham; illustrated by Richard
Jesse Watson. Nov.97
Chicken said, "Cluck!" / by Judyann
Ackerman Grant ; pictures by Sue
Truesdell. OctDec 2009
Graham, Ruth Bell
Grant, R. G.
One Wintry Night / Ruth Bell
Graham. Nov.97
Slavery : real people and their
stories of enslavement / written by
Reg Grant. 41061
Grambling, Lois G.\Maze, Deborah,
Elephant & Mouse get ready for
Christmas. Sept.96
Graham, Marcia W.
A collection of Christmases : a
devotion guide for Advent. Mar.96
Graham, Margaret
Good heavens / Margaret A.
Graham. June.2005
Grandmother’s Bible. 39912
Affirmative action / edited by Bryan
J. Grapes. Fall.01
Granfield, Linda
Grapes, Bryan J.
Amazing Grace : The Story of the
Hymn / by Linda Granfield;
illustrated by Janet Wilson. Jan.98
Interracial relationships / edited by
Bryan J. Grapes. Fall.01
Grapes, Bryan J.
Granfield, Linda
I remember Korea : veterans tell
their stories of the Korean War,
1950-1953 / Linda Granfield. Apr.04
Land sakes / Margaret A. Graham.
Grapes, Bryan J.
School violence / edited by Bryan J.
Grapes. Fall.01
Silent Night : The Song from Heaven
/ Linda Granfield; art by Nelly and
Ernst Hofer. Nov.97
Grapes, Bryan J.
Violent children / edited by Bryan J.
Grapes. Fall.01
Looking for God in Harry Potter /
John Granger. June.2006
Grassy, John
Grant, Callie Smith
National Audubon Society First
Field Guide. Mammals / written by
John Grassy and Chuck Keene.
Mercy me / Margaret A. Graham.
Janie's freedom : African-Americans
in the aftermath of the Civil War /
Callie Smith Grant. Mar.2007
Graham, Paula W.
Grant, George
Speaking of journals : children's
book writers talk about their
blood of the moon : understanding
the historic struggle between Islam
Graham, Margaret
Prisons / edited by Bryan J. Grapes.
Granfield, Linda
Granger, John
Graham, Margaret
Ebony moon. Sept.96
Grapes, Bryan J.
Grandmother’s Bible
Graham, L. B.
Beyond the summerland / L.B.
Graham. Dec.2004
Grant, Reg, 1954
Gratz, Alan
The Brooklyn nine : a novel in nine
innings / by Alan Gratz. August
Graver, Jane
How you are changing : for boys
ages 10-12 / [from text originally
written by Jane Graver ;
illustrations by Len Ebert]. 40513
Graver, Jane
How you are changing : for
discussion or individual use / by
Jane Graver. Spr.01
Graver, Jane
How you are changing : for girls
ages 10-12 / [from text originally
written by Jane Graver ;
illustrations by Len Ebert]. 40513
Graves, Dan
Scientists of faith : forty-eight
biographies of historic scientists
and their Christian faith. Nov.96
Graves, Donald H.
Gray-Kanotiiosh, Barbara A.
Gray, Rita
One big rain : poems for rainy days
/ compiled by Rita Gray ; illustrated
by Ryan O'Rourke. October 2010
If I Had Lived in Jesus' Time. Nov.96
One big rain : poems for rainy days
/ compiled by Rita Gray ; illustrated
by Ryan O'Rourke. Oct. 2010
great book : the New Testament of
our Lord Jesus Christ in plain
Gray-Kanotiiosh, Barbara A.
great book : the New Testament of
our Lord Jesus Christ in plain
English. Apr.04
Chumash / Barbara A. GrayKanatiiosh. Sept.2005
Great Stories Remembered
Gray-Kanotiiosh, Barbara A.
Great Stories Remembered. Mar.97
Gabrielino / Barbara A. GrayKanatiiosh. Sept.2005
Green, A. C.
Gray-Kanotiiosh, Barbara A.
Victory : the principles of
championship living. Jan.96
Huron / Barbara A. Gray-Kanatiiosh.
Green, Carl R.
Gray-Kanotiiosh, Barbara A.
Chicken big / by Keith Graves.
Mojave / Barbara A. GrayKanatiiosh. Sept.2005
Knight's Handbook : How to
Become a Champion in Shining
Armor / by Christopher Gravett.
American Tycoons / by Carl R.
Green and William R. Sanford.
Green, Carl R.
Gray-Kanotiiosh, Barbara A.
Gravett, Christopher
Graystone, Peter
Gray, Rita
Explore poetry. Apr.03
Graves, Keith
Yokut / Barbara A. Gray-Kanatiiosh.
Salinan / Barbara A. GrayKanatiiosh. Sept.2005
Cortes : conquering the powerful
Aztec empire / Carl R. Green. 40391
Green, Carl R.\Sanford, William R.
Gray-Kanotiiosh, Barbara A.
Allan Pinkerton. Sept.96
Shawnee / Barbara A. GrayKanatiiosh. Sept.2005
Green, Carl R.\Sanford, William R.
Gray, David F.
Dalton gang. Sept.96
The shepherd's man. Sept.96
Gray-Kanotiiosh, Barbara A.
Gray, David F.
Shoshone / Barbara A. GrayKanatiiosh. Sept.2005
The shepherd's path. Nov.95
Green, Jocelyn
Wedded to war / Jocelyn Green.
Gray-Kanotiiosh, Barbara A.
Gray, Laurie A.
Summer sanctuary / Laurie Gray.
Ute / Barbara A. Gray-Kanatiiosh.
Green, Joel B.
Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels.
Gray-Kanotiiosh, Barbara A.
Gray, Luli
Falcon's egg. Mar.96
Wampanoag / Barbara A. GrayKanatiiosh. Sept.2005
Green, Melody
No compromise : the life story of
Keith Green / Melody Green and
David Hazard. Fall.01
Greenberg, Keith Elliot\Moyer, Bill,
Smokejumper : firefighter from the
sky. Sept.96
Green, Michelle Y.
strong right arm : the story of
Mamie "Peanut" Johnson / Michelle
Y. Green ; introduction by Mamie
Johnson. Apr.04
Greenberg, Keith Elliot\Perrine,
Doug, photographer\Calver, Tim,
Green, Robyn
Rumpelstiltskin. Mar.96
Greenblatt, Miriam
Suleyman the Magnificent and the
Ottoman Empire / by Miriam
Greenblatt. Apr.04
Marine biologist : swimming with
the sharks. Sept.96
Greene, Carol
Greenberg, Keith Elliot\Strong,
Bob, photographer
Greene, Carol
Green, Roberta
Islam at the crossroads :
understanding its beliefs, history,
and conflicts / Paul Marshall,
Roberta Green, and Lela Gilbert.
Peter the Great and Russia / by
Miriam Greenblatt. Fall.01
Window washer : at work above
the clouds. Sept.96
Baby Moses' River Ride. Sept.96
Caring for our forests. Jan.96
Greene, Carol
Greenblatt, Miriam
Alexander the Great and ancient
Greece / by Miriam Greenblatt.
Green, Roger J.
Caring for our land. Jan.96
Greene, Carol
Good creation. Sept.96
Catherine Booth : A Biography of
the Cofounder of The Salvation
Army / by Roger J. Green. Jan.98
Greenblatt, Miriam
Greenberg, Dan
Greenblatt, Miriam
Greene, Carol
Frogs / Dan Greenberg. Win.02
Charlemagne and the early Middle
Ages / by Miriam Greenblatt. Jun.03
Jesus stills the storm. Sept.96
Augustus Caesar and ancient Rome
/ by Miriam Greenblatt. Fall.01
Greenberg, Keith Elliot
Armenian Family / by Keith Elliot
Greenberg. Jan.98
Greenberg, Keith Elliot\Halebian,
Carol, photographer
Bomb squad officer : expert with
explosives. Sept.96
Elizabeth I and Tudor England / by
Miriam Greenblatt. Win.02
Greenblatt, Miriam
Genghis Khan and the Mongol
Empire / by Miriam Greenblatt.
Greenblatt, Miriam
Photojournalist : in the middle of
disaster. Sept.96
Hatshepsut and ancient Egypt / by
Miriam Greenblatt. Fall.01
Rodeo clown : laughs and danger in
the ring. Sept.96
Jesus' big picnic. Sept.96
Greene, Carol
Greenblatt, Miriam
Greenberg, Keith Elliot\Isaac, John,
Greenberg, Keith Elliot\Moyer, Bill,
Greene, Carol
Jonah's fishy adventure. Sept.96
Greene, Carol
Nany e Isaías: Pascua Hoy, Pascua
Para Siempre / por Carol Greene.
Greene, Carol
Noah's floating zoo. Sept.96
Greene, Carol
Reading about the peregrine falcon.
Greenblatt, Miriam
Lorenzo de' Medici and Renaissance
Italy / Miriam Greenblatt. Apr.04
Greenblatt, Miriam
Greene, Carol.
Why boys & girls are different : for
boys ages 4-6 and parents / [from
text originally written by Carol
Greene ; illustrated by Michelle
Dorankamp]. 40513
Greene, Carol.
Why boys & girls are different : for
girls ages 4-6 and parents / [from
text originally written by Carol
Greene ; illustrated by Michelle
Dorankamp]. 40513
Greene, Carol\Dorenkamp,
Michelle, ill.
Baby Jesus, prince of peace. Sept.96
Greene, Carol\Dorenkamp,
Michelle, ill.
God's Easter plan. Sept.96
Greene, H. Leon
If I Should Wake Before I Die : The
Medical and Biblical Truth About
Near-death Experiences / H. Leon
Greene, M.D. Nov.97
Greenfield, Eloise
friendly four / Eloise Greenfield ;
illustrations by Jan Spivey Gilchrist.
Greenfield, Eloise
Nathaniel Talking / by Eloise
Greenfield; illustrated by Jan Spivey
Gilchrist. MarMay.98
Greenfield, Monica
Waiting for Christmas / Monica
Greenfield; Jan Spivey Gilchrist.
Greenspan, Stanley I.
Challenging Child : Understanding,
Raising, and Enjoying Five "Difficult"
Types of Children. Jan.97
Greenway, Roger
Apóstoles a la ciudad / por Roger
Greenway. Win.00
Greenwood, Barbara
Sing praise / by Rhonda Gowler
Greene ; illustrated by Janet
Broxon. Sept.2006
Factory girl / written by Barbara
Greenwood. Sept.2007
Sing praise / by Rhonda Gowler
Greene ; illustrated by Janet
Broxon. Sept.2006
Greene, Stephanie
Falling into place / Stephanie
Greene. Apr.03
The pioneer sampler : the daily life
of a pioneer family in 1840. Nov.95
Greenwood, Diana
Insight / Diana Greenwood.
Gregory, David
last Christian / David Gregory.
Gregory, Kristiana
Greene, Rhonda Gowler
Greene, Rhonda Gowler
Greenwood, Barbara
Greenwood, Barbara
Gold Rush fever / written by
Barbara Greenwood; illustrated by
Heather Collins. Win.02
Across the Wide and Lonesome
Prairie : The Oregon Trail Diary of
Hattie Campbell / by Kristiana
Gregory. Jan.98
Gregory, Kristiana
Catherine : the great journey / by
Kristiana Gregory. June.2006
Gregory, Kristiana
Cleopatra VII : Daughter of the Nile
/ by Kristiana Gregory. Fall.00
Gregory, Kristiana
Five smooth stones : Hope's diary /
by Kristiana Gregory. SprSum.02
Gregory, Kristiana
Greenwood, Barbara
Kids Can Book of Canada / written
by Barbara Greenwood ; illustrated
by Jock MacRae. WinSpr.99
great railroad race : the diary of
Libby West / by Kristiana Gregory.
Gregory, Kristiana
Greene, Stephanie
Greenwood, Barbara
Owen Foote, Frontiersman / by
Stephanie Greene; illustrated by
Martha Weston. Fall.00
last safe house : a story of the
underground railroad / written by
Barbara Greenwood; illustrated by
Heather Collins. Spr.01
Greene, Stephanie
Owen Foote, super spy / by
Stephanie Greene; illustrated by
Martha Weston. SprSum.02
Jenny of the Tetons / Kristiana
Gregory. Apr.04
Gregory, Kristiana
legend of Jimmy Spoon / Kristiana
Gregory. Apr.04
Greenwood, Barbara
pioneer Christmas : celebrating in
the backwoods in 1841 / written by
Barbara Greenwood ; illustrated by
Heather Collins. Aug.03
Gregory, Kristiana
My darlin' Clementine / Kristiana
Gregory. AprJune 2010
Gregory, Kristiana
Orphan Runaways / by Kristiana
Gregory. WinSpr.99
Gregory, Kristiana
When freedom comes : Hope's
Revolutionary Way diary / by
Kristiana Gregory. June.2005
Gregory, Kristiana
Winter of Red Snow : Revolutionary
War Diary of Abigail Jane Stewart.
Just call me Kate / Dannah Gresh
and Janet Mylin ; [illustrations by
Andy Mylin]. August 2011
Griffin , Adele
Gresh, Dannah
Griffis, Molly Levite
Secret keeper : the delicate power
of modesty / by Dannah Gresh.
Buffalo in the Mall / written by
Molly Levite Griffis; illustrated by
Kim Doner. MarMay.98
Gresham, Douglas H.
Griffiss, James E.
Jack's life : the life story of C.S.
Lewis / Douglas Gresham. Dec.2005
Anglican Vision / by James E.
Griffiss. MarMay.98
Gresko, Marcia S.
Griffiss, James E.
Israel / Marcia S. Gresko. Apr.04
To Believe Is to Pray : Readings
from Michael Ramsey / edited by
James E. Griffiss. MarMay.98
Gregory, Nan\Lightburn, Ron, ill.
How Smudge came. Sept.96
Gresko, Marcia S.
Rainy Season / by Adele Griffin.
ticket to Israel. Apr.04
Griffith, Connie
Grenfell, Wilfred
Best of Wilfred Grenfell. Spr.01
Grenfell, Wilfred
Down North on the Labrador.
Grenz, Stanley J.
Moral Quest : Foundations of
Christian Ethics / by Stanley J.
Grenz. Fall.98
Grey, Zane
Zane Grey's The Arizona Raiders /
Based on the novel by Zane Grey.
Griffiths, W.G.
Grey, Zane
Grigg, Carol
Zane Grey's The Mysterious Rider /
Based on the novel by Zane Grey.
Singing Snowbear / written and
illustrated by Carol Grigg. Fall.00
Griese, Arnold A.
Grenz, Stanley J.
Primer on Postmodernism / by
Stanley J. Grenz. WinSpr.99
Grenz, Stanley J.
What Christians Really Believe and
Why / by Stanley J. Grenz.
And the bride wore white : seven
secrets to sexual purity / Dannah
Gresh ; [foreword by Jaci
Velasquez]. Nov.2004
Gresh, Dannah
Takedown / W.G. Griffiths. Aug.03
Grigsby, Susan
At the Mouth of the Luckiest River /
by Arnold A. Griese; illustrated by
Glo Coalson. MarMay.98
First peas to the table : how
Thomas Jefferson inspired a school
garden / Susan Grigsby ; illustrated
by Nicole Tadgell. Aug / Oct 2012
Griese, Arnold A.
Grigsby, Susan
Way of Our People / by Arnold A.
Griese. MarMay.98
First peas to the table : how
Thomas Jefferson inspired a school
garden / Susan Grigsby ; illustrated
by Nicole Tadgell. Aug / Oct 2012
Griessman, Annette
Gresh, Dannah
Mysterious rescuer. Nov.95
Gabriel, God, and the fuzzy blanket
/ text by Annette Griessman;
illustrations by David L. Erickson.
Grimes, Nikki
A girl named Mister / Nikki Grimes.
Grifalconi, Ann
Grimes, Nikki
The bravest flute. Nov.95
At break of day / written by Nikki
Grimes; illustrated by Paul Morin.
Theodore Boone : kid lawyer / by
John Grisham. 40391
Madman / by Tracy Groot.
Griswold, Frank T.
Groot, Tracy
Going home : an invitation to
Jubilee / Frank T. Griswold. Fall.01
Mystery of the Forgotten Fortune.
Grimes, Nikki
Gritzner, Charles F.
Groot, Tracy
Bronx masquerade / by Nikki
Grimes. Apr.04
Deserts / Charles F. Gritzner.
Mystery of the Stolen Statue.
Grimes, Nikki
Gritzner, Charles F.
Groot, Tracy
Come Sunday. Mar.97
Polar regions / Charles F. Gritzner.
Stones of my accusers / Tracy
Groot. Aug.2004
It's Raining Laughter / poems by
Nikki Grimes; photographs by Myles
C. Pinkney. MarMay.98
Gritzner, Charles F.
Groothuis, Douglas R.
tropics / Charles F. Gritzner.
Deceived by the light. Nov.95
Grimes, Nikki
Gritzner, Jeffrey A.
Jazmin's Notebook / by Nikki
Grimes. Fall.98
North Africa and the Middle East /
Jeffrey A. Gritzner, Charles F.
Gritzner. Mar.2007
Good News for Women : A Biblical
Picture of Gender Equality / by
Rebecca Merrill Groothuis.
Groeschel, Craig
Groseclose, Kel
The Christian atheist : believing in
God but living as if he doesn't exist
/ Craig Groeschel. Oct. 2010
This too shall pass :
encouragement for parents who
sometimes doubt their teens were
created in the image of God.
Grimes, Nikki
At Jerusalem's gate : poems of
Easter / by Nikki Grimes ; with
woodcuts by David Frampton.
Grimes, Nikki
Groothuis, Rebecca Merrill
Grimes, Nikki
Voices of Christmas / written by
Nikki Grimes ; illustrated by Eric
Velasquez. 40513
Grimm, Jacob
Rumplestiltskin and other stories.
Grolier KidsCrafts Collection
Grolier KidsCrafts Collection.
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm
Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm /
retold and introduced by Neil
Philip; illustrated by Isabelle Brent.
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia
Deluxe (CD)
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia
Deluxe (CD). Win.00
Gross, Arthur William
child's garden of Bible stories / by
Arthur W. Gross ; illustrated by
Marilynn Barr. Sept.2005
Grossman, Laurie
Children of Israel. Apr.04
Grimm, Wilhelm
Grimm's fairy tales / illustrated by
Arthur Rackham. SprSum.02
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia
Online. Win.00
Grindley, Sally
Polar Star / by Sally Grindley ;
illustrated by John Butler.
Grisham, John
Grossman, Laurie
Colors of Israel. Apr.04
Grossman, Virginia
Groot, Tracy
Flame of resistance. Aug.Sept.2013
Groot, Tracy
Ten little rabbits / by Virginia
Grossman ; illustrated by Sylvia
Long. Dec.2005
Grote, JoAnn A.
The honest love. Mar.96
Guenther, Margaret
Grove, Bonnie
Practice of Prayer / by Margaret
Guenther. WinSpr.99
Talking to the dead : a novel /
Bonnie Grove. OctDec 2009
Grove, Vicki
Reaching Dustin / by Vicki Grove.
Grove, Vicki
starplace / by Vicki Grove. Sum.01
Grover, Michelle
girl in the mirror : reflections for
teens / Michell Grover. Mar.2007
Guenther, Margaret
Toward Holy Ground : Spiritual
Directions for the Second Half of
Life / by Margaret Guenther.
As you wish / by Robin Jones Gunn.
Gunn, Robin Jones
Close Your Eyes / Robin Jones
Gunn. Nov.97
Gunn, Robin Jones
Closer Than Ever / by Robin Jones
Gunn. Fall.00
Guinness, Os
Gunn, Robin Jones
Character Counts : Leadership
Qualities in Washington,
Wilberforce, Lincoln, and
Solzhenitsyn / Os Guinness, editor.
Departures : [three books in one] /
Gunn, Robin Jones. Now boarding
at gate 10. Nentwig, Wendy Lee.
Please pick up the white courtesy
phone. Gunn, Robin Jones. In the
event of a water landing. Fall.00
Guinness, Os
Grubb, Norman P.
C. T. Studd : cricketer & pioneer.
Grubb, Norman P.
Rees Howells : intercessor. Sept.96
Unriddling Our Times : Reflections
on the Gathering Cultural Crisis /
edited by Os Guinness. Win.00
Gunn, Robin Jones
Guleserian, Mary
Gunn, Robin Jones
Ultimate Baby-Sitter's Survival
Guide / by Mary Guleserian and
Therese Furey. MarMay.98
From the Secret Place in My Heart :
Christy Miller's Diary / by Robin
Jones Gunn. Fall.00
Gulley, Philip
Gunn, Robin Jones
For Everything a Season : Simple
Musings on Living Well / by Philip
Gulley. Fall.00
Hold On Tight / by Robin Jones
Gunn. WinSpr.99
Echoes / by Robin Gunn Jones.
Gryski, Camilla
Let's play : traditional games of
childhood / illustrated by Dusan
Petricic; written by Camilla Gryski.
Guccione, Leslie Davis
Come morning. Mar.96
Guenther, Gloria
Gulley, Philip
Front Porch Tales : A Treasury of
Stories Filled with Wit and Wisdom
/ by Philip Gulley. Fall.00
Gulley, Philip
Turnagain, Ptarmigan, where did
you go? / by James Guenther;
illustrated by Shannon Cartwright.
Guenther, Margaret
My soul in silence waits :
meditations on Psalm 62 /
Margaret Guenther. Fall.01
I promise / by Robin Jones Gunn.
Gunn, Robin Jones
The gift of love. Nov.95
Guenther, James
Gunn, Robin Jones
Home to Harmony / by Philip
Gulley. Sum.01
Now Picture This / by Robin Jones
Gunn. WinSpr.99
Gunn, Robin Jones
Gulley, Philip
Only you, Sierra. Mar.96
Home Town Tales : Recollections of
Kindness, Peace, and Joy / by Philip
Gulley. Fall.00
Gunn, Robin Jones
Gunn, Robin Jones
Gunn, Robin Jones
Secrets / Robin Jones Gunn. 40848
Secrets / by Robin Gunn Jones.
Crispin S. Guppy and John H.
Shepard. Fall.01
Boo who / Rene Gutteridge.
Gunn, Robin Jones
Gupta, Dipak K.
Gutteridge, Rene
Sisterchicks on the loose / by Robin
Jones Gunn. Aug.03
Who are the terrorists? / Dipak K.
Gupta. Mar.2007
Boo! : a novel / Rene Gutteridge.
Gunn, Robin Jones
Gurley, Nan
Gutteridge, Rene
Summer promise. Jan.96
Little Rose of Sharon / by Nan
Gurley ; illustrated by Tim Jonke.
Ghost writer / by Rene Gutteridge.
Gunn, Robin Jones
Gutteridge, Rene
Take my hand / by Robin Jones
Gunn. Spr.01
Gurley, Nan
Gunn, Robin Jones
What color is love : a parable of
God's gifts / by Nan Gurley ;
illustrated by Bill Farnsworth.
Time Will Tell / by Robin Jones
Gunn. WinSpr.99
Gustaveson, Dave
Gunn, Robin Jones
Until tomorrow / by Robin Jones
Gunn. Spr.01
Gunn, Robin Jones
Whispers / by Robin Gunn Jones.
Wildflowers / Robin Jones Gunn.
Guzzetti, Paula
Last Hawaiian Queen : Liliuokalani /
by Paula Guzzetti. Fall.98
Amazon Stranger / Dave
Gustaveson. Sep.97
Haan, Amanda
Gustaveson, Dave
I call my hand gentle / story by
Amanda Haan ; pictures by Marina
Sagona. Apr.04
Dangerous Voyage / Dave
Gustaveson. Sep.97
Gustaveson, Dave
Gunn, Robin Jones
Troubled waters : a novel / Rene
Gutteridge. Oct.03
Lost Diary / Dave Gustaveson.
Haan, Cornell
Lighthouse Movement. Fall.00
Haas, Albert
doctor and the damned. Sum.01
Gustaveson, Dave
Gunn, Robin Jones
Woodlands / by Robin Jones Gunn.
Gunning, Monica
Under the Breadfruit Tree : Island
Poems / by Monica Gunning;
illustrated by Fabricia Vanden
Broeck. Win.00
Mysterious Case. Jan.97
Guthrie, Donna
A rose for Abby. Jan.96
Haas, Jessie
Keeping Barney / by Jessie Haas.
The young author's do-it-yourself
book : how to write, illustrate, and
produce your own book. Nov.96
Hacking, Sue Muller
Gutman, Dan
Mount Everest and Beyond : Sir
Edmund Hillary / by Sue Muller
Hacking. Fall.98
Honus and Me : A Baseball Card
Adventure / by Dan Gutman. Jan.98
Guppy, Crispin Spencer
Butterflies of British Columbia,
Washington, Oregon and Idaho /
Beware and Stogie / by Jessie Haas,
with pictures by the author. Fall.98
Guthrie, Donna
Gunston, Bill
Aviation : The First Hundred Years.
Haas, Jessie
Gutteridge, Rene
Haddix, Margaret Peterson
Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs.
Dunphrey / by Margaret Peterson
Haddix. MarMay.98
Haddix, Margaret Peterson
Leaving Fishers / by Margaret
Peterson Haddix. MarMay.98
Major Tudor Authors : A Biobibliographical Critical Sourcebook /
Edited by Alan Hager. Nov.97
Haidle, Helen
Hahn, Mary Downing
Haddock, Patricia
Environmental time bomb : our
threatened planet / by Patricia
Haddock. Fall.01
Candymaker's Gift : A Legend of
Candy Cane. Mar.97
Hear the wind blow / Mary
Downing Hahn. Jun.03
Comfort for a Child's Heart : The
23rd Psalm and Bible Promises /
written by Helen Haidle; illustrated
by David Haidle. Fall.00
Haidle, Elizabeth
Pocket Full of Prayers. Fall.00
Haidle, Helen
big snow / by Berta and Elmer
Hader. Mar.2005
Haidle, Helen
Creation / written by Helen Haidle;
illustrated by David Haidle and
Elizabeth Haidle. Spr.01
Hafer, Todd
Haidle, Helen
Cody's varsity rush / Todd Hafer.
A pocket full of praises. Jan.96
Hader, Berta
A pocket full of parables. Mar.96
Haidle, Helen
First Christmas Tree. Win.00
Haidle, Helen
Hafer, Todd
Full-court press / by Todd Hafer.
Haidle, Helen
A pocket full of prayers. Jan.96
Haidle, Helen
Hafer, Todd
Goal-line stand / by Todd Hafer.
A pocket full of promises. Jan.96
Haidle, Helen
First Christmas Tree : A Legend
from Long Ago / Helen Haidle;
illustrated by David Haidle &
Elizabeth Haidle. Nov.97
Haidle, Helen
God Made Me / Helen Haidle;
illustrated by Rick Incrocci. Nov.97
A pocket full of proverbs. Jan.96
Hafer, Todd
Haidle, Helen
Second wind / by Todd Hafer.
Haidle, Helen
A pocket full of psalms. Jan.96
He is my shepherd : the 23rd
Psalm for children. Nov.95
Hafer, Todd
Haidle, Helen
Haidle, Helen
Stealing home / by Todd Hafer.
A pocket full of psalms. Mar.97
How Big Is God's Love? / by Helen
Haidle ; illustrated by David Haidle.
Hafer, Todd
Stranger in the chat room / Todd &
Jedd Hafer. Aug.2004
Haidle, Helen
Angels in Action. Mar.97
Haidle, Helen
Real 12 Days of Christmas. Win.00
Haidle, Helen
Hafer, Todd
Three-point play / Todd Hafer.
Hagee, John
Jerusalem countdown / John
Hagee. June 2009
Candy Cane Christmas / Helen
Haidle; illustrated by Rick Incrocci.
Haig-Brown, Alan
Haidle, Helen
Hains, Bryan
Candymaker's Gift. Win.00
Brain disorders / Bryan Hains.
Suzie A. Jan.96
Haidle, Helen
Hager, Alan
Hajdusiewicz, Babs Bell
Mary Carter Smith : AfricanAmerican Storyteller. Jan.97
Hall, Donald
Hall, Linda
String too short to be saved. Nov.96
Steal away / by Linda Hall. Oct.03
Hake, Cathy Marie
Hall, Donald
Hall, Linda
Letter perfect / Cathy Marie Hake.
When Willard Met Babe Ruth.
Steal away / by Linda Hall.
Hake, Cathy Marie
Hall, Eleanor J.
Hall, Monica
Serendipity / Cathy Marie Hake.
August 2011
Ancient Chinese dynasties / by
Eleanor J. Hall. Fall.01
Hakim, Joy
Hall, Elizabeth
All the people, since 1945 / Joy
Hakim. Feb / Apr 2012
delicate balance / written by
Monica Hall; based on a teleplay by
Debbie Smith and Danna Doyle;
from a story by Jennifer Wharton.
Child of the Wolves. Win.00
Hall, Monica
Hakim, Joy
Reconstruction and reform. Mar.96
Hall, Katy
Chickie Riddles / by Katy Hall and
Lisa Eisenberg; pictures by Thor
Wickstrom. MarMay.98
Doodlebugs / novelization by
Monica Hall; based on a teleplay by
Ken LaZebnik; Martha Williamson,
executive director. Sum.01
Hall, Katy
Hall, Monica
Sheepish Riddles. Jan.97
Have you seen me? / written by
Monica Hall; based on a teleplay by
Pamela Redford; from a story by
R.J. Collleary. Fall.01
Hakim, Joy
The new nation. Mar.96
Haley, Gail E.
story, a story : an African tale /
retold and illustrated by Gail E.
Haley. Dec.2004
Halford, Celia Childress
treasure of Pawley's Island :
Pawley's in the Spring, 1893.
Hall, Laurie Sharlene
Cleavers don't live here anymore :
bringing hope and radical
forgiveness to the bewilderment,
betrayal, and bitterness of real
family life / by Laurie Sharlene Hall.
Hall, Linda
Halilbegovich, Nadja
My childhood under fire : a
Sarajevo diary / Nadja
Halilbegovich. Sept.2006
Hall, Monica
Hall, Linda
Unlikely Friends : A Story of Second
Chances / novelization by Monica
Hall; illustrated by Kevin Burke;
based on a teleplay by Kathleen
McGhee-Anderson. Fall.00
Hall, Donald
Hall, Linda
Chat room / by Linda Hall. Aug.2004
Hall, Ron
Hall, Linda
Same kind of different as me / Ron
Hall and Denver Moore ; with Lynn
Vincent. 40513
Hall, Donald
Lucy's summer. Nov.95
How do you spell faith? /
novelization by Monica Hall; based
on a teleplay by Michael Glassberg;
Martha Williamson, executive
director. Sum.01
April Operation / by Linda Hall.
August Gamble / Linda Hall. Sep.97
Lucy's Christmas. Jan.96
Hall, Monica
November Veil / Linda Hall. Sep.97
Hall, Donald
Ox-cart man / by Donald Hall ;
illustrated by Barbara Cooney.
Hall, Zoe
Hall, Linda
Sadie's song / Linda Hall. Feb.03
Apple Pie Tree / Zoe Hall ; Shari
Halpern. Sep.97
Hall, Zoe
Ham, Ken
Surprise Garden / by Zoe Hall ;
illustrated by Shari Halpern.
Charley and Trike in the Grand
Canyon adventure / Ken Ham,
Karen Hansel. 40634
Halley, Henry H.
Ham, Ken
Halley's Bible kidnotes / Henry H.
Halley with Jean Syswerda. Apr.04
D is for dinosaur : a rhyme book
and more. Nov.95
Halliday, Steve
Ham, Kenneth A
Faith is stranger than fiction / Steve
Halliday. Win.02
The lie : evolution. Jan.96
Tommy's clubhouse / by Sharon
Hambrick ; illustrated by Maurie J.
Manning. Oct.03
Ham, Steve
Hambrick, Sharon
I love you, God / written and
illustrated by P.K. Hallinan. 40695
In God we trust : why biblical
authority matters for every believer
/ Steve Ham. October 2010
Tommy's race / by Sharon Hambrick
; [illustrations by Maurie J.
Manning]. Sept.2005
Hallion, Richard P.
Ham, Steve
Hambrick, Sharon
Taking Flight : Inventing the Aerial
Age From Antiquity Through the
First World War. Aug.03
In God we trust : why biblical
authority matters for every believer
/ Steve Ham. Oct. 2010
Tommy's rocket / by Sharon
Hambrick ; [illustrations by Maurie
J. Manning]. Sept.2005
Hallworth, Grace
Hambrick, Sharon
Hamel, Mike
Down by the River : Afro-Caribbean
Rhymes, Games, and Songs for
Children / Compiled by Grace
Hallworth; illustrated by Caroline
Binch. Jan.98
Adoniram Judson : God's man in
Burma / Sharon Hambrick.
Ian's flute / by Mike Hamel.
Hallinan, P. K.
Halverson, Dean C.
Compact Guide to World Religions.
illustrated guide to world religions /
Dean C. Halverson, general editor.
Hambrick, Sharon
Stuart's run to faith / by Sharon
Hambrick. Spr.01
Hambrick, Sharon
Hamel, Mike
Hambrick, Sharon
Arby Jenkins / Sharon Hambrick;
illustrated by Mike McDermott.
Hambrick, Sharon
Halverson, Dean C.
Brain games / Sharon Hambrick.
Arby Jenkins meets his match /
Sharon Hambrick ; illustrated by Del
Thompson. Sept.2005
Talis hunters / by Mike Hamel.
Hamilton, Carol
Mystery of Black Mesa / by Carol
Hamilton; Illustrated by John
Roberts. Jan.98
Hamilton, Dan
The beggar king. Jan.96
Hambrick, Sharon
Halvorson, Marilyn
Stranger on the Line / Marilyn
Halvorson. Nov.97
Arby Jenkins, Mighty Mustang / by
Sharon Hambrick; illustrated by
Mike McDermott. Jan.98
Ham, Ken
Hambrick, Sharon
Hamilton, Dan
Already compromised : Christian
colleges took a test on the state of
their faith and the final exam is in /
Ken Ham, Greg Hall. Feb / Apr 2012
Arby Jenkins, Ready to Roll / by
Sharon Hambrick; illustrated by
Mike McDermott. MarMay.98
The everlasting child. Jan.96
Hambrick, Sharon
Hamilton, Dan
The chameleon lady. Jan.96
Hamilton, Elizabeth
Should I Home School? / by
Elizabeth and Dan Hamilton. Jan.98
Hammond Atlas of the World (CD)
Hamilton, Janet
Hamilton, Virginia
Lise Meitner : pioneer of nuclear
fission / Janet Hamilton. Dec.2005
Ring of Tricksters : Animal Tales
from America, the West Indies, and
Africa / by Virginia Hamilton ;
illustrated by Barry Moser. Fall.98
Hamilton, Janice
Destination Montreal / by Janice
Hamilton. WinSpr.99
Hamilton, Lynn
Hamilton, Virginia
Second Cousins / by Virginia
Hamilton. Win.00
Labor Day / Lynn Hamilton.
Hamilton, Virginia
Hamilton, Lynn
Memorial Day / Lynn Hamilton.
When Birds Could Talk & Bats Could
Sing : The Adventures of Bruh
Sparrow, Sis Wren, and Their
Friends / Virginia Hamilton ; Barry
Moser. Sep.97
Hamilton, Lynn
Hamlin, Catherine
Presidents' Day / Lynn Hamilton.
hospital by the river : a story of
hope / Catherine Hamlin with John
Little. June.2006
Hamilton, Martha
Children tell stories : teaching and
using storytelling in the classroom /
Martha Hamilton and Mitch Weiss.
Hamilton, Virginia
bells of Christmas / Virginia
Hamilton ; illustrations by Lambert
Davis. Apr.04
Hamilton, Virginia
girl who spun gold / by Virginia
Hamilton; illustrated by Leo &
Diane Dillon. Sum.01
people could fly : the picture book /
Virginia Hamilton ; illustrated by
Leo and Diane Dillon. Mar.2005
Arena / Karen Hancock. Apr.04
Hancock, Karen
enclave / Hancock, Karen. AprJune
Hancock, Karen
light of Eidon / Karen Hancock.
Hancock, Karen
light of Eidon / Karen Hancock.
Hancock, Karen
Return of the guardian-king / Karen
Hancock. June 2009
Hidden gifts / Rick Hamlin. Feb.03
Hancock, Karen
Hamlin, Rick
shadow over Kiriath / Karen
Hancock. June 2009
Mixed Blessings / by Rick Hamlin.
Hancock, Karen
Hamlin, Rick
shadow within / Karen Hancock.
June 2009
Reading between the lines / Rick
Hamlin. Mar.2007
Hancock, Lyn
Nunavut. Sept.96
Hamm, diane Johnston.
Daughter of Suqua / Diane
Johnston Hamm. Apr.04
Handforth, Thomas
Mei Li / Thomas Handforth.
Hammer, Loretta Johnson
Tree That Owns Itself and Other
Adventure Tales from out of the
Past. Jan.97
Hammer, Margaret L.
Hamilton, Virginia
Hancock, Karen
Hamlin, Rick
Hamilton, Virginia
Her stories : African American
folktales, fairy tales, and true tales /
told by Virginia Hamilton ;
illustrated by Leo & Diane Dillon.
Hammond Atlas of the World (CD).
Spiritual Guide Through Pregnancy
/ by Margaret L. Hammer.
Hanes, Mari
Pocahontas : true princess. Nov.96
Hanes, Mari
Two Mighty Rivers. Win.00
Hanks, Maxine
Mormon faith in America / Maxine
Hanks with Jean Kinney Williams.
Hann, Judith
How science works / Judith Hann.
June 2009
Hanna, Janice
Kate's Philadelphia frenzy / by
Janice Hanna. 40391
Hannah, John D.
Kregel pictorial guide to church
history / John D. Hannah. Fall.01
Hansen, Joyce
Hardy, LeAnne
Women of Hope : African
Americans Who Made a Difference
/ by Joyce Hansen; foreword by
Moe Foner. WinSpr.99
wooden ox / by LeAnne Hardy.
Hanson, Erik A.
Canyons / Erik Hanson ; foreword
Geoffrey H. Nash. Sept.2007
Hardy, Robin
Chataine's guardian / by Robin
Hardy. Oct.95
Hardy, Robin
Hanson, Jeanne K.
Padre : a novel / by Robin Hardy.
Caves / Jeanne K. Hanson ;
foreword, Geoffrey H. Nash.
Hardy, Robin
Stone of help. Jan.96
Hanson, Jeanne K.
Hannigan, Katherine
Emmaline and the bunny /
Katherine Hannigan. AprJune 2010
Lakes / Jeanne K. Hanson ;
foreword, Geoffrey H. Nash.
Hardy, Robin
Streiker, the killdeer. Jan.96
Hardy, Robin
Hannon, Irene
Against all odds / Irene Hannon.
Hanson, Mary Elizabeth
Streiker's bride. Jan.96
difference between babies and
cookies / Mary Hanson; illustrated
by Debbie Tilley. Feb.03
Hardy, Robin
Streiker's morning sun. Jan.96
Hannon, Irene
Harber, Frances
An eye for an eye / Irene Hannon.
Brothers' Promise / by Frances
Harber ; illustrations by Thor
Wickstrom. Fall.98
Hannon, Irene
In harm's way / Irene Hannon.
Hansen, Joyce
Hardy, Robin
The Liberation of Lystra. Jan.96
Hare, Tony
Harber, Frank
Reasons for Believing : A Seeker's
Guide to Christianity / by Frank
Harber. WinSpr.99
Captive. Jan.97
Animal fact file : head-to-tail
profiles of more than 90 mammals /
by Tony Hare. Sum.01
Hare, Tony
Hardy, LeAnne
Between two worlds / LeAnne
Hardy. Aug.2004
Animal habitats : discovering how
animals live in the wild / Tony Hare.
Hardy, LeAnne
Hare, Tony
Glastonbury Tor : a novel / by
LeAnne Hardy. Sept.2007
Animal life cycles : growing up in
the wild / Tony Hare. Fall.01
Hansen, Joyce
Hardy, Leanne
Harley, Avis
I Thought My Soul Would Rise and
Fly : The Diary of Patsy, a Freed Girl
/ by Joyce Hansen. Fall.98
So that's what God is like! / story by
LeAnne Hardy ; illustrated by Janet
Wilson. Mar.2005
Fly with poetry : an ABC of poetry /
written and illustrated by Avis
Harley. Sum.01
Hansen, Joyce
Freedom roads : searching for the
Underground Railroad / Joyce
Hansen and Gary McGowan ;
[illustrations by James Ransome].
Harlow, Joan Hiatt
Joshua's song / Joan Hiatt Harlow.
Cameron and Me / by Dorothy Joan
Harris ; illustrated by Marilyn Mets.
Harned, David Baily
Harris, Geraldine
Patience : How We Wait Upon the
World / by David Baily Harned.
Ancient Egypt. Nov.96
Harness, Cheryl
Just for you to know / Cheryl
Harness. Mar.2007
Harris, Joshua
Boy meets girl : say hello to
courtship / Joshua Harris.
Harrison, David L.
Writing stories : fantastic fiction
from start to finish / David L.
Harrison. June.2005
Harrison, Dorothy Lilja
Better Tomorrow? / by Dorothy
Lilja Harrison. MarMay.98
Harrison, Dorothy Lilja
Gold in the Garden / by Dorothy
Lilja Harrison. MarMay.98
Harris, Joshua
Harness, Cheryl
Thomas Jefferson / written &
illustrated by Cheryl Harness.
Harnish, James A.
I kissed dating goodbye / Joshua
Harris. SprSum.02
Harrison, Dorothy Lilja
Operation Morningstar / by
Dorothy Lilja Harrison. MarMay.98
Harris, Joshua
Not even a hint / by Joshua Harris.
Come Home for Christmas. Win.00
Harrison, Michael
Oxford treasury of children's
poems. Nov.95
Harris, Lisa
Harper, Isabelle
My Cats Nick & Nora. Jan.97
Blood ransom / Lisa Harris. October
Harranth, Wolf
Harris, Lisa
Flute Concert / by Wolf Harranth ;
illustrated by Romulus Candea.
Blood ransom / Lisa Harris. Oct.
Harrison, Peter
Harris, Lydia E.
Harrison, Peter
Preparing my heart for
grandparenting / Lydia E. Harris.
August 2011
Vincent Van Gogh. Mar.97
Harrar, George
trouble with Jeremy Chance /
George Harrar ; illustrations by
Elizabeth Thayer. Nov.2004
Jesus as God. Win.00
Christmas Story. Win.00
Harris, Murray J.
Harrast, Tracy L.
My Mommy and Me Story Bible.
Oxford treasury of children's
stories. Nov.95
Claude Monet. Mar.97
Harrison, Troon
Harris, Murray J.
Harrast, Tracy
Harrison, Michael
Jesus as God : The New Testament
Use of "Theos" in Reference to
Jesus / by Murray J. Harris.
cat in the stable / Troon Harrison;
illustrated by Benrei Huang. Fall.01
Harrison, Troon
cat in the stable / Troon Harrison;
illustrated by Benrei Huang.
Harshman, Marc
Harrell, Beatrice Orcutt
How thunder and lightning came to
be : a Choctaw legend. Nov.95
Harris, Dorothy Joan
Harris, Peter
Mouse Creeps / by Peter Harris;
pictures by Reg Cartwright.
storm. Nov.95
Hart, Beth Webb
Adelaide Piper / Beth Webb Hart.
Hart, Joyce
One and Only Delgado Cheese.
Haslam, Andrew
Hartman, Bob
Hastings, Selina
The lion storyteller Bible. Nov.96
Children's Illustrated Bible / stories
retold by Selina Hastings; illustrated
by Eric Thomas and Amy Burch.
North American Indians. SprSum.02
Big dogs / Joyce Hart. AprJune 2010
Hart, Joyce
Cats / Joyce Hart. AprJune 2010
Hartnett, Sonya
Hart, Joyce
Pennsylvania / by Joyce Hart.
Hart, Trevor A.
dictionary of historical theology /
general editor, Trevor A. Hart;
consulting editors, Richard
Bauckham … [et al.]. SprSum.02
Hartland, Jessie
Bon appetit! : the delicious life of
Julia Child / Jessie Hartland.
silver donkey / Sonya Hartnett ;
illustrated by Don Powers.
Harvey, Bonnie C.
Fanny Crosby / by Bonnie C.
Harvey. Fall.00
Harwayne, Shelley
Children's Illustrated Bible / stories
retold by Selina Hastings ;
illustrated by Eric Thomas and Amy
Burch. Fall.98
Hastings, Selina
Jewels : children's play rhymes.
Miracles of Jesus and Other Bible
Stories / retold by Selina Hastings.
Haseley, Dennis
Hatcher, Carolyn
story for Bear / Dennis Haseley;
illustrated by Jim LaMarche. Feb.03
Let the authors speak : a guide to
worthy books based on historical
setting / Carolyn Hatcher. Jun.03
Hartland, Jessie
Bon appetit! : the delicious life of
Julia Child / Jessie Hartland.
Hastings, Selina
Haskins, James
Following freedom's star / by Janes
Haskins and Kathleen Benson.
Hatcher, Robin Lee
Manners matter for students / Fred
Hartley, Andrea Hartley Smith.
Haskins, James
Hatcher, Robin Lee
From Afar to Zulu : a dictionary of
African cultures. Mar.96
Firstborn / Robin Lee Hatcher.
Hartman, Bob
Haskins, James
Granny Mae's Christmas play / Bob
Hartman; illustrated by Lynne
Cravath. Fall.01
Hatcher, Robin Lee
Out of the darkness : the story of
Blacks moving North, 1890-1940 /
by James Haskins. Fall.01
Legacy Lane / Robin Lee Hatcher.
Hartman, Bob
Haskins, Sonya A.
Granny Mae's Christmas play / Bob
Hartman; illustrated by Lynne
Cravath. SprSum.02
Homeschooling for the rest of us /
Sonya Haskins. October 2010
Catching Katie / Robin Lee Hatcher.
Hartley, Fred
Hartman, Bob
Night the Stars Danced for Joy /
Bob Hartman; illustrations by Tim
Jonke. Nov.97
Hartman, Bob
Haskins, Sonya A.
Homeschooling for the rest of us :
how your one-of-a-kind family can
make homeschooling and real life
work / Sonya Haskins. Oct. 2010
Hatcher, Robin Lee
Ribbon of years / Robin Lee
Hatcher. Win.02
Hatcher, Robin Lee
Whispers from Yesterday / by Robin
Lee Hatcher. Fall.00
Hathaway, Barbara
Missy Violet & me / by Barbara
Hathaway. Sept.2005
Hathersmith, June
From Akebu to Zapotec / by June
Hathersmith; illustrated by Alice
Roder. SprSum.02
Hatkoff, Isabella
Owen & Mzee : the true story of a
remarkable friendship / told by
Isabella Hatkoff, Craig Hatkoff, and
Paula Kahumbu ; photographs by
Peter Greste. June.2007
Hatton, Caroline Kim
Véro and Philippe / Caroline
Hatton; illustrated by Preston
McDaniels. SprSum.02
Hauck, Rachel
Once upon a prince. Aug.Sept.2013
Gizmos & gadgets : creating science
contraptions that work (& knowing
why) / by Jill Frankel Hauser ;
illustrations by Michael Kline.
Hauser, Jill Frankel
Super science concoctions / Jill
Frankel Hauser ; illustrations by
Michael Kline. June 2009
Haugen, David M.
Animal experimentation / edited by
David M. Haugen. Fall.01
Haugen, Gary A.
Good news about injustice : a
witness of courage in a hurting
world / by Gary A. Haugen. Spr.01
Hauser, Jill F.
Science play! : beginning
discoveries for 2- to 6-year olds / by
Jill Frankel Hauser ; illustrations by
Michael Kline. OctDec 2009
Having to hurry. SprSum.02
Hawes, Charles Boardman
Dark Frigate / by Charles Boardman
Hawes; decorations by Warren
Chappell. MarMay.98
Hawkins, Kathy
heart of a stranger. Nov.96
Hauser, Jill Frankel
Super science concoctions : 50
mysterious mixtures for fabulous
fun / Jill Frankel Hauser ;
illustrations by Michael Kline.
Hausladen, Gary J.
Western places, American myths :
how we think about the West /
Gary J. Hausladen, editor. Aug.2004
Hawse, Alberta
The call of Green Bird. Sept.96
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Great Stone Face / Nathaniel
Hawthorne; adapted by Penelope J.
Stokes; illustrated by Greg Dearth.
Hawthorne, Sally
Hauerwas, Stanley
Prayers Plainly Spoken. Fall.00
Having to hurry
Hausman, Gerald
coyote bead / Gerald Hausman.
Whispering stones / by Sally
Hawthorne. Spr.01
Haycock, Ken
Escape from Botany Bay : the true
story of Mary Bryant / Gerald &
Loretta Hausman. Oct.03
Neal-Schuman authoritative guide
to kids’ search engines, subject
directories, and portals / Ken
Haycock, Barbara Edwards,
Michelle Dober. Jun.03
Hausman, Gerald
Hayden, Susannah
Napoleon & Josephine : the sword
& the hummingbird / by Gerald &
Loretta Hausman. June.2005
Farther along the road. Mar.96
Hausman, Gerald
Hayes, Joe
Pedal Power : How a Mountain Bike
Is Made. Jan.97
Coyote & : native American folk
tales / retold by Joe Hayes ;
illustrations by Lucy JelinekThompson. Mar.2005
Havens, John C.
Hayes, Joe
Government and Politics / John C.
Havens. Nov.97
Coyote & : native American folk
tales / retold by Joe Hayes ;
illustrations by Lucy JelinekThompson. Dec.2004
Hautzig, David
Hauser, Jill Frankel
Gizmos & gadgets : creating science
contraptions that work (& knowing
why) / by Jill Frankel Hauser ;
illustrations by Michael Kline.
Hauser, Jill Frankel
Havill, Juanita\O'Brien, Anne
Sibley, ill
Jamaica's blue marker. Sept.96
Hayes, Joe
Soft child : how rattlesnake got its
fangs / retold by Joe Hayes ;
illustrated by Kay Sather. June.2005
Hayford, Jack
Glorious morning! : an invitation to
Resurrection praise / Jack Hayford.
Hayford, Jack W.
Worship his majesty. SprSum.02
Hayley, Dianne
Knee high nature : fall. Jan.96
Hayley, Dianne
Heale, Jay
Madagascar / Jay Heale. Nov.97
Heelan, Jamee Riggio
Heale, Jay
Rolling along / by Jamee Riggio
Heelan; illustrated by Nicola
Simmonds. Win.02
Tanzania / by Jay Heale. Win.00
Healy, Jane M.
Endangered minds : why children
don't think—and what we can do
about it / by Jane M. Healy. Sum.01
Healy, Jane M.
Failure to connect : how computers
affect our children's minds--and
what we can do about it / by Jane
M. Healy. Sum.01
Foundling / Linda Hayner. Nov.97
Hayner, Linda K.
Ellanor's exchange / by Linda
Hayner. Mar.2007
Haystead, Wes
Teaching Your Child About God /
Wes Haystead. Sep.97
Hazen, Barbara Shook
Katie's wish / Barbara Shook Hazen;
illustrated by Emily Arnold McCully.
New Dog / by Barbara Shook
Hazen; pictures by R. W. Alley.
Heald, Cynthia
Becoming a Woman of Prayer.
Heale, Jay
Democratic Republic of the Congo /
by Jay Heale. Win.00
Heidenreich, Elke
Heaney, Seamus
Spirit Level / Seamus Heaney.
Heiligman, Deborah
Heard, Georgia
For the good of the earth and sun :
teaching poetry. Apr.03
Cool dog, school dog / [story by
Deborah Heiligman ; illustrated by
Tim Bowers]. AprJune 2010
Heiligman, Deborah
Hearn, Walter R.
Being a Christian in Science / by
Walter R. Hearn. Fall.98
Hebblethwaite, Margaret
My secret life : a friendship with
God. Nov.95
Hedlund, Jody
Hazen, Barbara Shook
Arts and Crafts for Lent : From
Mardi Gras to Passiontide with
Prayers and Blessings for Family,
School, and Church / written and
illustrated by Jeanne Heiberg.
Nero Corleone : A Cat's Story / by
Elke Heidenreich; translated by
Doris Orgel; illustrated by Quint
Buchholz. MarMay.98
Knee high nature : winter. Jan.96
Hayner, Linda
Heiberg, Jeanne
The preacher's bride / Jody
Hedlund. 40695
Hedstrom, Deborah
From Colonies to Country with
George Washington / by Deborah
Hedstrom ; illustrations by Sergio
Martinez. MarMay.98
From caterpillar to butterfly / by
Deborah Heiligman ; illustrated by
Bari Weissman. Apr.04
Heim, Judy
Free stuff for crafty kids on the
internet / by Judy Heim and Gloria
Hansen. Spr.01
Heinrichs, Ann
Nile / by Ann Heinrichs. 40391
Heinrichs, Ann
Sahara / by Ann Heinrichs. 40391
Heinrichs, Ann
The Amazon rain forest / by Ann
Heinrichs. 40695
Hedstrom, Deborah
From East to West with Lewis and
Clark / by Deborah Hedstrom ;
illustrations by Sergio Martinez.
Heinz, Brian
Kayuktuk : An Arctic Quest / by
Brian Heinz; illustrations by Jon Van
Zyle. Nov.97
Heinz, Brian J.
Butternut Hollow Pond / by Brian J.
Heinz; illustrated by Bob Marstall.
Heinz, Brian J.
Wolves / Brian J. Heinz ; Bernie
Fuchs. Sep.97
Heiserman, David L
Exploring chemical elements and
their compounds. Jan.96
Heitzmann, Kristen
Freefall / Kristen Heitzmann.
Heitzmann, Kristen
Halos / by Kristen Heitzmann.
Heitzmann, Kristen
Honor's Disguise / by Kristen
Heitzmann. Fall.00
Heitzmann, Kristen
Honor's Price / by Kristen
Heitzmann. WinSpr.99
Heitzmann, Kristen
Honor's Quest / by Kristen
Heitzmann. Win.00
Heitzmann, Kristen
Honor's reward / by Kristen
Heitzmann. Spr.01
Heitzmann, Kristen
Indelible : a novel / Kristen
Heitzmann. 40848
Heitzmann, Kristen
Indivisible / Kristen Heitzmann.
today / David J. Hesselgrave.
Heitzmann, Kristen
Heller, Ruth
rose legacy / by Kristen Heitzmann.
Merriam-Webster's alphabet book /
written and illustrated by Ruth
Heller. Sept.2005
Heitzmann, Kristen
rush of wings / Kristen Heitzmann.
Heitzmann, Kristen
Hellweg, Paul
The American heritage student
thesaurus / Paul Hellweg, Joyce
LeBaron, Susannah LeBaron. 40634
still of night / by Kristin Heitzmann.
Helman, Andrea
Heitzmann, Kristen
1, 2, 3 Moose : A Pacific Northwest
Counting Book / Andrea Helman ;
Art Wolfe. Sep.97
Sweet boundless / by Kristen
Heitzmann. Fall.01
Heitzmann, Kristen
tender vine / Kristen Heitzmann.
Helman, Andrea
Wild colors / by Andrea Helman ;
photographs by Gavriel Jecan.
Helmer, Marilyn
Heitzmann, Kristen
The breath of dawn / Kristen
Heitzmann. Apr.2013
Fog Cat / written by Marilyn
Helmer; illustrated by Paul
Mombourquette. Fall.00
Heitzmann, Kristen
Helmer, Marilyn
Twilight / Kristen Heitzmann.
Funtime riddles / Marilyn Helmer,
Jane Kurisu. Aug.2004
Heitzmann, Kristen
Helmer, Marilyn
Unforgotten : a novel / Kristen
Heitzmann. Dec.2005
Mr. McGratt and the Ornery Cat /
written by Marilyn Helmer;
illustrated by Martine Courbault.
Heitzmann, Kristin
Secrets / by Kristen Heitzmann.
Helmer, Marilyn
Heley, Veronica
One splendid tree / written by
Marilyn Helmer ; illustrated by
Dianne Eastman. Sept.2005
Eden Hall / Veronica Heley.
Hellelgrave, David J.
Paradigms in conflict : 10 key
questions in Christian missions
Helmer, Marilyn
Recess riddles / Marilyn Helmer,
Jane Kurisu. Aug.2004
Helmer, Marilyn
Three teeny tiny tales / retold by
Marilyn Helmer; illustrated by
Velelina Tomova. Win.02
Henderson, Dee
/ Robert Thornton Henderson.
rescuer / by Dee Henderson. Jun.03
Hendricks, William
Helprin, Mark
City in Winter / Mark Helprin ; Chris
Van Allsburg. Sep.97
Helprin, Mark
Veil of Snows / by Mark Helprin;
illustrated by Christ Van Allsburg.
Henderson, Dee
The guardian / by Dee Henderson.
Henderson, Dee
light that never dies : a story of
hope in the shadows of grief /
William Hendricks. June.2007
Hendry, Linda
True courage / Dee Henderson.
Horse crafts / written and
illustrated by Linda Hendry.
Hemer, Colin J.
Henderson, Dee
Hengel, Martin
Book of Acts in Setting of Hellenistic
History. Mar.97
True devotion / by Dee Henderson.
Hemphill, Helen
Henderson, Dee
Hellenization' of Judaea in the First
Century after Christ / by Martin
Hengel ; with Christoph Markschies.
The adventurous deeds of
Deadwood Jones / Helen Hemphill.
True honor / Dee Henderson.
Henderson, Dee
Henderson, Aileen Kilgore
Hard times for Jake Smith / Aileen
Kilgore Henderson. Mar.2005
True valor : a novel / Dee
Henderson. SprSum.02
Henderson, Dee
Henderson, Dee
Danger in the shadows / by Dee
Henderson. Fall.00
truth seeker / by Dee Henderson.
Henderson, Felicity
Henderson, Dee
Full disclosure / Dee Henderson.
Henke, Roxanne
After Anne / Roxanne Henke.
Henke, Roxanne
Always Jan / Roxanne Henke.
Henke, Roxanne
Finding Ruth / Roxanne Sayler
Henke. Jun.03
A pocketful of Bible stories. Nov.95
Henke, Roxanne
Henderson, Harry
Scientific Revolution. Jan.97
secret of us / Roxanne Henke.
Henderson, Dee
healer / by Dee Henderson. Apr.03
Henderson, Harry
healer / by Dee Henderson. Apr.03
Twentieth Century Science / by
Harry Henderson and Lisa Yount.
Henderson, Dee
Henderson, Jon
negotiator / by Dee Henderson.
Nightwatch. Mar.96
Henderson, Dee
protector / by Dee Henderson.
With love, Libby / Roxanne Henke.
Henkes, Kevin
Henderson, Robert T.
Henderson, Dee
Henke, Roxanne
Subversive Jesus, radical grace :
relating Christ to a new generation
Bird Lake moon / Kevin Henkes.
June 2009
Henkes, Kevin
Birds / by Kevin Henkes ; illustrated
by Laura Dronzek. October 2010
Henkes, Kevin
Henry, Marguerite
Birds / by Kevin Henkes ; illustrated
by Laura Dronzek. Oct. 2010
King of the wind / by Marguerite
Henry ; illustrated by Wesley
Dennis. Apr.04
Henkes, Kevin
Kitten's first full moon / Kevin
Henkes. Mar.2005
Henkes, Kevin
La primera luna Ilena de Gatita /
Kevin Henkes ; traducido por
Osvaldo Blanco. Dec.2006
Henkes, Kevin
My garden / Kevin Henkes. 40391
Henkes, Kevin
Olive's ocean / by Kevin Henkes.
Henkes, Kevin
Penny and her song / Kevin Henkes.
Before I dream Bible storybook /
Karyn Henley. Win.02
Henley, Karyn
Rag Baby / Karyn Henley; illustrated
by Susan Kathleen Hartung. Feb.03
Hennessy, B. G.
My book of thanks / B.G. Hennessy
; illustrated by Hiroe Nakata.
Hennessy, B. G.
Olympics! / by B. G. Hennessy;
pictures by Michael Chesworth.
memory cupboard / by Charlotte
Herman ; illustrated by Ben F. Stahl.
Heppenheimer, T. A.
First Flight : The Wright Brothers
and the Invention of the Airplane.
Herald, Diana Tixier
Teen genreflecting : a guide to
reading interests / Diana Tixier
Herald. Apr.04
Herald, Jacqueline
World crafts : a celebration of
designs and skills. Jan.96
Herb, Angela M.
Beyond the Mississippi : Early
Westward Expansion of the United
States / Angela M. Herb. Sep.97
Herman, Charlotte
Millie Cooper and friends. Mar.96
Herman, John
One winter's night / by John
Herman ; illustrated by Leo and
Diane Dillon. Aug.2004
Herman, Kathy
All things hidden : a novel / Kathy
Herman. Sept.2007
Herman, Kathy
Dangerous mercy / Kathy Herman.
Feb / Apr 2012
Herman, Kathy
Herbert, Christopher
Henley, Karyn
Herman, Charlotte
Prayers for children. Jan.96
Herda, D. J.
Dred Scott case : slavery and
citizenship. Sept.96
Hergenrather, John
Your guide to Yellowstone and
Grand Teton National Parks / John
Hergenrather .. [et al.]. Apr.2013
Day of reckoning / by Kathy
Herman. SprSum.02
Herman, Kathy
False pretenses / Kathy Herman.
Feb / Apr 2012
Herman, Kathy
fine line / Kathy Herman. Nov.2004
Herman, Kathy
High stakes / Kathy Herman. Apr.04
Hering, Marianne
Focus on the Family clubhouse
family activity book / edited by
Marianne Hering. SprSum.02
Hering, Marianne
Henry, Kim M.
Smoke Screen Secret / by Marianne
Hering. MarMay.98
Seeds of Heaven / written by Kim
M. Henry; illustrated by Mary Anne
Lard. Fall.00
Hering, Marianne
Trouble Shooting / by Marianne
Hering. Jan.98
Herman, Kathy
shred of evidence / Kathy Herman.
Herman, Kathy
Tested by fire / Kathy Herman.
Herman, Kathy
Vital signs / Kathy Herman. Apr.04
Hermann, Spring
Geronimo : Apache Freedom
Fighter / Spring Hermann. Nov.97
Hermes, Jules
children of Bolivia. Nov.96
The hard life of Seymour E. Newton
/ by Ann Bixby Herold; illustrated by
Sherry Neidigh. Oct.95
Hess, Debra
Herold, Ann Bixby
Hess, Donna
The mysterious Passover visitors /
by Ann Bixby Herold; illustrated by
Mary Chambers. Oct.95
Best books. SprSum.02
Star-Spangled Banner / Debra Hess.
Hess, Donna
Hermes, Patricia
Herr, Ethel
Emma Dilemma and the camping
nanny / by Patricia Hermes. OctDec
Citadel and the Lamb / by Ethel
Herr. Win.00
Hermes, Patricia
Emma Dilemma, the nanny and the
secret ferret / by Patricia Hermes.
Hermes, Patricia
Our strange new land : Elizabeth's
diary / by Patricia Hermes. Spr.01
Hermes, Patricia
starving time : Elizabeth's diary,
book two / by Patricia Hermes.
Hermes, Patricia
Summer secrets / by Patricia
Hermes. Mar.2005
To Serve a Higher King / Donna
Hess and Dawn Watkins. Nov.97
Hess, Donna L.
Herr, Ethel
Dove and the Rose. Jan.97
Herr, Ethel
In search of honor / by Donna Lynn
Hess. Nov.2004
Hess, Donna Lynn
Maiden's Sword / by Ethel Herr.
Best Books for Kindergarten
Through High School / Compiled by
Donna Lynn Hess. Sep.97
Hershberger, Michele
Hess, Donna Lynn
Christian View of Hospitality :
Expecting Surprises / by Michele
Hershberger. Fall.00
Dust of the Earth / Donna Lynn
Hess. Nov.97
Hertel, Leona
Man with a mission / by Leona
Hertel. Win.02
Hess, Paul
Farmyard animals. Nov.96
Hess, Paul
Herz, Sarah K.
Safari animals. Nov.96
Westward to home : Joshua's diary
/ by Patricia Hermes. Win.02
From Hinton to Hamlet : building
bridges between young adult
literature and the classics / Sarah K.
Herz and Donald R. Gallo.
Herndon, Ernest
Hess, Debra
Nature trails and Gospel tales :
stories of grace from the wilds of
Mississippi / Ernest Herndon.
American Flag / Debra Hess.
Hesse, Karen
Hess, Debra
Hesse, Karen
Fourth of July / Debra Hess.
cats in Krasinski Square / by Karen
Hesse ; illustrated by Wendy
Watson. Mar.2005
Hermes, Patricia
Herod's Palace
Herod's Palace. Win.00
Herold, Ann Bixby
Hess, Valerie E.
Habits of a child's heart : raising
your kids with the spiritual
disciplines / Valerie E. Hess and
Marti Watson Garlett. Aug.2004
A time of angels. Mar.96
Hess, Debra
South Carolina / by Debra Hess.
Hesse, Karen
Just Juice / by Karen Hesse ;
pictures by Robert Andrew Parker.
Follow Me : Experience the Loving
Leadership of Jesus. Mar.97
Hickman, Janet
Susannah / by Janet Hickman.
Hettinga, Jan David
Hesse, Karen
Light in the Storm : The Civil War
Diary of Amelia Martin / by Karen
Hesse. Fall.00
Follow me : experience the loving
leadership of Jesus / by Jan David
Hettinga. Spr.01
Heuston, Kimberley Burton
Hesse, Karen
Music of Dolphins. Mar.97
Dante's daughter / Kimberley
Heuston. Dec.2004
Hesse, Karen
Hewett, Joan
Out of the Dust / by Karen Hesse.
Tunnels, Tracks, and Trains :
Building a Subway. Jan.97
Hesse, Karen
Hewett, Lorri
Out of the dust / Karen Hesse.
Dancer / by Lorri Hewett. Sum.01
Hewett, Lorri
Hickman, Martha Whitmore
baby born in Bethlehem / by
Martha Whitmore Hickman;
illustrations by Giuliana Ferry.
Hickman, Martha Whitmore
Robert lives with His Grandparents.
Hickman, Pamela
Animals hibernating / written by
Pamela Hickman ; illustrated by Pat
Stephens. June.2005
Hickman, Pamela
Lives of Our Own / by Lorri Hewett.
How animals eat / written by
Pamela Hickman ; illustrated by Pat
Stephens. Sept.2007
Hewitt, Sally
Hickman, Pamela
Hest, Amy
Nature for fun projects / by Sally
Hewitt. Sum.01
Letters to Leo / Amy Hest ;
illustrations by Julia Denos.
How animals move / written by
Pamela Hickman ; illustrated by Pat
Stephens. Sept.2007
Heyer, Marilee
Hesse, Karen
young Hans Christian Andersen / by
Karen Hesse ; illustrated by Erik
Blegvad. Sept.2007
Hest, Amy
Little Chick / Amy Hest ; illustrated
by Anita Jeram. 40391
Hest, Amy
Remembering Mrs. Rossi / Amy
Hest ; illustrated by Heather
Maione. June.2007
The girl, the fish & the crown : a
Spanish folktale. Jan.96
Hickman, Patricia
Angel of the Outback / Patricia
Hickman. Sep.97
Hibbard, Ann
Family Celebrations at Christmas.
Hickman, Patricia
Beyond the Wild Shores / by
Patricia Hickman. Jan.98
Hibbard, Ann
Family celebrations at Easter / Ann
Hibbard. Spr.01
Hestler, Anna
Hickman, Patricia
Emerald Flame / Patricia Hickman.
Wales / Anna Hestler. SprSum.02
Hickcox, Ruth
Hickman, Patricia
Hestler, Anna
Great-Grandmother's Treasure / by
Ruth Hickcox ; pictures by David
Soman. WinSpr.99
Hickman, Janet
Hickman, Patricia
Jericho. Mar.97
Katrina's Wings / by Patricia
Hickman. Fall.00
Yemen / by Anna Hestler. Win.00
Hettinga, Jan David
Fallen angels / Patricia Hickman.
Hickman, Patricia
Nazareth's song / Patricia Hickman.
Alexander Hamilton : young
statesman / written by Helen Boyd
Higgins ; illustrated by Cathy
Morrison. OctDec 2009
Beekeepers / by Linda Oatman High
; illustrated by Doug Chayka.
High, Linda Oatman
Hickman, Patricia
Sandpebbles / by Patricia Hickman.
Higgins, Helen Boyd
Juliette Low, Girl Scout founder /
written by Helen Boyd Higgins ;
illustrated by Cathy Morrison.
Hickman, Patricia
The pirate queen : a novel / Patricia
Hickman. 40634
Hickman, Patricia
touch / Patricia Hickman; based on
the painting by Ron DiCianni.
Higgs, Liz Curtin
Parable of the Lily / by Liz Curtis
Higgs; illustrated by Nancy Munger.
Higgs, Liz Curtis
Bookends / by Liz Curtis Higgs.
Hickman, Patricia
Treasure Seekers / by Patricia
Hickman. WinSpr.99
Higgs, Liz Curtis
Fair is the rose / Liz Curtis Higgs.
Hickman, Patricia
Voyage of the Exiles / Patricia
Hickman. Sep.97
Higgs, Liz Curtis
Here burns my candle / Liz Curtis
Higgs. August 2011
Hicks, Barbara Jean
Unlikely Prince / by Barbara Jean
Hicks. Win.00
Higgs, Liz Curtis
Mixed Signals / by Liz Curtis Higgs.
Hicks, Kyra E.
Hound heaven / Linda Oatman
High. Mar.2005
High, Linda Oatman
Hound Heaven / Linda Oatman
High. Nov.2004
High, Linda Oatman
humble life : plain poems / written
by Linda Oatman High; illustrated
by Bill Farnsworth. SprSum.02
Higley , T. L.
Guardian of the flame / T.L. Higley.
AprJune 2010
Higley, T.L.
Petra : city in stone / T.L. Higley.
Hildick, E.W.
Purloined Corn Popper / by E.W.
Hildick. MarMay.98
Hildick, E.W.
Serial Sneak Thief / by E.W. Hildick.
Martha Ann's quilt for Queen
Victoria / written by Kyra E. Hicks ;
illustrated by Lee Edward Foci.
Higgs, Liz Curtis
Hicks, Robert M.
Higgs, Liz Curtis
Uneasy Manhood : Finding Balance
in a Changing World / by Robert M.
Hicks. MarMay.98
Parable Series : An Audio-Book for
All Seasons / by Liz Curtis Higgs.
Hile, Kevin
Higgins, Caroline
Higgs, Liz Curtis
Hile, Kevin
Mother Teresa : the woman who
served the poorest of the poor,
1910. Nov.96
Thorn in my heart / Liz Curtis Higgs.
The handy weather answer book /
Kevin Hile. Oct. 2010
High, Linda Oatman
Hill, Christine M.
Higgins, Helen Boyd
parable of the lily / by Liz Curtis
Higgs; illustrated by Nancy Munger.
Hildreth, Denise
Savannah from Savannah / Denise
Hildreth. Dec.2005
handy weather answer book / Kevin
Hile. October 2010
Langston Hughes : Poet of the
Harlem Renaissance / by Christine
M. Hill. WinSpr.99
Hill, Patti
Hill, Christine M.
Hill, Patti
Robert Ballard : Oceanographer
Who Discovered the Titanic / by
Christine M. Hill. Win.00
Seeing things / Patti Hill. AprJune
Like a watered garden / Patti Hill.
The restorer's journey / Sharon
Hinck. 40513
Hinck, Sharon
Hill, David
The restorer's son / Sharon Hinck.
Hinds, Kathryn
Hill, Susan
Take It Easy / by David Hill. Jan.98
Books alive : using literature in the
classroom. Nov.95
Hill, David
Hillenbrand, Will
Time out / David Hill. SprSum.02
Fiddle-I-fee / Will Hillenbrand.
Ancient Romans / by Kathryn Hinds.
Hinds, Kathryn
Hill, Grace Livingston
Brentwood. Nov.96
Hill, Grace Livingston
Hinds, Kathryn
Hillenbrand, Will
Here we go round the mulberry
bush / Will Hillenbrand. Oct.03
Hillenbrand, Will
history of Christian thought /
Jonathan Hill. Nov.2004
Kite day : a Bear and Mole book /
Will Hillenbrand. 41061
What has Christianity ever done for
us? : how it shaped the modern
world / Jonathan Hill. Dec.2006
Hill, Karen
Owen's walk / written by Karen Hill
; illustrated by Carol Thompson.
Incas / by Kathryn Hinds.
Hinds, Kathryn
Hillenbrand, Will
Hill, Jonathan
Everyday life in the Roman Empire /
Kathryn Hinds. 40695
Hinds, Kathryn
White orchids. Nov.96
Hill, Jonathan
Celts of Northern Europe / by
Kathryn Hinds. Jan.98
Spring is here / Will Hillenbrand.
Medieval England / by Kathryn
Hinds. SprSum.02
Hinds, Kathryn
Hilliard, Barb
Good news : thematic bulletin
boards for Christian classrooms /
Barb Hilliard; illustrated by Sandy
Trimble. Feb.03
Venice and its merchant empire /
by Kathryn Hinds. SprSum.02
Hinds, Kathryn
Vikings / by Kathryn Hinds.
Hills, Tad
Hill, Karen
Something Wonderful : a Christmas
story / Karen Hill ; illustrated by
Susan Reagon. Dec.2005
Hill, Patti
Rocket writes a story / Tad Hills.
Hinck, Sharon
secret life of Becky Miller / Sharon
Hinck. Dec.2006
Always green / Patti Hill. Sept.2005
Hinck, Sharon
Hill, Patti
In every flower / Patti Hill.
The restorer : a novel / Sharon
Hinck. 40513
Hinck, Sharon
Hinds, Maurene J.
Ferguson guide to resumes and job
hunting skills : / Maurene J. Hinds.
Hindu and Sikh faiths in America
Hindu and Sikh faiths in America /
Gail M. Harley. Apr.03
Hine, Robert
Facts on File dictionary of biology /
edited by Robert Hine. Sept.2005
Hines, T. L.
Waking Lazarus / T.L. Hines.
People of Salmon and Cedar / by
Ron Hirschi; illustrated by Deborah
Cooper with photographs by
Edward S. Curtis. Win.00
Importance of Thurgood Marshall /
by Deborah Hitzeroth and Sharon
Leon. MarMay.98
Hobbie, Holly
Hinman, Bonnie
Jennie's war : the home front in
World War 2 / Bonnie Hinman.
Hintz, Martin
Destination Duluth / by Martin
Hintz. WinSpr.99
Hintz, Martin
Destination New Orleans / by
Martin Hintz. WinSpr.99
Hinze, Vicki
Hirschi, Ron
Seya's song. Nov.95
Hirt, Douglas
fall of the Nephilim / Douglas Hirt.
Hobbs, Will
Hirt, Douglas
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Quest for Atlan / Douglas Hirt.
Forget-me-nots : poems to learn by
heart / selected by Mary Ann
Hoberman ; illustrated by Michael
Emberley. Apr.2013
Coyote and badger : desert hunters
of the southwest / Bruce Hiscock.
Historical maps on file
Hirschfelder, Arlene B.
Squanto : 1858?-1622 / by Arlene B.
Hirschfelder. Aug.2004
Historical maps on file / Martin
Greenwald Associates. SprSum.02
Hitchcock, Mark
Hirschi, Ron
A time for playing / by Ron Hirschi;
photographs by Thomas D.
Mangelsen. Oct.95
The last best days of summer /
Valerie Hobbs. August 2011
Flight to Eden / Douglas Hirt.
Hiscock, Bruce
Adventure On Klickitat Island / by
Hilary Horder Hippely ; illustrated
by Barbara Upton. WinSpr.99
Hobbs, Valerie
Hirt, Douglas
Forget me not / Vicki Hinze. 40391
Hippely, Hilary Horder
Everything but the horse : a
childhood memory / by Holly
Hobbie. 40634
Coming Islamic Invasion of Israel.
Maze / by Will Hobbs. Win.00
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Llama Who Had No Pajama : 100
Favorite Poems / written by Mary
Ann Hoberman ; illustrated by Betty
Fraser. Fall.98
Hoberman, Mary Ann
Seven Silly Eaters / written by Mary
Ann Hoberman; illustrated by Marla
Frazee. Nov.97
Hitchcock, Mark
Hoberman, Mary Ann\Fraser,
Betty, ill.
Second Coming of Babylon. Aug.03
The cozy book. Sept.96
Faces in the Forest / by Ron Hirschi;
photographs by Thomas D.
Mangelsen. Fall.98
Hite, Sid
Hockett, Betty M
Stick and Whittle / by Sid Hite.
Looking through the window : reallife missionary stories. Nov.96
Hirschi, Ron
Hite, Sid
Hockett, Betty M
Faces in the Mountains / by Ron
Hirschi; photographs by Thomas D.
Mangelsen. Fall.98
Stick and Whittle / by Sid Hite.
Outside doctor on call : the lifestory of Ezra and Frances DeVol.
Hirschi, Ron
Hirschi, Ron
Hitzeroth, Deborah
Hockett, Betty M.
Catching Their Talk in a Box : The
Life-Story of Joy Ridderhof / by
Betty M. Hockett. Jan.98
Hodge, Deborah
Ants / written by Deborah Hodge ;
illustrated by Julian Mulock.
Hockett, Betty M.
Come what may / by Betty M.
Hockett. Spr.01
Hockett, Betty M.
Down a Winding Road / by Betty M.
Hockett. MarMay.98
Hockett, Betty M.
From Here to There and Back Again
: The Life-Story of Charles Edward
DeVol. / by Betty M. Hockett.
Hockett, Betty M.
Happiness Under the Indian Trees :
The Life-Story of Catherine Cattell /
by Betty M. Hockett. MarMay.98
Hockett, Betty M.
Keeping Them in Stitches : The LifeStory of Geraldine Custer / by Betty
M. Hockett. MarMay.98
Hodge, Deborah
Bees / written by Deborah Hodge ;
illustrated by Julian Mulock.
Hodges, Lynn
Dear God, it's me / by Lynn Hodges
and Sue Buchanan ; illustrated by
John Bendall Brunello. Sept.2007
I love you this much : a song of
God's love / by Lynn Hodges & Sue
Buchanan; illustrated by John
Bendall Brunello. Feb.03
Hoehne, Marcia
music box test. Nov.96
paper route treasure. Sept.96
Hoehne, Marcia
Sunflower Girl / by Marcia Hoehne.
Hoehne, Marcia
The fairy-tale friend. Jan.96
Hoehne, Marcia
Hodges, Margaret
Moses / Margaret Hodges ;
illustrated by Barry Moser.
Hodges, Margaret
Hockett, Betty M.
Hodges, Margaret
No Time Out : The Life-Story of
George and Dorothy Thomas / by
Betty M. Hockett. MarMay.98
Silent Night : The Song and Its Story
/ written by Margaret Hodges;
illustrated by Tim Ladwig. Nov.97
Hockett, Betty M.
Hodgson, Mona Gansberg
What Will Tomorrow Bring? : The
Life-Story of Ralph and Esther
Choate / by Betty M. Hockett.
Bedtime in the Southwest / by
Mona Hodgson ; illustrated by
Renée Graef. June.2005
Whistling Bombs and Bumpy Trains
: The Life-Story of Anna Nixon / by
Betty M. Hockett. MarMay.98
A pocket in my heart. Jan.96
Hodges, Lynn
Mud on Their Wheels : The LifeStory of Vern and Lois Ellis / by
Betty M. Hockett. MarMay.98
Hockett, Betty M.
Hoehne, Marcia
Hoehne, Marcia
Saint George and the dragon : a
golden legend / adapted by
Margaret Hodges from Edmund
Spenser's Faerie Queene ;
illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman.
Hockett, Betty M.
A place of my own. Jan.96
The music box test. Sept.96
Hoek, Beatrice Hofman
Cancer Lives at Our House : Help for
the Family / Beatrice Hofman Hoek;
with Melanie Jongsma. Nov.97
Hoekstra, Elizabeth
Chronic kids, constant hope : help
and encouragement for parents of
children with chronic conditions /
by Elizabeth Hoekstra and Mary
Bradford. Spr.01
Hoekstra, Elizabeth M.
heart after God / Elizabeth M.
Hoekstra. Apr.03
Hoerth, Alfred J.
Bible archaeology : an exploration
of the history and culture of early
civilizations / Alfred Hoerth, John
McRay. Sept.2006
Hodson, Margot R.
Feast of seasons / Margot R.
Hodson. Win.02
Hoesel, Don
Elisha's bones : a novel / Don
Hoesel. OctDec 2009
Hoehne, Marcia
Hoestlandt, Jo
Star of fear, star of hope. Jan.96
Green angel / Alice Hoffman.
Chinquapin Tree / by Jerry Kimble
Holcomb. WinSpr.99
Hoezee, Scott
Hoffman, Mary
Holder, Heidi
Remember Creation : God's World
of Wonder and Delight / by Scott
Hoezee. WinSpr.99
Amazing Grace. Jan.96
Lord's prayer / illustrated by Heidi
Holder. Nov.2004
Hoffman, Mary
Boundless Grace. Nov.95
Hoff, B. J
Winds of Graystone Manor. Nov.96
Hoff, B. J.
Ashes and Lace / by B. J. Hoff.
Hoff, B. J.
Dawn of the golden promise.
The fourth wise man. Sept.96
Hoffman, Nancy
South Carolina / Nancy Hoffman.
Hoffman, Nancy
West Virginia / by Nancy Hoffman.
Hoffman, Patricia A.
In Bethlehem Town. Win.00
Hoff, B. J.
Heart of the lonely exile. Mar.96
Holder, Mig\Morris, Tony, ill.
Hofmeyr, Dianne
Hole, Georgia
real McCoy : the true stories behind
our everyday phrases / Georgia
Hole. Dec.2006
Hole, Stian
Garmann's summer / Stian Hole ;
[translation by Don Bartlett]. 40026
Holeman, Linda
Promise Song / Linda Holeman.
Do the whales still sing?. Nov.95
Hoff, B. J.
Land of a thousand dreams. Mar.96
Hoff, B. J.
Holiday, Billie
Hogrogian, Nonny
One fine day / Nonny Hogrogian.
Masquerade / B.J. Hoff. Nov.97
God bless the child / words and
music by Billie Holiday and Arthur
Herzog Jr. ; illustrated by Jerry
Pinkney. Nov.2004
Hohm, Charles F.
Hoff, B. J.
Song of the silent harp. Mar.96
Hoff, B. J.
Sons of an ancient glory. Mar.96
Population : opposing viewpoints /
edited by Charles F. Hohm, Lori
Justine Jones, and Shoon Lio. Fall.01
Hoig, Stan
It's the Fourth of July!. Jan.96
Holiday, Billie
God bless the child / words and
music by Billie Holiday and Arthur
Herzog Jr. ; illustrated by Jerry
Pinkney. Mar.2005
Holl, Kristi
Holabird, Katharine
Tangled web / written by Kristi Holl;
created by Terry K. Brown. Fall.01
Angelina and Alice / by Katharine
Holabird ; illustrations by Helen
Craig. Sept.2007
Holladay, Tom
Holabird, Katharine
Love-powered parenting : loving
your kids the way Jesus loves you /
Tom and Chaundel Holladay. 41061
Prelude / by B.J. Hoff. Feb.03
Angelina's birthday / by Katharine
Holabird ; illustrations by Helen
Craig. Sept.2007
Holland, Isabelle
Hoffman, Alice
Holcomb, Jerry Kimble
Hoff, B.J.
Cadence / by B.J. Hoff. Mar.2005
Hoff, B.J.
Cloth of Heaven / by B.J. Hoff.
Hoff, B.J.
Promised Land. Jan.97
Hollingsworth, Mary
Amazing Expedition Bible : Linking
God's Word to the World / by Mary
Hollinsgworth ; illustrated by
Christopher Gray and Daniel J.
Hochstatter. Fall.98
Holmes, Jean E.
Jubilation Morn'. Mar.97
Holmes, Jean E.
Holy Bible : English Standard
Version : the ESV Study Bible.
Holy Bible. New Living Translation
Mornin' Star Risin'. Mar.97
Holy Bible. New Living Translation.
Holmes, Jean E.
Holzer, Harold
Pon Jordan's Far Shore. Mar.97
Abraham Lincoln the writer /
compiled and edited by Harold
Holzer. Sum.01
Hollingsworth, Mary
Bumper and Noah. Nov.96
Hollingsworth, Mary
Fireside stories of love, life and
laughter / written and compiled by
Mary Hollingsworth. Spr.01
Holmes, Mary Tavener
giraffe goes to Paris / by Mary
Tavener Holmes and John Harris ;
illustrated by Jon Cannell. 40391
Hollingsworth, Mary
My very first book of prayers.
Holmes, Timothy
Holzer, Harold
President is shot! : the
assassination of Abraham Lincoln /
by Harold Holzer. Mar.2005
Zambia / Timothy Holmes. Nov.97
Homa, Linda L.
Hollyer, Belinda
Stories from the classical ballet.
Holm, Jennifer L.
Turtle in paradise / by Jennifer L.
Holm. 40848
Holt, John
Learning all the time. Jan.96
Holt, Kimberly Willis
Mister and Me / by Kimberly Willis
Holt ; with illustrations by Leonard
Jenkins. WinSpr.99
Elementary school library collection
/ Linda L. Homa, editor. Mar.2005
Home remedies
Home remedies. SprSum.02
Hong, Lily Toy
empress and the silkworm. Nov.96
Holm, Sharon Lane
Zoe's hats : a book of colors and
patterns / Sharon Lane Holm.
Holman quicksource Bible atlas :
with charts and biblical
Holman quicksource Bible atlas :
with charts and biblical
reconstructions / introduction and
geography of the Bible lands by
Paul H. Wright. June.2005
Holman quicksource Bible
Holman quicksource Bible
dictionary. June.2005
Holt, Kristi
Chat freak / written by Kristi Holt;
created by Terry K. Brown. Spr.01
Family Abuse : A National Epidemic
/ by Maria Hong. WinSpr.99
Holtkamp, Sue Catherine
Grieving with Hope : A Personal
Journey / by Sue Catherine
Holtkamp. Fall.98
Honigsberg, Peter Jan
Pillow of dreams / by Peter Jan
Honigsberg; illustrated by Tony
Morse. Spr.01
Holton, Chuck
Bulletproof / Chuck Holton.
Hoobler, Dorothy
1920's : luck / by Dorothy and Tom
Hoobler. Sum.01
Holub, Miroslav
Shedding Life : Disease, Politics, and
Other Human Conditions / by
Miroslav Holub; translated by David
Young..[et al.]. Jan.98
Holmberg, James J.
Into the wilderness : the Lewis and
Clark Expedition. Aug.03
Hong, Maria
Holy Bible : English Standard
Version : the ESV Study Bible
Hoobler, Dorothy
1930's : directions / by Dorothy and
Tom Hoobler. Fall.01
Hoobler, Dorothy
We are Americans : voices of the
immigrant experience / by Dorothy
and Thomas Hoobler. June.2005
Hood, Susan
National Audubon Society First
Field Guide to Wildflowers / written
by Susan Hood. WinSpr.99
Hood, Susan
Pup and Hound catch a thief /
written by Susan Hood ; illustrated
by Linda Hendry. Sept.2007
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
All God's Children : A Book of
Prayers / selected by Lee Bennett
Hopkins ; illustrated by Amanda
Schaffer. WinSpr.99
Ring out, wild bells : poems about
holidays and seasons. Nov.95
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
Alphathoughts : alphabet poems
from a to z / by Lee Bennett
Hopkins ; illustrations by Marla
Baggetta. Apr.04
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
Hood, Susan
Pup and Hound hatch an egg /
written by Susan Hood ; illustrated
by Linda Hendry. Sept.2007
Hear my prayer / selected by Lee
Bennett Hopkins ; illustrated by
Gretchen "Gigi" Moore. Feb / Apr
Hood, Susan
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
Pup and Hound in trouble / by
Susan Hood ; illustrated by Linda
Hendry. Sept.2005
Hear my prayer / selected by Lee
Bennett Hopkins ; illustrated by
Gretchen "Gigi" Moore. Feb / Apr
Hood, Susan
Pup and Hound stay up late / by
Susan Hood ; illustrated by Linda
Hendry. Sept.2005
Hooks, William H.
Monster from the Sea / by William
H. Hooks; illustrated by Angela
Trotta Thomas. MarMay.98
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
I am the book : poems / selected by
Lee Bennett Hopkins ; illustrated by
Yayo. Feb / Apr 2012
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
Incredible inventions : poems /
selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins ;
illustrations by Julia Sarcone-Roach.
October 2010
Hooper, Maureen Brett
Violin Man / by Maureen Brett
Hooper; illustrations by Gary
Undercuffler. MarMay.98
Hooper, Walter
C. S. Lewis : a complete guide to his
life and works / by Walter Hooper.
Hopkins, Anthony
Peter and Paul / directed by Robert
Day ; produced by Stan Hough ;
story by Christopher Knopf and
Stan Hough. Apr.03
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
The writing but. Jan.96
Hopkins, Mary Rice
Animal Alphabet : On the Land, in
Sky or Sea, Meet God's Creatures
from A to Z / by Mary Rice Hopkins
and Chuck Ingolia; illustrations by
Wendy Francisco. MarMay.98
Hopkins, Mary Rice
Hip Hip Hip Hippopotamus : A
Celebration of God's Creation /
Mary Rice Hopkins ; Wendy
Francisco. Sep.97
Hopkins, Mary Rice
Noah / by Mary Rice Hopkins ;
illustrated by Wendy Francisco.
Hopkins, Mary Rice
Safe in the fold / written by Mary
Rice Hopkins ; illustrated by Dennas
Davis. Mar.2005
Hopkinson, Deborah
A boy called Dickens / Deborah
Hopkinson ; illustrated by John
Hendrix. Dec.2012
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
Incredible inventions : poems /
selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins ;
illustrations by Julia Sarcone-Roach.
Oct. 2010
Hopkinson, Deborah
Home on the range : John A. Lomax
and his cowboy songs / by Deborah
Hopkinson ; illustrated by S.D.
Schindler. 40634
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
Mary's song / written by Lee
Bennett Hopkins ; illustrated by
Stephen Alcorn. Feb.2013
Hopkinson, Deborah
Under the quilt of night / by
Deborah Hopkinson; illustrated by
James Ransome. Apr.03
Hopkins, Lee Bennett
Pass the poetry, please!. Apr.03
Hopkinson, Deborah
Up before daybreak : cotton and
people in America / Deborah
Hopkinson. Sept.2007
Public enemy number two /
Anthony Horowitz. June.2005
Horton, David
Hopkinson, Deborah.
Hear my sorrow : the diary of
Angela Denoto, a shirtwaist worker
/ by Deborah Hopkinson. Mar.2005
Boys life adventure Bible storybook
/ by David Horton; illustrated by
Dennis Edwards. Spr.01
Horton, David
Hopper, Christopher
Rise of the Dibor / by Christopher
Hopper. Mar.2007
Sign of the Cross / David Horton.
Puffin Peter. Aug.Sept.2013
better way : rediscovering the
drama of God-centered worship /
Michael Horton. Apr.03
Horne, Constance
Trapped by coal / by Constance
Horne; illustrated by Linda Heslop.
Hosch, Jenifer
Horner, Susan
Hostetler, Bob
Why do birds build nests? / Susan
Horner. Nov.2004
They call me AWOL. Sept.96
50 Bible Activities for Creative
Minds / Jenifer Hosch. Aug.2004
Why do plants grow? / Susan
Horner. Nov.2004
Horner, Susan E.
What is God's design for my body?
/ Susan Horner. Nov.2004
Horning, Kathleen T.
From cover to cover : evaluating
and reviewing children's books /
Kathleen T. Horning. Oct. 2010
Jesus, Be in My Christmas. Win.00
Horowitz, Anthony
Circuit Sense for Elementary
Teachers and Students :
Understanding and Building Simple
Logic Circuits / by Janaye Matteson
Houghton and Robert S. Houghton.
Houle, Michelle M.
Modern British poetry : "the world
is never the same" / Michelle M.
Houle. Feb / Apr 2012
We knew Jesus. Jan.96
Hostetler, Marian
House, Janie
We knew Paul. Jan.96
Mthunzi's reed mats. Nov.96
Hostetter, Joyce
Houston, Dick
Blue / Joyce Moyer Hostetter.
Bulu, African wonder dog / by Dick
Houston. 40513
Hostetter, Joyce Moyer
Houston, Gloria
Comfort / Joyce Moyer Hostetter.
Littlejim's Dreams / by Gloria
Houston; illustrated by Thomas B.
Allen. MarMay.98
Hostile hospital
Hostile hospital. Feb.03
Hough, Libby
Hornsby, Sarah
Decision Points : Boolean Logic for
Computer Users and Beginning
Online Searchers / by Janaye M.
and Robert S. Houghton. Win.00
Community : taking your small
group off life support / Brad House
; foreword by Mark Driscoll. 41061
Horning, Kathleen T.
From cover to cover --evaluating
and reviewing children's books /
Kathleen T. Horning. October 2010
Houghton, Janaye M.
House, Brad
Hostetler, Marian
Horner, Susan
Amy Carmichael of Dohnavur : the
story of and lover and her beloved.
Houghton, Robert S.
Horton, Michael
Horacek, Petr
Houghton, Frank L.
If Somebody Lived Next Door / by
Libby Hough; illustrated by Laura
McGee Kvasnosky. Fall.98
Houston, James
Transforming Power of Prayer.
Houtman, Jacqueline
The reinvention of Edison Thomas /
Jacqueline Houtman. 40513
Hsu, Albert Y.
Hove, Richard W.
Howard, Milly
Equality in Christ : Galatians 3:28
and the Gender Dispute / by
Richard W. Hove. Fall.00
Case of the Dognapped Cat / by
Milly Howard; cover and
illustrations by Bruce Day.
How big is God's love?
How big is God's love?. Sum.01
Howard, Milly
How many sheep?
case of the sassy parrot / Milly
Howard ; illustrations by Bruce Day.
How many sheep?. Sum.01
Howard, Milly
Howard, Annabelle
Runaway Princess. Jan.97
Great Wonder / written by
Annabelle Howard; illustrated by
Stephen Wells. Jan.98
Howard, Milly
Howard, Arthur
Serious trouble / Arthur Howard.
Howard, David A.
The mystery of Pelican Cove.
The treasure of Pelican Cove.
Howard, Milly
Howard, Ellen
These are my people / Mildred T.
Howard ; [illustrated by Del
Thompson]. Aug.2004
Howard, Rick
The crimson cap / Ellen Howard.
Oct. 2010
This Was Your Life! : Preparing to
Meet God Face to Face / by Rick
Howard and Jamie Lash ; foreword
by Jack Hayford. WinSpr.99
Howard, Evan Drake
Howe, James
From sacrifice to celebration : a
Lenten journey / by Evan Drake
Howard. Spr.01
Playing with words. Jan.96
Howard, Ellen
Howard, Milly
Brave the Wild Trail. Jan.97
Howe, Jane Moore
Amelia Earhart : young air pioneer /
written by Jane Moore Howe;
illustrated by Cathy Morrison.
Howard, Milly
Captive treasure. SprSum.02
Howell, Theresa
Howard, Milly
is for airplane + es para avion / by
Theresa Howell; illustrated by David
Brooks. Jun.03
Captive Treasure. Jan.97
Hsu, Albert Y.
suburban Christian : finding
spiritual vitality in the land of plenty
/ by Albert Y. Hsu. Mar.2007
Hubbard-Brown, Janet
Chaucer : celebrated poet and
author / Janet Hubbard-Brown.
Hubbell, Patricia
Boats : speeding! sailing! cruising! /
by Patricia Hubbell ; illustrated by
Megan Halsey and Sean Addy.
OctDec 2009
Howard, Milly
Missions Alive / David A. Howard.
crimson cap / Ellen Howard.
October 2010
Grieving a suicide : a loved one's
search for comfort, answers & hope
/ Albert Y. Hsu. Apr.03
Hubbell, Patricia
Check it out! : reading, finding,
helping / by Patricia Hubbell ;
illustrated by Nancy Speir. Feb / Apr
Hubbell, Patricia
Firefighters! : speeding! spraying!
saving! / written by Patricia Hubbell
; illustrated by Viviana Garófoli.
AprJune 2010
Hubbell, Patricia
Trains : steaming! pulling! huffing! /
by Patricia Hubbell ; illustrated by
Sean Addy. Sept.2006
Hubbell, Will
Apples here! / written and
illustrated by Will Hubbell. Apr.03
Hubler, Marsha
A horse to love / by Marsha Hubler.
Hubler, Marsha
Blue ribbon champ / Marsha
Hubler. 40848
Hubler, Marsha
Leading the way / by Marsha
Hubler. 40848
/ general editor, Christopher D.
Hudson. June.2007
Hughes, Kent\Hughes, Barbara
Hudson, Jan
Hughes, Langston
Dawn rider. SprSum.02
The negro speaks of rivers /
Langston Hughes ; with illustrations
by E.B. Lewis. 40695
Hubler, Marsha
On the victory trail / by Marsha
Hubler. 40848
Hudson, Kathi
Raising kids God's way : a biblical
guide for Christian parents. Nov.95
Hubler, Marsha
Southern belle's special gift / by
Marsha Hubler. 40848
Hubler, Marsha
Summer camp adventure / by
Marsha Hubler. 40848
Hubler, Marsha
The long ride home / by Marsha
Hubler. 40848
Hubler, Marsha
Trouble times two / by Marsha
Hubler. Sept.2005
Hubler, Marsha
trouble with Skye / Marsha Hubler.
Hubler, Marsha
true test for Skye / Marsha Hubler.
Hudson, Wade
How sweet the sound : AfricanAmerican songs for children.
Common sense parenting. Sept.96
Hughes, R. Kent
2 Corinthians : power in weakness
/ R. Kent Hughes. Sept.2006
Hughes, R. Kent
Saviour / by DiCianni, Ron.
Huebert, Brad
Take the plunge : journey into
prayer / by Brad Huebert. Sum.01
Hughes, Rich
Firefly : the many faces of courage /
Rich Hughes. Jun.03
Huey, Lois Miner
American archaeology uncovers the
earliest English colonies / Lois
Miner Huey. Feb / Apr 2012
Hughes, Robert Don
Huey, Lois Miner
Hughes, Robert Don
American archaeology uncovers the
Underground Railroad / Lois Miner
Huey. Feb / Apr 2012
The fallen. Sept.96
Eternity Gene : A Novel / by Robert
Don Hughes. Win.00
Hughes, Shirley
Huey, Lois Miner
American archaeology uncovers the
Vikings / Lois Miner Huey. Feb / Apr
lion and the unicorn / by Shirley
Hughes. Sum.01
Hugo, Victor
Hubler, Marsha
Huey, Lois Miner
Whispering hope / by Marsha
Hubler. 40848
American archaeology uncovers the
westward movement / Lois Miner
Huey. Feb / Apr 2012
Victor Hugo's Les miserables : the
classic story of the Triumph of grace
and redemption / Victor Hugo;
adapted for today's readers by Jim
Reimann; interior illustrations by
Sergio Martinez. SprSum.02
Huey, Lois Miner
Hull, Mary
American archeology uncovers the
Dutch colonies / Lois Miner Huey.
Feb / Apr 2012
Struggle and Love, 1972-1997 :
From the Gary Convention to the
Aftermath of the Million Man
March / Mary Hull. Nov.97
Huckle, Helen
The secret code book. Nov.95
Hucko, Bruce
rainbow at night. Jun.03
Hudson, Christopher D.
Inside the mysteries of the Bible :
new perspectives on ancient truths
Hughes, Christopher
Civil War / by Chris Hughes.
Hull, Mary
Struggle and Love, 1972-1997 :
From the Gary Convention to the
Aftermath of the Million Man
March / Mary Hull. Nov.97
The fine art of insincerity ; a novel /
Angela Hunt. 40848
Journey / by Angela Elwell Hunt.
Hull, Mary E.
Hunt, Angela
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Mary Todd Lincoln : Tragic First
Lady of the Civil War / by Mary E.
Hull. Win.00
Truth Teller / by Angela Hunt.
justice / Angela Hunt. Nov.2004
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Hulst, W. G. van de
William of Orange : the silent prince
/ by W.G. Van de Hulst. Mar.2005
awakening : a novel of discovery /
Angela Hunt. Dec.2004
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Humble, Richard
Submarines & Ships / by Richard
Humble. MarMay.98
Brothers / by Angela Elwell Hunt.
Hume, Stephen Eaton
canopy / by Angela Hunt. Aug.2004
Rainbow Bay / by Stephen Eaton
Hume; illustrated by Pascal Milelli.
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Where do babies come from? ; for
boys ages 7-9 / [from text originally
written by Ruth Hummel ;
illustrations by Janet McDonnell].
Where do babies come from? ; for
girls ages 7-9 / [from text originally
written by Ruth Hummel ;
illustrations by Janet McDonnell].
pearl / by Angela Hunt. Apr.04
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Charles Towne / by Angela Elwell
Hunt. WinSpr.99
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Deadly Chase / Angela Elwell Hunt.
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Hummel, Ruth S.
note : a story of second chances /
Angela Hunt. Fall.01
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Hummel, Ruth S.
Kimberly and the Captives / Angela
Elwell Hunt. Sep.97
Emerald Isle / by Angela Elwell
Hunt. Win.00
pearl / by Angela Hunt. Nov.2004
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Rehoboth / Angela Elwell Hunt.
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Roanoke : the lost colony. Sept.96
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Roanoke : the lost colony. Nov.96
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Gentle Touch / Angela Elwell Hunt.
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Keepin' it real : a young teen talks
with God / Sandra McLeod
Humphrey. Oct.03
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Hartford / Angela Elwell Hunt.
Hunsicker, Ranelda
Hunt, Angela Elwell
tale of three trees : a traditional
folktale / retold by Angela Elwell
Hunt; illustrated by Tim Jonke.
David Brainerd / by Ranelda
Hunsicker. Sum.01
Jamestown. Nov.96
Singing Shepherd. Jan.97
Humphrey, Sandra McLeod
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Hunt, Angela
Proposal. Mar.97
Hunt, Angela
Journey / by Angela Elwell Hunt.
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Hunt, Angela Elwell
The tale of three trees. Sept.96
Hunt, Angela Elwell
The velvet shadow / Angela Elwell
Hunt. Feb / Apr 2012
Generation / by Susan Hunt.
Hunter, Sara Hoagland
Hunt, Susan
Hunter, Sara Hoagland
When Your Parents Pull Apart / by
Angela Elwell Hunt. MarMay.98
My ABC Bible Verses : Hiding God's
Word in Little Hearts / by Susan
Hunt ; illustrated by Yvette Banek.
unbreakable code / by Sara
Hoagland ; illustrated by Julia
Miner. Oct.03
Hunt, Gladys M.
Hunt, Susan
Honey for a child's heart : the
imaginative use of books in family
life / Gladys Hunt. SprSum.02
True Woman : Beauty and Strength
of a Godly Woman / by Susan Hunt.
Hunt, Gladys M.
Hunt, T.W.
Honey for a teen's heart : using
books to communicate with teens /
Gladys Hunt and Barbara Hampton.
Disciple's Prayer Life. Fall.00
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Miss Piggy's night out. Nov.96
Unspoken / Angela Hunt. Dec.2005
Hunt, Angela Elwell
Hunt, Gladys M.
Honey for a woman's heart :
growing your world through
reading great books / Gladys Hunt.
Hunter, Thom
Those not-so-small voices : God
says the most amazing things
through your kids. Sept.96
Hunter, Todd D.
Christianity beyond belief / Todd D.
Hunter ; foreword by Eugene H.
Peterson. October 2010
Hunter, Denise
Finding Faith : a novel / Denise
Hunter. Mar.2007
Hunter, Zach
Hunter, Denise
Hunter, Zach
Mending places : a novel / Denise
Hunter. Mar.2007
Generation change : roll up yor
sleeves and change the world /
Zach Hunter. 41061
Hunt, Irene
Hunter, Denise
Up a road slowly / Irene Hunt.
Saving Grace : a novel / Denise
Hunter. Mar.2007
Hunt, Kirk W.
Hunter, Helen
Soldiers of the kingdom : reclaiming
the world for God / Kirk W. Hunt.
Duck Hunting with Grandpa / by
Helen White Hunter ; illustrations
by Grant Rozeboom. Fall.98
Hunt, Susan
Hunter, James C.
Big truths for little kids : teaching
your children to live for God / by
Susan Hunt and Richie Hunt. Spr.01
world's most powerful leadership
principle : how to become a servant
leader / James C. Hunter. Sept.2005
Hunt, Susan
Hunter, Lydia
Discovering Jesus in Genesis :
covenant promises for covenant
kids / Susan Hunt & Richie Hunt.
Parenting on Your Own / by Lydia
Hunter. MarMay.98
Be the change / Zach Hunter. 41061
Hunter, Zach
Lose your cool : discovering a
passion that changes you and the
world / Zach Hunter ; foreword by
Wess Stafford. 41061
Huntsperger, Larry
fisherman / Larry Huntsperger.
Hurley, Jennifer A.
1960s / by Jennifer A. Hurley.
Hurley, Jennifer A.
Addiction : opposing viewpoints /
edited by Jennifer A. Hurley. Fall.01
Hunter, Lynda
Hunt, Susan
Heirs of the Covenant : Leaving a
Legacy of Faith for the Next
Single Moments / by Lynda Hunter.
Hurley, Jennifer A.
American values : opposing
viewpoints / edited by Jennifer A.
Hurley. Fall.01
The outnumbered. Jan.96
Hurley, Jennifer A.
Teen pregnancy / by Jennifer A.
Hurley. Fall.01
Iijima, Geneva Cobb
Hutts Aston, Dianna
A rock is lively / Dianna Hutts
Aston, Sylvia Long. June.July.2013
Object Lessons with Origami / by
Geneva Cobb Iijima; art by Dale
Rohr. MarMay.98
Hyland, Hilary
Iijima, Geneva Cobb
wreck of the Ethie / by Hilary
Hyland. Spr.01
way we do it in Japan / by Geneva
Cobb Iijima; illustrated by Paige
Billin-Frye. Feb.03
Hurnard, Hannah
Hinds' feet on high places / by
Hannah Hurnard; adapted by Dian
Layton; illustrated by JoAnn
Edington. Oct.95
Hurtig, Jennifer
Beatrix Potter / Jennifer Hurtig.
August 2011
Hurwitz, Johanna
Dream Come True / by Johanna
Hurwitz ; photographs by Michael
Craine. WinSpr.99
Hyman, Frieda Clark
Victory on the walls / Frieda Clark
Hyman. June.2005
Hynd, Noel
Conspiracy in Kiev / Hynd, Noel.
Hynd, Noel
Hurwitz, Johanna
Even Stephen. Win.00
Hurwitz, Johanna
Faraway Summer / by Johanna
Hurwitz ; illustrated by Mary
Azarian. WinSpr.99
Hurwitz, Johanna
Starting School / by Johanna
Hurwitz ; illustrated by Karen
Dugan. WinSpr.99
Hutchins, Alison J.
Bible bytes for teens : a studydevotional for logging in to God's
Word / written by Alison J.
Hutchins; edited by Chad Allen.
Countdown in Cairo / Hynd, Noel.
Iliyn, Peter
Out of the far corners : an epic tale
of rejection, grace, and deliverance
/ [transcribed by] Peter Iliyn. Feb /
Apr 2012
Illian, Jason
MySpace, MyKids / Jason Illian.
Illingworth, Valerie
Hostage in Havana / Noel Hynd.
Facts on File dictionary of
astronomy / edited by Valerie
Illingworth and John O. E. Clark.
Hynd, Noel
Illingworth, Valerie
Midnight in Madrid / Hynd, Noel.
Facts on File dictionary of computer
science / edited by Valerie
Illingworth, John Daintith. Fall.01
Hynd, Noel
Ibbotson, Eva
Secret of Platform 13 / by Eva
Ibbotson ; illustrated by Sue Porter.
Ichikawa, Satomi
First bear in Africa / Satomi
Ichikawa. Win.02
Imagination & spirit : a
contemporary Quaker reader
Imagination & spirit : a
contemporary Quaker reader /
edited and introduced by J. Brent
Bill ; foreword by C. Michael Curtis.
Imbach, Jeff
Hutchins, Hazel
Igus, Toyomi
Believing Sophie. Nov.96
I see the rhythm of the gospel / by
Toyomi Igus ; illustrated by Michele
Wood. August 2011
Hutchins, Hazel
Prince of Tarn / by Hazel Hutchins ;
illustrated by Ruth Ohi. Fall.98
Hutter, Catherine
River Within : Loving God, Living
Passionately / by Jeff Imbach.
Immell, Myra H.
Iijima, Geneva Cobb
First Christmas Origami / Geneva
Cobb Iijima. Nov.97
Importance of Tecumseh / by Myra
H. and William H. Immell.
Impson, Beth
Ingstad, Helge
Irwin, Bill
Called to womanhood : a biblical
view for today's world / Beth
Impson. SprSum.02
Viking discovery of America / Helge
Ingstad & Anne Stine Ingstad.
Blind courage / by Bill Irwin, with
David McCasland. Oct.95
In His presence : a celebration of
the peace, love and promises of
God in word and song
Inside Afghanistan
Inside Afghanistan / by John
Weaver. Apr.03
Is there meaning in evil and
Is there meaning in evil and
suffering? / the Faith & Science
Lecture Forum. Apr.03
In His presence : a celebration of
the peace, love and promises of
God in word and song. Nov.95
Intner, Sheila S.
Isaacs, Anne
In the Beginning : The Story of
Cataloging correctly for kids : an
introduction to the tools / edited by
Sheila S. Intner, Joanna F. Fountain
and Jane E. Gilchrist. Dec.2006
Into his arms
Isaacs, Sally Senzell
Into his arms / produced by Michael
& Marc Linn. Win.02
Trail of Tears / Sally Senzell Isaacs.
Intrater, Keith
Isadora, Rachel
Double vision / Randall
Ingermanson. June.2005
From Iraq to Armageddon: The
Final Showdown Approaches.
Young Mozart / by Rachel Isadora.
Ingermanson, Randall Scott
Ipcar, Dahlov
Premonition / Randall
Ingermanson. Dec.2005
Dark Horn Blowing / by Dahlov
Ipcar. MarMay.98
Ingermanson, Randall Scott
Iqqulden, Conn
Retribution / Randall Ingermanson.
dangerous book for boys / Conn
Iggulden, Hal Iggulden. Sept.2007
Ingersoll, Julie
Ireland, Karin
Baptist and Methodist faiths in
America / Julie Ingersoll. Jun.03
Don't take your snake for a stroll /
Karin Ireland, David Catrow. Oct.03
In the Beginning : The Story of
Creation. Win.00
Indestructible Book
Treehouse Tales / by Anne Isaacs;
illustrations by Lloyd Bloom.
Indestructible Book. Jan.97
Ingermanson, Randall Scott
Isherwood, Shirley
Ingram, Chip
Irving, Washington
invisible war : what every believer
needs to know about Satan,
demons, and spiritual warfare /
Chip Ingram. Dec.2006
Legend of Sleepy Hollow : Found
Among the Papers of the Late
Diedrich Knickerbocker / by
Washington Irving; illustrated by
Michael Garland. Win.00
Something for James. Mar.97
Islamic faith in America
Islamic faith in America / James A.
Beverley. Apr.03
Issacs, Anne
Torn thread / by Anne Issacs. Spr.01
Ito, Tom
California Gold Rush / by Tom Ito.
Jackman, John P.
Count Zinzendorf / a Gateway Films
/ Vision Video release ; producer &
director, John Jackman. June.2007
Ingram, Jason
I couldn't love you more / by Jason
Ingram & Matt Hammitt ;
illustrated by Polona Lovsin.
Irving, Washington
Jackman, John P.
Rip Van Winkle / by Washington
Irving; with drawings by Arthur
Rackham. Sum.01
Hymns of praise : the story of hymn
writer Charles Wesley / a Gateway
Films Vision Video release ;
Comenius Foundation. June.2007
drummer boy's battle / Dave &
Neta Jackson. SprSum.02
Jackson, Alison
Jackson, Dave
I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed
a Pie / by Alison Jackson; pictures
by Judith Byron Schachner. Jan.98
Escape from the slave traders.
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
Abandoned on the wild frontier.
Exiled to the Red River / Dave and
Neta Jackson ; illustrations by Anne
Gavitt. Apr.04
Jackson, Dave
Heroes in Black history : true stories
from the lives of Christian heroes /
Dave & Neta Jackson. 40026
Jackson, Dave
Hostage on the Nighthawk :
Governor William Penn / by Dave &
Neta Jackson; story illustrations by
Anne Gavitt. Sum.01
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
Ambushed in Jaguar Swamp :
Barbrooke Grubb / by Dave & Neta
Jackson; story illustrations by Julian
Jackson. Fall.00
Fate of the Yellow Woodbee / by
Dave & Neta Jackson; illustrated by
Julian Jackson. MarMay.98
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
Assassins in the Cathedral : Festo
Kivengere / by Dave and Neta
Jackson; story illustrations by Julian
Jackson. Fall.00
fate of the yellow woodbee / Dave
& Neta Jackson. SprSum.02
Jackson, Dave
Flight of the fugitives. Jan.96
Jackson, Dave
bandit of Ashley Downs / Dave &
Neta Jackson. SprSum.02
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
forty-acre swindle : George
Washington Carver / by Dave &
Neta Jackson; story illustrations by
Anne Gavitt. Sum.01
Caught in the rebel camp / Dave
and Neta Jackson ; illustrations by
Anne Gavitt. Aug.2004
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
Gold Miners' Rescue / by Dave &
Neta Jackson ; illustrated by Julian
Jackson. Fall.98
Danger on the flying trapeze. Jan.96
Drawn by a China moon : Lottie
Moon / by Dave & Neta Jackson;
story illustrations by Anne Gavitt.
Jackson, Dave
Drummer Boy's Battle / by Dave &
Neta Jackson; illustrated by Julian
Jackson. Jan.98
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
Journey to the end of the earth :
William Seymour / by Dave & Neta
Jackson; story illustrations by Anne
Gavitt. Spr.01
Jackson, Dave
Listen for the whippoorwill. Jan.96
Jackson, Dave
Listen for the whippoorwill / Dave
& Neta Jackson. SprSum.02
Jackson, Dave
Mask of the Wolf Boy : Jonathan
and Rosalind Goforth / by Dave and
Neta Jackson; story illustrations by
Julian Jackson. Fall.00
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
Imprisoned in the Golden City.
Hero Tales / Dave and Neta
Jackson. Sep.97
Jackson, Dave
Hero Tales, vol. 4 / by Dave and
Neta Jackson. Win.02
Jackson, Dave
Hero Tales, Vol.3 / by Dave and
Neta Jackson. Fall.00
Mayflower Secret / by Dave and
Neta Jackson ; illustrated by Julian
Jackson. WinSpr.99
Jackson, Dave
Quest for the Lost Prince : Samuel
Morris. Mar.97
Jackson, Dave
Race for the Record : Joy Ridderhof
/ by Dave & Neta Jackson; story
illustrations by Julian Jackson.
Jackson, Dave
Roundup of the street rovers :
Charles Loring Brace / by Dave &
Neta Jackson; illustrated by Anne
Gavitt. SprSum.02
The betrayer's fortune : Menno
Simons. Jan.96
Jackson, Dave
The chimney sweep's ransom.
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
SHRUG. Mar.96
The hidden jewel. Jan.96
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
Sinking the Dayspring : John G.
Paton / by Dave & Neta Jackson;
illustrated by Anne Gavitt.
Traitor in the Tower / by Dave &
Neta Jackson; illustrated by Julian
Jackson. MarMay.98
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
SLAM. Mar.96
Warrior's Challenge : David
Zeisberger. Jan.97
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Ellen B.
SMASH : how to survive junior high
by really trying. Mar.96
Scatterbrain Sam / Ellen Jackson;
illustrated by Matt Faulkner.
Pajama light / by Gale Sypher Jacob
; illustrated by Mark Graham.
Jacobs, Alan
Narnian : the life and imagination
of C.S. Lewis / by Alan Jacobs.
Jacobs, Cindy
The power of persistent prayer :
praying with greater purpose and
passion / Cindy Jacobs. August 2011
Jacobs, Kathleen L.
Never Forsaken / by Kathleen L.
Jacobs. Fall.00
Jacobs, Lee
Beaver / by Lee Jacobs. Nov.2004
Jacobs, Lee
Crow / by Lee Jacobs. Nov.2004
Jackson, Dave
SNAG : I'm dreaming of a right
Christmas. Mar.96
Jacob, Gale Sypher
Jackson, Gordon S.
Quotes for the Journey, Wisdom for
the Way / compiled by Gordon S.
Jackson. Fall.00
Jacobs, Lee
Jackson, Isaac
Jacobs, Lee
Somebody's New Pajamas. Mar.97
Mouse / by Lee Jacobs. Nov.2004
Spin : truth, tubas, and George
Washington. Mar.96
Jackson, Lawrence
Jacobs, Lee
Newfoundland & Labrador. Sept.96
Opossum / by Lee Jacobs. Nov.2004
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Phillip Ellis
SPLIT. Mar.96
Jacobs, Lee
Between two worlds / Philip Ellis
Jackson. Win.02
Turtle / by Lee Jacobs. Nov.2004
Jackson, Dave
SNAP : how to act like a responsible
almost-adult. Mar.96
Earthworm / by Lee Jacobs.
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Dave
Spy for the night riders. Jan.96
Jackson, Dave
Jackson, Phillip Ellis
Timeshift / by Phillip Ellis Jackson.
The bandit of Ashley Downs. Jan.96
Jackson, Tom
Jackson, Dave
Tropical forests / Tom Jackson.
Jacobs, Paul Samuel
James Printer : A Novel of Rebellion
/ Paul Samuel Jacobs. Nov.97
Jacobsen, Clay
ultimate game show / by Clay
Jacobsen. June.2006
Jacobson, Jennifer Richard
Net of Stars / by Jennifer Richard
Jacobson ; pictures by Greg Shed.
Robi Dobi : The Marvelous
Adventures of an Indian Elephant /
by Madhur Jaffrey; illustrated by
Amanda Hall. MarMay.98
Jacobson, Jennifer Richard
Jahn-Clough, Lisa
Truly Winnie / by Jennifer Richard
Jacobson ; illustrated by Alissa Imre
Geis. Dec.2004
Alicia's best friends / Lisa JahnClough. Mar.2005
James, Will
My first horse / by Will James.
James, Will
Smoky the cowhorse / by Will
James ; illustrated by the author.
Jakes, T. D.
Jacques, Brian
Castaways of the Flying Dutchman /
Brian Jacques; illustrated by Ian
Schoenherr. Fall.01
Jacques, Brian
legend of Luke : a tale from Redwall
/ by Brian Jacques; illustrated by
Fangorn. Spr.01
Jacques, Brian
Loamhedge / Brian Jacques ;
illustrated by David Elliot. Nov.2004
Jacques, Brian
Long Patrol / by Brian Jacques ;
illustrated by Allan Curless.
Jacques, Brian
Lord Brocktree : a tale from Redwall
/ by Brian Jacques; illustrated by
Fangorn. Spr.01
Jacques, Brian
Rakkety Tam / Brian Jacques ;
illustrated by David Elliot.
Great investment / T. D. Jakes.
Jakes, T. D.
Lady, Her Lover, and Her Lord / by
T. D. Jakes. Win.00
Jakes, T. D.
ten commandments of working in a
hostile environment / T.D. Jakes.
James, William T.
Prophecy at Ground Zero. Aug.03
Jamison, Heather
Reclaiming intimacy / Heather
Jamison. Win.02
Jan Stankus
How to open and operate a bed &
breakfast. Mar.96
James, Elizabeth
Jander, Martha
How to Be School Smart : Super
Study Skills / by Elizabeth James
and Carol Barkin. Fall.98
visit of the wise men / by Martha
Jander ; illustrated by Lin Wang.
James, Elizabeth
Janeczko, Paul B.
How to Write Super School Reports
/ by Elizabeth James and Carol
Barkin. Fall.98
Home on the Range : Cowboy
Poetry / selected by Paul B.
Janeczko; pictures by Bernie Fuchs.
James, Elizabeth
How to Write Terrific Book Reports
/ by Elizabeth James and Carol
Barkin. Fall.98
Janeczko, Paul B.
How to write poetry. Apr.03
Janeczko, Paul B.
James, Ellen Foley
Redwall. SprSum.02
Little Bull : Growing Up in Africa's
Elephant Kingdom / by Ellen Foley
James. Win.00
Top secret : a handbook of codes,
ciphers, and secret writing / Paul B.
Janeczko ; illustrated by Jenna
LaReau. Mar.2005
Jacques, Brian
James, Steven
Jango-Cohen, Judith
Triss : a tale from Redwall / Brian
Jacques; illustrated by David Elliot.
knight / Steven James. AprJune
Crocodiles / Judith Jango-Cohen.
James, Steven
Janin, Hunt
Jacques, Brian
Jaffrey, Madhur
rook / Steven James. AprJune 2010
Saudi Arabia / by Hunt Janin and
Margaret Besheer. Aug.2004
Janney, Rebecca Price
Harriet Tubman / Rebecca Price
Janney. Fall.01
Jay, Betsy
Swimming Lessons / by Betsy Jay ;
illustrated by Lori Osiecki.
Jay, Lorraine A\Lee, Katie, ill
Jantz, Gregory L.
Hope, help & healing for eating
disorders / Gregory L. Jantz with
Ann McMurray. August 2011
Sea turtle journey : the story of a
loggerhead turtle. Sept.96
Jaycox, Faith
Christopher Bear's first Christmas /
Stephanie Jeffs; illustrated by
Jacqui Thomas. Aug.03
Jenkins, Jerry B.
Soon : the beginning of the end, a
novel / Jerry Jenkins. Aug.2004
Jenkins, John L.
City of Lies / by John L. Jenkins and
Mark W. Weaver. WinSpr.99
colonial era / Faith Jaycox. Apr.04
Jantz, Gregory L.
Hope, Help, and Healing for Eating
Disorders : A New Approach to
Treating Anorexia, Bulimia, and
Overeating / by Gregory L. Jantz.
Jenkins, Lyll Becerra de
Jaynes, Sharon
Being a great mom, raising great
kids / Sharon Jaynes. June.2006
Jeffrey, Grant R.
Jaques, Florence Page
There once was a puffin. Nov.95
The global-warming deception /
Grant R. Jeffrey. 40848
Jaramillo, Alvaro
Jeffrey, Laura S
New World Blackbirds : The Icterids
/ by Alvaro Jaramillo and Peter
Burke. Win.00
American inventors of the 20th
century. Nov.96
Owls : whoo are they? / Kila Jarvis
and Denver W. Holt ; illustrated by
Leslie Leroux and Courtney Couch ;
"Owlphabet" letters by Ed Jenne in
cooperation with the Owl Research
Institute. Sept.2007
Jenkins, Martin
Grandma elephant's in charge /
Martin Jenkins ; illustrated by Ivan
Bates. Aug.2004
Jenkins, Philip
Jeffrey, Laura S.
Jarvis, Kila
So Loud a Silence. Mar.97
Al Gore : Leader for the New
Millennium / by Laura S. Jeffrey.
new faces of Christianity : believing
the Bible in the global south / Philip
Jenkins. June.2007
Jenkins, Steve
Bones : skeletons and how they
work / Steve Jenkins. August 2011
Jenkins, Steve
Jeffrey, Laura S.
All about Braille : reading by touch /
Laura S. Jeffrey. Dec.2006
Dogs and cats / Steve Jenkins.
OctDec 2009
Jenkins, Steve
Jarvis, Robin
crystal prison. SprSum.02
Jarvis, Robin
Jeffrey, Laura S.
Barbara Jordan : Congresswoman,
Lawyer, Educator / by Laura S.
Jeffrey. WinSpr.99
Jenkins, Steve
dark portal. SprSum.02
Jeffrey, Laura S.
Jarvis, Robin
Thorn Ogres of Hagwood / Robin
Jarvis. Apr.04
Simon Wiesenthal : Tracking Down
Nazi Criminals / by Laura S. Jeffrey.
Jay, Alison
Jeffs, Stephanie
Red green blue : a first book of
colors / Alison Jay. 40695
How many ways can you catch a
fly? / Steve Jenkins & Robin Page.
Sisters & brothers : sibling
relationships in the animal world /
Steve Jenkins & Robin Page. 40026
Jenkins, Steve
The beetle book / by Steve Jenkins.
Jenkins, Steve
What do you do with a tail like this?
/ Steve Jenkins & Robin Page.
Jennings, Linda
Best Christmas Present of All /
Linda Jennings ; Catherine Walters.
Jennings, Linda
Tom's tail. Jan.96
Jennings, Sharon
Bearcub and Mama / written by
Sharon Jennings ; illustrated by
Melanie Watt. Sept.2005
Jennings, Sharon
Franklin and the contest / story
written by Sharon Jennings ;
illustrated by Sean Jeffery, Sasha
McIntyre and Alice Sinkner.
Jerman, Jerry
Jennings, Sharon
Franklin's pond phantom / Sharon
Jennings ; illustrated by Sasha
McIntyre, Robert Penman, Shelley
Southern. Sept.2005
Jensen, Julie
Beginning Baseball. Mar.97
Franklin and the cookies / Sharon
Jennings ; illustrated by Celeste
Gagnon. Sept.2005
Jerman, Jerry
Phantom of the Pueblo. Jan.97
Jerman, Jerry
The long way home / by Jerry
Jerman. Oct.95
Jensen, Julie
Beginning Basketball. Mar.97
Jermyn, Leslie
Belize / Leslie Jermyn. SprSum.02
Jensen, Julie
Beginning Gymnastics. Mar.97
Jermyn, Leslie
Jensen, Julie
Paraguay / Leslie Jermyn and Yong
Jui Lin. 40634
Beginning Hockey. Mar.97
Jermyn, Leslie
Jensen, Julie
Paraguay / by Leslie Jermyn. Win.00
Beginning Snowboarding. Mar.97
Jermyn, Leslie
Jensen, Rosemary
Jennings, Sharon
My father, the horse thief / by Jerry
Jerman. Oct.95
Praying the attributes of God : a
guide to personal worship through
prayer / Rosemary Jensen. Jun.03
Uruguay / by Leslie Jermyn and
Winnie Wong. 40634
Jermyn, Leslie
Uruguay / by Leslie Jermyn. Win.00
Jeremiah, David
Jennings, Sharon
Franklin and the tin flute / Sharon
Jennings ; illustrated by Celeste
Gagnon. Sept.2005
Jennings, Sharon
Franklin goes to the hospital / by
Sharon Jennings; illustrated by
Brenda Clark. Sum.01
Prayer : The Great Adventure /
David Jeremiah. Nov.97
Jennings, Sharon
Franklin's neighborhood / written
by Sharon Jennings; illustrated by
Brenda Clark. Spr.01
What's Alice Up To? / by Harley
Jessup. MarMay.98
Jeremiah, David
Prayer: The Great Adventure.
Jesus : The Man, the Message, the
Jerkins, Terri Wood
Jesus : The Man, the Message, the
Messiah. WinSpr.99
Searching for Paul / by Terri Wood
Jerkins. Fall.01
Jennings, Sharon
Franklin's library book / Sharon
Jennings ; illustrated by Celeste
Gagnon. Sept.2005
Jessup, Harley
Jerman, Jerry
Calamity at the Circus / by Jerry
Jerman. MarMay.98
Jesus Freaks : Stories of Those Who
Stood for Jesus : The Ultimate
Jesus Freaks
Jesus Freaks : Stories of Those Who
Stood for Jesus : The Ultimate Jesus
Freaks / DC Talk and the Voice of
the Martyrs. Fall.00
Jerman, Jerry
Danger at Outlaw Creek. Mar.97
Jesus loves me
Jesus loves me. Sum.01
Jewel cases : five classic mysteries
of theft
Jewel cases : five classic mysteries
of theft. Aug.2004
Jim Elliot story
Jim Elliot story. Sept.2005
Jocelyn, Martha
Invisible Harry / by Marthe Jocelyn;
illustrated by Abby Carter. Fall.00
Jocelyn, Marthe
Invisible Day / by Marthe Jocelyn;
illustrated by Abby Carter.
Bust loose : become the wild new
person you are in Jesus / by Kevin
Johnson. Jun.03
Johnson, Darv
Johnson , Kevin
Johnson, Dave
Get smart : unscramble mindboggling questions of your faith /
by Kevin Johnson. Jun.03
Aim high : an Olympic decathlete's
inspiring story. Jan.96
Johnson, Abby
Unplanned : the dramatic true story
of a former Planned Parenthood
leader's eye-opening journey across
the life line / Abby Johnson with
Cindy Lambert. August 2011
Johnson, Angela
Reagan years / by Darv Johnson.
Johnson, Delores
She Dared to Fly : Bessie Coleman /
by Delores Johnson. Fall.98
Johnson, Dolores
Grandma's Hands / written and
illustrated by Dolores Johnson.
Bird / Angela Johnson. Sept.2005
Johnson, Douglas W.
Jocelyn, Marthe
Johnson, Angela
invisible enemy / Marthe Jocelyn;
illustrated by Abby Carter. Apr.03
One of three. Jan.96
Joens, Michael R.
Triumph of the Soul / by Michael R.
Joens. Fall.00
Johnson, Angela
Tell me a story, Mama. Jan.96
Johnson, Angela
John, Sally D.
After all these years / Sally John.
John, Sally D.
great Jesus debates : 4 early church
battles about the person and work
of Jesus / Douglas W. Johnson.
When I am old with you / story by
Angela Johnson ; pictures by David
Soman. Dec.2004
Johnson, G. Timothy
Finding God in the questions : a
personal journey / Timothy
Johnson. June.2006
Johnson, Grace
rebel. Nov.96
Johnson, Cathy Ann
In a heartbeat / Sally John.
Christmas story : from the Gospels
of Matthew and Luke / illustrated
by Cathy Ann Johnson. Spr.01
Johnson, Grace
John, Sally D.
Johnson, Cathy Ann
journey by chance / Sally John.
Johnson, Greg
Easter story : from the Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John /
illustrated by Cathy Ann Johnson.
Getting ready for the guygirl thing :
two ex-teens reveal the shocking
truth about God's plan for success
with the opposite sex. Nov.95
Johnson, Claudia Durst
Johnson, Greg
Understanding of Mice and Men,
The Red Pony, and The Pearl : A
Student Casebook to Issues,
Sources, and Historical Documents
/ Claudia Durst Johnson. Nov.97
If I Could Ask God One Question /
by Greg Johnson. Fall.98
John, Sally D.
Just to see you smile / Sally John.
John, Sally D.
winding road home / Sally John.
Johnson , Kevin
Tempest at Stonehaven / by Grace
Johnson. MarMay.98
Johnson, Greg
What Hollywood won't tell you
about sex, love, and dating / by
Greg Johnson and Susie
Shellenberger. Oct.95
Wise up : stand clear of the
unsmartness of sin / by Kevin
Johnson. Sum.01
Johnson, Jan
Madame Guyon / by Jan Johnson.
Johnson, Jane
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Opportunity knocks twice / created
and written by Lissa Halls Johnson.
Johnson, Lindsay Lee
Hurricane Henrietta / by Lindsay
Lee Johnson ; pictures by Wally
Neibart. Fall.98
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Project black bear. Mar.96
My dear Noel : the story of a letter
from Beatrix Potter / by Jane
Johnson. Spr.01
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Johnson, Kevin
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Catch the Wave!. Jan.97
Comedy of errors. Nov.96
Stuck in the sky / written by Lissa
Halls Johnson. SprSum.02
Johnson, Kevin
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Does Anybody Know What Planet
My Parents Are From?. Mar.97
Dragonfly on my shoulder / created
by Lissa Halls Johnson ; written by
Jeanette Hanscome. Nov.2004
The secret in the kitchen. Mar.96
Comedy of errors. Mar.96
Johnson, Kevin
See Jesus : peer into the life and
mind of your master / Kevin
Johnson. SprSum.02
Sliced Heather on toast. Mar.96
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Johnson, Kevin
Look Who's Toast Now! / by Kevin
Johnson. Fall.98
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Going crazy till Wednesday /
created by Lissa Halls Johnson ;
written by Jane Vogel. Nov.2004
Wishing upon a star. Mar.96
Johnson, Lissa Halls
worst wish / by Lissa Halls Johnson.
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Good-bye to all that / created by
Lissa Halls Johnson ; written by
Jeanette Hanscome. Nov.2004
Johnson, Lois W.
Stick tight : glue yourself to godly
friends / Kevin Johnson. SprSum.02
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Johnson, Lois W.
Johnson, Kevin
Grasping at moonbeams / created
by Lissa Halls Johnson ; written by
Jane Vogel. Nov.2004
Midnight rescue / Lois Walfrid
Johnson. Oct.Nov.2013
What's with the Dudes at the Door?
/ by Kevin Johnson and James
White. Fall.98
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Johnson, Kevin
Johnson, Kevin
Ice Queen / Lissa Halls Johnson.
Escape into the night / Lois Walfrid
Johnson. Oct.Nov.2013
Johnson, Lois W.
Mysterious signal / Lois Walfrid
Johnson. Oct.Nov.2013
What's With the Mutant in the
Microscope? / by Kevin Johnson
and James White. Fall.00
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Just like ice cream. Sept.96
Race for freedom / Lois Walfrid
Johnson. Oct.Nov.2013
Johnson, Kevin
Johnson, Lissa Halls
Johnson, Lois W.
Where ya gonna go? / Kevin
Johnson. Win.02
No lifeguard on duty / created [and]
written by Lissa Halls Johnson.
The fiddler's secret / Lois Walfrid
Johnson. Oct.Nov.2013
Johnson, Kevin
Johnson, Lois W.
Johnson, Lois W.
The swindler's treasure / Lois
Walfrid Johnson. Oct.Nov.2013
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Johnson, Sylvia A.
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Thanks for being my friend / by Lois
Walfrid Johnson. Spr.01
Elephant Seals / by Sylvia A.
Johnson; photographs by Frans
Lanting. Nov.97
Creeping Shadows. Jan.97
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Trouble at Wild River. Mar.97
Escape into the night. Sept.96
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Fiddler's Secret / by Lois Walfrid
Johnson. WinSpr.99
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Vanishing Footprints. Mar.97
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
You Are Wonderfully Made! / by
Lois Walfrid Johnson. Fall.00
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
invisible Friend / Lois Walfrid
Johnson. Nov.2004
You're worth more than you think!
/ by Lois Walfrid Johnson. Sum.01
Midnight Rescue / Lois Walfrid
Johnson. Sep.97
Reason in the Balance : The Case
Against Naturalism in Science, Law
and Education. Mar.97
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Johnson, Shane
Mysterious Hideaway. Mar.97
form of godliness : a novel / Shane
Johnson. Mar.2005
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Mystery of the silver coins / Lois
Walfrid Johnson. Aug.2004
Johnson, Shane
Ice : the greatest truths hide in the
darkest shadows / Shane Johnson ;
foreword by Charles Duke. Apr.04
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Secrets of the best choice / by Lois
Walfrid Johnson. Sum.01
Only Outcast / by Julie Johnston.
Lotta's Progress / Norma Johnston.
Johnston, Robert K.
Reel spirituality : theology and film
in dialogue / Robert K. Johnston.
harmonica / Tony Johnston ;
illustrated by Ron Mazellan.
Johnstone, Jill
Johnson, Shane
You can change the world. Nov.96
last guardian / Shane Johnson.
Johnstone, Patrick
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Raiders from the sea / Lois Walfrid
Johnson. Aug.2004
Love ya like a sister : a story of
friendship : from the journals of
Katie Ouriou / edited by Julie
Johnston. Spr.01
Johnston, Tony
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Race for Freedom / Lois Walfrid
Johnson. Sep.97
Johnston, Julie
Johnston, Norma
Johnson, Philip
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Raptor Rescue : An Eagle Flies Free.
Johnston, Julie
Grandpa's Stolen Treasure. Mar.97
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Johnson, Sylvia A.
Johnson, Sylvia A
Apple trees. Nov.95
Johnson, Sylvia A
Crabs. Nov.95
Johnson, Lois Walfrid
Johnson, Sylvia A
Swindler's Treasure / by Lois
Walfrid Johnson. MarMay.98
Ferrets / Sylvia A. Johnson. Sep.97
Operation world / Patrick
Johnstone and Jason Mandryk with
Robyn Johnstone. SprSum.02
Joly, Reona Peterson
Tomorrow You Die / by Reona
Peterson Joly. Fall.98
Jonell, Lynne
Bravemole / Lynne Jonell. Aug.03
Jonell, Lynne
It's My Birthday, Too! / written by
Lynne Jonell; illustrated by Petra
Mathers. Win.00
Frankie / by J. Sydney Jones.
Jones, Sally Lloyd
Jones, Jenny B.
Jones, Sally Lloyd
A charmed life / Jenny B. Jones.
Noah's Ark. Mar.96
Jones, Annie
Cupid's Corner / by Annie Jones.
Jones, Annie
Jones, Jenny B.
In between : a Katie Parker
production (act 1) / Jenny B. Jones.
Deep Dixie / by Annie Jones. Win.00
Jones, Jenny B.
Jones, Annie
Double Heart Diner / by Annie
Jones. Fall.00
On the loose / Jenny B. Jones.
Jones, Jenny B.
Jones, Annie
Lost Romance Ranch / by Annie
Jones. Spr.01
So not happening / Jones, Jenny B.
Jones, Jenny B.
Jones, Annie
Prayer Tree / by Annie Jones.
The big picture / Jenny B. Jones.
Jesus, God's great gift / pictures by
Dennis G. Jones. 40695
Fear strikes at midnight / by Linda
K. Jones. Oct.95
Bones of Joseph : From the Ancient
Texts to the Modern Church / by
Gareth Lloyd Jones. WinSpr.99
Terror from the Gulf : a hurricane in
Galveston / written by Martha
Tannery Jones. Spr.01
Jones, Sally Lloyd
Jones, George
David and Goliath. Mar.96
My First Book of How Things Are
Made : Crayons, Jeans, Peanut
Butter, Guitars, and More. Jan.97
Jones, Sally Lloyd
Jones, Ivan
Jones, Sally Lloyd
Good night, sleep tight : a poem for
every night of the year! : 366
poems to bring you the sweetest of
dreams / compiled by Ivan and Mal
Jones. Spr.01
Jonah and the big fish. Mar.96
Jones, J. Sydney
Story of Creation. Mar.96
Jones, Stan
Facing the facts : the truth about
sex and you. Jan.96
Jones, Stan
How and When to Tell Your Kids
About Sex : A Lifelong Approach
Shaping Your Child's Sexual
Behavior. Nov.96
Jones, Stan
The story of me. Jan.96
What's the big deal? : why God
cares about sex. Jan.96
Jones, Traci L.
Jones, Martha Tannery
Jones, Gareth Lloyd
Jones, Sally Lloyd
Jones, Stan
Jones, Linda K.
Jones, Dennis G.
Moses in the bulrushes. Mar.96
First Christmas. Mar.96
Jones, Sally Lloyd
Little one, we knew you'd come /
by Sally Lloyd-Jones ; illustrated by
Jackie Morris. Dec.2006
Standing against the wind / Traci L.
Jones. Sept.2007
Jones, Veda Boyd
Emma's secret : the Cincinnati
epidemic / Veda Boyd Jones.
Jones, Veda Boyd
Laura's victory : end of the Second
World War / Veda Boyd Jones.
Jones, Veda Boyd
Maureen the detective : the age of
immigration / Veda Boyd Jones.
Jones, Veda Boyd
Nellie the brave : the Cherokee Trail
of Tears / Veda Boyd Jones.
Journey of life
Presidency of the United States / by
Karen Judson. Jan.98
Journey of life. June.2007
Judson, Karen
Joni. Sept.96
Journeys to the edge of creation
Journeys to the edge of creation.
Joosse, Barbara
Lewis & Papa : Adventure on the
Santa Fe Trail / by Barbara Joosse ;
illustrated by Jon Van Zyle.
June, Lee N.
Becoming a man : a celebration of
sexuality, responsibility, and the
Christian young man / Donald M.
Joy. SprSum.02
Counseling in African-American
communities : Biblical perspectives
on tough issues / Lee N. June &
Sabrina D. Black, editors; Willie
Richardson, consulting editor.
Joyce, Susan
Junior state maps on file
ABC nature riddles / by Susan
Joyce; illustrations by Doug
DuBosque. Sum.01
Junior state maps on file. Jun.03
Joy, Donald M.
Joosse, Barbara M.
I Love You the Purplest / Barbara
M. Joosse ; Mary Whyte. Sep.97
Jordan, Anna Louise
What does an EMT do? / Anna
Louise Jordan. Sept.2005
Jordan, Denise M.
Walter Dean Myers : Writer for Real
Teens / by Denise M. Jordan.
Jordan, Nancy
Frontier Physician : The Life and
Legacy of Dr. C. Earl Albrecht /
Nancy Jordan; foreword by Robert
B. Atwood. Nov.97
Jurmain, Suzanne
Joyce, Susan
Alphabet Riddles / by Susan Joyce ;
illustrations by Doug DuBosque.
Joyce, Timothy J.
Celtic Christianity : A Sacred
Tradition, A Vision of Hope / by
Timothy J. Joyce. WinSpr.99
Judson, Karen
Abraham Lincoln / by Karen Judson.
Jordan, River
Saints in limbo / River Jordan.
Judson, Karen
Andrew Jackson / by Karen Judson.
Joslin, Mary
Goodbye Boat / by Mary Joslin;
illustrated by Claire St. Louis Little.
Journey of Choices
Journey of Choices. Nov.96
forbidden schoolhouse : the true
and dramatic story of Prudence
Crandall and her students /
Suzanne Jurmain. Dec.2006
Jurmain, Suzanne
Freedom's Sons : The True Story of
the AMISTAD Mutiny / by Suzanne
Jurmain. Fall.98
Justice, Kyle
Explore Meteor Crater and Petrified
Forest with Noah Justice /
produced, written, directed and
shot by Kyle Justice ; produced by
Compel Media LLC ; distributed by
Master Books. Feb.2013
Justice, Kyle
Josephson, Judith Pinkerton
Jesse Owens : Track and Field
Legend / by Judith Pinkerton
Josephson. WinSpr.99
Ronald Reagan / by Karen Judson.
Judson, Karen
Constitution of the United States /
by Karen Judson. Jan.98
Judson, Karen
Isaac Asimov : Master of Science
Fiction / by Karen Judson.
Judson, Karen
Explore the Grand Canyon with
Noah Justice / produced, written,
directed and shot by Kyle Justice ;
produced by Compel Media LLC ;
distributed by Master Books.
Justice, Kyle
Explore Yellowstone with Noah
Justice / produced, written,
directed and shot by Kyle Justice ;
produced by Compel Media LLC ;
distributed by Master Books.
Justice, Kyle
Explore Yellowstone with Noah
Justice / produced, written,
directed and shot by Kyle Justice ;
produced by Compel Media LLC ;
distributed by Master Books.
Kagda, Falaq
Algeria / by Falaq Kagda & Zawiah
Abdul Latif. 40210
Kagda, Falaq
Jweid, Rosann
Building character through
multicultural literature : a guide for
middle school readers. June.2005
Prophet of the Pacific : The Story of
John Paton. Mar.97
praying church idea book / Douglas
A. Kamstra. SprSum.02
Kane, Joseph Nathan
Hong Kong / Falaq Kagda. Nov.97
Famous first facts / Joseph Nathan
Kane, Steven Anzovin, Janet Podell.
Kagda, Sakina
Kane, Joseph Nathan
Lithuania / Sakina Kagda & Zawiah
Abdul Latif. 40210
Famous first facts / Joseph Nathan
Kane, Steven Anzovin, Janet Podell.
Feb / Apr 2012
Kagda, Falaq
Kagda, Sakina
Lithuania / Sakina Kagda. Nov.97
Kahl, Jonathan D. W.
Kabell, Margaret
Kamstra, Douglas A.
Algeria / Falaq Kagda. Nov.97
Jweid, Rosann
Building character through
literature : a guide for middle
school readers. June.2005
Islam: What Non-Muslims Should
Know. Aug.03
Hazy Skies : Weather and the
Environment / by Jonathan D. W.
Kahl. WinSpr.99
Kacer, Kathy
Kajikawa, Kimiko
night spies / Kathy Kacer. Apr.04
Tsunami! / Kimiko Kajikawa ;
illustrated by Ed Young. 40391
Kaner, Etta
Animal Defenses : How Animals
Defend Themselves / by Etta Kaner;
illustrated by Pat Stephens. Win.00
Kaner, Etta
Animals migrating / written by Etta
Kaner ; illustrated by Pat Stephens.
Kaner, Ette
Kacer, Kathy
secret of Gabi's dresser / by Kathy
Kacer. Sum.01
Kadohata, Cynthia
A million shades of gray / Cynthia
Kadohata. 41061
Kadono, Eiko
Grandpa's soup / written by Eiko
Kadono; illustrated by Staomi
Ichikawa. Sum.01
Kaetler, Sarah
More stories from Grandpa's
rocking chair. Mar.96
Kallen, Stuart A.
Life on the Underground Railroad /
by Stuart A. Kallen. Fall.01
Kallok, Emma
diary of a chickabiddy baby / Emma
Kallok. Feb.03
Kang, Joshua Choonmin
Scripture by heart : devotional
practices for memorizing God's
Word / Joshua Choonmin Kang ;
foreword by Dallas Willard. 40848
Kalman, Maira
Fireboat : the heroic adventures of
the John J. Harvey / by Maira
Kalman. Apr.03
Kappel, Lawrence
Readings on One flew over the
cuckoo's nest / edited by Lawrence
Kappel. Fall.01
Kaltner, John
Ishmael Instructs Isaac: An
Introduction to the Qur’an for Bible
Readers. Aug.03
Kaetler, Sarah
Stories from Grandpa's rocking
chair. Mar.96
Animals at work / written by Etta
Kaner; illustrated by Pat Stephens.
Kaltner, John
Karesh, Sara E.
Encyclopedia of Judaism / Sara E.
Karesh and Mitchell M. Hurvitz.
Karesh, Sara E.
Jewish faith in America / Shelley M.
Buxbaum and Sara E. Karesh.
Karmlich, Carolyn Walz
Mary's Treasure Box. Win.00
Karr, Kathleen
Katz, Bobbi
Exiled : memoirs of a camel / by
Kathleen Karr. Dec.2004
More pocket poems / selected by
Bobbi Katz ; illustrated by Deborah
Zemke. August 2011
Karr, Kathleen
seventh knot / by Kathleen Karr.
Karon, Jan
At home in Mitford. Mar.96
Karr, Kathleen
Karon, Jan
Worlds apart / Kathleen Karr.
Home to Holly Springs : Jan Karon /
Jan Karon. 40026
Karson, Jill
Cults / edited by Jill Karson. Fall.01
Karon, Jan
In this mountain / Jan Karon.
Karson, Jill
Readings on A Christmas carol /
edited by Jill Karson. Fall.01
Karon, Jan
Jeremy : the tale of an honest
bunny / by Jan Karon; illustrated by
Teri Weidner. Fall.01
Karon, Jan
Light from heaven / Jan Karon.
Karson, Jill
Readings on Jane Eyre / edited by
Jill Karson. Fall.01
Karwoski, Gail
Katz, Fred E.
Spinechillers mysteries : three
books in one / Fred E. Katz. 40513
Katz, Jane B., comp. & ed.
We rode the wind : recollections of
Native American life. Sept.96
Katz, William Loren
Black women of the Old West /
William Loren Katz. Nov.2004
Kauffman, Christmas Carol
Lucy Winchester / by Christmas
Carol Kauffman. Jan.98
Kaufman, Kenn
Birds of North America / by Kenn
Kaufman. Spr.01
Karon, Jan
Surviving Jamestown : the
adventures of young Sam Collier /
Gail Karwoski; illustrated by Paul
Casale. Fall.01
Out to Canaan / by Jan Karon.
Karwoski, Gail Langer
Kavanaugh, Patrick
Karon, Jan
Seaman, the dog who explored the
West with Lewis and Clark. Aug.03
Shepherds abiding / Jan Karon.
Kassem, Lou
Raising children to adore God :
instilling a lifelong passion for
worship / Patrick Kavanaugh.
Karon, Jan
Sneeze on Monday / by Lou
Kassem. WinSpr.99
The light in the window. Mar.96
Kassian, Mary A.
Karon, Jan
These High Green Hills / Jan Karon.
Karon, Jan
trellis and the seed / Jan Karon ;
paintings by Robert Gantt Steele.
feminist mistake : the radical
impact of feminism on church and
culture / Mary A. Kassian. Dec.2005
Kaufman, Kenn.
Lives of North American Birds / by
Kenn Kaufman. Fall.98
Kavasch, Barrie
Blackfoot children and elders talk
together. SprSum.02
Kavasch, E. Barrie
Apache children and elders talk
together. Jun.03
Kassirer, Sue
Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors
/ by Sue Kassirer; illustrated by
Danuta Jarecka. MarMay.98
Kavasch, E. Barrie
Crow children and elders talk
together. SprSum.02
Kavasch, E. Barrie
Lakota Sioux children and elders
talk together. SprSum.02
Kavasch, e. Barrie
Seminole Children and Elders Talk
Together. Aug.03
Kavasch, E. Barrie
Zuni children and elders talk
together. Jun.03
Kawano, Kenji
Warriors : Navajo code talkers /
photographs by Kenji Kawano ;
foreword by Carl Gorman ;
introduction by Benis M. Frank.
Kay, Ellie
Heroes at home : help & hope for
America's military families / Ellie
Kay. Oct.03
illustrated by James Bernardin.
Keane, Glen
Adam Raccoon and Bully Garumph.
Keane, Glen
Adam Raccoon and the circus
master. Mar.96
Keane, Nancy J.
big book of teen reading lists : 100
great, ready-to-use book lists for
educators, librarians, parents, and
teens / by Nancy J. Keane.
Keats, Ezra Jack
Keats's neighborhood : an Ezra Jack
Keats treasury / with an
introduction by Anita Silvey. Jun.03
Keane, Glen
Adam Raccoon and the flying
machine. Mar.96
Keane, Glen
Adam Raccoon and the king's big
dinner. Mar.96
Keane, Glen
Adam Raccoon and the mighty
giant. Mar.96
Keats, Ezra Jack
snowy day / Ezra Jack Keats. Oct.03
Keehn, Sally M.
first horse I see / by Sally M. Keehn.
Keeley, Jennifer
Deterring and investigating attack :
the role of the FBI and CIA /
Jennifer Keeley. Nov.2004
Keane, Glen
Kay, Verla
Broken feather / Verla Kay;
illustrated by Stephen Alcorn.
Kay, Verla
Orphan train / Verla Kay ;
illustrations by Ken Stark. Aug.2004
Kaye, M.M.
ordinary princess / written and
illustrated by M.M. Kaye. Oct.03
Adam Raccoon and the race to
Victory Mountain. Mar.96
Adam Raccoon at Forever Falls.
Keane, Glen
Adam Raccoon in Lost Woods.
Keane, Glen
Keams, Geri
Grandmother Spider brings the sun
: a Cherokee story / by Geri Keams ;
Keels, Steve
TruthQuest survival guide : the
quest begins / Steve Keels with Dan
Vorm. Apr.03
Keenan, Sheila
O, say can you see? : America's
symbols, landmarks, and inspiring
words / by Sheila Keenan ;
illustrated by Ann Boyajian.
Keane, Glen
Follow the King. Mar.96
Keane, Nancy J.
Keams, Geri
Life in the Hitler Youth / by Jennifer
Keeley. Fall.01
Keane, Glen
Cookie Time. Mar.96
Grandmother Spider brings the sun
: a Cherokee story / by Geri Keams ;
illustrated by James Bernardin.
Keeley, Jennifer
big book of children's reading lists :
100 great, ready-to-use book lists
for educators, librarians, parents,
and children / by Nancy J. Keane.
Keeshan, Bob
Hurry, Murray, Hurry! / Bob
Keeshan; illustrated by Chad
Peterson. Nov.97
Kehret, Peg
Earthquake terror. Nov.96
Kelly, Emery J.
Kehret, Peg
Keller, Timothy
Five pages a day : a writer's journey
/ Peg Kehret. Jun.03
The meaning of marriage : facing
the complexities of commitment
with the wisdom of God / Timothy
Keller with Kathy Keller. Aug / Oct
Kehret, Peg
Searching for Candlestick Park / by
Peg Kehret. MarMay.98
Kehret, Peg
Small Steps : The Year I Got Polio.
Kehret, Peg
stranger next door / Peg Kehret and
Pete the Cat. Mar.2005
Kehret, Peg
Kelly, Eric Philbrook
Keller, W. Phillip
layman looks at the Lord's Prayer.
Kellogg, Steven
missing mitten mystery / story and
pictures by Steven Kellogg. Sum.01
Kelly, Clint
Aryan. Nov.96
Trapped / Peg Kehret and Pete the
Cat. Sept.2007
Kelly, Clint
Kehret, Peg
Dare to raise exceptional children :
give your kids a sense of purpose, a
sense of adventure, and a sense of
humor / by Clint Kelly. Fall.01
Winning monologs for young actors
: 65 honest-to-life characterizations
to delight young actors and
audiences of all ages / by Peg
Kehret. Oct.95
Keith, Harold
Rifles for Watie / by Harold Keith.
trumpeter of Krakow / Eric P. Kelly ;
decorations by Janina Domanska ;
foreword by Louis Seaman Bechtel.
Kelly, Godwin
Driven by faith : the Trevor Bayne
story / Godwin Kelly. Dec.2012
Kelly, Irene
Even an ostrich needs a nest :
where birds begin / Irene Kelly.
Kelly, Jennifer
Kelly, Clint
Jackson Jones : the tale of a boy, a
troll, and a rather large chicken /
written by Jenn Kelly ; illustrated by
Ariane Elsammak. Feb / Apr 2012
Deliver Us from Evil / by Clint Kelly.
Kelly, Jennifer
Keillor, Garrison
Cat, you better come home. Nov.95
Paper Airplanes : Models to Build
and Fly / by Emery J. Kelly ;
illustrations by Darren Erickson ;
photographs by Richard Trombley.
Kelly, Clint
Escape underground / Clint Kelly.
Kelly, Clint
landing place. Nov.96
Jackson Jones : the tale of a boy, an
elf, and a very stinky fish / written
by Jenn Kelly ; illustrated by Ariane
Elsammak. 40848
Kelly, L. A.
Return to Alastair : a novel / L. A.
Kelly. Sept.2006
Kelchner, Margaret E
Nightsong. Jan.96
Kelly, Clint
lost kingdom. Nov.96
Kelchner, Margaret E
The shadow from the heat. Jan.96
Keller, Timothy
The meaning of marriage : facing
the complexities of commitment
with the wisdom of God / Timothy
Keller with Kathy Keller. Aug / Oct
Kelly, L. A.
Tahn : a novel / L.A. Kelly.
Kelly, Clint
Power and the Glory / by Clint Kelly.
Kelly, Leisha
Emma's gift : a novel / Leisha Kelly.
Kelly, Clint
Scent : a dark secret hidden in
petals of pink / C.L. Kelly. Sept.2007
Kelly, Leisha
Julia's hope / Leisha Kelly. Jun.03
Kendall, Carol
Kelly, Leisha
Katie's dream / Leisha Kelly.
Kelly, Ron
Paul : apostle of grace / a Plain
Truth Ministries-Worldwide
production. June.2007
Kelly, Theresa
Dream a little dream / by Theresa
Kelly. Spr.01
Kelly, Theresa
Forget me not / by Theresa Kelly.
Gammage Cup : a novel of the
Millipins / Carol Kendall ; illustrated
by Erik Blegvad. Mar.2005
Kendall, R. T.
parables of Jesus : a guide to
understanding and applying the
stories Jesus taught / R.T. Kendall.
AprJune 2010
Kenn Kington : I'm confused. Apr.03
Kennedy, Caroline
family of poems : my favorite
poetry for children / [selected by]
Caroline Kennedy ; paintings by Jon
J Muth. Dec.2006
Kennedy, Marlane
dog days of Charlotte Hayes /
Marlane Kennedy. October 2010
Kelly, Theresa
place in the heart / by Theresa
Kelly. Spr.01
The dog days of Charlotte Hayes /
Marlane Kennedy. Oct. 2010
Kelly, Theresa
Stand by me / by Theresa Kelly.
Kennedy, Nancy
Kelly, Theresa
Honey, They're Playing Our Song /
by Nancy Kennedy. Jan.98
Tomorro I’ll miss you / by Theresa
Kelly. Spr.01
Kennedy, Nick
Kenda, Margaret
Dan Marino : Star Quarterback / by
Nick Kennedy. Fall.98
Kenda, Margaret
Kennedy, X.J.
Knock at a star : a child's
introduction to poetry. Apr.03
Kenney, Cindy
Frog wars / by Cindy Kenney and
Doug Peterson. June.2005
Kenney, Cindy
Frog wars / by Cindy Kenney and
Doug Peterson. Sept.2005
Kenney, Cindy
Veggie Bible dictionary / by Cindy
Kenney and Karen Brothers.
Kent, Deborah
China : Old Ways Meet New.
Kennedy, Michael
Oxford dictionary of music /
Michael Kennedy ; associate editor,
Joyce Bourne. Sept.2007
Geography Wizardry for Kids / by
Margaret Kenda and Phyllis S.
Williams; illustrations by Tim
Robinson. MarMay.98
Christmas carol. Sept.96
Kennedy, Marlane
Kelly, Theresa
Seaside High / by Theresa Kelly.
Kennedy, Pamela\Heyer,
Carol,1950- ill
Kenn Kington : I'm confused
Kelly, Theresa
Living on Nothing Atoll / by Theresa
Kelly. Spr.01
Suffering in slow motion / Pamala
Kennedy and Richard Kennedy.
Kennedy, Pagan
Black Livingstone : a true tale of
adventure in the nineteenthcentury Congo / Pagan Kennedy.
Math Wizardry for Kids. Jan.97
Kent, Deborah
In colonial New England / by
Deborah Kent. Fall.01
Kent, Deborah
In the middle colonies / by Deborah
Kent. Fall.01
Kent, Deborah
In the southern colonies / by
Deborah Kent. Fall.01
Kent, Deborah
Star-spangled Banner / by Deborah
Kent. Jan.98
Kent, Keri Wyatt
Kennedy, Pamala Condit
Breathe : creating space for God in
a hectic life / Keri Wyatt Kent.
Kent, Keri Wyatt
Oxygen : deep breathing for the
soul / Keri Wyatt Kent. June.2007
Kent, Peter
Peter Kent's city across time. Aug /
Oct 2012
Kent, Peter
Peter Kent's city across time. Aug /
Oct 2012
What to do about Alice? : how Alice
Roosevelt broke the rules, charmed
the world, and drove her father
Teddy crazy! / by Barbara Kerley ;
illustrated by Edwin Fotheringham.
Cassie, you're a winner / by Reneé
Kent. Spr.01
Kent, Renee Holmes
Yes, you can, Kelli!. Mar.96
Kent, Zachary
George Armstrong Custer : Civil
War General and Western Legend /
by Zachary Kent. Win.00
Kephart, Beth
Nothing but ghosts / by Beth
Kephart. 40513
Kerl, Mary Ann
Cut me some slack, Lord :
reflections for teen males / Mary
Ann Kerl. Dec.2004
I Remember Papa / by Helen
Ketteman ; pictures by Greg Shed.
Ketteman, Helen
Kerr, Rita
Texas orphans : a story of the
Orphan Train children. Sept.96
Mama's way / by Helen Ketteman;
pictures by Mary Whyte. Fall.01
Khalsa, Dayal Kaur
Kerr, William F.
Kregel Bible handbook : a full-color
guide to every book of the Bible /
by William F. Kerr. Fall.01
Green cat / Dayal Kaur Khalsa.
Khamis, Karen
Machines. Nov.96
best Christian children's books,
1942-1992 / by Karen Khamis ;
illustrated by Dominic Catalano.
Kerrod, Robin
Khan, Rukhsana
Matter and materials. Nov.96
Bedtime Ba-a-alk / written by
Rukhsana Khan ; illustrated by Kristi
Frost. WinSpr.99
Kerrod, Robin
Kent, Reneé
Ketteman, Helen
Kerrod, Robin
The night sky. Nov.96
Khan, Rukhsana
Kerven, Rosalind
Mythical Quest : In Search of
Adventure, Romance &
Enlightenment / Stories by Rosalind
Kerven; introduction by Penelope
Lively; with introductory text and
notes by Janet Benoy, Graham Hutt,
Jerry Losty, Scot McKendrick,
Geoffrey West. Nov.97
Big red lollipop / by Rukhsana Khan
; illustrated by Sophie Blackall.
Kidd, Sue Monk
secret life of bees / Sue Monk Kidd.
Kiesler, Kate
Arsenic and old lace, a comedy /
Joseph Kesselring. Apr.04
Fishing for a Dream : Ocean
Lullabies and Night Verses /
collected and illustrated by Kate
Kiesler. Fall.00
Songs of Papa's Island. Jan.97
Kessler, Brad
Kiesler, Kate
Kerley, Barbara
Moses in Egypt / written by Brad
Kessler; illustrated by Phil Huling.
Walt Whitman : words for America
/ by Barbara Kerley ; illustrated by
Brian Selznick. Mar.2005
Wings on the wind : bird poems /
collected and illustrated by Kate
Kiesler. Feb.03
Ketteman, Helen
Kilpatrick, William
Kerley, Barbara
Armadillo tattletale / by Helen
Ketteman; illustrated by Keith
Graves. Spr.01
Books that build character : a guide
to teaching your child moral values
through stories. June.2005
Kesselring, Joseph
Kerley, Barbara
Kilpatrick, William
Family New Media Guide : A
Parents' Guide to the Very Best
Choices in Values-Oriented Media,
Including Videos, CD-ROMs,
Audiotapes, Computer Software,
and On-line Services / by William
Kilpatrick, Gregory Wolfe, and
Suzanne M. Wolfe. Jan.98
Kim, Dong Jin
Power in no other name : overcome
life's problems God's way : a
spiritual journey of truth, hope, and
freedom / by Dong Jin Kim and
Steve Hannett. Jun.03
top job / by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel
; illustrated by Robert Neubecker.
AprJune 2010
Italy : Gem of the Mediterranean /
by David C. King. MarMay.98
King, David C.
Kimmel, Eric A.
Kansas / by David C. King. Mar.2005
Be Not Far from Me : The Oldest
Love Story : Legends from the Bible
/ retold by Eric A. Kimmel ;
illustrated by David Diaz. WinSpr.99
King, David C.
Kenya : Let's All Pull Together! / by
David C. King. MarMay.98
Kimmel, Eric A.
Don Quixote and the windmills /
retold and adapted by Eric A.
Kimmel; from The ingenious hidalgo
Don Quixote de la Mancha by
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra ;
pictures by Leonard Everett Fisher.
King, David C.
Kimmel, Haven
King, Philip J.
Orville : a dog story / by Haven
Kimmel ; illustrated by Robert
Andrew Parker. Aug.2004
Life in biblical Israel / Philip J. King,
Lawrence E. Stager. Apr.04
Peru : Lost Cities, Found Hopes / by
David C. King. MarMay.98
King, Mary Ellen
A good day for listening. Jan.96
Kim, Henny H.
Child abuse / by Henny H. Kim.
Kim, Henny H.
Learning disabilities / Henny H. Kim,
book editor. Nov.2004
Kim, Henny H.
War crimes / edited by Henny H.
Kim. Fall.01
King, Stephen Michael
Kincaid, Ron
Special Kind of Love. Jan.97
In-Laws : Getting Along with Your
Other Family / by Ron & Jorie
Kincaid. Jan.98
Kingsbury, Karen
Kindig, Eileen Silva
Kimball, Don
The spirituality of relationships.
Kimball, Violet T.
Stories of young pioneers in their
own words / Violet T. Kimball.
Simply Beautiful Wedding / by
Eileen Silva Kindig. Fall.00
Kingsbury, Karen
Kindig, Tess Eileen
Brave young knight / by Karen
Kingsbury ; [illustrations by
Gabrielle Grimard]. 40848
Luv@first site / written by Tess
Eileen Kindig; created by Terry K.
Brown. Spr.01
Kingsbury, Karen
Kindl, Patrice
Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody
In the Stone Circle / by Elizabeth
Cody Kimmel. Win.00
Woman in the Wall / Patrice Kinds.
King, David C.
Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody
One sky above us / by E. Cody
Kimmel ; illustrated by Scott Snow.
Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody
Beyond Tuesday morning / Karen
Kingsbury. Sept.2005
Halfway to forever / by Karen
Kingsbury. SprSum.02
Kingsbury, Karen
Learning / Karen Kingsbury. August
Egypt : Ancient Traditions, Modern
Hopes / by David C. King.
Kingsbury, Karen
King, David C.
Kingsbury, Karen
Leaving / Karen Kingsbury. 40695
Let's have a Daddy Day / by Karen
Kingsbury ; illustrations by Dan
Andreasen. October 2010
Kingsbury, Karen
Kingsbury, Karen
Kingsbury, Karen
Let's have a Daddy Day / by Karen
Kingsbury ; illustrations by Dan
Andreasen. Oct. 2010
When joy came to stay / by Karen
Kingsbury. Spr.01
Kingsbury, Karen
moment of weakness / by Karen
Kingsbury. Spr.01
Kingsbury, Karen
Oceans apart / Karen Kingsbury.
Kingsbury, Karen
On every side / Karen Kingsbury.
Kingsbury, Karen
One Tuesday morning / Karen
Kingsbury. Sept.2005
Waiting for Morning / by Karen
Kingsbury. Fall.00
Kinkade, Thomas
Numbers / Thomas Kinkade; [text
by Sally Lloyd-Jones]. SprSum.02
Kinkade, Thomas
Shapes / Thomas Kinkade; [text by
Sally Lloyd-Jones]. SprSum.02
Kingsbury, Karen
Where Yesterday Lives / by Karen
Kingsbury. Fall.00
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
Kinkade, Thomas
As Long as There Are Mountains /
by Natalie Kinsey-Warnock.
Animals / Thomas Kinkade; [text by
Sally Lloyd-Jones]. SprSum.02
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
Kinkade, Thomas
Cape Light / Thomas Kinkade &
Katherine Spencer. Feb.03
Fiddler of the Northern Lights / by
Natalie Kinsey-Warnock; illustrated
by Leslie W. Bowman. Jan.98
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
Kinkade, Thomas
Chasing the Horizon : Our
Adventures Through the British
Isles and France / by Patrick &
Thomas Kinkade. WinSpr.99
Kingsbury, Karen
From dawn till dusk / Natalie
Kinsey-Warnock; illustrated by
Mary Azarian. Apr.03
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
If wishes were horses / by Natalie
Kinsey-Warnock. Sum.01
The princess and three knights /
written by Karen Kingsbury ;
illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard.
Kinkade, Thomas
Kingsbury, Karen
Kinkade, Thomas
Lumber camp library / by Natalie
Kinsey-Warnock ; illustrated by
James Bernardin. Nov.2004
time to dance / by Karen Kingsbury.
Colors / Thomas Kinkade; [text by
Sally Lloyd-Jones]. SprSum.02
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
Christmas promise / Thomas
Kincade & Katherine Spencer.
Kingsbury, Karen
Kinkade, Thomas
time to embrace / by Karen
Kingsbury. Jun.03
gathering place : a Cape Light novel
/ Thomas Kinkade & Katherine
Spencer. Oct.03
Kingsbury, Karen
treasury of miracles for teens : true
stories of God's presence today /
Karen Kingsbury. Oct.03
Kinkade, Thomas
Home song / Thomas Kindade and
Katherine Spencer. Feb.03
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
Summer of Stanley / by Natalie
Kinsey-Warnock; illustrated by
Donald Gates. Jan.98
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie
Sweet Memories Still / by Natalie
Kinsey-Warnock; illustrated by
Laurie Harden. MarMay.98
Kinsman, Naomi
Kingsbury, Karen
Kinkade, Thomas
Unlocked / Karen Kingsbury. August
new leaf / Thomas Kinkade &
Katherine Spencer. Nov.2004
Waves of light / Naomi Kinsman.
Kipling, Rudyard
Jungle Book / by Rudyard Kipling;
illustrations by Christian Broutin.
Optics : illuminating the power of
light / Kyle Kirkland and Sean M.
Grady. Sept.2007
Kipling, Rudyard
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Jungle Book : Mowgli Stories, Vol. 1
/ by Rudyard Kipling; illustrated by
Jerry Pinkney. Win.00
absence so great / Jane Kirkpatrick.
October 2010
Love to water my soul / Jane
Kirkpatrick. Apr.04
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kipling, Rudyard
Just so stories / by Rudyard Kipling ;
illustrated by Barry Moser.
All Together in One Place : A Novel
of Kinship, Courage, and Faith / by
Jane Kirkpatrick. Fall.00
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kirby, Lynn
Perfect Landing / by Lynn Kirby.
An absence so great : a novel / Jane
Kirkpatrick. Oct. 2010
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kirby, Pamela F.
What bluebirds do / Pamela F.
Kirby. AprJune 2010
Love to Water My Soul / by Jane
Kirkpatrick. MarMay.98
clearing in the wild / Jane
Kirkpatrick. June.2006
name of her own / Jane Kirkpatrick.
Kirkpatrick, Jane
name of her own / Jane Kirkpatrick.
Kirkpatrick, Jane
No eye can see : a novel of kinship,
courage, and faith / by Jane
Kirkpatrick. Fall.01
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Every fixed star / The tender ties
historical series; 2. Aug.03
simple gift of comfort / Jane
Kirkpatrick; photography by Lisa H.
Sorensen. Apr.03
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kirkpatrick, Jane
flickering light / Jane Kirkpatrick.
June 2009
sweetness to the soul / Jane
Kirkpatrick. Apr.04
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kirk, E. J.
gathering of finches / Jane
Kirkpatrick. Apr.04
Sweetness to the Soul / by Jane
Kirkpatrick. MarMay.98
Step into Narnia : a journey through
The lion, the witch, and the
wardrobe / by E.J. Kirk. Sept.2005
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Gathering of Finches : Novel / by
Jane Kirkpatrick. MarMay.98
What once we loved / Jane
Kirkpatrick. Win.02
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kirwan, Anna
Hold tight the thread / Jane
Kirkpatrick. Nov.2004
Lady of Palenque : flower of Bacal /
by Anna Kirwan. June.2005
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kise, Jane A. G.
Homestead / by Jane Kirkpatrick.
LifeKeys : Discovering Who You Are,
Why You're Here, What You Do
Your Best / by Jane A.G. Kise and
David Stark. Jan.98
Kirgiss, Crystal
What's up with boys? : everything
you need to know about guys /
Crystal Kirgiss. June.2005
Kirk, Connie Ann
Mohawks of North America / by
Connie Ann Kirk. Feb.03
Kirk, Stephen
First in Flight : The Wright Brothers
in North Carolina. Aug.03
Kirking, Cheryl
Ripples of joy : stories of hope and
encouragement to share /
[compiled by] Cheryl Kirking. Fall.01
Kirkland, Kyle
Kirkpatrick, Jane
Kise, Jane A.G.
Find your fit : dare to act on God's
design for you / by Jane Kise and
Kevin Johnson. Sum.01
Klare, Roger
Gregor Mendel : Father of Genetics
/ by Roger Klare. Jan.98
heart of home schooling : teaching
& living what really matters /
Christopher Klicka. Apr.04
Kline, Suzy
Kissinger, Rosemary K.
Quanah Parker : Comanche chief /
Rosemary K. Kissinger. Aug.2004
Kitch, Anne E.
Bless this day : toddler prayers /
text by Anne E. Kitch; illustrated by
Joni Oeltjenbruns; cover and page
design by Annika L. Chiodi. Sum.01
Kitch, Anne E.
Bless this day : toddler prayers /
text by Anne E. Kitch; illustrated by
Joni Oeltjenbruns; cover and page
design by Annika L. Chiodi. Fall.01
Klassen, Julie
A girl in the gatehouse / Julie
Klassen. August 2011
Klassen, Julie
Horrible Harry and the Dungeon /
by Suzy Kline; pictures by Frank
Remkiewicz. Jan.98
Klassen, Julie
Kline, Suzy
Tutor's daughter / Julie Klassen.
Horrible Harry and the locked closet
/ by Suzy Kline ; [pictures by Frank
Remkiewicz]. Sept.2005
Klassen, Kirsten L.
Katelyn's affection : a novel /
Kirsten L. Klassen. Dec.2005
Klausmeier, Robert
The red scorpion : the true story of
a ruthless Russian mob boss's
dramatic redemption / Rami
Kivisalo and Marko Joensuu. August
Kline, Suzy
Horrible Harry Moves Up to Third
Grade / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by
Frank Remkiewicz. WinSpr.99
Cowboy. Nov.96
Kline, Suzy
Klein, Robin
Kivisalo, Rami
Kline, Suzy
silent governess / Julie Klassen.
Kittredge, Frances
Neeluk : an Eskimo boy in the days
of the whaling ships / stories by
Frances Kittredge ; illustrations by
Howard "Weyahok" Rock. Oct.03
Horrible Harry and the Drop of
Doom / by Suzy Kline ; pictures by
Frank Remkiewicz. Fall.98
sky in silver lace. Nov.96
Klein, Ted
Rhode Island / by Ted Klein. Win.00
Mary Marony and the chocolate
surprise. Nov.96
Kline, Suzy
Molly's in a Mess / by Suzy Kline;
illustrated by Diana Cain
Bluthenthal. Fall.00
Kleven, Elisa
Kizer, Kathryn W.
200+ games and fun activities for
teaching preschoolers. Jan.96
apple doll / Elisa Kleven. June 2009
Kleven, Elisa
Kline, Suzy
Song Lee and the "I Hate You"
Notes / by Suzy Kline; pictures by
Frank Remkiewicz. Win.00
Hooray, a Piñata!. Mar.97
Kizer, Kathryn W.
200+ ideas for teaching
preschoolers. Jan.96
Kline, Suzy
Kleven, Elisa
Monster in the House / by Elisa
Kleven. WinSpr.99
Kizer, Kathryn W.
200+ things to make for teacher of
preschoolers. Jan.96
Klages, Ellen
green glass sea / Ellen Klages.
Song Lee and the Leech Man.
Klingvall, Lena Maria
Kleven, Elisa
Puddle Pail / by Elisa Kleven. Fall.98
Footnotes : a life without limits /
Lena Maria Klingvall. SprSum.02
Klicka, Christopher J.
Klinzing, Jim and Mike
Fundamental Basketball / by Jim
Klinzing and Mike Klinzing;
photographs by David Kyle and
Andy King. MarMay.98
Knopf, Bonnie
As I Kneel : Every Mother's Prayer /
by Bonnie Knopf ; illustrated by Nan
Brooks. WinSpr.99
Knapp, Ron
Steve Young : star quarterback.
Knickerbocker, Lynne
Parent-Child Retreats : Spiritual
Retreats for Children Ages 7-10 and
Their Parents / by Lynne
Knickerbocker and others. Win.00
Knostam, Angus
Historical atlas of exploration :
1492-1600 / by Angus Knostam.
Knott, Anthony
An angel came to Nazareth / by
Anthony Knott ; illustrated by
Maggie Kneen. Sept.2005
Knight, Denise D.
Nineteenth-Century American
Women Writers : A Biobibliographical Critical Sourcebook /
by Denise D. Knight. Jan.98
Knowing Jesus Study Bible
Molly Pitcher : heroine of the War
for Independence / Rachel A.
Koestler-Grack. June.2007
Koestler-Grack, Rachel
Nathan Hale : courageous spy /
Rachel A. Koestler-Grack. June.2007
Koestler-Grack, Rachel A.
Choctaw : stickball players of the
south / by Rachel A. Koestler-Grack.
Koestler-Grack, Rachel A.
Inuit : ivory carvers of the Far North
/ by Rachel A. Koestler-Grack.
Knowing Jesus Study Bible. Win.00
Koestler-Grack, Rachel A.
God Be in My Heart. Fall.00
Inuit : ivory carvers of the Far North
/ by Rachel A. Koestler-Grack.
Knowlton, Laurie Lazzaro
Koestler-Grack, Rachel A.
Online with God / by Laurie Lazzaro
Knowlton. October 2010
Iroquois : longhouse builders / by
Rachel A. Koestler-Grack. Sept.2005
Knight, Margy Burns
Knowlton, Laurie Lazzaro
Koestler-Grack, Rachel A.
Africa is not a country / by Margy
Burns Knight, Mark Melnicove;
illustrated by Anne Sibley O'Brien.
Online with God / by Laurie Lazzaro
Knowlton. Oct. 2010
Marie Curie : scientist / Rachel A.
Koestler-Grack. AprJune 2010
Knudsen, Michelle
Koestler-Grack, Rachel A.
On down the trail. Sept.96
Library lion / Michelle Knudsen ;
illustrated by Kevin Hawkes.
Seminole : patchworkers of the
Everglades / by Rachel A. KoestlerGrack. Sept.2005
Knight, Tina
Koestler-Grack, Rachel
Koestler-Grack, Rachel A.
Taken at the Andes /
Tina Knight. Sep.97
Eleanor of Aquitaine : heroine of
the Middle Ages / Rachel A.
Koestler-Grack. Sept.2006
Seminole : Patchworkers of the
Everglades. Aug.03
Knowlton, Laurie Lazzaro
Knight, George W.
illustrated everyday Bible
companion : an all-in-one resource
for everyday Bible study / George
W. Knight, with Rayburn W. Ray.
Knight, Tina
Knighton, Douglas
Kingdom of Heaven Is Like..a Doctor
and a Patient / by Douglas
Knighton. Jan.98
Knoll, Barbara
Mommy, is God as strong as Daddy.
Koestler-Grack, Rachel
Leonardo da Vinci : artist, inventor,
and Renaissance man / Rachel A.
Koestler-Grack. Sept.2006
Koestler-Grack, Rachel
Koestler-Grack, Rachel A.
Sioux : nomadic buffalo hunters /
by Rachel A. Koestler-Grack.
Koestler-Grack, Rachel A.
Tecumseh : 1768-1813 / by Rachel
A. Koestler-Grack. Aug.2004
Koh, Me Ra
Beauty restored / Me Ra Koh.
Just like you / written by Marla
Stewart Konrad ; illustrated by Lin
Wang. 40391
Konstam, Angus
Kok, Marilyn
Heaven's Song / by Marilyn Kok.
Kok, Marilyn
On Assignment / by Marilyn Kok.
Kok, Marilyn
Atlas of medieval Europe / Angus
Konstam; [maps, Roger Kean].
Historical atlas of the Viking world /
Angus Konstam. Apr.03
Kolbaba, Ginger
Kopp, Heather
Katt's in the cradle : a novel /
Ginger Kolbaba & Christy Scannell.
AprJune 2010
Roar! : a Christian family guide to
the Chronicle of Narnia / by
Heather Kopp with David Kopp ;
illustrations by Martin French.
Kopp, Heather Harpham
Daddy, Where Were You? : Healing
for the Father-Deprived Daughter /
by Heather Harpham Kopp. Fall.98
Kopper, Lisa
Daisy Is a Mommy / Lisa Kopper.
view from Saturday / E. L.
Konigsburg. Apr.04
Konigsburg. E. L.
From the mixed-up files of Mrs.
Basil E. Frankweiler / E.L.
Konigsburg ; with a 35th
anniversary afterword by the
author. Aug.2004
Konrad, Marla Stewart
Kort, Michael
Russia, Rev. ed. / by Michael Kort.
Kort, Michael G.
Handbook of the Middle East.
Koscielniak, Bruce
Johann Gutenberg and the amazing
printing press / Bruce Koscielniak.
Koscielniak, Bruce
story of the incredible orchestra /
by Bruce Koscielniak. Sum.01
Ashwater Experiment / by Amy
Goldman Koss. Fall.00
Koss, Amy Goldman
Koralek, Jenny
Konigsburg, E. L.
to Z of American women writers /
by Carol Kort. Sum.01
Koss, Amy Goldman
Konig, Claus
Owls : a guide to the owls of the
world / by Claus Konig, Freidhelm
Weick, and Jan-Hendrik Becking;
[illustrated by Friedhalm Weick].
Kort, Carol
Kopp, David
Praying for the World's 365 Most
Influential People. Fall.00
Mind Games: E posing Today’s
Psychics, Frauds, and False Spiritual
Phenomenon / by Andrew Kole
with Jerry MacGregor. MarMay.98
Living mountains : how and why
volcanoes erupt / Jacques
Kornprobst and Christine Laverne.
Konstam, Angus
Stillpoint / Marilyn Kok. Nov.97
Kole, Andre
Kornprobst, Jacques
Moses basket / written by Jenny
Koralek ; illustrated by Pauline
Baynes. Mar.2005
How I Saved Hanukkah / by Amy
Goldman Koss ; pictures by Diane
deGroat. WinSpr.99
Koss, Amy Goldman
Korman, Susan
Box Turtle at Silver Pond Lane / by
Susan Korman; illustrated by
Stephen Marchesi. Win.02
Korman, Susan
Groundhog at Evergreen Road / by
Susan Korman ; illustrated by
Higgins Bond. Dec.2004
Strike two / Amy Goldman Koss.
Koss, Amy Goldman
Trouble with Zinny Weston / by
Amy Goldman Koss. Fall.98
Kovalski, Maryann
Brenda and Edward / by Maryann
Kovalski. Fall.98
Stainless steal hearts. Jan.96
Kraft, Betsy Harvey
Dangerous crossing : the
revolutionary voyage of John
Quincy Adams / by Stephen Krensky
; illustrated by Greg Harlin.
Theodore Roosevelt : champion of
the American spirit / by Betsy
Harvey Kraft. Mar.2005
Kraus, Harry Lee, Jr.
Kramer, Barbara
Kraus, Harry Lee, Jr.
Madeleine Albright : First Woman
Secretary of State / by Barbara
Kramer. Win.00
Stain / by Harry Lee Kraus, Jr.
Lionel at school / by Stephen
Krensky; pictures by Susanna Natti.
Kraus, Jim
Krensky, Stephen
promise / by Jim & Terri Kraus.
Louise goes wild / by Stephen
Krensky; pictures by Susanna Natti.
Kramer, Barbara
Neil Armstrong : The First Man on
the Moon / by Barbara Kramer.
Chairman / a novel by Harry Lee
Kraus, Jr. Win.00
Krensky, Stephen
Kraus, Terri
Kramer, Stephen P.
How to think like a scientist :
answering questions by the
scientific method / Stephen P.
Kramer ; illustrated by Felicia Bond.
Kramlich, Carolyn Walz
Mary's Treasure Box / by Carolyn
Walz Karmlich ; illustrated by
Walter Porter. Fall.98
renewal / Terri Kraus. October 2010
Krensky, Stephen
Kraus, Terri
Louise Takes Charge / by Stephen
Krensky ; pictures by Susanna Natti.
renovation / Terri Kraus. October
Kraus, Terri
The renewal / Terri Kraus. Oct.
Walks in Beauty / by Hazel Krantz.
The renovation / Terri Kraus. Oct.
Only one you / by Linda Kranz.
Kras, Sara Louise
Galapagos Islands / by Sara Louise
Kras. 40391
Coubertin's Olympics : how the
games began. Sept.96
Kroeker, Suze Marie
Kraus, Terri
Kranz, Linda
Paul Revere's midnight ride / by
Stephen Krensky ; illustrations by
Greg Harlin. Mar.2005
Kristy, Davida
Kraus, Terri
Krantz, Hazel
Krensky, Stephen
The transformation / Terri Kraus.
Oct. 2010
Job Sleuthing : A Student's Guide to
Résumé Finesse / by Suze Marie
Kroeker. MarMay.98
Kraus, Terri
Kroeker, Suze Marie
transformation / Terri Kraus.
October 2010
Power Penning : A Student's Guide
to Letter Writing Success / by Suze
Marie Kroeker. MarMay.98
Kreeft, Peter
Kraus, Harry Lee
For the rest of my life / Harry Kraus.
Kraus, Harry Lee, Jr
Fated genes. Sept.96
Kraus, Harry Lee, Jr
Wartime wisdom : ten uncommon
insights about evil in The Lord of
the Rings / by Peter Kreeft. Paper
presented at the C.S. Lewis
Conference "Rediscovering Evil : A
Christian Response." Austin, Tex.,
May 11, 2002. Apr.03
Krensky, Stephen
Kroll, Steven
Pony Express! / Steven Kroll ; Dan
Andreasen. Sep.97
Kroll, Steven
tale of two dogs / by Steven Kroll ;
illustrated by Mike Reed. Mar.2005
Kroll, Virginia
Krull, Kathleen
Butterfly Boy / by Virginia Kroll;
illustrated by Gerardo Suzán.
Harvesting hope : the story of Cesar
Chavez / Kathleen Krull ; illustrated
by Yuyi Morales. Dec.2004
Kroll, Virginia
Krull, Kathleen
Especially heroes / written by
Virginia Kroll ; illustrated by Tim
Ladwig. Aug.03
Lives of the musicians : good times,
bad times (and what the neighbors
thought. Mar.96
Kroll, Virginia
Krull, Kathleen
I wanted to know all about God / by
Virginia L. Kroll ; illustrated by
Debra Reid Jenkins. 40848
Lives of the pirates : swashbucklers,
scoundrels (neighbors beware!) /
written by Kathleen Krull ;
illustrated by Kathryn Hewitt.
Kroll, Virginia
Shelter folks. Nov.96
Kroll, Virginia
Shelter folks. Nov.96
Krull, Kathleen
Wilma Unlimited : How Wilma
Rudolph Became the World's
Fastest Woman / by Kathleen Krull;
illustrated by David Diaz. Jan.98
Kunhardt, Edith
Honest Abe / words by Edith
Kinhardt ; paintings by Malcah
Zeldis. Fall.98
Kunkel, Jeff
Jesus, this is your life / edited by
Jeff Kunkel. SprSum.02
Kunkel, Jeff
Jesus, this is your life / edited by
Jeff Kunkel. Fall.01
Kupferberg, Audrey E.
World War II / by Audrey
Kupferberg. Nov.2004
Kurian, George Thomas
Timetables of world literature.
Kroll, Virginia L
I wanted to know all about God.
Kroll, Virginia L.
Pink paper swans. Mar.96
Kronenwetter, Michael
Congress of the United States / by
Michael Kronenwetter. Jan.98
Krumgold, Joseph
Onion John / Joseph Krumgold ;
illustrated by Symeon Shimin.
Kubiak, Shannon
God called a girl : how Mary
changed her world--and you can
too / Shannon Kubiak. Dec.2005
Kuhne, Roberta
Kronenwetter, Michael
FBI and Law Enforcement Agencies
of the United States / by Michael
Kronenwetter. Jan.98
Seize the moment, share the
message : and God will change
lives. Nov.96
Kuligin, Victor
Kronenwetter, Michael
Supreme Court of the United States
/ by Michael Kronenwetter. Jan.98
Krueter, Christine L.
Encyclopedia of British writers,
nineteenth and twentieth centuries
/ [written and developed by Book
Builders LLC]. Aug.03
Ten things I wish Jesus never said /
Victor Kuligin. Dec.2006
Kurtz, Jane
Memories of sun : stories of Africa
and America / edited by Jane Kurtz.
Kushner, Donn
Night Voyagers / Donn Kushner.
Kushner, Tony
Brundibar / retold by Tony Kushner
; pictures by Maurice Sendak ; after
the opera by Hans Krasa and Adolf
Hoffmeister. Apr.04
Kuzma, Kay
Kummer, Patricia K.
Creating Love : Principles That Will
Revolutionize Your Relationships
and Turn Obnoxious People into
Lovable Ones / Kay Kuzma. Nov.97
Great Barrier Reef / by Patricia K.
Kummer. 40391
Kvasnosky, Laura McGee
See you later, alligator!. Mar.96
Kummer, Patricia K.
Great Lakes / by Patricia K.
Kummer. 40391
Kvasnosky, Laura McGee
What Shall I Dream? / by Laura
McGee Kvasnosky; illustrated by
Judith Byron Schachner. Jan.98
flute player : an Apache folktale /
retold and illustrated by Michael
Lacapa. Mar.2005
L’Engle, Madeleine
Lacapa, Michael
Penguins and Golden Calves /
Madeleine L'Engle. Sep.97
flute player : an Apache folktale /
retold and illustrated by Michael
Lacapa. Dec.2004
Legacy. Sept.96
Lacy, Al
Let there be light / Al & JoAnna
Lacy. Apr.03
Lacy, Al
La Bretesche, Geneviáeve de
Scholastic first picture dictionary /
[conceived and written by
Geneviáeve de la Bretesche ;
illustrated by Charlotte Voake] .. [et
al.]. Dec.2005
Lacy, Al
Lace, William W.
British Empire : the end of
colonialism / by William M. Lace.
little sparrows / by Al and JoAnna
Lacy. Jun.03
Lacy, Al
Silent abduction. Sept.96
Lace, William W.
La Pietra, Mary
Death Camps / by William W. Lace.
Lacy, Al
His Name on Her Heart. Mar.97
Labatt, Mary
Lace, William W.
Lacy, Al
parade for Sam / written by Mary
Labatt ; illustrated by Marisol
Sarrazin. Sept.2005
Nazis / by William W. Lace.
Whispers in the wind / Al & JoAnna
Lacy. Dec.2004
Lace, William W.
Ladwig, Tim
The importance of Winston
Churchill. Nov.95
Psalm Twenty-Three / illustrated by
Tim Ladwig. Fall.98
Lachtman, Ofelia Dumas
LaFaye, A.
Pepita Talks Twice. Mar.96
Edith Shay / by A. LaFaye.
Labatt, Mary
Sam gets lost / written by Mary
Labatt ; illustrated by Marisol
Sarrazin. Aug.2004
Labatt, Mary
Sam goes to school / written by
Mary Labatt ; illustrated by Marisol
Sarrazin. Aug.2004
Labatt, Mary
Lachtman, Ofelia Dumas
Pepita Thinks Pink : Pepita y el
Color Rosalo / by Ofelia Dumas
Lachtman ; illustrated by Alex Pardo
Delange. WinSpr.99
Sam's snowy day / written by Mary
Labatt ; illustrated by Marisol
Sarrazin. Sept.2005
Lackmann, Ronald W.
Labatt, Mary
Women of the Western frontier in
fact, fiction, and film / by Ron
Lackmann. Nov.2004
Secret of Sagawa Lake / Mary
Labatt. Win.02
Lacapa, Kathleen
Less than half, more than whole.
Lacapa, Michael
Tears of the sun. Sept.96
Lafferty, Peter
Heat and cold. Nov.96
Lafferty, Peter
Lacy, Al
All my tomorrows / Al & JoAnna
Lacy. Dec.2004
Lacy, Al
Blizzard. Sept.96
Light and sound. Nov.96
LaFleur, Robert Andre
China : a global studies handbook /
Robert André LaFleur .. [et al.].
Lagerborg, Mary Beth
Incessant Drumbeat : Trial &
Triumph in Irian Jaya / by Mary
Beth Lagerborg; foreword by Don
Richardson. Nov.97
Lagerborg, Mary Beth
Though lions roar : the story of
Helen Roseveare, missionary doctor
to the Congo. Mar.96
Lagerquist, Syble
Philip Johnston and the Navajo
code talkers / by Syble Lagerquist.
LaHaye, Tim
Faith of our founding fathers.
LaHaye, Tim
last dance / Tim LaHaye and Bob
DeMoss. Apr.03
Black Friday / by Tim LaHaye and
Robert DeMoss. Nov.2004
LaHaye, Tim F.
Black Friday / by Tim LaHaye and
Robert DeMoss. Dec.2004
LaHaye, Tim F.
LaHaye, Tim F.
Laity, Sally
Glorious appearing : the end of
days / Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins.
The kindled flame. Nov.96
indwelling : the beast takes
possession / Tim LaHaye, Jerry B.
Jenkins. Jun.03
LaHaye, Tim
LaHaye, Tim F.
Power of the Cross : Real Stories,
Real People, a Real God / by Tim
LaHaye. WinSpr.99
Left behind : a novel of the earth's
last days / Tim LaHaye, Jerry B.
Jenkins. Jun.03
LaHaye, Tim F.
LaHaye, Tim F.
All the rave / Tim LaHaye and Bob
DeMoss. Jun.03
mark : the beast rules the world /
Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins. Jun.03
LaHaye, Tim F.
LaHaye, Tim F.
Apollyon : the Destroyer is
unleashed / Tim LaHaye, Jerry B.
Jenkins. Jun.03
Nicolae : the rise of antichrist / Tim
LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins. Jun.03
LaHaye, Tim F.
Armageddon : the cosmic battle of
the ages / Tim LaHaye, Jerry B.
Jenkins. Jun.03
remnant : on the brink of
Armageddon / Tim LaHaye, Jerry B.
Jenkins. Jun.03
LaHaye, Tim F.
LaHaye, Tim F.
Assassins : assignment: Jerusalem,
target: antichrist / Tim LaHaye,
Jerry B. Jenkins. Jun.03
Tribulation force : the continuing
drama of those left behind / Tim
LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins. Jun.03
Laity, Sally
mind siege project / Tim LaHaye
and Bob DeMoss. Apr.03
LaHaye, Tim F.
LaHaye, Tim F.
Desecration : antichrist takes the
throne / Tim LaHaye, Jerry B.
Jenkins. Jun.03
LaHaye, Tim F.
LaHaye, Tim
Tribulation Force : The Continuing
Drama of Those Left Behind.
Soul harvest : the world takes sides
/ Tim LaHaye, Jerry B. Jenkins.
The gathering dawn. Nov.96
Laity, Sally
The tempering blaze. Nov.96
Lakin, C.S.
Someone to blame / C.S. Lakin.
Lakin, Pat
Fat chance Thanksgiving / by
Patricia Lakin; illustrated by Stacey
Schuett. SprSum.02
Lakin, Pat
Hurricane! / by Patricia Lakin;
illustrated by Vanessa Lubach.
Lamancusa, Joe
Kid cash : creative money-making
ideas. Nov.95
Lamb, Rebecca Ann
God's precious gift in a manger / by
Rebecca Ann Lamb; illustrated by
David L. Erickson. Fall.01
Lamb, Richard
pursuit of God in the company of
friends / Richard Lamb. June.2005
LaHaye, Tim F.
LaHaye, Tim F.
Lambert, David
Trouble times ten / by David
Lambert. Sum.01
Lamott, Anne
Traveling Mercies : Some Thoughts
on Faith / by Anne Lamott. Fall.00
Lambert, Janet
Cinda / by Janet Lambert. Dec.2004
Lambert, Janet
Extra special / by Janet Lambert.
Lambert, Janet
Fly away, Cinda / by Janet Lambert.
Langley, Andrew
Landau, Elaine
Land mines : 100 million hidden
killers / by Elaine Landau. Fall.01
From darkness to light : teens write
about how they triumphed over
trouble. Jan.96
Rainbow after rain / Janet Lambert.
Lambert, Janet
Spring fever / by Janet Lambert.
Eagles. Nov.95
Bushland Backyard / Judy Langley ;
Wendy Kikugawa. Sep.97
Lang, Diane
Langley, Judy
Fat boy chronicles : inspired by a
true story / written by Diane Lang
and Michael Buchanan. 40391
Clay Homes / Judy Langley ; Wendy
Kikugawa. Sep.97
Langley, Judy
Lang, J. Stephen
Bible: What's in It for Me? :
Complete User-Friendly Guide to
the Bible / by J. Stephen Lang.
Lambert, Tony
China's Christian millions / Tony
Lambert. Win.02
Lang, Maureen
Remember me : a novel / by
Maureen Lang. June.2007
Lamberton, May Becker.
Presenting Miss Jane Austen / May
Lamberton Becker. Dec.2006
Lang, Maureen
Whisper on the wind / Maureen
Lang. August 2011
Laminack, Lester L.
Sunsets of Miss Olivia Wiggins / by
Lester L. Laminack ; illustrated by
Constance R. Bergum. WinSpr.99
Lang, Paul
Maria Tallchief : Native American
Ballerina / by Paul Lang.
Laminack, Lester L.
Trevor's Wiggly-Wobbly Tooth / by
Lester L. Laminack ; illustrated by
Kathi Garry McCord. WinSpr.99
Down African Roads / written by
Judy Langley; illustrated by Wendy
Kikugawa. Jan.98
Langley, Judy
Elephant Path / Judy Langley ;
Wendy Kikugawa. Sep.97
Langley, Karen
Shine! / by Karen and Jonathan
Langley. Apr.03
Langstaff, John
Frog went a-courtin' / retold by
John Langstaff ; with pictures by
Feodor Rojankovsky. Nov.2004
Langston, Laura
The magic ear. Mar.96
Lange, Karen E.
Nevermore : a photobiography of
Edgar Allan Poe / by Karen Lange.
Lamm, C. Drew
Bittersweet / Drew Lamm.
Bush Station Boys / written by Judy
Langley; illustrated by Wendy
Kikugawa. Jan.98
Langley, Judy
Miss Tippy / Janet Lambert. Aug.03
Lambert, Janet
Da Vinci & his times / Andrew
Langley. Sept.2007
Langley, Judy
Landsman, Julie
Lang, Aubrey
Lambert, Janet
Deirdre Langeland ; illustrated by
Frank Ordaz. Fall.98
Langeland, Deirdre
Kangaroo Island : A Story of an
Australian Mallee Forest / by
Lanham, Carol Cirulli
Pregnancy After a Loss : A Guide to
Pregnancy After a Miscarriage,
Stillbirth, or Infant Death / by Carol
Cirulli Lanham. Fall.00
Lanning, Rosemary
Jonah and the whale : a story from
the Bible / retold by Rosemary
Lanning; illustrated by Bernadette
Watts. Feb.03
Larsen, Carolyn
Little girls devotional storybook for
mothers and daughters / by Carolyn
Larsen; illustrated by Caron Turk.
LaNoue, Deidre
Spiritual legacy of Henri Nouwen /
Deirdre LaNoue. Win.02
Larsen, Dale
Seven Myths about Christianity / by
Dale and Sandy Larsen. WinSpr.99
Larcombe, Jennifer Rees
Leaning on a spider's web : a story
of love, faith & life-changing
choices. Nov.95
Larson, R. J.
Judge. Aug.Sept.2013
Larson, R. J.
King. Aug.Sept.2013
Larson, R. J.
Larcombe, Jennifer Rees
Leaning on a Spider’s Web / by
Jennifer Rees Larcombe.
hope before us / Elyse Larson.
Larsen, David L.
company of the creative : a
Christian reader's guide to great
literature and its themes / by David
L. Larsen. Fall.01
Prophet. Aug.Sept.2013
Lasinski, Kirsten
Guarded / Kirsten Lasinski.
Larsen, Elyse
Lasinski, Kirsten
So shall we stand / Elyse Larson.
Guarded / Kirsten Lasinski.
Larsen, Timothy
Lasky, Kathryn
Biographical dictionary of
evangelicals / editor, Timothy
Larsen ; consulting editors, D.W.
Bebbington, Mark A. Noll ;
organizing editor, Steve Carter.
American spring : Sofia's immigrant
diary / by Kathryn Lasky. June.2005
Larson, Bob
Lasky, Kathryn
Shock talk : a novel / Bob Larson.
Before I was your mother / written
by Kathryn Lasky; illustrated by
LeUyen Pham. Aug.03
Lardie, Debra
Concise dictionary of the occult and
New Age / Debra Lardie; Roy B.
Zuck, consulting editor. Fall.01
Larimore, Walter L.
10 essentials of highly healthy
people / Walt Larimore with Traci
Mullins. Jun.03
Larimore, Walter L.
Bryson City seasons : more tales of
a doctor's practice in the Smoky
Mountains / Walt Larimore.
Larrabee, Lisa
Lasky, Kathryn
Ashes / Kathryn Lasky. 40513
Larson, Elsie
Bombus the Bumblebee / Elsie
Larson ; David and Elizabeth Haidle.
Lasky, Kathryn
Larson, Elsie J.
Lasky, Kathryn
Dawn's Early Light / by Elsie J.
Larson. Jan.98
Christmas after all : the great
depression diary of Minnie Swift /
by Kathryn Lasky. Nov.2004
Chasing Orion / Kathryn Lasky.
Grandmother Five Baskets. Aug.03
Larsen, Carolyn
Little Girls Bible Storybook for
Mothers and Daughters / by
Carolyn Larsen ; illustrated by
Caron Turk. WinSpr.99
Larson, Elyse
For such a time / by Elyse Larson.
Larsen, Carolyn
Little Girls Book of Prayers for
Mothers and Daughters. Fall.00
Lasky, Kathryn
Elizabeth I : Red Rose of the House
of Tudor / by Kathryn Lasky. Fall.00
Larson, Elyse
Lasky, Kathryn
Gates of the Wind. Jan.96
Lawhead, Stephen R.
Lauber, Patricia
Lasky, Kathryn
journal of August Pelletier : the
Lewis and Clark Expedition / by
Kathryn Lasky. Spr.01
Lasky, Kathryn
Journey to the New World : The
Diary of Remember Patience
Whipple. Mar.97
Hurricanes : Earth's Mightiest
Storms / by Patricia Lauber. Jan.98
Laughlin, Michael L.
thornbush / by Michael Laughlin;
illustrated by Richard Stergulz.
City of dreams / Stephen R.
Lawhead and Ross Lawhead.
Lawhead, Stephen R.
Hood / by Stephen R. Lawhead.
Lawhead, Stephen R.
Laughlin, Robin Kittrell
Backyard Bugs. Mar.97
In the hall of the Dragon King.
Lasky, Kathryn
Marie Antoinette, princess of
Versailles / by Kathryn Lasky.
Lasky, Kathryn
She's wearing a dead bird on her
head!. Nov.96
Lasky, Kathryn
She's Wearing a Dead Bird on Her
Head!. Jan.97
Laury, Jean Ray
14,287 pieces of fabric and other
poems. Jan.96
Lavender, Julie
365 days of celebration and praise :
daily devotions and activities for
homeschooling families / Julie
Lavender ; foreword by Maureen
McCaffrey Williamson. Apr.04
Lavender, William
Lasky, Kathryn
True North : A Novel of the
Underground Railroad. Mar.97
Aftershocks / William Lavender.
Law, Jerel
Lasky, Kathyrn
Kazunomiya : prisoner of heaven /
by Kathryn Lasky. June.2005
Lassieur, Allison
Leonardo da Vinci and the
Renaissance in world history / by
Allison Lassieur. Fall.01
Spirit fighter / Jerel Law.
Lawhead, Stephen R.
Iron Lance / by Stephen Lawhead.
Lawhead, Stephen R.
Scarlet / Stephen R. Lawhead.
August 2011
Lawhead, Stephen R.
The search for Fierra. Mar.96
Lawhead, Stephen R.
The siege of Dome. Mar.96
Lawhead, Stephen R.
The sword & the flame. Mar.96
Lawhead, Stephen R.
Law, William
The warlords of Nin. Mar.96
power of the spirit / William Law ;
edited for today's reader by Dave
Hunt. Sept.2007
Lawhead, Stephen R.
Tuck / by Stephen R. Lawhead.
August 2011
Lawhead, Stephen
Latham, Jean Lee
Carry on, Mr. Bowditch / Jean Lee
Latham ; illustrated by John O'Hara
Cosgrave, II. Apr.04
Latno, Mark
The paper boomerang book : build
them, throw them, and get them to
return every time / Mark Latno.
Iron Lance. Win.00
Lawlor, Laurie
Lawhead, Stephen
Addie's Forever Friend / by Laurie
Lawlor ; illustrated by Helen
Cogancherry. Fall.98
paradise war. Nov.96
Lawhead, Stephen R.
Byzantium / by Stephen Lawhead.
Lawlor, Laurie
Gold in the hills. Nov.95
Lawlor, Laurie
Rachel Carson and her book that
changed the world / by Laurie
Lawlor ; illustrations by Laura
Beingessner. Feb.2013
Klondike cat / written by Julie
Lawson; illustrated by Paul
Mombourquette. Feb.03
Lawton, Wendy
hallelujah lass : a story based on the
life of Salvation Army pioneer Eliza
Shirley / Wendy Lawton. Aug.2004
Lawson, Julie
Lawlor, Laurie
Rachel Carson and her book that
changed the world / by Laurie
Lawlor ; illustrations by Laura
Beingessner. Feb.2013
Lawlor, Laurie
Shadow catcher : the life and work
of Edward S. Curtis. Mar.96
Lawrence, Susan
Young Child's Garden of Christian
Virtues : Imaginative Ways to Plant
God's Word in Toddlers' Hearts / by
Susan Lawrence. Fall.00
Too Many Suns / Julie Lawson;
illustrated by Martin Springett.
Rabbit Hill / by Robert Lawson.
Lawson, Robert
They were strong and good /
written and illustrated by Robert
Lawson. Dec.2004
Lawton, Clive
Lawrenz, Ingrid
Day Mama Played / by Ingrid
Lawrenz; illustrated by Phyllis
Pollema-Cahill. Jan.98
Lawton, Clive
Lawson, Julie
Lawton, Wendy
A morning to polish and keep.
Almost home : a story based on the
life of the Mayflower's Mary Chilton
/ Wendy Lawton. Aug.2004
story of the Holocaust / Clive A.
Lawton. Apr.04
Lawson, Julie
Bear on the train / written by Julie
Lawson; illustrated by Brian Deines.
Lawton, Wendy
Lawson, Julie
Lawton, Wendy
Blown away. Nov.96
Courage to run : a story based on
the life of Harriet Tubman / Wendy
Lawton. Aug.2004
Cougar Cove. Nov.96
Changing faces / by Wendy Lawton.
Lawton, Wendy
Shadow of His hand : a story based
on the life of holocaust survivor
Anita Dittman / by Wendy Lawton.
Lawton, Wendy
tinker's daughter : a story based on
the life of Mary Bunyan / Wendy
Lawton. Aug.2004
Layne, Steven L.
Thomas's Sheep and the Great
Geography Test / by Steven L.
Layne ; illustrated by Perry Board.
Layton, Dian
dreamer / written by Dian Layton;
illustrations created by Al Berg.
Layton, Dian
Mommy, why can't I watch that TV
show? / by Dian Layton; illustrated
by Al Berg. Oct.95
Layton, Lesley
Singapore / by Lesley Layton and
Pang Guek Cheng. SprSum.02
Lawton, Wendy
Lawson, Julie
Flip Flop / Wendy Lawton.
Emma and the Silk Train / written
by Julie Lawson ; illustrated by Paul
Momourquette. WinSpr.99
Lawton, Wendy
Lawson, Julie
Ransom's mark : a story based on
the life of the pioneer Olive
Oatman / Wendy Lawton. Aug.03
Lawson, Robert
story of a Nazi death camp. Apr.04
Lawson, Julie
Lawton, Wendy
Freedom's pen / Wendy Lawton.
Lazo, Caroline
Arthur Ashe / by Caroline Lazo.
Le Feuvre, Amy
Harebell's friend / by Amy Le
Feuvre. June.2005
Le Feuvre, Amy
Legend led / by Amy Le Feuvre.
Le Feuvre, Amy
Probable sons / Amy Le Feuvre.
Le Feuvre, Amy
Teddy's button / by Amy Le Feuvre.
Learn more about thankfulness
and gentleness
Learn more about thankfulness and
gentleness. Sept.96
Lears, Laurie
Becky the brave : a story about
epilepsy / by Laurie Lears;
illustrated by Gail Piazza. Apr.03
Lears, Laurie
Ian's Walk : A Story about Autism /
by Laurie Lears ; illustrations by
Karen Ritz. Fall.98
Le Guin, Ursula K.
Wonderful Alexander and the
catwings. Nov.96
Le Tord, Bijou
God's Little Seeds : A Book of
Parables / by Bijou Le Tord. Fall.98
Leaf, Munro
The story of Ferdinand / by Munro
Leaf ; drawings by Robert Lawson.
Leal, Carmen
Pinches of Salt, Prisms of Light :
Ordinary People, Extraordinary
Stories / written and compiled by
Carmen Leal and Eva Marie
Everson. Win.00
Leathers, Philippa
The black rabbit. Aug.Sept.2013
Lecourt, Nancy
Teddy, the better-than-new bear.
Witnesses to War : Eight True-Life
Stories of Nazi Persecution / by
Michael Leapman. Win.00
Family Fragrance / by J. Otis and
Gail Ledbetter. WinSpr.99
Ledbetter, J. Otis
Heritage : How to Be Intentional
About the Legacy You Leave / by J.
Otis Ledbetter and Kurt Bruner.
Working in Health Care and
Wellness. Mar.97
Lee, Barbara
Working in Music. Mar.97
Learn more about goodness and
Learn more about goodness and
faith. Sept.96
Learn more about honesty and
Learn more about honesty and
responsibility. Sept.96
Leeson, Muriel
Journey to freedom / by Muriel
Leeson; illustrated by Lewis Eaton.
Leeson, Richard M.
Lorraine Hansberry : A Research
and Production Sourcebook /
Richard M. Leeson. Nov.97
Lefkowitz, Arthur S.
Bushnell's submarine : the best
kept secret of the American
Revolution / Arthur S. Lefkowitz.
Legay, Gilbert
Atlas of Indians of North America /
written and illustrated by Gilbert
Legay. Dec.2005
Ledbetter, J. Otis
Lee, Barbara
Leapman, Michael
lucky sovereign / written and
illustrated by Stuart Lees. Apr.03
Leger, Diane Carmel
Who's in Maxine's tree / Diane
Carmel Leger, Darlene Gait.
Legg, Gerald
world of insect life / Gerald Legg.
Lehman, Barbara
red book / by Barbara Lehman.
Lehman, David
Working with Animals. Mar.97
Oxford book of American poetry /
chosen and edited by David
Lehman ; associate editor, John
Brehm. Mar.2007
Lee, Jeffrey D.
Lehman, Yvonne
Opening the Prayer Book / by
Jeffrey D. Lee. Fall.00
Mirror of Dreams / Yvonne Lehman.
Lees, Stuart
Lehman, Yvonne
Lee, Barbara
Picture Perfect / by Yvonne
Lehman. Jan.98
Something's not right : one family's
struggle with learning disabilities,
an autobiography. Jan.96
Lehman, Yvonne
acceptable time / Madeleine
L'Engle. Aug.2004
L'Engle, Madeleine
Secret Storm. Jan.97
Leman, Kevin
An acceptable time. Jan.96
Lehman, Yvonne
chicken's guide to talking turkey
with your kids about sex / Kevin
Leman, Kathy Flores Bell. Mar.2005
L'Engle, Madeleine
Tornado Alley. Jan.97
Lemmons, Thom
Lehmann, Charles
God made it for you! : the story of
creation / written by Charles
Lehmann ; illustrated by Kathleen
Kemly. June.2007
Lehmann, G. D
On the trail of a spy. Sept.96
Lehmann, G.D.
Daughter of Jerusalem / Thom
Lemmons. Fall.01
L'Engle, Madeleine
Lemmons, Thom
Bright Evening Star : Mystery of the
Reincarnation / by Madeleine
L'Engle. Win.00
Jabez : a novel / Thom Lemmons.
Lemmons, Thom
Mother of faith / Thom Lemmons.
Curse of the Amulet. Mar.97
Lemmons, Thom
Lehmann, G.D.
Danger on the Sunita. Mar.97
Sunday clothes : a novel / Thom
Lemmons. Dec.2004
Lehmann, G.D.
Lemmons, Thom
Red Gang. Mar.97
Woman of means / by Thom
Lemmons. Spr.01
Lehmann, G.D.
Saved by Fire. Mar.97
Lehn, Barbara
What is a teacher? / by Barbara
Lehn; photographs by Carol Krauss.
arm of the starfish / Madeleine
L'Engle. Aug.2004
L'Engle, Madeleine
Dance in the desert. Jan.96
L'Engle, Madeleine
Dragons in the waters / Madeleine
L'Engle. Aug.2004
L'Engle, Madeleine
Friends for the Journey : Two
Extraordinary Women Celebrate
Friendships Made and Sustained
Through the Seasons of Life /
Madeleine L'Engle and Luci Shaw.
Lemmons, Thom
Woman of means / by Thom
Lemmons. Fall.01
L'Engle, Madeleine
Glimpses of Grace / Madeleine
L'Engle with Carole F. Chase. Sep.97
Lemony Snicket
Lemony Snicket. Feb.03
Leigh, Tamara
Lenburg, Jeff
Leaving Carolina / Tamara Leigh.
Facts on File guide to research / by
Jeff Lenburg. Sept.2005
L'Engle, Madeleine
house like a lotus / Madeleine
L'Engle. Aug.2004
L'Engle, Madeleine
Love Letters. Mar.97
Leimert, Karen Mezek
Lenburg, Jeff
All the Children of the World / by
Karen Mezek Leimert. Jan.98
The Facts on File Guide to research
: finding information in print and
online / Jeff Lenburg. 40634
L'Engle, Madeleine
L'Engle, Madeleine
L'Engle, Madeleine
Many waters / Madeleine L'Engle.
Lelewer, Nancy
swiftly tilting planet / Madeleine
L'Engle. Aug.2004
L'Engle, Madeleine
The arm of the starfish. Jan.96
L'Engle, Madeleine
The journey with Jonah. Jan.96
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Leon Hartshorn, Iris de
Set free / Iris de Leon-Hartshorn,
Tobin Miller Shearer, Regina Shands
Stoltzfus; foreword by Ched Myers.
Leon, Bonnie
For the love of the land / Bonnie
Leon. Sept.2005
L'Engle, Madeleine
Troubling a star. Jan.96
L'Engle, Madeleine
Two-part invention : the story of a
marriage. Sept.96
L'Engle, Madeleine
wind in the door / Madeleine
L'Engle. Aug.2004
L'Engle, Madeleine
Winter Song : Christmas Readings.
L'Engle, Madeleine
Winter's Love / by Madeleine
L'Engle. Win.00
L'Engle, Madeleine
wrinkle in time / Madeleine L'Engle.
Lenski, Lois
Strawberry girl / written and
illustrated by Lois Lenski. Aug.2004
Lenters, William R.
Una Guía de Estudio y Acción:
Alcoholismo Alcohol y Otras Drogas
/ por William R. Lenters y Mariano
Avila A. Win.00
Lentz, Alice Boggs
Mountain Magic : A Family's Legacy
of Faith / by Alice Boggs Lentz ;
illustrated by David Griffin.
Mandie and Jonathan's
Predicament / by Lois Gladys
Leppard. MarMay.98
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Mandie and Mollie & the Angel's
Visit / by Lois Gladys Leppard.
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Leon, Bonnie
Harvest of truth / by Bonnie Leon.
Mandie and the buried stranger /
by Lois Gladys Leppard. Spr.01
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Leon, Bonnie
heart of Thornton Creek / Bonnie
Leon. Sept.2005
Mandie and the Cherokee Legend.
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Leon, Bonnie
In fields of freedom / by Bonnie
Leon. Sum.01
Mandie and the Courtroom Battle.
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Leon, Bonnie
Sacred Place / by Bonnie Leon.
Mandie and the dark alley / by Lois
Gladys Leppard. Spr.01
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Leon, Bonnie
sacred place : a novel / by Bonnie
Leon. Sum.01
Mandie and the Forbidden Attic.
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Leon, Bonnie
Where freedom grows / by Bonnie
Leon. Sum.01
Mandie and the Ghost Bandits.
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Leonard, Elisabeth Anne
Into Darkness Peering : Race and
Color in the Fantastic / Edited by
Elisabeth Anne Leonard. Jan.98
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Mandie and the graduation mystery
/ Lois Gladys Leppard. June.2005
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Mandie and the hidden past / Lois
Gladys Leppard. Dec.2004
Mandie and her missing kin. Nov.96
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Mandie and Joe's Christmas
surprise. Nov.96
Mandie and the missing
schoolmarm / Lois Gladys Leppard.
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Serving homeschooled teens and
their parents / by Maureen T. Lerch
and Janet Welch. June.2005
Lester, Julius
Mandie and the Schoolhouse's
Secret. Mar.97
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Lessin, Roy
Leuzzi, Linda
Mandie and the seaside rendezvous
/ by Lois Gladys Leppard. Spr.01
Spanking, a loving discipline :
helpful and practical answers for
today's parents / Roy Lessin. Apr.03
Education / by Linda Leuzzi.
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Mandie and the Secret Tunnel.
Lester, Alison
Sam and the Tigers : A New Telling
of Little Black Sambo. Mar.97
Leuzzi, Linda
snow pony / Alison Lester. Oct.03
Industry and Business / Linda
Leuzzi. Nov.97
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Lester, Helen
Levene, Nancy Simpson
Mandie and the tornado! / Lois
Gladys Leppard. Win.02
Author : A True Story / by Helen
Lester. MarMay.98
Peach Pit Popularity / by Nancy
Simpson Levene. MarMay.98
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Lester, Helen
Levenson, Elaine\Ellinger, Debra L
Mandie and the Trunk's Secret.
Hooway for Wodney Wat / Helen
Lester ; illustrated by Lynn
Munsinger. June.2005
Teaching children about life and
earth sciences : ideas and activities
every teacher and parent can use.
Leppard, Lois Gladys
Mandie and the Unwanted Gift / by
Lois Gladys Leppard. Fall.98
Lester, Helen
Hooway for Wodney Wat / Helen
Lester ; illustrated by Lynn
Munsinger. Nov.2004
Leppard, Shannon Mason
Ballet Class Mystery / by Shannon
Mason Leppard. Jan.98
Leppard, Shannon Mason
Miss Kitty Mystery / by Shannon
Mason Leppard. Jan.98
Leppard, Shannon Mason
Summer Surprise / by Shannon
Mason Leppard. Jan.98
Black, white, other / Joan Steinau
Lester. 41061
Australia and the Pacific / Elizabeth
J. Leppman. Dec.2006
Lerch, Maureen T.
LeVert, Suzanne
Louisiana / by Suzanne LeVert.
Lester, Julius
Black Cowboy Wild Horses / by
Julius Lester ; pictures by Jerry
Pinkney. Fall.98
LeVert, Suzanne
Lester, Julius
Levi, Dorothy Hoffman
From Slave Ship to Freedom Road /
by Julius Lester ; paintings by Rod
Brown. Fall.98
A very special sister. Nov.95
Massachusetts / by Suzanne LeVert.
Levi, William O.
Lester, Julius
Leppman, Elizabeth J.
Teaching children about physical
science : ideas and activities every
teacher and parent can use. Sept.96
Lester, Joan Steinau
Leppard, Shannon Mason
Hospital Caper / by Shannon Mason
Leppard. Jan.98
Levenson, Elaine\Levenson, Elaine
John Henry. Jan.97
Lester, Julius
Pharaoh's daughter : a novel of
ancient Egypt / Julius Lester.
Bible or the axe / William O. Levi.
Levin, Betty
Look Back, Moss / by Betty Levin.
Levin, Freddie
1-2-3 draw dogs : a step-by-step
guide / by Freddie Levin. 40210
Levin, Jack
Domestic terrorism / Jack Levin.
Science around the world : travel
through time and space with fun
experiments and projects / Shar
Levine and Leslie Johnstone ;
illustrations by Laurel Aiello. June
Levitin, Sonia
Levine, Abby
Ollie knows everything. Nov.96
goodness gene / by Sonia Levitin.
Levine, Anna
Levitin, Sonia
Running on eggs. Apr.04
When Elephant goes to a party / by
Sonia Levitin; illustrated by Jeff
Seaver. SprSum.02
Levine, Ellen
Darkness over Denmark : the
Danish resistance and the rescue of
the Jews / Ellen Levine. Apr.04
Levine, Ellen
I hate English!. Nov.96
Levine, Ellen
Tree That Would Not Die. Mar.97
Levitin, Sonia
When Kangaroo goes to school / by
Sonia Levitin; illustrated by Jeff
Seaver. SprSum.02
Gray matter : a neurosurgeon
discovers the po er of prayer…one
patient at a time / David Levy with
Joel Kilpatrick. Feb / Apr 2012
Lewin, Ted
Tooth and claw : animal adventures
in the wild / Ted Lewin. Mar.2005
Lewis and Clark on the trail of
Lewis and Clark on the trail of
discovery. Aug.03
Lewis, Beverly
Backyard Bandit Mystery / by
Beverly Lewis. WinSpr.99
Lewis, Beverly
Best friend, worst enemy / Beverly
Lewis. SprSum.02
Lewis, Beverly
betrayal / Beverly Lewis. Apr.04
Lewis, Beverly
Levy, Debbie
The year of goodbyes : a true story
of friendship, family, and farewells
/ Debbie Levy. 40634
Levine, Gail Carson
For Biddle's sake / Gail Carson
Levine ; illustrated by Mark Elliott.
Lost city: the discovery of Macchu
Picchu / Ted Lewin. Apr.04
Levy, David
Levine, Gail Carson
fairy's return / Gail Carson Levine ;
illustrated by Mark Elliott. Jun.03
Lewin, Ted
Levy, Patricia
Better than best / by Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Big bad beans / by Beverly Lewis.
Belarus / by Patricia Levy. Win.00
Lewis, Beverly
Levine, Gail Carson
Levy, Patricia
two princesses of Bamarre / by Gail
Carson Levine. Feb.03
Ghana / by Patricia Levy. Win.00
Levy, Patricia
Levine, Karen
Hana's suitcase / by Karen Levine.
Levine, Kristin
The best bad luck I ever had /
Kristin Levine. 40695
Levine, Shar
Confession / by Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Liberia / by Patricia Levy. Win.00
Confession / by Beverly Lewis.
Levy, Patricia
Lewis, Beverly
Nigeria / by Patricia Levy. Aug.2004
covenant / Beverly Lewis. Apr.03
Levy, Patricia
Lewis, Beverly
Scotland / Patricia Levy. SprSum.02
Cows in the House / adapted by
Beverly Lewis ; illustrated by Chi
Chung. WinSpr.99
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
Crabby Cat Caper / Beverly Lewis.
It's a girl thing / by Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
October song / Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
Cry in the Dark. Jan.97
Lewis, Beverly
Echoes in the Wind / by Beverly
Lewis. WinSpr.99
Lewis, Beverly
Eight is enough / Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Englisher / Beverly Lewis. Mar.2007
Just like Mama / Beverly Lewis;
illustrated by Cheri Bladholm.
Lewis, Beverly
Little white lies / by Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
longing / Beverly Lewis. OctDec
Lewis, Beverly
Mailbox Mania / Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
missing / Beverly Lewis. OctDec
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
Mudhole Mystery / Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
Mystery letters / by Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Pickle Pizza / Beverly Lewis. Sep.97
Lewis, Beverly
prodigal / Beverly Lewis. Mar.2005
Reach for the stars / by Beverly
Lewis. Sum.01
Reckoning / by Beverly Lewis.
redemption of Sarah Cain / by
Beverly Lewis. Spr.01
Lewis, Beverly
Frog power. Nov.96
Hide Behind the Moon / by Beverly
Lewis. WinSpr.99
Photo perfect / Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Freshman frenzy / Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
Follow the dream / by Beverly
Lewis. Sum.01
Green Gravy / by Beverly Lewis.
Perfect Match / by Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Fiddlesticks / Beverly Lewis. Sep.97
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
sacrifice / Beverly Lewis. Mar.2005
Mystery mutt / by Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
Sanctuary / Beverly & David Lewis.
mystery of Case D. Luc. Nov.96
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
No grown-ups allowed. Nov.96
Sealed with a kiss / Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
House of Secrets / Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
No guys pact / by Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Second-best friend / Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
secret / Beverly Lewis. OctDec 2009
trouble with weddings / Beverly
Lewis. SprSum.02
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, Beverly
Secret in the willows. Mar.96
Whispers down the lane. Mar.96
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, C. S.
Secret summer dreams / Beverly M.
Lewis. SprSum.02
lion, the witch and the wardrobe --a
celebration of the first edition / C.S.
Lewis ; illustrations by Pauline
Baynes. October 2010
Lewis, Beverly
Shadows beyond the gate / by
Beverly Lewis. Sum.01
Lewis, Beverly
Shunning / Beverly Lewis. Nov.97
Lewis, Beverly
Stinky Sneakers Mystery / Beverly
Lewis. Sep.97
lion, the witch, and the wardrobe /
C.S. Lewis ; illustrations [with full
color plates] by Pauline Baynes.
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
Lucy Steps Through the Wardrobe /
adapted from The Chronicles of
Narnia by C.S. Lewis; illustrated by
Deborah Maze. MarMay.98
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
Out of the silent planet. Mar.96
magician's nephew / C.S. Lewis ;
illustrated by Pauline Baynes.
Lewis, C. S.
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
Perelandra. Mar.96
magician's nephew / C.S. Lewis ;
illustrated by Pauline Baynes.
Lewis, C. S.
Lewis, C. S.
That hideous strength. Mar.96
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, C. S.
Tarantula Toes / by Beverly Lewis.
Till we have faces : a myth retold /
C.S. Lewis. Oct.03
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
telling / Beverly Lewis. AprJune
Edmund and the White Witch /
adapted from The Chronicles of
Narnia by C.S. Lewis; illustrated by
Deborah Maze. MarMay.98
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
Mere Christianity, Christian
behaviour, Beyond personality / C.
S. Lewis. Win.02
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
Lewis, Beverly
The chicken pox panic. Nov.95
Lewis, Beverly
The fiddler / Beverly Lewis.
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
horse and his boy / C.S. Lewis ;
illustrated by Pauline Baynes.
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
Lewis, Beverly
The judgment / Beverly Lewis.
August 2011
last battle / C.S. Lewis ; illustrated
by Pauline Baynes. Aug.2004
Prince Caspian / C.S. Lewis ;
illustrated by Pauline Baynes.
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
Prince Caspian and the voyage of
the Dawn Treader (video) / by C. S.
Lewis. Oct.95
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
screwtape letters / C. S. Lewis.
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
silver chair / C.S. Lewis ; illustrated
by Pauline Baynes. Aug.2004
The thorn / Beverly Lewis. August
lion, the witch, and the wardrobe /
C.S. Lewis ; illustrated by Pauline
Baynes. Aug.2004
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
The lion, the witch and the
wardrobe (video) / by C. S. Lewis.
Lewis, Beverly
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
The silver chair (video) / by C. S.
Lewis. Oct.95
Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples)
voyage of the Dawn Treader / C.S.
Lewis ; illustrated by Pauline
Baynes. Aug.2004
Lewis, C.S.
chronicles of Narnia : never has the
magic been so real / by C.S. Lewis.
Lewis, C.S.
Surprised by joy : the shape of my
early life / C.S. Lewis. Dec.2005
Lewis, Elizabeth (Foreman)
Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze / by
Elizabeth Lewis ; illustrated by Ed
Young ; introduction by Pearl S.
Buck. June.2005
The complete chronicles of Narnia /
C.S. Lewis ; with illustrations handcolored by the artist, Pauline
Baynes. Sept.2005
Lewis, Marvin
From this high hill. Mar.96
Lewis, Gregg
Lewis, Paul Owen.
Dave Dravecky / Gregg & Deborah
Shaw Lewis. Apr.03
Frog girl / written and illustrated by
Paul Owen Lewis. Apr.04
Lewis, J. Patrick
Lewis, Paul Owen.
Arithme-tickle : an even number of
odd riddle-rhymes / J. Patrick Lewis;
illustrated by Frank Remkiewicz.
Storm boy / written and illustrated
by Paul Owen Lewis. Apr.04
Lewis, Peter
Lewis, J. Patrick
Lewis, C.S.
Morgy's musical summer / by
Maggie Lewis ; illustrated by
Michael Chesworth. OctDec 2009
Edgar Allan Poe's pie : math
puzzlers in classic poems / J. Patrick
Lewis ; illustrated by Michael Slack.
On Our Knees and In His Arms / by
Peter Lewis. WinSpr.99
Lewis, Peter
On our knees and in his arms.
Lewis, J. Patrick
Lewis, C.S.
world of Narnia collection /
adapted from C.S. Lewis ; illustrated
by Deborah Maze. Sept.2005
Lewis, C.S. (Clive Staples)
collected letters of C.S. Lewis /
edited by Walter Hooper.
Lewis, Carole
First place / Carole Lewis with W.
Terry Whalin. SprSum.02
Lewis, David
Coming home / David Lewis.
Little Buggers / by J. Patrick Lewis ;
pictures by Victoria Chess.
Lewis, Richard
Lewis, J.D.
Lewis, Robert
Journeys in Art / by J. D. Lewis.
Raising a Modern-Day Knight : A
Father's Role in Guiding His Son to
Authentic Manhood / by Robert
Lewis. MarMay.98
Lewis, Karen
From Arapesh to Zuni : a book of
Bibleless peoples / by Karen Lewis;
illustrations by Alice Erath Roder.
Lewis, Lee Ann
When you were a baby. Jan.96
Lewis, Echo
long way from Welcome : a mystery
in Paris / Echo Lewis. Sept.2005
Lewis, Robert
Real family values : leading your
family into the 21st century with
clarity and conviction / by Robert
Lewis. Spr.01
The trouble with dreams. Nov.95
Liberty for all?
Lewis, Maggie
Lewis, Deborah Shaw
flame tree / by Richard Lewis.
Morgy Makes His Move / by Maggie
Lewis; illustrated by Michael
Chesworth. Fall.00
Lewis, Maggie
Liberty for all?. Mar.96
Licona, Mike
Paul meets Muhammad : a
Christian-Muslim debate on the
Resurrection / Michael R. Licona ;
[foreword by Lee Strobel].
Pip and the edge of heaven /
written by Elizabeth Liddle ;
illustrated by Lara Jones. Oct.03
Gravity / written by Melinda Lilly ;
photos by Scott M. Thompson ;
design by Elizabeth Bender ;
educational consultants, Kimberly
Weiner, Betty Carter, Maria Czech.
Liddle, Violet
Lilly, Melinda
Serving the good and the great : the
amazing true story of Violet Liddle /
Violet Liddle as told to Mary
Batchelor. Sept.2005
Make it grow / written by Melinda
Lilly ; photos by Scott M. Thompson
; design by Elizabeth Bender ;
educational consultants, Kimberly
Weiner, Betty Carter, Maria Czech.
Liddle, Elizabeth
Liebman, Daniel
I want to be a musician / Dan
Liebman. Dec.2004
Liggett, Cathy
Beaded hope / Cathy Liggett.
October 2010
Lillegard, Dee
Tortoise Brings the Mail / by Dee
Lillegard; illustrated by Jillian Lund.
Princess Madison and the Royal
Darling Pageant / Karen Scalf
Linamen ; illustrated by Phyllis
Hornung. Sept.2006
Linamen, Karen Scalf
Princess Madison and the
Whispering Woods / Karen Scalf
Linamen ; illustrated by Phyllis
Hornung. Sept.2007
Linamen, Larry
Solid, liquid, and gas / written by
Melinda Lilly ; photos by Scott M.
Thompson ; design by Elizabeth
Bender ; educational consultants,
Kimberly Weiner, Betty Carter,
Maria Czech. Nov.2004
Guide for the College Bound :
Everything You Need to Know / by
Larry Linamen. WinSpr.99
Lilly, Melinda
Sound / written by Melinda Lilly ;
photos by Scott M. Thompson ;
design by Elizabeth Bender ;
educational consultants, Kimberly
Weiner, Betty Carter, Maria Czech.
Lima, Carolyn W.
Lilley, Stephen R.
Linamen, Karen Scalf
Lilly, Melinda
Liggett, Cathy
Beaded hope / Cathy Liggett. Oct.
Parent Warrior. Fall.00
Lind, Mary Beth
Simply in season : a world
community cookbook / Mary Beth
Lind and Cathleen Hockman-Wert ;
[foreword by Graham Kerr].
Lind, Werner
Lifeblood / by Werner Lind ;
illustrated by Lisa Victoria.
The importance of Hernando
Cortes. Mar.96
A to zoo : subject access to
children's picture books / Carolyn
W. Lima, John A. Lima. Mar.2005
Lilly, Melinda
Lima, Carolyn W.
Color / written by Melinda Lilly ;
photos by Scott M. Thompson.
to zoo / by Carolyn W. Lima and
John A. Lima. Mar.2007
Lindbergh, Reeve
Lima, Carolyn W.
visit / Reeve Lindbergh ; pictures by
Wendy Anderson Halperin.
to zoo : subject access to children's
picture books / Carolyn W. Lima,
John A. Lima. Mar.2007
Lindgren, Astrid
Lilly, Melinda
Dirty and clean / written by
Melinda Lilly ; photos by Scott M.
Thompson ; design by Elizabeth
Bender ; educational consultants,
Kimberly Weiner, Betty Carter,
Maria Czech. Nov.2004
Lindbergh, Reeve
Circle of Days / by Reeve Lindbergh
; illustrated by Cathie Felstead.
A calf for Christmas. Jan.96
Lin, Grace
Where the mountain meets the
moon / Grace Lin. 40210
Lilly, Melinda
Linamen, Karen
Lindman, Maj
Flicka, Ricka, Dicka and the big red
hen. Nov.96
Lindman, Maj
Flicka, Ricka, Dicka and their new
friend. Nov.96
Lindman, Maj
Flicka, Ricka, Dicka go to market /
written and illustrated by Maj
Lindman. 41061
Lindman, Maj
Snipp, Snapp, Snurr and the
Reindeer. Jan.97
Lindman, Maj
Snipp, Snapp, Snurr and the Yellow
Sled. Jan.97
In Time of Trouble / by Nancy J.
Lindquist. Win.00
101 simple service projects kids can
do / by Susan L. Lingo. Fall.01
Lindskoog, Kathryn
Lingskoog, Kathryn
How to grow a young reader.
Journey into Narnia / by Kathryn
Lindskoog; illustrated by Tim Kirk.
Lindskoog, Kathryn
How to Grow a Young Reader :
Books from Every Age for Readers
of Every Age / by Kathryn Lindskoog
and Ranelda Mack Hunsicker.
Lindquist, N. J.
Shaded light / N.J. Lindquist.
C.S. Lewis's case for Christ : insights
from reason, imagination, and faith
/ Art Lindsley. Sept.2006
Lione, F.P.
Skells / F. P. Lione. Mar.2007
Lindvall, Terry
Surprised by Laughter : The Comic
World of C.S. Lewis. Mar.97
Lindquist, N.J.
Glitter of diamonds / N.J. Lindquist.
Lindquist, Nancy J.
Best of Friends / by Nancy J.
Lindquist. Fall.00
Liparulo, Robert
Comes a horseman / Robert
Liparulo. Sept.2006
Line, Joanne Larsen
Quilts from the quiltmaker's gift :
20 traditional patterns for a new
generation of generous quiltmakers
/ Joanne Larsen Line, Nancy Loving
Tubesing; illustrations by Gail de
Marcken, story text by Jeff
Brunbeau. Apr.03
Lindquist, N.J.
Friends in need / N. J. Lindquist.
Linnéa, Sharon
Lindsley, Arthur
Lindquist, N. J.
More than friends / by N.J.
Lindquist. June.2005
Gettysburg Address. Mar.97
Princess Ka'iulani : Hope of a
Nation, Heart of a People / by
Sharon Linnéa. Fall.00
Lindner, William
John Calvin / by William Lindner.
Linn, Abraham
Liparulo, Robert
Germ / Robert Liparulo. June.2007
Lisandrelli, Elaine Slivinski
Ida B. Wells-Barnett : Crusader
Against Lynching / by Elaine
Slivinski Lisandrelli. WinSpr.99
Ling, Nancy Tupper
My sister, Alicia May / written by
Nancy Tupper Ling ; illustrated by
Shennen Bersani. 40026
Lisandrelli, Elaine Slivinski
Jack London : A Writer's
Adventurous Life / by Elaine
Slivinski Lisandrelli. Win.00
Lingemann, Linda
Beluga Passage / by Linda
Lingemann; illustrated by Jon
Weiman. Jan.98
Lish, Ted
It's not my job! / by Ted Lish;
illustrated by Charles Jordan.
Lingemann, Linda
Lindquist, Nancy J.
Friends Like These / by Nancy J.
Lindquist. Fall.00
Lindquist, Nancy J.
Survival in the sea : the story of a
hammerhead shark / written by
Linda Lingemann; illustrated by
Steven Marchesi. Sum.01
Lish, Ted
Lingo, Susan L.
Lisle, Janet Taylor
Three little puppies and the big bad
flea / by Ted Lish; illustrated by
Charles Jordan. Win.02
Afternoon of the Elves / by Janet
Taylor Lisle. Jan.98
Little, Jean
Tree of Hope / by Amy Littlesugar;
illustrated by Floyd Cooper. Fall.00
Little by Little. Mar.96
Lisle, Jason
The stargazer's guide to the night
sky / Jason Lisle. Apr.2013
Listening Prayer
Littleton, Mark R.
Little, Jean
Auto racing / Mark Littleton. Aug.03
Pippin the Christmas pig / by Jean
Little ; illustrated by Werner
Zimmermann. June.2005
Littleton, Mark R.
Little, Jean
Littleton, Mark R.
Stars come out within. Mar.96
Basketball / Mark Littleton. Aug.03
Little, Kimberley Griffiths
Littleton, Mark R.
Breakaway / by Kimberley Griffiths.
Extreme sports / Mark Littleton.
Little, Kimberley Griffiths
Littleton, Mark R.
Enchanted runner. Jun.03
Football / Mark Littleton. Aug.03
Little, Kimberley Griffiths
Littleton, Mark R.
last Snake runner. Jun.03
Sarah's secret / Mark Littleton.
Baseball / Mark Littleton. Aug.03
Listening Prayer. Fall.00
Litfin, Bryan M.
sword / Bryan M. Litfin. October
Litfin, Bryan M.
The gift / Bryan M. Litfin. 40848
Litfin, Bryan M.
The sword / Bryan M. Litfin. 40848
Littauer, Marita
Love extravagantly / Marita
Littauer, chuck Noon. Feb.03
Little prayers and graces
Little, Mary E.
Julian's cat : an imaginary history of
a cat of destiny. Mar.96
Little prayers and graces. Sum.01
Littleton, Mark R.
Tracks in the sand / Mark Littleton.
Littlechild, George
Little, Jean
Belonging Place / by Jean Little.
This land is my land. SprSum.02
Littlefield, Holly
Littleton, Mark R.
Trouble down the creek / by Mark
R. Littleton. Oct.95
Littleton, Mark R.
Birdie for now / Jean Little. Aug.03
Fire at the Triangle Factory / by
Holly Littlefield; illustrations by
Mary O'Keefe Young. Fall.98
Little, Jean
Littlesugar, Amy
Littleton, Mark R., 1950
Gruntle Piggle Takes Off / by Jean
Little; illustrated by Johnny Wales.
Freedom school, yes! / Amy
Littlesugar; illustrated by Floyd
Cooper. Win.02
Friends no matter what. Sept.96
Little, Jean
Littlesugar, Amy
His banner over me. Mar.96
portrait of Spotted Deer's
grandfather / Amy Littlesugar ;
illustrated by Marlowe
deChristopher. Dec.2005
Little, Jean
Little, Jean
I gave my mom a castle / Jean Little
; with illustrations by Kady
MacDonald Denton. Nov.2004
Winter thunder. Jan.96
Livingston, Myra Cohn
Littlesugar, Amy
Poemmaking : ways to begin
writing poetry. Apr.03
Llanas, Sheila Griffin
Modern American poetry : "echoes
and shadows" / Sheila Griffin
Llanas. Feb / Apr 2012
Llewellyn, Claire
Locke, Ann
Duck / Claire Llewellyn ; illustrated
by Simon Mendez. Nov.2004
I Can Say Boat. Mar.97
Locke, Ann
Llewellyn, Claire
Tree / Claire Llewellyn ; illustrated
by Simon Mendez. Nov.2004
Lloyd-Jones, Sally
Jesus storybook Bible : every story
whispers his name / by Sally LloydJones ; illustrated by Jago. October
I Can Say Teddy. Mar.97
Song of the stars / by Sally LloydJones ; paintings by Alison Jay.
Lloyd-Jones, Sally
The Jesus storybook Bible : every
story whispers his name / by Sally
Lloyd-Jones ; illustrated by Jago.
Oct. 2010
Delta factor. Nov.95
Locke, Thomas
Dream voyager. Nov.96
Nathaniel's Violin. Jan.97
Lobel, Arnold
Loewen, Joy
Woman to woman : sharing Jesus
with a Muslim friend / Joy Loewen.
October 2010
Loewen, Joy
Woman to woman : sharing Jesus
with a Muslim friend / Joy Loewen.
Oct. 2010
Locke, Thomas
Lofting, Hugh
Light Weaver. Nov.96
Story of Dr. Dolittle : Being the
History of His Peculiar Life at Home
and Astonishing Adventures in
Foreign Parts. Never Before
Printed. / told by Hugh Lofting;
illustrated by Michael Hague;
foreword by Patricia C. McKissack
and Frederick I. McKissack;
afterword by Peter Glassman.
Locke, Thomas
Omega network. Mar.96
Dismissing God : Modern Writers'
Struggle Against Religion / by D.
Bruce Lockerbie. Fall.00
Lobel, Anita
No Pretty Pictures : A Child of War /
by Anita Lobel. Win.00
cooking of Mexico / Matthew
Locricchio; with photos by Jack
McConnell. Aug.03
Heart Chaser / by Thomas Locke.
Lockerbie, D. Bruce
Loans, Alison
Locricchio, Matthew
Locke, Thomas
Locke, Thomas
Lloyd-Jones, Sally
cooking of Italy / Matthew
Locricchio; with photos by Jack
McConnell. Aug.03
Lofting, Hugh
Lockhart, E.
disreputable history of Frankie
Landau-Banks : a novel / by E.
Lockhart. June 2009
voyages of Doctor Dolittle / told by
Hugh Lofting ; illustrated by
Michael Hague ; edited with a
foreword by Patricia C. and Fredrick
L. McKissack ; afterword by Peter
Glassman. Aug.2004
Fables / written and illustrated by
Arnold Lobel. Mar.2005
Locricchio, Matthew
Logan, Laurel Oke
Lobel, Gillian
cooking of China / Matthew
Locricchio; with photos by Jack
McConnell. Aug.03
Moonshadow's journey / Gillian
Lobel ; illustrated by Karin
Littlewood. OctDec 2009
Locricchio, Matthew
Lohans, Alison
Locke, Ann
cooking of France / Matthew
Locricchio; with photos by Jack
McConnell. Aug.03
Foghorn Passage / by Alison
Lohans. Jan.98
Gillian. Sept.96
I Can Say Apple. Mar.97
Lohr, Nancy
Locricchio, Matthew
Locke, Ann
I Can Say Blanket. Mar.97
Pelts & Promises / by Nancy Lohr.
Lohr, Nancy
Froggy rides a bike / by Jonathan
London ; illustrated by Frank
Remkiewicz. Mar.2007
Long, Barbara
Songbird / by Nancy Lohr;
illustrated by Johanna Berg. Fall.00
Lollar, Phil
London, Jonathan
Long, Charles E.
Welcome to Odyssey : The Start of
Something Big! / written by Phil
Lollar; illustrated by DRi Artworks.
Froggy se Viste. (Froggy Gets
Dressed). Spanish. / by Jonathan
London; illustrations by Frank
Remkiewicz; translation by Osvaldo
Blanco. Jan.98
To Vietnam with love. Sept.96
Lollar, Phil
Yippee ti-yay happy birthday / by
Phil Lollar; illustrated by John
Jordan. Spr.01
LoMonaco, Palmyra
Night Letters. Jan.97
London, H. B.
For kids' sake : winning the tug-ofwar for future generations / H.B.
London, Jr., Neil B. Wiseman.
Jim Thorpe : Legendary Athlete / by
Barbara Long. MarMay.98
Long, David Ryan
Ezekiel's shadow / David Ryan Long.
London, Jonathan
Froggy's First Kiss / by Jonathan
London ; illustrated by Frank
Remkiewicz. WinSpr.99
Long, David Ryan
London, Jonathan
Long, Melinda
Honey Paw and Lightfoot. Nov.95
How I became a pirate / written by
Melinda Long ; illustrated by David
Shannon. Aug.03
London, Jonathan
Hurricane! / by Jonathan London ;
illustrated by Henri Sorensen.
Quinlin's estate / David Ryan Long.
Long, Sylvia
Hush Little Baby / by Sylvia Long.
London, H. B., Jr.
London, Jonathan
It Takes a Church Within a Village.
I See the Moon and the Moon Sees
Me. Mar.97
London, Jack
London, Jonathan
White Fang / by Jack London;
illustrations by Philippe Munch.
Little swan / by Jonathan London ;
illustrated by Kristina Rodanas.
OctDec 2009
London, Jonathan
London, Jonathan
Baby Whale's Journey / by Jonathan
London; illustrated by Jon Van Zyle.
Puddles / by Jonathan London;
pictures by G. Brian Karas. Jan.98
lost letters of Pergamum / Bruce W.
Longenecker with extracts from
Ben Witherington III. Aug.03
London, Jonathan
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Red wolf country. Nov.96
Paul Revere's ride / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow ; illustrated
by Monica Vachula ; historical note
by Jayne E. Triber. Aug.2004
London, Jonathan
Froggy Goes to School. Mar.97
London, Jonathan
London, Jonathan
Froggy goes to the doctor / by
Jonathan London; illustrated by
Frank Remkiewicz. Oct.03
Tell Me a Story / by Jonathan
London ; photographs by Sherry
Shahan. WinSpr.99
London, Jonathan
London, Jonathan
Village Basket Weaver. Jan.97
Longacre, Doris Janzen
More-with-less : a world
community cookbook / Doris
Janzen Longacre ; foreword by
Mary Emma Showalter Eby :
foreword to Anniversary edition by
Mary Beth Lind. Apr.04
Longenecker, Bruce W.
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Poetry for young people / by Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow; edited by
Frances Schoonmaker; illustrated
by Chad Wallace. Sum.01
Longman, Tremper
Losch, Richard R.
How to read Genesis / Tremper
Longman. Dec.2005
uttermost part of the earth : a
guide to places in the Bible /
Richard R. Losch. Sept.2005
Lowell, Susan
Longman, Tremper.
Jeremiah, Lamentations / Tremper
Longman III. June 2009
Look Into the Bible : A Young
Person's Guide
Look Into the Bible : A Young
Person's Guide. MarMay.98
Louis, Catherine
Liu and the bird : a journey in
Chinese calligraphy / written and
illustrated by Catherine Louis ;
calligraphy by Feng Xiao Min ;
translated by Sibylle Kazeroid.
Lourie, Peter
Lopez, Diane D.
Teaching Children : A Curriculum
Guide to What Children Need to
Know at Each Grade Level Through
Grade Six / by Diane D. Lopez;
subject overviews by Elizabeth
Wilson. MarMay.98
Loraine, Connie
Flickering flames. Mar.96
Lorbiecki, Marybeth
My Palace of Leaves in Sarajevo /
by Marybeth Lorbiecki; illustrated
by Herbert Tauss. Jan.98
Lorbiecki, Marybeth
Prairie dogs / Marybeth Lorbiecki ;
illustrations by Wayne Ford.
On the trail of Sacagawea / Peter
Lourie. Win.02
Lourie, Peter
Yukon River : an adventure to the
gold fields of the Klondike / written
and photographed by Peter Lourie.
I am Lavina Cumming. Nov.95
Lowenstein, Felicia
What does a police officer do? /
Felicia Lowenstein. Sept.2005
Lowery, Linda
Somebody somewhere knows my
name. Mar.96
Lowry, Lois
birthday ball / Lois Lowry ;
illustrations by Jules Feiffer.
October 2010
Lowry, Lois
Love, Ann
Lowry, Lois
kids book of the night sky / by Ann
Love and Jane Drake ; illustrated by
Heather Collins. Aug.2004
Crow call / Lois Lowry ; illustrations
by Bagram Ibatoulline. Oct. 2010
Sister Anne's Hands / by Marybeth
Lorbiecki ; illustrated by K. Wendy
Popp. WinSpr.99
Lord, Wendy
Love, Donna
Big Mouth / by Wendy Lord.
Loons : diving birds of the north /
Donna Love ; illustrated by Joyce
Mihran Turley, "Loonphabet"
letters by Donna Love. Aug.2004
many faces of faith : a guide to
world religions and Christian
traditions / Richard R. Losch. Feb.03
Lowell, Susan
Kids and grandparents : an activity
book / written by Ann Love & Jane
Drake; illustrated by Heather
Collins. Sum.01
Kids Guide to the Millennium /
written by Ann Love and Jane
Drake; illustrated by Bill Slavin.
Losch, Richard R.
Boy with Paper Wings. Jan.97
Love, Ann
Love, Ann
Lorbiecki, Marybeth
Petronella saves nearly everyone :
the entomological tales of Augustus
T. Percival / Dene Low ; illustrations
by Jen Corace. 40695
Crow call / Lois Lowry ; illustrations
by Bagram Ibatoulline. October
Lowry, Lois
giver. Nov.96
Lowry, Lois
Gooney Bird Greene / Lois Lowry;
illustrated by Middy Thomas.
Lowry, Lois
Gooney Bird is so absurd / by Lois
Lowry ; illustrated by Middy
Thomas. October 2010
Low, Dene
Lowry, Lois
Gooney Bird is so absurd / by Lois
Lowry ; illustrated by Middy
Thomas. Oct. 2010
Lucado, Max
All you ever need / by Max Lucado;
illustrations by Douglas Klauba.
Lowry, Lois
Looking back : a book of memories
/ by Lois Lowry. Fall.01
Lucado, Max
Lucado, Max
And the angels were silent / Max
Lucado. Spr.01
Lowry, Lois
Number the stars / Lois Lowry.
Lowry, Lois
Facing your giants : a David and
Goliath story for everyday people /
Max Lucado. 40210
Lucado, Max
angel's story : the first Christmas
from heaven's view / Max Lucado.
final week of Jesus : highlights from
And the angels were silent / Max
Lucado; illustrated by Keith Criss.
Lucado, Max
hat for Ivan / Max Lucado ;
illustrated by David Wenzel.
silent boy / Lois Lowry. Apr.04
Lucado, Max
Lowry, Lois
Stay! Keeper's Story / by Lois
Lowry; illustrated by True Kelley.
Lowry, Lois
The birthday ball / Lois Lowry ;
illustrations by Jules Feiffer. Oct.
Lowry, Lois
Willoughbys / Lois Lowry. June
Lowry, Lois
Zooman Sam / by Lois Lowry;
illustrated by Diane De Groat.
Because I Love You / by Max Lucado
; illustrations by Mitchell Heinze.
Lucado, Max
Best of all / Max Lucado ;
illustrations by Sergio Martinez.
If only I had a green nose / Max
Lucado; illustrations by Sergio
Martinez. Apr.03
Lucado, Max
Lucado, Max
Come thirsty / Max Lucado.
In the beginning / Max Lucado.
Lucado, Max
Lucado, Max
Coming home / Max Lucado ;
illustrations by Justin Gerard.
Jacob's Gift. Win.00
Lucado, Max
Alabaster's Song : Christmas
Through the Eyes of an Angel / Max
Lucado; illustrated by Michael
Garland. Nov.97
Jacob's Gift / by Max Lucado ;
illustrated by Robert Hunt. Fall.98
Lucado, Max
Lucado, Max
Lost Lunar Baedeker : Poems by
Mina Loy / Mina Loy / Edited by
Roger L. Conover. Sep.97
Lucado, Max
Crippled Lamb. Win.00
Mary, Did You Know?. Win.00
Loy, Mina
Hermie : a common caterpillar /
Max Lucado. Aug.03
Lucado, Max
Lucado, Max
Lowry, Mark
Lucado, Max
Crippled Lamb / by Max Lucado,
with Jenna, Andrea, and Sara
Lucado; illustrated by Liz Bonham.
Lucado, Max
Cure for the common life / Max
Lucado. June 2009
Just in case you ever wonder / Max
Lucado; illustrated by Rosanne
Kaloustian. Fall.01
Lucado, Max
Just the Way You Are / by Max
Lucado; illustrations by Sergio
Martinez. Fall.00
Lucado, Max
Lucado, Max
oak inside the acorn / Max Lucado ;
illustrations by George Angelini.
Lucado, Max
You are mine / Max Lucado;
illustrations by Sergio Martinez.
Lucado, Max
Outlive your life : you were made to
make a difference / Max Lucado.
Lucado, Max
You Are Special / by Max Lucado;
illustrations by Sergio Martinez.
Lucado, Max
Dream : have you caught God's
vision? / Kenny Luck. Sept.2007
Lucy Schall
Booktalks and more: motivating
teens to read / Lucy Schall. Oct.03
Ludington, Aileen
Salvation in the killing fields. Jan.96
Punchinello and the most
marvelous gift / Max Lucado ;
illustrations by Sergio Martinez.
Lucado, Max
Lucado, Max
Lucado, Max
Ludwig, Charles
Six hours one Friday : anchoring to
the power of the cross / Max
Lucado. Spr.01
Your special gift / Max Lucado ;
illustrated by David Wenzel.
Stonewall Jackson : loved in the
South, admired in the North / by
Charles Ludwig. June.2005
Lucado, Max
Lucas, Eileen
Ludwig, Elizabeth
Tell me the secrets : treasures for
eternity. Nov.95
Civil Rights : The Long Struggle.
No safe harbor : a novel / Elizabeth
Ludwig. Oct.Nov.2013
Lucado, Max
Lucas, Eileen
Ludy, Eric
Tell me the story / by Max Lucado;
illustrated by Ron DiCianni. Oct.95
Vincent van Gogh / by Eileen Lucas;
illustrations by Rochelle Draper.
When dreams come true / by Eric
and Leslie Ludy. Nov.2004
Your special gift / Max Lucado ;
illustrations by David Wenzel.
Lucado, Max
Ludwig, Charles
Michael Faraday : father of
electronics. Nov.95
Ludy, Leslie
Tell me the story / by Max Lucado;
illustrated by Ron DiCianni.
Lucas, J.R.
Lucado, Max
Luce, Ron
The children of the king. Nov.96
Battle cry for a generation : the
fight to save America's youth / Ron
Luce. Sept.2006
perfect persecution : a novel /
James R. Lucas. Fall.01
Authentic beauty / Leslie Ludy.
Ludy, Leslie
Lucado, Max
The children of the king. Mar.96
Luce, Ron
The song of the king. Jan.96
Mark of a World Changer : Building
Your Life with Character, Not Hype
/ by Ron Luce. WinSpr.99
Lucado, Max
Luck, Coleman
way home : a princess story / Max
Lucado ; illustrated by Tristen
Elwell. June.2006
Angel fall : a novel / Coleman Luck.
AprJune 2010
Lucado, Max
When God writes your love story /
by Eric & Leslie Ludy. Nov.2004
Luger, Harriett Mandelay
last stronghold : a story of the
Modoc Indian War, 1872-1873 / by
Harriett M. Luger. Apr.04
Lukes, Bonnie L.
American Revolution. Jan.97
Luck, Kenneth L.
Lukes, Bonnie L.
Colonial America / by Bonnie L.
Lukes. Fall.01
Lund, Deb
Dinosailors / Deb Lund ; illustrated
by Howard Fine. Oct.03
The winning heart. Mar.96
Lunn, Janet
Charlotte / by Janet Lunn ;
illustrated by Brian Deines. Fall.98
Lutzer, Erwin
Lunn, Janet
Lutzer, Erwin W.
Charlotte / by Janet Lunn ;
illustrated by Brian Deines.
Growing through conflict / Erwin
Lutzer. Feb.03
Hitler's cross. Sum.01
Lund, Deb
Me & God : a book of partner
prayers / by Deb Lund; illustrated
by Carolyn Digby Conahan. Jun.03
Lundy, Charlotte
Thank you, Esther / written by
Charlotte Lundy; illustrated by
Miriam Sagasti. SprSum.02
Lundy, Charlotte
Thank you, Jesus / written by
Charlotte Lundy, illustrated by
Heather Claremont. Mar.2005
Lundy, Charlotte
Thank You, Moses / written by
Charlotte Lundy; illustrated by
Margaret Ray James. Fall.00
Lundy, Charlotte
Thank You, Noah / written by
Charlotte Lundy; illustrated by
Heather Claremont. Fall.00
Lunn, Janet
hollow tree / by Janet Lunn. Spr.01
Laura Secord : a story of courage /
Janet Lunn; illustrated by Maxwell
Newhouse. SprSum.02
Lutzer, Erwin W.
Lurie, Jon
Luxbacher, Irene
Fundamental Snowboarding / by
Jon Lurie; photographs by Jimmy
Clarke. MarMay.98
jumbo book of art / written and
illustrated by Irene Luxbacher.
Luttrell, Wanda
Lyda, Hope
Home on Stoney Creek. Mar.96
Life, Libby, and the pursuit of
happiness / Hope Lyda. Sept.2007
Thank you, Ruth & Naomi / by
Charlotte Lundy ; illustrated by
Margaret Ray James. Aug.2004
Lundy, Charlotte
Thank you, Solomon / written by
Charlotte Lundy; illustrated by
Miriam Sagasti. SprSum.02
Luttrell, Wanda
Stranger in Williamsburg. Mar.96
Lutz, Norma Jean
Carrie's courage : battling the
powers of bigotry / Norma Jean
Lutz. June.2006
Out of the black shadows / Stephen
Lungu with Anne Coomes.
Lye, Keith
Encyclopedia of African nations and
civilizations / The Diagram Group
and Keith Lye. SprSum.02
Lyman, Rebecca
Early Christian Traditions / by
Rebecca Lyman. Win.00
Lynch, Tom
Lutz, Norma Jean
Elise the actress : climax of the Civil
War / Norma Jean Lutz. June.2006
Fables of Aesop / by Aesop;
illustrated by Tom Lynch. Sum.01
Lynch, Wayne
Lutz, Norma Jean
Lungu, Stephen
Your Eternal Reward / by Erwin W.
Lutzer. WinSpr.99
Luttrell, Wanda
Reunion in Kentucky. Mar.96
Lundy, Charlotte
Seven Reasons Why You Can Trust
the Bible / by Erwin W. Lutzer.
Lunn, Janet Louise Swoboda
Lundy, Charlotte
Thank you, Paul / written by
Charlotte Lundy; illustrated by
Margaret Ray James. SprSum.02
Lutzer, Erwin W.
Maggie's dare : the Great
Awakening / Norma Jean Lutz.
Lutz, Norma Jean
Hawks / Wayne Lynch ; illustrations
by Fred Smith. Nov.2004
Lyon, George Ella
Kentucky Christmas / edited by
George Ella Lyon. Dec.2004
Black and white / David Macaulay.
Mary Jones and her Bible. Nov.95
Teddy Bear, Piglet, Kitten and Me /
Catherine Maccabe; illustrated by
Clive Scruton. Fall.01
Macaulay, David
Maas, Ruth van der
Kid atlas : important places in the
Bible and where to find them /
written by Ruth van der Maas,
Marnie Wooding, and Rick
Osborne. Aug.03
Building big / David Macaulay.
Macaulay, David
Building the book Cathedral / by
David Macaulay. Spr.01
MacDonald, Alan
not-so-wise man / by Alan
MacDonald; illustrations by Andrew
Rowland. Sum.01
MacDonald, Alan
The family Easter book. Mar.96
Maass, Robert
Macaulay, David
UN Ambassador : A Behind-theScenes Look at Madeleine Albright's
World. Mar.97
Built to last / David Macaulay.
MacArthur, John
faith to grow on : important things
you should know now that you
believe / by John MacArthur. Spr.01
MacArthur, John
Fool's gold? : discerning truth in an
age of error / John MacArthur,
general editor ; Nathan Busenitz,
Scott Lang, Phil Johnson, associate
editors. Dec.2005
Macaulay, David
MacDonald, Bailey
Macaulay, David
Wicked Will : a mystery of young
William Shakespeare / Bailey
MacDonald. 40513
Ship. Jan.97
Macdonald, David W.
Macaulay, David
way we work : getting to know the
amazing human body / David
Macaulay, with Richard Walker.
OctDec 2009
O worship the King : hymns of
assurance and praise to encourage
your heart / by John
MacArthur…[et al.]. Sum.01
Macaulay, Susan Schaeffer
MacArthur, John
MacBeth, Sybil
second coming : signs of Christ's
return and the end of the age /
John F. MacArthur. Dec.2006
praying in color journal / Sybil
MacBeth. OctDec 2009
Power of Integrity : Building a Life
Without Compromise / by John F.
Macarthur, Jr. MarMay.98
For the Family's Sake : The Value of
Home in Everyone's Life / by Susan
Schaeffer Macaulay. Fall.00
MacBeth, Sybil
Praying in color kids’ edition / Sybil
MacBeth. OctDec 2009
MacBeth, Sybil
Angelo / David Macaulay. Feb.03
Praying in color: drawing a new
path to God / Sybil MacBeth.
OctDec 2009
Macaulay, David
Maccabe, Catherine
Macaulay, David
The secret of the sealed room : a
mystery of young Benjamin Franklin
/ Bailey MacDonald. 40513
Rome Antics / by David Macaulay.
MacArthur, John
Macarthur, John F., Jr.
MacDonald, Bailey
Encyclopedia of mammals / edited
by David Macdonald. SprSum.02
MacDonald, George
At the back of the north wind.
MacDonald, George
curate of Glaston : three dramatic
novels from Scotland's beloved
storyteller / George MacDonald;
edited by Michael Phillips. Apr.03
MacDonald, George
Gifts of the Child Christ : And Other
Stories and Fairy Tales. Jan.97
MacDonald, George
Marquis' secret. Nov.96
MacDonald, George
Parish Papers : Three Complete
Novels in One / George MacDonald
/ Edited by Dan Hamilton. Sep.97
MacDonald, George
poet and the pauper / by George
MacDonald ; edited by Michael
Phillips. Contents: baronet's song -shepherd's castel. Jun.03
Match Made in Heaven / by Shari
MacDonald. Win.00
MacDonald, Shari
Perfect Wife / by Shari MacDonald.
MacDonald, George
Shepherd's Castle. Jan.97
Shepherd's Castle. Jan.97
MacDonald, George
MacGill-Callahan, Sheila
The baronet's song. Nov.95
To Capture the Wind / by Sheila
MacGill-Callahan. MarMay.98
MacDonald, George
The baron's apprenticeship. Jan.96
MacDonald, George
The curate's awakening. Jan.96
MacDonald, George
MacGrory, Yvonne
The secret of the ruby ring. Nov.95
MacDonald, George
The lady's confession. Jan.96
My Name Is Not Gussie / written
and illustrated by Mikki Machlin.
Macht, Norman L.
Love on the Run / by Shari
MacDonald. WinSpr.99
Christmas blessings / Dandi Daley
Mackall; illustrated by Elena
Kucharik. Win.02
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Eva underground : a novel / Dandi
Daley Mackall. Dec.2006
Mackall, Dandi Daley
First day / Dandi Daley Mackall ;
illustrated by Tiphanie Beeke.
History of Slavery / by Norman L.
Macht and Mary Hull. Jan.98
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Macht, Norman L.
For God so loved the world! : my
John 3:16 book / by Dandi Daley
Mackall. Sept.2007
History of Slavery / by Norman L.
Macht and Mary Hull. WinSpr.99
MacIntosh, Mike
Falling in love with the Bible / Mike
MacIntosh. Sept.2005
Mack, Todd
MacDonald, Shari
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Mackall, Dandi Daley
MacDonald, Margaret Read
Girl Who Wore Too Much / retold
by Margaret Read MacDonald ;
with Thai text by Supaporn
Vathanaprida ; illustrated by
Yvonne Lebrun Davis. WinSpr.99
Birthday blessings / Dandi Daley
Mackall; illustrated by Elena
Kucharik. Win.02
Eva's summer vacation : a story of
the Czech Republic / by Jan
Machalek. Spr.01
MacDonald, Gordon
Hound of Heaven / by Gordon
MacDonald. MarMay.98
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Eager Star / Dandi Daley Mackall.
Machlin, Mikki
The golden key. Mar.96
Runaway / Dandi Daley Mackall.
Machalek, Jan
The fisherman's lady. Nov.96
MacDonald, George
Mackall, Dandi
MacDonald, Suse
was once an apple pie / adapted by
Suse MacDonald from the poem by
Edward Lear. Dec.2005
MacDonald, George
fall of the Amazing Zalindas / by
Tracy Mack and Michael Citrin.
Princess Penelope / by Todd Mack;
illustrated by Julia Gran. Apr.04
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Gift horse / Dandi Daley Mackall.
Mackall, Dandi Daley
gift of the Christmas cookie :
sharing the true meaning of Jesus'
birth / by Dandi Daley Mackall ;
illustrated by Deborah Chabrian.
OctDec 2009
Mack, Tracy
MacDonald, Shari
Mackall, Dandi Daley
God loves you / Dandi Daley
Mackall; illustrated by Elena
Kucharik. Win.02
Natalie : school's first day of me /
by Dandi Daley Mackall ; [Lys
Blakeslee, illustrator]. 40210
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Mackall, Dandi Daley
horse of a different color / by Dandi
Daley Mackall. Sum.01
Natalie and the bestest friend race
/ by Dandi Daley Mackall ; [Lys
Blakeslee, illustrator]. 40210
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Horse whispers in the air / by Dandi
Daley Mackall. Spr.01
Mackall, Dandi Daley
In the beginning / Dandi Daley
Mackall ; illustrated by James
Kandt. Dec.2006
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Natalie and the downside-up
birthday / by Dandi Daley Mackall ;
[Lys Blakeslee, illustrator]. 40210
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Natalie wants a puppy, that's what
/ by Dandi Daley Mackall ; [Lys
Blakeslee, illustrator]. 40210
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Thank you for Thanksgiving / Dandi
Daley Mackall ; John Walker,
illustrator. OctDec 2009
Mackall, Dandi Daley
That's my colt : an Easter tale /
written by Dandi Daley Mackall ;
illustrated by Chris Ellison. AprJune
Mackall, Dandi Daley
This is the lunch that Jesus served /
by Dandi Daley Mackall ; illustrated
by Benrei Huang. Dec.2006
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Wild thing / Dandi Daley Mackall.
Kyra's story / Dandi Daley Mackall.
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Mackel, Kathryn
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Off to Plymouth Rock! / by Dandi
Daley Mackall ; illustrations by
Gene Barretta. June.2005
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Mackel, Kathryn
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Poison-Pen Mystery / by Dandi
Daley Mackall. WinSpr.99
Listen to the silent night / by Dandi
Daley Mackall ; paintings by Steve
Johnson & Lou Fancher.
Trackers / Kathryn Mackel.
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Macken, JoAnn Early
Portrait of lies / written by Dandi
Daley Mackall; created by Terry K.
Brown. Spr.01
Waiting out the storm / JoAnn Early
Macken ; illustrated by Susan
Gaber. 40634
Midnight mystery / Dandi Daley
Mackall. Nov.2004
Mackall, Dandi Daley
MacKinnon, Christy
Silent observer. Jan.96
Mackall, Dandi Daley
shepherd's Christmas story / by
Dandi Daley Mackall ; illustrations
by Dominic Catalano. Dec.2005
Larger-than-life Lara / Dandi Daley
Mackall. Sept.2007
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Natalie : and the one-of-a-kind
wonderful day! / by Dandi Daley
Mackall ; [Lys Blakeslee, illustrator].
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Natalie : really very much wants to
be a star / by Dandi Daley Mackall ;
[Lys Blakeslee, illustrator]. 40210
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Outriders / Kathryn Mackel.
MacKinnon, Debbie
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Silent dreams / written by Dandi
Daley Mackall ; illustrated by Karen
A. Jerome. Apr.04
Mackall, Dandi Daley
Soup Kitchen Suspicion / by Dandi
Daley Mackall ; illustrated by Kay
Salem.. Fall.98
seasons : spring, summer, autumn,
winter. Nov.96
MacLachlan, Patricia
Painting the wind / by Patricia
MacLachlan & Emily MacLachlan ;
illustrated by Katy Schneider.
MacLachlan, Patricia
Sarah, plain and tall / Patricia
MacLachlan. Apr.04
Wright Brothers : A Flying Start.
MacLean, Christian Kole
MacMaster, Eve
Even firefighters hug their moms /
Christian Kole MacLean; illustrated
by Mike Reed. Jun.03
God builds His church. Jan.96
Macleod, Elizabeth
Albert Einstein / written by
Elizabeth MacLeod. Aug.03
MacLeod, Elizabeth
Alexander Graham Bell : An
Inventive Life / written by Elizabeth
MacLeod. Win.00
Macleod, Elizabeth
Bake and make amazing cookies /
written by Elizabeth MacLeod ;
illustrated by June Bradford.
MacMaster, Eve
God comforts his people : stories of
God and his people from Ezekiel,
Lamentations, Isaiah, Ezra, Haggai,
Zechariah, Obadiah, Malachi, Joel,
Nehemiah, Esther, Jonah, Job,
Ecclesiastes, and Daniel. Jan.96
MacMaster, Eve
God gives the land : stories of God
and his people : Joshua, Judges, and
Ruth. Jan.96
God's wisdom and power : stories
of God and his people : 1 and 2
Chronicles, Proverbs, and the Song
of Songs. Jan.96
MacMillan, Dianne
Destination Los Angeles / by Dianne
MacMillan. WinSpr.99
MacMillan, Dianne
Easter. Nov.95
MacMillan, Dianne
Jewish Holidays in the Fall. Jan.97
MacMillan, Dianne
Jewish Holidays in the Spring.
MacMaster, Eve
God rescues his people : stories of
God and His people : Exodus,
Leviticus, Numbers, and
Deuteronomy. Jan.96
MacMillan, Dianne M.
Chock full of chocolate / written by
Elizabeth MacLeod ; illustrated by
June Bradford. June.2005
MacMaster, Eve
MacMillan, Dianne M.
God sends His Son. Jan.96
MacLeod, Elizabeth
MacMaster, Eve
Mexican Independence Day and
Cinco de Mayo / by Dianne M.
MacMillan. Jan.98
George Washington Carver : an
innovative life / written by
Elizabeth MacLeod. Sept.2007
God's chosen king : stories of God
and his people : 1 Samuel, 2
Samuel, 1 Chronicles, Psalms.
MacLeod, Elizabeth
Japanese Children's Day and the
Obon Festival / by Dianne M.
MacMillan. Jan.98
MacMillan, Dianne M.
Presidents' Day / by Dianne M.
MacMillan. Jan.98
MacLeod, Elizabeth
Lucy Maud Montgomery : a writer's
life / written by Elizabeth MacLeod.
MacMaster, Eve
MacMillan, Dianne M.
God's family : stories of God and his
people : Genesis. Jan.96
Thanksgiving Day / by Dianne M.
MacMillan. Jan.98
Macleod, Elizabeth
MacMaster, Eve
Macnow, Glen
Marie Curie: a brilliant life / written
by Elizabeth MacLeod. Dec.2004
God's justice : stories from 2 Kings,
2 Chronicles, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah,
Micah, Zephaniah, Jeremiah,
Nahum, and Habakkuk. Jan.96
Sports great Troy Aikman. Sept.96
MacLeod, Elizabeth
Wright brothers : a flying start /
written by Elizabeth MacLeod.
MacMaster, Eve
MacLeod, Elizabeth
MacMaster, Eve
God's suffering servant. Jan.96
MacNutt, Francis
Can homosexuality be healed? /
Francis MacNutt. June.2007
Madden, Kerry.
Gentle's Holler : a novel / by Kerry
Madden. Sept.2006
Maddox, Tony
Fergus's upside-down day. Jan.96
Madenski, Melissa
In my mother's garden. Jan.96
Mader, Carol
Kid's travel guide to the 10
commandments / by Carol Mader.
Go home, River / story by James
Magdanz ; illustrations by Dianne
Widom. Oct.03
Tingleberries, Tuckertubs and
Telephones : A Tale of Love and IceCream. Jan.97
Magill, Elizabeth
Maier, Paul L.
College financing information for
teens : tips for a successful financial
life : including facts about planning,
saving, and paying for
postsecondary education, with
information about college savings
plans, grants, loans, scholarships,
community and … / edited by
Elizabeth Magill. Dec.2012
Eusebius, the Church History : A
New Translation with Commentary
/ by Paul L. Maier. Fall.00
Magoon, Kekla
Maier, Paul L.
rock and the river / by Kekla
Magoon. 40026
Flames of Rome. Jan.97
Maier, Paul L.
first Christmas : the true and
unfamiliar story / Paul L. Maier.
Madigan, L. K.
Flash burnout : a novel / by L.K.
Madigan. 40513
Maendel, Rachel
Rachel, a Hutterite girl / by Rachel
Maendel; illustrated by Hannah
Marsden. Spr.01
Maier, Paul L.
Mahan, Ben
In the Fullness of Time. Jan.97
King Is Born. Win.00
Maier, Paul L.
Maestro, Betsy
Coming to America : the story of
immigration. Nov.96
Maestro, Betsy
Exploration and Conquest : The
Americas after Columbus : 15001620 / by Betsy and Guilio Maestro.
Mahaney, Carolyn
Girl talk: mother-daughter
conversations on Biblical
womanhood / Carolyn Mahaney
and Nicole Mahaney Whitacre.
Mahy, Margaret
Martin Luther : a man who changed
the world / written by Paul L. Maier
; illustrated by Greg Copeland.
Maier, Paul L.
Pontius Pilate. Jan.97
Boom, Baby, Boom, Boom! / by
Margaret Mahy; illustrated by
Patricia MacCarthy. MarMay.98
Maier, Paul L.
Mahy, Margaret
Maier, Paul L.
Clancy's Cabin. Jan.97
very first Easter / Paul L. Maier;
illustrated by Frank Ordaz. Spr.01
Very First Christmas. Win.00
Maestro, Betsy
More Perfect Union : The Story of
Our Constitution / by Betsy and
Guilio Maestro. Fall.98
Maestro, Betsy
New Americans : Colonial Times,
1620-1689 / by Betsy Maestro ;
illustrated by Guilio Maestro.
Mahy, Margaret
Five Sisters / by Margaret Mahy;
illustrated by Patricia MacCarthy.
Maier, Paul L.
very first Easter / by Paul L. Maier;
illustrated by Francisco Ordaz.
Mahy, Margaret
1960s / by Timothy Maga. Aug.03
Summery Saturday Morning / by
Margaret Mahy ; illustrated by
Selina Young. WinSpr.99
Magdanz, James
Mahy, Margaret
Maga, Timothy P.
Mair, George
life with purpose : Reverend Rick
Warren, the most inspiring pastor
or our time / George Mair.
Maki, Alan
Written on her heart / Alan Maki.
Malone, Margaret Gay
France / Margaret Gay Malone.
Making thirteen colonies
Making thirteen colonies. Mar.96
Malone, Margaret Gay
Malaspina, Ann
Italy / Margaret Gay Malone.
Mahatma Gandhi and India's
independence in world history / by
Ann Malaspina. Fall.01
Malaspina, Ann
Touch the sky : Alice Coachman,
Olympic high jumper / by Ann
Malaspina ; illustrated by Eric
Velasquez. Aug / Oct 2012
Malaspina, Ann
Touch the sky : Alice Coachman,
Olympic high jumper / by Ann
Malaspina ; illustrated by Eric
Velasquez. Aug / Oct 2012
Malone, Margaret Gay
Jazz Is the Word : Wynton Marsalis
/ by Margaret Gay Malone.
Cool beans : a Maya Davis novel /
Erynn Mangum. Oct. 2010
Mangum, Erynn
Double shot / Erynn Mangum.
Mangum, Erynn
Matchpoint / Erynn Mangum.
AprJune 2010
Mangum, Erynn
Miss Match / Erynn Mangum.
AprJune 2010
Malone, Mary
James Madison / by Mary Malone.
Mangum, Erynn
Rematch / Erynn Mangum. AprJune
Malvehy, Terry Kretzer
Passage to Little Bighorn / by Terry
Kretzer Malvehy. Spr.01
Mangum, Erynn
Sketchy behavior / Erynn Mangum.
Feb / Apr 2012
Mamchur, Carolyn
Malcolm, Peter
Libya / by Peter Malcolm, Elizabeth
Losleben. Aug.2004
Male, Michael
Watching Warblers / by Michael
Male and Judy Fieth. MarMay.98
Mallouhi, Christine A.
Waging Peace on Islam. Aug.03
Malone, Gracie
LifeOvers : upside-down ways to
become more like Jesus / Gracie
Malone. Sept.2007
Popcorn Tree / by Carolyn
Mamchur ; illustrated by Laurie
McGaw. Fall.98
Manley, Donna Kristine
Resumes for children : 17 years old
and under ; yes, really! / by Donna
Kristine Manley. Mar.2007
Mammals : facts at your fingertips
Mammals : facts at your fingertips.
Mander, Lelia
Answer the phone / by Lelia
Mander. Aug.2004
Mandino, Og
Mann, Elizabeth
Roman Coliseum / by Elizabeth
Mann; with illustrations by Michael
Racz. Fall.00
Mann, Kenny
Ancient Hebrews / by Kenny Mann.
The twelfth angel. Nov.95
Mann, Kenny
Malone, L. K.
The twelfth angel. Sept.96
Isabel Ferdinand and fifteenthcentury Spain / by Kenny Mann.
Divided loyalties / L. K. Malone.
Mangum, Erynn
Manning, Brennan
Malone, L.K.
Cool beans : a Maya Davis novel /
Erynn Mangum. October 2010
Abba's child : the cry of the heart
for intimate belonging. Nov.95
The mirror of N'de / L.K. Malone.
Mangum, Erynn
Mannis, Celeste Davidson
Mandino, Og
Julia Morgan built a castle / Celeste
Mannis, Miles Hyman. June.2007
Multicultural picture books : art for
understanding others. Jun.03
Manser, Martin H.
Marchetta, Melina
Facts on File dictionary of classical
and biblical allusions / [edited by]
Martin H. Manser ; associate editor,
David H. Pickering. Oct.03
Jellicoe Road / Melina Marchetta.
June 2009
Manser, Martin H.
Facts on File guide to good writing /
Martin H. Manser. Sept.2006
Manser, Martin H.
Facts on File guide to style / Martin
H. Manser ; associate editor,
Stephen Curtis. Mar.2007
Mansfield, Leslie
Marchiano, Bruce
Hard questions, straight answers :
for girls only / featuring Ellen
Marie. Feb.03
Marie, Ellen
Parents of teens : here's what you
need to know / featuring Ellen
Marie and Jason Evert. Feb.03
Yesterday, today, forever-- Jesus /
written by Bruce Marchiano. Spr.01
Marie, Ellen
Marchon, Blandine
Teen relationships and sexual
pressure / featuring Ellen Marie
and Jason Evert. Feb.03
Bible : Greatest Stories / Blandine
Marchon ; Claude Millet. Sep.97
Marcovitz, Hal
Maurice Sendak / Hal Marcovitz.
Marcovitz, Hal
Will Hobbs / Marcovitz ; foreword
by Kyle Zimmer. Sept.2006
Marina, Jan
Searching for Atticus / by Jan
Marino. Fall.98
Marine geology : exploring the
new frontiers of the ocean
Marine geology : exploring the new
frontiers of the ocean / Jon
Erickson. Apr.03
Mansfield, Stephen
Marcus, Leonard S.
Laos / Stephen Mansfield. Nov.97
Manuel, Lynn
Funny business : conversations with
writers of comedy / compiled and
edited by Leonard S. Marcus.
October 2010
Cherry Pit Princess / by Lynn
Manuel; paintings by Debbie Edlin.
Marcus, Leonard S.
Marino, Jan
Funny business : conversations with
writers of comedy / compiled and
edited by Leonard S. Marcus. Oct.
Mona Lisa of Salem Street. Jan.97
Mapes, Creston
Darkstar : confessions of a rock idol
: a novel / Creston Mapes.
Maps on file
Maps on file / Facts on File, Inc. ;
Martin Greenwald Associates.
Maps on file
Maps on file / Martin Greenwald
Associates. SprSum.02
Marcus, Leonard S.
Ways of telling : conversations on
the art of the picture book /
Leonard S. Marcus. Oct.03
Margolis, Jeffrey A.
Teen Crime Wave : A Growing
Problem / by Jeffrey A. Margolis.
Marine science : an illustrated
guide to science / the Diagram
Group. Mar.2007
Markel, Michelle
The fantastic jungles of Henri
Rousseau / by Michelle Markel ;
illustrated by Amanda Hall.
Markel, Michelle
The fantastic jungles of Henri
Rousseau / by Michelle Markel ;
illustrated by Amanda Hall.
Markham, Lois
Marie, Ellen
Marantz, Sylvia
Marine science : an illustrated
guide to science
Colombia : The Gateway to South
America / by Lois Markham.
Markle, Sandra
Animal heroes : true rescue stories
/ Sandra Markle. 41061
Andi's scary school days / Susan K.
Marlow ; illustrated by Leslie
Gammelgaard. 40848
Marrin, Albert
Commander in Chief : Abraham
Lincoln and the Civil War / by Albert
Marrin. WinSpr.99
Marlow, Susan K.
Markle, Sandra
Animals Christopher Columbus saw
: an adventure in the New World /
by Sandra Markle ; illustrations by
Jamel Akib. AprJune 2010
Andrea Carter and the dangerous
decision / Susan K. Marlow. 40026
Marlow, Susan K.
Andrea Carter and the family
secret / Susan K. Marlow. 40026
Markle, Sandra
Marlow, Susan K.
Andrea Carter and the long ride
home / Susan K. Marlow. 40026
Marlow, Susan K.
Andrea Carter and the San
Francisco smugglers / Susan K.
Marlow. 40026
Markle, Sandra
Marlow, Susan K.
Insects : biggest! littlest! / Sandra
Markle ; photographs by Simon
Pollard. OctDec 2009
Andrea Carter and the price of truth
: a novel / Susan K. Marlow. 40513
Sharks : biggest! littlest! / Sandra
Markle ; photographs by Doug
Perrine. OctDec 2009
Marlow, Susan K.
Andi's fair surprise / Susan K.
Marlow ; illustrated by Leslie
Gammelgaard. 40848
Marlow, Susan K.
Andi's Indian summer / Susan K.
Marlow ; illustrated by Leslie
Gammelgaard. 40695
Marlow, Susan K.
Andi's pony trouble / Susan K.
Marlow ; illustrated by Leslie
Gammelgaard. 40695
Years of dust : the story of the Dust
Bowl / Albert Marrin. August 2011
Marrs, Carol
Hip-pocket papa / Sandra Markle ;
illustrated by Alan Marks. 40391
Markle, Sandra
Dr. Jenner and the speckled
monster : the search for the
smallpox vaccine / Albert Marrin.
Marrin, Albert
Markle, Sandra
Animals Robert Scott saw : an
adventure in Antarctica / by Sandra
Markle ; illustrated by Phil. AprJune
Marrin, Albert
Marlow, Susan K.
Andrea Carter and the trouble with
treasure / Susan K. Marlow.
AprJune 2010
Marlow, Susan K.
The complete book of speech
communication : a workbook of
ideas and activities for students of
speech and theatre. Nov.95
Marsden, Carolyn
jade dragon / Carolyn Marsden and
Virginia Shin-Mui Loh. June.2007
Marsden, George M.
Fundamentalism and American
culture / George M. Marsden.
Marsh, T. J.
Angela Carter and the dangerous
decision / by Susan K. Marlow.
Way Out in the Desert / by T. J.
Marsh and Jennifer Ward ;
illustrated by Kenneth J. Spengler.
Marlow, Susan K.
Marshall, Catherine
Angela Carter and the long ride
home / by Susan K. Marlow.
Christy / Catherine Marshall;
adapted by Anna Wilson Fishel.
Marney, Dean
Marshall, Catherine
Pet-rified! / by Dean Marney.
Mountain Madness / Catherine
Marshall; adapted by C. Archer.
Márquez, Herón
Marlow, Susan K.
Destination San Juan / by Herón
Márquez. Win.00
Marshall, George W.
Kingfisher children's illustrated
dictionary and thesaurus / George
Marshall. Dec.2004
Marston, Hope\Ahnert, Alice, ill.
Marshall, James
Marston, Hope\Ahnert, Alice, ill.
George and Martha : full of
surprises / written and illustrated
by James Marshall. 40848
To Vietnam with love. Sept.96
By an unfamiliar path : the story of
David and Arlene Peters. Sept.96
George and Martha : the complete
stories of two best friends / written
and illustrated by James Marshall ;
foreword by Maurice Sendak.
Marshall, James
George and Martha : The Complete
Stories of Two Best Friends / by
James Marshall; with an
introduction by Maurice Sendak.
Marshall, James
George and Martha one fine day /
James Marshall. August 2011
Marshall, Paul
Islam at the Crossroads:
Understanding Its Beliefs, History
and Conflicts. Aug.03
Celts. Jan.97
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin, Charles
I Have a Dream / by Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. ; foreword by
Coretta Scott King ; paintings by
fifteen Coretta Scott King award
and honor book artists. Fall.98
Chasing fireflies : a novel of
discovery / Charles Martin. June
Sounding forth the trumpet for
children / by Peter Marshall and
David Manuel, with Anna Wilson
Fishel. Sum.01
Belle Teal / Ann M. Martin.
Martin, Ann M.
Martin, Charles
corner of the universe / Ann M.
Martin. Mar.2005
Maggie / Charles Martin. June.2007
Martin, Charles
Martin, Ann M.
dog's life : the autobiography of a
stray / by Ann M. Martin. Sept.2006
Here today / Ann M. Martin.
All for pie, pie for all / David Martin
; illustrated by Valeri Gorbachev.
Martin, Ann M.
Martin, E.J.
Leo the Magnificat. Mar.97
Where there was no church :
postcards from followers of Jesus in
the Muslim world / E.J. Martin,
editor. 41061
Martin, Antoinette Truglio
Phoenicians / by Elsa Marston.
Famous Seaweed Soup. Jan.97
Fire Trucks. Mar.97
Marston, Hope Irvin
Isaac Johnson : From Slave to
Stonecutter. Jan.97
When crickets cry : a novel of the
heart / Charles Martin. Mar.2007
Martin, David
Marston, Elsa
Marston, Hope Irvin
Martin, Charles
Healing America : the life of Senate
majority leader William H. Frist,
M.D. and the issues that shape our
times / Charles Martin. Sept.2005
Martin, Ann M.
Martin, Ann M.
Marshall, Peter
Martin, Barbara Stein
Fundamentals of school library
media management : a how-to-doit manual / Barbara Stein Martin
and Marco Zannier. Feb / Apr 2012
Martell, Hazel Mary
Marshall, James
Fundamentals of school library
media management : a how-to-doit manual / Barbara Stein Martin
and Marco Zannier. Oct. 2010
Martin, Grant
Martin, Barbara Stein
Fundamentals of school library
media management : a how-to-doit manual / Barbara Stein Martin
and Marco Zannier. October 2010
Martin, Barbara Stein
Help! My child isn't learning :
turning frustration into
understanding and hope. Nov.96
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs
Snowflake Bentley / Jacqueline
Briggs Martin ; illustrated by Mary
Azarian. Nov.2004
Martin, Jannelle
ABC math riddles / by Jannelle
Martin ; illustrated by Freddie
Levin. Mar.2005
Martin, Michael J.
Importance of Wright Brothers.
Martin, Nora
Eagle's Shadow / by Nora Martin.
Martin, Russell
Winter passing / Cindy McCormick
Martinusen. Fall.01
Martinusen-Coloma, Cindy
Beautiful : truth's found when
beauty's lost / Cindy MartinusenColoma. 40391
Martinusen-Coloma, Cindy
Ruby unscripted / Cindy
Martinusen-Coloma. AprJune 2010
Marty, William H.
The whole Bible story / William H.
Marty. 40848
Martyrs. Jan.97
Readings on The taming of the
shrew / edited by Laura Marvel.
Marvin, Isabel R.
Reading the classics with C.S. Lewis
/ by Thomas L. Martin. Fall.01
A bride for Anna's papa / by Isabel
R. Marvin; illustrated by Kay Sather.
Martin, Thomas L.
Martindale, Wayne
Beyond the shadowlands : C.S.
Lewis on heaven & hell / Wayne
Martindale. June.2005
Martinusen, Cindy McCormack
Blue night / Cindy McCormick
Martinusen. Win.02
bride for Anna's papa / Isabel R.
Marvin ; illustrations by Kay Sather.
Marvin, Isabel R.
One of Fannin's Men : A Survivor at
Goliad / by Isabel R. Marvin.
The little plant doctor : a story
about George Washington Carver /
by Jean Marzollo ; illustrated by Ken
Wilson-Max. Aug / Oct 2012
Marzollo, Jean
The little plant doctor : a story
about George Washington Carver /
by Jean Marzollo ; illustrated by Ken
Wilson-Max. Aug / Oct 2012
Marzulli, Lynn A.
Nephilim / by Lynn A. Marzulli.
Masci Goss, Barbara
Captured Heart. Mar.97
Masci Goss, Barbara
Forbidden Legacy. Mar.97
Maslac, Evelyn Hughes
Finding a Job for Daddy. Jan.97
Mary's House
Martinusen, Cindy McCormick
Martinusen, Cindy McCormick
Miriam and her brother Moses /
Jean Marzollo. Nov.2004
Marvin, Isabel R.
Mary's House. Win.00
North of tomorrow / Cindy
McCormick Martinusen. SprSum.02
I spy ultimate challenger! : a book
of picture riddles / photographs by
Walter Wick; riddles by Jean
Marzollo. Jun.03
Marvel, Laura
Martin, Thomas L.
Reading the classics with C.S. Lewis
/ Thomas L. Martin, editor. Win.02
Marzollo, Jean
Marzollo, Jean
The boys' book of adventure : are
you ready to face the challenge? /
written by Steve Martin ; illustrated
by Simon Ecob ; edited by Hannah
Cohen. August 2011
David and Goliath : a Bible story /
retold and illustrated by Jean
Marzollo. Nov.2004
Marzollo, Jean
Beethoven's hair. Sum.01
Martin, Steve
Marzollo, Jean
Marzollo, Jean
Daniel in the lions' den / retold and
illustrated by Jean Marzollo.
Masline, Shelagh Ryan
Drug abuse and teens : a hot issue /
by Shelagh Ryan Masline. Fall.01
Masoff, Joy
Emergency! / by Joy Masoff. Spr.01
Mason, Adrienne
drop of doom / written by Adrienne
Mason ; illustrated by Pat Cupples.
The dangerous game. Sept.96
Massi, Jeri
Abandoned / by Jeri Massi ;
[illustration by Dana Thompson].
Mason, Adrienne
Owls / written by Adrienne Mason ;
illustrated by Nancy Gray Ogle.
Mason, Antony
Monet. Nov.96
Mason, Chad
Wake up, Bertha Bear! / by Chad
Mason ; illustrated by Chad
Wallace. Mar.2007
Mason, Mike
blue umbrella / Mike Mason. 40391
Mason, Miriam E.
John Audubon : young naturalist /
by Miriam E. Mason ; illustrated by
Cathy Morrison. Sept.2006
Mason, Paul
Iraq / Paul Mason. 41061
Mason, Prue
Camel rider / Prue Mason. OctDec
Masquerade : Unveiling Our
Deadly Dance with Drugs and
Masquerade : Unveiling Our Deadly
Dance with Drugs and Alcohol.
Mass, Wendy
11 birthdays : by Wendy Mass. / by
Wendy Mass. 40026
Massi, Jeri
Abandoned / by Jeri Massi. Jan.98
Massi, Jeri
Courage by darkness. Nov.96
Massi, Jeri
The two collars. Mar.96
Massi, Jeri
Treasure in the Yukon. Sept.96
Massi, Jeri
Treasure in the Yukon / by Jeri
Massi ; [illustrated by Guy Porfirio].
Massi, Jeri
Courage by darkness / by Jeri Massi
; [illustration by Dana Thompson].
Massi, Jeri
Masso, Phyllis Hosken
Never the Same Again.. : A Young
Woman's Story of Life in the
Blackstone Valley in the 1820s / by
Phyllis Hosken Masso. Fall.98
Crown and jewel. Mar.96
Matas, Carol
Massi, Jeri
dangerous game / by Jeri Massi ;
[illustrated by Del Thompson].
Massi, Jeri
After the War / by Carol Matas.
Matas, Carol
Sparks fly upward / Carol Matas.
Deerwood, Inc. Sept.96
Matchette, Katharine E.
Massi, Jeri
Derwood Inc. : a Peabody
adventure / by Jeri Massi ;
[illustrated by Del Thompson].
Libby's choice. Jan.96
Matchette, Katharine E.
Oh, Suzannah / by Katharine E.
Matchette. WinSpr.99
Massi, Jeri
Matchette, Katharine E.
Llamas on the Loose. Jan.97
Walk Safe Through the Jungle.
Massi, Jeri
Llamas on the loose / by Jeri Massi ;
[illustration by Dana Thompson].
Massi, Jeri
Mass, Wendy
The bridge. Mar.96
Readings on Night / edited by
Wendy Mass. Fall.01
Massi, Jeri
Matthew, Kathryn I.
Neal-Schuman guide to
recommended children's books and
media for use with every
elementary subject / Kathryn I.
Matthew, Joy L. Lowe. Mar.2005
Matthew, Kathryn I.
The Neal-Schuman guide to
recommended children's books and
media for use with every
elementary subject / Kathryn I.
Matthew and Joy L. Lowe. 40634
Maxwell, John C.
Leading from the lockers : student
edition / John C. Maxwell. Win.02
Mayne, William
Mayer, Jeni
Matthews, John R.
rise and fall of the Soviet Union / by
John R. Matthews. Fall.01
Mattison, Booker T.
Unsigned hype : a novel / Booker T.
Mattison. AprJune 2010
Maus, Derek C.
Readings on Crime and punishment
/ edited by Derek C. Maus. Fall.01
Old Man : an Emerson Dunn
mystery. Jan.96
Suspicion Island / Jeni Mayer ; Iris
Hauser. Sep.97
Lady Muck / by William Mayne;
illustrated by Jonathan Heale.
Mayer, Marianna
Mayo, Margaret
Pegasus / as told by Marianne
Mayer ; illustrated by K. Y. Craft.
Dig dig digging / Margaret Mayo;
illustrated by Alex Ayliffe. Feb.03
Maze, Stephanie
Mayer, Marianna
Remembering the prophets of
sacred scripture / Marianna Mayer.
I Want To Be a Veterinarian / by
Stephanie Maze and Catherine
O'Neill Grace. MarMay.98
Maze, Stephanie
Max, Jill
Mayhew, James
Spider spins a story : fourteen
legends from Native America /
edited by Jill Max ; illustrations by
Robert Annesley .. [et al.].
Secret in the garden / inspired by
Frances Hodgson Burnett's The
secret garden; written and
illustrated by James Mayhew.
Maxwell, John
Maynard, Bill
Partners in Prayer. Fall.00
Rock River / by Bill Maynard.
Maxwell, John
Your Family Time with God : A
Weekly Plan for Family Devotions.
Maxwell, John C.
22 Indispensable Qualities of a
Leader : Becoming the Person That
People Will Want to Follow / by
John C. Maxwell. Fall.00
Maynard, Christopher
I wonder why planes have wings
and other questions about
transportation / Christopher
Maynard. Nov.2004
.22 automatic : an Emerson Dunn
mystery. Jan.96
Maynard, Roy
22 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership :
Follow Them and People Will
Follow You / by John C. Maxwell.
.38 Caliber : an Emerson Dunn
mystery. Jan.96
Maynard, Roy
Leading from the lockers : guided
journal / John C. Maxwell. Win.02
Maze, Stephanie
I Want To Be an Engineer / by
Stephanie Maze and Catherine
O'Neill Grace. MarMay.98
Mazer, Norma Fox
When She Was Good / by Norma
Fox Mazer. Fall.98
McAmis, Robert Day
Malay Muslims: The History and
Challenge of Resurgent Islam in
Southeast Asia. Aug.03
Maynard, Roy
Maxwell, John C.
Maxwell, John C.
I Want To Be an Astronaut / by
Stephanie Maze and Catherine
O'Neill Grace. MarMay.98
A quick 30 seconds : an Emerson
Dunn mystery. Jan.96
Maynard, Roy
McArthur, Debra
Desert storm--the first Persian Gulf
War in American history / Debra
McArthur. Mar.2005
McArthur, John
Twelve ordinary men / John
MacArthur. 39912
McBratney, Sam
You're all my favorites / Sam
McBratney ; illustrated by Anita
Jeram. Mar.2005
God's People : Stories from the Old
Testament / retold by Geraldine
McCaughrean ; illustrated by Anna
C. Leplar. Fall.98
McCormick, Anita Louise
McCaughrean, Geraldine
McCormick, Anita Louise
The Jesse tree / Geraldine
McCaughrean ; illustrated by Bee
Willey. 41061
Japanese-American Internment in
American History. Jan.97
Invention of the telegraph and
telephone in American history /
Anita Louise McCormick. Mar.2005
McCain, Becky Ray
Grandmother's dreamcatcher / by
Becky Ray McCain, illustrated by
Stacey Schuett. Feb.03
McCallum, Dennis
Death of Truth. Mar.97
McClintock, Barbara
McCallum, Dennis
Frances Hodgson Burnett's A little
princess / adapted and illustrated
by Barbara McClintock. Fall.01
McCormick, Anita Louise
Vietnam Antiwar Movement in
American History / by Anita Louise
McCormick. Win.00
The summons. Nov.95
McCloskey, Robert
McCallum, Elizabeth
book tree : a Christian reference for
children's literature / Elizabeth
McCallum, Jane Scott. SprSum.02
Make way for ducklings / Robert
McCloskey. Nov.2004
McClung, Floyd
McCann, Michelle Roehm
Living on the Devil's Doorstep / by
Floyd McClung. Fall.98
Luba: the angel of Bergen-Belsen /
as told to Michelle R. McCann by
Luba Tryszynska-Frederick ;
illustrations by Ann Marshall.
McClure, Amy A.
Daniel Boone : Frontier Legend / by
Pat McCarthy. Win.00
Adventuring with books : a booklist
for pre-K-grade 6 / Amy A. McClure
and Janice V. Kristo, editors, and
the Committee to Revise the
Elementary School Booklist ; with a
foreword by Rudine Sims Bishop.
McCaughrean, Geraldine
McClure, Nikki
Beauty and the Beast / by Geraldine
McCaughrean; illustrated by Gary
Blythe. Sum.01
Mama, is it summer yet? / Nikki
McClure. 40848
McCarthy, Pat
McConnell, Grant
McCourtney, Lorena
In plain sight / Lorena McCourtney.
McCourtney, Lorena
On the run / Lorena McCourtney.
McCourtney, Lorena
On the run / Lorena McCourtney.
McCourtney, Lorena
Riptide / Lorena McCourtney.
McCourtney, Lorena
Searching for Stardust / by Lorena
McCourtney. Fall.00
McCourtney, Lorena
McCaughrean, Geraldine
Stehekin, a valley in time. Mar.96
Casting the gods adrift : a tale of
ancient Egypt / Geraldine
McCaughrean ; illustrated by
Patricia D. Ludlow. Dec.2004
Stranded / Lorena McCourtney.
McCord, Kate
McCourtney, Lorena
In the land of blue burqas / Kate
McCord. Apr.2013
Whirlpool / Lorena McCourtney.
McCormick, Anita Louise
McCoy, Jonni
Industrial Revolution in American
History / by Anita Louise
McCormick. WinSpr.99
Frugal families : making the most of
your hard-earned money / by Jonni
McCoy. Jun.03
McCaughrean, Geraldine
epic of Gilgamesh / written by
Geraldine McCaughrean ;
illustrated by David Parkins. Oct.03
McCaughrean, Geraldine
McCoy-Miller, Judith
In the company of secrets / Judith
Miller. Sept.2007
McCully, Emily Arnold
McCusker, Paul
Mirette on the high wire / Emily
Arnold McCully. Apr.04
mill house / Paul McCusker.
For the love of a friend. Jan.96
McCully, Emily Arnold
McCusker, Paul
McCullough, Donald
Monk camps out / by Emily Arnold
McCully. Sum.01
Out of time / Paul McCusker.
OctDec 2009
McCusker, Paul
McCusker, Paul
Annison's Risk / by Paul McCusker.
Ozark Tall Tales : Collected from
the Oral Tradition / Collected by
Richard and Judy Dockrey Young.
McCracken, Susan
Say Please, Say Thank You : The
Respect We Owe One Another / by
Donald McCullough. Win.00
McCullough, Donald W.
If grace is so amazing, why don't we
like it? / Donald McCullough.
McCullough, Donald W.
Trivialization of God : Dangerous
Illusion of a Manageable Deity / by
Donald W. McCullough. Jan.98
McCullough, Michael E.
To Forgive Is Human : How to Put
Your Past in the Past / Michael E.
McCullough; Steven J. Sandage;
Everett L. Worthington Jr. Nov.97
McCusker, Paul
Arin's Judgment / by Paul
McCusker. Fall.00
McCusker, Paul
McCusker, Paul
Danger Lies Ahead. Jan.97
Ozark Tall Tales : Collected from
the Oral Tradition / Collected by
Richard and Judy Dockrey Young.
McCusker, Paul
McCusker, Paul
Darien's Rise / by Paul McCusker.
Point of No Return. Jan.97
McCusker, Paul
McCusker, Paul
Draven's Defiance / by Paul
McCusker. Fall.00
McCully, Emily Arnold
Beautiful Warrior : The Legend of
the Nun's Kung Fu / by Emily Arnold
McCully. Win.00
McCully, Emily Arnold
Bobbin Girl. Jan.97
McCusker, Paul
McCusker, Paul
faded flower / Paul McCusker.
Strange journey back / by Paul
McCusker; illustrations by Karen
Loccisano. Oct.95
McCusker, Paul
McCusker, Paul
Fendar's Legacy / by Paul
McCusker. Fall.00
Stranger in the Mist. Mar.97
McCully, Emily Arnold
Four hungry kittens / Emily Arnold
McCully. Fall.01
McCusker, Paul
McCusker, Paul
Glennall's Betrayal / by Paul
McCusker. Fall.00
McCully, Emily Arnold
Mirette and Bellini cross Niagara
Falls / by Emily Arnold McCully.
McCully, Emily Arnold
Mirette on the High Wire. Mar.97
Ripple effect / Paul McCusker.
OctDec 2009
McCusker, Paul
Memory's gate / Paul McCusker.
OctDec 2009
Sudden Switch. Mar.97
McCusker, Paul
The influenza bomb / Paul
McCusker & Walt Larimore. Aug /
Oct 2012
McCusker, Paul
McCusker, Paul
Memory's Gate. Mar.97
The influenza bomb / Paul
McCusker & Walt Larimore. Aug /
Oct 2012
McCusker, Paul
ultimate youth drama book / Paul
McCusker. Win.02
illustrated by Gerald McDermott.
Jonah's story / created by Andrew
McDonough. AprJune 2010
McDermott, Gerald
McDonough, Andrew
Raven : a trickster tale from the
Pacific Northwest / told and
illustrated by Gerald McDermott.
Zac the tax man / created by
Andrew McDonough. AprJune 2010
McCutcheon, Marc
Descriptionary : a thematic
dictionary / by Marc McCutcheon.
McCutcheon, Marc
Facts on file student's thesaurus /
[edited by] Marc McCutcheon.
McDermott, Gerald
Raven : a trickster tale from the
Pacific Northwest / told and
illustrated by Gerald McDermott.
McDill, S. Rutherford, Jr.
Parenting the Prodigal / Rutherford
S. McDill, Jr. Sep.97
McDaniel, Deanna
Gentle reads : great reads to warm
hearts and lift spirits, grades 5-9 /
Deanna J. McDaniel. June 2009
McDaniel, Melissa
Boys, bears, and a serious pair of
hiking boots / Abby McDonald.
All the stars in the sky: Santa Fe
Trail Diary / by Megan McDonald.
McDaniel, Melissa
Raising maidens of virtue : a study
of feminine loveliness for mothers
and daughters / by Stacy
McDonald. Dec.2005
McDonough, Andrew
Coyote : a trickster tale from the
American Southwest / Gerald
McDermott. June.2005
McDermott, Gerald
Creation / Gerald McDermott.
McDermott, Gerald
Raven : a trickster tale from the
Pacific Northwest / told and
Father Connection : 10 Qualities of
the Heart That Empower Your
Children to Make Right Choices /
Josh McDowell. Sep.97
God's will, God's best for your life /
by Josh McDowell and Kevin
Johnson. Spr.01
Josh McDowell's one year book of
youth devotions / [compiled] by
Bob Hostetler. SprSum.02
McDowell, Josh
McDonald, Stacy
McDermott, Gerald
McDowell, Josh
McDowell, Josh
McDonald, Megan
New Mexico / by Melissa McDaniel.
South Dakota / by Melissa
McDaniel. Fall.98
The doll shop downstairs / by Yona
Zeldis McDonough ; illustrated by
Heather Maione. 41061
McDowell, Josh
McDonald, Abby
McDaniel, Melissa
Ernest Hemingway : Writer / by
Melissa McDaniel. Jan.98
McDonough, Yona Zeldis
Cecil, the lost sheep / created by
Andrew McDonough. AprJune 2010
McDonough, Andrew
good Samaritan / created by
Andrew McDonough. AprJune 2010
McDonough, Andrew
Vote of Intolerance / by Josh
McDowell and Ed Stewart.
McDowell, Marilyn Taylor
Carolina Harmony / Marilyn Taylor
McDowell. 40513
McDowell, Nancy Parker
Notes From Ramallah. Aug.03
McElligott, Matthew
Uncle Frank's Pit / by Matthew
McElligott. WinSpr.99
Jed & Roy McCoy / created by
Andrew McDonough. AprJune 2010
McElmeel, Sharon L.
McDonough, Andrew
Picture that! from Mendel to
Normandy / Sharron L. McElmeel.
poet tree. Apr.03
When Kids Say No to School :
Helping Children at Risk of Failure,
Refusal, or Dropping Out / by Elaine
K. McEwan. WinSpr.99
McEwan, Elaine
McFarland, John Thomas
Managing Attention and Learning
Disorders : Super Survival Strategies
/ by Elaine McEwan. Fall.98
Away in a manger / illustrated by
Mike Jaroszko ; [verses 1 and 2,
written by unknown ; verse 3
written by John Thomas
McFarland]. OctDec 2009
McElmeel, Sharron L.
McEwan, Elaine C.
How to raise a reader / Elaine K.
McEwan. Nov.2004
McFarlane, Sheryl
McGee, Krista
Starring me / Krista McGee.
McGeorge, Constance W.
Boomer's big surprise / by
Constance W. McGeorge;
illustrated by Mary Whyte. Spr.01
McGill, Alice
Miles' song / by Alice McGill.
Going to the fair. Nov.96
McGill, Alice
McEwan, Elaine K
I Didn't Do it : Dealing With
Dishonesty / Elaine K. McEwan.
McEwan, Elaine K
Mom, He Hit Me! : What to Do
About Sibling Rivalry / Elaine K.
McEwan. Sep.97
McEwan, Elaine K
Nobody Likes Me : Helping Your
Child Make Friends / Elaine K.
McEwan. Sep.97
Going to the Fair. Jan.97
Molly Bannaky / written by Alice
McGill; pictures by Chris K.
Soentpiet. Spr.01
McFarlane, Sheryl
McGill, Alice
Jessie's Island. Jan.97
Way up and over everything / Alice
McGill ; illustrated by Jude Daly.
McFarlane, Sheryl
McFarlane, Sheryl
Moonsnail Song / Sheryl McFarland
& Sheena Lott. Nov.97
If Daddy only knew me. Sept.96
McFarlane, Sheryl
Tides of change. Mar.96
McEwan, Elaine K.
McGaffey, Leta
Angry Parents, Failing Schools :
What's Wrong with Our Public
Schools and What Parents Can Do
About It / by Elaine K. McEwan.
Honduras / by Leta McGaffey.
McEwan, Elaine K.
Attention Deficit Disorder : Helpful,
Practical Information. Mar.97
McEwan, Elaine K.
McGee, J. Vernon
Doctrine for Difficult Days / J.
Vernon McGee. Sep.97
McGlone, Catherine
Visiting volcanoes with a scientist /
Catherine McGlone. Dec.2004
McGowan, Michael
Sunday is for God / by Michael
McGowan ; pictures by Steve
Johnson and Lou Fancher. 40634
McGowen, Tom
McGee, Krista
Anomaly / Krista McGee.
Murphy's mansion. Sept.96
McGee, Krista
McEwan, Elaine K.
McGinnis, Lila\Paterson, Diane, ill
First date / Krista McGee. 41061
The best defense. Sept.96
Revolutionary War and George
Washington's army in American
history / Tom McGowen. Mar.2005
McGowen, Tom
Robespierre and the French
Revolution in world history / by
Tom McGowen. Fall.01
McGee, Krista
McEwan, Elaine K.
Right where I belong / Krista
McGee. Apr.2013
McGrath, Alister
J. I. Packer : A Biography / by Alister
McGrath. WinSpr.99
McGrath, Alister E.
Chosen ones / Alister E. McGrath.
Writers and Plain Rules for Reading
and Directions for Avoiding
Common Errors / by William H.
McGuffey; revised and edited by
Charles and Betty Burger. Win.00
McGrath, Alister E.
McGugan, Jim
Darkness shall fall / Alister McGrath
; [illustrations by Wojciech
Nowakowski, Bartosz Nowakowski,
and Marta Nowakowski]. Feb / Apr
Bridge 6 / by Jim McGugan;
illustrated by Judith Christine Mills.
Flight of the outcasts / by Alister E.
McGrath. 40695
McGraw, Eloise Jarvis
Rundelstone of Oz / by Eloise Jarvis
McGraw; illustrated by Eric
Shanower. Win.02
Josepha : a prairie boy's story / by
Jim McGugan; illustrated by Murray
Kimber. Oct.95
McGuigan, Mary Ann
Morning in a different place / Mary
Ann McGuigan. OctDec 2009
McGuinn, Taro
McGuffey, William H.
Christian Eclectic Readers : Study
Guide / by William H. McGuffey;
revised and edited by Charles and
Betty Burger. Win.00
McGuffey, William H.
Eclectic First Reader : Consisting of
Progressive Lessons in Reading and
Spelling Mostly in Easy Words of
One and Two Syllables / by William
H. McGuffey; revised and edited by
Charles and Betty Burger. Win.00
McHugh, Erin
National parks : a kid's guide to
America's parks, monuments, and
landmarks / Erin McHugh ; art by
Neal Aspinall, Doug Leen, and Brian
Maebius. Apr.2013
McIntosh, Kenneth R.
McGugan, Jim
McGrath, Alister E.
Code Name Antidote / by Paul T.
McHenry, III. Fall.00
East Timor : Island in Turmoil / by
Taro McGuinn. Win.00
Following Aslan : a book of
devotions for children based upon
the chronicles of Narnia by C. S.
Lewis / Kenneth R. McIntosh,
M.Div. ; [edited by] Ellyn Sana.
McIntosh, Mark Allen
Mysteries of Faith / by Mark Allen
McIntosh. Fall.00
McKaughan, Larry
Why are your fingers cold. Nov.95
McHenry, Janet Holm
Caught in the Act! / by Janet Holm
McHenry; illustrated by Donna Kae
Nelson. MarMay.98
McKay, Hilary
McHenry, Janet Holm
McKay, Lisa
Mission Impossible? / by Janet
Holm McHenry; illustrated by
Donna Kae Nelson. MarMay.98
My hands came away red / Lisa
McKay. AprJune 2010
Amber Cat / by Hilary McKay.
McKelvey, Douglas Kaine
McGuffey, William H.
Eclectic Fourth Reader / by William
H. McGuffey; revised and edited by
Charles and Betty Burger. Win.00
McHenry, Janet Holm
Mystery at the Fairgrounds / by
Janet Holm McHenry. MarMay.98
McKendry, Joe
McHenry, Janet Holm
McGuffey, William H.
Eclectic Second Reader / by William
H. McGuffey; revised and edited by
Charles and Betty Burger. Win.00
McGuffey, William H.
Eclectic Third Reader : Containing
Selections in Prose and Poetry from
the Best American and English
Angel Knew Papa and the Dog /
Douglas Kaine McKelvey. Sep.97
Secret of the Locked Trunk / by
Janet Holm McHenry. MarMay.98
Beneath the streets of Boston :
building America's first subway /
written & illustrated by Joe
McKendry. Dec.2006
McHenry, Janet Holm
Time Out! / by Janet Holm
McHenry. Fall.98
McHenry, Paul T., III
McKenna, David L.
leader's legacy : preparing for
greater things / David L. McKenna.
McKernan, Victoria
devil's paintbox / Victoria
McKernan. June 2009
McKissack, Patricia
McLerran, Alice
Christmas in the big house,
Christmas in the quarters. Nov.96
The year of the ranch. Nov.96
McKinley, Rick
Jesus in the margins / Rick
McKinley. Sept.2005
McMahon, Patricia
McKissack, Patricia
McKinley, Robin
Color me dark : the diary of Nellie
Lee Love, the great migration North
/ by Patricia C. McKissack. Sum.01
Just add one Chinese sister / by
Patricia McMahon and Cono Clarke
McCarthy ; illustrated by Karen A.
Jerome. Sept.2005
hero and the crown / Robin
McKinley. Aug.2004
McKissack, Patricia
McMichael, Betty
Days of jubilee : the end of slavery
in the United States / by Patricia C.
and Fredrick L. McKissack. Jun.03
church librarian's handbook : a
complete guide for the library and
resource center in Christian
education / by Betty McMichael.
McKinney, Mary
Shadow of fear. SprSum.02
McKissack, Fredrick, Jr.
Counting in the temperate forest :
Fredrick L. McKissack, Jr. and Lisa
Beringer McKissack. / Fredrick L.
McKissack, Jr. and Lisa Beringer
McKissack. June 2009
McKissack, Patricia
Nzingha : warrior queen of
Matamba / by Patricia McKissack.
McKissack, Patricia
McKissack, Pat
Sojourner Truth : Ain't I a woman.
Goin' someplace special / Patricia C.
McKissack; Jerry Pinkney. Apr.03
McKissack, Patricia
McKissack, Pat
Sojourner Truth : Ain't I a Woman?.
Look to the hills : the diary of
Lozette Moreau, a French slave girl
/ by Patricia C. McKissack.
encyclopedia of African American
Christian heritage / Marvin A.
McMickle ; forewords by Cain Hope
Felder and J. Alfred Smith, Sr.
McMillan, Bruce
McKissack, Patricia C.
Picture of Freedom : The Diary of
Clotee, a Slave Girl / by Patricia C.
McKissack. Jan.98
McKissack, Patricia
Black hands, white sails : the story
of African-American whalers / by
Patricia C. McKissack and Fredrick L.
McKissack. Feb / Apr 2012
McMickle, Marvin Andrew
McKissack, Patricia C.
Run Away Home / by Patricia C.
McKissack. Fall.98
Jelly Beans for Sale. Mar.97
McMillan, Bruce
problem with chickens / by Bruce
McMillan ; illustrated with paintings
by Gunnella. Sept.2007
McMillan, Bruce
Salmon summer / written and
photo-illustrated by Bruce
McMillan. Oct.03
McMillan, Mary\Terrill, Veronica
McKissack, Patricia
Black hands, white sails : the story
of African-American whalers / by
Patricia C. McKissack and Fredrick L.
McKissack. Spr.01
McKissack, Patricia
Can You Imagine? / by Patricia
McKissack; photographs by Myles
Pinkney. MarMay.98
McLaughlin, Miriam Smith
Addiction : The "High" That Brings
You Down / by Miriam Smith
McLaughlin and Sandra Peyser
Hazouri. WinSpr.99
McLemore, Clinton W.
Toxic relationships and how to
change them : health and holiness
in everyday life / Clinton W.
McLemore. Mar.2005
Christian crafts from hand-shaped
art. Sept.96
McMullan, Kate
As far as I can see / by Kate
McMullan. Aug.03
McMullan, Kate
fine start / by Kate McMullan.
Michelangelo : painter, sculptor,
and architect / Tim McNeese.
Rosie O'Donnell : Talk Show Host
and Comedian / by Virginia
Meachum. Win.00
McNi, Allan, ed.
Meade, Holly
Beyond the Impasse : Luke's Use of
Matthew. Mar.97
John Willy and Freddy McGee / by
Holly Meade. Fall.98
Pearl and Wagner : one funny day /
Kate McMullan ; pictures by R.W.
Alley. Oct. 2010
McPhail, David M.
Meade, Starr
teddy bear / David McPhail. Apr.03
God's mighty acts in creation / Starr
Meade. 40848
McMullan, Kate
McPherson, Miles
Pearl and Wagner : two good
friends / by Kate McMullan ;
pictures by R.W. Alley. June.2005
22 Jump-Start Devotional : Getting
Started on Your Incredible Christian
Life / by Miles McPherson. Fall.98
Meade, Starr
McMullen, Kate
McPherson, Miles
Mears, Henrietta
If You Were My Bunny. Mar.97
Parenting the wild child / by Miles
McPherson. Sum.01
What the Bible is all about for
young explorers. Jan.96
McQuade, Jacqueline
Mechler, Gary
Good Times with Teddy Bear / by
Jacqueline McQuade. Fall.98
National Audubon Society First
Field Guide. Night Sky / written by
Gary Mechler; sky maps by Wil
Tirion. Fall.00
McMullan, Kate
Pearl and Wagner : one funny day /
Kate McMullan ; pictures by R.W.
Alley. October 2010
McMullan, Kate
God's mighty acts in salvation /
Starr Meade. 40848
McNaughton, Janet
Catch Me Once, Catch Me Twice /
by Janet McNaughton. MarMay.98
McNeal, Tom
Dog Who Lost His Bob. Mar.97
McNeese, Tim
Alexander Hamilton : framer of the
Constitution / Tim McNeese.
McReynolds, Kathy
Catherine Marshall / by Kathy
McReynolds. Fall.00
McReynolds, Kathy
Cinderella's Rat / by Susan
Meddaugh. WinSpr.99
Susanna Wesley / by Kathy
McReunolds. WinSpr.99
Medearis, Angela Shelf
McReynolds, Mary
Freedom Riddle / retold by Angela
Shelf Medearis; illustrated by John
Ward. Jan.98
McNeese, Tim
Brown v. Board of Education :
integrating America's schools / Tim
McNeese. June.2007
Meddaugh, Susan
Wells of glory. Nov.96
Medearis, Carl
McNeese, Tim
Galileo : Renaissance scientist and
astronomer / Tim McNeese.
McNeese, Tim
George Washington : America's
leader in war and peace / Tim
McNeese. June.2007
McVey, Steve
Grace walk. Sept.96
McWhorter, Diane
dream of freedom : the civil rights
movement from 1954 to 1968 /
Diane McWhorter ; foreword by
Fred Shuttlesworth. June.2005
Muslims, Christians, and Jesus :
gaining understandings and
building relationships / Carl
Medearis. OctDec 2009
Media Projects Incorporated
Becoming a modern nation 19001920 / by Media Projects, Inc.
Meachum, Virginia
McNeese, Tim
Media Projects Incorporated
Student almanac of African
American history / Media Project,
Inc. Aug.03
The third millennium : a novel / by
Paul D. Meier. Oct.95
Gift for the Contessa / by Michael
Mele; illustrated by Ronald G.
Paolillo. Nov.97
Meigs, Cornelia
Medina, Jane
My Name Is Jorge on Both Sides of
the River / poems by Jane Medina;
illustrated by Fabricio Vanden
Broeck. Fall.00
Invincible Louisa : the story of the
author of Little Women. Sept.96
Meli, Franco
Meigs, Cornelia
Mellersh, H.E.L.
Swift rivers. Sept.96
Chronology of world history / by
H.E.L. Mellersh. Spr.01
Meeker, Clare Hodgson
Hansa : the true story of an Asian
elephant baby / Clare Hodgson
Meeker; with photographs from
Woodland Park Zoo; illustrations by
Linda Feltner. Feb.03
Meeker, Clare Hodgson
Lootas, Little Wave Eater : An
Orphaned Sea Otter's Story / by
Clare Hodgson Meeker;
photographs by C.J. Casson. Fall.00
Meilaender, Gilbert
Bioethics : A Primer for Christians.
Meisel, Jacqueline Drobis
Australia : The Land Down Under /
by Jacqueline Drobis Meisel.
Meisel, Jacqueline Drobis
Meeker, Clare Hodgson
South Africa : A Tapestry of Peoples
and Traditions / Jacqueline Drobis
Meisel. Nov.97
Partner in Revolution : Abigail
Adams / by Clare Hodgson Meeker.
Meissner, Susan
Meeuwsen, Terry Anne
Near to the Heart of God : God's
Words of Encouragement for
Women / by Terry Anne Meeuwsen
and Jake Rake Thoene. WinSpr.99
day with a Cheyenne. SprSum.02
In all deep places / Susan Meissner.
Melnik, Jan
How to open and operate a homebased secretarial services business.
Meloche, Renee Taft
Amy Carmichael / written by Renee
Taft Meloche ; illustrated by Bryan
Pollard. Nov.2004
Meloche, Renee Taft
Corrie ten Boom : shining in the
darkness / written by Renee Taft
Meloche ; illustrated by Bryan
Pollard. Nov.2004
Meloche, Renee Taft
Lady in waiting / Susan Meissner.
Eric Liddell : running for a higher
prize / written by Renee Taft
Meloche ; illustrated by Bryan
Pollard. Nov.2004
Meggs, Libby Phillips
Meissner, Susan
Meloche, Renee Taft
Go home! : the true story of James
the cat / written and illustrated by
Libby Phillips Meggs. Sum.01
shape of mercy : a novel / Susan
Meissner. 39912
Eric Liddell : running for a higher
prize / written by Renee Taft
Meloche ; illustrated by Bryan
Pollard. Oct.Nov.2013
Meissner, Susan
Meissner, Susan
Meier, John P.
White picket fences / Susan
Meissner. AprJune 2010
Meloche, Renee Taft
Meier, Paul D.
Meister, Chad V.
Christian Child-Rearing and
Personality Development / Paul D.
Meier, Donald E. Ratcliff, and
Frederick L. Rowe. Nov.97
Building belief : constructing faith
from the ground up / Chad V.
Meister. Mar.2007
George Muller : faith to feed ten
thousand / written by Renee Taft
Meloche ; illustrated by Bryan
Pollard. Nov.2004
Marginal Jew. Win.00
Mele, Michael
Meier, Paul D.
Meloche, Renee Taft
Gladys Aylward : daring to trust /
written by Renee Taft Meloche ;
illustrated by Bryan Pollard.
Ferdinand Magellan / by Milton
Meltzer. SprSum.02
Meloche, Renee Taft
Meltzer, Milton
Mary Slessor : courage in Africa /
written by Renee Taft Meloche ;
illustrated by Bryan Pollard.
printing press / by Milton Meltzer.
Meloche, Renee Taft
Nate Saint : heavenbound / written
by Renee Taft Meloche ; illustrated
by Bryan Pollard. Nov.2004
Meltzer, Milton
Ten Queens : Portraits of Women in
Power / by Milton Meltzer ;
illustrated by Bethanne Andersen.
Meltzer, Milton
Meloche, Renee Taft
William Carey : bearer of good
news / written by Renee Taft
Meloche ; illustrated by Bryan
Pollard. Nov.2004
Melton, J. Gordon
Protestant faith in America / J.
Gordon Melton. Jun.03
They came in chains : the story of
the slave ships / by Milton Meltzer.
Melville, Herman
Billy Budd / by Herman Melville.
Mendelsohn, James
Meltzer, Milton
Barbara Jordan : getting things
done / James Mendelsohn. Fall.01
Bound for America : story of
European immigrants / by Milton
Meltzer. Win.02
Mendez, Ana
Meltzer, Milton
Captain James Cook / by Milton
Meltzer. SprSum.02
Meltzer, Milton
Case closed : the real scoop on
detective work / Milton Meltzer.
Meltzer, Milton
Shaking the heavens / Ana Mendez.
Menick, Stephen
Muffin Child / by Stephen Menick.
Merriam Webster's Elementary
Merriam Webster's Elementary
Dictionary. Jan.96
Merriam-Webster Reference
Library (CD)
Merriam-Webster Reference
Library (CD). Win.00
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate
Dictionary (CD)
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate
Dictionary (CD). Win.00
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate
Dictionary (online)
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate
Dictionary (online). Win.00
Merriam-Webster's primary
Merriam-Webster's primary
dictionary / Ruth Heller [illustrator].
Merrill, Dean
Together at Home. Jan.97
Merritt, Bruce E.
Lillian's Fish / by James Menk;
illustrated by Louisa Bauer.
Patmos Conspiracy / by Bruce E.
Merritt. Fall.00
Merritt, Ginny
Menuge, Angus J.
Meltzer, Milton
C. S. Lewis, Lightbearer in the
Shadowlands : The Evangelistic
Vision of C. S. Lewis / edited by
Angus J. Menuge. Fall.98
Meltzer, Milton
secret room / by Cynthia Mercati.
Menk, James
cotton gin / by Milton Meltzer.
Driven from the land : the story of
the Dust Bowl / by Milton Meltzer.
Mercati, Cynthia
Menzie, Morgan
Diary of an anorexic girl / by
Morgan Menzie. Apr.04
A ram for Isaac / Ginny Merritt ;
[illustrations by Keith Neely.].
message: the Old Testament books
of Moses
message: the Old Testament books
of Moses / Eugene H. Peterson.
Messenger, Norman
Creation story / illustrated by
Norman Messenger. Win.02
Beware, Princess Elizabeth /
Carolyn Meyer. Fall.01
Michael, Jan
Meyer, Carolyn
Michell, David J.
Gideon's People. Jan.97
Boy's War. Mar.97
Meyer, Carolyn
Michelson, Richard
Isabel : jewel of Castilla / by Carolyn
Meyer. Win.02
Grandpa's Gamble / by Richard
Michelson; illustrated by Barry
Moser. Win.00
City boy / Jan Michael. August 2011
Metaxas, Eric
Bible ABC / written by Eric Metaxas
; illustrated by Jim Harris. Fall.98
Metaxas, Eric
Squanto and the Miracle of
Thanksgiving / by Eric Metaxas;
illustrated by Shannon Stirnweis.
Metaxas, Eric
Squanto and the miracle of
Thanksgiving / Eric Metaxas ;
illustrated by Shannon Stirnweis.
Meter, Leo\Agee, Joel, translator
Meyer, Carolyn
Kristina : the girl king / by Carolyn
Meyer. Aug.03
Meyer, Carolyn
Mary, Bloody Mary / Carolyn
Meyer. Fall.01
Meyer, Jane G.
Hands across the moon / Jane G.
Meyer. Oct.03
Meyer, Joyce
Call me Graywolf. Nov.96
Metzler, Jack
River of joy. Mar.96
Meurer, Dave
Out on a whim / by Dave Meurer.
Mexican War of Independence.
Meyer, Joyce
Micucci, Charles
Battlefield of the mind for kids /
Joyce Meyer, with Karen Moore.
life and times of the ant / Charles
Micucci. Aug.03
Meyer, Joyce
Battlefield of the mind for teens :
winning the battle in your mind /
Joyce Meyer with Todd Hafer.
Never give up / Joyce Meyer.
OctDec 2009
Anastasia / by Carolyn Meyer.
Meyer, Carolyn
Micucci, Charles
The life and times of the honey bee.
Mignolli, Marisa
Hosanna to you, Jesus! : a Palm
Sunday experience / by Marisa
Mignolli. Oct.95
Miklowitz, Gloria D.
Meyer, L.A.
Meyer, Carolyn
Micklos, John, Jr.
Mommy poems / compiled by John
Micklos, Jr.; illustrated by Lori
McElrath-Eslick. Win.02
Meyer, Joyce
Mexican War of Independence
Grandparent poems / compiled by
John Micklos, Jr. ; illustrations by
Layne Johnson. Dec.2004
Approval addiction / Joyce Meyer.
June 2009
Metzler, Jack
Tachechana : the story of Skipping
Fawn. Nov.95
Daddy poems / selected by John
Micklos, Jr.; illustrated by Robert
Casilla; with a foreword by Jim
Trelease. Win.02
Micklos, John, Jr.
Letters to Barbara. Sept.96
Metzler, Jack
Micklos, John, Jr.
Bloody Jack : being an account of
the curious adventures of Mary
"Jacky" Faber, Ship's Boy / L.S.
Meyer. Apr.03
enemy has a face. Apr.04
Miklowitz, Gloria D.
enemy has a face / written by
Gloria Miklowitz. Aug.03
Miklowitz, Gloria D.
Masada : The Last Fortress / by
Gloria D. Miklowitz. WinSpr.99
Owner's Manual for the Unfinished
Soul / Calvin Miller. Nov.97
Miller, Calvin
Milhous, Katherine
egg tree / story and pictures by
Katherine Milhous. Aug.2004
Millar, Heather
Kingdom of Benin in West Africa /
by Heather Millar. Jan.98
Millar, Heather
Spain in the Age of Exploration / by
Heather Millar. Win.00
Great American statesmen and
heroes. Nov.96
Miller, Debra A.
Miller, Calvin
Snow : A Novel / by Calvin Miller.
The rewriting of America's history.
Miller, Brandon Marie
Just What the Doctor Ordered : The
History of American Medicine /
Brandon Marie Miller. Nov.97
Miller, Calvin
unfinished soul : happening upon
Jesus in the happenstance of life /
Calvin Miller. Mar.2005
Wind : a novel / by Calvin Miller.
Discipling nations : the power of
truth to transform cultures / by
Darrow L. Miller; with Stan Guthrie.
Miller, Debbie S
Flight of the Golden Plover : The
Amazing Migration Between Hawaii
and Alaska / Debbie S. Miller ;
Daniel Van Zyle. Sep.97
Texas v. Johnson : The Flag-Burning
Case / by J. Anthony Miller. Fall.98
Miller, Kathy Collard
When the Honeymoon's Over :
Building a Real-Life Marriage / by
Kathy Collard Miller & D. Larry
Miller. MarMay.98
Miller, Leslie A.
Suicide / edited by Leslie A. Miller
and Paul A. Rose. Fall.01
Miller, Debbie S
The caribou journey. Nov.95
divine symphony / by Calvin Miller.
Arctic lights, Arctic nights / Debbie
S. Miller ; illustrations by Jon Van
Zyle. Mar.2005
Miller, Calvin
Miller, Debbie S.
Into the depths of God : where eyes
see the invisible, ears hear the
inaudible, and minds conceive the
inconceivable / by Calvin Miller.
great serum race : blazing the
Iditarod Trail / Debbie S. Miller ;
illustrations by Jon Van Zyle.
Miller, Calvin
Home Wars / by Dorothy Reynolds.
Miller, J. Anthony
Miller, Debbie S.
Miller, Calvin
Blue like jazz : nonreligious
thoughts on Christian spirituality /
Donald Miller. Dec.2005
Miller, Dorothy Reynolds
Miller, Calvin
Disarming the Darkness : A Guide to
Spiritual Warfare / by Calvin Miller ;
foreword by Eugene H. Peterson.
North Korea / Debra A. Miller, book
editor. Nov.2004
Miller, Donald
Miller, Darrow L.
Millard, Catherine
Iraq / Debra A. Miller, book editor.
Shade / Calvin Miller. SprSum.02
Miller, Calvin
Millard, Catherine
Miller, Debra A.
Miller, Louise R.
Turkey : Between East and West /
by Louise R. Miller. MarMay.98
Miller, Margaret
Vessel of Honor / by Margaret
Miller. WinSpr.99
Miller, Marianne
Too busy : a days of the week story.
Miller, Debbie S.
Miller, Marilyn
River of life / by Debbie S. Miller;
illustrated by Jon Van Zyle. Sum.01
Words that built a nation / by
Marilyn Miller. Sum.01
Mills, DiAnn
Miller, Millie
United States of America : a stateby-state guide / by Millie Miller and
Cyndi Nelson. Sum.01
Miller, Rich
Breach of trust / Mills, DiAnn.
Milne, A. A.
Mills, DiAnn
Complete Tales of Winnie-the-Pooh
/ A. A. Milne ; Ernest H. Shepard.
Pursuit of justice / DiAnn Mills.
Milne, A. A.
To my dear Slimeball. Jan.96
When we were very young. Mar.96
Mills, DiAnn
Miller, Sara Swan
Three stories you can read to your
teddy bear / by Sara Swan Miller ;
illustrated by True Kelley. Aug.2004
Sworn to protect / DiAnn Mills.
Mills, DiAnn
The chase. Aug.Sept.2013
Miller, Sara Swan
Will you sting me? Will you bite? /
by Sara Swan Miller; illustrations by
Rick Chrustowski. Win.02
Miller, Shiyowin
winds erase your footprints. Jun.03
Milne, A. A.
Winnie-the-Pooh. Mar.96
Milne, A.A.
red house mystery / A.A. Milne.
Mills, DiAnn
The fire in ember / DiAnn Mills.
Mills, DiAnn
Milsome, John
From Slave Boy to Bishop : The
Story of Samuel Adjai Crowther.
The survivor / DiAnn Mills.
Milsome, John
Miller, Steve
Child's Garden of Prayer. Fall.00
Mills, DiAnn
When the lion roars / DiAnn Mills.
Miller, Susan Martins
Lizzie and the Redcoat : stirrings of
revolution in the American colonies
/ Susan Martins Miller. Mar.2007
Heroine of Newgate : Story of
Elizabeth Fry. Mar.97
Milway, Katie Smith
Mills, Lauren A.
Book of Little Folk : Faery Stories
and Poems from Around the World
/ Lauren A. Mills. Nov.97
One hen : how one small loan made
a big difference / written by Katie
Smith Milway ; illustrated by
Eugenie Fernandes. June 2009
Miller, Susan Martins
Rosa takes a chance : Mexican
immigrants in the Dust Bowl years /
Susan Martins Miller. Mar.2007
Miller, W. Barry
Little Foxes That Spoil the Vines /
W. Barry Miller. Nov.97
Mills, Charles
My talents for Jesus ; When I grow
up. Jan.96
Mills, DiAnn
Attracted to fire / Mills, DiAnn. Feb
/ Apr 2012
Mills, Sara
Miss Fortune : an Allie Fortune
mystery / Sara Mills. AprJune 2010
Minarik, Else Holmelund
Little Bear and the Marco Polo / by
Else Holmelund Minarik ; pictures
by Dorothy Doubleday. August
Mills, Sara
Miss Match : an Allie Fortune
mystery / Sara Mills. AprJune 2010
Minassian, Jessie
Soul sister : respect / Jessie
Minassian. June.2007
Mills-Macias, Kathi
Obsession : a novel / Kathi MillsMacias. SprSum.02
Minatra, MaryAnn
Before Night Falls / by MaryAnn
Minatra. Jan.98
Mills-Macias, Kathi
ransom / Kathi Mills-Macias.
Minatra, MaryAnn
Jewel in the Evening Sky / by
MaryAnn Minatra. Jan.98
Minshull, Evelyn
Familiar Terror : A Novel / Evelyn
Minshull. Sep.97
Minatra, MaryAnn
The heirloom / by MaryAnn
Minatra. Nov.95
Minatra, MaryAnn
The masterpiece / by MaryAnn
Minatra. Nov.95
Minatra, MaryAnn
The tapestry / by MaryAnn Minatra.
It takes a church to raise a village /
Marva Mitchell. Win.02
Mitchell, Peter
Minshull, Evelyn White
Eaglet's world / by Evelyn Minshull;
illustrated by Andrea Gabriel.
Minters, Frances
Too big, too small, just right /
Frances Minters; illustrated by Janie
Bynum. Win.02
Central Africa / edited by Peter
Mitchell. Mar.2007
Mitchell, Peter
East Africa / edited by Peter
Mitchell. Mar.2007
Mitchell, Peter
Nations and personalities / edited
by Peter Mitchell. Mar.2007
Miracles of Christmas
Minchella, Nancy
Mama will be home soon / by
Nancy Minchella; illustrated by
Keiko Narahashi. Apr.04
Miracles of Christmas. Nov.97
Mirpuri, Gouri
Mitchell, Peter
North Africa / edited by Peter
Mitchell. Mar.2007
Indonesia. Mar.96
Mitchell, Peter
Mindeman, Miriam
Mirpuri, Gouri
Song of a Woman's Soul : A Book of
Prayers / compiled by Miriam
Mindeman. WinSpr.99
Indonesia / by Gouri Mirpuri and
Robert Cooper. SprSum.02
Minden, Cecilia
Baseball / Cecilia Minden and Katie
Marsico. AprJune 2010
Miner, Lynn E.
Proposal planning and writing /
Lynn E. Miner and Jeremy T. Miner.
Miner, Lynn E.
Southern Africa / edited by Peter
Mitchell. Mar.2007
Mitchell, Peter
Miserable mill
Miserable mill. Feb.03
West Africa / edited by Peter
Mitchell. Mar.2007
Misiroglu, Gina
Mitchell, Siri L.
Handy answer book for kids (and
parents) / by Gina Misiroglu. 40513
In the midst of lions. Nov.96
Mitchell, Siri L.
Mitchell, Hayley R.
Readings on Native son / edited by
Hayley R. Mitchell. Fall.01
Love's pursuit / Siri Mitchell.
AprJune 2010
Mitchell, Siri L.
Proposal planning and writing /
Lynn E. Miner and Jeremy T. Miner.
Mitchell, Marcia
Kathy. Sept.96
Montclair / by Sara Mitchell.
Miner, Lynn E.
Mitchell, Margaree King
Mitchell, Siri L.
Proposal planning and writing /
Lynn E. Miner and Jeremy T. Miner.
Uncle Jed's barbershop. Nov.96
Ransomed Heart / by Sara Mitchell.
Mitchell, Margaree King
Minirth, Frank
Minirth guide for Christian
counselors / Frank Minirth. Apr.04
Uncle Jed's Barbershop. Mar.97
Mitchell, Marva
Mitchell, Siri L.
She walks in beauty / Siri Mitchell.
Mitchell, Siri L.
Something beyond the sky / Siri L.
Mitchell. June.2007
How to Be Up on Down Days / Nell
W. Mohney. Sep.97
Montgomery, Dan
Mystery of Half Moon Cove / Dan
Montgomery. Sep.97
Mohr, Joseph
Mitchell, Siri L.
Montgomery, Dan
The messenger / Siri Mitchell.
Silent night, holy night : a Christmas
carol / by Joseph Mohr; illustrated
by Mája DusÎková. Spr.01
Mitchell, Siri L.
Mollel, Tololwa M.
Montgomery, Leslie
The messenger / Siri Mitchell.
Kitoto the Mighty / by Tololwa M.
Mollel and Kristi Frost. WinSpr.99
faith of Condoleezza Rice / Leslie
Montgomery. Sept.2007
Mitchell, Siri L.
Mollel, Tololwa M.
Montgomery, Leslie
Trial of the innocent. Sept.96
My rows and piles of coins / by
Tololwa M. Mollel; illustrated by E.
B. Lewis. Spr.01
parent's guide to spiritual warfare :
equipping your kids to win the
battle / Leslie Montgomery.
Mitchell, Vic
Lost and found. Mar.97
Mittelberg, Mark
The questions Christians hope no
one will ask : (with answers) / Mark
Mittelberg. 40695
Mystery of the Aspen Bandits / Dan
Montgomery. Sep.97
Molzahn, Arlene Bourgeois
Vasco Nunez de Balboa : explorer
to the Pacific Ocean / Arlene
Bourgeois Molzahn. Mar.2005
Momotani, Yoshihide
Montgomery, Leslie
Redemptive suffering : lessons
learned from the garden of
Gethsemane / Leslie Montgomery.
Origami dinosaurs. Jan.96
Montgomery, Sy
Mitton, Jacqueline
Scholastic encyclopedia of space /
by Jacqueline Mitton & Simon
Mitton. Sum.01
Mitton, Tony
Dinosaurumpus / by Tony Milton;
illustrated by Guy Parker-Rees.
Monfried, Lucia
No More Animals! / by Lucia
Monfried and Betsy James. Jan.98
Monks, Lydia
Cat Barked? / by Lydia Monks.
tarantula scientist / by Sy
Montgomery ; photographs by Nic
Bishop. Sept.2005
Moody, Ralph
dry divide. SprSum.02
Moody, Ralph
fields of home. SprSum.02
Moeller, Bill
Monnier, Miriam
Custer : a photographic biography /
Bill and Jan Moeller. Aug.2004
Just right / Miriam Monnier;
translated by J. Alison James.
Moody, Ralph
Monroe, Judy
Moody, Ralph
Chief Red Cloud : 1822-1909 / by
Judy Monroe. Aug.2004
Horse of a different color.
Moghadam, Assaf
Monson, A. M.
Moody, Ralph
roots of terrorism / Assaf
Moghadam. Mar.2007
Wanted : Best Friend / by Am M.
Monson; pictures by Lynn
Munsinger. Jan.98
Little Britches. SprSum.02
Moeller, Bill
Pony Express : a photographic
history / Bill and Jan Moeller.
home ranch. SprSum.02
Moody, Ralph
Mohney, Nell W
Man of the family. SprSum.02
Moody, Ralph
Mary Emma & company. SprSum.02
Moody, Ralph
Shaking the nickel bush. SprSum.02
Moon, Nia
Something Special / by Nicola
Moon; illustrations by Alex Ayliffe.
Moore, Beth
Breaking free : making liberty in
Christ a reality in life / Beth Moore
with Dale McCleskey. SprSum.02
daring escape of Ellen Craft / by
Cathy Moore ; illustrations by Mary
O'Keefe Young. Nov.2004
Moore, Clement C.
The night before Christmas, told in
signed English : an adaptation of
the original poem "A visit from St.
Nicholas" by Clement C. Moore / by
Clement C Moore; illustrated by
Harry Bornstein and Karen Luczak
Saulnier. Oct.95
Moore, Clement C.
'Twas the Night B'fore Christmas :
An African-American Version /
Clement C. Moore; retold and
illustrated by Melodye Rosales.
Moore, Beth
Feathers from my nest / Beth
Moore. Win.02
Moore, Beth
parable about the king / Beth
Moore ; illustrations by Beverly
Warren. Apr.04
Parenting the heart of your child /
Diane Moore. Sept.2005
Moore, Ralph
Your money / Ralph Moore and
Alan Tang. Mar.2005
Moore, Ruth Nulton
Christmas surprise / by Ruth Nulton
Moore; illustrated by Allan Eitzen.
Moore, Ruth Nulton
Distant thunder / by Ruth Nulton
Moore; illustrated by Allan Eitzen.
Moore, Ruth Nulton
Mystery of the missing stallions.
Moore, Hyatt
In the image of God : faces and
souls that reflect their creator / by
Hyatt Moore and artists of Wycliffe
Bible Translators. Spr.01
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Enjoying true peace / Stephanie
Perry Moore. 40513
Moore, Ishbel L.
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Annilea / Ishbel L. Moore. Win.02
Experiencing the joy / Stephanie
Perry Moore. 40513
Moore, Beth
To live is Christ : embracing the
passion of Paul / Beth Moore with
Dale McCleskey. SprSum.02
Friends : the key to reaching
Generation X / Ralph Moore.
Moore, Diane
Moore, Beth
Get out of that pit / Beth Moore.
June 2009
Moore, Ralph
Moore, Joan Trusty
On the cross road : a daily
devotional for Lent / Joan Trusty
Moore. Spr.01
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Finally sure / Stephanie Perry
Moore. Aug.2004
Moore, Beth
When godly people do ungodly
things : arming yourself in the age
of seduction / Beth Moore. Apr.03
Moore, John L.
Moore, Stephanie Perry
breaking of Ezra Riley / John L.
Moore. Fall.01
Finding your faith / Stephanie Perry
Moore. 40513
Moore, Carey
Moore, Lilian
Moore, Stephanie Perry
What Happens When Husbands and
Wives Pray Together?. Fall.00
Little raccoon / by Lilian Moore;
illustrated by Doug Cushman.
Going the distance / Stephanie
Perry Moore & Derrick Moore.
Moore, Peter D.
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Moore, Cathy
Wetlands / Peter D. Moore. Win.02
Golden spirit / by Stephanie Perry
Moore. Sept.2006
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Learning the rules / Stephanie Perry
Moore & Derrick Moore. Dec.2012
Mora, Pat
Rainbow Tulip / by Pat Mora;
illustrated by Elizabeth Sayles.
Moragne, Wendy
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Making the team / Stephanie Perry
Moore & Derrick Moore. Dec.2012
New Jersey / by Wendy Moragne.
Morck, Irene
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Perfect joy / by Stephanie Perry
Moore. Sept.2006
Tiger's New Cowboy Boots / Story
by Irene Morck; illustrations by
Georgia Graham. Nov.97
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Mordhorst, Heidi
Purity reigns / Stephanie Perry
Moore. 40513
Pumpkin butterfly : poems from the
other side of nature / Heidi
Mordhorst ; illustrations by Jenny
Reynish. AprJune 2010
Meditations for Mothers :
Moments with God Amidst a Busy
Nest / by Elisa Morgan. WinSpr.99
Morgan, Kathleen
Child of promise / Kathleen
Morgan. Apr.03
Morgan, Kathleen
Child of the mist / Kathleen
Morgan. Dec.2006
Morgan, Kathleen
Daughter of Joy / by Kathleen
Morgan. Fall.00
Morgan, Kathleen
Embrace the dawn / Kathleen
Morgan. Feb.03
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Staying pure / Stephanie Perry
Moore. 40513
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Sweet honesty / Stephanie Perry
Moore. Sept.2006
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Taking the lead / Stephanie Perry
Moore & Derrick Moore. Dec.2012
Moreland, J. P.
Jesus Under Fire. Mar.97
Giver of roses / Kathleen Morgan.
Morey, Eileen
Morgan, Kathleen
The importance of Amelia Earhart.
Lady of light / Kathleen Morgan.
Morey, Walt
Morgan, Michael
Angry waters. Nov.95
midbrain / Michael Morgan.
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Morey, Walt
True friends / Stephanie Perry
Moore. Sept.2006
Deep trouble. Mar.96
Morey, Walt
Moore, Stephanie Perry
Winning the battle / Stephanie
Perry Moore & Derrick Moore.
How to Raise Children of Destiny /
by Dr. Patricia Morgan. MarMay.98
Morgan, Robert
Morey, Walt
Year of the black pony / Walt
Morey. June.2007
Morgan, Allen
Jessica Moffat's Silver Locket / by
Allen Morgan; illustrated by
Michael Martchenko. Nov.97
Mora, Pat
Gift of the Poinsettia. Mar.96
Morgan, Patricia
Home is the North. Mar.96
Moorman, John A.
Running a small library : a how-todo-it manual / edited by John
Moorman. Mar.2007
Morgan, Kathleen
Morgan, Elisa
The truest pleasure. Sept.96
Morgan, Stacy Towle
Adventure in the Caribbean / Stacy
Towle Morgan ; Pamela Querin.
Morgan, Stacy Towle
Belgium Book Mystery / Stacy
Towle Morgan ; Pamela Querin.
Beowulf / as told by Michael
Morpurgo ; illustrated by Michael
Foreman. June.2007
Wings of Healing / by Alan Morris.
Morgan, Stacy Towle
Morpurgo, Michael
British Bear Caper / Stacy Towle
Morgan ; Pamela Querin. Sep.97
Butterfly Lion / Michael Morpurgo.
Morgan, Stacy Towle
Morpurgo, Michael
Escape from Egypt / Stacy Towle
Morgan ; Pamela Querin. Sep.97
Escape from Shangri-La / by
Michael Morpurgo. WinSpr.99
Morgan, Stacy Towle
Morpurgo, Michael
Journey to Japan / by Stacy Towle
Morgan; illustrated by Patricia
Querin. Fall.98
Private Peaceful / by Michael
Morpurgo. Mar.2005
Real Kids, Real Adventures : True
Stories 6 / by Deborah Morris.
Morpurgo, Michael
Morris, Deborah
New Zealand Shake-Up / by Stacy
Towle Morgan; illustrated by
Patricia Querin. WinSpr.99
Sir Gawain and the green knight /
as told by Michael Morpurgo ;
illustrated by Michael Foreman.
Real kids, real adventures 1 : true
stories. Nov.95
Morgenstern, Susie
Morpurgo, Michael
Secret Letters from 0 to 10 / by
Susie Morgenstern; translated by
Gill Rosner. Fall.00
The wreck of the Zanzibar. Nov.96
Morris, David
lifestyle of worship. SprSum.02
Morris, Deborah
Real Kids, Real Adventures : True
Stories 5 / by Deborah Morris.
Morris, Deborah
Morgan, Stacy Towle
Morris, Deborah
Real kids, real adventures 2 : true
stories. Nov.95
Morris, Deborah
Morris Jeffrey
Reagan way. Nov.96
Real kids, real adventures 3 : true
stories. Jan.96
Morris, Alan
Morris, Deborah
Between Earth and Sky / by Alan
Morris. Fall.98
Real kids, real adventures 4 : true
stories. Jan.96
Morris, Alan
Morris, Fred Parks
Morley, Donna
Bright Sword of Justice / by Alan
Morris. Fall.98
How to Sharpen Your Listening-toGod Skills. Fall.00
woman of significance : discovering
your value and purpose in the eyes
of God / Donna Morley. SprSum.02
Morris, Alan
Morris, Gerald
By Honor Bound. Jan.97
ballad of Sir Dinadan / Gerald
Morris. Aug.03
Morgenthaler, Sally
Worship evangelism. SprSum.02
Morison, Frank
Who moved the stone? / Frank
Morison [i.e. A. H. Ross]. Spr.01
Moroney, Lynn
Baby rattlesnake / told by Te Ata ;
adapted by Lynn Moroney ;
illustrated by Veg Reisberg.
Morpurgo, Michael
Morris, Alan
Heart of Valor. Mar.97
Morris, Alan
Tracks of deceit. Sept.96
Morris, Alan
Morris, Gerald
savage damsel and the dwarf / by
Gerald Morris. Spr.01
Morris, Gerald
Squire's Tale / by Gerald Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
All That Glitters / by Gilbert Morris.
Dixie widow. Mar.96
Gates of Neptune / Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Amazon quest / by Gilbert Morris.
Driven with the wind / Lynn Morris
& Gilbert Morris. Fall.01
Morris, Gilbert
glorious prodigal / by Gilbert
Morris. Fall.01
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Among the King's Soldiers / by
Gilbert Morris and Aaron McCarver.
Morris, Gilbert
Arrow of the Almighty / Gilbert
Morris. Nov.97
Morris, Gilbert
Attack of the Amazons / Gilbert
Morris. Nov.97
Morris, Gilbert
Beginning of Sorrows : Enmeshed in
Evil / by Gilbert, Lynn, and Alan
Morris. Win.00
Morris, Gilbert
Beneath the mockingbird's wings /
by Gilbert Morris and Aaron
McCarver. Spr.01
Empress of the Underworld /
Gilbert Morris. Nov.97
Morris, Gilbert
God's handmaiden / Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
end of act three / Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
golden angel / by Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
Escape with the Dream Maker /
Gilbert Morris. Nov.97
Morris, Gilbert
Heart of a Lion / by Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
Fallen Stars, Bitter Waters / by
Gilbert, Lynn, and Alan Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
fields of glory. Nov.96
Honor in the dust / Gilbert Morris.
AprJune 2010
heavenly fugitive / Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
fiery ring / Gilbert Morris. Apr.03
Morris, Gilbert
Iron Lady. Jan.97
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Beyond the Quiet Hills / by Gilbert
Morris and Aaron McCarver. Fall.98
Final Kingdom / Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Caves That Time Forgot / Gilbert
Morris. Nov.97
Flight of the Eagles / Gilbert Morris.
Over the Misty Mountains / Gilbert
Morris & Aaron McCarver. Nov.97
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Command the sun / by Gilbert
Morris. Spr.01
Flying Cavalier / by Gilbert Morris.
Pilgrim song / Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Daughter of deliverance / Gilbert
Morris. Sept.2006
Four of a kind / Gilbert Morris.
Riches Untold / by Gilbert Morris
and J. Landon Ferguson. WinSpr.99
Lone Wolf. Jan.97
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
The gallant outlaw. Mar.96
Time of War / by Gilbert Morris.
Right Hand of God / by Gilbert
Morris. Win.00
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
The gentle rebel. Mar.96
Time to Build / by Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
Shadow Portrait / by Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
Silver Star / Gilbert Morris. Nov.97
Morris, Gilbert
Song in a Strange Land / Gilbert
Morris. Sep.97
Morris, Gilbert
Song in a Strange Land / by Gilbert
Morris ; read by Wayne Shepherd.
Morris, Gilbert
The holy warrior. Mar.96
Morris, Gilbert
The honorable imposter. Mar.96
Morris, Gilbert
time to weep. Nov.96
Morris, Gilbert
Tread upon the Lion / Gilbert
Morris. Sep.97
Morris, Gilbert
The indentured heart. Mar.96
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Unseen riches / by Gilbert Morris
and J. Landon Ferguson. Spr.01
The jeweled spur. Mar.96
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Valley Justice. Jan.97
The last Confederate. Mar.96
Morris, Gilbert
Sound the trumpet. Jan.96
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Vanishing clues. Nov.96
The reluctant bridegroom. Mar.96
Morris, Gilbert
Sound the Trumpet / by Gilbert
Morris ; read by Wayne Shepherd.
Morris, Gilbert
Stars in their courses. Nov.96
Morris, Gilbert
Sword of Camelot / Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
The saintly buccaneer. Mar.96
Voyage of the Dolphin / Gilbert
Morris. Nov.97
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
The shield of honor. Sept.96
Wall of fire. Nov.96
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
The union belle. Mar.96
White Hunter / by Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
The valiant gunman. Mar.96
The captive bride. Mar.96
Morris, Gilbert
Wind from the Wilderness / by
Gilbert Morris. WinSpr.99
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
The wounded Yankee. Mar.96
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Gilbert
Winged Raiders of the Desert /
Gilbert Morris. Nov.97
The crossed sabres. Mar.96
Morris, Gilbert
The final adversary. Mar.96
Through a Glass Darkly / by Gilbert
Morris. Fall.00
Morris, Gilbert
Yukon queen. Mar.96
Morris, Gilbert
Morris, Henry M
God who is real : a creationist
approach to evangelism and
missions. Jan.96
Bears, bears, and more bears.
FDR Way. Jan.97
Morris, Jeffrey Brandon
Men of science - men of God : great
scientists of the past who believed
the Bible. Nov.95
Lincoln Way. Jan.97
Morris, John
Miracles : do they still happen?
Why we still believe in them /
Henry M. Morris. Mar.2005
Footprints in the ash : the explosive
story of Mount St. Helens / John
Morris, Steven A. Austin. Nov.2004
Morris, John D
Morris, Henry M.
Modern Creation Trilogy : Scripture
and Creation / by Dr. Henry M.
Morris and Dr. John D. Morris.
Noah's ark and the Ararat
adventure. Nov.95
Morris, John D.
Is the big bang biblical? / with John
Morris. Mar.2005
Morris, Henry M.
Modern Creation Trilogy : Scripture
and Creation / by Dr. Henry M.
Morris and Dr. John D. Morris.
Morris, John D.
The young earth. Mar.96
Morris, John David
Morris, Henry M.
Modern Creation Trilogy : Scripture
and Creation / by Dr. Henry M.
Morris and Dr. John D. Morris.
Morris, Henry M.
Modern Creation Trilogy : Scripture
and Creation / by Dr. Henry M.
Morris and Dr. John D. Morris.
Geology book / by John D. Morris.
Morris, Karyn
Kids Can Press jumbo book of
gardening / written by Karyn
Morris; illustrated by Jane Kurisu.
Morris, Kerry-Ann
Jamaica / [written by Kerry-Ann
Morris]. Apr.04
Morris, Henry M.
Treasures in the psalms / by Henry
M. Morris. Sum.01
Morris, Kerry-Ann
Jamaica / [written by Kerry-Ann
Morris]. Dec.2004
Morris, Henry Madison, 1918
Sampling the Psalms. Sept.96
Balcony / by Lynn Morris.
Morris, Jeffrey Brandon
Morris, Henry M
Morris, Henry M.
Morris, Lynn
Morris, Lynn
Morris, Lynn
In the Twilight, In the Evening / by
Lynn Morris and Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Lynn
Island of the Innocent / by Lynn
Morris and Gilbert Morris.
Morris, Lynn
moon by night / Lynn Morris and
Gilbert Morris. Dec.2005
Morris, Lynn
Secret Place of Thunder / Lynn
Morris. Sep.97
Morris, Lynn
The stars for a light. Jan.96
Morris, Lynn
Toward the Sunrising / Lynn Morris.
Morris, Lynn
Where two seas met / Lynn Morris,
Gilbert Morris. SprSum.02
Morris, Michael
place called Wiregrass / Michael
Morris. Oct.03
Morris, Robert
From dream to destiny / Robert
Morris. Dec.2005
Morris, Robert
power of your words / Robert
Morris. Sept.2007
A city not forsaken. Jan.96
Morris, Jackie
Morris, Tim
Science & grace: God's reign in the
natural sciences / Tim Morris, Don
Petcher. Mar.2007
Christian fiction : a guide to the
genre / John Mort. Nov.2004
Mortenson, Greg
Morris, Willie
A prayer for the opening of the
Little League season. Nov.95
Morrisey, Tom
Deep blue / Tom Morrisey.
Morrisey, Tom
Pirate hunter / Tom Morrisey.
AprJune 2010
Morrison, Gordon
Oak tree / by Gordon Morrison.
Listen to the wind : the story of Dr.
Greg and the three cups of tea : by
Greg Mortenson and Susan L. Roth ;
collages by Susan L. Roth. / Greg
Mortenson and Susan L Roth ;
collages by Susan L Roth. 40026
Morrison, Martha A.
Judaism / by Martha Morrison,
Stephen F. Brown. Feb.03
Morrison, Taylor
buffalo nickel / Taylor Morrison.
Christmas : celebrating the
Christian history of American
symbols, songs and stories / by
Angie Mosteller. OctDec 2009
Mott, Evelyn Clarke
Steam train ride. Jan.96
Mosel, Arlene
Motyer, J.A.
funny little woman / retold by
Arlene Mosel ; pictures by Blair
Lent. Nov.2004
story of the Old Testament : men
with a message / by Alec Motyer;
revised by John Stott. Feb.03
Moser, Nancy
Motyer, Stephen
How do I love thee? : a novel of
Elizabeth Barrett Browning's poetic
romance / Nancy Moser. AprJune
Bible atlas / by Stephen Motyer;
illustrated by Brian Delf. SprSum.02
Morrison, Gordon
Pond / Gordon Morrison. Apr.04
Mosteller, Angie
Moser, Nancy
Invitation / by Nancy Moser.
Moucarry, Chawkat
Prophet and the Messiah: An Arab
Christian’s Perspective on Islam &
Christianity. Aug.03
Mounce, William D.
Moser, Nancy
Mozart's sister : a novel / Nancy
Moser. Mar.2007
Moser, Nancy
Quest / by Nancy Moser. Win.00
Morrison, Tony
Remember : the journey to school
interrogation / Toni Morrison.
Moser, Nancy
Morrow, Dan
Moses, Will
That's where God is / Dan & Ali
Morrow ; illustrated by Cory
Godbey. 40513
Will Moses Mother Goose / Will
Moses. Aug.2004
temptation / by Nancy Moser.
Mounce's complete expository
dictionary of Old & New Testament
words / William D. Mounce, general
editor. Dec.2006
Mour, Stanley I.
American Jazz Musicians / by
Stanley I. Mour. WinSpr.99
Mowll, Joshua
Operation Red Jericho / Joshua
Mowll ; [illustrated by Benjamin
Mowll, Julek Heller, Niroot
Puttapipat]. Dec.2005
Moyer, R. Larry
Mosley, Don
Morrow, Daniel
With Our Own Eyes. Mar.97
That's when I talk to God / Dan
Morrow & Ali Morrow ; illustrated
by Cory Godbey. 40848
Moss, Lloyd
Mort, John
Our marching band / Lloyd Moss;
illustrated by Diana Cain
Blumenthal. Win.02
Dear God, I'm Ticked Off :
Answering the Spiritual Complaints
and Concerns of Others / by R.
Larry Moyer. Fall.00
Mueller, George
Answers to Prayer. Fall.00
Mueller, Walt
Engaging the soul of youth culture :
bridging teen worldviews and
Christian truth / Walt Mueller.
Mueller, Walt
Understanding today's youth
culture. Sept.96
Creation vs. evolution : what do
current scientific discoveries
reveal? / Ralph O. Muncaster.
Muncaster, Ralph O.
Dismantling evolution / Ralph O.
Muncaster. Aug.2004
Munro, Roxie
Readings on Twelve angry men /
edited by Russ Munyan. Fall.01
Murdock, Catherine Gilbert
Dairy Queen / Catherine Gilbert
Murdock. 40026
Murdock, Catherine Gilbert
off season / by Catherine Gilbert
Murdock. 40026
Hatch! / Roxie Munro. 41061
Mukerji, Dhan Gopal
Gay-Neck, the story of a pigeon / by
Dhan Gopal Mukerji ; illustrated by
Boris Artzybasheff. Nov.2004
Murphy, Bryan
Munro, Roxie
Inside-outside Book of Libraries /
text by Julie Cummins; paintings by
Roxie Munro. MarMay.98
Mulford, Karen
Experiment with air / written by
Bryan Murphy. Dec.2004
Murphy, Bryan
Experiment with water / written by
Bryan Murphy ; science consultant,
Christine Sutton ; education
consultant, Ruth Bessant. Dec.2004
Trailblazers : twenty amazing
Western women / by Karen Surina
Mulford ; foreword by Sybil
Downing. Nov.2004
Munro, Roxie
Mulholland, M. Robert
Munsch, Robert
deeper journey : the spirituality of
discovering your true self / M.
Robert Mulholland, Jr. June.2007
Lighthouse : a story of
remembrance / Robert Munsch ;
illustrated by Janet Wilson. Apr.04
birthday present mystery / by
Elspeth Campbell Murphy;
illustrated by Nancy Munger.
Mullen, Tom
Munsch, Robert N.
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
very good marriage / by Tom
Mullen; foreword by Philip Gulley.
Zoom! / by Robert Munsch;
illustrated by Michael Martchenko.
chalk drawings mystery / by Elspeth
Campbell Murphy; illustrated by
Nancy Munger. Feb.03
Muller, Gerda
Munson, Derek
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Circle of Seasons. Mar.97
Enemy pie / by Derek Munson;
illustrated by Tara Calahan King.
Fifteen flamingos / by Elspeth
Campbell; illustrated by Richard
Bernal. Sum.01
Munsterberg, Peggy
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Malaysia. Mar.96
Beastly Banquet : Tasty Treats for
Animal Appetites / Animal poems
by Peggy Munsterberg; pictures by
Tracy Gallup. Jan.98
giant chicken mystery / by Elspeth
Campbell Murphy; illustrated by
Nancy Munger. Feb.03
Munan, Heidi
Muntean, Michaela
Malaysia / by Heidi Munan and Foo
Yuk Yee. SprSum.02
Kermit and Robin's scary story.
Look what you made, God! /
Elspeth Campbell Murphy;
illustrated by Jim Lewis. Apr.03
Muncaster, Ralph O.
Munyan, Russ
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Muller, Robin
Badger's new house / written and
illustrated by Robin Muller. Feb.03
Munan, Heidi
Inside-outside book of libraries /
text by Julie Cummins; paintings by
Roxie Munro. Feb / Apr 2012
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the African Grey / by
Elspeth Campbell Murphy ;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Book Fair / by
Elspeth Campbell Murphy;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Butterfly Garden /
by Elspeth Campbell Murphy;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Coon Cat / by
Elspeth Campbell Murphy;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Copycat Clown /
Elspeth Campbell Murphy ; Joe
Nordstrom. Sep.97
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Dolphin Detective /
Elspeth Campbell Murphy;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Eagle Feather /
Elspeth Campbell Murphy;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Gingerbread House
/ Elspeth Campbell Murphy;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Goldfish Pond /
Elspeth Campbell Murphy;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Mystery of the Zoo Camp / Elspeth
Campbell Murphy; illustrated by
Joe Nordstrom. Nov.97
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Haunted Lighthouse
/ Elspeth Campbell Murphy;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Murphy, Jim
Mystery of the Honeybees' Secret /
Elspeth Campbell Murphy ; Joe
Nordstrom. Sep.97
American plague : the true and
terrifying story of the yellow fever
epidemic of 1793 / Jim Murphy.
sneaky thief mystery / by Elspeth
Campbell Murphy; illustrated by
Nancy Munger. Feb.03
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
mystery of the painted snake / by
Elspeth Campbell; illustrated by Joe
Nordstrom. Sum.01
Murphy, Jim
Blizzard / by Jim Murphy. Spr.01
Murphy, Jim
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Runaway Scarecrow
/ by Elspeth Campbell Murphy;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Desperate journey / Jim Murphy.
Murphy, Jim
great fire / Jim Murphy. Dec.2004
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Sand Castle / by
Elspeth Campbell Murphy ;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Murphy, Jim
Invincible microbe : tuberculosis
and the never-ending search for a
cure / Jim Murphy and Alison Blank.
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Silly Goose / Elspeth
Campbell Murphy ; Joe Nordstrom.
Murphy, Jim
journal of Brian Doyle : a greenhorn
on an Alaskan whaling ship / by Jim
Murphy. Mar.2005
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Mystery of the Sock Monkeys / by
Elspeth Campbell Murphy ;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Murphy, Jim
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Murphy, Jim
Mystery of the Wedding Cake / by
Elspeth Campbell Murphy ;
illustrated by Joe Nordstrom.
Truce : the day the soldiers stopped
fighting / Jim Murphy. 40848
Murphy, Elspeth Campbell
Journal of James Edmond Pease : A
Civil War Union Soldier / by Jim
Murphy. WinSpr.99
Murphy, Nora
Hmong Family / by Nora Murphy.
Murphy, Patricia J.
Murray, John A.
Canada / by Patricia J. Murphy.
Mythmakers of the west : shaping
America's imagination / by John A.
Murray. Aug.2004
Murphy, Patricia J.
Denmark / Patricia J. Murphy.
Murphy, Patricia J.
Murray, Marjorie Dennis
Stars Are Waiting / by Marjorie
Dannis Murray ; illustrated by
Jacqueline Rogers. WinSpr.99
Exploring space with an astronaut /
Patricia J. Murphy. Dec.2004
Murray, Tim
Murphy, Patricia J.
Encyclopedia of archaeology. The
great archaeologists / edited by Tim
Murray. Spr.01
India / Patricia J. Murphy. Apr.04
Discovering Lewis & Clark from the
air / photography by Jim Wark ; text
by Joseph A. Mussulman. Nov.2004
Muzikowski, Bob
Safe at home / Bob Muzikowski
with Gregg Lewis. Win.02
My 100 All-Time Favorite Bible
Stories : To Read and Hear
My 100 All-Time Favorite Bible
Stories : To Read and Hear. Fall.98
My Bible Coloring Book on CD-Rom
My Bible Coloring Book on CD-Rom.
Mursell, Gordon
Murphy, Patricia J.
Ireland / Patricia J. Murphy. Apr.04
Story of Christian spirituality /
Gordon Mursell. Win.02
Murphy, Patricia J.
Museum of the Alphabet
South Africa / Patricia J. Murphy.
Alphabet makers / a presentation
from the Museum of the Alphabet,
Waxhaw, North Carolina. Spr.01
Murphy, Patricia J.
Tanzania / Patricia J. Murphy.
Murray, Andrew
Abiding in Christ / Andrew Murray.
Murray, Andrew
Blood of Christ / Andrew Murray.
Murray, Andrew
path to holiness / Andrew Murray.
Murray, Andrew
Teach me to pray / Andrew Murray.
Murray, Andrew
Waiting on God / Andrew Murray.
My big book of wild animals
My big book of wild animals.
AprJune 2010
My first prayers : a book about
talking to Jesus
My first prayers : a book about
talking to Jesus. Oct.95
Musgrove, Margaret
Ashanti to Zulu : African traditions /
Margaret Musgrove ; pictures by
Leo and Diane Dillon. Nov.2004
Musser, Elizabeth
Searching for Eternity / Elizabeth
Musser. AprJune 2010
Musser, Elizabeth
Swan House / by Elizabeth Musser.
Musser, Elizabeth
The sweetest thing : a novel /
Elizabeth Musser. 40848
Musser, Elizabeth
Words unspoken / Elizabeth
Musser. OctDec 2009
Myers, Bill
Baseball for breakfast : the story of
a boy who hated to wait / by Bill
Myers; illustrated by Frank Riccio.
Myers, Bill
case of the missing minds / by Bill
Myers. Spr.01
Myers, Bill
chamber of lies / Bill Myers.
AprJune 2010
Myers, Bill
enemy closes in / Bill Myers with
James Riordan. AprJune 2010
Myers, Bill
face of God / Bill Myers. Dec.2004
Mussulman, Joseph
Myers, Bill
Fangs for the memories / by Bill
Myers; with David Winbish. Spr.01
Mystery of the Invisible Knight / by
Bill Myers. MarMay.98
Myers, Bill
Myers, Bill
Ghost of KRZY / by Bill Myers.
On the run / by Bill Myers with
James Riordan. AprJune 2010
Myers, Bill
Myers, Bill
I want my mummy / by Bill Myers;
with David Winbish. Spr.01
Phantom of the Haunted Church /
by Bill Myers. Fall.98
Myers, Bill
Trapped by shadows / by Bill
Myers. AprJune 2010
Myers, Bill
voice : a novel / Bill Myers. OctDec
Myers, Bill
wager / Bill Myers. Aug.03
Myers, Bill
Myers, Bill
Invasion of the UFOs / by Bill
Myers. WinSpr.99
secret of the ghostly hot rod / by
Bill Myers; with David Winbish.
Myers, Bill
Myers, Bill
My life as a beat-up basketball
backboard / by Bill Myers. Fall.01
Soul tracker / by Bill Myers.
Myers, Bill
Myers, Bill
My Life as a Bigfoot Breath Mint /
by Bill Myers. MarMay.98
The deceived. Sept.96
My life as a cowboy cowpie / Bill
Myers. Win.02
Myers, Bill
My Life as a Mixed-up Millennium
Bug / by Bill Myers. Fall.00
Myers, Bill
My life as a skysurfing skateboarder
/ Bill Myers. Feb.03
Myers, David G.
quiet world : living with hearing loss
/ by David G. Myers. Spr.01
Myers, Laurie
The encounter. Sept.96
Myers, Bill
Myers, Ruth
The God hater : a novel / Bill Myers.
Perfect Love / by Ruth Myers.
Myers, Bill
Myers, Walter Dean
The guardian. Sept.96
Amistad : A Long Road to Freedom
/ by Walter Dean Myers. Fall.98
Myers, Bill
My life as a prickly porcupine from
Pluto / Bill Myers. June.2005
Black cat / by Christopher Myers.
Escape by night : a Civil War
adventure / Laurie Myers ;
illustrated by Amy June Bates.
Myers, Bill
Myers, Bill
Myers, Christopher
Myers, Bill
The haunting. Sept.96
Myers, Bill
Myers, Walter Dean
Antarctica : journeys to the South
Pole / by Walter Dean Myers.
The society. Sept.96
Myers, Walter Dean
Myers, Bill
Myers, Bill
My life as invisible intestines with
intense indigestion / Bill Myers.
The spell. Sept.96
Myers, Bill
Myers, Bill
Threshold / by Bill Myers.
Harlem : a poem / by Walter Dean
Myers ; pictures by Christopher
Myers. Mar.2005
Myers, Walter Dean
Journal of Biddy Owens : the Negro
leagues / by Walter Dean Myers.
Mynheir, Mark
Myers, Walter Dean
Myra, Harold
journal of Joshua Loper : a black
cowboy / by Walter Dean Myers.
Easter Bunny, are you for real? /
Harold Myra; illustrated by Jane
Jurisu. Spr.01
Myers, Walter Dean
Myra, Harold Lawrence
Journal of Scott Pendleton Collins :
A World War Ii Soldier / by Walter
Dean Myers. Fall.00
Thanksgiving : what makes it
special? / Harold Myra; illustrated
by Jane Kurisu. Apr.03
Myers, Walter Dean
Myron, Vicki
Monster / Walter Dean Myers ;
illustrations by Christopher Myers.
Dewey the library cat : a true story
/ Vicki Myron with Bret Witter.
night watchman / Mark Mynheir.
Namioka, Lensey
Village of the Vampire Cat / by
Lensey Namioka. Jan.98
Namioka, Lensey
Yang the third and her impossible
family. Mar.96
Nanji, Shenaaz
Child of dandelions / Shenaaz Nanji.
June 2009
Napoli, Donna Jo
Albert / Donna Jo Napoli; illustrated
by Jim LaMarche. Win.02
Napoli, Donna Jo
Myers, Walter Dean
Myron, Vicki
Shadow of the red moon. Nov.96
Dewey's Christmas at the library /
by Vicki Myron and Bret Witter ;
illustrated by Steve James. 40513
Myers, Walter Dean
Slam! / Walter Dean Myers. Apr.04
Nagda, Ann Whitehead
Myers, Walter Dean
Smiffy Blue, Ace Crime Detective :
The Case of the Missing Ruby and
Other Stories. Jan.97
Myers, Walter Dean
Canopy Crossing : A Story of an
Atlantic Rainforest / by Ann
Whitehead Nagda ; illustrated by
Thomas Buchs. Fall.98
Nagda, Ann Whitehead
Somewhere in the Darkness /
Walter Dean Myers. Sep.97
home for Panda / by Ann
Whitehead Nagda ; illustrated by
Jim Effler. Nov.2004
Myers, Walter Dean
Nagda, Ann Whitehead
Sunrise over Fallujah / Walter Dean
Myers. 39912
tiger tale / by Ann Whitehead
Nagda ; illustrated by Paul Kratter.
Myers, Walter Dean
time to love: stories from the Old
Testament / written by Walter
Dean Myers ; illustrated by
Christopher Myers. Oct.03
Naidoo, Beverly
Making it home : real-life stories
from children forced to flee / with
an introduction by Beverley Naidoo.
Changing Tunes / by Donna Jo
Napoli. Fall.98
Napoli, Donna Jo
Fire in the hills / Donna Jo Napoli.
Napoli, Donna Jo
Jimmy, the Pickpocket of the
Palace. Jan.97
Napoli, Donna Jo
On Guard / by Donna Jo Napoli.
Napoli, Donna Jo
Sirena / by Donna Jo Napoli. Win.00
Napoli, Donna Jo
Spinners / by Donna Jo Napoli and
Richard Tchen. Fall.01
Nardo, Don
Age of Augustus / by Don Nardo.
Myers, Warren
31 days of praise. SprSum.02
Namioka, Lensey
Valley of the Broken Cherry Trees /
by Lensey Namioka. Jan.98
Nardo, Don
Age of Pericles. Jan.97
Nardo, Don
Decline and fall of ancient Greece /
edited by Don Nardo. Win.02
Scientists of Ancient Greece / by
Don Nardo. WinSpr.99
Nardo, Don
War of 1812 / by Don Nardo. Fall.01
Nardo, Don
Democracy. Mar.96
Nardo, Don
Games of ancient Rome / by Don
Nardo. Fall.01
Nardo, Don
Great Depression / edited by Don
Nardo. Win.02
Nardo, Don
Greek and Roman Mythology / by
Don Nardo. WinSpr.99
Nardo, Don
Women of Ancient Greece / by Don
Nardo. Fall.01
Nash, Carol Rust
Greek drama / edited by Don
Nardo. Fall.01
Importance of Julius Caesar / by
Don Nardo. MarMay.98
Nardo, Don
Life on a medieval pilgrimage.
Readings on Othello / edited by
Don Nardo. Fall.01
Nardo, Don
Roman Coliseum / by Don Nardo.
Nardo, Don
Rulers of Ancient Rome / by Don
Nardo. WinSpr.99
Nardo, Don
Nazigian, Arthur
Effective Teacher / by Arthur
Nazigian. MarMay.98
Nash, Carol Rust
MySpace for moms and dads : a
guide to understanding the risks
and the rewards / by Connie Neal.
Fight for Women's Right to Vote in
American History / by Carol Rust
Nash. WinSpr.99
Atlas of American history / Gary B.
Nash and Carter Smith. June.2007
Neal, C.W.
What's a Christian to do with Harry
Potter? / Connie Neal. Feb.03
Neal, Connie
Encyclopedia of American history /
Gary B. Nash, general editor. Apr.03
Gospel according to Harry Potter :
leader’s guide for group study /
Connie Neal and Samuel F. (Skip)
Parvin. June.2006
Nash, Ogden
Neal, Connie
The tale of Custard the Dragon.
gospel according to Harry Potter :
spirituality in the stories of the
world's famous seeker / by Connie
Neal. Apr.03
National Park Services
Nardo, Don
Shiloh / by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor.
Neal, C. W. (Connie W.)
Nash, Gary B.
Nardo, Don
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
AIDS : Choices for Life / by Carol
Rust Nash. WinSpr.99
Nash, Gary B.
Nardo, Don
Emily's fortune / Phyllis Reynolds
Naylor ; illustrated by Ross Collins.
Lost!.. but found, safe and sound /
produced by the National Park
Services. June.2006
Naveh, Joseph
Origins of the alphabets / Joseph
Naveh. Nov.2004
Neal, Connie
Wizards, wardrobes and wookiees :
navigating good and evil in Harry
Potter, Narnia and Star Wars /
Connie Neal. 39912
Neale, J. M.
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
Good King Wenceslas / John M.
Neale, Tim Ladwig. Dec.2005
Cuckoo feathers / by Phyllis
Reynolds Naylor ; illustrated by
Marcy Ramsey. Dec.2006
Neff, LaVonne
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds
Jesus Book / retold by LaVonne
Neff; illustrated by Toni Goffe.
Neighboring Faiths
Neighboring Faiths / by Winfried
Corduan. MarMay.98
Horned avenger : the battle against
Von Boredom / directed and
produced by Ray Nelson, Jr. ;
supervising producer, Rick Eldridge.
Neimark, Anne E.
Myth maker : J.R.R. Tolkien / by
Anne E. Neimark; illustrated by
Brad Weinman. Spr.01
Neitzel, Shirley
These are friends of Jesus / by
Shirley Neitzel ; illustrated by
Benrei Huang. Sept.2006
Nelson, Jill Elizabeth
Reluctant burglar / Jill Elizabeth
Nelson. Dec.2006
Nelson, Kadir
Heart and soul : the story of
America and African Americans /
words and paintings by Kadir
Nelson. Aug / Oct 2012
Nentwig, Wendy Lee
Tripping Over Skyscrapers / by
Wendy Lee Nentwig. Win.00
Nesbit, Edith
Nelson, Vaunda Michaeux
Bad news for outlaws : the
remarkable life of Bass Reeves,
deputy U.S. marshal / Vaunda
Michaeux Nelson ; illustrations by
R. Gregory Christie. 41061
Nelson, Vaunda Michaeux
Bad news for outlaws : the
remarkable life of Bass Reeves,
deputy U.S. Marshall / Vaunda
Michaeux Nelson ; illustrations by
R. Gregory Christie. AprJune 2010
book of dragons / E. Nesbit; with
illustrations by H.R. Millar;
afterword by Peter Glassman.
Nesbit, Jeffrey Asher
The legend of the great grizzly / by
Jeffrey Nesbit. Oct.95
Ness, Evaline
Sam, Bangs, and moonshine /
written and illustrated by Evaline
Ness. Nov.2004
Nelson, Vaunda Michaeux
Ness, Evaline
Beyond Mayfield / by Vaunda
Michaeux Nelson. Fall.00
Sam, Bangs, and moonshine /
written and illustrated by Evaline
Ness. Dec.2004
Nelson-Pallmeyer, Jack
Nelson, Kadir
Heart and soul : the story of
America and African Americans /
words and paintings by Kadir
Nelson. Aug / Oct 2012
Is Religion Killing Us?. Aug.03
Nelson's complete book of Bible
maps and charts
Nelson's complete book of Bible
maps and charts. October 2010
Nelson, Kadir
We are the ship : the story of Negro
League baseball / words and
paintings by Kadir Nelson ; forward
by Hank Aaron. 39912
Nelson, Marilyn
freedom business : including A
narrative of the life and adventures
of Venture, a native of Africa /
poems by Marilyn Nelson ; art by
Deborah Dancy. 40026
Nelson, Mary J.
Grace for each hour : through the
breast cancer journey / Mary J.
Nelson. Dec.2005
Nelson, Ray
Nelson's complete book of Bible
maps and charts
Nelson's complete book of Bible
maps and charts. Oct. 2010
Netzley, Patricia D.
Issues in the Environment / by
Patricia D. Netzley. Win.00
Netzley, Patricia D.
Life During the Renaissance / by
Patricia D. Netzley. WinSpr.99
Nevin, Norman Cummings
Should Christians embrace
evolution? : biblical and scientific
responses. 40848
Nentwig, Wendy Lee
Cabs, cameras, and catastrophes /
by Wendy Lee Nentwig. Spr.01
Nentwig, Wendy Lee
Moonstruck in Manhattan / by
Wendy Lee Nentwig. Win.00
Nentwig, Wendy Lee
Subway tokens in the sand / by
Wendy Lee Nentwig. Spr.01
Nevius, Carol
Building with Dad / by Carol Nevius
; illustrated by Bill Thomson.
New Book of Knowledge (CD)
New Book of Knowledge (CD).
New Book of Knowledge (online)
New Book of Knowledge (online).
New Kids Point and Play Bible
New Kids Point and Play Bible.
Newsome, Jill
Nichols, Catherine
Night walk / story by Jill Newsome ;
illustrations by Claudio Munoz.
One big ocean / by Catherine
Nichols. Jun.03
Nichols, Catherine
Newth, Mette
Newman, Barbara J.
Helping kids include kids with
disabilities / Barbara J. Newman.
transformation / Mette Newth ;
translated by Faith Ingwersen.
NgCheong-Lum, Roseline
Newman, Daisy
Diligence in love. Nov.95
Eritrea / Roseline NgCheong-Lum.
Newman, Daisy
NgCheong-Lum, Roseline
I take thee, Serenity / by Daisy
Newman. Oct.95
Maldives / Roseline NgCheong-Lum.
Newman, Daisy
NgCheong-Lum, Roseline
Indian summer of the heart / by
Daily Newman. Oct.95
Tahiti / Roseline NgCheong-LumLunn. Nov.97
Newman, Daisy
Nhial, Abraham
The autumn's brightness. Nov.95
Lost boy no more : a true story of
survival and salvation / Abraham
Nhial and DiAnn Mills. June.2005
Newman, Deborah
Then God Created Woman : Finding
Fulfillment as the Woman God
Intended You to Be / by Dr.
Deborah Newman. MarMay.98
Wetlands / by Catherine Nichols.
Nichols, Linda
At the scent of water / by Linda
Nichols. June.2006
Nichols, Linda
If I gained the world : a novel / by
Linda Nichols. Dec.2004
Nichols, Linda
Not a sparrow falls / Linda Nichols.
Nichols, Richard
story to tell : traditions of a Tlingit
community / by Richard Nichols ;
photographs by D. Bambi Kraus.
Nicholson, Lois
Nicholas, Mark
rules : ten to live by / Mark
Nicholas. June.2005
The importance of Georgia
O'Keeffe. Mar.96
Nicholson, Michael
Newman, Lesléa
Nichols, Catherine
Just like Mama / by Lesléa Newman
; illustrated by Julia Gorton. 40391
Arctic year / by Catherine Nichols.
Newport, John P.
Nichols, Catherine
New Age movement and the
biblical worldview : conflict and
dialogue / John P. Newport. Fall.01
dry place / by Catherine Nichols.
Wonders : The Best Children's
Poems of Effie Lee Newsome / by
Effie Lee Newsome; with
illustrations by Lois Mailou Jones;
compiled by Rudine Sims Bishop.
Nicolai, Margaret
Kitaq goes ice fishing / story by
Margaret Nicolai ; paintings by
David Rubin. Oct.03
Nicolson, Cynthia Pratt
Nichols, Catherine
Newsome, Effie Lee
Raoul Wallenberg. Nov.96
Grassy lands / by Catherine Nichols.
Discover space / written by Cynthia
Pratt Nicolson ; illustrated by Bill
Slavin. Sept.2005
Nichols, Catherine
Nicolson, Cynthia Pratt
In the rain forest / by Catherine
Nichols. Jun.03
Discover the planets / written by
Cynthia Pratt Nicolson ; illustrated
by Bill Slavin. Sept.2005
lost childhood : a World War II
memoir / Yehuda Nir. Apr.04
NirV Kids' Quest : Study Bible
Nicolson, Cynthia Pratt
jumbo book of space / written by
Cynthia Pratt Nicolson and Paulette
Bourgeois ; illustrated by Bill Slavin.
Nielsen, Virginia
Batty Hattie / by Virginia Nielsen.
Nikiel, Laura Gibbons
Sing-Along Christmas Songs. Win.00
Nikly, Michelle
Perfume of Memory / by Michelle
Nikly; illustrations by Jean Claverie.
NirV Kids' Quest : Study Bible.
Nishi, Dennis
Inca empire / by Dennis Nishi.
Nixon, Kathryn
The spirit in baseball / written and
illustrated by Kathryn Nixon and
Ana Boudreau. 41061
Nixon, Kathryn
The spirit in football / written and
illustrated by Kathryn Nixon and
Ana Boudreau. 41061
NKJV study Bible
Nishi, Dennis
Life During the Great Depression /
by Dennis Nishi. WinSpr.99
NKJV study Bible / Earl D.
Radmacher, general editor ; Ronald
B. Allen, Old Testament editor ; H.
Wayne House, New Testament
editor. OctDec 2009
Nison, Cynthia Pratt
Volcano! / by Cynthia Pratt
Nicolson. Win.02
Nitz, Kristin Wolden
Noah's family is saved : plus three
other stories
Noah's family is saved : plus three
other stories. Sept.96
Fundamental Softball. MarMay.98
Noah's noisy ark
Nikola-Lisa, W.
Tangle Talk / by W. Nikola-Lisa;
illustrated by Jessica Clerk. Jan.98
Nile, David
Niven, Felicia Lowenstein
All about sign language : talking
with your hands / Felicia
Lowenstein. Dec.2006
Medieval Knights / by David Nicolle.
Niven, Penelope
Nimmo, Beth
Carl Sandburg : adventures of a
poet / Penelope Niven ; with poems
and prose by Carl Sandburg ;
illustrated by Marc Nadel. Aug.2004
journals of Rachel Scott / [adapted
by] Beth Nimmo and Debra
Klingsporn. Fall.01
Nimmo, Beth
Rachel's tears : the spiritual journey
of Columbine martyr Rachel Scott /
by Darrell Scott and Beth Nimmo
with Steve Rabey. Sum.01
Nivola, Claire A.
Life in the ocean : the story of
oceanographer Sylvia Earle / Claire
A. Nivola. Feb.2013
Nivola, Claire A.
Niosi, Joseph
Life in the ocean : the story of
oceanographer Sylvia Earle / Claire
A. Nivola. Feb.2013
parent's guide to preventing
homosexuality / Joseph Nicolosi
and Linda Ames Nicolosi. Jun.03
Nix, Stan
Nir, Yehuda
Sports stories and the Bible / Stan
Nix. Aug.03
Noah's noisy ark. Sum.01
Nobisso, Josephine
In English, of course / [written by]
Josephine Nobisso; illustrated by
Dasha Ziborova. Feb.03
Nobisso, Josephine
numbers dance : a counting
comedy / by Josephine Nobisso ;
illustrated by Dasha Ziborova.
Nobisso, Josephine
weight of a mass : a tale of faith /
Josephine Nobisso; illustrated by
Katalin Szegedi. Feb.03
Noble, Diane
last storyteller / by Diane Noble.
Noble, Diane
Phoebe : a novella / Diane Noble.
Noble, Diane
Tangled Vines / by Diane Noble.
Noble, Trinka Hakes
Apple tree Christmas / written by
Trinka Hakes Noble. Dec.2005
Thunder Rose / Jerdine Nolen ;
illustrated by Kadir Nelson. Oct.03
Noll, Mark A.
Protestants in America / by Mark A.
Noll; general editors, Jon Butler and
Harry S. Stout. Sum.01
North, Sherry
Because I am your daddy / by
Sherry North ; illustrated by
Marcellus Hall. 40391
Northcott, Cecil
South Seas Sailor : The Story of
John Williams and His Ships. Mar.97
Noll, Mark A.
Noble, Trinka Hakes.
last brother : a Civil War tale /
written by Trinka Hakes Noble ;
illustrated by Robert Papp.
Turning points / Mark A. Noll.
Northrup, Mary
American Computer Pioneers / by
Mary Northrup. Win.00
Noonan, Diana
butterfly / by Diana Noonan. Feb.03
Norton, MaryJane Pierce
Children worship!. SprSum.02
Nobleman, Marc Tyler
Noonan, Peggy
Cambodia / Marc Tyler Nobleman.
When character was king. Win.02
Nobleman, Marc Tyler
Panama / Marc Tyler Nobleman.
Noe, K. Killian
Finding our way home : addictions
and divine love / K. Killian Noe.
Nordberg, Bette
Pacific hope : a novel / by Bette
Nordberg. Win.02
Nordberg, Bette
season of grace / Bette Nordberg.
Nordberg, Bette
Noebel, David A.
Understanding the Times : The
Religious Worldviews of Our Day
and the Search for Truth / David A.
Noebel. Sep.97
Serenity Bay / by Bette Nordberg.
Nordberg, Bette
Novak, David
Itsy-bitsy spider's heroic climb &
other stories. Nov.95
Novelly, Maria C.
Theatre games for young
performers : improvisations &
exercises for developing acting skills
/ by Maria C Novelly. Oct.95
Nuevo Testamento Devociones
para la Mujer con Salmos y
Proverbios (NIV)
Nuevo Testamento Devociones
para la Mujer con Salmos y
Proverbios (NIV). Win.00
Thin air / Bette Nordberg. Jun.03
Numeroff, Laura
Nolan, Han
Norris, Kathleen
summer of kings / by Han Nolan.
Amazing Grace : A Vocabulary of
Faith / by Kathleen Norris.
Numeroff, Laura Joffe
Noland, Rory
heart of the artist. SprSum.02
Nolen, Jerdine
Max and Jax in second grade /
Jerdine Nolen; illustrated by Karen
Lee Schmidt. Apr.03
Nolen, Jerdine
If you take a mouse to the movies /
by Laura Numeroff; illustrated by
Felicia Bond. Sum.01
North, Oliver
Jericho Sanction : a novel / Oliver
North and Joe Musser. Apr.04
North, Oliver
Mission compromised : a novel /
Oliver North; with Joe Musser.
If you give an author a pencil / by
Laura Numeroff ; photographs by
Sherry Shahan. Sept.2007
Numeroff, Laura Joffe
Sherman Crunchley / by Laura
Numeroff and Nate Evans ;
illustrated by Tim Bowers. Aug.2004
Numeroff, Laura Joffe
Nystrom, Carolyn
What brothers do best : What
sisters do best / by Laura Numeroff
; illustrated by Lynn Munsinger.
AprJune 2010
Sing, Mary! / Carolyn Nystrom ;
illustrated by Sheena Dawson.
O'Conneor, Joey
Excuse Me! I'll Take My Piece of the
Planet Now / by Joey O'Connor.
Oakes, Elizabeth H.
Nye, Julie
Every perfect gift. Mar.96
Encyclopedia of world scientists /
Elizabeth H. Oakes. Fall.01
Nye, Julie
Oard, Michael
In My Uncle's House. Jan.97
Life in the great ice age. Nov.95
O'Connor, Flannery
Nye, Julie
Oberg, Brent C
Scout. Jan.97
Speechcraft : an introduction to
public speaking. Jan.96
Flannery O'Connor : spiritual
writings / edited by Robert Ellsberg;
introduction by Robert Giannone.
Nye, Naomi Shihab and Nancy
Baby radar / by Naomi Shihab Nye ;
pictures by Nancy Carpenter.
Oberrecht, Kenn
How to open and operate a homebased craft business. Mar.96
Oberrecht, Kenn
Nystrom, Carolyn
Before I was born : designed for
parents to read to their child at
ages 5 through 8. Jan.96
How to open and operate a homebased photography business.
Emma Says Goodbye : A Child's
Guide : Bereavement. Jan.97
The small adventure of Popeye and
Elvis / Barbara O'Connor. 40695
O'Connor, Joey
In His Steps : The Promise / by Joey
O'Connor. Win.00
O'Connor, Joey
Whadd'ya Gonna Do? : 25 Secrets
for Getting a Life. Jan.97
O'Connor, Karen
O'Brien, Anne Sibley
Nystrom, Carolyn
O'Connor, Barbara
After Gandhi / Anne Sibley O'Brien
and Perry Edmond O'Brien. AprJune
French Toast and Dutch Chocolate /
by Karen O'Connor; illustrated by
Glen Meyers. MarMay.98
O'Connor, Karen
Nystrom, Carolyn
O'Brien, Michael
Fish, Peter! / Carolyn Nystrom ;
illustrated by Sheena Dawson.
landscape with dragons : the battle
for your child's mind / by Michael
D. O'Brien. June.2006
Junk-Food Finders / by Karen
O'Connor; illustrated by Glen
Meyers. MarMay.98
O'Connor, Sandra Day
Nystrom, Carolyn
O'Brien, Robert C.
Jenny and Grandpa : A Child's Guide
: Growing Old. Jan.97
Mrs. Frisby and the rats of NIMH /
Robert C. O'Brien ; illustrated by
Zena Bernstein. Dec.2006
Odden, Cheryl
Nystrom, Carolyn
Mario's big question : a child's
guide : adoption. Nov.96
Nystrom, Carolyn
Mike's lonely summer : a child's
guide : divorce. Nov.96
Chico / by Sandra Day O'Connor ;
illustrated by Dan Andreasen.
O'Callahan, Jay
Herman and Marguerite : An Earth
Story / Jay O'Callahan ; Laura
O'Callahan. Sep.97
Occupational outlook handbook
Occupational outlook handbook.
story of St. Valentine : more than
cards and candied hearts / written
by Voice of the Martyrs, with Cheryl
Odden ; illustrated by R.F. Palavicini
and Castle Animation. June.2007
Odell, Carol
Once upon a time in the kitchen :
recipes and tales from classic
children's stories / Carol Odell,
Anna Pignataro. 40391
Ogburn, Jacqueline K.
O'Dell, Nicole
Ogden, Charles
Risky business / Nicole O'Dell.
Rare beasts / by Charles Ogden.
O'Dell, Nicole
Ogden, David
Swept away / Nicole O'Dell. 41061
Dreambirds / by David Ogden ;
illustrations by Jody Bergsma.
magic nesting doll / by Jacqueline K.
Ogburn; illustrated by Laurel Long.
Drums of Change : The Story of
Running Fawn / by Janette Oke.
Oke, Janette
Ducktails / Janette Oke ; Brenda
Mann. Sep.97
Oke, Janette
O'Dell, Scott
Island of the Blue Dolphins / Scott
O'Dell ; illustrated by Ted Lewin.
Oke, Janette
Ohanneson, Joan
Scarlet Music: Hildegard of Bingen :
A Novel / Joan Ohanneson. Sep.97
O'Dell, Scott
Sing down the moon / Scott O'Dell.
Ducktails / by Janette Oke;
illustrated by Nancy Munger.
Oke, Janette
Heart of the wilderness. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
Impatient Turtle / Janette Oke ;
Brenda Mann. Sep.97
A bride for Donnigan. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
O'Dell, Scott
Oke, Janette
The hawk that dare not hunt by
day. Mar.96
A woman named Damaris. Jan.96
O'Dell, Tommy
Oke, Janette
impatient turtle / by Janette Oke;
illustrated by Nancy Munger.
Oke, Janette
search for the king. Nov.96
Another Homecoming / by Janette
Oke and T. David Bunn. Jan.98
O'Donnell, Michael
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
How a Man Prepares His Sons for
Life. Jan.97
beloved land / Janette Oke & T.
Davis Bunn. Apr.04
Like gold refined / by Janette Oke.
O'Driscoll, Herbert
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
Road to Donaguile : A Celtic
Spiritual Journey / by Herbert
O'Driscoll. Fall.00
birthright / Janette Oke & T. Davis
Bunn. SprSum.02
Love comes softly. Jan.96
O'Drisl, Herbert
Conversations in Time with Men
and Women of the Bible / by
Herbert O'Driscoll. Win.00
Julia's last hope. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
Cote of Many Colors / Janette Oke ;
Brenda Mann. Sep.97
Love finds a home. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
Love takes wing. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
Ogburn, Jacqueline K.
Jukebox Man / by Jacqueline K.
Ogburn ; pictures by James
Ransome. Fall.98
distant beacon / Janette Oke 7 T.
Davis Bunn. Feb.03
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
Love's abiding joy. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
Love's enduring promise. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
Love's long journey. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
Love's unending legacy. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
Love's unfolding dream. Jan.96
Quiet Strength / by Janette Oke.
Oke, Janette
Return to Harmony / by Janette
Oke and T. Davis Bunn. WinSpr.99
Oke, Janette
Return to Harmony : A Novel.
Oke, Janette
Making Memories / by Janette Oke;
illustrated by Cheri Bladholm.
Oke, Janette
Maury had a little lamb / by Janette
Oke; illustrated by Nancy Munger.
Meeting Place / by Janette Oke and
T. Davis Bunn. Fall.00
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
sacred shore / by Janette Oke and
T. Davis Bunn. Sum.01
Searching Heart / by Janette Oke.
Spring's gentle promise. Mar.96
New kid in town / Janette Oke;
illustrated by Nancy Munger.
Oke, Janette
Spunky's Camping Adventure /
based on character and story by
Janette Oke. WinSpr.99
Once upon a summer. Mar.96
Oke, Janette
Pordy's Prickly Problem / by Janette
Oke; illustrated by Brenda Mann;
edited by Grace Pettifor. Jan.98
Spunky's diary / by Janette Oke;
illustrated by Nancy Munger.
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
Prairie dog town / by Janette Oke;
illustrated by Nancy Munger.
Oke, Janette
prodigal cat / by Janette Oke;
illustrated by Nancy Munger.
The measure of a heart. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
The winds of autumn. Mar.96
They called her Mrs. Doc. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
Roses for Mama. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
The gown of Spanish lace. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
Oke, Janette
tender years / by Janette Oke.
Oke, Janette
The bluebird and the sparrow.
Oke, Janette
The calling of Emily Evans. Jan.96
This Little Pig / by Janette Oke;
illustrated by Brenda Mann; edited
by Grace Pettifor. Jan.98
Oke, Janette
This little pig / by Janette Oke;
illustrated by Nancy Munger.
Oke, Janette
Tomorrow's Dream / by Janette
Oke and T. David Bunn. Fall.98
Oke, Janette
Too long a stranger. Jan.96
Oke, Janette
Trouble in a fur coat / by Janette
Oke; illustrated by Nancy Munger.
Oke, Janette
What does love look like? / Janette
Oke; illustrated by Cheri Bladholm.
Oke, Janette
When calls the heart. Nov.95
Oke, Janette
When tomorrow comes / Janette
Oke. Win.02
Annie Henry and the secret mission
/ Susan Olasky. Jan.96
Once upon a Gulf Coast summer : a
novel / Susan Oliver. June.2005
Olasky, Susan
Olsen, Mark Andrew
Will Northaway & the fight for
freedom / Susan Olasky. Nov.2004
assignment / Mark Andrew Olsen.
Olasky, Susan
Olsen, Terry
Will Northaway & the quest for
liberty / Susan Olasky. Nov.2004
My Father, My Hero : Becoming
Your Child's Best Friend. Jan.97
Old, Wendie C.
Olson, John
George Washington / by Wendie C.
Old. MarMay.98
fifth man / by John B. Olson and
Randall Ingermanson. Oct.03
Old, Wendie C.
Olson, John
To Fly : The Story of the Wright
Brothers. Aug.03
Shade : a novel / John B. Olson.
June 2009
Old, Wendie C.
Olson, John B.
Wright Brothers : Inventors of the
Airplane / by Wendie C. Old. Win.00
Adrenaline / John B. Olson.
Fighting for Liberty and Virtue :
Political and Cultural Wars in
Eighteenth-Century America. Jan.97
O'Leary , Patsy Baker
Olson, John B.
With Wings as Eagles / by Patsy
Baker O'Leary. MarMay.98
Oxygen / by John B. Olson &
Randall Ingermanson. Fall.01
Olasky, Marvin
O'Leary, Denyse
Olson, John B.
religions next door : what we need
to know about Judaism, Hinduism,
Buddhism, and Islam--and what
reporters are missing / Marvin
Olasky. Mar.2005
By design or by chance? / Denyse
O'Leary. Nov.2004
Powers / John B. Olson. AprJune
Olford, Stephen F.
Olson, Rachel
Christian Message for
Contemporary Life : Gospel's Power
to Change Lives / by Stephen F.
Olford. Fall.00
Twas the night before : a picturestory of the nativity. Nov.95
Oke, Janette
Who's New at the Zoo / by Janette
Oke; illustrated by Brenda Mann.
Oke, Janette
Winter is not forever. Mar.96
Okimoto, Jean Davies
A place for Grace. Nov.95
Okimoto, Jean Davies
Dear Ichiro / by Jean Davies
Okimoto; illustrated by Doug Keith.
Olaleye, Isaac
Distant talking drum / poems from
Nigeria by Isaac Olaleye; paintings
by Frae Lessac. Win.02
Olasky, Marvin
Olasky, Marvin
Whirled Views : Tracking Today's
Culture Storms / by Marvin Olasky
and Joel Belz. MarMay.98
Oliver, Gary J.
Olasky, Susan
Annie Henry and the Mysterious
Stranger / Susan Olasky. Sep.97
Hip Hop and His Famous Face.
Oliver, Marilyn Tower
Olasky, Susan
Annie Henry and the Redcoats /
Susan Olasky. Sep.97
Prisons : Today's Debate / by
Marilyn Tower Oliver. WinSpr.99
Oliver, Susan
Olasky, Susan
Olson, Tod
How to get rich on the Oregon trail
: my adventures among cows,
crooks & heroes on the road to
fame and fortune / [text by Tod
Olson ; illustrations by Scott Allred
& Gregory Proch ; afterword by
Marc Aronson]. 40391
O'Malley, Kevin
Little Buggy runs away / Kevin
O'Malley. Aug.03
Omartian, Stormie
Power of a Praying Parent. Fall.00
Debbie Trafton O'Neal; illustrated
by Taia Morley. Jan.98
Omartian, Stormie
O'Neal, Debbie Trafton
Power of a Praying Wife. Fall.00
J is for Jesus : an Easter alphabet
and activity book / by Debbie
Trafton O'Neal ; illustrated by Jan
Bryan-Hunt. June.2007
Once upon a poem : favorite
poems that tell stories
Once upon a poem : favorite poems
that tell stories / foreword by Kevin
Crossley-Holland ; illustrated by
Peter Bailey [and others].
O'Neill, Caroline Coleman
Loving Soren : a novel / Caroline
Coleman O'Neill. June.2006
One hundred Bible stories in the
words of Holy Scripture : based on
the New International Version with
colored illustrations, scripture
passages, questions, and
explanatory notes. Sept.2005
Africa south of the Sahara / Joseph
Oppong. Dec.2006
Oprea, Tiberiu
Romania / [by Tiberiu Oprea].
Oprea, Tiberiu
Romania / Tiberiu Oprea. Dec.2004
Oram, Hiawyn
O'Neill, Terry
One hundred Bible stories in the
words of Holy Scripture : based on
the New International Version
with colored illustrations, scripture
passages, questions, and
explanatory notes.
Oppong, Joseph R.
Gun control / by Terry O'Neill.
O'Neill, Terry
Readings on To kill a mockingbird /
edited by Terry O'Neill. Fall.01
Onyefulu, Ifeoma
Emeka's gift : an African counting
story. Mar.96
Badger's Bad Mood / by Hiawyn
Oram ; illustrated by Susan Varley.
Orcutt, Jane
Hidden Heart / by Jane Orcutt.
Orcutt, Jane
Lullaby / Jane Orcutt. Jun.03
Orgel, Doris
One night with the king
Ooops! Sorry!
One night with the king /
Gener8Xion Entertainment ;
produced by Stephan Blinn, Richard
J. Cook, Matthew Crouch, Lawrence
Mortorff ; screenplay by Stephan
Blinn ; directed by Michael O.
Sajbel. June.2007
Ooops! Sorry!. SprSum.02
Flower of Sheba / by Doris Orgel
and Ellen Schecter; illustrated by
Laura Kelly. MarMay.98
Openheim, Joanne
Orgill, Roxane
Eency Weency Spider / by Joanne
Oppenheim; illustrated by S. D.
Schindler. MarMay.98
If I Only Had a Horn : Young Louis
Armstrong / by Roxane Orgill;
illustrated by Leonard Jenkins.
O'Neal, Debbie Trafton
Opler, Paul A.
Before and after Easter : activities
and ideas for Lent to Pentecost / by
Debbie Trafton O'Neal; illustrated
by David LaRochelle. Spr.01
Peterson first guide to butterflies
and moths / Paul A. Opler ;
illustrated by Amy Bartlett Wright.
Orlev, Uri
O'Neal, Debbie Trafton
Oppenheim, Joanne
Orlev, Uri
Family countdown to Easter : a dayto-day celebration / Debbie Trafton
O'Neal; illustrated by Viki
Woodworth. Spr.01
Dear Miss Breed : true stories of
the Japanese American
incarceration during World War II
and a librarian who made a
difference / by Joanne Oppenheim ;
foreword by Elizabeth Kikuchi
Yamada ; afterword by Snowden
Becker. Dec.2006
Run, boy, run : a novel / by Uri
Orlev ; translated from the Hebrew
by Hillel Halkin. Dec.2004
O'Neal, Debbie Trafton
I Can Pray with Jesus : The Lord's
Prayer for Children / written by
Run, boy, run : a novel / by Uri
Orlev ; translated from the Hebrew
by Hillel Halkin. Apr.04
Ormerod, Jan
When an elephant comes to school
/ Jan Ormerod. Dec.2005
Up with worship. SprSum.02
Ormerod, Jan
Who's Whose? / by Jan Ormerod.
Orozco, Josâe-Luis
Rin, rin, rin, do, re, mi / Jose-Luis
Orozco, David Diaz. Mar.2007
Orozco, Jose-Luis
Fiestas : a year of Latin American
songs of celebration / selected,
arranged, and translated by JoseLuis Orozco ; illustrated by Elisa
Kleven. Apr.04
Osbeck, Kenneth W.
Joy to the world : the stories behind
your favorite Christmas carols / by
Kenneth W. Osbeck. Spr.01
Osborn, Susan Titus
Children Around the World
Celebrate Christmas. Win.00
Osborn, Susan Titus
Complete Guide to Writing for
Publication / Susan Titus Osborn,
general editor. Win.00
Osborne, Mary Pope
Is the Bible intolerant? : and sexist?
and oppressive? and homophobic?
and outdated? and irrelevant? /
Amy Orr-Ewing. Mar.2007
Favorite Norse Myths / Mary Pope
Osborne; illustrated by Troy Howell.
Dancing with the Wind / written by
Stanton Orser; illustrated by James
Bernardin. Nov.97
Osborne, Mary Pope
Life of Jesus in Masterpieces of Art
/ by Mary Pope Osborne. Win.00
Osborne, Mary Pope
Ortberg, John
If you want to walk on water,
you've got to get out of the boat /
John Ortberg. Feb.03
My brother's keeper : Virginia's
diary / by Mary Pope Osborne.
Life You've Always Wanted :
Spiritual Disciplines for Ordinary
People / by John Ortberg ; foreword
by Bill Hybels. Fall.98
Ortiz Cofer, Judith
Call me Maria / Judith Ortiz Cofer.
Ortiz, Simon J.
people shall continue / written by
Simon Ortiz ; illustrated by Sharol
Graves. Dec.2005
Ortlund, Anne
Osborne, Rick
I Want to Know About Jesus / by
Rick Osborne and K. Christie
Bowler. Fall.98
I Want to Know About Prayer.
Osborne, Rick
I Want To Know About the Ten
Commandments : What They Are
and Why They're Still Important for
Me Today / by Rick Osborne and K.
Christie Bowler. WinSpr.99
Osborne, Rick
Jesus / Rick Osborne and K. Christie
Bowler. Spr.01
Osborne, Rick
Jesus / by Rick Osborne and K.
Christie Bowler. Fall.00
Osborne, Rick
Osborne, Mary Pope
Ortberg, John
GodQuest : dare to live the
adventure / Rick Osborne.
Osborne, Rick
Orr-Ewing, Amy
Orser, Stanton
Osborne, Rick
My secret war : the World War II
diary of Madeline Beck / by Mary
Pope Osborne. Spr.01
Osborne, Mary Pope
Kidcordance : big ideas from the
Bible and where to find them / by
Rich Osborne, with Ed Strauss and
Kevin Miller. Sum.01
Osborne, Rick
Rocking Horse Christmas / by Mary
Pope Osborne; paintings by Ned
Bittinger. Nov.97
Kidictionary : memorable words
from the Bible and what they mean
/ written by Rick Osborne and Kevin
Miller. Aug.03
Osborne, Mary Pope
Osborne, Rick
time to dance / by Mary Pope
Osborne and Will Osborne. Apr.04
Legend of the Christmas stocking :
an inspirational story of a wish
come true / written by Rick
Osborne ; illustrated by Jim Griffin.
Osborne, Rick
Bible / by Rick Osborne and K.
Christie Bowler. Win.00
Osborne, Rick
Teaching Your Child How to Pray.
Otis, George
God's trademarks / George Otis, Jr.
O'Shea, Maria
Kuwait / by Maria O'Shea. Win.00
Osofsky, Audrey
Dreamcatcher / by Audrey Osofsky;
illustrated by Ed Young. Feb.03
Otis, George
Strongholds of the 10 / 40 window
/ Edited by George Otis,, Jr. with
Mark Brockman. Sep.97
Come look with me : art in early
America / Randy Osofsky ; [edited
by] Charles Davey. Sept.2005
Osterhaus, James F.
Family Tales : Rewriting the Stories
That Made You Who You Are / by
James Osterhaus. Jan.98
Overcoming sin and temptation :
three classic works by John Owen /
edited by Kelly M. Kapic and Justin
Taylor ; foreword by John Piper.
Owens, Ron
Otte, John
Osofsky, Randy
Owen, John
Failstate / John W. Otte.
Otto, Carolyn B\Trachok, Cathy, ill
Raccoon at Clear Creek Road.
Otto, Donna
Between women of God : the
gentle art of mentoring. Mar.96
Return to worship. SprSum.02
Owning it : stories about teens
with disabilities
Owning it : stories about teens with
disabilities / edited by Donald R.
Gallo. 41061
Oxford children's book of famous
Oxford children's book of famous
people. Nov.95
Otfinoski, Steve
Georgia / Steve Otfinoski. Win.02
Otfinoski, Steve
New Hampshire / by Steve
Otfinoski. Win.00
Ousseimi, Maria
Caught in the crossfire : growing up
in a war zone. Sept.96
Out of bounds
Out of bounds. SprSum.02
Otfinoski, Steven
Bulgaria / by Steven Otfinoski.
Overstreet, Jeffrey
Auralia’s colors / Jeffrey Overstreet.
AprJune 2010
Oz, Amos
Soumchi. Sept.96
Packer, J. I.
Knowing God. SprSum.02
Packer, J. I.
Truth & Power : The Place of
Scripture in the Christian Life / J. I.
Packer. Sep.97
Otfinoski, Steven
Marco Polo : to China and back /
Steven Otfinoski. Oct.03
Overstreet, Jeffrey
Cyndere’s midnight / Jeffrey
Overstreet. AprJune 2010
Otfinoski, Steven
Ukraine / by Steven Otfinoski.
Raven's ladder / Jeffrey Overstreet.
AprJune 2010
Packer, J. I.
Your Father Loves You / by J. I.
Packer. WinSpr.99
Overstreet, Jeffrey
The ale boy's feast / Jeffrey
Overstreet. August 2011
Otis, Don S.
Teach your children well / by Don S.
Otis. Sum.01
Truth & Power : The Place of
Scripture in the Christian Life / by J.
I. Packer. WinSpr.99
Overstreet, Jeffrey
Otis, Don S.
Staying fit after forty / Don S. Otis,
editor. Win.02
Packer, J. I.
Packer, J.I.
Growing in Christ / J.I. Packer.
Overstreet, Marcia Cate
day at Gramma's / Marcia Cate
Overstreet. SprSum.02
Padrick, Stacey
Living with mystery / Stacey
Padrick. SprSum.02
Victorian Christmas keepsake /
Catherine Palmer, Kristin Billerbeck,
Ginny Aiken. Win.02
Page, Debra
Eragon / Christopher Paolini.
Pappas, James
Orcas Around Me : My Alaskan
Summer / Debra Page; illustrated
by Leslie W. Bowman. Nov.97
Palmer, Catherine
Page, Holly
Palmer, Viola
God's girls in sports : guiding young
women through the benefits and
pitfalls / Holly Page. AprJune 2010
man in the green jeep / Viola
Palmer. June.2007
Sunrise song / Catherine Palmer.
new amplified Pilgrim's progress :
from this world to that which is to
come / adapted from John
Bunyan's original text by James
Pappas, Jr. SprSum.02
Paris, James L.
Living financially free. Mar.96
Palms, Roger C.
Page, Jake
Songs to Birds : Essays. Jan.97
Unexpected Hope : Finding
Satisfaction When Life Disappoints
/ by Robert C. Palms. WinSpr.99
Page, Jake
Songs to Birds : Essays. Jan.97
Pak, Soyung
Parish, Herman
Amelia Bedelia, bookworm /
Herman Parish ; pictures by Lynn
Sweat. June.2005
Pandell, Karen
Animal Action ABC / Karen Pandell ;
Art Wolfe. Sep.97
Dear Juno / by Soyung Pak;
illustrated by Susan Kathleen
Hartung. Fall.00
Paneuaude, David
Pak, Soyung
Pang, Guek-Cheng
Sumi's first day of school ever / by
Soyung Pak ; illustrated by Joung
Un Kim. Nov.2004
Grenada / Guek-Cheng Pang.
Park, Frances
royal bee / by Frances Park and
Ginger Park; illustrations by
Christopher Zhong-Yuan Zhang.
Someone was watching. Sept.96
Park, Linda Sue
Keeping score / Linda Sue Park.
OctDec 2009
Park, Linda Sue
Pang, Guek-Cheng
Kazakhstan / Guek-Cheng Pang.
kite fighters / by Linda Sue Park;
decorations by Eung Won Park.
Pang, Guek-Cheng
Park, Linda Sue
Mongolia / by Guek-Cheng Pang.
single shard / Linda Sue Park.
Panzieri, Lucia
Park, Linda Sue
English ivy / Catherine Palmer.
The kindhearted crocodile / by
Lucia Panzieri ; illustrated by Anton
Gionata Ferrari. Oct.Nov.2013
When my name was Keoko / Linda
Sue Park. Jun.03
Palmer, Catherine
Paolini, Christopher
Love's proof / Catherine Palmer.
Eldest / by Christopher Paolini.
Palmer, Catherine
Paolini, Christopher
Palatini, Margie
Bad boys / by Margie Palatini ;
illustrated by Henry Cole. Apr.04
Palmer, Catherine
dangerous silence / Catherine
Palmer. Fall.01
Palmer, Catherine
Parker, Gary
Life Before Birth : A Christian Family
Book. Jan.97
Parker, Gary E
Dry bones..and other fossils.
Parker, Gary E.
Distant shores / Gary E. Parker.
Parker, Gary E.
Ephesus Fragment / by Gary E.
Parker. Fall.00
Parker, Gary E.
Highland hopes : a novel / by Gary
E. Parker. Win.02
Parker, Laurie
A for angels : a Bible alphabet /
written and illustrated by Laurie
Parker. Feb / Apr 2012
hearth in Candlewood / Delia Parr.
Parr, Delia
Hearts awakening / Delia Parr.
October 2010
Hearts awakening / Delia Parr. Oct.
Parshall, Craig
Custody of the state / Craig
Parshall. Aug.03
Parrish, Christa
Home another way / Christa
Parrish. 40026
Parshall, Craig
Resurrection file / Craig Parshall.
Parrish, Christa
Watch over me / Christa Parrish.
AprJune 2010
Parshall, Craig
Trial by ordeal / Craig Parshall.
Parrish, Robin
Parker, Lewis K.
Parrish, Robin
Offworld / Robin Parrish. 40026
Parker, Lucy V.
How to open and operate a homebased writing business. Mar.96
Parshall, Craig
Parr, Delia
Fearless / Robin Parrish. Sept.2007
Spain / Lewis K. Parker. Apr.04
Lord's Prayer / prayers by Linda
Perry; illustrations by Alan Perry.
Accused / Craig Parshall. Aug.03
Parker, Lewis K.
Egypt / Lewis K. Parker. Apr.04
Parry, Linda
Parrish, Robin
Parshall, Phil
Understanding Muslim Teachings
and Traditions: A Guide for
Christians. Aug.03
Parsley, Rod
Relentless / Robin Parrish.
He came first : following Christ to
spiritual breakthrough / Rod
Parsley. Jun.03
Parry, Linda
Particular, Nowen N.
23rd Psalm / prayers by Linda
Perry; illustrations by Alan Perry.
Boomtown / written and illustrated
by Nowen N. Particular. October
Francis & Edith Schaeffer / by L.G.
Parkhurst, Jr. MarMay.98
Parry, Linda
Particular, Nowen N.
Baby Jesus. Jan.97
Boomtown / written and illustrated
by Nowen N. Particular. Oct. 2010
Parks, Linda Sue
Parry, Linda
firekeeper's son / by Linda Sue Park
; illustrated by Julie Downing.
Beatitudes / prayers by Linda Perry;
illustrations by Alan Perry. Fall.00
Parker, Marjorie Blain
Jasper's day / written by Marjorie
Blain Parker; illustrated by Janet
Wilson. Apr.03
Parkhurst, L.G., Jr.
Parlier, Jaki
Poking holes in the darkness.
Parr, Delia
Parry, Linda
First Corinthians 13 / prayers by
Linda Perry; illustrations by Alan
Perry. Fall.00
Partow, Cameron
Families That Play Together Stay
Together / Cameron & Donna
Partow. Nov.97
Partow, Donna
Homemade business. Nov.96
Partow, Donna
ten-week journey to standing firm /
Donna Partow. SprSum.02
Pateman, Robert
Kenya / by Robert Pateman.
Paterson, Katherine
Partridge, Elizabeth
Marching for freedom : walk
together, children, and don't you
grow weary / Elizabeth Partridge.
Bridge to Terabithia / Katherine
Paterson ; illustrated by Donna
Diamond. June.2006
Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw
Animals on the trail with Lewis and
Clark / Dorothy Hinshaw Patent;
photos by William Munoz. Jun.03
Celia and the Sweet, Sweet Water /
by Katherine Paterson ; illustrated
by Vladimir Vagin. Fall.98
Paterson, Katherine
Partridge, Elizabeth
Restless spirit : the life and work of
Dorothea Lange / by Elizabeth
Partridge. Spr.01
Partridge, Kenneth
U.S. national debate topic, 20102011 : the American military
presence overseas / edited by
Kenneth Partridge. 40634
Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw
Animals on the trail with Lewis and
Clark. Aug.03
Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw
Apple Trees / by Dorothy Hinshaw
Patent ; photographs by William
Muñoz. WinSpr.99
Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw
Pasachoff, Naomi E.
Ernest Rutherford : father of
nuclear science / Naomi Pasachoff.
Pasachoff, Naomi E.
Niels Bohr : physicist and
humanitarian / Naomi Pasachoff.
Pascoe, Elaine
Fabulous fluttering tropical
butterflies / Dorothy Hinshaw
Patent ; illustrations by Kendahl Jan
Jubb. Mar.2005
Images of God / by John and
Katherine Paterson ; illustrated by
Alexander Koshkin. Fall.98
Paterson, Katherine
invisible child : on reading and
writing books for children /
Katherine Paterson. Feb.03
Paterson, Katherine
Jacob have I loved / Katherine
Paterson. June.2006
Paterson, Katherine
Jip : His Story. Mar.97
Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw
Lewis and Clark Trail : then and now
/ Dorothy Hinshaw Patent ;
photographs by William Munoz.
Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw
Paterson, Katherine
Midnight Clear : Stories for the
Christmas Season. Mar.97
Paterson, Katherine
Plants on the trail with Lewis and
Clark. Aug.03
Parzival : The Quest of the Grail
Knight / retold by Katherine
Paterson. WinSpr.99
Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw
Paterson, Katherine
Pate, C. Marvin
West by Covered Wagon : Retracing
the Pioneer Trails. Jan.97
preacher's boy / by Katherine
Paterson. Fall.01
Doomsday Delusions / by C. Marvin
Pate and Calvin B. Haines, Jr. Jan.98
Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw
Paterson, Katherine
Why mammals have fur. Nov.95
Rebels of the heavenly kingdom : a
novel / Katherine Paterson. OctDec
Scholastic kid's almanac : facts,
figures, and stats / written by Elaine
Pascoe, Deborah Kops, and Jenifer
Morse ; illustrated by Bob Italiano
and David C. Bell. Mar.2005
Pate, C. Marvin
Iraq: Babylon of the End-Times?.
Paterson, Katherine
Angel and Donkey. Mar.97
Paterson, Katherine
Pateman, Robert
Egypt / by Robert Pateman, Salwa
El-Hamamsy. Aug.2004
Paterson, Katherine
same stuff as stars / Katherine
Paterson. Feb.03
Paterson, Katherine
Patty, Sandi
The day of the pelican / Katherine
Paterson. 40513
I've just seen Jesus / Sandi Patty &
Larnelle Harris. Spr.01
Paterson, Katherine
Paul, Anthony
Who am I. Nov.95
Tiger Who Lost His Stripes /
Anthony Paul ; Michael Foreman.
Evangeline Denmark ; illustrated by
Vincent Nguyen. 40695
Paul, Donita K.
Paterson, Katherine
wide-awake princess / by Katherine
Paterson; illustrated by Vladimir
Vagin. Sum.01
Paul, Donita K
Two tickets to the Christmas Ball /
Donita K. Paul. August 2011
Patneaude, David
Framed in fire / David Patneaude.
Paul, Donita K.
Patricelli, Leslie
Paul, Donita K.
Higher! Higher! / Leslie Patricelli.
Dragonknight / Donita K. Paul.
vanishing sculptor / Donita K. Paul.
Paul, Doris A.
Navajo code talkers / Doris A. Paul.
Paulsen, Gary
The tent : a parable in one sitting.
Dragonfire / Donita K. Paul. 40695
Paulsen, Gary
winter room / Gary Paulsen.
Paulsen, Heather Arnel
Patrick, Jean L.S.
Paul, Donita K.
girl who struck out Babe Ruth / by
Jean L.S. Patrick; illustrations by
Jeni Reeves. Fall.01
Dragonlight / Donita K. Paul. 40695
Paul, Donita K.
Patt, Beverly
Dragonquest / Donita K. Paul.
Best friends forever : a World War II
scrapbook / by Beverly Patt ; with
illustrations by Shula Klinger. 41061
Paul, Donita K.
Patterson, Ben
Deepening your conversation with
God / Ben Patterson. Win.02
Patterson, Ben
He has made me glad : enjoying
God's goodness with reckless
abandon / Ben Patterson.
Dragons of the valley / Donita K.
Paul. 40513
Paul, Donita K.
Dragons of the watch : a novel /
Donita K. Paul. Feb / Apr 2012
Wings of Gold / by Lance Patterson.
Paul, Donita K.
Dragonspell / Donita K. Paul. 40695
The dragon and the turtle / by
Donita K. Paul and Evangeline
Denmark ; illustrations by Vincent
Nguyen. 40513
Final Journey / Gudrun Pausewang ;
Translated by Patricia Crampton.
Pavlova, Anna
I dreamed I was a ballerina / a
girlhood story by Anna Pavlova;
illustrated with art by Edgar Degas.
Sing glory, glory! Jesus is born! /
written by Gail Pawlitz ; art by
Sehee Jung. Sept.2007
Payne, C. C.
Something to sing about / written
by C.C. Payne. AprJune 2010
Paz, Uzi
Pattou, Edith
East / by Edith Pattou. Aug.03
Pausewang, Gudrun
Pawlitz, Gail
Paul, Donita K.
Patterson, Lance
Emotional purity : an affair of the
heart / Heather Arnel Paulsen.
Paul, Donita K.
The dragon and the turtle go on
safari / Donita K. Paul and
Birds in the land of the Bible / Uzi
Paz ; photographs by Yoshi Eshbol.
Pazmiño, Robert W.
By what authority do we teach :
sources for empowering Christian
educators. Nov.95
Peacock, Carol Antoinette
Mommy far, Mommy near : an
adoption story / by Carol
Antoinette Peacock; illustrated by
Shawn Costello Brownell. Fall.01
Silver Morning / by Susan Pearson ;
illustrated by David Christiana.
Squeal and squawk : barnyard talk /
by Susan Pearson ; illustrated by
David Slonim. June.2005
Peart, Jane
April and May / by Jane Peart.
From DNA to Dean / by Arthur
Peacocke. Jan.98
Peart, Jane
Pearce, Emily Smith
Peart, Jane
Slowpoke / Emily Smith Pearce ;
illustrated by Scot Ritchie. August
Homeward the Seeking Heart.
Literary converts : spiritual
inspiration in an age of unbelief /
by Joseph Pearce. Fall.01
Heart's Lonely Secret. Jan.97
Peart, Jane
Ivy and Allison / by Jane Peart.
Solzhenitsyn : a soul in exile /
Joseph Pearce. Win.02
Pearl, Nancy
Book crush : for kids and
teens―recommended reading for
every mood, moment, and interest
/ Nancy Pearl. 40634
Peck, Richard
Great Interactive Dream Machine :
Another Adventure in Cyberspace.
Peck, Richard
Strays Like Us / by Richard Peck.
Peck, Richard
teacher's funeral : a comedy in
three parts / Richard Peck.
year down yonder / Richard Peck.
Peart, Jane
Peck, Richard
Laurel / by Jane Peart. Spr.01
year down yonder / by Richard
Peck. Spr.01
Peart, Jane
Perilous Bargain / by Jane Peart.
Peart, Jane
Peckham, Howard Henry
William Henry Harrison : young
Tippecanoe / written by Howard
Peckham; illustrated by Cathy
Morrison. Win.02
Quest for Lasting Love. Jan.97
Peel, William Carr
Peart, Jane
Shadow of fear / Jane Peart. Nov.97
Pearse, Meic
Peart, Jane
Why the rest hates the West :
understanding the roots of global
rage / Meic Pearse. Mar.2005
Thread of Suspicion / by Jane Peart.
Pearson, Susan
Fair weather / a novel by Richard
Peck. SprSum.02
Kit / by Jane Peart. Spr.01
Pearcey, Nancy
soul of science : Christian faith and
natural philosophy / Nancy R.
Pearcey and Charles B. Thaxton.
Peck, Richard
Peck, Richard
Peart, Jane
Pearce, Joseph
Web of Deception / Jane Peart.
Pearson, Susan
Peacocke, Arthur
Pearce, Joseph
Peart, Jane
Peart, Jane
Toddy / by Jane Peart. Spr.01
Where Is Moses When We Need
Him : Teaching Your Kids the Ten
Values That Matter Most / William
Carr Peel / Kathy Peel. Sep.97
Pegues, Beverly
WindoWatchman : praying through
the window I / Compiled and edited
by Beverly Pegues. Sep.97
Pegues, Beverly
Pella, Judith
Peluso, Beth A.
WindoWatchman II / Compiled and
edited by Beverly Pegues. Sep.97
Texas Angel / by Judith Pella. Fall.00
charcoal forest : how fire helps
animals and plants / written and
illustrated by Beth A. Peluso.
Pella, Judith
Pella, Judith
Beloved Stranger / by Judith Pella.
Pella, Judith
The dawning of deliverance. Mar.96
Pence, James H.
Pella, Judith
Ties that bind / by Judith Pella and
Tracie Peterson. Spr.01
Blind Faith / Judith Pella. Nov.97
Pendziwol, Jean
Pella, Judith
Pella, Judith
Distant Dreams / by Judith Pella
and Tracie Peterson. Jan.98
angel : a novel / by James H. Pence.
Westward the Dream / by Judith
Pella and Tracie Peterson. Win.00
No Dragons for Tea : Fire Safety for
Kids (and Dragons) / written by
Jean Pendziwol; illustrated by
Martine Gourbault. Fall.00
Pella, Judith
Pella, Judith
Heaven's road / by Judith Pella.
White Nights, Red Morning / Judith
Pella. Sep.97
Pella, Judith
Pella, Judith
Penguin Book of Classic Children's
Penguin Book of Classic Children's
Characters. Sum.01
Written on the wind / by Judith
Pella. Oct.03
Penland, Timothy
Pella, Judith
Pelletier, Andrew
Hope Beyond / by Judith Pella and
Tracie Peterson. Jan.98
Sixteen miles to spring / by Andrew
Thomas Pelletier; illustrated by
Katya Krenina. Apr.03
night before Columbus sailed on
the sea / written by Timothy
Penland ; illustrated by Kayee Au.
Heirs of the motherland. Mar.96
Pella, Judith
Mark of the cross / Judith Pella.
Pelletier, David
graphic alphabet / David Pelletier.
Pella, Judith
Promise for Tomorrow / by Judith
Pella and Tracie Peterson. Fall.98
Pella, Judith
Separate Roads / by Judith Pella
and Tracie Peterson. Fall.00
Pellowski, Anne
First farm in the valley : Anna's
story / by Anne Pellowski ;
illustrated by Roseanne Sharpe.
Somewhere a song / Judith Pella.
night before Jesus fed five
thousand men / by Timothy
Penland ; illustrated by Mary Alice
Ramsey. 40391
Penland, Timothy
Pellowski, Anne
Winding Valley Farm : Annie's story
/ Anne Pellowski ; illustrated by
Suzanne Sharpe. 40695
night before Noah rode on the ark /
by Timothy Penland ; illustrated by
Mary Alice Ramsey. 40391
Penland, Timothy
Pelton, Mindy L.
Pella, Judith
night before Francis sang a new
song / written by Timothy Penland ;
illustrated by Kayee Au. 40391
Penland, Timothy
Pella, Judith
Passage into Light / by Judith Pella.
Penland, Timothy
When dad's at sea / by Mindy L.
Pelton ; illustrated by Robert G.
Steele. Mar.2005
True night before Christmas /
Timothy Penland ; illustrated by
Savannah Joy Adams. 40391
Penland, Timothy
True night before Easter / Timothy
Penland ; illustrated by Savannah
Joy Adams. 40391
Penn, William
Some fruits of solitude : wise
sayings on the conduct of human
life / William Penn; edited into
today's English by Eric K. Taylor.
Hangman's curse / Frank Peretti.
Nightmare Academy / Frank Peretti.
Peretti, Frank E
Peretti, Frank E.
Escape from the island of Aquarius.
Prophet / Frank E. Peretti. Dec.2004
Peretti, Frank E.
Peretti, Frank E
The door in the dragon's throat.
Penney, Russell L.
Overcoming the world missions
crisis / Russell L. Penney, general
editor. SprSum.02
secret of the desert stone / Frank E.
Peretti. June.2005
Peretti, Frank E.
Peretti, Frank E
Tilly / Frank E. Peretti. Sep.97
The oath. Jan.96
Perez, Eulalia
Peretti, Frank E
Penning, Lawrence
The tombs of Anak. Nov.95
100 best games / by Eulalia Perez;
illustrated by Maria Rius. Spr.01
Lion of Modderspruit / by Lawrence
Penning ; [translated by Marietjie
Nelson]. June.2007
Peretti, Frank E
Perkins, Mitali
Trapped at the bottom of the sea.
Secret keeper / Mitali Perkins.
Peretti, Frank E.
Perl, Lila
Pennington, M. Basil
deadly curse of Toco-Rey / Frank E.
Peretti. June.2005
Lectio Divina : Renewing the
Ancient Practice of Praying the
Scriptures / by M. Basil Pennington.
Peretti, Frank E.
Behind barbed wire : the story of
Japanese-American internment
during WW II / by Lila Perl.
Pennington, Daniel
Itse Selu. Aug.03
House / Frank Peretti and Ted
Dekker. Mar.2007
Pennypacker, Sara
Clementine's letter / Sara
Pennypacker ; pictures by Marla
Frazee. June 2009
Peretti, Frank E.
Legend of Annie Murphy / by Frank
E. Peretti. MarMay.98
Perl, Lila
Immigration : this land is whose
land? / by Lila Perl. 40695
Perl, Lila
North across the border / by Lila
Perl. Win.02
Pentecost, J. Dwight
Peretti, Frank E.
Designed to be like Him / J. Dwight
Pentecost. Win.02
legend of Annie Murphy / Frank E.
Peretti. June.2005
Perl, Lila
Perenyi, Constance
Peretti, Frank E.
Wild wild west : wild life habitats of
western North America. Jan.96
Mayday at two thousand five
hundred / Frank E. Peretti.
To the golden mountain : the story
of the Chinese who built the
Transcontinental Railroad / by Lila
Perl. Dec.2004
Perera, Anna
The glass collector / by Anna
Perera. 41061
Peretti, Frank E.
Peretti, Frank
Peretti, Frank E.
Perliger, Arie
What is terrorism? / Arie Perliger.
Monster / Frank Peretti. June.2005
Pernoud, Régine
Day With a Miller / by Régine
Pernoud ; illustrations by Giorgio
Bacchin ; translated by Dominique
Clift. Fall.98
Pernoud, Régine
Day With a Noblewoman / by
Régine Pernoud ; illustrations by
Giorgio Bacchin ; translated by
Dominique Clift. Fall.98
Teacher's Science Companion /
Phyllis Jean Perry. Sep.97
Perseghetti, Jackie
Caution : Dangerous Devotions.
Peters, David\Peters, Arlene
By an unfamiliar path : the story of
David and Arlene Peters. Sept.96
100 Christian books that changed
the century / William J. Petersen
and Randy Petersen. Nov.2004
Peters, Dory J.
Petersen, William J.
warrior's code. Jun.03
25 Surprising Marriages : FaithBuilding Stories from the Lives of
Famous Christians / by William J.
Petersen. MarMay.98
Peters, Steve
Pernoud, Régine
Truth About Rock / by Steve Peters
and Mark Littleton. Win.00
Day With a Troubadour / by Régine
Pernoud ; illustrations by Giorgio
Bacchin ; translated by Dominique
Clift. Fall.98
Peters, Ted
Perrault, Charles
Cinderella, or, The little glass
slipper / a free translation from the
French of Charles Perrault ; with
pictures by Marcia Brown.
Perrault, Charles
Sleeping Beauty and other stories.
Perrin, Randy
Time Like a River / by Randy Perrin
with Hannah Perrin & Tova Perrin.
Can you believe in God and
evolution? : a guide for the
perplexed / Ted Peters and
Martinez Hewlett. Mar.2007
Peters, Ted
Can you believe in God and
evolution? : a guide for the
perplexed / Ted Peters and
Martinez Hewlett. Mar.2007
Perry, Phyllis Jean
Petersham, Maude
rooster crows : a book of American
rhymes and jingles / Maud and
Miska Petersham. Dec.2004
Peterson, Andrew
North or be eaten : wild escapes, a
desperate journey, and the ghastly
Fangs of Dang / Andrew Peterson.
Peterson, Andrew.
On the edge of the Dark Sea of
Darkness / Andrew Peterson. 40391
Peters, Ted
Playing God / by Ted Peters.
Petersen, Alicia
sparrow alone / by Alicia Petersen.
Peterson, Cris
Century Farm : One Hundred Years
on a Family Farm / by Cris Peterson;
with photographs by Alvis Upitis.
Peterson, Cris
Perrin, Randy
Time Like a River / by Randy Perrin ;
with Hannah and Tova Perrin.
Can You Keep a Secret? / by P.J.
Petersen; illustrated by Meredith
Johnson. MarMay.98
Petersen, William J.
Pernoud, Régine
Day With a Stonecutter / by Régine
Pernoud ; illustrations by Giorgio
Bacchin ; translated by Dominique
Clift. Fall.98
Petersen, P.J.
Petersen, Dennis R.
Unlocking the mysteries of creation
: the explorer's guide to the
awesome works of God / Dennis R.
Petersen. Mar.2005
Getting started in science fairs :
from planning to judging. Mar.96
Petersen, P. J.
Perry, Phyllis Jean
My Worst Friend / by P. J. Petersen
; illustrated by Meredith Johnson.
Fantastic farm machines / by Cris
Peterson ; photographs by David R.
Lundquist. June.2007
Peterson, Cris
Harvest Year / by Cris Peterson;
photographs by Alvis Upitis.
Peterson, Cris
Harvest year / by Cris Peterson;
photographs by Alvis Upitis. Feb /
Apr 2012
Friends / by Eugene H. Peterson.
Radical advice from the ultimate
wiseguy. Jan.96
Peterson, Julienne
Peterson, Lorraine
Field of beans / by Doug Peterson ;
[illustrations by Big Idea
Productions]. June.2005
Caterina, the Clever Farm Girl : A
Tale from Italy / retold by Julienne
Peterson; pictures by Enzo Giannini.
Real characters in the making.
Peterson, Doug
Peterson, Lorraine
Field of beans / by Doug Peterson ;
[illustrations by Big Idea
Productions]. Sept.2005
Anybody can be cool-- but
awesome takes practice. Jan.96
Peterson, Doug
Peterson, Lorraine
Peterson, Doug
Lost in place / by Doug Peterson ;
[illustrations by Big Idea
Productions]. June.2005
Peterson, Doug
Dying of embarrassment and living
to tell about it. Jan.96
Peterson, Lorraine
Fallin off cloud nine and other high
places. Jan.96
Peterson, Lorraine
Trying to get toothpaste back into
the tube. Jan.96
Peterson, Lorraine
Why isn't God giving cash prizes?.
Peterson, Tracie
Across the years / Tracie Peterson.
Peterson, Tracie
Lost in place / by Doug Peterson ;
[illustrations by Big Idea
Productions]. Sept.2005
Peterson, Lorraine
Angel of mercy / Tracie Peterson,
James Scott Bell. Apr.03
Peterson, Doug
How to Get a Life..No Strings
Attached / by Lorraine Peterson.
Peterson, Tracie
spoon in the stone / by Doug
Peterson ; [illustrations by Big Idea
Productions]. June.2005
Peterson, Doug
spoon in the stone / by Doug
Peterson ; [illustrations by Big Idea
Productions]. Sept.2005
Peterson, Lorraine
If God loves me, why can't I get my
locker open?. Jan.96
Peterson, Lorraine
If the devil "made" you do it, you
blew it!. Jan.96
Peterson, Eugene H.
message : the Bible in
contemporary language / Eugene H.
Peterson. Apr.04
Peterson, Lorraine
If you really trust me, why can't I
stay out longer?. Jan.96
Peterson, Eugene H.
Peterson, Lorraine
message : the Old Testament
history books in contemporary
language / Eugene H. Peterson.
Lord, I haven't talked to you since
the last crisis, but…. Jan.96
Peterson, Eugene H.
Wisdom of Each Other : A
Conversation Between Spiritual
Peterson, Lorraine
Please give me another chance,
Lord. Jan.96
Peterson, Lorraine
Angels flight / by Tracie Peterson
and James Scott Bell. Win.02
Peterson, Tracie
Ashes and ice / Tracie Peterson.
Peterson, Tracie
Beneath a harvest sky / Tracie
Peterson. Oct.03
Peterson, Tracie
City of angels / Tracie Peterson and
James Scott Bell. Fall.01
Peterson, Tracie
Controlling Interests / by Tracie
Peterson. WinSpr.99
Peterson, Tracie
Daughter of the loom / Tracie
Peterson and Judith Miller. Jun.03
Peterson, Tracie
Dawn's prelude / Tracie Peterson.
AprJune 2010
Peterson, Tracie
love to last forever / Tracie
Peterson. OctDec 2009
Peterson, Tracie
Embers of love / Tracie Peterson.
Peterson, Tracie
love woven true / Tracie Peterson
and Judith Miller. Mar.2007
Peterson, Tracie
Entangled / Tracie Peterson. Nov.97
Peterson, Tracie
Peterson, Tracie
Morning's refrain / Tracie Peterson.
fragile design / Tracie Peterson and
Judith Miller. Oct.03
Peterson, Tracie
Peterson, Tracie
promise to believe in / Tracie
Peterson. OctDec 2009
Framed / by Tracie Peterson. Fall.98
Peterson, Tracie
Peterson, Tracie
Hearts aglow / Tracie Peterson.
Rivers of gold / Tracie Peterson.
Peterson, Tracie
Peterson, Tracie
Hidden in a Whisper / by Tracie
Peterson. Win.00
Shelter of Hope / by Tracie
Peterson. Fall.98
Peterson, Tracie
Peterson, Tracie
Hope rekindled / Tracie Peterson.
slender thread / by Tracie Peterson.
Treasures of the north / Tracie
Peterson. SprSum.02
Peterson, Tracie
Twilight's serenade / Tracie
Peterson. 40634
Peterson, Tracie
Under the northern lights / Tracie
Peterson. Sept.2006
Peterson, Tracie
Veiled Reflection / by Tracie
Peterson. Fall.00
Peterson, Tracie
What she left for me / Tracie
Peterson. June.2006
Peterson, Tracie
Whispers of winter / Tracie
Peterson. Mar.2007
Petrie, Alistair P.
Releasing heaven on earth / Alistair
P. Petrie. Win.02
Petrocelli, Bobby
Triumph over tragedy. Nov.95
Peterson, Tracie
Peterson, Tracie
I can't do it all : breaking free of the
lies that control us / Tracie
Peterson, Allison Bottke, Dianne
O’Brian. June.2006
Summer of the midnight sun /
Tracie Peterson. Sept.2006
Pettrey, Dani
Peterson, Tracie
Pettrey, Dani
tapestry of hope / Tracie Peterson
and Judith Miller. Dec.2004
Stranded. Aug.Sept.2013
Peterson, Tracie
lady of secret devotion / Tracie
Peterson. OctDec 2009
Peterson, Tracie
Peterson, Tracie
These tangled threads / by Tracie
Peterson and Judith Miller.
Land of my heart / by Tracie
Peterson. Aug.2004
Peterson, Tracie
Peterson, Tracie
Tidings of peace / by Tracie
Peterson. Spr.01
long awaited child / Tracie
Peterson. Fall.01
Peterson, Tracie
Shattered / Dani Pettrey. Apr.2013
Pettrey, Dani
Submerged / Dani Pettrey.
Pfeffer, Wendy
Arctic frozen reaches / Wendy
Pfeffer. Jun.03
Pfeffer, Wendy
Deep oceans / Wendy Pfeffer.
Pfeffer, Wendy
High mountains / Wendy Pfeffer.
Pferdehirt, Julia
Martin Luther : spy for the night
riders : curriculum guide / by Julia
Pferdehirt; with Dave & Neta
Jackson. Spr.01
Pferdehirt, Julia
Pfeffer, Wendy
Hot deserts / Wendy Pfeffer. Jun.03
Nate Saint : the fate of the yellow
woodbee : curriculum guide / Julia
Pferdehirt; with Dave & Neta
Jackson. SprSum.02
Pfeffer, Wendy
Icy Antarctic waters / Wendy
Pfeffer. Jun.03
Pferdehirt, Julia
Amy Carmichael / by Julia
Pferdehirt; with Dave & Neta
Jackson. Spr.01
Phillips, Louis
Monster Riddles / by Louis Phillips ;
pictures by Arlene Dubanevich.
Phillips, Michael R.
A home for the heart. Jan.96
Phillips, Michael R.
A place in the sun. Jan.96
Pfetzer, Mark
Within Reach : My Everest Story /
by Mark Pfetzer and Jack Galvin.
Pfitsch, Patricia Curtis
Keeper of the Light / by Patricia
Curtis Pfitsch. MarMay.98
Phillips, Michael R.
ancient strife / by Michael Phillips.
Phillips, Michael R.
ancient strife / by Michael Phillips.
Pferdehirt, Julia
David Livingstone : escape from the
slave traders : curriculum guide / by
Julia Pferdehirt; with Dave & Neta
Jackson. Spr.01
Pflueger, Lynda
Pferdehirt, Julia
Phifer, Martha Nelson
Florence Nightingale : the drummer
boy's battle : curriculum guide /
Julia Pferdehirt; with Dave & Neta
Jackson. SprSum.02
The colors of Christmas. Nov.96
Pferdehirt, Julia
George Muller : the bandit of
Ashley Downs : curriculum guide /
Julia Pferdehirt; with Dave & Neta
Jackson. SprSum.02
Pferdehirt, Julia
Harriet Tubman : listen for the
whippoorwill : curriculum guide /
Julia Pferdehirt; with Dave & Neta
Jackson. SprSum.02
Pferdehirt, Julia
Hudson Taylor : shanghaied to
China : a Trailblazer curriculum
guide / by Julia Pferdehirt; with
Dave & Neta Jackson. Spr.01
Mark Twain : Legendary Writer and
Humorist / by Lynda Pflueger.
Philbrick, Rodman
Max the Mighty / by Rodman
Philbrick. Win.00
Philip, Neil, selector
Christmas Fairy Tales. Mar.97
Phillips, Bob
More awesome good clean jokes
for kids. Jan.96
Phillips, Michael R.
Angels watching over me / by
Michael Phillips. Jun.03
Phillips, Michael R.
Best Friends for Life / by Michael &
Judy Phillips. Fall.98
Phillips, Michael R.
Braxtons of Miracle Springs. Mar.97
Phillips, Michael R.
Daughter of grace. Jan.96
Phillips, Michael R.
Dawn of Liberty. Mar.96
Phillips, Michael R.
Phillips, Douglas A.
East Asia / Douglas A. Phillips.
Destiny Junction / Michael Phillips.
Phillips, Michael R.
Phillips, Douglas A.
Eleventh Hour. Mar.96
Southeast Asia / Douglas A. Phillips.
Phillips, Michael R.
Escape to Freedom. Mar.96
perilous proposal / by Michael
Phillips. Dec.2006
Phillips, Michael R.
Flight from Stonewycke. Mar.96
Phillips, Michael R.
Garden at the Edge of Beyond / by
Michael Phillips. WinSpr.99
Phillips, Michael R.
Rift in Time / by Michael Phillips.
Phillips, Michael R.
Phillips, Raelene
Freedom in White Mittens /
Raelene Phillips. Nov.97
Phillips, Raelene
Freedom's Destiny Fulfilled /
Raelene Phillips. Nov.97
Sea to shining sea. Jan.96
Phillips, Raelene
Phillips, Michael R.
God : a good father / Michael
Phillips. Apr.03
Phillips, Michael R.
Shadows over Stonewycke. Mar.96
Freedom's Tremendous Cost /
Raelene Phillips. Nov.97
Phillips, Michael R.
Phillips, Michael R.
Phillips, Richard
Grayfox. Mar.96
Stranger at Stonewycke. Mar.96
Phillips, Michael R.
Phillips, Michael R.
Holding hands, holding hearts :
recovering a biblical view of dating
/ Richard D. Phillips and Sharon L.
Phillips. June.2007
Heathersleigh homecoming / by
Michael Phillips. Spr.01
The crown and the crucible. Mar.96
Phillips, Richard D.
Phillips, Michael R.
Phillips, Michael R.
Into the long dark night. Jan.96
The heather hills of Stonewycke.
Only one way / Richard D. Phillips.
Phillips, Todd
Phillips, Michael R.
Phillips, Michael R.
Land of the brave and the free.
The house divided. Mar.96
Spiritual CPR / by Todd Phillips.
Phillips, Michael R.
Phillips, Tom
The lady of Stonewycke. Mar.96
World at Your Door / by Tom
Phillips and Bob Norsworthy with
W. Terry Whalin. MarMay.98
Phillips, Michael R.
Legend of the Celtic Stone / by
Michael Phillips. Fall.00
Phillips, Michael R.
Mercy and Eagleflight. Mar.97
Phillips, Michael R.
Phillips, Michael R.
The rose remembered. Mar.96
Phillips, Michael R.
Together is all we need / Michael
Phillips. Mar.2005
Philo, Jolene
different dream for my child :
meditations for parents of critically
or chronically ill children / Jolene
Philo. AprJune 2010
My father's world. Jan.96
Phillips, Michael R.
Phillips, Michael R.
New Beginning / Michael Phillips.
Phillips, Michael R.
On the trail of the truth. Jan.96
Phillips, Michael R.
Travail and triumph. Mar.96
Philosophy of Christian School
Philosophy of Christian School
Education. Jan.97
Phillips, Michael R.
Treasure of Stonewycke. Mar.96
Philosophy of Christian School
Phillips, Michael R.
Philosophy of Christian School
Education. Jan.97
Wild Grows the Heather in Devon /
by Michael Phillips. Fall.98
Phipps, William E.
William Sheppard : Congo's AfricanAmerican Livingstone / William E.
Phipps. Apr.03
Physics : an illustrated guide to
Physics : an illustrated guide to
science / the Diagram Group.
Pickering, David
dictionary of folklore / by David
Pickering. Spr.01
Pinborough, Jan
Pierce, Chonda
Tales from the manger / by Chonda
and David Pierce ; illustrated by
Matt Le Barre. Mar.2005
Pierce, Tamora
Sandry's Book / by Tamora Pierce.
Pierre Gingras
Secret Lives of Birds / Pierre
Gingras ; Translated by Peter
Feldstein. Sep.97
Miss Moore thought otherwise :
how Anne Carroll Moore created
libraries for children / by Jan
Pinborough ; illustrated by Debby
Atwell. June.July.2013
pinch of incense
pinch of incense. Jun.03
Pinkney, Andrea
Sojourner Truth's step-stomp
stride. Feb / Apr 2012
Pinkney, Andrea Davis
Pickering, Marianne
Chile : Where the Land Ends / by
Marianne Pickering. Nov.97
Pickering, Peggy
Biographies of Christian Authors
Who Write for Young Readers, v.1 /
by Peggy Pickering. Win.00
Pietra, Mary La
Nis Name on Her Heart. Mar.96
Pietrusza, David
Roaring Twenties / by David
Pietrusza. WinSpr.99
Pijoan, Teresa
Pickering, Peggy
Biographies of Christian Authors
Who Write for Young Readers, v.2 /
by Peggy Pickering. Win.00
Let it shine : stories of Black women
freedom fighters / Andrea Davis
Pinkney ; illustrated by Stephen
Alcorn. Apr.04
Pueblo Indian wisdom : Native
American legends and mythology /
by Teresa Pijoan. Mar.2005
Pinkney, Andrea Davis
Mim's Christmas jam / Andrea
Davis Pinkney; illustrated by Brian
Pinkney. Win.02
Pinkney, Jerry
lion & the mouse / Jerry Pinkney.
Pijoan, Teresa
Picture Dictionary : French /
Picture Dictionary : French /
English. Sep.97
Picture Dictionary : German /
Picture Dictionary : German /
English. Sep.97
Pueblo Indian wisdom : Native
American legends and mythology /
by Teresa Pijoan. Dec.2004
Pilgrim Voices : Our First Year in
the New World
Pilgrim Voices : Our First Year in the
New World. Jan.97
Pilkey, Dav
Piepenburg, Scott
Easy MARC : a simplified guide to
creating catalog records for library
automation systems / Scott
Piepenburg. 40634
Pierce, Bethany
Amy inspired / Bethany Pierce.
paperboy / story and paintings by
Dav Pilkey. Apr.04
Pinkney, Jerry
little red hen / Jerry Pinkney.
Pinkney, Jerry
Noah's ark / Jerry Pinkney.
Pinkney, Sandra L.
Shades of black : a celebration of
our children / by Sandra L. Pinkney;
photographs by Myles C. Pinkney.
Pillai, Rajendra K.
Reaching the world in our own
backyard : a guide to building
relationships with people of other
faiths and cultures / Rajendra K.
Pillai. Aug.2004
Pinksy, Robert
Figured Wheel : New and Collected
Poems, 1966-1996 / Robert Pinsky.
Pinkwater, Daniel
At the Hotel Larry / Daniel
Pinkwater ; illustrated by Jill
Pinkwater. June.2005
Piper, John
Don't waste your life / John Piper.
pleasures of God : meditations on
God's delight in being God / Piper,
John. June.2007
Piper, John
Pinkwater, Daniel
At the Hotel Larry / by Daniel
Pinkwater; illustrated by Jill
Pinkwater. MarMay.98
Pinkwater, Daniel
Ice Cream Larry / by Daniel
Pinkwater; illustrated by Jill
Pinkwater. Win.00
Pinkwater, Daniel
Young Larry / Daniel Pinkwater ;
illustrated by Jill Pinkwater.
Pinkwater, Daniel Manus
Dancing Larry / by Daniel
Pinkwater; illustrated by Jill
Pinkwater. June.2007
Piper, John
Fifty reasons why Jesus came to die
/ John Piper. Sept.2006
roots of endurance : invincible
perseverance in the lives of John
Newton, Charles Simeon, and
William Wilberforce / John Piper.
Piper, John
Filling up the afflictions of Christ :
the cost of bringing the gospel to
the nations in the lives of William
Tyndale, Adoniram Judson, and
John Paton / John Piper. OctDec
Piper, John
Spectacular sins : and their global
purpose in the glory of Christ / John
Piper. 39912
Piper, John
Piper, John
God's passion for His glory : living
the vision of Jonathan Edwards,
with the complete text of The end
for which God created the world /
John Piper. Sept.2007
Suffering and the sovereignty of
God / John Piper, Justin Taylor,
editors. Sept.2007
Piper, John
Think : the life of the mind and the
love of God / John Piper. 40634
Piper, John
Pinkwater, Daniel Manus
Mrs. Noodlekugel / Daniel
Pinkwater ; illustrated by Adam
Stower. Dec.2012
Pinzon, Scott
Knights of Evermore / Scott &
Renee Pinzon. Nov.97
Piper, John
Amazing grace in the life of William
Wilberforce / John Piper ; foreword
by Jonathan Aitken. June.2007
Piper, John
Contending for our all : defending
truth and treasuring Christ in the
lives of Athanasius, John Owen, and
J. Gresham Machen / John Piper.
Piper, John
Desiring God / revised and
expanded by John Piper. Oct.03
Hidden smile of God / John Piper.
Piper, John
What Jesus demands from the
world / John Piper. Sept.2006
Piper, John
hidden smile of God : the fruit of
affliction in the lives of John
Bunyan, William Cowper, and David
Brainerd / John Piper. Dec.2006
Piper, John
When the darkness will not lift :
doing what we can while we wait
for God and joy / John Piper.
Piper, John
legacy of sovereign joy : God's
triumphant grace in the lives of
Augustine, Luther, and Calvin / John
Piper. Dec.2006
Piper, Noel
Piper, John
Piper, Watty
legacy of sovereign joy : God's
triumphant grace in the lives of
Augustine, Luther, and Calvin / by
John Piper. Sum.01
little engine that could / retold by
Watty Piper ; pictures by Loren
Long. Mar.2007
Piper, John
Faithful women & their
extraordinary God / Noèl Piper.
Piper, Watty
The little engine that could / retold
by Watty Piper ; with new art by
Loren Long. Feb / Apr 2012
Pippert, Rebecca Manley
heart for God : learning from David
through the tough choices of life /
Rebecca Manley Pippert. Apr.03
Pippert, Rebecca Manley
Heart Like His : The Shaping of
Character in the Choices of Life /
Rebecca Manley Pippert. Nov.97
Pippert, Rebecca Manley
Heart Like His : The Shaping of
Character in the Choices of Life /
Rebecca Manley Pippert. Nov.97
Pistol : Childhood Story of Pistol
Pete Maravich
Pistol : Childhood Story of Pistol
Pete Maravich. Jan.97
Louis XVI, Marie-Antoinette and the
French Revolution / by Nancy Plain.
Pittman, Alison
Forsaking all others / Allison
Pittman. Feb / Apr 2012
Man Who Painted Indians : George
Catlin / by Nancy Plain. Fall.98
Stealing home / by Allison Pittman.
June 2009
Pittman, Allison
Luba and the wren / by Patricia
Polacco. Spr.01
Eureka! : great inventions and how
they happened / Richard Platt.
Polacco, Patricia
Plourde, Lynn
Polacco, Patricia
Pigs in the Mud in the Middle of the
Road / Lynn Plourde ; John
Schoenherr. Sep.97
Oh, look! / Patricia Polacco.
Plum-Ucci, Carol
Streams of Babel / Carol Plum-Ucci.
Pochocki, Ethel
penny for a hundred / by Ethel
Pochocki ; pictures by Mary Beth
Owens. Sept.2006
Tales of Edgar Allan Poe / by Edgar
Allan Poe; illustrated by Barry
Moser. Win.00
Mrs. Mack / by Patricia Polacco.
Polacco, Patricia
orange for Frankie / Patricia
Polacco. June.2007
Polacco, Patricia
Pink and Say. Jan.96
Polacco, Patricia
Something about Hensley's /
Patricia Polacco. June.2007
Polacco, Patricia
Thank You, Mr. Falker / by Patricia
Polacco. WinSpr.99
Pogány, Susan Browning
For time and eternity / Allison
Pittman. Feb / Apr 2012
Sex smart : 501 reasons to hold off
on sex / by Susan Browning Pogány.
Pittman, Helena Clare
Polacco, Patricia
Uncle Phil's Diner / by Helena Clare
Pittman. Win.00
Christmas tapestry / Patricia
Polacco. Apr.04
Pizzuti, Suzy
Polacco, Patricia
Say Uncle.. and Aunt / by Suzy
Pizzuti. WinSpr.99
Firetalking. Jan.96
Plain, Nancy
Polacco, Patricia
Platt, Richard
Poe, Edgar Allan
Pittman, Alison
Keeping Quilt / written and
illustrated by Patricia Polacco.
Plain, Nancy
Pitman, E. R
Ann H. Judson of Burma. Jan.96
Polacco, Patricia
Polacco, Patricia
I Can Hear the Sun : A Modern
Myth. Jan.97
Polette, Nancy
Books every child should know : the
literature quiz book / Nancy
Polette. Mar.2007
Polette, Nancy
Gifted biographies, gifted readers!:
higher order thinking with picture
book biographies / Nancy Polette.
Politi, Leo
Song of the swallows / by Leo Politi.
Polivka, Bryan
Pollard, Michael
legend of the Firefish / George
Bryan Polivka. Sept.2007
Ganges / by Michael Pollard.
can-do Thanksgiving / by Marion
Hess Pomeranc; pictures by Nancy
Cote. Spr.01
Polkinghorne, John
Pollard, Michael
Pomeranc, Marion Hess
Beyond Science. Fall.00
Maria Montessori. Nov.96
Hand-Me-Down Horse. Mar.97
Polkinghorne, John
Pollard, Michael
Pomerantz, Charlotte
Faith of a Physicist. Fall.00
Maria Montessori. Jan.97
You're Not My Best Friend Anymore
/ by Charlotte Pomerantz ; pictures
by David Soman. Fall.98
Polkinghorne, John
Pollard, Michael
One World. Fall.00
Mississippi / by Michael Pollard.
Polkinghorne, John
Poole, Susie
Christmas journey : from creation
to the Savior's birth / Susie Poole.
Quarks, Chaos & Christianity :
Questions to Science and Religion /
by John Polkinghorne. Jan.98
Pollard, Michael
Polkinghorne, John
Pollard, Michael
Quarks, Chaos, and Christianity.
Rhine / by Michael Pollard.
Jump the World : Stories, Poems,
and Things to Make and Do from
Around the World / by Sarah
Pooley. MarMay.98
Polkinghorne, John
Pollard, Michael
Pope, Geraldine
Science and Creation. Fall.00
Yangtze / by Michael Pollard.
Empty Creel / Geraldine Pope ;
Dennis Cunningham. Sep.97
Science and Providence. Fall.00
Pollard, Wendi
Poppe, Kenneth
Reclaiming science from Darwinism
/ Kenneth Poppe. Mar.2007
Polkinghorne, John
Across the Centuries : Teaching
Units for Timeless Children's
Literature from a Christian
Perspective, Level E, Vol.2 / by
Wendi Pollard. Win.00
Nile / by Michael Pollard.
Polkinghorne, John
Searching for Truth. Fall.00
Polkinghorne, John
Serious Talk. Fall.00
Polkinghorne, John
Way the World Is. Fall.00
Pollard, Mark
It's prayer time! / Mark Pollard,
general editor. Win.02
Pollard, Michael
Amazon / by Michael Pollard.
Pollock, John Charles
Billy Graham story / John Pollock.
Pooley, Sarah
Portale, Joe
Taking on giants : a pioneer
missionary's pursuit of God's vision
for ministry and life / Joe Portale.
Porter, Connie
Pollution Solution : Ecology
Pollution Solution : Ecology.
Addy's surprise : a Christmas story.
Porter, David
Pomeranc, Marion Hess
American Wei / by Marion Hess
Pomeranc; illustrated by DyAnne
DiSalvo-Ryan. Win.00
Pomeranc, Marion Hess
Vienna passage. Sept.96
Porter, David
Winning gymnastics for girls / David
Porter ; foreword by David A.
Feigley. Sept.2005
Portis, Antoinette
penguin story / Antoinette Portis.
Escaping the vampire : desperate
for the immortal hero / Kimberly
Powers. 40391
Press, Judy
Little Hands Big Fun Craft Book.
Poynter, Dan
Post, Peggy
Emily Post's Emily's everyday
manners / by Peggy Post and Cindy
Post Senning ; illustrated by Steve
Björkman. Sept.2007
Is There a Book Inside You? Writing
Alone or with a Collaborator / by
Dan Poynter and Mindy Bindham.
Poynter, Margaret
Postmodern Times : A Christian
Guide to Contemporary Thought
and Culture
Marie Curie : discoverer of radium.
Postmodern Times : A Christian
Guide to Contemporary Thought
and Culture / by Gene Edward
Veith, Jr. Fall.98
Poythress, Vern S.
Potter, Alicia
Pratchett, Terry
Mrs. Harkness and the panda /
written by Alicia Potter ; illustrated
by Melissa Sweet. June.July.2013
Nation / Terry Pratchett. 39912
Redeeming science : a Godcentered approach / Vern S.
Poythress. June.2007
Prater, Gene
Potter, Jean
Nature in a nutshell for kids : over
100 activities you can do in ten
minutes or less / Jean Potter.
Powell, Anton
Press, Judy
The little hands art book / by Judy
Press and Loretta Trezzo Braren.
Press, Skip
How to write what you want and
sell what you write. Mar.96
Pressler, Mirjam
Anne Frank : a hidden life / Mirjam
Pressler ; foreword by Rabbi Hugo
Gryn ; translated by Anthea Bell ;
with a note by Eva Schloss. Apr.04
Pressler, Mirjam
Anne Frank : a hidden life / by
Mirjam Pressler. Sum.01
Snowshoeing. Jan.96
Preszler, June
Pratney, Winkie
Igloos / by June Preszler. Sept.2005
Ultimate core : maximum life
transformation for the third
millennium / by Winkie Pratney
and Trevor Yaxley. Nov.2004
Preszler, June
Pueblos / by June Preszler.
Ancient Greece. Nov.96
Pratt, Paula Bryant
Powell, Patricia Hruby
Blossom tales : flower stories of
many folk / by Patricia Hruby
Powell ; illustrated by Sarah Dillard.
Power of Family Prayer
Power of Family Prayer. Fall.00
Power Play
Importance of Jane Goodall / by
Paula Bryant Pratt. MarMay.98
Prayers for Little Hearts
Prayers for Little Hearts. Jan.97
Precious Moments Twelve Days of
Precious Moments Twelve Days of
Christmas. Win.00
Power Play. Jan.97
Preszler, June
Tepees / by June Preszler.
Preszler, June
Wickiups / by June Preszler.
Preus, Margi
Heart of a samurai : based on the
true story of Nakahama Manjiro /
Margi Preus. 40695
Prelutsky, Jack
Powers, Kimberly
There's no place like school :
classroom poems / selected by Jack
Prelutsky ; illustrations by Jane
Manning. August 2011
Mr. and Mrs. Bunny : detectives
extraordinaire! / by Mrs. Bunny ;
translated from the Rabbit by Polly
Horvath ; illustrated by Sophie
Blackall. Feb.2013
Mr. and Mrs. Bunny : detectives
extraordinaire! / by Mrs. Bunny ;
translated from the Rabbit by Polly
Horvath ; illustrated by Sophie
Blackall. Feb.2013
Price, Oliver W.
Power of Praying Together :
Experiencing Christ Actively in
Charge / by Oliver W. Price. Fall.00
Price, Randall
Fast Facts on the Middle East
Conflict. Aug.03
Price, Anne
Price, Randall
Children's catalog / edited by Anne
Price and Juliette Yaakov. Mar.2005
In Search of Temple Treasures.
Price, Anne
Price, Randall
Children's catalog / edited by Anne
Price. Mar.2007
Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls / by
Dr. Randall Price. MarMay.98
Price, Anne
Price, Randall
Middle & junior high core collection
/ edited by Anne Price ; assisted by
Marguerita Rowland. 40634
Unholy War. Aug.03
Price, Anne
Middle and junior high school
library catalog / edited by Anne
Price and Juliette Yaakov. Mar.2005
Price, Anne
Middle and junior high school
library catalog / edited by Anne
Price and Juliette Yaakov. Mar.2007
Price, Charles F.
Freedom's altar / by Charles F.
Price. Sum.01
Price, Joan
Truth is a bright star. Jun.03
Price-Groff, Claire
Queen Victoria and nineteenthcentury England / by Claire PriceGroff. Apr.04
Pride, Mary
All the Way Home : Power for Your
Family to Be Its Best / by Mary
Pride. MarMay.98
Pride, Mary
School-Proof / by Mary Pride.
Pride, Mary
Way Home : Beyond Feminism,
Back to Reality / by Mary Pride.
Primicerio, Shannon Kubiak
Aida / as told by Leontyne Price ;
illustrated by Leo and Diane Dillon.
Being a girl who leads : becoming a
leader by following Christ /
Shannon Kubiak Primicerio.
Power of Praying Together. Fall.00
Primicerio, Shannon Kubiak
Being a girl who serves : how to find
your life by giving it away /
Shannon Kubiak Primicerio.
Prince, Derek
Atonement, your appointment with
God / by Derek Prince. Sum.01
Prince, Derek
Husbands and fathers : rediscover
the Creator's purpose for men / by
Derek Prince; foreword by Edwin
Louis Cole. Spr.01
Pringle, Laurence
Chemical and biological warfare :
the cruelest weapons / by Laurence
Pringle. Fall.01
Pringle, Laurence
Frogs! : strange and wonderful /
Laurence Pringle ; illustrated by
Meryl Henderson. 41061
Pringle, Laurence
Nature! Wild and Wonderful / by
Laurence Pringle; photographs by
Tim Holmstrom. MarMay.98
Pringle, Laurence
Price, Leontyne
Price, Oliver W.
Being a girl who loves : learning to
love like Jesus / Shannon Kubiak
Primicerio. June.2006
Primicerio, Shannon Kubiak
Octopus Hug / Lawrence Pringle /
Kate Salley Palmer. Sep.97
Pringle, Laurence
Sharks! Strange and wonderful / by
Laurence Pringle; illustrated by
Meryl Henderson. Win.02
Pringle, Laurence
Strange animals, new to science /
Laurence Pringle. SprSum.02
Pringle, Laurence P.
Alligators and crocodiles! : strange
and wonderful / by Laurence
Pringle ; illustrated by Meryl
Henderson. AprJune 2010
Pritts, Kim D. (Kim Derek)
The mystery of Sadler Marsh / by
Kim D. Pritts; illustrated by
Matthew Archambault. Oct.95
Kids in the kitchen : 100 delicious,
fun & healthy recipes to cook &
bake / by Micah Pulleyn; illustrated
by Sarah Bracken. Oct.95
Pulver, Robin
Prins, Piet
Anak, the Eskimo boy / by Piet Prins
; [translated from the Dutch by
Wim Kanis and Alice Veenendaal] ;
[illustrations by Annelies Kuiper].
AprJune 2010
Proctor, William
Moongate / William Proctor and
David J. Weldon. SprSum.02
Alicia's Tutu / by Robin Pulver;
paintings by Mark Graham.
Pulver, Robin
Prodigal. Jan.97
Axle Annie / by Robin Pulver;
pictures by Tedd Arnold. Fall.00
Prokos, Anna
Punton, Anne
Flick the switch / by Anna Prokos.
World Jesus knew / Anne Punton.
Printing. Fall.98
Propp, Vera W.
Pura, Murray
Prior claim
When the soldiers were gone / Vera
W. Propp. Apr.04
The wings of morning / Murray
Pura. June.July.2013
Prosser, Robert
Pyle, Howard
Pritchard, Ray
France / Robert Prosser. Apr.04
Men of iron. Mar.96
Credo: believing in something to die
for / Ray Pritchard. June.2006
Provensen, Alice
Pyle, Howard
glorious flight : across the Channel
with Louis Bleriot / Alice and Martin
Provensen. Aug.2004
Twilight land / by Howard Pyle ;
with an introduction by N.D.
Wilson. October 2010
Provensen, Alice
Quasha, Jennifer
My Fellow Americans : A Family
Album / Alice Provensen. Sep.97
Pilgrims and native Americans :
hands-on projects about life in early
America / Jennifer Quasha.
Prins, Piet
Scout : the secret of the swamp / by
Piet Prins. Dec.2004
Prior claim. Sept.96
Pritchard, Ray
In the shadow of the cross / Ray
Pritchard. Win.02
Pritchard, Ray
Man of Honor : Living the Life of
Godly Character. Mar.97
Pruitt, Elinore Stewart
Pritchard, Ray
Something New Under the Sun :
Ancient Wisdom for Contemporary
Living / by Ray Pritchard. Win.00
letters of Elinore Stewart Pruitt,
woman homesteader / Elinore
Pruitt Stewart ; edited by Ruth
Ashby ; illustrations by Laszlo
Kubinyi. Aug.2004
Quick, Daniel L.
Cry from the Mountain. Mar.96
Quinlan, Susan E.
Pritchard, Ray
The road best traveled : knowing
God's will for your life. Sept.96
Pryor, Bonnie
Thomas / by Bonnie Pryor ;
illustrated by Bert Dodson.
Pritchard, Ray
What a Christian Believes / by Ray
Pritchard. Win.00
Pulleyn, Micah
case of the monkeys that fell from
the trees : and other mysteries in
tropical nature / by Susan E.
Quinlan. Mar.2005
Quinn, Edward
Dictionary of Literary and Thematic
Terms / by Edward Quinn. Fall.00
quotable Oswald Chambers
quotable Oswald Chambers /
compiled and edited by David
McCasland. 39912
The millennials : connecting to
America's largest generation /
Thom S. Rainer & Jess W. Rainer.
Rainer, Thom S.
Radcliffe, Theresa
Cimru the Seal / Theresa Radcliffe /
John Butler. Sep.97
Bridger Generation : America's
Second Largest Generation : What
They Believe, How to Reach Them /
by Thom S. Rainer. WinSpr.99
total money makeover / Dave
Ramsey. 39912
Ramsey, Michael
Be Still and Know : A Study in the
Life of Prayer / by Michael Ramsey.
Rand, Ayn
Anthem / by Ayn Rand. Dec.2004
Radin, Ruth Y.
Rainey, Buck
Escape to the forest : based on a
true story of the Holocaust / by
Ruth Yaffe Radin ; illustrated by
Janet Hamlin. Apr.04
reel cowboy : essays on the myth in
movies and literature / by Buck
Rainey. Aug.2004
Rand, Gloria
Rainey, Dennis
Rand, Gloria
One Home at a Time : Restoring the
Soul of America Through God's Plan
for Your Marriage and Family / by
Dennis Rainey. Jan.98
Little Flower / Gloria Rand; pictures
by R. W. Alley. Feb.03
Radzinski, Kandy
Where to sleep / by Kandy
Radzinski. 40634
Rael, Elsa
Rivka's first Thanksgiving / written
by Elsa Okon Rael; illustrated by
Maryann Kovalski. SprSum.02
Rahaman, Vashanti
Little Salmon for Witness : Story
from Trinidad / Vashanti Rahaman;
illustrated by Sandra Speidel.
Baby in a Basket / by Gloria Rand;
illustrated by Ted Rand. MarMay.98
Randle, Kristen D.
Rainey, Dennis
Slumming / Kristen D. Randle.
One Home at a Time : Restoring the
Soul of American Through God's
Plan for Your Marriage and Family /
by Dennis Rainey. WinSpr.99
Random House Webster's
Collegiate Dictionary (online)
Raising them right : Focus on the
Family offers its best advice on
Random House Webster's
Collegiate Dictionary (online).
Raising them right : Focus on the
Family offers its best advice on
child-rearing. Sept.96
Raney, Deborah
Rajendra, Vijeya
Raney, Deborah
Iran / by Vijeya Rajendra and Gisela
Kaplan. Aug.2004
Kindred Bond / by Deborah Raney.
Rallison, Janette
Raney, Deborah
All's fair in love, war and high
school / Janette Rallison. Dec.2004
nest of sparrows / Deborah Raney.
Rainbolt, Kelly A.
Ralph, Judy
Raney, Deborah
Savior that God sent / by Kelly A.
Rainbolt; illustrated by Roberta
Collier-Morales. Sum.01
The peanut butter cookbook for
kids. Nov.96
Over the waters / Deborah Rainey.
Ramsey, Dave
Raney, Deborah
Rahaman, Vashanti
Read for Me, Mama / by Vashanti
Rahaman; illustrated by Lori
McElrath-Eslick. Nov.97
Raheb, Mitri
I am a Palestinian Christian / Mitri
Raheb; translated by Ruth C.L.
Gritsch; with a foreword by
Rosemary Radford Ruether. Fall.01
Rainer, Thom S
In the Still of Night / by Deborah
Raney. Jan.98
Playing by heart / by Deborah
Raney. Aug.2004
Ransom, Candice F.
Children of the Civil War / by
Candice F. Ransom. Fall.98
Rappaport, Doreen
Rau, Dana Meachen
Free at last! : stories and songs of
Emancipation / Doreen Rappaport ;
illustrated by Shane W. Evans.
Iraq / Dana Meachen Rau.
Rappaport, Doreen
Ransom, Candice F.
Danger at Sand Cave / by Candice F.
Ransom; illustrations by Den
Schofield. Fall.01
The new king / by Doreen
Rappaport; illustrated by E.B. Lewis.
Rau, Dana Meachen
One Giant Leap / written by Dana
Meachen Rau; illustrated by
Thomas Buchs. Jan.98
Rau, Dana Meachen\Snyder, Joel,
Rappaport, Doreen
Robin at Hickory Street. Sept.96
Fire in the Sky / by Candice F.
Ransom; illustrations by Shelly O.
Haas. MarMay.98
We are the many : a picture book of
American Indians / by Doreen
Rappaport ; illustrated by Cornelius
Van Wright and Ying-Hwa Hu.
Raum, Elizabeth
Ransome, Arthur
Raschka, Christopher
Rauth, Leslie
fool of the world and the flying ship
/ retold by Arthur Ransome ;
pictures by Uri Shulevitz. Dec.2004
Yo! Yes? / by Chris Raschka.
Maryland / by Leslie Rauth. Win.00
Ransom, Candice F.
Gift of peace : the Jimmy Carter
story / Elizabeth Raum. 41061
Raven, Margot Theis
Raskin, Ellen
Swallows and amazons. Sept.96
Westing game / by Ellen Raskin.
Night boat to freedom / Margot
Theis Raven ; pictures by E.B. Lewis.
Ransome, Arthur
Rathmann, Peggy.
Rawlinson, Julia
The fool of the world and the flying
ship : a Russian tale. Jan.96
Officer Buckle and Gloria / Peggy
Rathmann. June.2005
Fletcher and the falling leaves / by
Julia Rawlinson ; pictures by
Tiphanie Beeke. Sept.2007
Rao, Linda Rae
Rathmann, Rodney L.
Eagle Stirs Her Nest / by Linda Rae
Rao. Jan.98
One hundred Bible stories activity
book / Rodney L. Rathmann, editor.
Ransome, Arthur
Rao, Linda Rae
Of eagles and ravens. Nov.96
Rao, Linda Rae
Rawls, Wilson
Where the Red Fern Grows / Based
on the book by Wilson Rawls;
directed by Norman Toker. Jan.98
Ratzsch, Del
Science and its limits / by Del
Ratzsch. Win.02
Ordeal at Iron Mountain. Nov.96
Ray, Brenda
midwife's song : a story of Moses'
birth / by Brenda Ray. Spr.01
Ratzsch, Delvin Lee
Eagles flying high. Mar.96
Science and Its Limits : The Natural
Sciences in Christian Perspective /
by Del Ratzsch. Fall.00
Raphael, Elaine
Rau, Dana Meachen
Daniel Boone : Frontier Hero.
Iraq / Dana Meachen Rau.
Rao, Linda Rao
Ray, Deborah Kogan
flower hunter : William Bartram,
America's first naturalist / Deborah
Kogan Ray. Mar.2005
Ray, Jane
Let There Be Light : Bible Stories /
illustrated by Jane Ray. MarMay.98
Red Fury. MarMay.98
Raymo, Jim
Marching to a Different Drummer :
Rediscovering Missions in an Age of
Affluence and Self-interest / Jim
Raymo. Sep.97
Rayner, Catherine
Harris finds his feet / Catherine
Rayner. OctDec 2009
Reed, Jennifer
Red Runs the River
Red Runs the River / directed by
Katherine Stenholm. Fall.98
Leonardo da Vinci : genius of art
and science / Jennifer Bond Reed.
Redekopp, Elsa
Reed, Nat
Two worlds for Jash. Nov.95
Thunderbird gold / by Nat Reed.
Redford, J. A. C.
Read, Nicholas
One in a Million / by Nicholas Read.
Reading Stephen King : Issues of
Censorship, Student Choice, and
Popular Literature
Reading Stephen King : Issues of
Censorship, Student Choice, and
Popular Literature / edited by
Brenda Miller Power, Jeffrey D.
Wilhelm, and Kelly Chandler.
Reaves, Ken
Going online @ home : how to
make the Internet a family activity /
by Ken Reaves. Sum.01
Rebman, Renee C.
Sistine Chapel / by Renee C.
Rebman. Fall.01
Rebman, Renée C.
Runaway teens : a hot issue / by
Renée C. Rebman. Fall.01
Welcome All Wonders : A
Composer's Journey / by J. A. C.
Redford. Jan.98
Redman, Beth
God knows my name : never
forgotten, forever loved / Beth
Redman. August 2011
Little Raccoon always knows best /
Kathe Recheis; illustrated by Pieter
Kunstreich. Feb.03
My name is Yoon / Helen Recorvits ;
pictures by Gabi Swiatkowska.
Red Fury
Reed, Stephanie
light across the river : a novel /
Stephanie Reed. AprJune 2010
Reeder, Carolyn
Soul sister / Beth Redman.
Foster's War / by Carolyn Reeder.
Redpath, Alan
Reef, Catherine
Victorious living. SprSum.02
Africans in America : The Spread of
People and Culture / by Catherine
Reef. Fall.00
Reece, Leen L.
Mayflower adventure / Colleen L.
Reece. Feb.03
Reed, Bobbie
502 Practical Ways to Teach Your
Children Values / by Bobbie Reed.
Surviving your child's dating years :
7 vital skills that help your child
build healthy relationships. Mar.96
Reed, Jennifer
Recorvits, Helen
Thunderbird Gold / by Nat Reed;
illustrations by Patrick Kelley.
Redman, Beth
Reed, Bobbie
Recheis, Kathe
Reed, Nat
AIDS epidemic : disaster & survival /
Jennifer Bond Reed. Sept.2005
Rees, Celia
Truth out there / Celia Rees. Win.02
Reeves, Diane Lindsey
Computers / by Diane Lindsey
Reeves and Peter Kent ; illustrations
by Nancy Bond. WinSpr.99
Reeves, Diane Lindsey
Sports / by Diane Lindsey Reeves ;
illustrations by Nancy Bond.
Reeves, Diane Lindsey
Writing / by Diane Lindsey Reeves ;
illustrations by Nancy Bond.
Reed, Jennifer
Earthquakes : disaster & survival /
Jennifer Bond Reed. Sept.2005
Reeves, Mary
Secret of the Mezuzah / by Mary
Reeves. Oct.95
Refuel : the complete New
Refuel : the complete New
Testament. Dec.2004
Reid, Struan
Usborne Book of Famous Lives.
Reidy, Hannah
Draw Sports Figures / by Damon
Reinagle. MarMay.98
Reinert, Dale Robert
Sexual Abuse and Incest / by Dale
Robert Reinert. WinSpr.99
Crazy Creature Colors. Mar.97
Reinhard, B.J.
Reger, James P.
Life Among the Indian Fighters / by
James P. Reger. WinSpr.99
Reidy, Hannah
Crazy Creatures Counting. Mar.97
Reiche, Dietlof
Reiff, Tana
I, Freddy / by Dietlof Reiche;
translated by John Brownjohn.
Adventures. Jan.96
Fables. Jan.96
Reid, Fiona
field guide to mammals of North
America / Fiona A. Reid. Sept.2007
Folktales. Jan.96
Reiff, Tana
Legends. Jan.96
Love stories. Jan.96
Reiss, Kathryn
Pale Phoenix / by Kathryn Reiss.
Reluctant Saint : Francis of Assisi
Reiff, Tana
Myths. Jan.96
Reiff, Tana
Tales of wonder. Jan.96
Reluctant Saint : Francis of Assisi.
Rempel, Henry
high price for abundant living : the
story of capitalism / Henry Rempel.
Reiff, Tana
Tall tales. Jan.96
Reid, Mary Carpenter
Renich, T. Elizabeth
Matter of Trust. Mar.97
Reimarus, Harmann Samuel
Wolfenbuttel Fragments. Win.00
Renich, T. Elizabeth
Not Without Courage. Mar.97
Reid, Mary Carpenter
Too many treasures / Mary
Carpenter Reid. Sep.97
Reiser, Robert
Japan / Robert Reiser. Oct.03
Countryside cooking and chatting :
traditional recipes and wisdom
from the Amish * Mennonites /
contributed by readers of Die
Botschaft and compiled by Lucy
Leid. Dec.2006
Phantom gardener / by Mary
Carpenter Reid. Jan.98
Reiser, Robert
Reiff, Tana
Reiff, Tana
Big Island search / Mary Carpenter
Reid. Sep.97
Sanji's seed / by B.J. Reinhard;
illustrated by Shelly Hehenberger.
Brazil / Robert Reiser. Jun.03
Reid, Lucy
Reid, Mary Carpenter
Reinhard, B.J.
Reiff, Tana
Reid, Barbara
Fox walked alone / Barbara Reid.
OctDec 2009
Our place in space and 59… / by B.
J. Reinhard. Win.02
Reimer, Kathie
1001 ways to introduce your child
to the Bible / Kathie Reimer.
Renich, T. Elizabeth
Word of Honor. Mar.97
Reid, Mary Carpenter
Twin trouble / by Mary Carpenter
Reid. MarMay.98
Reinagle, Damon
Renick, Timothy Mark
Aquinas for armchair theologians /
Timothy M. Renick ; illustrations by
Ron Hill. Apr.04
The secret of the golden cowrie.
Repp, Gloria
Renner, Michelle
The stolen years. Mar.96
girl who swam with the fish : an
Athabascan legend / retold by
Michelle Renner ; illustrated by
Christine Cox. Mar.2005
Repp, Gloria
Renner, Michelle
girl who swam with the fish : an
Athabascan legend / retold by
Michelle Renner ; illustrated by
Christine Cox. Dec.2004
Trouble at Silver Pines Inn / by
Gloria Repp ; illustrated by Gabriela
Dellosso. WinSpr.99
77 zebra / Gloria Repp ; [illustrated
by David Schuppert]. Aug.2004
Repp, Gloria
Mik-Shrok / by Gloria Repp ;
illustrated by Jim Brooks. WinSpr.99
Reptile room. Feb.03
Mik-shrok / Gloria Repp ; illustrated
by Jim Brooks. Oct.03
Repp, Gloria
mystery of the Indian carvings /
Gloria Repp. Nov.2004
Reynolds, Aaron
Tale of the poisonous yuck-bugs :
based on Proverbs 12:18 / by Aaron
Reynolds ; illustrated by Peter
Whitehead. June.2006
Reynolds, Cynthia Furlong
Red glass / Laura Resau. 40513
H is for Hoosier : an Indiana
alphabet / by Cynthia Furlong
Reynolds. SprSum.02
Rescued from the dragon
Reynolds, Cynthia Furlong
Rescued from the dragon / by Dian
Layton; illustrations by Al Berg.
L is for lobster : a Maine alphabet /
written by Cynthia Furlong
Reynolds; illustrated by Jeannie
Brett. SprSum.02
Resnick, Abraham
Repp, Gloria
nineteenth of Maquerk : based on
Proverbs 13:4 / written by Aaron
Reynolds ; illustrated by Peter
Whitehead. Dec.2005
Reptile room
Resau, Laura
Repp, Gloria
Reynolds, Aaron
Holocaust. Mar.96
Retton, Mary Lou
Learning to share / with Mary Lou
Retton. Apr.03
Reynolds, Cynthia Furlong
S is for star : a Christmas alphabet /
written by Cynthia Furlong
Reynolds and illustrated by Pam
Carroll. SprSum.02
Reynolds, Marilynn
Night flight. Mar.96
Revolve : the complete New
Testament. Dec.2004
New Land : A First Year on the
Prairie / written by Marilynn
Reynolds; illustrated by Stephen
McCallum. Jan.98
Repp, Gloria
Rey, H.A.
Rhatigan, Joe
Noodle Soup. Jan.97
Pretzel / by Margret Rey; with
pictures by H.A. Rey. Sum.01
Geography crafts for kids : 50 cool
projects & activities for exploring
the world / Joe Rhatigan & Heather
Smith. Nov.2004
Repp, Gloria
Revolve : the complete New
Repp, Gloria
Nothing daunted : the story of
Isobel Kuhn. Sept.96
Rey, Margret
Spotty / by Margret Rey; with
pictures by H. A. Rey. Jan.98
Repp, Gloria
Question of Yams. Jan.97
Reynolds, Aaron
Repp, Gloria
Breaking out of the bungle bird :
based on Proverbs 13:10 / written
by Aaron Reynolds ; illustrated by
Peter Whitehead. Dec.2005
Rhatigan, Joe
In print! 40 cool publishing projects
for kids / Joe Rhatigan. Nov.2004
Rhodes, Bennie
Christopher Columbus : adventurer
of faith and courage / Bennie
Rhodes ; illustrated by A. G. Smith
Jr. ; edited by Norman Cournow
Camp. Mar.2005
Rice, Earle, Jr.
Rhodes, Donna McKee
Rice, Earle, Jr.
Little stories for little children : a
worship resource. Jan.96
Third Reich : demise of the Nazi
dream / by Earle Rice Jr.. Fall.01
Rhodes, Ron
Rice, Helen Steiner
Answering the objections of
atheists, agnostics, & skeptics / Ron
Rhodes. June.2007
Eyes of Tenderness / Poems by
Helen Steiner Rice; paintings by
John A. Ruthven. Nov.97
Nazi War Criminals / by Earle Rice,
Jr. WinSpr.99
Richardson, Adele
Caring for your hamster / by Adele
Richardson. OctDec 2009
Richardson, Arleta
A day at the fair. Mar.96
Richardson, Arleta
Across the Border. Mar.97
Richardson, Arleta
Rhodes, Tricia McCary
Rice, James
Contemplating the Cross : A
Pilgrimage of Prayer / by Tricia
McCary Rhodes. WinSpr.99
Trail Drive / James Rice. Sep.97
Richardson, Arleta
Rice, Melinda
Rhodes, Tricia McCary
Taking up your cross / Tricia McCary
Rhodes. Win.02
Ricciuti, Edward
National Audubon Society First
Field Guide to Rocks and Minerals /
written by Edward Ricciuti and
Margaret W. Carruthers. WinSpr.99
Rice, Earle
Sir Francis Drake : navigator and
pirate / Earle Rice, Jr. Oct.03
Battle of the Little Bighorn / by
Earle Rice, Jr. WinSpr.99
Rice, Earle, Jr.
Cold War : collapse of communism
/ by Earle Rice Jr.. Fall.01
Rice, Earle, Jr.
Final Solution / by Earle Rice, Jr.
Away from Home. Mar.96
Fire on the hillside. SprSum.02
Richardson, Arleta
Rich, Scharlotte
The nursery quiet & noisy book.
Christmas in Grandma's Attic.
Richardson, Arleta
Rich, Scharlotte\Weller, Linda, ill.
Grandma's attic storybook. Mar.96
I love my daddy!. Sept.96
Richardson, Arleta
Rich, Scharlotte\Weller, Linda, ill.
I love my mommy!. Sept.96
Richards, David
Rice, Earle, Jr.
At Home in North Branch. Mar.96
Soldier Boys. Jan.97
Richards, Jay
God and evolution : Protestants,
Catholics, and Jews explore
Darwin's challenge to faith / [edited
by] Jay W. Richards. Feb / Apr 2012
Richards, Jon
science factory / by Jon Richards;
[illustrators, Ian Moores, Ian
Thompson]. Spr.01
Rice, Earle, Jr.
Richards, Larry
Life During the Crusades / by Earle
Rice, Jr. WinSpr.99
NIV adventure Bible / features
written by Lawrence O. Richards.
In Grandma's attic / Arleta
Richardson. 40848
Richardson, Arleta
In Grandma's attic. Mar.96
Richardson, Arleta
Letters from Grandma's attic.
Richardson, Arleta
More stories from Grandma's attic /
Arleta Richardson. 40848
Richardson, Arleta
More Stories from Grandma's attic.
Richardson, Arleta
New faces, new friends. Mar.96
Richardson, Arleta
Prairie homestead / by Arleta
Richardson. Oct.95
A certain risk : living your faith at
the edge / Paul Richardson.
Ridpath, Ian
Facts on File stars & planets atlas /
Ian Ridpath. Aug.2004
Richardson, Sandy
Richardson, Arleta
School of her own. Mar.96
Richardson, Arleta
Still more stories from Grandma's
attic. Mar.96
Girl Who Ate Chicken Feet / by
Sandy Richardson. Fall.98
Richardson, Susan E.
Holidays & holy days : origins,
customs, and insights on
celebrations through the year /
Susan E. Richardson. June.2005
Richardson, Arleta
Stories from the growing years.
Richardson, Arleta
Wedding bells ahead. Mar.96
Richardson, Don
Peace child / Don Richardson.
Successful Single Parenting / by
Gary Richmond. Fall.98
Ricks, Chip
Plans of His Heart : Understanding
How You Fit Into God's Perfect Will.
Riddell, Chris
Secrets of the Koran. Aug.03
Triceratops : The Horned Dinosaur /
written by Janet Riehecky;
illustrated by Susan Tolonen. Fall.00
Riehecky, Janet
Tyrannosaurus : The Tyrant Lizard /
written by Janet Riehecky;
illustrated by Susan Tolonen. Fall.00
Riehecky, Janet
Velociraptor : The Swift Hunter /
written by Janet Riehecky;
illustrated by Susan Tolonen. Fall.00
Riendeau, Roger
Storm Run : the story of the first
woman to win the Iditarod Sled Dog
Race / Libby Riddles; illustrated by
Shannon Cartwright. Feb.03
Richardson, Gillian
Saskatchewan. Sept.96
Riehecky, Janet
Platypus / Chris Riddell. Feb.03
Riddles, Libby
Richardson, Don
Stegosaurus : The Plated Dinosaur /
written by Janet Riehecky;
illustrated by Susan Tolonen. Fall.00
Richmond, Gary
Richardson, Arleta
Treasures from Grandma. Mar.96
Riehecky, Janet
Ridenour, Fritz
brief history of Canada / by Roger
Riendeau. Spr.01
Ries, Lori
Aggie the brave / Lori Ries ;
illustrated by Frank W. Dormer.
August 2011
So hat’s the difference?. Aug.03
Rifa'I, Amal
Richardson, Janet Carroll
Unsung Heroes / Janet Carroll
Richardson / Brad Brailey. Sep.97
Ridenour, Fritz
So what's the difference? / Fritz
Ridenour. Win.02
Richardson, Jean
The courage seed. Nov.96
Richardson, Michael Lewis
Amazing faith : the authorized
biography of Bill Bright / by Michael
Richardson. Nov.2004
Richardson, Paul
Ridley, Philip
Kasper in the Glitter / by Philip
Ridley; illustrated by Chris Riddell.
We just want to live here. Apr.04
Riggs, Stephanie
Never sell yourself short / by
Stephanie Riggs ; photographs by
Stephanie Riggs and Bill Youmans.
Rijswijk, Cor van
Ridley, RuthAnn
Bach's Passion : The Life of Johann
Sebastian Bach : a novel / by
RuthAnn Ridley. Fall.00
Gideon blows the trumpet / by Cor
Van Rijswijk ; illustrated by Rino
Visser. Mar.2005
Riley, Gail Blasser
Rinaldi, Ann
Wah Ming Chang : Artist and
Master of Special Effects. Jan.97
My heart is on the ground : the
diary of Nannie Little Rose, a Sioux
girl / by Ann Rinaldi. Spr.01
Riols, Noreen
My Unknown Child / by Noreen
Riols. Fall.00
Riley, James Whitcomb
When the frost is on the punkin.
Rinaldi, Ann
My Vicksburg / Ann Rinaldi.
October 2010
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Uncollected Poems / Rainer Maria
Rilke / Translated by Edward Snow.
Rinaldi, Ann
Rinaldi, Ann
Rinaldi, Ann
A stitch in time. Sept.96
redheaded princess : a novel / Ann
Rinaldi. June 2009
My Vicksburg / Ann Rinaldi. Oct.
To live again. Nov.96
Riols, Noreen
Where hope shines through.
Riordan, James
Korean folk-tales. Nov.95
Riordan, James
Rinaldi, Ann
Amelia's War / by Ann Rinaldi.
Riols, Noreen
Rinaldi, Ann
My G-r-r-r-reat Uncle Tiger. Jan.97
Second Bend in the River. Fall.98
Ripken, Cal, Jr.
Rinaldi, Ann
Rinaldi, Ann
Blue Door / Ann Rinaldi. Sep.97
unlikely friendship : a novel of Mary
Todd Lincoln and Elizabeth Keckley
/ Ann Rinaldi. Sept.2007
Rinaldi, Ann
Broken days. Sept.96
Cal Ripken, Jr. : my story / by Cal
Ripken, Jr. and Mike Bryan; adapted
by Dan Gutman. Sum.01
Risk, William
Rinehart, Stacy
Dating and waiting / by William
Risk. Win.02
Coffin quilt / Ann Rinaldi. Win.02
Choices : finding god's way in
dating, sex, singleness, and
marriage. Nov.95
Rinaldi, Ann
Ring, Susan
African skies / by Karen Rispin.
journal of Jasper Jonathan Pierce : a
pilgrim boy / by Ann Rinaldi.
Beverly Cleary / Susan Ring.
Ritchie, Alison
Rinaldi, Ann
Ringgold, Faith
Rinaldi, Ann
Juliet's moon / Ann Rinaldi. October
Rinaldi, Ann
Juliet's moon / Ann Rinaldi. Oct.
Rinaldi, Ann
Mine Eyes Have Seen / by Ann
Rinaldi. WinSpr.99
Bonjour, Lonnie. Jan.97
Rinker, Rosalind
Prayer: Conversing with God.
Rinker, Sherri Duskey
Steam train, dream train.
Riols, Noreen
Before the Dawn. Jan.97
Rispin, Karen
Me and my dad / Alison Ritchie ;
illustrated by Alison Edgson. OctDec
Ritz, Karen
Windows with birds / Karen Ritz.
October 2010
Ritz, Karen
Windows with birds / Karen Ritz.
Oct. 2010
Rivers, Francine
And the shofar blew / Francine
Rivers. Oct.03
Rivers, Francine
Rizzo, Kay
Serenity's Quest / by Kay Rizzo.
Robert of Clari
As sure as the dawn. Jan.96
Rizzo, Kay D.
Rivers, Francine
Atonement Child / Francine Rivers.
Rivers, Francine
last sin eater / Francine Rivers.
Atlas of American History / Robert
H. Ferrell and Richard Natkiel.
Annie's trust / Kay D. Rizzo. Fall.01
Conquest of Constantinople / by
Robert of Clari ; translated with
introduction and notes by Edgar
Holmes McNeal. Fall.98
Rizzo, Kay D.
Josephine's fortune / by Kay D.
Rizzo. Spr.01
Rizzo, Kay D.
Roberts, Brenda C.
Jazzy Miz Mozetta / Brenda C.
Roberts ; pictures by Frank
Morrison. Mar.2005
Love's cherished refrain. Sept.96
Roberts, Bruce B.
Rivers, Francine
Leota's Garden / by Francine Rivers.
Rivers, Francine
Redeeming love / Francine Rivers.
Rizzo, Kay D.
Love's tender prelude. Sept.96
Rizzo, Kay D.
She said no : but he crossed the line
between passion and violence.
Roberts, Jack L.
Rizzo, Kay D.
Roberts, Katherine
Sweet strings of love. Sept.96
I am the Great Horse / by Katherine
Roberts. June.2007
Rivers, Francine
scarlet thread. Nov.96
Rivers, Francine
Unafraid / Francine Rivers. Win.02
Winter's silent song. Sept.96
Rivers, Francine
Unspoken / Francine Rivers. Win.02
Rivers, Francine
Unveiled / by Francine Rivers.
The importance of Oskar Schindler.
Rizzo, Kay D.
Rivers, Francine
Unshaken / Francine Rivers.
Where in the world is integrity? :
the challenge of doing what is right
/ Bruce B. Roberts, Craig D. Rice,
and Joe E. Smith. Mar.2005
Roberts, Katherine
Spellfall / Katherine Roberts. Oct.03
Roaring Waters
Roaring Waters. Jan.98
Roberts, Mark D.
Robb, Andy
What Shall We Pray About?. Fall.00
Can we trust the Gospels? L
investigating the reliability of
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John /
Mark D. Roberts. Sept.2007
Roberts, Robin
Robe. Win.00
Basketball the right way / Robin
Roberts. Fall.01
Rivers, Francine
Roberson, Carroll
Unveiled / by Francine Rivers.
Christ : his miracles, his ministry, his
mission / Carroll Roberson.
Roberts, Sally A.
Robert H. Ferrell
Robertson, A. T.
Rizzo, Kay
Serenity's Desire / by Kay Rizzo.
legend of Crystal Lake / by Sally A.
Roberts. Fall.01
Word pictures in the New
Testament / A.T. Robertson ; edited
by James A. Swanson. Mar.2005
Robertson, Judy
No Regrets : How I Found My Way
out of Mormonism / by Judy
Robertson. Jan.98
Robertson, Paul
According to their deeds / Paul
Robertson. AprJune 2010
Housekeeping / by Marilynne
Robinson. MarMay.98
Journey into the Bible / Lois Rock,
Andrew Rowland. Aug / Oct 2012
Roche, Denis
Rock, Lois
Little Pig is capable / Denis Roche.
Learning about God / Lois Rock ;
illustrated by Maureen Galvani.
Roche, Hannah
My dad's a wizard!. Nov.96
Rock, Lois
Roche, Hannah
Learning about Jesus / Lois Rock ;
illustrated by Maureen Galvani..
My mom is magic!. Nov.96
Robertson, Paul
Dark in the city of light / Paul
Robertson. 40513
Robertson, Paul
heir / Paul Robertson. Sept.2007
Rock, Lois
Roche, Lissa
Christian's Treasury of Stories and
Songs, Prayers and Poems, and
Much More for Young and Old /
Edited & compiled by Lissa Roche.
Learning about prayer / Lois Rock ;
illustrated by Maureen Galvani..
Rock, Lois
Robey, Katherine
Roche, Luane
Ten Commandments for children /
by Lois Rock; illustrated by Claire
Henley. Oct.95
Hare and the big green lawn / by
Katharine Crawford Robey ;
illustrated by Larry MacDougall.
Proud Tree / written by Luane
Roche; illustrated by Chris Sharp.
Rock, Lois
Bible Words About Happiness for
Children. Jan.97
Words of gold : a treasury of the
Bible's poetry and wisdom /
selected and introduced by Lois
Rock; illustrations by Sarah Young.
Rock, Lois
Rockman, Connie
Bible Worlds About Love for
Children. Jan.97
Ninth book of junior authors and
illustrators / edited by Connie C.
Rockman. June.2005
Rock, Lois
Robinet, Harriette Gillem
Twins, the Pirates, and the Battle of
New Orleans / by Harriette Gillem
Robinet. MarMay.98
Robinson, Deborah B.
Cree of North America / by
Deborah B. Robinson. Oct.03
Robinson, Glen
The case of the secret code. Jan.96
Robinson, Glen
The mysterious treasure map.
Robinson, Marilynne
Gilead / Marilynne Robinson.
Rock, Lois
First Look at Prayer. Jan.97
Rockman, Connie
Rock, Lois
Tenth book of junior authors and
illustrators / edited by Connie C.
Rockman. 40634
I wonder why / by Lois Rock;
illustrated by Christopher Corr.
Rockness, Miriam Huffman
Rock, Lois
Passion for the Impossible : the Life
of Lilias Trotter / by Miriam
Huffman Rockness. Fall.00
Journey into the Bible / Lois Rock,
Andrew Rowland. Aug / Oct 2012
Rock, Lois
Robinson, Marilynne
Rockwall, Anne
Bugs are insects / by Anne Rockwell
; illustrated by Steve Jenkins. Apr.04
Rockwell, Anne
At the firehouse / story and
pictures by Anne Rockwell.
Roddy, Lee
Danger on Thunder Mountain / Lee
Roddy. Sep.97
Road to Freedom / by Lee Roddy.
Roddy, Lee
Secret of the Howling Cave. Mar.97
Rockwell, Anne
Open the door to liberty! : a
biography of Toussaint L’Ouverture
/ by Anne Rockwell ; illustrated by
R. Gregory Christie. OctDec 2009
Roddy, Lee
Desperate Search. Mar.97
Roddy, Lee
Roddy, Lee
Secret of the shark pit / by Lee
Roddy. Oct.95
Flaming Trap. Mar.97
Roddy, Lee
Rockwell, Anne F.
Growing like me / Anne Rockwell;
illustrated by Holly Keller. Win.02
Roddy, Lee
Galen and Goliath / Lee Roddy.
Rockwell, Molly
Norman Rockwell's Christmas book
/ Molly Rockwell, consulting editor.
OctDec 2009
Rodanas, Kristina
Follow the Stars : A Native
American Woodlands Tale / retold
and illustrated by Kristina Rodanas.
Roddy, Lee
Giants on the Hill. Mar.97
Roddy, Lee
Terror in the Sky / Lee Roddy.
Roddy, Lee
Roddy, Lee
Hunted in the Alaskan Wilderness.
Uprising at dawn / by Lee Roddy.
Roddy, Lee
Roddy, Lee
Mystery of the Gold Train Bandits /
Lee Roddy. Sep.97
Where Bugles Call / by Lee Roddy.
Rodgers, Erica
Roddy, Lee
Mystery of the Phantom Gold / Lee
Roddy. Sep.97
Alexis and the Sacramento surprise
/ Erica Rodgers. 40391
Rodgers, Michael
Rodda, Emily
Rowan of Rin / Emily Rodda. Apr.04
Roddy, Lee
High Country Ambush. Mar.97
Rodda, Emily
flower fairies / Emily Rodda ;
illustrations by Raoul Vitale. Apr.04
Roddy, Lee
Stranded on Terror Island. Mar.97
Rodda, Emily
charm bracelet / Emily Rodda ;
illustrations by Raoul Vitale. Apr.04
Shiloh's Choice. Mar.97
Overland Escape. Mar.97
Glendalough : A Celtic Pilgrimage /
Michael Rodgers & Marcus Losack.
Roddy, Lee
Rodman, Mary Ann
Panic in the Wild Waters / by Lee
Roddy. MarMay.98
First grade stinks! / by Mary Ann
Rodman ; illustrated by Beth
Spiegel. 39912
Roddy, Lee
Roddy, Lee
Burden of Honor / by Lee Roddy.
Roddy, Lee
Cinnebar. Mar.97
Roddy, Lee
Roddy, Lee
Risking the dream / Lee Roddy.
Cry of Courage / by Lee Roddy.
Roddy, Lee
Roessel, Marty
Songs from the loom : a Navajo girl
learns to weave. Nov.96
Rogasky, Barbara
Rogers, Paul
Roleff, Tamara L.
Smoke and ashes : the story of the
Holocaust / by Barbara Rogasky.
Quacky duck. Nov.95
Teen suicide / edited by Tamara L.
Roleff. Fall.01
Roger Williams : freedom's
forgotten hero
Roger Williams : freedom's
forgotten hero / participating
scholars: Edwin S. Gaustad, Derek
H. Davis, Keith Francis, J. Stanley
Lemons. SprSum.02
Rogerson, J. W.
Bible. Jan.97
Rolling, James Haywood
Roggow, Linda
Come look with me : discovering
African American art for children /
James Haywood Rolling, Jr. ; [edited
by] Charles Davey. Sept.2005
Pregnant and single : help for the
tough choices / by Linda Roggow
and Carolyn Owens. Spr.01
My friend Rabbit / Eric Rohmann.
zz… : the most interesting book
you'll ever read about sleep /
written by Trudee Romanek;
illustrated by Rose Cowles. Feb.03
Roleff, Tamara L.
Ron Knapp
Atom Bomb / edited by Tamara L.
Roleff. Win.02
Charles Barkley. Sept.96
Rohmann, Eric
Rogers, Adrian
Ten Secrets for a Successful Family.
Rogers, Jean
Goodbye, my island / Jean Rogers ;
illustrated by Rie Munoz. Oct.03
Ronan, Mary
Roleff, Tamara L.
Rogers, Jonathan
Romanek, Trudee
Sex as God's gift / featuring Mary
Ronan. Feb.03
bark of the bog owl / Jonathan
Rogers. Sept.2005
Civil liberties : opposing viewpoints
/ Tamara L. Roleff, book editor.
Rogers, Jonathan
Roleff, Tamara L.
Ben Franklin / Connie Roop and
Peter Roop. SprSum.02
secret of the swamp king /
Jonathan Rogers. Dec.2005
Criminal justice : opposing
viewpoints / Tamara L. Roleff, book
editor. Nov.2004
Roop, Connie
Rogers, Jonathan
The charlatan's boy : a novel /
Jonathan Rogers. 40634
Rogers, Jonathan
The way of the wilderking /
Jonathan Rogers. 40848
Rogers, Jonathan
world according to Narnia :
Christian meaning in C.S. Lewis's
beloved chronicles / Jonathan
Rogers. Sept.2005
Roleff, Tamara L.
Roop, Connie
Christopher Columbus / Peter and
Connie Roop. SprSum.02
Domestic violence : opposing
viewpoints / edited by Tamara L.
Roleff. Fall.01
Roop, Peter
Roleff, Tamara L.
Root, Phyllis
Guns and crime / edited by Tamara
L. Roleff. Fall.01
Lilly and the pirates / Phyllis Root ;
pictures by Rob Shepperson. 40634
Roleff, Tamara L.
Roper, Gayle
Holocaust : death camps / Tamara
L. Roleff. Apr.04
Cat burglars?. Sept.96
buffalo jump. SprSum.02
Roper, Gayle
Rogers, Paul
Roleff, Tamara L.
Cat's Kittens / Paul and Emma
Rogers; illustrated by Sophy
Williams. Nov.97
Mental illness : opposing
viewpoints / edited by Tamara L.
Roleff and Laura Egendorf. Fall.01
Caught in the Middle / by Gayle
Roper. Jan.98
Roper, Gayle
Enough! / by Gayle Roper.
Roper, Gayle
Rosen, Michael
Rosinsky, Natalie M.
Dickens : his work and his world /
Michael Rosen ; illustrated by
Robert Ingpen. 41061
Hopi / by Natalie M. Rosinsky.
Here boy!. Sept.96
Rosinsky, Natalie M.
Rosen, Michael
Roper, Gayle
Whoo Done It? / by Gayle Roper.
Roper, Gayle G.
Autumn dreams / by Gayle Roper.
totally wonderful Miss Plumberry /
Michael Rosen ; illustrated by
Chinlun Lee. Sept.2007
Rosen, Michael J.
Spring rain / Gayle Roper. Feb.03
Thanksgiving wish / by Michael J.
Rosen; paintings by John
Thompson. Spr.01
Rosenberg, Joel C.
Across the Centuries : Teaching
Units for Timeless Children's
Literature from a Christian
Perspective, Level D, Vol.2 / by
Annette Rose and Darlene Troxel.
last jihad : a novel / Joel C.
Rosenberg. Jun.03
Rose, Deborah Lee
Rosenburg, John
Birthday zoo / by Deborah Lee
Rose; illustrated by Lynn
Munsinger. Apr.03
Alexander Hamilton / by John
Rosenburg. Spr.01
Rose Horse / by Deborah Lee Rose;
illustrated by Greg Shed.
Rose, LaVera
Grandchildren of the Lakota.
Rosen, Ceil
Christ in the Passover : why is this
night different. Jan.96
Navajo / by Natalie M. Rosinsky.
Rosmarin, Ike
Rose, Annette
Rose, Deborah Lee
Rosinsky, Natalie M.
All eyes on the pond. Mar.96
Rosen, Michael J.
Roper, Gayle G.
Inuit / by Natalie M. Rosinsky.
South Africa / by Ike Rosmarin and
Dee Rissik. Aug.2004
Rosner, Marc Alan
Science fair success using the
Internet / Marc Alan Rosner.
Ross, Alice
Rosenberg, Liz\LaMarche, Jim, ill
The carousel. Sept.96
Rosenthal, Amy Krouse
Duck! Rabbit! / Amy Krouse
Rosenthal ; [illustrations by] Tom
Lichtenheld. OctDec 2009
Rosenthal, Betsy R.
Copper Lady / by Alice Ross and
Kent Ross; illustrations by Leslie
Bowman. Jan.98
Ross, Allen P.
Holiness to the Lord : a guide to the
exposition of the book of Leviticus /
Allen P. Ross. Jun.03
Ross, Bill
Hey, that's not what the Bible says!
/ written and illustrated by Bill
Ross. Spr.01
Looking for me / Rosenthal, Betsy
R. Apr.2013
Ross, Dorothy M.
Roser, Mark C.
Fundraising for youth : hundreds of
wonderful ways of raising funds for
youth organizations / by Dorothy
M. Ross. Oct.95
Cleansing of the Heavens : Accuser
Cast Down / by Mark C. Roser.
Rosen, Marvin
Rosinsky, Natalie M.
Sleep and dreaming / Marvin
Rosen. Sept.2006
Algonquin / by Natalie M. Rosinsky.
Ross, Jeffrey Ian
Will terrorism end? / Jeffrey Ian
Ross. Mar.2007
Ross, Kathy
Crafts for all seasons / by Kathy
Ross; illustrated by Vicky Enright.
Rossiter, Nan Parson
Ross, Kathy (Katharine Reynolds)
Roth, Susan L.
Crafts for Christian values / by
Kathy Ross; illustrated by Sharon
Lane Holm. Sum.01
Cinnamon's Day Out : A Gerbil
Adventure / by Susan L. Roth.
Ross, Kathy (Katharine Reynolds)
Roth, Susan L.
More Christmas ornaments kids can
make / by Kathy Ross; illustrated by
Sharon Lane Holm. Sum.01
My Love for You / Susan L. Roth.
Ross, Kent\Ross, Alice
Rugby & Rosie / by Nan Parson
Rossiter. Jan.98
Rothenberg, Joan
Inside-out grandma : a Hanukkah
story. Nov.96
Ross, Michael
Rotner, Shelley
Radically Plugged In : High-Voltage
Devotionals to Ground Your Faith /
by Michael Ross and Jeff
Edmondson. Win.00
Lots of Dads / by Shelley Rotner &
Sheila M. Kelly; photographs by
Shelley Rotner. Jan.98
What your son isn't telling you /
Michael Ross & Susie
Shellenberger. 40391
Ross, Michael Elsohn
Nature Art with Chiura Obata / by
Michael Elsohn Ross; illustrations
by Wendy Smith. Fall.00
Ross, Stewart
Charlotte Brontë and Jane Eyre / by
Stewart Ross; illustrated by Robert
Van Nutt. MarMay.98
Harry Potter and the deathly
hallows / by J.K. Rowling ;
illustrations by Mary GrandPré.
Rowling, J. K.
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire /
by J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by
Mary GrandPré. Oct.03
Rowling, J. K.
The cemetery quilt. Sept.96
Ross, Michael
Rowling, J. K.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood
Prince / by J.K. Rowling ;
illustrations by Mary GrandPré.
Rowling, J. K.
Harry Potter and the order of the
phoenix / by J.K. Rowling ;
illustrations by Mary GrandPré.
Rottman, S.L.
Hero / by S. L. Rottman. Jan.98
Rowling, J.K.
Rottmann, Erik
Harry Potter and the Chamber of
Secrets. Win.00
Follow me : Peter lays down his net
: an Easter story / written by Erik J.
Rottmann. Mar.2005
Rowling, J.K.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban. Win.00
Rouss, Sylvia
Sammy Spider's first trip to Israel.
Rowling, J.K.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's
Stone. Win.00
Rouss, Sylvia
Tali's Jerusalem scrapbook. Apr.04
Roy, Jennifer Rozines
Ross, Stewart
Rowell, Edward K.
Israel / Jennifer Rozines Roy.
Charlotte Brontë and Jane Eyre / by
Stewart Ross ; illustrated by Robert
Van Nutt. WinSpr.99
Emma's journal / Ed Rowell. Apr.04
Roy, Jennifer Rozines
Rowh, Mark
Rossignol, Rosalyn
Critical companion to Chaucer : a
literary reference to his life and
work / Rosalyn Rossignol.
W. E. B. Du Bois : Champion of Civil
Rights / by Mark Rowh. Win.00
Yellow star / by Jennifer Roy.
Royston, Angela
Rowlands, Avril
Tales from the Ark. Nov.95
Healthy Me : Lift-the-Flap Body
Book. Jan.96
Rozario, Paul
Liberia / [by Paul Rozario]. Apr.04
Rozario, Paul
Liberia / [written by Paul Rozario].
Grace points : growth and guidance
in times of change / Jane Rubietta.
Rue, Nancy
Rubietta, Jane
Rue, Nancy
Quiet Places : A Woman's Guide to
Personal Retreat / by Jane Rubietta.
Capture / by Nancy Rue. Fall.00
Rozett, Robert
Encyclopedia of the Holocaust /
Robert Rozett, Shmuel Spector,
editors. Fall.01
Antonia's choice : a novel / by
Nancy Rue. Aug.03
Rue, Nancy
Rubietta, Jane
Chase / by Nancy Rue. Fall.00
Resting place : a personal guide to
spiritual retreats / Jane Rubietta.
Rue, Nancy
Rubietta, Jane
Rue, Nancy
Still Waters / by Jane Rubietta.
False friends and true strangers / by
Nancy Rue. Aug.2004
Rubel, David
Rubin, Susan Goldman
Rue, Nancy
Scholastic atlas of the United States
/ by David Rubel. Spr.01
Anne Frank case : Simon
Wiesenthal's search for the truth /
by Susan Goldman Rubin ;
illustrated by Bill Farnsworth.
Horse crazy Lily / Nancy Rue.
Rubel, David
If I had a hammer : building homes
and hope with Habitat for
Humanity / David Rubel ; with a
foreword by Jimmy Carter. 40513
Rubel, David
Science / by David Rubel.
Rubin, Susan Goldman
United States in the 19th Century.
Rubel, David
Rubin, Susan Goldman
United States in the 19th Century /
David Rubel. Nov.97
Irena Sendler and the children of
the Warsaw Ghetto / by Susan
Goldman Rubin ; illustrated by Bill
Farnsworth. Aug / Oct 2012
Rubel, David
United States in the 20th Century.
Rubel, Nicole
Grody's not so golden rules / Nicole
Rubel. Oct.03
Rubietta, Jane
Between two gardens / Jane
Rubietta. Win.02
Rubietta, Jane
Rue, Nancy
Hostage / by Nancy Rue. WinSpr.99
Haym Salomon : American patriot /
by Susan Goldman Rubin ;
illustrated by David Slonim.
Rubel, David
Escape / by Nancy Rue. WinSpr.99
Rubin, Susan Goldman
Rue, Nancy
Lily's church camp adventure /
Nancy Rue. Dec.2004
Rue, Nancy
Moms' ultimate guide to the tween
girl world / by Nancy Rue. 40513
Rue, Nancy
New girl in town / by Nancy Rue.
Irena Sendler and the children of
the Warsaw Ghetto / by Susan
Goldman Rubin ; illustrated by Bill
Farnsworth. Aug / Oct 2012
Rue, Nancy
Rudy, Lisa Jo
Rue, Nancy
Ben Franklin book of easy and
incredible experiments / [edited by
Lisa Jo Rudy] ; illustrations by
Cheryl Kirk Noll. June 2009
Stunt / by Nancy Rue. Fall.00
Sophie's world / Nancy Rue.
Rue, Nancy
The reluctant prophet : a novel /
Nancy Rue. Feb / Apr 2012
Rue, Nancy N.
Rue, Nancy
Rue, Nancy N.
Threat / by Nancy Rue. WinSpr.99
Lily the rebel / Nancy Rue.
Rue, Nancy N.
Rue, Nancy
Too far to say far enough : a novel.
Rue, Nancy N.
Lily's ultimate party / Nancy Rue.
Rue, Nancy
Trick / by Nancy Rue. Fall.00
Rue, Nancy
Unexpected dismounts : a novel /
Nancy Rue. Feb / Apr 2012
Rue, Nancy N.
Sophie's Irish showdown / Nancy
Rue. June.2005
Rue, Nancy N.
Rue, Nancy
Trap / by Nancy Rue. WinSpr.99
Sophie's first dance? / Nancy Rue.
Rue, Nancy N.
Lucy doesn't wear pink / Nancy
Rue. 40391
Sophie's secret / Nancy Rue.
Rue, Nancy N.
Rue, Nancy N.
Lucy finds her way / Nancy Rue.
Sophie's stormy summer / Nancy
Rue. June.2005
Rue, Nancy N.
Rue, Nancy N.
Stand / Nancy Rue. Win.02
Lucy out of bounds / Nancy Rue.
Rue, Nancy N.
Ask Lily / Nancy Rue. SprSum.02
Stowaway book. Mar.96
Rue, Nancy N.
Rue, Nancy N.
Boyfriends, burritos & an ocean of
trouble / by Nancy Rue. AprJune
Rue, Nancy N.
caper / by Nancy Rue. Sum.01
Rue, Nancy N.
discovery / Nancy Rue. Fall.01
Rue, Nancy N.
Lucy's perfect summer / Nancy Rue.
Rue, Nancy N.
mirage / Nancy Rue. Fall.01
Rue, Nancy N.
Mission / Nancy Rue. Win.02
Rue, Nancy N.
Motorcycles, sushi, & one strange
book / by Nancy Rue. AprJune 2010
Guardian Book. Mar.96
Rue, Nancy N.
Rue, Nancy N.
pursuit / by Nancy Rue. Fall.01
Here's Lily! / Nancy Rue. SprSum.02
Rue, Nancy N.
The accused. Mar.96
Rue, Nancy N.
The rescue. Mar.96
Rue, Nancy N.
Thief / by Nancy Rue. MarMay.98
Rue, Nancy N.
Totally unfair / by Nancy Rue.
Rue, Nancy N.
Tournaments, cocoa & one wrong
move / Nancy Rue. 40513
Rue, Nancy N.
Rue, Nancy N.
Lily and the creep / Nancy Rue.
Rue, Nancy N.
Lily Robbins, M.D. (medical dabbler)
/ Nancy Rue. SprSum.02
Rebel / by Nancy Rue. MarMay.98
Ruether, Rosemary R.
Wrath of Jonah. Aug.03
Rue, Nancy N.
Sophie and the scoundrels / Nancy
Rue. June.2005
Ruettiger, Rudy
Rudy's rules. Jan.96
Ruff, Sue
Bats / Sue Ruff and Don E. Wilson.
Rushford, Patricia H.
Runholt, Susan
mystery of the third Lucretia /
Susan Runholt. June 2009
Ruggiero, Adriane
In Too Deep / Patricia H. Rushford.
Rushford, Patricia H.
World War I / by Adriane Ruggiero.
Rupp, Rebecca\Illustrated by
Jeffrey C. Domm
Morningsong / by Patricia H.
Rushford. Fall.98
Ruggiero, Adriane
Everything you never learned about
birds. Sept.96
Rushford, Patricia H.
World War II / by Adriane Ruggiero.
Rush, John
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep /
Patricia H. Rushford. Sep.97
Rumford, James
Chee-lin : a giraffe's journey / by
James Rumford. 40026
Rumford, James
Dog-of-the-Sea-Waves /
illustrations and story in English &
Hawaiian by James Rumford.
Man with the Bird on His Head :
Amazing Fulfillment of a Mysterious
Island Prophecy / by John Rush &
Abbe Anderson. Jan.98
Rushford, Patricia H
Betrayed. Nov.96
Abandoned / by Patricia H.
Rushford. Fall.00
Rumford, James
Sequoyah : the Cherokee man who
gave his people writing / by James
Rumford. Sept.2005
Rumford, James
There's a monster in the alphabet /
James Rumford. Jun.03
Rummel, Jack
African-American social leaders and
activists / by Jack Rummel. Feb.03
Rushford, Patricia H.
Stranded / Patricia H. Rushford.
Rushford, Patricia H.
When shadows fall / by Patricia H.
Rushford. Spr.01
Rushford, Patricia H.
Deadly aim / Patricia H. Rushford.
Rumford, James
Seeker of knowledge : the man who
deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphs /
by James Rumford. Sum.01
Red Sky in Mourning / Patricia H.
Rushford. Nov.97
Rushford, Patricia H.
Rumford, James
Nine animals and the well / James
Rumford. Mar.2005
Rushford, Patricia H.
Rushford, Patricia H.
Desperate Measures / by Patricia H.
Rushford. Fall.98
Rushing, Phillip
Empty sleeves. Nov.95
Russell, Ching Yeung
Child Bride / by Ching Yeung
Russell; decorations by Jonathan T.
Russell. Fall.00
Rushford, Patricia H.
Dying to kill / Patricia H. Rushford.
Russell, Ching Yeung
Rushford, Patricia H.
First Apple / by Ching Yeung
Russell; illustrated by Christopher
Zhong-Yuan Zhang. MarMay.98
Dying to Win / Patricia H. Rushford.
Russell, Ching Yeung
Rushford, Patricia H.
Lichee Tree / by Ching Yeung
Russell. Fall.98
Forgotten / by Patricia H. Rushford.
Russell, Ching Yeung
Water Ghost. Jan.97
Rump, Nan
Puppets and Masks : Stagecraft and
Storytelling. Mar.97
Rushford, Patricia H.
Haunting Refrain / by Patricia H.
Rushford. WinSpr.99
Russell, Jim
Awakening the Giant : Mobilizing
and Equipping Christians to Reclaim
Our Nation in This Generation / Jim
Russell; foreword by Cal Thomas.
Ruurs, Margriet
My school in the rain forest /
Margriet Ruurs. AprJune 2010
Russell, Mary Doria
Sparrow / Mary Doria Russell.
Russia / edited by Richard Joseph
Stein. 40634
Russo, Marisabina
Hannah's Baby Sister / by
Marisabina Russo. WinSpr.99
Ryan, Cheryl
Sally Arnold. Mar.97
Ryan, John
Russo, Steve
What's the deal with Wicca? : a
deeper look into the dark side of
today's witchcraft / Steve Russo.
Ryden, Hope
For such a time as this : your
identity, purpose, and passion / Lisa
Ryan. Aug.2004
Your cat's wild cousins. Mar.96
Ryden, Hope
Ryan, Lisa
Generation Esther / by Lisa Ryan.
Ryder, Joanne
Ryan, Michaela
Taiwan / [by Michaela Ryan].
Ryder, Joanne
Ryan, Michaela
Ryken, Leland
Taiwan / [written by] Michaela
Ryan ; edited by Melvin Neo.
Dictionary of Biblical Imagery /
Leland Ryken, James C. Wilhoit,
Tremper Longman III, general
editors. Win.00
Without words. Nov.95
Ryan, Pam Munoz
Esperanza rising / by Pam Munoz
Ryan. Sum.01
Ryan, Pam Munoz
Louisa May Alcott / by Amy Ruth.
The dreamer / by Pam Muñoz Ryan
; drawings by Peter Sís. 40634
Ruurs, Margriet
Ryan, Pam Munoz
Emma's Eggs / by Margriet Ruurs;
illustrations by Barbara Spurll.
When Marian sang : the true recital
of Marian Anderson : the voice of a
century / libretto [i.e. text] by Pam
Munoz Ryan ; staging [i.e.
illustrations] by Brian Selznick.
Mountain Alphabet / text by
Margriet Ruurs; art by Andrew Kiss.
Your dog's wild cousins. Mar.96
Dancers in the garden. Nov.95
Ruth, Amy
Ruurs, Margriet
Ryan, Pam Nuñoz
Ryan, Lisa
Rutberg, Becky
Mary Lincoln's dressmaker :
Elizabeth Keckley's remarkable rise
from slave to White House
confidante. Sept.96
Riding Freedom / written by Pam
Muñoz Ryan ; drawings by Brian
Selznick. Fall.98
Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride /
story by Pam Nuñoz Ryan; pictures
by Brian Selznick. Fall.00
Russo, Steve
Keeping Christ in Christmas. Win.00
Ryan, Pam Muñoz
A bad year for dragons : the legend
of Saint George. Mar.96
Russo, Marisabina
House of sports / Marisabina Russo.
Becoming Naomi León / Pam
Muñoz Ryan. Mar.2005
Ryken, Leland
readers' guide through the
wardrobe : exploring C.S. Lewis's
classic story / Leland Ryken and
Marjorie Lamp Mead. Sept.2005
Ryken, Philip Graham
Ryan, Pam Muñoz
When you pray : making the Lord's
prayer your own / by Philip Graham
Ryken; with discussion questions by
Nancy Ryken Taylor. Sum.01
Rylant, Cynthia
All in a day / by Cynthia Rylant ;
illustrated by Nikki McClure. OctDec
Rylant, Cynthia
Best wishes. Jan.96
Rylant, Cynthia
Rylant, Cynthia
Mr. Putter and Tabby pick the
pears. Jan.96
Blue Hill Meadows / by Cynthia
Rylant; illustrated by Ellen Beier.
Rylant, Cynthia
Surprise Party / by Marilyn Sachs.
Sacks, Marcy Goldberg
Curious George : a winter's nap /
adaptation by Marcy Goldberg
Sacks and Priya Giri Desai ; based
on the TV series teleplay written by
Craig Miller. 40848
Rylant, Cynthia
Mr. Putter and Tabby Toot the Horn
/ by Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated by
Arthur Howard. Fall.98
Bookshop Dog / Cynthia Rylant.
Rylant, Cynthia
Rylant, Cynthia
Old Woman Who Named Things.
Embroidery / written by Judy Ann
Sadler ; illustrated by June
Bradford. Aug.2004
Rylant, Cynthia
Sadler, Judy Ann
Poppleton has fun / by Cynthia
Rylant; illustrated by Mark Teague.
Hemp Jewelry / Judy Ann Sadler ;
illustrated by June Bradford.
Rylant, Cynthia
Sadler, Judy Ann
Poppleton in fall / by Cynthia
Rylant; illustrated by Mark Teague.
jumbo book of needlecrafts /
written by Judy Ann Sadler.. [et. al.]
; illustrated by Esperanca Melo,
June Bradford, Jane Kurisu.
Sadler, Judy Ann
Gooseberry Park. Jan.97
Rylant, Cynthia
journey : stories of migration /
Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated by
Lambert Davis. Sept.2007
Rylant, Cynthia
Little Whistle's Christmas / Cynthia
Rylant ; illustrated by Tim Bowers.
Rylant, Cynthia
Rylant, Cynthia
The fine white dust. Nov.95
Little Whistle's medicine / Cynthia
Rylant; illustrated by Tim Bowers.
Rylant, Cynthia
Sadler, Judy Ann
Rylant, Cynthia
The journey : stories of migration /
Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated by
Lambert Davis. 41061
Knotting : make your own
basketball nets, guitar straps,
sports bags and more / written by
Judy Ann Sadler ; illustrated by
Céleste Gagnon. Sept.2006
Missing May / by Cynthia Rylant.
Rylant, Cynthia
Sadler, Judy Ann
whales. Nov.96
Simply sewing / written by Judy
Ann Sadler ; illustrated by Jane
Kurisu. Dec.2004
Rylant, Cynthia
Mr. Putter & Tabby spin the yarn /
Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated by
Arthur Howard. Sept.2007
Rylant, Cynthia
Mr. Putter & Tabby stir the soup /
Cynthia Rylant ; illustrated by
Arthur Howard. Oct.03
Rylant, Cynthia
Mr. Putter and Tabby feed the fish /
Cynthia Rylant; illustrated by Arthur
Howard. Win.02
Saab, Carl Y.
hindbrain / Carl Y. Saab. Sept.2006
Saffer, Barbara
Holes / Louis Sachar. Apr.04
ABC science riddles / by Barbara
Saffer ; illustrated by Jennifer
Johnson Haywood. Mar.2005
Sachs, Marilyn
Saffer, Barbara
Another Day / Marilyn Sachs.
Smallpox / by Barbara Saffer.
Sachs, Marilyn
Sage, Ana
Sachar, Louis.
I am Native American. Jun.03
Saint James, Synthia
Sunday / Synthia Saint James.
Samson, Lisa
San Souci, Robert D.
Club sandwich / Lisa Samson.
Hired Hand / by Robert D. San Souci
; illustrated by Jerry Pinkney.
Samson, Lisa
Sala, Harold J.
Raising Godly kids / Harold J. Sala.
Conquered Heart / by Lisa Samson.
Samson, Lisa
Salat, Cristina
Peanut's emergency / Cristina Salat;
illustrated by Tammie Lyon. Apr.03
Sale, Colin
Reader's Digest children's atlas of
the world / consulting editor, Colin
Sale ; [maps, Digital Wisdom
Publishing Ltd.]. Aug.2004
Saltzberg, Barney
All around the seasons / Barney
Saltzberg. 40848
Saltzman, David
The jester has lost his jingle. Mar.97
Sammis, Fran
Measurements / by Fran Sammis ;
art by Richard Maccabe. WinSpr.99
Samoyault, Tiphaine
Alphabetical Order : How the
Alphabet Began / by Tiphaine
Samoyault. Fall.98
Kate Shelley : Bound for Legend /
Robert D. San Souci; paintings by
Max Ginsburg. Nov.97
Finding Hollywood nobody / Lisa
Samson. June 2009
Sandburg, Carl
Samson, Lisa
Grassroots / poems by Carl
Sandburg ; paintings by Wendell
Minor. Fall.98
Hollywood nobody / Lisa Samson.
June 2009
Samson, Lisa
Sanders, Bill
Goalposts : Devotions for Girls / by
Bill Sanders. MarMay.98
living end / Lisa Samson. Oct.03
Sanders, Bill
Samson, Lisa
passion of Mary Margaret : Lisa
Samson / Lisa Samson. 40026
Stand Out : How You Can Become a
Strong Leader. Mar.97
Sanders, Bill
Samson, Lisa
Romancing Hollywood nobody : a
novel / Lisa Samson. June 2009
Sammis, Fran
Cities and Towns / by Fran Sammis ;
art by Richard Maccabe. WinSpr.99
San Souci, Robert D.
Stand Tall : Learning How to Really
Love Yourself. Mar.97
Sanders, Doug
Samson, Lisa
Songbird / Lisa Samson. Oct.03
North Dakota / by Doug Sanders.
Samson, Lisa
Sanders, Michael
Tiger Lillie : a novel / Lisa Samson.
Sodom and Gomorrah / a Gateway
Films / Vision Video release, an
Alexandria Productions ; producers,
Michael Sanders, Geoff Deehan ;
director, Steve Ruggi. June.2007
Samson, Lisa
Warrior's Bride / by Lisa Samson.
Sampson, Lisa
Samuel, George
Quaker summer / Lisa Samson.
Courage in time of discouragement
: a nuclear scientist speaks. Nov.95
Samson, L.L.
Samuels, Jenny
Facing the Hunchback of Notre
Dame / L. L. Samson. Apr.2013
nose like a hose / by Jenny
Samuels. Jun.03
Sanders, Oswald
World Prayer. Fall.00
Sanderson, Ruth
Papa Gatto : An Italian Fairy Tale.
Sanderson, Ruth
The enchanted wood. Jan.96
Buffalo Bill Cody. Sept.96
Sandford, John Loren
Sanford, William R.
Elijah among us : understanding
and responding to God's prophets
today / John Loren Sandford.
Davy Crockett. Sept.96
Sanford, William R.
John C. Fremont. Sept.96
Sandler, Martin
Rhyme Bible Story Book for
Toddlers / by L. J. Sattgast;
illustrated by Toni Goffe. Fall.00
Sauvain, Philip
Oceans / by Philip Sauvain. Fall.98
Sauvain, Philip
Rain Forests / by Philip Sauvain.
The impossible rescue / Martin
Sandler. Aug / Oct 2012
Sanford, William R.
Sandler, Martin
Sanford, William R\Green, Carl R
The impossible rescue / Martin
Sandler. Aug / Oct 2012
Calamity Jane : frontier original.
Born to be a cowgirl : a spirited ride
through the old West / Candace
Savage. Feb.03
Sandler, Martin W.
Sanford, William R\Green, Carl R
Savage, Jeff
Flying over the USA : airplanes in
American life / Martin W. Sandler.
Kit Carson : frontier scout. Sept.96
Deion Sanders : star athlete.
Sam Houston. Sept.96
Savage, Candace Sherk
Sandler, Martin W.
Island of hope : the story of Ellis
Island and the journey to America /
Martin W. Sandler. June.2005
Sandler, Martin W.
Secret subway : the fascinating tale
of an amazing feat of engineering /
by Martin W. Sandler. 40026
Sandler, Martin W.
Trapped in ice : an amazing true
whaling adventure / Martin W.
Sandler. Feb / Apr 2012
Sandler, Martin W.
Trapped in ice : an amazing true
whaling adventure / Martin W.
Sandler. June.2007
Sanford, Timothy L.
Losing control and liking it : how to
set your teen (and yourself) free :
Tim Sanford / Tim Sanford. June
Santiago, Chiori
Home to Medicine Mountain /
written by Chiori Santiago ;
illustrated by Judith Lowry. Apr.04
Savage, Jeff
Santucci, Barbara
Savage, Jeff
Loon summer / written by Barbara
Santucci; illustrated by Andrea
Shine. Win.02
Gold miners of the Wild West.
Savage, Jeff
Sarker, Abraham
Understand my Muslim people : by
a former Muslim / Abraham Sarker.
Sateren, Shelley Swanson
Gunfighters of the wild west.
Savage, Jeff
Pioneering women of the wild west.
Canada : Star of the North. Mar.97
Savage, Jeff
Satterfield, Barbara
Story Dance / by Barbara
Satterfield; illustrated by Fran
Gregory. Jan.98
Sattgast, L. J
The nursery bedtime book. Nov.96
Sattgast, L. J.
Sanford, William R.
Emmitt Smith : star running back.
Pony express riders of the Wild
West. Sept.96
Savage, Jeff
Scouts of the wild west. Sept.96
Savery, Constance
Enemy brothers / Constance
Savery. Sept.2005
Sawyer, Anh Vu
Song of Saigon : one woman's
journey to freedom / Anh Vu
Sawyer and Pam Proctor. Nov.2004
Schaaf, Martha E.
Say, Allan
Under the cherry blossom tree : an
old Japanese tale / retold and
illustrated by Allan Say. WinSpr.99
Sawyer, Joy
Dancing to the Heartbeat of
Redemption : The Creative Process
of Spiritual Growth / by Joy Sawyer.
Schaap, James C.
Say, Allen
Allison / by Allen Say. MarMay.98
Say, Allen
Sawyer, Kem Knapp
Erika-san / Allen Say. 40026
Underground Railroad in American
History / by Kem Knapp Sawyer.
Say, Allen
Grandfather's journey / written and
illustrated by Allen Say. Dec.2004
Sawyer, Kim Vogal
Katy's homecoming / Katy
Lambright series ; 3. 40848
Say, Allen
Home of the brave / Allen Say.
Sawyer, Kim Vogel
Courting Miss Amsel / Kim Vogel
Sawyer. 40634
Say, Allen
Kamishibai man / written and
illustrated by Allen Say. Dec.2006
Sawyer, Kim Vogel
Fields of grace / Kim Vogel Sawyer.
AprJune 2010
Sayer, George
Jack : A Life of C. S. Lewis / George
Sayer. Sep.97
Sawyer, Kim Vogel
In every heartbeat / Kim Vogel
Sawyer. August 2011
Sayre, April Pulley
Sawyer, Kim Vogel
El Nino and La Nino : weather in the
headlines / by April Pulley Sayre.
Katy's debate / Kim Vogel Sawyer.
Sayre, April Pulley
Sawyer, Kim Vogel
If you should hear a honey guide.
Katy's new world / by Kim Vogel
Sawyer. 40391
Scalberg, Daniel A.
Sawyer, Kim Vogel
Where the heart leads / by Kim
Vogel Sawyer. OctDec 2009
Sawyer, Ruth
Roller skates / written by Ruth
Sawyer ; and illustrated by Valenti
Angelo. June.2005
Lew Wallace : boy writer / written
by Martha E. Schaaf; illustrated by
Cathy Morrison. Win.02
Kregel pictorial guide to Christian
heritage in England / Daniel A.
Scalberg. SprSum.02
Scars That Heal : The True Life
Story of Dave Roever
Scars That Heal : The True Life Story
of Dave Roever. Sep.97
Every bit of who I am : devotions
for teens / James C. Schaap. Apr.03
Schaap, James C.
In the silence there are ghosts : a
novel. Mar.96
Schaap, James Calvin
Romey's Place / by James Calvin
Schaap. Fall.00
Schaap, James Calvin.
Secrets of Barneveld Calvary /
James Calvin Schaap. Nov.97
Schachner, Judith Byron
Grannyman / by Judith Byron
Schachner. Fall.00
Schachner, Judith Byron
Mr. Emerson's Cook / by Judith
Byron Schachner. WinSpr.99
Schachner, Judith Byron
Skippyjon Jones in the doghouse /
by Judith Byron Schachner.
Schachner, Judith Byson
Willy and May / Judith Byson
Schachner. Sep.97
Schadler, Chérie D.
Welcome to Bayou Town / by
Chérie D. Schadler; illustrated by
Ann Biedenharn Jones. Nov.97
Schaeffer, Edith
Common Sense Christian Living / by
Edith Schaeffer. Jan.98
Schaeffer, Edith
Mei Fuh : memories from China /
by Edith Schaeffer; illustrations by
Lesley Liu. Spr.01
Schaub, Christine
Finding Anna / Christine Schaub.
Look out, Jeremy Bean! / by Alice
Schertle ; illustrated by David
Slonim. OctDec 2009
Schlabach, Joetta Handrich
Schaeffer, Franky
Addicted to Mediocrity : 20th
Century Christians and the Arts / by
Franky A. and Francis A. Schaeffer.
Schakel, Peter J.
way into Narnia : a reader's guide /
Peter J. Schakel. Sept.2005
Schalesky, Marlo
Cry freedom / by Marlo Schalesky.
Schalesky, Marlo
Freedom's shadow / Marlo
Schalesky. Fall.01
Schalesky, Marlo
Only the wind remembers / by
Marlo Schalesky. Apr.04
Schalesky, Marlo
Shades of morning : a novel / Marlo
Schalesky. 40513
longing season / Christine Schaub.
Extending the table : a world
community cookbook / Joetta
Handrich Schlabach, Kristina Mast
Burnett, recipe editor. Apr.04
Scheader, Catherine
Schledermann, Peter
Lorraine Hansberry : Playwright and
Voice of Justice / by Catherine
Scheader. WinSpr.99
Voices in Stone: A Personal Journey
Into the Arctic Past / Peter
Schledermann. Sep.97
Schecter, Ellen
Schleichert, Elizabeth
Boy Who Cried "Wolf!" / retold in
rebus by Ellen Schecter; illustrated
by Gary Chalk. MarMay.98
Dave Bing : Basketball Great with a
Heart. Jan.97
Schaub, Christine
Schecter, Ellen
Sim Chung and the River Dragon : A
Folktale from Korea / retold by
Ellen Schecter; illustrated by June
Otani. MarMay.98
Schecter, Ellen
Warrior Maiden : A Hope Legend /
by Ellen Schecter; illustrated by
Laura Kelly. MarMay.98
Scheffler, Ursel
Schalesky, Marlo M.
Empty womb, aching heart / Marlo
Schalesky. Win.02
Schalesky, Marlo M.
If tomorrow never comes : a novel /
Marlo Schalesky. 40513
Schall, Steve
name of the game : making a
lasting connection with your kids /
Steve Schall; [foreword by Dennis
Rainey]. Feb.03
Schaller, James L.
search for lost fathering : rebuilding
your father relationship. Nov.96
Be brave, little lion! / by Ursel
Scheffler; illustrated by Ruth
Scholte; translated by J. Alison
James. Fall.01
Schleichert, Elizabeth
Sitting Bull : Sioux Leader / by
Elizabeth Schleichert. MarMay.98
Schleichert, Elizabeth
Thirteenth Amendment : Ending
Slavery / by Elizabeth Schleichert.
Schlein, Miriam
way mothers are / by Miriam
Schlein; pictures by Joe Lasker.
Schloredt, Valerie
Martin Luther King, Jr. Nov.96
Scheib, Asta
Schloss, Eva
Children of disobedience : the love
story of Martin Luther and
Katharina von Bora / by Asta Scheib
; translated by David Ward. Fall.01
Eva's story : a survivor's tale by the
stepsister of Anne Frank / Schloss,
Eva. 41061
Schertle, Alice
Down the road. Mar.96
Schertle, Alice
Schmatz, Pat
Bluefish / Pat Schmatz. 41061
Schmemannn, Serge
When the wall came down : the
Berlin wall and the fall of Soviet
communism / Serge Schmemann.
Schmidt, Diane
Guide to reference and information
sources in the zoological sciences /
Diane Schmidt. Mar.2005
Schmidt, Erin
What does a firefighter do? / Erin
Schmidt. Sept.2005
Schmidt, Gary D.
Blessing of the Lord : Stories from
the Old and New Testaments /
retold by Gary D. Schmidt ;
illustrated by Dennis Nolan. Fall.98
Schnieders, Kali
Schmidt, Karen Lee
Carl's nose / Karen Lee Schmidt.
Schmidt, Troy
Buzby : the misbehaving bee / story
by Troy Schmidt ; illustrations by
GlueWorks Animation. Dec.2005
Schmidt, Troy
fruitcake Christmas / story by Troy
Schmidt ; illustrations by
GlueWorks Animation. June.2007
Schmidt, Gary D.
Okay for now / by Gary D. Schmidt.
Aug / Oct 2012
Schmidt, Gary D.
Okay for now / by Gary D. Schmidt.
Aug / Oct 2012
Schnieper, Claudia
Snakes. Sept.96
Schnitzlein, Danny
Monster who ate my peas / written
by Danny Schnitzlein; illustrated by
Matt Faulkner. Win.02
Schoenherr, John
Rebel. Sept.96
Schmitt, Betsy
Sticky situations 3 / Betsy Schmitt.
Schmidt, Gary D.
Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster
boy / by Gary D. Schmidt. Mar.2005
Truffles from Heaven : Discovering
the Sweet Gift of God's Grace / by
Kali Schnieders. Win.00
Scholastic atlas of oceans
Scholastic atlas of oceans.
Schneider, Dorothy
Slavery in America / Dorothy
Schneider and Carl J. Schneider.
Schneider, Dorothy
Slavery in America : from colonial
times to the Civil War / by Dorothy
Schneider and Carl J. Schneider.
Scholastic children's dictionary
Scholastic children's dictionary.
Scholastic Children's Dictionary
Scholastic Children's Dictionary / by
the editors of Scholastic Inc. Fall.98
Scholastic children's encyclopedia
Schmidt, Gary D.
Schneider, Dorothy
Sin Eater. Mar.97
World War II / Dorothy and Carl J.
Schneider. Aug.03
Schmidt, Gary D.
William Bradford : Plymouth's
Faithful Pilgrim / by Gary D.
Schmidt. Fall.00
Schneider, Howie
Chewy Louie / by Howie Schneider.
Schmidt, Jeremy
Schneider, Mical
Two lands, one heart : an American
boy's journey to his mother's
Vietnam. Mar.96
Between the Dragon and the Eagle
/ by Mical Schneider. Jan.98
Schneiderman, Lawrence J.
Schmidt, John
Fiery Stranger / written and
directed by John Schmidt ;
produced by John Schmidt and
Mark Hunt. WinSpr.99
Wrong Medicine : Doctors,
Patients, and Futile Treatment /
Lawrence J. Schneiderman and
Nancy S. Jecker. Nov.97
Scholastic children's encyclopedia.
Scholastic Kid's Almanac for the
21st Century
Scholastic Kid's Almanac for the
21st Century. Fall.00
Schomp, Virginia
Civil War / by Virginia Schomp.
Schomp, Virginia
He Fought for Freedom : Frederick
Douglass / by Virginia Schomp.
Schomp, Virginia
Heroic Sioux Warrior : Crazy Horse /
by Virginia Schomp. Fall.98
Schomp, Virginia
If You Were a.. Ballet Dancer / by
Virginia Schomp. WinSpr.99
Schomp, Virginia
If You Were a.. Ballplayer / by
Virginia Schomp. Win.00
Schomp, Virginia
If You Were a.. Construction
Worker / by Virginia Schomp.
Schomp, Virginia
If You Were a.. Firefighter / by
Virginia Schomp. WinSpr.99
Schomp, Virginia
New York / by Virginia Schomp.
Schreimer, Peter
Schomp, Virginia
Vietnam War / by Virginia Schomp.
Schomp, Virginia
World War II / by Virginia Schomp.
If You Were a.. Pilot / by Virginia
Schomp. Win.00
Schomp, Virginia
If You Were a.. Police Officer / by
Virginia Schomp. WinSpr.99
Ocean adventures : whales, waves,
and ocean wonders, DVD v.1 / [by
Peter Schreimer.]. 41061
Schreimer, Peter
Ocean adventures : winged
creatures, waterfalls, and wild
reptiles, DVD v.3 / [by Peter
Schreimer.]. 41061
Schonberg, Marcia
B is for Buckeye : an Ohio alphabet
/ written by Marcia Schonberg and
illustrated by Bruce Langton.
Schories, Pat
Schomp, Virginia
Ocean adventures : fins, foliage,
and shoreline fun, DVD v.2 / [by
Peter Schreimer.]. 41061
Schreimer, Peter
Wilderness discoveries / [by Peter
Schreimer.]. 41061
Schreimer, Peter
When Jack goes out / Pat Schories.
Wilderness discoveries : bugs, bogs,
and spiky beasts, DVD v.3 / [by
Peter Schreimer.]. 41061
Schott, Jane A.
Schreimer, Peter
Abraham Lincoln / Jane A. Schott.
Wilderness discoveries : forest,
frogs, and feisty critters, DVD v.2 /
[by Peter Schreimer.]. 41061
Schotter, Roni
Schomp, Virginia
If You Were a.. Teacher / by Virginia
Schomp. Win.00
Missing Rabbit / by Roni Schotter;
illustrated by Cyd Moore. Apr.03
Schotter, Roni
Schomp, Virginia
If You Were a.. Veterinarian / by
Virginia Schomp. WinSpr.99
Schomp, Virginia
If You Were a.. Zookeeper / by
Virginia Schomp. Win.00
Schomp, Virginia
If You Were an.. Astronaut / by
Virginia Schomp. WinSpr.99
Schomp, Virginia
Japan in the days of the samurai /
Virginia Schomp. SprSum.02
Schreimer, Peter
Wilderness discoveries : sand,
snakes, and screeching birds, DVD
v.1 / [by Peter Schreimer.]. 41061
Passover magic. Jan.96
Schreur, Jack
Schraff, Anne
Colin Powell : Soldier and Patriot.
Fathers & Daughters / Jack and
Jerry Schreur. Nov.97
Schreur, Jerry
Schraff, Anne
Coretta Scott King : Striving for Civil
Rights / by Anne Schraff. WinSpr.99
When Prince Charming Falls Off His
Horse : Keeping the Happily Ever
After in Your Marriage / by Jerry
and Judy Schreur ; with Jack
Schreur. WinSpr.99
Schreimer, Peter
Ocean adventures / [by Peter
Schreimer.]. 41061
Schreimer, Peter
Schrock, Mildred
For His Sake / by Mildred Schrock.
Schroder, Monika
dog in the wood / Monika Schröder.
AprJune 2010
Schroeder, Alan
Ben Franklin : his wit and wisdom /
by Alan Schroeder ; illustrated by
John O'Brien. Aug / Oct 2012
Schuman, Michael A
Schulte, Elaine
The journey west. Mar.96
Schulte, Elaine
With wings as eagles. Mar.96
Schulte, Elaine L
Schroeder, Alan
Bridesmaid Blues for Becky. Nov.96
Ben Franklin : his wit and wisdom /
by Alan Schroeder ; illustrated by
John O'Brien. Aug / Oct 2012
Schulte, Elaine L
Cara and the terrible teeners.
Schroeder, Alan
Carolina Shout!. Mar.97
Schulte, Elaine L
Schroeder, Alan
Double Trouble for Jess McColl.
Minty : A Story of Young Harriet
Tubman. Jan.97
Schulte, Elaine L
Schroeder, Alan
Melanie and the Modeling Mess.
Smoky Mountain Rose : An
Appalachian Cinderella / by Alan
Schroeder; pictures by Brad Sneed.
Schroeder, Gerald L.
Science of God / by Gerald L.
Schroeder. MarMay.98
Schroeder, Michael J.
Mexican Americans / Michael J.
Schroeder. Sept.2007
Schulte, Elaine
Eternal passage. Mar.96
Becky's Secret Surprise / by Elaine
L. Schulte. Fall.98
Bill Clinton / by Michael A.
Schuman. Win.00
Schuman, Michael A.
Eleanor Roosevelt : First Lady and
Humanitarian. Jan.97
Schuman, Michael A.
Harry S. Truman / by Michael A.
Schuman. MarMay.98
Schuman, Michael A.
Lyndon B. Johnson / by Michael A.
Schuman. Fall.98
Schuman, Michael A.
Richard M. Nixon / by Michael A.
Schuman. Fall.98
Schuman, Michael A.
Theodore Roosevelt / by Michael A.
Schuman. MarMay.98
Schulte, Elaine L.
Daniel Colton under fire / Elaine
Schulte. SprSum.02
Schur, Maxine Rose
Day of delight : a Jewish Sabbath in
Ethiopia. Jan.96
Schulte, Elaine L.
Lily Vanessa and the Pet Panic /
Elaine L. Schulte. Nov.97
Schur, Maxine Rose
Sacred Shadows / by Maxine Rose
Schur. MarMay.98
Schulte, Elaine L.
Melanie and the Cruise Caper /
Elaine L. Schulte. Nov.97
Golden dreams. Mar.96
Schulte, Elaine L.
Schulte, Elaine
Tricia and the Money Mystery.
Mercies so tender. Mar.96
Schulz, Charles M.
Peace like a river. Mar.96
Schuman, Michael A.
Schulte, Elaine L.
Schulte, Elaine
Schulte, Elaine
Bill Cosby : Actor and Comedian.
I Take My Religion Seriously /
Charles M. Schulz. Sep.97
Schur, Maxine Rose
When I Left My Village. Jan.97
Schur, Maxine Rose
When I left my village. Nov.96
Schwabacher, Martin
Minnesota / by Martin
Schwabacher. Win.00
Schwandt, John
English-Greek reverse interlinear
New Testament : English Standard
Version / John Schwandt, general
editor ; C. John Collins, ESV text
editor. June.2007
Schwartz, David M.
G is for googol : a math alphabet
book / written by David M.
Schwartz; illustrated by Marissa
Moss. SprSum.02
See you later, gladiator / by Jon
Scieszka; illustrated by Adam
McCauley. Fall.01
Summer Reading Is Killing Me! / by
Jon Scieszka ; illustrated by Lane
Smith. WinSpr.99
Scott, Mona L.
Scieszka, Jon
Scott-Brown, Anna
Tut, Tut / by Jon Scieszka;
illustrated by Lane Smith.
Creation song / Anna Scott-Brown ;
illustrations by Elena Gomez.
AprJune 2010
Scillian, Devin
Scottish Covenanters
is for America : an American
alphabet / written by Devin Scillian;
and illustrated by Pam Carroll.
Scottish Covenanters. Apr.03
Schwartz, Ellen
Starshine on TV. Jan.97
Schwartz, Howard
Next Year in Jerusalem : 3,000
Years of Jewish Stories. Jan.97
Scillian, Devin
Memoirs of a goldfish / Devin
Scillian and illustrated by Tim
Bowers. 40634
Scott, Brad
Schwartzentruber, Michael
Simplify and Celebrate. Win.00
Embraced by the Darkness :
Exposing New Age Theology from
the Inside Out / by Brad Scott.
Schwarz, Renee
Wind chimes and whirligigs / Renee
Schwarz. Sept.2007
Schwedt, Rachel E.
Young adult poetry : a survey and
theme guide / Rachel Schwedt and
Janice DeLong ; foreword by Mel
Glenn. Mar.2007
Schweitzer, Albert
quest of the historical Jesus / Albert
Schweitzer. Feb.03
I sing a song of the saints of God.
Scieszka, Jon
Schwartz, David M.
Q is for quark : a science alphabet
book / written by David M.
Schwartz; illustrated by Kim Doner.
Scott, Lesbia\Brown, Judith Gwyn,
Conversion tables / Mona L. Scott.
Scudder, James A.
Beyond failure / James A. Scudder.
Seabrook, Elizabeth
Cabbages and Kings / A story by
Elizabeth Seabrook; paintings by
Jamie Wyeth. MarMay.98
Seabrooke, Brenda
Care and Feeding of Dragons / by
Brenda Seabrooke. Fall.98
Scott, Darrell
Seabrooke, Brenda
Rachel smiles : the spiritual legacy
of Columbine martyr Rachel Scott /
Darrell Scott, Steve Rabey. Jun.03
Looking for Diamonds. Mar.97
Seabrooke, Brenda
Scott, Jefferson
Terminal Logic / by Jefferson Scott.
Scott, Kathleen
Under the Pear Tree / by Brenda
Seabrook; illustrated by Roger
Essley. MarMay.98
Seago, Kate
test of love / Kathleen Scott. Apr.03
Matthew Unstrung / by Kate Seago.
Science : facts at your fingertips
Scott, Latayne C.
Seamands, John T.
Science : facts at your fingertips.
Latter-day cipher / Latayne C. Scott.
OctDec 2009
Who do you say that I am? : when
Jesus is not who you think / by John
T. Seamands. Sum.01
Scieszka, Jon
Searcy, Margaret Zehmer
Seddon, Andrew M.
Senungetuk, Vivian
charm of the bear claw necklace.
Red planet rising. Sept.96
A place for winter : Paul Tiulana's
story / by Vivian Senungetuk and
Paul Tiulana. Oct.03
Sederman, Marty
Searcy, Margaret Zehmer
Eyr the hunter : a story of Ice Age
America / Margaret Zehmer Searcy
; illustrated by Joyce Haynes. Oct.03
Casey and Derek on the ice / by
Marty Sederman ; illustrated by
Zachary Pullen. 40634
Seredy, Kate
white stag / written and illustrated
by Kate Seredy. Apr.04
Seeker's great adventure
Searcy, Margaret Zehmer
Service, Pamela F.
Wolf Dog of the Woodland Indians.
Seeker's great adventure / by Dian
Layton; illustrations by Al Berg.
Searle-Barnes, Bonita
Seiple, Robert A.
Service, Pamela F.
Air. Mar.96
Ambassadors of hope / Robert A.
Seiple. June.2005
Mesopotamia / by Pamela F.
Service. Win.00
Seitz, Nicole A.
Seuling, Barbara
hundred years of happiness / Nicole
Seitz. OctDec 2009
Robert and the great Pepperoni /
by Barbara Seuling; illustrated by
Paul Brewer. Apr.03
Ancient African Kingdom of Kush /
by Pamela F. Service. MarMay.98
Searle-Barnes, Bonita
Light. Mar.96
Searle-Barnes, Bonita
Sound. Mar.96
Self, Charles R.
Sevaly, Karen
Water. Mar.96
How to open and operate a homebased carpentry business : an
unabridged guide. Mar.96
Sears, Peter
Sendak, Maurice
Gonna bake me a rainbow poem :
a student guide to writing poetry.
Where the wild things are / story
and pictures by Maurice Sendak.
seven churches of Revelation
Sebanc, Mark
Senisi, Ellen B
Severance, John B.
Flight to Hollow Mountain / Mark
Sebanc. Sep.97
Secrets. Jan.96
Braving the fire / John B. Severance.
Searle-Barnes, Bonita
International Children / Karen
Sevaly. Sep.97
seven churches of Revelation
rediscovered. Apr.03
Sensel, Joni
Secakuku, Susan
Meet Mindy : a native girl from the
Southwest. Jun.03
Farwalker's quest / by Joni Sensel.
June 2009
Senter, Ruth
Seddon, Andrew M.
Imperial legions / by Andrew M.
Seddon. Spr.01
Annie Ashcroft Looks into the Dark
/ by Ruth Senter ; illustrated by Lee
Christiansen. WinSpr.99
Seddon, Andrew M.
Senter, Ruth
Iron scepter / Andrew M. Seddon.
Have We Really Come a Long Way?
/ by Ruth Senter. MarMay.98
Sex, Lies & ..the Truth : A Message
from Focus on the Family
Sex, Lies & ..the Truth : A Message
from Focus on the Family. Mar.97
Shafer, Anders C.
fantastic journey of Pieter Bruegel /
by Anders C. Shafer. Apr.04
Shafer, D. Brian
Exile of Lucifer / D. Brian Shafer.
Shafer, D. Brian
Rising darkness / D. Brian Shafer.
Shafer, D. Brian
Unholy empire / D. Brian Shafer.
Shaffer, Elizabeth N
Daughter of the dawn : a Pilgrim
romance. Nov.95
Bruce Coville; pictures by Dennis
Nolan. Jan.98
Shakespeare, William
Shange, Ntozake
Coretta Scott / poetry by Ntozake
Shange ; paintings by Kadir Nelson.
OctDec 2009
William Shakespeare's Macbeth /
retold by Bruce Coville; pictures by
Gary Kelley. MarMay.98
Shank, Marilyn Sue
Shakespeare—-Who was he? : the
Oxford challenge to the Bard of
Shanks, Hershel
Shakespeare—-Who was he? : the
Oxford challenge to the Bard of
Avon. Mar.97
Shaik, Fatima
Child of the mountains / Marilyn
Sue Shank. Apr.2013
Mystery and Meaning of the Dead
Sea Scrolls / by Hershel Shanks.
Shannon, David
Melitte / by Fatima Shaik.
Shalant, Phyllis
Great Eye / Phyllis Shalant. Sep.97
Bad Case of Stripes / by David
Shannon. WinSpr.99
Shakespeare, William
Shamblin, Gwen
King Lear / William Shakespeare.
Shannon, David
Weigh Down Diet / by Gwen
Shamblin. Fall.98
Good boy, Fergus! / David Shannon.
Shakespeare, William
Shanahan, Lisa
Macbeth : the book, CD-Rom, and
website that work together /
William Shakespeare. SprSum.02
Shannon, David
postman's dog / Lisa Shanahan ;
illustrated by Wayne Harris.
No, David! / David Shannon.
Shakespeare, William
Shands, Linda
Romeo and Juliet : the book, CDRom, and website that work
together / William Shakespeare.
Blind fury / Linda I. Shands. Apr.04
Shakespeare, William
Tempest / William Shakespeare.
retold by Ann Keay Beneduce;
illustrated by Gennady Spirin.
Shakespeare, William
William Shakespeare / edited by
David Scott Kastan & Marina
Kastan; illustrated by Glen
Harrington. Sum.01
Shands, Linda
White water / Linda I. Shands.
Shands, Linda
Wild fire / Linda I. Shands. Apr.04
Heart to Heart. Mar.97
Shapiro, Ousie
Bullying and me : schoolyard stories
/ by Ousie Shapiro. 40848
Sharp, Mary
unexpected joy : the gift of
parenting a challenging child / Mary
Sharp. Apr.04
Shands, Linda I.
Blind fury / Linda I. Shands. Fall.01
Shands, Linda I.
White water / Linda I. Shands.
Shakespeare, William
William Shakespeare's A
Midsummer Night's Dream /
William Shakespeare. retold by
Shannon, George
Shands, Linda I.
Wild fire / Linda I. Shands. Fall.01
Sharp, Richard M.
The sneaky square & 113 other
math activities for kids. Jan.96
Shaughnessy, Diane
Chief Joseph : Nez Perce
peacekeeper / Diane Shaughnessy,
Jack Carpenter. Aug.2004
Shaughnessy, Diane
crime of living cautiously : hearing
God's call to adventure / Luci Shaw.
Sheehan, Patricia
Shaw, Luci
Sheehan, Patricia
Pocahontas : Powhatan princess /
Diane Shaughnessy. Aug.2004
genesis of it all / Luci Shaw ;
illustrations by Sr. Huai-Kuang Miao
and Sr. Mary Lane. Dec.2006
Luxembourg / by Patricia Sheehan
& Sakina Dhilawala. 40210
Shaughnessy, Diane
Shaw, Luci
Sacajawea : Shoshone trailblazer /
Diane Shaughnessy, Jack Carpenter.
Swiftly Tilting Worlds of Madeleine
L'Engle / edited by Luci Shaw.
Shaughnessy, Diane
Shaw, Mark
Sequoyah : inventor of the
Cherokee written language / Diane
Shaughnessy, Jack Carpenter.
Walking on the waves / Mark Shaw.
Chief Ouray : Ute peacemaker /
Diane Shaughnessy, Jack Carpenter.
Shaughnessy, Diane
Shaughnessy, Diane
Sitting Bull : courageous Sioux chief
/ Diane Shaughnessy. Aug.2004
Côte D'Ivoire / by Patricia Sheehan.
Sheehan, Patricia
Luxembourg / Patricia Sheehan.
Sheehan, Patty
Shadow and the ready time.
Sheehan, Sean
Shaw, Mark R.
Kingdom of God in Africa : A Short
History of African Christianity / by
Mark R. Shaw. Jan.98
Angola / by Sean Sheehan. Win.00
Sheehan, Sean
Cameroon / Sean Sheehan.
Shaw, Robert
Shaver, Jessica
Gianna : aborted..and lived to tell
about it. Mar.96
Shaw, Janet
Happy birthday, Kirsten! : a
springtime story. Nov.96
Shaw, Janet
Happy birthday, Kirsten! : a
springtime story. Nov.96
Shaw, Kimberly Williams
prayer chain / Kimberly Williams
Shaw; illustrated by Richard
Stergulz. Fall.01
epidemic : the rot of American
culture, absentee and permissive
parenting, and the resultant plague
of joyless, selfish children / Robert
Shaw with Stephanie Wood.
Shea, Pegi Deitz
Tangled threads : a Hmong girl's
story / by Pegi Deitz Shea. Aug.2004
Shea, Pegi Dietz
Noah Webster : weaver of words /
Pegi Deitz Shea ; illustrated by
Monica Vachula. AprJune 2010
Selling the lite of heaven. Jan.96
Shaw, Luci
Guatemala / by Sean Sheehan.
Sheehan, Sean
Trinidad & Tobago / Sean Sheehan.
Sheehan, Sean
Zimbabwe / by Sean Sheehan.
Sheen, Barbara.
Cerebral palsy / by Barbara Sheen.
Shea, Suzanne Strempek
Shaw, Luci
Angles of Light : New and Selected
Poems / by Luci Shaw. Fall.00
Sheehan, Sean
Shecter, Vicky
Cleopatra rules! : the amazing life
of the original teen queen / Vicky
Alvear Shecter. 40634
Sheets, Dutch
How to pray for lost loved ones /
Dutch Sheets. SprSum.02
Sheets, Dutch
Praying for America / Dutch Sheets.
Shefelman, Janice Jordan
Anna Maria's gift / by Janice
Shefelman ; illustrated by Robert
Papp. 40634
Sheffey / directed by Katherine
Stenholm ; based on the book The
Saint of the Wilderness by Jess Carr.
Shelby, Audra Grace
Behind the veils of Yemen : how an
American woman risked her life,
family, and faith to bring Jesus to
Muslim women / Audra Grace
Shelby. Feb / Apr 2012
sexual crises, food addictions, selfesteem, depression, grief and loss /
by Susie Shellenberger. Spr.01
How to help your hurting friend :
clear guidance for messy problems
/ by Susie Shellenberger. Mar.2005
Shellenberger, Susie
Life, love, music, and money / Susie
Shellenberger and Greg Johnson.
Shellenberger, Susie
Lockers, lunch lines, chemistry, and
cliques.. : 77 pretty important ideas
on school survival. Mar.96
Shelley, Marshall
What would Jesus do? : a
contemporary retelling of Charles
M. Sheldon's classic In his steps / by
Garrett Ward Sheldon. Oct.95
Building Your Church Through
Counsel and Care : 30 Strategies to
Transform Your Ministry / by
Narshall Shelley, General Editor.
Sheldrake, Kerstin
Shelley, Mary
Frankenstein / by Mary Shelley;
illustrations by Philippe Munch.
Sherrer, Quin
Prayers Women Pray : Intimate
Moments with God / by Quin
Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock.
Sherrer, Quin
Praying prodigals home / Quin
Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock.
Sherrow, Victoria
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia : Native
American Rights / by Victoria
Sherrow. Fall.98
Sherrow, Victoria
Connecticut / by Victoria Sherrow.
Sherrow, Victoria
making of the atom bomb / by
Victoria Sherrow. Fall.01
Sherrow, Victoria
Shellenberger, Susie
Camp, car washes, heaven, and hell
/ Susie Shellenberger and Greg
Johnson. Sep.97
Paths of life : American Indians of
the Southwest and Northern
Mexico. Jun.03
Shellenberger, Susie
Sheldon, Garrett Ward
My servant Caleb : a Jewish boy, a
gentile girl, a world at war / Kerstin
Sheldrake. Dec.2005
Sheridan, Thomas
Shelley, Rex
Japan / by Rex Shelley, Teo Chuu
Yong, and Russell Mok. SprSum.02
Ohio / by Victoria Sherrow. Win.00
Sherrow, Victoria
Righteous Gentiles / by Victoria
Sherrow. WinSpr.99
Shellenberger, Susie
Shelton, Paula Young
Cars, curfews, parties, and parents..
: 77 pretty important ideas for
family survival. Mar.96
Child of the civil rights movement /
by Paula Young Shelton ; illustrated
by Raul Colón. Feb / Apr 2012
Shellenberger, Susie
Shepard, Aaron
Guys and a Whole Lot More :
Advice for Teen Girls on Almost
Everything. Mar.97
Master Maid : A Tale of Norway /
retold by Aaron Shepard; pictures
by Pauline Ellison. Jan.98
Shibley, David
Shellenberger, Susie
Shepherds' Fields
Help! My friend's in trouble! :
supporting your friends who
struggle ith…family problems,
Shields, Carol Diggory
Shepherds' Fields. Win.00
I Wish My Brother Was a Dog / by
Carol Diggory Shields; illustrated by
Paul Meisel. MarMay.98
Shetler, Joanne
And the Word came with power :
how God met & changed a people
forever. Mar.96
Heaven's heroes. Mar.96
Shulevitz, Uri
Shields, Gillian
Library Lily / Gillian Shields ;
illustrated by Francesca Chessa.
Shimko, Bonnie
The private thoughts of Amelia E.
Rye / Bonnie Shimko. 40695
Shinder, Jason, ed.
Eternal light : grandparent poems :
a twentieth-century American
selection. Sept.96
Shinn, George
You gotta believe!. Nov.96
Shirley, David
Mississippi / by David Shirley.
Shirley, David
North Carolina / David Shirley.
Shorrosh, Anis A.
Islam Revealed: A Christian Arab’s
View of Islam. Aug.03
How I learned geography / Uri
Shulevitz. 39912
Shulman, Mark
Mom and Dad are palindromes : a
dilemma for words-- backwards /
by Mark Shulman ; illustrated by
Adam McCauley. Mar.2007
Shultz, Margaret
Teens with Single Parents : Why
Me? / by Margaret Shultz.
Abigail. Mar.97
Shott, James R.
Sidman, Joyce
world according to dog : poems and
teen voices / Joyce Sidman; with
photographs by Doug Mindell.
Siebert, Diane
Tour America : a journey through
poems and art / by Diane Siebert ;
illustrated by Stephen T. Johnson.
Shyer, Marlene Fanta
Fleabiscuit sings! / Marlene Fanta
Shyer. Sept.2005
Siebold, Jan
Doing time online / Jan Siebold.
Sibley, Brian
The great food feud : or a little give
and take. Nov.95
Siebold, Thomas
Readings on Our town / edited by
Thomas Siebold. Fall.01
Sibley, David
Sibley guide to bird life & behavior /
illustrated by David Allen Sibley;
edited by Chris Elphick, John B.
Dunning, Jr., and David Allen Sibley.
Sibley, David Allen
Shott, James R.
Song of the water boatman : &
other pond poems / written by
Joyce Sidman ; illustrated by Beckie
Prange. Sept.2006
National Audubon Society the
Sibley master guide to birds : field
identification / written and
illustrated by David Allen Sibley.
Sierra, Judy
Antarctic Antics : A Book of Penguin
Poems / Written by Judy Sierra ;
illustrated by Jose Aruego & Ariane
Dewey. Fall.98
Sierra, Judy
Can you guess my name? :
traditional tales around the world /
[selected and retold] by Judy Sierra;
illustrated by Stefano Vitale. Jun.03
Bathsheba. Mar.97
Shott, James R.
Othniel. Nov.95
Shreve, Susan
Goalie / by Susan Shreve. Fall.98
Shuken, Julia
In the house of my pilgrimage.
Sidman, Joyce
Sierra, Judy
Dark emperor & other poems of the
night / written by Joyce Sidman ;
illustrated by Rick Allen. 40634
Counting Crocodiles / by Judy
Sierra; illustrated by Will
Hillenbrand. MarMay.98
Sidman, Joyce
Sierra, Judy
Red sings from treetops : a year in
colors / by Joyce Sidman ;
illustrated by Pamela Zagarenski.
AprJune 2010
Mean Hyena : A Folktale from
Malawi / retold by Judy Sierra;
illustrated by Michael Bryant.
Sidman, Joyce
Sierra, Judy
Wild about books / by Judy Sierra ;
pictures by Marc Brown. June.2005
Siewert, Alison
Drama team handbook / Alison
Siewert and others. Aug.2004
Sill, Cathryn
About Mammals : A Guide for
Children / Cathryn Sill / John Sill.
Silver Chalice
Silver Chalice. Win.00
Signer, Billie Touchstone
Cry of the eagle / by Billie
Touchstone Signer; illustrated by
Bob Bliss. Oct.95
Signer, Billie Touchstone
Rescue on the Rapids and Other
Stories / by Billie Touchstone
Signer. MarMay.98
Signer, Billie Touchstone,
1930\Love, Nan, ill
Marie of Bayou Teche. Sept.96
Silverman, Erica
Prayer evangelism / Ed Silvoso.
When the chickens went on strike :
a Rosh Hashanah tale / by Erica
Silverman ; adapted from a story by
Sholom Aleichem ; illustrations by
Matthew Trueman. Nov.2004
Simmie, Lois
Mister got to go. Sept.96
Simmons, Geoffrey S.
Silverman, Maida
Israel : The Founding of a Modern
Nation / by Maida Silverman ;
illustrated by Susan Avishal. Fall.98
What Darwin didn't know /
Geoffrey Simmons. June.2007
Simon, Frank
Silverman, Robin Landew
Brevig Mission plague / Frank
Simon. June.2005
Bosnian Family / by Robin Landew
Silverman. Jan.98
Simon, Frank
Silverthorne, Judith
gathering storm : a novel / Frank
Simon. Dec.2004
Secret of Sentinel Rock / by Judith
Silverthorne. MarMay.98
Simon, Frank
Veiled threats. Nov.96
Windows on the World : Plays and
Activities Adapted from Folk Tales
from Different Lands / Sylvia
Sikundar / Diane Williams. Sep.97
Silverthorne, Sandy
Siljander, Mark D.
Silvester, Hans Walter
A deadly misunderstanding : a
congressman's quest to bridge the
Muslim-Christian divide / Mark D.
Siljander ; with John David Mann ;
foreword by Ban Ki-moon. Feb /
Apr 2012
Cats / Hans Silvester ; text, Hubert
Comte ; illustrations, Sandra
Lefranðcois. June.2006
About Birds : A Guide for Children /
Cathryn Sill / John Sill. Sep.97
Essential guide to children's books
and their creators. June.2005
Silvoso, Ed
Sikundar, Sylvia
Sill, Cathryn
Silvey, Anita
Who Lives Here?. Jan.97
Siino, Denise Marie
Guerrilla hostage / by Denise Marie
Siino. Spr.01
Children’s Books and Their
Creators. Mar.96
Silver, Maggie
Signer, Billie Touchstone
Shetland summer / by Billie
Touchstone Signer; illustrated by
Bob Bliss. Oct.95
Silvey, Anita
Sandy Silverthorne's surviving
middle school : how to manage the
maze / Sandy Silverthorne. Apr.04
Simon, Frank
Veiled Threats. Jan.97
Simon, Frank
Walls of Terror / by Frank Simon.
Simon, Mary Manz
Silvey, Anita
100 best books for children.
Silvey, Anita
500 great books for teens / Anita
Silvey. Mar.2007
Dónde Está Jesús (Pascua de
Resurrección) / por Mary Manz
Simon. Win.00
Simon, Mary Manz
Front Porch Parenting / Dr. Mary
Manz Simon. Nov.97
Sing and Play Jamboree. Nov.97
Simon, Mary Manz
Hidden treasures : amazing stories
from the Old Testament / by Mary
Manz Simon; illustrated by Jeff
Preston. Spr.01
Sing and Play Jamboree
Hidden treasures : amazing stories
from the Old Testament / by Mary
Manz Simon; illustrated by Jeff
Preston. Spr.01
promise and a rainbow / by Mabel
Elizabeth Singletary. October 2010
Sing and Play Jamboree. Nov.97
Singletary, Mabel Elizabeth
Sing and Play Music Video
Simon, Mary Manz
Singletary, Mabel Elizabeth
Sing and Play Music Video. Nov.97
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Run, Jeremiah run! / Mabel
Elizabeth Singletary. AprJune 2010
Singletary, Mabel Elizabeth
Naftali the storyteller and his horse,
Sus : and other stories. Mar.96
Something to jump about / by
Mabel Elizabeth Singletary. October
Simon, Mary Manz
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
Oh! OH! (Jonás y el Pez) / por Mary
Manz Simon. Win.00
Singletary, Mabel Elizabeth
Stories for children. Nov.95
Something to jump about / by
Mabel Elizabeth Singletary. Oct.
Simon, Seymour
Cats / Seymour Simon. 40513
Singer, Randy
Directed verdict / Randy Singer.
Simon, Seymour
Singer, Randy
Eyes and ears / Seymour Simon.
Irreparable harm / Randy Singer.
Simon, Seymour
Singerman, Barbara J.
Heart : Our Circulation System / by
Seymour Simon. WinSpr.99
Beyond surrender : one family`s
quest to bring light to a dark and
desperate land / Barbara J.
Singerman. Mar.2005
Simon, Seymour
Let's try it out with towers and
bridges / by Seymour Simon and
Nicole Fauteux; illustrated by Doug
Cushman. Aug.03
Sinkler, Adrian
Saudi Arabia / Adrian Sinkler, book
editor. Nov.2004
Sioras, Efstathia
Czech Republic / by Efstathia Sioras.
Sire, James W.
A promise and a rainbow / by
Mabel Elizabeth Singletary. Oct.
Learning to pray through the
Psalms / James W. Sire. Mar.2007
Singletary, Mabel Elizabeth
Coming across Jordan / Mabel
Elizabeth Singletary. AprJune 2010
Sims, Leslie
visitor's guide to ancient Greece /
Leslie Sims ; designed & illustrated
by Ian McNee. Apr.04
Singletary, Mabel Elizabeth
Sing and Play
Singletary, Mabel Elizabeth
Sing and Play. Nov.97
Just jump! / Mabel Elizabeth
Singletary. Oct. 2010
Sing and Play Jamboree
Pakistan / Adrian Sinkler, book
editor. Nov.2004
Singletary, Mabel Elizabeth
Simon, Seymour
Muscles : Our Muscular System / by
Seymour Simon. Fall.00
Sinkler, Adrian
Just jump! / Mabel Elizabeth
Singletary. October 2010
Sirotnak, Tom
Warriors / by Tom Sirotnak and Ken
Walker. MarMay.98
Sis, Peter
small tall tale from the far far north
/ by Peter Sis. Oct.03
Sís, Peter
The wall / Peter Sís. 39912
Sisson, Mary Barr
Gathering Storm, 1787-1829 : From
the Framing of the Constitution to
Walker's Appeal / Mary Barr Sisson.
Sisson, Mary Barr
Gathering Storm, 1787-1829 : From
the Framing of the Constitution to
Walker's Appeal / Mary Barr Sisson.
Sjogren, Bob
Run with the Vision / by Bob
Sjogren, Bill Stearns, and Amy
Stearns. Jan.98
Sjogren, Steve
Changing the world through
kindness / Steve Sjogren. June.2005
Jordan / [written by Patricia
Skinner}. Apr.04
Skinner, Patricia
Jordan / [written by Patricia
Skinner]. Dec.2004
Skead, Robert
Safe at home : a baseball card
mystery / Robert Skead. AprJune
Skead, Robert
Safe at home : a baseball card
mystery / by Robert Skead. Sum.01
Skoglund, Elizabeth
Bright days, dark nights / by
Elizabeth Ruth Skoglund; with
Charles Spurgeon; foreword by Ken
Connolly. Fall.01
Skoglund, Elizabeth R.
Found faithful : the timeless stories
of Charles Spurgeon, Amy
Carmichael, C.S. Lewis, Ruth Bell
Graham, and others who triumphed
over pain / by Elizabeth R.
Skoglund. Nov.2004
Skurzynski, Gloria
This is rocket science : true stories
of the risktaking scientists who
figure out ways to explore beyond
Earth / by Gloria Skurzynski. August
Redemption's song / Teresa D.
Slack. Mar.2007
Slack, Teresa D.
Secret Stars / by Joseph Slate ;
illustrated by Felipe Dávalos. Fall.98
Slate, Joseph
What star is this? / Joseph Slate ;
illustrated by Alison Jay. Dec.2006
Slate, Joseph
Who is coming to our house?.
Slater, Teddy
Walt Disney's Alice in wonderland.
Slattery, Julianna
Finding the hero in your husband /
Julianna Slattery. Win.02
tender reed / Teresa D. Slack.
Slavin, Bill
Slack, Teresa D.
Slavin, Bill
ultimate guide to Darcy Carter / by
Teresa Slack. Mar.2007
Transformed : how everyday things
are made / written by Bill Slavin
with Jim Slavin ; illustrated by Bill
Slavin. Sept.2005
Skinner, Craig
Skinner, Patricia
Slate, Joseph
Slack, Teresa D.
Vietnam : Still Struggling, Still
Spirited / by Olivia Skelton.
C.H. Spurgeon tonight / features Dr.
Craig Skinner. Sept.2006
Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for
Kindergarten. Mar.97
Slack, Teresa D.
Streams of mercy / Teresa D. Slack.
covenant to keep : meditations on
the biblical theme of justice / James
W. Skillen. Feb.03
Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the
100th Day of Kindergarten / by
Joseph Slate ; illustrated by Ashley
Wolff. WinSpr.99
Slate, Joseph
Skelton, Olivia
Skillen, James W.
great big wagon that rang : how the
Liberty Bell was saved / written by
Joseph Slate; illustrated by Craig
Spearing. Apr.04
Slate, Joseph
Skead, Robert
Hitting glory : a baseball bat
adventure / Robert Skead. Win.02
Slate, Joseph
Slangerup, Erik Jon
Dirt boy / by Erik Jon Slangerup;
illustrated by John Manders. Fall.01
Stone Lion / Bill Slavin. Sep.97
Slepian, Jan
Emily Just in Time / by Jan Slepian ;
illustrated by Glo Coalson.
Smallman, Stephen
Spiritual birthline: understanding
how we experience the new birth /
Stephen E. Smallman. Dec.2006
Sloat, Teri
eye of the needle / retold and
illustrated by Teri Sloat. Mar.2005
Smeby, Mark
Plus One : backstage exclusive / by
Mark Smeby. SprSum.02
Sloat, Teri
eye of the needle / retold and
illustrated by Teri Sloat. Dec.2004
Sloat, Teri
Farmer Brown Goes Round and
Round / by Teri Sloat; illustrated by
Nadine Bernard Westcott. Fall.00
Rachael Lampa : backstage
exclusive / by Mark Smeby.
Smeby, Mark
ZOË girl : backstage exclusive / by
Mark Smeby. SprSum.02
Smelt, Roselynn
New Zealand / by Roselynn Smelt.
Slobaugh, James P.
ACT & college preparation course
for the Christian student / James P.
Slobaugh. Feb.2013
Slovakia in Pictures
Aaron's Way: The Journey of a
Strong Willed Child / Kendra Smiley
with Aaron Smiley. Nov.2004
Smith, Abbie
Can you keep your faith in college?
/ Abbie Smith. Dec.2006
Smith, Alexander McCall
Akimbo and the elephants /
Alexander McCall Smith ; illustrated
by LeUyen Pham. Mar.2007
Akimbo and the lions / Alexander
McCall Smith ; illustrated by LeUyen
Pham. Mar.2007
Slyder, Ingrid
Smith, Annette Gail
Fabulous Flying Fandinis. Mar.97
town called Ruby Prairie / Annette
Smith. Dec.2004
Smail, Tom
Windows on the Cross / by Tom
Smail. MarMay.98
Smith, Christopher
Readings on Ethan Frome / edited
by Christopher Smith. Fall.01
Smith, Christopher E.
Courts and trials : a reference
handbook / Christopher E. Smith.
Indian shoes / by Cynthia Leitich
Smith; illustrated by Jim Madsen.
Over Is Not Up! / by Dale Smith;
illustrated by Donna Brooks. Fall.00
Smith, Debra
Smith, Alexander McCall
Slovakia in Pictures. Sep.97
American realism / edited by
Christopher Smith. Fall.01
Smith, Dale
Slovakia in Pictures. Mar.97
Slovakia in Pictures
Stranger online / written by Carol
Smith; created by Terry K. Brown.
Smith, Cynthia Leitich
Smiley, Kendra
Slobaugh, James P.
SAT & college preparation course
for the Christian student : testtaking insights and strategies,
timely tips for thriving
academically, 50+ sample essays
sharpen your skills / James
Slobaugh. Feb.2013
Smith, Carol
Smith, Christopher
Smeby, Mark
Sloat, Teri
Sody Sallyratus / retold and
illustrated by Teri Sloat. Jan.98
small town life / Annette Smith.
Hattie Marshall and the Dangerous
Fire / Debra Smith. Nov.97
Smith, Debra
Hattie Marshall and the Mysterious
Strangers / Debra Smith. Nov.97
Smith, Debra White
Amanda / Debra White Smith.
Smith, Debra White
awakening / by Debra White Smith.
Smith, Annette Gail
Watermelon days and & firefly
nights : heartwarming scenes from
Smith, Debra White
Best Friends / by Debra White
Smith. Win.00
Smith, Debra White
Let's begin again / Debra White
Smith. Dec.2004
Smith, Debra White
More than rubies : becoming a
woman of Godly influence / by
Debra White Smith. Fall.01
Smith, Debra White
Second chances / by Debra White
Smith. Spr.01
Smith, Debra White
shelter in the storm / by Debra
White Smith. Sum.01
Smith, Hope Anita
Keeping the night watch / Hope
Anita Smith ; with illustrations by
E.B. Lewis. 40026
This time around / Debra White
Smith. Nov.2004
Smith, Debra, 1955
Hattie Marshall and the prowling
panther. Nov.95
Smith, Eddie
Strategic prayer : applying the
power of targeted prayer / Eddie
Smith, Michael L. Hennen.
Smith, Laura L.
Skinny : a novel. AprJune 2010
Smith, Hugh Alan
When lightning strikes / Hugh Allen
Smith. Feb.03
Smith, Jacqueline
Facts on File dictionary of earth
science / edited by Jacqueline
Smith. Mar.2007
Smith, Jacqueline
Facts on File dictionary of weather
and climate / edited by Jacqueline
Smith. SprSum.02
Smith, Jacqueline
Smith, Debra White
Skinny : a novel / Laura L. Smith.
AprJune 2010
Facts on File dictionary of weather
and climate / edited by Jacqueline
Smith. Mar.2007
Smith, Maggie, 1965
Counting our way to Maine. Jan.96
Smith, Mark
Pay Attention, Slosh! / by Mark
Smith ; illustrated by Gail Piazza.
Smith, Mark Eddy
Aslan's call : finding our way to
Narnia / Mark Eddy Smith.
Smith, Mark Eddy
Tolkien's ordinary virtues :
exploring the spiritual themes of
The lord of the rings / Mark Eddy
Smith. Apr.03
Smith, James Bryan
Room of marvels / James Bryan
Smith. Mar.2005
Smith, Jane Stuart
Gift of Music : Great Composers
and Their Influence / by Jane Stuart
Smith and Betty Carlson. Jan.98
Smith, Martin L.
Love Set Free : Meditations on the
Passion according to John / by
Martin L. Smith. WinSpr.99
Smith, Martin L.
Season for the Spirit / by Martin L.
Smith. WinSpr.99
Smith, Jane Stuart
Smith, Eunice Geil
Treasure hunt / Eunice Geil Smith.
Smith, Goerky
Danger follows / Goerky Smith.
Smith, Harold B.
Hey Dad! Are We There Yet? : One
Man's Tireless Search for the
Perfect Family Vacation. Jan.97
Great Christian Hymn Writers / by
Jane Stuart Smith and Betty
Carlson. Fall.98
Smith, Martin Lee
Nativities and Passions : Words for
Transformation / by Martin L.
Smith. Fall.00
Smith, Kimberly
Let those who have ears to hear /
Kimberly Smith. Win.02
Smith, Laura L.
Hot : a novel / Laura L. Smith.
Smith, Michael W.
Old enough to know : what
teenagers need to know about life
and relationships / by Michael W.
Smith & Fritz Ridenour. Spr.01
Smith, Michael W.
Smith, Laura L.
Your Place in This World :
Discovering God's Will for the Life
in Front of You / by Michael W.
Smith ; with Mike Nolan. WinSpr.99
Smith, Philip
100 best-loved poems / edited by
Philip Smith. Dec.2004
Smith, Tim
52 family time ideas : draw closer
to your kids as you draw your kids
closer to God / Timothy Smith.
Smith, Tim
Smith, Poppy
Keep growing : turn the ho-hum
into a life-changing spiritual journey
/ Poppy Smith. SprSum.02
Smith, Rob
Hogwarts, Narnia, and Middle-Earth
/ Rob Smith. 39912
danger of raising nice kids :
preparing our children to change
their world / Timothy Smith.
Smith, Tim
McGo an’s call / Rob Smith. 40026
Smith, Roland
Cow and the Christmas surprise /
Todd Aaron Smith. Oct.03
Smith, Todd Aaron
captain's dog. Aug.03
Smith, Roland
Smith, Todd Aaron
Vultures / by Roland Smith ;
photographs by Lynn M. Stolen.
Cow goes for a ride / Todd Aaron
Smith. Feb.03
Ermine's new home / by Stephanie
Smith; illustrated by Robert Hynes.
Smith, Stephanie
Gray wolf pup's adventure / by
Stephanie Smith; illustrated by
Robert Hynes. Feb.03
Smith, Stephanie
Lynx twins grow up / by Stephanie
Smith; illustrated by Robert Hynes.
Smith, Todd Aaron
Cow in the dark / Todd Aaron
Smith. Win.02
Louis Pasteur : Disease Fighter / by
Linda Wasmer Smith. Jan.98
Smith-Baranzini, Marlene
USKids History : the new nation.
Auntee Edna / written by Ethel
Footman Smothers; illustrated by
will Clay. SprSum.02
Smothers, Ethel Footman
hard-times jar / Ethel Footman
Smothers ; pictures by John
Holyfield. Apr.04
Smothers, Ethel Footman
Moriah's pond / written by Ethel
Footman Smothers. Oct.03
Smucker, Barbara
Smith, Todd Aaron
Selina and the Shoo-Fly Pie /
written by Barbara Smucker;
illustrated by Janet Wilson; quilts by
Lucy Anne Holliday. Win.00
Cow in the rain / Todd Aaron Smith.
Smucker, Barbara Claassen
Henry's Red Sea. Nov.95
Smith, Todd Aaron
Cow makes a difference / Todd
Aaron Smith. Win.02
Snavely, Sandy
Smith, Todd Aaron
Called to Rebellion : The Key to
Single-hearted Love for Christ / by
Sandy Snavely. Win.00
Cow under the Big Top / Todd
Aaron Smith. Feb.03
Snedden, Robert
Smith, Stephanie
Snowshoe hare's family / by
Stephanie Smith; illustrated by
Robert Hynes. Feb.03
Smith., Linda Wasmer
Smothers, Ethel Footman
Cow finds a friend / Todd Aaron
Smith. Oct.03
Smith, Stephanie
young warriors : arise, shout,
pursue / by Wesley E. Smith. Spr.01
Letters to Nicole. Mar.97
Smith, Todd Aaron
Smith, Rob
Smith, Wesley E.
What is a reptile?. Nov.95
Smith, Todd Aaron
Riley O'Smiley / written and
illustrated by Todd Aaron Smith.
Snedden, Robert
What is an amphibian?. Nov.95
Sneddon, Pamela Shires
Brothers and Sisters : Born to
Bicker? / by Pamela Shires
Sneddon. WinSpr.99
More than a dream / Lauraine
Snelling. Apr.04
Setting the Pace. Jan.97
Snelling, Lauraine
Snelling, Lauraine
New Day Rising. Mar.97
Sisters of the Confederacy / by
Lauraine Snelling. Sum.01
Snelling, Lauraine
Snelling, Lauraine
No distance too far / Lauraine
Snelling. October 2010
Tender Mercies / by Lauraine
Snelling. Win.00
Snelling, Lauraine
Snelling, Lauraine
No distance too far / Lauraine
Snelling. Oct. 2010
The race. Nov.95
Snelling, Lauraine
Believing the dream / Lauraine
Snelling. Apr.03
Snelling, Lauraine
Blessing in disguise / by Lauraine
Snelling. Spr.01
Snelling, Lauraine
Close Quarters / by Lauraine
Snelling. Fall.98
Snelling, Lauraine
Snelling, Lauraine
Olympic Dreams / by Lauraine
Snelling. Jan.98
Snelling, Lauraine
Daughter of Twin Oaks / by
Lauraine Snelling. Spr.01
Snelling, Lauraine
On hummingbird wings / by
Lauraine Snelling. 40695
Snelling, Lauraine
dream to follow / by Lauraine
Snelling. SprSum.02
Snelling, Lauraine
Hawaiian Sunrise / by Lauraine
Snelling. Win.00
Snelling, Lauraine
Land to Call Home / by Lauraine
Snelling. Jan.98
Snelling, Lauraine
Letting Go / by Lauraine Snelling.
Snelling, Lauraine
long way home / by Lauraine
Snelling. Fall.01
Snelling, Lauraine
measure of mercy / Lauraine
Snelling. 40391
Snelling, Lauraine
Snelling, Lauraine
Untamed Land. Mar.97
Snelling, Lauraine
Valley of dreams / Lauraine
Snelling. Dec.2012
Snelling, Lauraine
way of women : a novel / Lauraine
Snelling. Dec.2004
Out of the Blue. Mar.97
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk
Snelling, Lauraine
promise for Ellie / Lauraine Snelling.
Snelling, Lauraine
Raising the bar / by Lauraine
Snelling. Sum.01
Apaches. Jun.03
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk
Iroquois / by Virginia Driving Hawk
Sneve, illustrated by Ronald Himler.
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk
Snelling, Lauraine
Reaper's Song / by Lauraine
Snelling. WinSpr.99
Snelling, Lauraine
Rebecca's reward / Lauraine
Snelling. 40391
Snelling, Lauraine
Saturday morning / by Lauraine
Snelling. 40513
Snelling, Lauraine
Seminoles. Aug.03
Snoke, David
Biblical case for an old earth / David
Snoke. Dec.2006
Snoke, David
Biblical case for an old earth / David
Snoke. Mar.2007
Snook, Richard
Shaking ground unshakable faith :
stories of God at work in the 2010
Haiti earthquake relief effort /
Richard Snook, Joy Budensiek,
Harold Martin. 40634
Character under attack : & what
you can do about it / by Carl
Sommer. Mar.2005
No Longer a Dilly Dally / by Carl
Sommer; illustrated by Kennon
James. Nov.97
Snow, Alan
Sommer, Carl
Sommer, Carl
How Dogs Really Work!. Jan.97
Great Royal Race / by Carl Sommer;
illustrated by Dick Westbrook.
No One Will Ever Know / by Carl
Sommer; illustrated by Dick
Westbrook. Jan.98
Sommer, Carl
Sommer, Carl
If Only I Were.. / by Carl Sommer;
illustrated by Kennon James.
Noise! Noise! Noise! / Carl Sommer;
illustrated by Kennon James.
Sommer, Carl
Sommer, Carl
It's not fair / by Carl Sommer;
illustrated by Greg Budwine. Aug.03
Proud rooster and little hen / by
Carl Sommer; illustrated by Greg
Budwine. SprSum.02
Snyder, Laurel
Any which wall / Laurel Snyder ;
drawings by LeUyen Pham. OctDec
Sobel, Jane
B is for bulldozer : a construction
ABC / by June Sobel; illustrated by
Melissa Iwai. Jun.03
Sokolow, Reha
Defying the tide : an account of
authentic compassion during the
Holocaust / written by Reha and Al
Sokolow with Debra Galant. Apr.04
Sommer, Carl
King of the pond / by Carl Sommer;
illustrated by Greg Budwine.
Sommer, Carl
Solga, Kim
Sommer, Carl
Sommer, Carl
Make cards!. Mar.96
Light your candle / by Carl Sommer;
illustrated by Kennon James. Jun.03
Time remote / by Carl Sommer ;
illustrated by Greg Budwine. Aug.03
Sommer, Carl
Sommer, Carl
Little Red Train / by Carl Sommer;
illustrated by Kennon James. Apr.03
ugly caterpillar / by Carl Sommer;
illustrated by Greg Budwine.
Tied Up in Knots / by Carl Sommer;
illustrated by Greg Budwine. Nov.97
Solomon, Jerry
Arts, entertainment, and Christian
values : probing the headlines that
impact your family / Jerry Solomon,
general editor. Sum.01
Sommer, Carl
Somerlott, Robert
Lincoln Assassination in American
History / by Robert Somerlott.
Somerville, Louisa
Animals in Art / by Louisa
Somerville. Jan.98
Little Red Train / by Carl Sommer;
illustrated by Kennon James. Jun.03
Sommer, Carl
ugly caterpillar / by Carl Sommer ;
illustrated by Greg Budwine. Aug.03
Sommer, Carl
Mayor for a day / by Carl Sommer;
illustrated by Dick Westbrook.
Sommer, Carl
You move you lose / by Carl
Sommer; illustrated by Kennon
James. Apr.03
Sommer, Carl
Sommer, Carl
Can You Help Me Find My Smile? /
by Carl Sommer; illustrated by Greg
Budwine. Nov.97
Mayor for a day / by Carl Sommer;
illustrated by Dick Westbrook.
Sommer, Carl
You move you lose / by Carl
Sommer; illustrated by Kennon
James. Jun.03
Sommer, Carl
Sommer, Carl
Sommer, Carl
Your job is easy / by Carl Sommer;
illustrated by James Kennon.
Souter, Gillian
Sonbuchner, Gail Murphy
Southern, Randy
Help yourself : how to take
advantage of your learning styles.
Ruled out / by Randy Southern.
Storybook Favorites in Cross-stitch.
Watching Our Feathered Friends /
by Dean T. Spaulding. Jan.98
Speare , Elizabeth George
Sonneborn, Liz
Benedict Arnold : hero and traitor /
Liz Sonneborn. June.2007
Sonneborn, Liz
John Paul Jones : American naval
hero / Liz Sonneborn. June.2007
Sonneborn, Liz
Murder at the 1972 Olympics in
Munich. Apr.04
Bronze Bow / by Elizabeth George
Speare. MarMay.98
Speare, Elizabeth George
Souza, D.M.
Sea Snakes / by D. M. Souza. Fall.98
bronze bow / Elizabeth George
Speare. Sept.2005
Sox, David
Speare, Elizabeth George
John Woolman : quintessential
Quaker, 1720-1772 / by David Sox.
sign of the beaver / by Elizabeth
George Speare. Feb.03
Speare, Elizabeth George
Space and astronomy : an
illustrated guide to science
Space and astronomy : an
illustrated guide to science / the
Diagram Group. Dec.2006
Sonneborn, Liz
Pocahontas : 1595-1617 / by Liz
Sonneborn. Aug.2004
Spain in Pictures
Sonnenberg, Joel
Spain in Pictures
Joel / Joel Sonnenberg ; with Gregg
Lewis. Mar.2005
Spain in Pictures. Sep.97
Sign of the beaver / Elizabeth
George Speare. Apr.04
Speare, Elizabeth George
witch of Blackbird Pond / Elizabeth
George Speare ; [illustrations by
Barry Moser]. Apr.04
Spain in Pictures. Mar.97
Speare, Elizabeth George
Soper, Celia
Cajun Folktales / by Celia Soper;
illustrated by Patrick Soper.
Sorensen, Virginia
Plain Girl / by Virginia Sorensen;
illustrated by Charles Geer.
Spain, Susan Rosson
Deep cut / by Susan Rosson Spain.
Miracles on Maple Hill / Virginia
Sorensen ; illustrated by Beth and
Joe Krush. Aug.2004
Exploring worship. SprSum.02
Before I was a kid. Jan.96
Spears-Stewart, Reta
African-Americans in science, math,
and invention / Ray Spangenburg
and Kit Moser. Feb.03
Toby's big truck adventure. Nov.96
Behind the scenes at the ballet :
rehearsing and performing The
sleeping beaut. Nov.96
Spaulding, Dean T.
Sorge, Bob
Spears-Stewart, Reta
Spangenburg, Ray
Spatt, Leslie E
Sorensen, Virginia (Eggertsen)
witch of Blackbird Pond / Elizabeth
George Speare ; illustrations by
Barry Moser. Oct.03
Feeding Our Feathered Friends / by
Dean T. Spaulding. Jan.98
Spaulding, Dean T.
Speck, Nancy
Cave Hill Treasure and Other Stories
/ by Nancy Speck. WinSpr.99
Spedden, Daisy Corning Stone
Polar the Titanic bear. Jan.96
Speed, Toby
Water Voices / by Toby Speed ;
illustrated by Julie Downing.
Speirs, John
Folklore & fairy tale funnies / edited
by Art Spiegelman & Franðcoise
Mouly. Apr.04
Miss Fox's class earns a field trip /
by Eileen Spinelli ; illustrated by
Anne Kennedy. 40513
Spiegelman, Art
Spinelli, Eileen
After Charlotte's Mom Died. Jan.97
It was a dark and silly night / edited
by Art Spiegelman & Franðcoise
Mouly. Apr.04
Miss Fox's class goes green / Eileen
Spinelli ; illustrated by Anne
Kennedy. OctDec 2009
Spelman, Cornelia Maude
Spiegelman, Art
Spinelli, Eileen
When I feel angry / written by
Cornelia Maude Spelman;
illustrated by Nancy Cote. Sum.01
Strange stories for strange kids /
edited by Art Spiegelman &
Franðcoise Mouly. Apr.04
Nora's ark. Aug.Sept.2013
Spencer, Gregory H.
Spier, Peter
Welkening : a three dimensional
tale / Gregory Spencer. Mar.2005
Noah's ark / illustrated by Peter
Spier. Nov.2004
Spencer, William
Spies, Karen Bornemann
Iran : Land of the Peacock Throne /
William Spencer. Nov.97
John F. Kennedy / by Karen
Bornemann Spies. Win.00
Summerbath winterbath / written
by Eileen Spinelli; illustrated by Elsa
Warnick. SprSum.02
Spencer, William
Spilling, Michael
Spinelli, Eileen
Iraq : old land, new nation in
conflict / by William Spencer.
Cyprus / by Michael Spilling. Win.00
Tea Party Today : Poems to Sip and
Savor / by Eileen Spinelli; illustrated
by Karen Dugan. Win.00
donkey and the golden light :
peace, goodwill, and a new
beginning for all / by John and Gill
Speirs. Mar.2005
Spelman, Cornelia
Spinelli, Eileen
Peace week in Miss Fox's class / by
Eileen Spinelli ; illustrated by Anne
Kennedy. OctDec 2009
Spinelli, Eileen
Sper, Emily
Passover seder : touch, turn, open,
and learn / by Emily Sper. Aug.03
Spilling, Michael
Estonia / by Michael Spilling.
Spinelli, Eileen
Spilling, Michael
Wanda's monster / written by
Eileen Spinelli; illustrated by Nancy
Hayashi. Apr.03
Georgia / Michael Spilling. Nov.97
Sperry, Armstrong
All sail set : a romance of the Flying
Cloud. Mar.96
Spinelli, Eileen
Spilsbury, Richard
earth's resources / Richard and
Louise Spilsbury. Mar.2007
Sperry, Armstrong
Call it courage / Armstrong Sperry ;
illustrations by the author.
Spickard, Paul R.
Global history of Christians / by
Paul R. Spickard and Kevin M. Craff.
Spiegelman, Art
When no one is watching.
Spinelli, Jerry
Spilsbury, Richard
Weather / Richard and Louise
Spilsbury. Mar.2007
Maniac Magee / by Jerry Spinelli.
Splear, Elsie Lee
Spinelli, Eileen
Bath time / written by Eileen
Spinelli; illustrated by Janet
Pedersen. Aug.03
Spinelli, Eileen
Growing seasons / Elsie Lee Splear ;
paintings by Ken Stark. Aug.2004
Spohn, Kate
Dog and Cat Make a Splash / by
Kate Spohn. MarMay.98
Spohn, Kate
Sproul, R. C.
Dog and Cat Shake a Leg. Jan.97
Spraggett, Daphne
Renewing Your Mind : Basic
Christian Beliefs You Need to Know
/ by R. C. Sproul. Rev. ed. of Basic
Training, 1982. WinSpr.99
Window on the world : when we
pray God works / Daphne Spraggett
with Jill Johnstone. SprSum.02
Sproul, R. C. (Robert Charles)
Springer, Nancy
case of the bizarre bouquets : an
Enola Holmes mystery / Nancy
Springer. 40026
Last Days According to Jesus / by R.
C. Sproul. WinSpr.99
Springer, Nancy
case of the missing marquess : an
Enola Holmes mystery / Nancy
Springer. 40026
The character of God : discovering
the God who is. Jan.96
Sproul, R. C., Jr.
Playing God? : Dissecting
Biomedical Ethics and Manipulating
the Body / Edited by R. C. Sproul, Jr.
Springer, Nancy
I Am Mordred : A Tale From
Camelot / by Nancy Springer.
Springer, Nancy
St. Clair, Barry
Parent fuel : for the fire inside our
kids / Barry St. Clair. June.2007
St. George, Judith
So you want to be an explorer? /
Judith St. George ; illustrated by
David Small. Sept.2007
St. George, Judith
So you want to be an inventor? / by
Judith St. George ; illustrated by
David Small. Oct.03
Sproul, R.C.
Invisible Hand / by R. C. Sproul.
Springer, Nancy
case of the peculiar pink fan : an
Enola Holmes mystery / Nancy
Springer. 40026
Stories from where we live : the
great North American prairie /
edited by Sara St. Antoine.
Sproul, R. C. (Robert Charles)
Springer, Nancy
case of the left-handed lady : an
Enola Holmes mystery / Nancy
Springer. 40026
St. Antoine, Sara
Spunky's camping adventure /
circus adventure DVD
Spunky's camping adventure /
circus adventure DVD / Janette
Oke. Dec.2006
Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
Charge It on the Master's Card / by
Charles Haddon Spurgeon ; with a
little help from Randy Petersen.
Somebody / Nancy Springer. 40634
St. George, Judith
To See with the Heart : The Life of
Sitting Bull / by Judith St. George.
St. George, Judith
You're on your way, Teddy
Roosevelt / by Judith St. George ;
illustrated by Matt Faulkner.
St. George, Judith,
The duel : the parallel lives of
Alexander Hamilton & Aaron Burr /
Judith St. George. 40513
Spyri, Johanna
Sprinkle, Patricia
remember box / by Patricia
Sprinkle. Fall.01
Sprinkle, Patricia
When Did We Lose Harriet? / by
Patricia Sprinkle. Fall.98
Sproul, R. C.
King Without a Shadow. Mar.97
Heidi. Mar.97
St. John, Patricia
Srinivasan, Tadhika
Ordinary Woman's Extraordinary
Faith : The Autobiography of
Patricia St. John / Patricia St. John.
India / by Tadhika Srinivasan and
Leslie Jermyn. SprSum.02
St. Antoine, Sara
Stories from where we live : the
Great Lakes / edited by Sara St.
Antoine ; maps by Paul Mirocha ;
illustrations by Trudy Nicholson.
St. John, Patricia
Stories to Share : A Family Treasury
of Faith / by Patricia St. John.
St. John, Patricia Mary
Stories that Jesus told : the parables
retold for children. Jan.96
St. Kilda, Martin
Near the Far Bamboo / Martin, St.
Kilda. Sep.97
Stahl, Hilda
Kayla O'Brian and the Dangerous
Journey / by Hilda Stahl.
Confessions of the Sullivan sisters /
Natalie Standiford. 40634
Stangl, Jean
Science toolbox : making and using
the tools of science. Nov.95
Stahl, Hilda
St. Lawrence, Genevieve
Kayla O'Brian and the Runaway
Orphans / by Hilda Stahl.
Stanleigh, Mark
Iroquois and their history / by
Genevieve St. Lawrence. June.2006
St. Lawrence, Genevieve
Stahl, Hilda
Stanley, Andy
Pueblo and their history / by
Genevieve St. Lawrence. June.2006
Sendi Lee Mason and the Big
Mistake / by Hilda Stahl.
Visioneering / by Andy Stanley.
Stacey, Cherylyn
How Do You Spell Abducted? / by
Cherylyn Stacey. MarMay.98
Stahl, Hilda
Billy Goat Hill : a novel / Mark
Stanleigh Morris. June.2007
Stanley, Charles
The secret tunnel mystery. Jan.96
Seeking his face : a daily devotional
/ Charles Stanley. Jun.03
Stacy, R. Wayne
Stahl, Hilda
Stanley, Charles F.
Where Jesus walked / R. Wayne
Stacy. Win.02
Undercover / Hilda Stahl. Nov.97
Pathways to His presence : a daily
devotional / Charles F. Stanley.
Stalcup, Brenda
Stadler, Alexander
Beverly Billingsly borrows a book /
by Alexander Stadler. SprSum.02
Crusades / edited by Brenda
Stalcup. Win.02
Stalcup, Brenda
Stafford, Tim
Never mind the Joneses : building
core Christian values in a way that
fits your family / Tim Stafford.
Ethics / edited by Brenda Stalcup.
Stahl, Hilda
Women's suffrage / edited by
Brenda Stalcup. Win.02
Bard of Avon : The Story of William
Shakespeare / by Diane Stanley and
Peter Vennema ; illustrated by
Diane Stanley. Fall.98
Stallsmith, Audrey
Stanley, Diane
Marigolds for Mourning / by
Audrey Stallsmith. Win.00
Charles Dickens : The Man Who
Had Great Expectations / by Diane
Stanley and Peter Vennema ;
illustrated by Diane Stanley.
Stalcup, Brenda
Deadline / Hilda Stahl. Nov.97
Stam, Dagmar
Stahl, Hilda
Gently Touch Sheela Jenkins / Hilda
Stahl. Nov.97
Cooking with Sara and Tommy.
Stanley, Diane
Stam, Dagmar
Stahl, Hilda
Kayla O'Brian : Trouble at Bitter
Creek Ranch / by Hilda Stahl.
Walking wisely : real guidance for
life's journey / Charles F. Stanley.
Stanley, Diane
Stahl, Hilda
Blackmail / Hilda Stahl. Nov.97
Stanley, Charles F.
Gardening with Sara and Tommy.
Leonardo Da Vinci / by Diane
Stanley. Fall.98
Stanley, Diane
Standiford, Natalie
true adventure of Daniel Hall.
Stark, David
Christ-based leadership : applying
the Bible and today's best
leadership models to become an
effective leader / David Stark.
Staver, Mathew D.
Steer, Roger
Same-sex marriage : putting every
household at risk / Mathew D.
Staver. June.2005
J. Hudson Taylor : A Man in Christ /
Roger Steer; foreword by Billy
Graham. Nov.97
Stead, Philip Christian
Stefoff, Rebecca
A sick day for Amos McGee /
written by Philip C. Stead ;
illustrated by Erin E. Stead. 40695
Alaska / by Rebecca Stefoff. Fall.98
Stark, Jackina
Tender grace / Jackina Stark. 40026
Stark, Jackina
Things worth remembering /
Jackina Stark. AprJune 2010
Stark, Ken
Oh, brother! / written and
illustrated by Ken Stark. Aug.2004
Stark, Ulf
Can You Whistle, Johanna? : A Boy's
Search for a Grandfather / by Ulf
Stark; illustrated by Anna Höglund;
translated by Ebba Segerberg.
Staub, Dick
Christian wisdom of the Jedi
masters / Dick Staub. June.2006
Stead, Rebecca
Liar & spy / Stead, Rebecca.
Stefoff, Rebecca
Beetle / Rebecca Stefoff. Sep.97
Stefoff, Rebecca
Butterfly / Rebecca Stefoff. Sep.97
Stead, Rebecca
When you reach me / Rebecca
Stead. October 2010
Stefoff, Rebecca
Colonial life / Rebecca Stefoff.
Stead, Rebecca
When you reach me / Rebecca
Stead. Oct. 2010
Stefoff, Rebecca
colonies / by Rebecca Stefoff.
Steed, Ben
God's outlaw : the story of William
Tyndale / written by Ben Steed ;
directed by Tony Tew. Sept.2005
Stefoff, Rebecca
Steele, Philip
Stefoff, Rebecca
Grasslands / by Philip Steele. Fall.98
First frontier / by Rebecca Stefoff.
Staub, Frank
Steele, Philip
Herons / Frank Staub. Sep.97
Tundra / by Philip Steele. Fall.98
Staub, Frank J.
Steele, William O.
Children of the Tlingit / written and
photographed by Frank Staub.
perilous road / William O. Steele ;
with an introduction by Jean Fritz.
Stauffacher, Sue
Steelsmith, Shari
S'Gana the Black Whale / by Sue
Stauffacher. Jan.98
How to open and operate a homebased day-care business : an
unabridged guide. Mar.96
Exploring the New World / by
Rebecca Stefoff. Fall.01
Stefoff, Rebecca
Frog / Rebecca Stefoff. Sep.97
Stefoff, Rebecca
Horses / Rebecca Stefoff. Win.02
Stefoff, Rebecca
Staver, Mathew D.
Faith and freedom : a complete
handbook for defending your
religious rights. Jan.96
Steer, Roger
George Müller : Delighted in God! /
by Roger Steer. Fall.98
Hummingbird / Rebecca Stefoff.
Stefoff, Rebecca
Idaho / by Rebecca Stefoff. Win.00
Stefoff, Rebecca
Jellyfish / Rebecca Stefoff. Sep.97
Interrupting chicken / David Ezra
Stein. 40695
Stefoff, Rebecca
Nevada / Rebecca Stefoff. Win.02
Stefoff, Rebecca
Stein, David Ezra
Leaves / David Ezra Stein. AprJune
Steiner, Joan
Look-alikes / by Joan Steiner;
photography by Thomas Lindley.
Steiner, Joan
opening of the West / Rebecca
Stefoff. Jun.03
Stein, Leo
Stefoff, Rebecca
Oregon / by Rebecca Stefoff. Fall.98
Hitler came for Niemoeller : the
Nazi war against religion / by Leo
Stein; foreword by Norman Vincent
Peale. Jun.03
Stefoff, Rebecca
Stein, R. Conrad
Oregon Trail in American History /
by Rebecca Stefoff. WinSpr.99
Arlington National Cemetery / by R.
Conrad Stein. Jan.98
Stefoff, Rebecca
Stein, R. Conrad
Revolutionary War / by Rebecca
Stefoff. Fall.01
In the Spanish West / by R. Conrad
Stein. Fall.01
Honor thy father and thy mother:
understanding the spiritual needs
of abuse victims / Diane Stelling.
Stefoff, Rebecca
Stein, R. Conrad
Stempel, Guide Hermann
Snake / Rebecca Stefoff. Sep.97
On the old western frontier / by R.
Conrad Stein. Fall.01
Media and politics in America : a
reference handbook / Guide H.
Stempel, III. Jun.03
Look-alikes, jr. / by Joan Steiner;
photography by Thomas Lindley.
Steins, Richard
Hungary : Crossroads of Europe / by
Richard Steins. MarMay.98
Stelling, Diane
Stefoff, Rebecca
Utah / Rebecca Stefoff. Win.02
Stein, R. Conrad
Stefoff, Rebecca
Transcontinental Railroad in
American History / by R. Conrad
Stein. MarMay.98
War of 1812 / by Rebecca Stefoff.
Stefoff, Rebecca
Washington / by Rebecca Stefoff.
Steger, Will
Over the Top of the World :
Explorer Will Steger's Trek Across
the Arctic / by Will Steger and Jon
Bowermaster; sidebars by Barbara
Horlbeck. Fall.98
Steig, William
Stengl, Anne Elisabeth
Dragonwitch. Aug.Sept.2013
Stengl, Anne Elisabeth
Stein, Robert H.
Jesus the Messiah : A Survey of the
Life of Christ. Mar.97
Heartless / Anne Elisabeth Stengl.
Stengl, Anne Elisabeth
Steinbeck, John
Cannery Row / John Steinbeck ;
with an introduction by Susan
shilling law. Apr.04
Steinbeck, John
Of mice and men / John Steinbeck ;
with an introduction by Susan
Shillinglaw. Dec.2004
Sylvester and the magic pebble /
William Steig. Nov.2004
Steiner, Connie Colker
Stein, David Ezra
Shoes for Amélie / written by
Connie Colker Steiner ; illustrated
by Denis Rodier. Apr.04
Moonblood / Anne Elisabeth Stengl.
Stengl, Anne Elisabeth
Starflower / Anne Elisabeth Stengl.
Stengl, Anne Elisabeth
Veiled Rose / Anne Elisabeth Stengl.
Feb / Apr 2012
Stenhouse, Ted
Across the Steel River / by Ted
Stenhouse. SprSum.02
Stephen R. Lilley
Conquest of Mexico / by Stephen R.
Lilley. MarMay.98
Stephens, Andrea
Stuff a girl's gotta know : little hints
for big things in a girl's life / Andrea
Stephens. Dec.2004
Stephens, Andrea
True beauty : the inside story / by
Andrea Stephens. Sum.01
Stephens, Claire Gatrell
Picture this! : using picture books
for character education in the
classroom / Claire Gatrell Stephens.
Stevens, Carla
Who's knocking at the door? / by
Carla Stevens ; illustrated by Lee
Chapman. Mar.2005
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stevens, Jan Romero
Carlos and the Skunk / story by Jan
Romero Stevens; illustrated by
Jeanne Arnold. MarMay.98
Stevens, Janet
Tops & bottoms / adapted and
illustrated by Janet Stevens. Oct.03
Rabbit ears / Amber Stewart ;
illustrated by Laura Rankin.
Stevens, Suzanne H.
Stewart, Ann Marie
Classroom Success for the LD and
ADHD Child / by Suzanne H.
Stevens. MarMay.98
Preparing my heart for motherhood
/ Ann Marie, Stewart. June 2009
Stewart, Dorothy
Stevenson, James
Christmas at Mud Flat / James
Stevenson. Dec.2004
Stevenson, John
history of Europe : from ancient
civilizations to the dawn of the third
millennium / [John Stevenson].
Stephens, Steve
20 surprisingly simple rules and
tools for a great marriage / Steve
Stephens. Jun.03
Sterman, Betsy
Saratoga Secret / by Betsy Sterman.
Sterngass, Jon
Filipino Americans / Jon Sterngass.
Stevenson, Robert Louis
child's garden of verses / with the
artwork of Thomas Kinkade; a
collection of scriptures, prayers, &
poems, featuring the work of
Robert Louis Stevenson; compiled
by June Ford. Sum.01
Women of prayer : an anthology of
everyday prayers from women
around the world / compiled by
Dorothy Stewart. Spr.01
Stewart, Ed
Doomsday flight. Nov.96
Stewart, Elisabeth Jane
On the long trail home / by
Elisabeth Jane Stewart. Nov.2004
Stewart, Gail
American Revolution / by Gail B.
Stewart. Nov.2004
Stewart, Gail
Stevenson, Robert Louis
child's garden of verses / by Robert
Louis Stevenson; illustrated by
Diane Goode; afterword by Peter
Glassman. Win.00
Stetson, Emily
Kids' easy-to-create wildlife
habitats : for small spaces in the
city, suburbs & countryside / Emily
Stetson ; illustrations by J. Susan
Cole Stone. 39912
Treasure island / Robert Louis
Stevenson ; illustrated by N.C.
Wyeth. Aug.03
Stewart, Amber
Stephens, Don
Ships of mercy : the remarkable
fleet bringing hope to the world's
forgotten poor / Don Stephens with
Lynda R. Stephenson. Sept.2006
moon / Robert Louis Stevenson ;
pictures by Tracey Campbell
Pearson. June.2007
Stevenson, Robert Louis
little land / Robert Louis Stevenson;
illustrated by Kim Fernandes.
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Defending the borders : the role of
border and immigration control /
Gail B. Stewart. Nov.2004
Stewart, Gail
World War I / by Gail B. Stewart.
Stewart, Gail B.
Cowboys in the Old West. Nov.96
Stewart, Gail B.
Life during the French Revolution.
written by Trenton Lee Stewart ;
illustrated by Diana Sudyka. Oct.
Stewart, Gail B.
Stewart, Whitney
Life in an Eskimo village. Nov.96
Aung San Suu Kyi : Fearless Voice of
Burma / Whitney Stewart. Nov.97
Under the baobab tree / by Julie
Stiegemeyer ; illustrated by E. B.
Lewis. 41061
Stewig, John W.
Stienecker, David L.
Countries / by David L. Stienecker ;
art by Richard Maccabe. WinSpr.99
Life in the Warsaw ghetto. Nov.96
Mother Holly : a retelling from the
Brothers Grimm / by John Warren
Stewig; with illustrations by
Johanna Westerman. Feb.03
Stewart, Gail B.
Stickney, Anne Elizabeth
Life in the war-torn Bosnia. Nov.96
Loving arms of God / written by
Anne Elizabeth Stickney; illustrated
by Helen Cann. Win.02
Stewart, Gail B.
Life in Ancient Greece. Nov.96
Stewart, Gail B.
Stewart, Trenton Lee
mysterious Benedict Society and
the perilous journey / by Trenton
Lee Stewart ; illustrations by Diana
Sudyka. October 2010
Things I see in church. SprSum.02
Stiegemeyer, Julie
Stienecker, David L.
Stewart, Trenton Lee
mysterious Benedict Society /
written by Trent Lee Stewart ;
illustrated by Carson Ellis. October
Stiegemeyer, Julie
Stiegemeyer, Julie
Bethlehem night / written by Julie
Stiegemeyer ; illustrated by Gina
Capaldi. Dec.2005
Maps / by David L. Stienecker ; art
by Richard Maccabe. WinSpr.99
Stienecker, David L.
States / by David L. Stienecker ; art
by Richard Maccabe. WinSpr.99
Stienecker, David L.
World / by David L. Stienecker ; art
by Richard Maccabe. WinSpr.99
Stiegemeyer, Julie
Bright Easter day / written by Julie
Stiegemeyer ; illustrated by Susan
Spellman. Sept.2005
Stewart, Trenton Lee
Stiegemeyer, Julie
mysterious Benedict Society and
the prisoner’s dilemma / written by
Trenton Lee Stewart ; illustrated by
Diana Sudyka. October 2010
Christmas night, fair and bright / by
Julie Stiegemeyer ; illustrated by
Melissa Iwai. Sept.2007
Stier, Catherine
If I Were President / written by
Catherine Stier; illustrated by
DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan. Fall.00
Stihler, Cherie B.
giant cabbage : an Alaskan folktale /
by Cherie B. Stihler; illustrated by
Jeremiah Trammell. Aug.03
Stiegemeyer, Julie
The mysterious Benedict Society /
written by Trent Lee Stewart ;
illustrated by Carson Ellis. Oct. 2010
Fear not, Joseph : a story of
Christmas / by Julie Stiegemeyer ;
illustrated by Cheri Bladholm.
OctDec 2009
Stewart, Trenton Lee
Stiegemeyer, Julie
The mysterious Benedict Society
and the perilous journey / by
Trenton Lee Stewart ; illustrations
by Diana Sudyka. Oct. 2010
Saint Nicholas / Julie Stiegemeyer ;
illustrated by Chris Ellison. Apr.04
Stewart, Trenton Lee
Stewart, Trenton Lee
The mysterious Benedict Society
and the prisoner’s dilemma /
Stiller, Brian
When life hurts : a three-fold path
to healing / Brian C. Stiller. Fall.01
Stirling, Ian Lang, Aubrey
Bears. Nov.95
Stith, Marjorie M.
Stiegemeyer, Julie
Snowy days and sunny days. Mar.96
Thanksgiving : a harvest celebration
/ Julie Stiegemeyer ; illustrated by
Renne Benoit. Oct.03
Stoehr, James D.
neurobiology of addiction / James
D. Stoehr. Sept.2006
Stohs, Anita Reith\Radtke, Becky;
Christian crafts from tissue paper.
Stokes, Penelope J.
Amethyst Heart / by Penelope J.
Stokes. Fall.00
Stokes, Penelope J.
Circle of grace / Penelope J. Stokes.
Sandhill Cranes / written and
photographed by Lynn M. Stone.
Jesus loves you : a read-thepictures book / written by Diane
Stortz ; illustrated by Len Ebert.
Stonehouse, Catherine
Joining Children on the Spiritual
Journey : Nurturing a Live of Faith /
by Catherine Stonehouse. Win.00
Stott, Dorothy
Stoop, Jan
Stott, John
When couples pray together / by
Jan Stoop. Spr.01
Evangelical Truth : A Personal Plea
for Unity, Integrity and Faithfulness
/ by John R. W. Stott. Fall.00
Big Book of Games / by Dorothy
Stott. Fall.00
Storad, Conrad J.
Stokes, Penelope J.
Complete Guide to Writing and
Selling the Christian Novel / by
Penelope J. Stokes. WinSpr.99
Stokes, Penelope J.
Home Fires Burning / Penelope J.
Stokes. Sep.97
Tarantulas / by Conrad J. Storad ;
photographs by Paula Jansen.
Stott, John
Why I am a Christian / John Stott.
Stories from the New Testament :
With Masterwork Paintings Inspired
by the Stories. MarMay.98
Stott, John R. W.
Stolz, Joelle
shadows of Ghadames / by Joelle
Stolz. Mar.2005
Stone, Lynn M
Cougars / Lynn M. Stone. Sep.97
Stone, Lynn M
Birds Our Teachers : Essays in Ornitheology / by John R. Stott. Fall.00
Stork, Francisco X.
Marcelo in the real world /
Francisco X. Stork. 40513
Stoks, Peggy
Elena's song / Peggy Stoks. Apr.03
Message of Acts. Mar.97
Stories from the New Testament :
With Masterwork Paintings
Inspired by the Stories
Stokes, Penelope J.
wishing jar : a novel / Penelope J.
Stokes. Aug.03
Stott, John
Stormer, John A.
Stott, John R. W.
Human Rights and Wrongs : Major
Issues for a New Century / by John
R. W. Stott. Fall.00
None Dare Call It Education / by
John A. Stormer. Win.00
Stott, John R.W.
Storms, Biz
story of the New Testament : men
with a message / by John Stott;
revised by Stephen Motyer. Feb.03
All American Quilts / written by Biz
Storms ; illustrated by June
Bradford. Dec.2004
Stott, John R.W.
Storms, Biz
Understanding the Bible / John
Stott. Apr.03
Quilting / written by Biz Storms;
illustrated by June Bradford. Win.02
Stott, Jon
Stone, Lynn M.
Storring, Rod
Brown Bears / written and
photographed by Lynn M. Stone.
Harbrace Anthology of Literature /
edited by Jon Stott, Raymond
Jones, and Rick Bowers. MarMay.98
Doctor's Life : Visual History of
Doctors and Nurses Through the
Ages / by Rod Storring. Win.00
Stover, Jo Ann
Swans / Lynn M. Stone. Sep.97
If everybody did. Mar.96
Stone, Lynn M.
Stortz, Diane M.
Stover, Jo Ann
They didn't use their heads. Nov.96
Strasser, Todd
Close call / by Todd Strasser. Spr.01
Stow, Jenny
Following the Sun / by Jenny Stow.
Stowe, Robert E.
Breathing new life into Lent : a
collection of creative worship
resources / Robert E. Sto e … [et
al.]. Spr.01
Stratton, Allan
Nuclear weapons : more weapons,
more threats / by Tom Streissguth.
Streissguth, Tom
Chanda's wars / Allan Stratton ;
with an afterword by Romeo
Dallaire. 40026
Writer of the Plains : A Story about
Willa Cather / by Tom Streissguth;
illustrations by Karen Ritz.
Straus, Celia
Stretton, Hesba
Prayers on My Pillow : Inspiration
for Girls on the Threshold of
Change. Fall.00
Jessica's first prayer : & Jessica's
mother / by Hesba Stretton.
Strauss, Linda Leopold
Stretton, Hesba
Really, truly, everything's fine /
Linda Leopold Strauss. Mar.2005
Little Meg's children / by Hesba
Stretton. June.2005
Strauss, Susan
Stretton, Hesba
Coyote stories for children : tales
from Native America / adapted by
Susan Strauss ; illustrations by Gary
Lund. June.2005
Lost Gip / by Hesba Stretton ;
[illustrations, Bertha Newcombe
and H.J.A. Miles]. June.2005
Stowell, Joseph M.
Far From Home : The Soul's Search
for Intimacy with God / by Joseph
M. Stowell. Win.00
Strahinich, Helen
Holocaust : Understanding and
Remembering / Helen Strahinich.
Stranger at Home : A Childhood
Stranger at Home : A Childhood
Account. Sum.01
Strannigan, Shawn Alyne
Strauss, Susan
Wolf stories : myths and true-life
tales from around the world /
Susan Strauss, storyteller ; Gary
Lund, illustrator. Dec.2005
Daddy's Old Robe. Mar.96
Streissguth, Thomas
Strannigan, Shawn Alyne
One thing never changes. Mar.96
Strannigan, Shawn Alyne
Someday we'll play in heaven : a
story about grieving. Mar.96
Strannigan, Shawn Alyne
Sweater for Candyce. Mar.96
Raoul Wallenberg : Swedish
diplomat and humanitarian / Tom
Streissguth. Apr.04
Streissguth, Tom
Hate crimes / Tom Streissguth.
Streissguth, Tom
Jesse Owens / by Tom Streissguth.
Strasser, Myrna
Silent night, holy night : the story
behind our favorite Christmas carol
/ written by Myrna Strasser ;
illustrated by Guy Porfirio.
Streissguth, Tom
John Glenn / by Tom Streissguth.
Streissguth, Tom
Strickler, James E.
Russia of the Tsars / by James E.
Strickler. WinSpr.99
Stringer, Doug
Somebody cares : a guide to living
out your faith / Doug Stringer.
Strobel, Lee
case for a creator : a journalist
investigates scientific evidence that
points toward God / Lee Strobel
with Jane Vogel. Dec.2005
Strobel, Lee
case for a Creator for kids / by Lee
Strobel with Rob Suggs. Sept.2006
Strobel, Lee
Case for Christ : A Journalist's
Personal Investigation of the
Evidence for Jesus / by Lee Strobel.
Strobel, Lee
case for Christ for kids / Lee Strobel
with Rob Suggs. Dec.2006
Strudwick, Leslie
Laura Ingalls Wilder / Leslie
Strudwick. Nov.2004
Strobel, Lee
case for faith : a journalist
investigates the toughest
objections to Christianity / Lee
Strobel. Jun.03
Strobel, Lee
case for faith for kids / Lee Strobel
with Rob Suggs. Dec.2006
Strobel, Lee
Off my case for kids : 12 stories to
help you defend your faith / Lee
Strobel and Robert Elmer.
Strom, Kay Marshall
Daughters of hope : stories of
witness & courage in the face of
persecution / Kay Marshall Strom
and Michele Rickett. Aug.2004
Strong, James
strongest Strong's exhaustive
concordance of the Bible / James
Strong; fully revised and corrected
by John R. Kohlenberger III and
James A. Swanson. SprSum.02
Strong, Joyce
Of dreams and kings and mystical
things : a novel of the life of King
David / Joyce Strong. Nov.2004
Struecker, Jeff
Blaze of glory / Jeff Struecker and
Alton Gansky. 40391
Stuart, Jesse
Struecker, Jeff
Stuart, Jesse
Certain jeopardy / Jeff Struecker
with Alton Gansky. OctDec 2009
To Teach, To Love. Win.00
Struecker, Jeff
Fallen angel / Jeff Struecker and
Alton Gansky. 40848
Strum, Richard M.
Causes of the American Revolution
/ Richard M. Strum. June.2006
Stuart, Jesse
Stretch marks / Kimberly Stuart.
AprJune 2010
Stuart, Sally E.
Christian writers' market guide /
Sally Stuart. Mar.2005
Stuart, Sally E.
Stuart, Jesse
Stuart, Sally E.
Beatinest Boy. Win.00
Christian Writers' Market Guide
2000 / by Sally E. Stuart. Fall.00
Stuart, Jesse
Come to My Tomorrowland. Win.00
Stuart, Jesse
Man with a Bull-Tongue Plow.
Stuart, Sally E.
Sally Stuart's Guide to Getting
Published / by Sally E. Stuart.
Stuckey, Ken
adventurous book of outdoor
games / Scott Strother. OctDec
Stuart, Jesse
Eliza's carousel lion. Nov.95
Stuart, Kimberley
Christian writers' market guide :
2002 / Sally E. Stuart. SprSum.02
Old Ben. Win.00
Strough, Lynn A.
Thread That Runs So True. Win.00
Andy Finds a Way. Win.00
Strother, Scott
Heroes of the valley / Jonathan
Stroud. AprJune 2010
Stuart, Jesse
Rightful Owner. Win.00
Stuart, Jesse
Stroud, Jonathan
Ride with Huey the Engineer.
Penny's Worth of Character. Win.00
Stuart, Jesse
Conflict in California / Ken Stuckey.
Student almanac of Native
American history
Student almanac of Native
American history / Media Projects,
Inc. Aug.03
Red Mule. Win.00
Student atlas
Stuart, Jesse
Student atlas. June.2007
Sturkie, Joan
The peer helper's pocketbook.
Stutson, Caroline
Prairie Primer, A to Z / Caroline
Stutson / Susan Condie Lamb.
Stutzman, Ervin R.
Tobias of the Amish / Ervin R.
Stutzman; foreword by Katie Funk
Wiebe. Win.02
Suen, Anastasia
Man on the Moon / by Anastasia
Suen; illustrated by Benrei Huang.
Sullivan, George
All about hockey / by George
Sullivan; illustrated with
photographs and diagrams. Sum.01
Share Their Trials, Triumphs &
Hard-won Wisdom. Mar.97
Women of the frontier / Charles W.
Sundling. Nov.2004
Sullivant, Michael
Supraner, Robyn
Your kingdom come / Michael
Sullivant. Win.02
Sam Sunday and the Mystery at the
Ocean Beach Hotel / Robyn
Supraner / Will Hillenbrand. Sep.97
Summers, Kate
Milly and Tilly : The Story of a Town
Mouse and a Country Mouse / by
Kate Summers; illustrated by
Maggie Kneen. MarMay.98
Survey of recommended reading
Sumners, Carolyn
Sutcliffe, Jane
Toys in space : exploring science
with the astronauts. Nov.95
Babe Didrikson Zaharias : AllAround Athlete / by Jane Sutcliffe;
illustrations by Jeni Reeves. Fall.00
Sumpolec, Sarah Anne
Alliance / Sarah Anne Sumpolec.
Sumpolec, Sarah Anne
masquerade / Sarah Anne
Sumpolec. Oct.03
Sullivan, George
Built to last : building America's
amazing bridges, dams, tunnels,
and skyscrapers / George Sullivan.
Survey of recommended reading
lists. SprSum.02
Sumpolec, Sarah Anne
passage / Sarah Sumpolec.
Sullivan, George
Sumpolec, Sarah Anne
Helen Keller / George Sullivan.
reveal / Sarah Anne Sumpolec.
Sullivan, George
Sumrall, Lester
Wright Brothers. Aug.03
Life Story of Lester Sumrall / by
Lester Sumrall; as told to Tim
Dudley. Jan.98
Sutton, Joe P.
Strategies for Struggling Learners :
A Guide for the Teaching Parent /
by Joe P. and Connie J. Sutton.
Sutton, Susan
Sun song / Susan Scott Sutton;
illustrated by Sally Randall. Feb.03
Sutton, Susan Scott
Quiet Center : Woman's Guide to
Resting in God's Presence / by
Susan Scott Sutton. Fall.00
Suzuki, Márcia
Sullivan, Michael J
Sports great Barry Bonds. Sept.96
Sullivan, Nancy Jo
Did you get what you prayed for? /
Nancy Jo Sullivan and Jane A. G.
Kise. Aug.03
Sundberg, Lawrence
Dinetah : an early history of the
Navajo people. Jun.03
Sundin, Sarah
A distant melody : a novel / Sarah
Sundin. August 2011
Sullivan, Tom
Special Parent, Special Child :
Parents of Children with Disabilities
A way beyond death : a Brazilian
couple's fight against fear,
suffering, and infanticide / by
Márcia Suzuki as told to Jemimah
Wright. Aug / Oct 2012
Suzuki, Márcia
A way beyond death : a Brazilian
couple's fight against fear,
suffering, and infanticide / by
Márcia Suzuki as told to Jemimah
Wright. Dec.2012
Swain, Gwenyth
Sundling, Charles W.
Hope and tears : Ellis Island voices /
Gwenyth Swain. 41061
Safari beneath the sea : the wonder
world of the North Pacific Coast.
Ocean soup : tide-pool poems /
Stephen R. Swinburne ; illustrated
by Mary Peterson. 40391
I wonder as I wander / written by
Gwenyth Swain ; illustrated by Ron
Himler. Dec.2004
Swanson, Diane
Swindoll, Charles
Welcome to the World of Whales /
Diane Swanson. Sep.97
Embraced by the Spirit : the untold
blessings of intimacy with God /
Charles R. Swindoll. 40848
Swain, Gwenyth
Swanson, Diane
Road to Seneca Falls : A Story About
Elizabeth Cady Stanton / by
Gwenyth Swain; illustrations by
Mary O'Keefe Young. Nov.97
Welcome to the World of Wolves /
Diane Swanson. Sep.97
Swain, Gwenyth
Swain, Gwenyth\Minnesota Center
for Book Arts
Bookworks : making books by hand.
Swanson, Susan Marie
Exodus : Moses' Story from the
Bible / notes by Charles Swindoll;
compiled by Bruce Bickel and Stan
Jantz. Fall.00
first thing my mama told me /
Susan Marie Swanson; illustrated
by Christine Davenier. Feb.03
Swindoll, Charles
Glory of Christmas. Win.00
Swarthout, Glendon
Swain, Sharon
Whichaway / by Glendon & Kathryn
Swarthout. Fall.98
Christian Assemblies for Primary
Schools : Linking Worship to
National Curriculum. Jan.97
Sweeney, Jacqueline
Swamp, Jake
Giving thanks : a native American
good morning message / by Chief
Jake Swamp, illustrated by Erwin
Printup. Feb.03
Swindoll, Charles
Swindoll, Charles R.
So, you want to be like Christ? :
eight essentials to get you there /
Charles R. Swindoll. Dec.2005
Teaching poetry : yes you can!.
Swindoll, Charles R.
Sweetland, Nancy
Suddenly one morning : the
shopkeeper's story / Charles R.
Swindoll. Spr.01
God's quiet things. Jan.96
Swinnea, Stephanie Lavenia
Swentzell, Porter
Swann, Brian
story of Rosie's rat. Jun.03
I, Patrick, a Sinner.. : A Tale Worth
Telling. Fall.00
Touching the distance : Native
American riddle-poems / Brian
Swann ; illustrated by Maria
Rendon. Dec.2005
Swentzell, Rina
Swisher, Clarice
Children of clay : a family of Pueblo
potters. Jun.03
Genetic Engineering. Mar.97
Swanson, Diane
Buffalo Sunrise : The Story of a
North American Giant / Diane
Swanson. Sep.97
Swanson, Diane
Nibbling on Einstein's brain : the
good, the bad, & the bogus in
science / by Diane Swanson ;
illustrated by Warren Clark. June
Swisher, Clarice
Swerling, Lisa
How nearly everything was
invented / illustrated by Lisa
Swerling and Ralph Lazar ; written
by Jilly MacLeod. June.2007
Swinburne, Stephen R.
Go, go, go! : kids on the move /
Stephen R. Swinburne. Apr.04
Swinburne, Stephen R.
Swanson, Diane
Readings on A portrait of the artist
as a young man / edited by Clarice
Swisher. Fall.01
Swisher, Clarice
Readings on John Steinbeck /
Edited by Clarice Swisher. Sep.97
Swisher, Clarice
Readings on John Steinbeck /
Edited by Clarice Swisher. Sep.97
Swisher, Clarice
Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne /
Edited by Clarice Swisher. Sep.97
Swisher, Clarice
Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne /
Edited by Clarice Swisher. Sep.97
Swisher, Clarice
Readings on The merchant of
Venice / edited by Clarice Swisher.
Swisher, Clarice
Readings on the Tragedies of
William Shakespeare / Edited by
Clarice Swisher. Sep.97
Swisher, Clarice
Readings on the Tragedies of
William Shakespeare / Edited by
Clarice Swisher. Sep.97
Swisher, Clarice
The importance of Pablo Picasso.
Swisher, Clarice
Victorian England / edited by
Clarice Swisher. Win.02
Swisher, Clarice
Victorian literature / edited by
Clarice Swisher. Fall.01
Switzerland in Pictures. Sep.97
Tada, Joni Eareckson
Sykes, Judith A.
Brain friendly school libraries /
Judith Anne Sykes. Mar.2007
Szablya, Helen M.
Fall of the Red Star / Helen M.
Szablya and Peggy King Anderson.
Heaven : Your Real Home / by Joni
Eareckson Tada. MarMay.98
Tada, Joni Eareckson
Readings on Tess of the
Durbervilles / edited by Bonnie
Szumski. Fall.01
incredible discovery of Lindsey
Renee / Joni Eareckson Tada;
illustrated by Irena Roman.
Taback, Simms.
Joseph had a little overcoat / by
Simms Taback. Apr.04
Taback, Simms.
There Was an Old Lady Who
Swallowed a Fly / by Simms Taback.
Tada, Joni Eareckson
Life in the balance / Joni Eareckson
Tada & friends. August 2011
Tada, Joni Eareckson
meanest teacher / Joni Eareckson
Tada, Steve Jensen. Fall.01
Tabb, Mark
Tada, Joni Eareckson
Living with less / Mark Tabb.
mission adventure / Joni Eareckson
Tada, Steve Jensen. Fall.01
Taber, Shirin
Tada, Joni Eareckson
Muslims next door / Shirin Taber.
Tell Me the Promises : A Family
Covenant for Eternity. Mar.97
Tada, Joni Eareckson
Tabernacle. Win.02
Tell Me the Truth : God's Eternal
Truths for Families / by Joni
Eareckson Tada with Steve Jensen;
illustrations by Ron DiCianni.
Tackach, James
Importance of James Baldwin / by
James Tackach. MarMay.98
Swithinbank, Penelope
Women by design / Penelope
Swithinbank. Win.02
Tada, Joni Eareckson
Szumski, Bonnie
Swisher, Karin L.
Family / Karin L. Swisher, book
editor. WinSpr.99
Forever friends / by Joni Eareckson
Tada and Melody Carlson;
illustrated by Douglas Klauba.
Tada, Joni Eareckson
Amazing secret / Joni Eareckson
Tada, Steve Jensen. Fall.01
unforgettable summer / by Joni
Eareckson Tada and Steve Jensen.
Tada, Joni Eareckson
Tada, Joni Eareckson
Tada, Joni Eareckson
Switzerland in Pictures
Switzerland in Pictures. Mar.97
Switzerland in Pictures
Darcy / by Joni Eareckson Tada.
unforgettable summer / Joni
Eareckson Tada, Steve Jensen.
Tada, Joni Eareckson
When God Weeps : Why Our
Sufferings Matter to the Almighty /
by Joni Eareckson Tada and Steven
Estes. MarMay.98
Tada, Joni Eareckson
You've got a friend / written by Joni
Eareckson Tada; illustrations by Jeff
Meyer. Spr.01
Tafuri, Nancy
Goodnight, my duckling / Nancy
Tafuri. Mar.2007
Tang, Greg
Taking care of you
Taking care of you. Win.02
Talbert, Charles H.
Reading the sermon on the mount :
character formation and decision
making in Matthew 5-7 / Charles H.
Talbert. Mar.2007
Tafuri, Nancy
Will you be my friend? : a Bunny
and Bird story / by Nancy Tafuri.
Tagliaferro, Linda
Destination New York / by Linda
Tagliaferro. WinSpr.99
Forging freedom : a true story of
heroism during the Holocaust / by
Hudson Talbott. Spr.01
Talbott, Hudson
River of dreams : the story of the
Hudson River / Hudson Talbott.
August 2011
Genetic Engineering : Progress or
Peril? / Linda Tagliaferro. Nov.97
Talk to God. He listens! : all about
prayer. SprSum.02
Talkington, Bruce
Disney's Winnie the Pooh's
Thanksgiving. Mar.96
Great adventurers of the twentieth
century / Ron Tagliapietra.
Tagliapietra, Ron
seven wonders of the world / by
Ron Tagliapietra. Fall.01
Tangvald, Christine Harder
God is-- for me!. SprSum.02
Tangvald, Christine Harder
humpy grumpy camel. Mar.96
Tangvald, Christine Harder
Tangvald, Christine Harder
Prayer is-- for me!. SprSum.02
Tangvald, Christine Harder
Rinky Dinky Donkey. Mar.96
Tangvald, Christine Harder
Tallchief, Maria
Tallchief : America's Prima Ballerina
/ by Maria Tallchief with Rosemary
Wells; illustrations by Gary Kelley.
Amanda's story / by Erika Tamar.
Tamar, Erika
Tagliapietra, Ron
Tangvald, Christine
Leo the littlest lion. Mar.96
Talk to God. He listens! : all about
Tamar, Erika
Tagliaferro, Linda
Math appeal / by Greg Tang;
illustrated by Harry Briggs. Jun.03
Just Look in the Stable. Win.00
Taggart, Susan
Web of Intrigue / by Susan Taggart.
Tang, Greg
Talbott, Hudson
Tafuri, Nancy
I Love You, Little One / By Nancy
Tafuri. WinSpr.99
Grapes of math / by Greg Tang;
illustrated by Harry Briggs. Win.02
Lizabeth's story : a Cape Light novel
/ by Erika Tamar. June.2005
Tan, Sheri
Handshake in Space : The ApolloSoyuz Test Project / by Sheri Tan ;
illustrated by Higgins Bond. Fall.98
Whoosher the happy little whale.
Tanneberg, Ward
October's child. Sept.96
Tanneberg, Ward M.
Vanished : a novel / by Ward
Tanneberg. Sept.2005
Taplin, Sam
Mummies and pyramids / Sam
Taplin ; illustrated by John
Woodcock ; designed by Stephanie
Jones. Oct.03
Tashjian, Virginia A
Juba this and Juba that. Nov.95
Tauss, Marc
Tate, Nikki
Return to Skoki Lake / by Nikki Tate.
Tatham, Sara
Because of Thomas. Jan.96
Leaf by leaf : autumn poems /
selected by Barbaraa Rogasky;
photographs by Marc Tauss.
Tavares, Matt
Becoming Babe Ruth / Matt
Tavares. Oct.Nov.2013
Taylor, Diana Wallis
Mary Magdalene : a novel / Diana
Wallis Taylor. Feb.2013
Taylor, Diana Wallis
Mary Magdalene : a novel / Diana
Wallis Taylor. Feb.2013
Tatlock, Ann
All the way home / by Ann Tatlock.
Tatlock, Ann
I'll watch the moon / Ann Tatlock.
Taylor, Barbara
I wonder why zippers have teeth
and other questions about
inventions / Barbara Taylor.
Taylor, Barbara Brown
Tatlock, Ann
Place Called Morning / by Ann
Tatlock. WinSpr.99
Tatlock, Ann
Promises to keep / Ann Tatlock.
Tatlock, Ann
returning / Ann Tatlock. AprJune
Luminous Web : Essays on Science
and Religion / by Barbara Brown
Taylor. Fall.00
Taylor, Barbara Brown
Speaking of sin : the lost language
of salvation / Barbara Brown Taylor.
Taylor, Bayard
Blah, blah, blah : making sense of
the world's spiritual chatter /
Bayard Taylor. June.2007
Tatlock, Ann
Sweet mercy / Ann Tatlock.
Tatlock, Ann
Things we once held dear / Ann
Tatlock. June.2006
Tatlock, Mike
Faith in real life : creating
community in the park, coffee
shop, and living room / Mike
Tatlock. 40634
Taulbert, Clifton L.
Little Cliff and the Porch People / by
Clifton L. Taulbert; paintings by E. B.
Lewis. Fall.00
Taylor, C. J.
Bones in the basket : native stories
of the origin of people / C.J. Taylor.
Taylor, C. J.
Bones in the basket : native stories
of the origin of people / C.J. Taylor.
Taylor, Damon J.
Forgive and forget : the story of
Joseph / written and illustrated by
Damon J. Taylor. Nov.2004
Taylor, Diana Wallis
Martha : a novel / Diana Wallis
Taylor. 40848
Taylor, G.P.
The first escape / G.P. Taylor ;
interior illustrations by Daniel
Boultwood, Luke Daab, and
Stephen Vosloo ; colored by Yishan
Li ; lettered by Ian Sharman ;
adapted by Tony Lee. Feb / Apr
Taylor, G.P.
The great mogul diamond / G.P.
Taylor ; interior art by Daniel
Boultwood and Erik M. Peterson ;
colored by Daniel Boultwood ;
lettered by Ian Sharman ; adapted
by Tony Lee. Feb / Apr 2012
Taylor, G.P.
The secret of indigo moon / G.P.
Taylor ; interior illustrations by
Daniel Boultwood, Luke Daab, and
Stephen Vosloo ; colored by Yishan
Li ; lettered by Ian Sharman ;
adapted by Tony Lee. Feb / Apr
Taylor, George
Imagination in Art / by George
Taylor. Jan.98
Taylor, Harriet Peck
Secrets of the stone. Jun.03
Taylor, Howard
Hudson Taylor's spiritual secret /
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor. Feb / Apr
Taylor, Jeannie
What do you see when you see
me? / written by Jeannie St. John
Taylor; illustrated by Kathleen
Hadam Kernly. Feb.03
Taylor, Jeannie St. John
Am I praying? / by Jeannie St. John
Taylor. June.2005
Taylor, Leighton
Jellyfish / by Leighton Taylor ;
photography by Norbert Wu.
Taylor, Livingston
Taylor, Theodore
Stranger from the sea : Teetoncey.
Tenney, Tommy
Taylor, Thomas
loudest roar / by Thomas Taylor.
God catchers : experiencing the
manifest presence of God / Tommy
Tenney. Feb.03
Taylor-Boyd, Susan
Tenney, Tommy
Sojourner Truth. Jan.97
God's eye view : worshiping your
way to a higher perspective /
Tommy Tenney. Apr.03
Teague, Mark
Secret Shortcut / Mark Teague.
Pajamas. Mar.96
Teague, Mark
Taylor, Margaret
Three Against Time / by Margaret
Taylor. MarMay.98
The doom machine : a novel / by
Mark Teague. 40513
Tebow, Tim
Taylor, Mark L.
executed God : the way of the cross
in lockdown America / Mark Lewis
Taylor. Fall.01
Through my eyes : a quarterback's
journey / by Tim Tebow with
Nathan Whitaker. 41061
land / Mildred D. Taylor. Aug.2004
Taylor, Mildred D.
Roll of thunder, hear my cry /
Mildred D. Taylor. Apr.04
Taylor, Susie King
diary of Susie King Taylor, Civil War
nurse / Susie Taylor King ; edited by
Margaret Gay Malone ; illustrations
by Laszlo Kubinyi. Nov.2004
Taylor, Theodore
Into the wind : the odyssey of Ben
O'Neal. Jan.96
Hadassah : one night with the king /
Tommy Tenney with Mark Andrew
Olsen. Dec.2004
Tenney, Tommy
Hadassah covenant / Tommy
Tenney & Mark Andrew Olsen.
Tenney, Tommy
Rumble in the Jungle / by Britta
Teckentrup. Jan.98
Teegardin, Mary
Tenney, Tommy
Promise to keep / Mary Teegardin.
Mary's prayers and Martha's
recipes / Tommy Tenney. Apr.03
Teel, Jerome
Tennyson, Alfred
election / Jerome Teel. Dec.2006
The brook / by Alfred Tennyson;
illustrated by Charles Micucci.
Temple, Frances
Grab Hands and Run / Frances
Temple. Nov.97
Taylor, Theodore
Box of treasures ; Teetoncey and
Ben O'Neal. Jan.96
Tenney, Tommy
How to be a God chaser and a kid
chaser : prioritizing passions while
parenting / Tommy and Therus
Tenney. SprSum.02
Teckentrup, Britta
Taylor, Mildred D.
Ten commandments : the rest is yet
to come. Apr.03
Ten commandments : the not so
golden calf
Ten commandments : the not so
golden calf. Apr.03
Ten commandments : the rest is
yet to come
Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson
Lady of Shalott / Alfred, Lord
Tennyson ; with illustrations by
Geneviève Côté. June.2005
Terban, Marvin
Scholastic Dictionary of Idioms.
Terray, Lázló G.
He Could Not Do Otherwise :
Bishop Lajos Ordass, 1901-1978 /
by Lázló G. Terray; translated from
the German by Eric W. Gritsch.
Mission trip impossible / written by
Mike Thaler ; illustrated by Jared
Lee. Oct. 2010
Thaler, Mike
The American heritage picture
The American heritage picture
dictionary / by the editors of the
American Heritage dictionaries.
Resurrecting the Third Reich.
Preacher creature strikes on Sunday
/ written by Mike Thaler ;
illustrated by Jared Lee. October
Terry, Michael Bad Hand
Thaler, Mike
The children's Christmas sampler
Daily life in a Plains Indian village.
Preacher creature strikes on Sunday
/ written by Mike Thaler ;
illustrated by Jared Lee. Oct. 2010
The children's Christmas sampler.
Terrell, Richard
Test of time
Test of time. SprSum.02
Thaler, Mike
Testa, Maria
The three wise guys / by Mike
Thaler ; illustrated by Jared Lee.
Someplace to Go. Mar.97
Thaler, Mike
Teter, John
Jesus and the hip-hop prophets :
spiritual insights from Lauryn Hill
and Tupac Shakur / Alex Gee and
John Teter. Apr.04
Thaler, Mike
Church summer cramp / written by
Mike Thaler ; illustrated by Jared
Lee. October 2010
Vacation Bible snooze / written by
Mike Thaler ; illustrated by Jared
Lee. October 2010
Thaler, Mike
Walking the plank to the baptism
tank / written by Mike Thaler ;
illustrated by Jared Lee. October
Thaler, Mike
Thaler, Mike
Church summer cramp / written by
Mike Thaler ; illustrated by Jared
Lee. Oct. 2010
Walking the plank to the baptism
tank / written by Mike Thaler ;
illustrated by Jared Lee. Oct. 2010
Thatcher, Floyd W.
Thaler, Mike
Easter egg haunt / written by Mike
Thaler ; illustrated by Jared Lee.
AprJune 2010
Thaler, Mike
Mission trip impossible / written by
Mike Thaler ; illustrated by Jared
Lee. October 2010
Thaler, Mike
Marriage for a lifetime : honest talk
about what makes a partnership
last. Mar.96
The American heritage first
The American heritage first
dictionary / by the editors of the
American Heritage dictionaries.
The big money mixup
The big money mixup. Mar.96
The Diagram Group
Space and astronomy on file / the
Diagram Group. Jun.03
The Hubbards (Musical group) ;
Carroll-Welden, Anita
Olde Mother Goose. Nov.95
The low-down showdown at
Gizzard Gulch
The low-down showdown at
Gizzard Gulch. Sept.96
The toddlers home learning kit :
for children ages 1-3
The toddlers home learning kit : for
children ages 1-3. Sept.96
The unreached peoples : praying
through the window III
The unreached peoples : praying
through the window III / Edited by
Patrick Johnstone, John Hanna, &
Marti Smith. Sep.97
The wonders of God's creation :
animal kingdom
The wonders of God's creation :
animal kingdom. Nov.95
The wonders of God's creation :
human life
The wonders of God's creation :
human life. Nov.95
Thoene, Bodie
Thoene, Bodie
The wonders of God's creation :
planet earth
Jerusalem Vigil / by Bodie & Brock
Thoene. Fall.00
The light in Zion. Jan.96
The wonders of God's creation :
planet earth. Nov.95
Thoene, Bodie
Thesman, Jean
Jerusalem's heart : a novel / Bodie
and Brock Thoene. Win.02
Moonstones / by Jean Thesman.
Thoene, Bodie
Thiessen, Dick
Jerusalem's hope / Bodie and Brock
Thoene. Jun.03
Beyond those mountains : in search
of freedom. Sept.96
Thoene, Bodie
Thoene, Bodie
Munich signature. Mar.96
Thiessen, Edna Schroeder
life displaced : a Mennonite
woman's flight from war-torn
Poland / by Edna Schroeder
Thiessen and Angela Showalter.
Thoene, Bodie
Of Men and Angels / by Bodie and
Brock Thoene. WinSpr.99
Thoene, Bodie
Thimmesh, Catherine
Girls think of everything : stories of
ingenious inventions by women /
by Catherine Thimmesh; illustrated
by Melissa Sweet. Sum.01
Thoene, Bodie
A thousand shall fall. Mar.96
Thoene, Bodie
Danzig passage. Mar.96
Thoene, Bodie
First light / Bodie & Brock Thoene.
Thoene, Bodie
In my father's house. Mar.96
Thoene, Bodie
Jerusalem interlude. Mar.96
Thoene, Bodie
Jerusalem scrolls / Bodie and Brock
Thoene. Jun.03
Only the River Runs Free / by Bodie
and Brock Thoene. Fall.98
Thoene, Bodie
Prague counterpoint. Mar.96
Thoene, Bodie
The return to Zion. Jan.96
Thoene, Bodie
Thunder from Jerusalem / by Bodie
& Brock Thoene. Sum.01
Thoene, Bodie
Vienna prelude. Mar.96
Thoene, Bodie
Warsaw requiem. Mar.96
Thoene, Brock, 1952\Thoene,
Cannons of the Comstock. Sept.96
Thoene, Brock, 1952\Thoene,
Gold rush prodigal. Sept.96
Thoene, Brock, 1952\Thoene,
Riders of the Silver Rim. Sept.96
Say to this mountain. Mar.96
Thoene, Bodie
Thoene, Brock, 1952\Thoene,
Shiloh Autumn. Mar.97
Sequoia scout. Sept.96
Thoene, Bodie
Thoene, Brock, 1952\Thoene,
Stones of Jerusalem / Bodie and
Brock Thoene. Jun.03
Thoene, Bodie
The daughter of Zion. Jan.96
Thoene, Bodie
The gates of Zion. Jan.96
Thoene, Bodie
Shooting star. Sept.96
Thoene, Brock, 1952\Thoene,
The man from Shadow Ridge.
Thoene, Brock, 1952\Thoene,
The year of the grizzly. Sept.96
The key to Zion. Jan.96
Thoene, Jake
Firefly blue / Jake Thoene. Oct.03
Thoene, Jake
Legend of the Desert Bigfoot.
Thoene, Jake
Shaiton's fire / Jake Thoene. Apr.03
Thoennes Keller, Kristin
Shoshone : pine nut harvesters of
the Great Basin / by Kristin
Thoennes Keller. Sept.2005
Thomas, Cal
Blinded by Might : Can the Religious
Right Save America / by Cal Thomas
and Ed Dobson. Win.00
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall
Certain Poor Shepherds : A
Christmas Tale / Elizabeth Thomas.
Thomas, Gary L.
Sacred parenting : how raising
children shapes our souls / Gary L.
Thomas. Mar.2005
Thomas, Gordon
Jesus conspiracy : an investigative
reporter's look at an extraordinary
life and death / by Gordon Thomas.
Thomas, Jens
Thomas, Mack
The mouse in Solomon's house : a
child's book of wisdom. Nov.96
Naya Nuki : girl who ran / Kenneth
Thomasma ; Eunice Hundley,
illustrator. Apr.04
Thomas, Mack
Thomassie, Tynia
Through the Eyes of Jesus / by
Mack Thomas; illustrated by Hilber
Nelson. Jan.98
Feliciana Feydra Le Roux : a Cajun
tall tale. Jan.96
Thomassie, Tynia
Thomas, Mack\Tenud, Tish, ill
Mimi's tutu. Nov.96
The nursery Bible. Sept.96
Thompsett, Fredrica Harris
Thomas, Naturi
Uh-oh! It's Mama's Birthday /
written by Naturi Thomas;
illustrated by Keinyo White. Jan.98
Living with History / by Fredrica
Harris Thompsett. WinSpr.99
Thompson, Alex
Nova Scotia. Sept.96
Thomas, Peggy
For the birds : the life of Roger Tory
Peterson / Peggy Thomas.
Thomas, Shelley Moore
Get well, Good Knight / by Shelley
Moore Thomas; pictures by Jennifer
Plecas. Apr.03
Thompson, Bill
young birder's guide to birds of
eastern North America / Bill
Thompson III ; illustrations by Julie
Zickefoose. 40026
Thompson, Janice A.
wedding caper : a cozy mystery /
Janice A. Thompson. June.2007
Thomas, Shelley Moore
Putting the World to Sleep / Shelley
Moore Thomas / Bonnie
Christensen. Sep.97
Thomasma, Kenneth
Kunu : Winnebago boy escapes /
Kenneth Thomasma ; Craig Fleuter,
illustrator. Nov.2004
Noble gases / Jens Thomas. Oct.03
Thomasma, Kenneth
Thompson, Lauren
Love one another : the last days of
Jesus / retold by Lauren Thompson;
illustrated by Elizabeth Vyehara.
Thompson, Peter
Dictionary of American history :
from 1763 to the present / Peter
Thompson. Fall.01
Detective Zack and the secret of
Noah's Flood. Jan.96
Moho Wat : a Sheepeater boy
attempts a rescue / by Kenneth
Thomasma ; Jack Brouwer
illustrator. Apr.04
Thompson, Richard
Thomas, Keltie
Thomasma, Kenneth
Thompson, Ricki
kids guide to money cents / by
Keltie Thomas ; illustrated by
Stephen MacEashem. Nov.2004
Naya Nuki : girl who ran. Nov.95
City of cannibals / Ricki Thompson.
October 2010
Thomas, Jerry D.
Thomasma, Kenneth
Who. Jan.96
Thompson, Ricki
City of cannibals / Ricki Thompson.
Oct. 2010
Thorndike, E.L.
Thuswaldner, Werner
Thorndike-Barnhart student
dictionary. Jan.96
Silent night, holy night : a song for
the world / Werner Thuswaldner ;
with pictures by Robert Ingpen.
Thompson, Stephen R.
Renaissance / edited by Stephen R.
Thompson. Win.02
Thornley, Stew
Sports great Dennis Rodman.
Thomson, Andy
Morning star of the Reformation.
Thorpe, Yvonne
Zimbabwe / Yvonne Thorpe. 40634
Thomson, Andy
Thrasher, Penny
Renegade in the hills. Sept.96
Putting God back in the holidays :
celebrating Christmas,
Thanksgiving, Easter, birthdays, and
12 other special occasions with
purpose / Bill & Penny Thrasher.
Thomson, Andy
Sheriff at Waterstop. Nov.96
Tibbets, Stacy Glenn
Reading Roll of thunder, hear my
cry / Stacy Glenn Tibbets. Dec.2005
Tidball, Derek
illustrated survey of the Bible /
Derek Tidball with co-writers Peter
Cotterell [et. al.]. Jun.03
Tilton, Rafael
The importance of Clara Barton.
Thomson, Cindy
Brigid of Ireland / Cindy Thomson.
Thrasher, Travis
Timmer, John
Admission / Travis Thrasher.
Four-dimensional Jesus / John
Timmer. Win.02
Thrasher, Travis
Timmer, John
Blinded / Travis Thrasher. Mar.2007
Four-dimensional Jesus : leader's
guide / John Timmer. Win.02
Thomson, Margaret H.
Symbolic Garden : A XIIth Century
Greek Manuscript / Edited and
translated by Margaret H.
Thomson; edition based on the
Laurentian Library manuscript, Plut.
Gr. X, 3. Ff. 9c-34, and compared to
the Bodleian Library manuscript,
Clark 11.. Jan.98
Thomson, Peggy
Nine-ton Cat : Behind the Scenes at
an Art Museum / by Peggy
Thomson with Barbara Moore;
edited by Carol Eron. Fall.98
Thomson, Sarah L.
Three cups of tea / Greg Mortenson
and David Oliver Relin ; adapted for
young readers by Sarah Thomson.
AprJune 2010
Thrasher, Travis
Sky blue : a novel / by Travis
Thrasher. Sept.2007
Thrasher, Travis
watermark : a novella / by Travis
Thrasher. SprSum.02
Through joy and beyond : the life
of C. S. Lewis
Through joy and beyond : the life
of C. S. Lewis. Mar.96
Thundering Earth
Timmerman, John H.
Do We Still Need the Ten
Commandments? : A Fresh Look at
God's Laws of Love / by John H.
Timmerman. Jan.98
Timmerman, John H.
Valley of the shadow. Mar.96
Tiner, John Hudson
Isaac Newton : inventor, scientist,
and teacher / John Hudson Tiner ;
illustrated by Jonathan & David Inc.
Thundering Earth. Jan.98
Tingle, Rebecca
Thoreau, Henry David
Thurber, James
Henry David's house / Henry David
Thoreau; edited by Steven Schnur;
illustrated by Peter Fiore. Feb.03
Many moons / by James Thurber ;
illustrated by Louis Slobodkin.
edge on the sword / Rebecca
Tingle. SprSum.02
Tingle, Tim
Walking the Choctaw road : stories
from red people memory / Tim
Tingle. Nov.2004
way we work : a practical approach
for dealing with people on the job.
Todd, Anne M.
Tingum, Janice
Tobin, Robert
Todd, Anne M.
E. B. White : the elements of a
writer. Mar.96
How Long O Lord? : Christian,
Jewish , and Muslim Voices from
the Ground and Visions for the
Future in Israel-Palestine. Aug.03
Sitting Bull : 1831-1890 / by Anne
M. Todd. Aug.2004
Tinling, Marion
Sacagawea's son : the life of Jean
Baptiste Charbonneau / Marion
Tinling. Mar.2005
Todd, Deborah
Toby, Marlene
Leonard Bernstein : all-American
musician. Nov.96
Toby, Marlene
Madam C. J. Walker : pioneer
businesswoman. Nov.96
Tinus, Arline Warner
Young goats discovery. Jun.03
Tocci, Salvatore
Tischler, Nancy M.
Alexander Fleming : the man who
discovered penicillin / Salvatore
Tocci. Dec.2005
Encyclopedia of contemporary
Christian fiction : from C.S. Lewis to
Left behind / Nancy M. Tischler. Feb
/ Apr 2012
Jonas Salk : creator of the polio
vaccine / Salvatore Tocci. Dec.2005
Tocci, Salvatore
Tobias, Cynthia Ulrich
Todd, Anne M.
Every Child Can Succeed : Making
the Most of Your Child's Learning
Style / Cynthia Ulrich Tobias. Sep.97
Cherokee : an independent nation /
by Anne M. Todd. Sept.2005
Science fair success using
household products / Salvatore
Tocci. Sept.2007
Todd, Anne M.
Tobias, Cynthia Ulrich
The way they learn / by Cynthia
Ulrich Tobias. Oct.95
Tobias, Cynthia Ulrich
Together teamwork
Together teamwork. Sum.01
Toht, David W
Tocci, Salvatore
Do You Know What I Like About
You? : Jump-Starting Virtues and
Values in Your Child / by Cynthia
Tobias. Fall.00
I hate school : how to help your
child love learning / Cynthia Ulrich
Tobias. Nov.2004
Jesus and me in the summer :
devotions and activities for tiny
Christians. Nov.95
Sodbuster. Nov.96
Tobias, Cynthia Ulrich
Tobias, Cynthia Ulrich
Facts on File algebra handbook /
Deborah Todd. Oct.03
Todd, Jennie
Tinti, Hannah
good thief : a novel / by Hannah
Tinti. 40026
Sioux : people of the great plains /
by Anne Todd. Sept.2005
Cherokee : an independent nation.
Todd, Anne M.
Crazy Horse : 1842-1877 / by Anne
M. Todd. Aug.2004
Todd, Anne M.
Ojibwa : people of the Great Lakes /
by Anne M. Todd. Sept.2005
Tolan, Stephanie S.
Listen! / Stephanie S. Tolan.
Tolhurst, Marilyn
Explorer's Handbook : How to
Become an Intrepid Voyager / by
Marilyn Tolhurst. Fall.98
Tolkien, J.R.R.
hobbit, or, There and back again /
by J. R. R. Tolkien ; illustrated by the
author. Sept.2007
Tolkien, J.R.R.
lord of the rings / J. R. R. Tolkien ;
Alan Lee, illustrator. Sept.2007
Tolkien, J.R.R.
Smith of Wootton Major / by J. R. R.
Tolkien ; with illustrations by
Pauline Baynes. Sept.2007
Tolkien, J.R.R.
Tolkien reader / by J. R. R. Tolkien.
Adventures in Naked Faith :
Walking on Water in a World of
Unbelief / Ross Tooley. Sep.97
Tolliver, Ruby C\Haynes, Joyce
I love you, Daisy Phew. Sept.96
Tolmasoff, Dale
This is no fairy tale / by Dale
Tolmasoff ; illustrations by Corbert
Gauthier. Sept.2005
Alcoholism / edited by James D.
Torr. Fall.01
Trapp, Maria Augusta
Yesterday, today, and forever.
Torr, James D.
Health care : opposing viewpoints /
edited by James D. Torr. Fall.01
Torr, James D.
Medical ethics / edited by James D.
Torr. Fall.01
Tomasino, Anthony J.
Torr, James D.
Written upon the heart / Anthony J.
Tomasino. Win.02
Problems of death : opposing
viewpoints / edited by James D.
Torr and Laura K. Egendorf. Fall.01
Tomecek, Stephen
What a great idea! : inventions that
changed the world / Stephen M.
Tomecek; illustrated by Dan
Stuckenschneider. Aug.03
Baa baa black sheep / as told and
illustrated by Iza Trapani.
Torr, James D.
Tolstoy, Leo
Philipok / by Leo Tolstoy; retold by
Ann Keay Beneduce and illustrated
by Gennadii Spirin. Sum.01
Trapani, Iza
Torres, John Albert
Sports Great Dikembe Mutombo /
by John Albert Torres. Win.00
Travers, P.L.
Mary Poppins / P.L. Travers ;
illustrated by Mary Shepard.
Travers, P.L.
Mary Poppins comes back / P.L.
Travers ; illustrated by Mary
Shepard. June.2007
Travers, P.L.
Mary Poppins in the park / P.L.
Travers ; illustrated by Mary
Shepard. June.2007
Travers, P.L.
Tomey, Ingrid
Saturday sancocho. Sept.96
Grandfather's Day / by Ingrid
Tomey; illustrated by Robert A.
McKay. MarMay.98
Mary Poppins opens the door / P.L.
Travers ; illustrated by Mary
Shepard and Agnes Sims. June.2007
Toscano, Charles
Travis, L
Captured by a spy. Sept.96
Tompert, Ann
Papa's pastries / by Charles
Toscano ; illustrations by Sonja
Lamut. 40513
Torres, Leyla
Saint Patrick / by Ann Tompert;
illustrated by Michael Garland.
Tonatiuh, Duncan
Dear Primo : a letter to my cousin /
Duncan Tonatiuh. 40513
Travis, L.
Towns, Elmer L.
My Angel Named Herman / by
Elmer L. Towns. WinSpr.99
Travis, L.
Thief from Five Points. Sept.96
Townsend, Anne
My body inside and out. Jan.96
Travis, L.
Union Army Black. Sept.96
Tong, Benson
Susan LaFlesche Picotte, M.D. :
Omaha Indian leader and reformer
/ by Benson Tong ; foreword by
Dennis Hastings. Aug.2004
Redheaded orphan. Sept.96
Tozer, A. W.
Whatever happened to worship?.
Travis, Lucille
Jeanmarie and the FBI / by Lucille
Travis. Sum.01
Tracy's Choice
Tooley, Ross
Tracy's Choice. Fall.98
Travis, Lucille
Jeanmarie and the missing ring /
Lucille Travis. Win.02
Trent, John T\Hicks, Rick
Seeking solid ground : anchoring
your life in godly character. Sept.96
Travis, Lucille
Jeanmarie and the runaways / by
Lucille Travis. Sum.01
Trottier, Maxine
Trespacz, Karen L.
Ferrell v. Dallas I.S.D. / by Karen L.
Trespacz. Fall.98
Travis, Lucille
Jeanmarie, with love / Lucille Travis.
Travis, Lucille
The far journey / Lucille Travis ;
[illustrations by Guy Porfirio]. Feb /
Apr 2012
Traylor, Ellen Gunderson
Jerusalem--the city of God : a
novel. Sept.96
Traylor, Ellen Gunderson
John. Sept.96
Traylor, Ellen Gunderson
Something like scales : finding light
in a dark world / Ellen Gunderson
Traylor. August 2011
White snow, bright snow / by Alvin
Tresselt; illustrated by Roger
Duvoisin. Nov.2004
Native crafts : inspired by North
America's First Peoples / Maxine
Trottier ; illustrated by Esperanca
Melo. Dec.2005
Treviño, Elizabeth Borton de
Trottier, Maxine
I, Juan de Pareja / Elizabeth Borton
de Treviño. Nov.2004
Pavlova's Gift / by Maxine Trottier;
illustrations by Victoria
Berdichevsky. MarMay.98
Trevor, Meriol
rose round / by Meriol Trevor.
Trevor, Meriol
Sun slower sun faster / Meriol
Trevor ; illustrated by Edward
Ardizzone. Mar.2005
Felicity's surprise : a Christmas
story. Nov.96
Flight of Angels / by Geoffrey
Trease. MarMay.98
Prairie Willow / story of Maxine
Trottier ; paintings by Laura
Fernandez and Rick Jacobson.
Trottier, Maxine
Sister to the wolf / by Maxine
Trottier. Mar.2005
Trousdale, Jerry
Praise Jerusalem. Mar.97
Miraculous movements : how
hundreds of Muslims are falling in
love with Jesus / Jerry Trousdale.
Aug / Oct 2012
Trobaugh, Augusta
Trousdale, Jerry
Resting in the Bosom of the Lamb /
by Augusta Trobaugh. Win.00
Miraculous movements : how
hundreds of Muslims are falling in
love with Jesus / Jerry Trousdale.
Aug / Oct 2012
Song of Abraham. Sept.96
Trease, Geoffrey
Trottier, Maxine
Tripp, Valerie
Trobaugh, Augusta
Traylor, Ellen Gunderson
Flags / story by Maxine Trottier;
paintings by Paul Morin. Fall.00
Trottier, Maxine
Tresselt, Alvin
Travis, Lucille
Tirzah. Nov.95
Yankee boys at war / Steven L.
Troncale. Oct.03
Trobaugh, Augusta
Trelease, Jim
Read-aloud Handbook / Jim
Trelease. Sep.97
Sophie and the rising sun / Augusta
Trobaugh. Win.02
Trout, Richard
Elephant tears : mask of the
elephant / by Richard Trout. Spr.01
Tromp, Janyre
Trent, John
light of home / John Trent;
paintings by Thomas Kinkade.
That sinking feeling : blue water
mysteries / by Janyre Tromp.
Troncale, Steven L.
Trumbauer, Lisa
Sitting Bull / by Lisa Trumbauer.
Trumbauer, Lisa
What does a mail carrier do? / Lisa
Trumbauer. Sept.2005
Trumble, Kelly
library of Alexandria / by Kelly
Trumble ; illustrated by Robina
MacIntyre Marshall. Oct.03
Tullos, Matt
Processing the Computer
Conspiracy / by Matt Tullos.
Wild lies and secret truth / Matt
Tullos. Apr.03
Tullos, Matt
Wrong Turn in the Fast Lane / by
Matt Tullos. WinSpr.99
Tully, Brendan W.
Navajo code talkers : the epic story.
Tully, Elizabeth
Tucci, Paul A.
handy geography answer book /
Paul A. Tucci and Matthew T.
Rosenberg. October 2010
Tucci, Paul A.
The handy geography answer book
/ Paul A. Tucci and Matthew T.
Rosenberg. Oct. 2010
Tucker, Jeff
Maximum friendship : devotions for
students / by Jeff and Ramona
Tucker. Sum.01
Tucker, Kathy
Do Cowboys Ride Bikes? / by Kathy
Tucker; illustrated by Nadine
Bernard Westcott. MarMay.98
Tucker, Kathy
Do knights take naps? / written by
Kathy Tucker; illustrated by Nick
Sharratt. Sum.01
No shame, no fear / Ann Turnbull.
Turnbull, Bob
TeamMates : Building Your
Marriage to Complete, not
Compete. / by Bob and Yvonne
Turnbull. WinSpr.99
Turner, Ann
Tsubakiyama, Margaret
Mei-Mei loves the morning /
written by Margaret Holloway
Tsubakiyama; paintings by
Cornelius Van Wright & Ying-Hwa
Hu. Sum.01
Turnbull, Ann
Tullos, Matt
Trupe, Alice
Thematic guide to young adult
literature / Alice Trupe. Mar.2007
Forged in the fire / Ann Turnbull.
girl who chased away sorrow : the
diary of Sarah Nita, a Navajo girl /
by Ann Turner. Spr.01
Turner, Ann Warren
forebrain / Elizabeth Tully.
girl who chased away sorrow : the
diary of Sarah Nita, a Navajo girl /
by Ann Turner. Nov.2004
Tunnell, Michael O.
Turner, Ann Warren
Brothers in valor : a story of
resistance / Michael O. Tunnell.
Love thy neighbor: the Tory diary of
Prudence Emerson / by Ann Turner.
Tunnell, Michael O.
Turner, Barbara J.
Candy Bomber : the story of the
Berlin Airlift's "Chocolate Pilot" /
Michael O. Tunnell. October 2010
Little Bit of Rob. Mar.97
Turner, Jamie L.
Tunnell, Michael O.
Candy bomber : the story of the
Berlin Airlift's "Chocolate Pilot" /
Michael O. Tunnell. Oct. 2010
Turansky, Carrie
The governess of Highland Hall : a
novel / Carrie Turansky.
Sometimes a light surprises / Jamie
Langston Turner. AprJune 2010
Turner, Jamie L.
Winter birds / Jamie Langston
Turner. Mar.2007
Turner, Jamie Langston
By the light of a thousand stars / by
Jamie Langston Turner. Spr.01
Turcotte, Mark
Tudor, Tasha
Songs of our ancestors : poems
about Native Americans. Nov.96
Corgiville Christmas / Tasha Tudor.
Turnbull, Ann
Turner, Jamie Langston
Garden to keep / Jamie Langston
Turner. Win.02
Turner, Jamie Langston
Some Wildflower in My Heart / by
Jamie Langston Turner. WinSpr.99
Turner, Jamie Langston
Suncatchers / by Jamie Langston
Turner. Spr.01
Turner, Nancy Byrd
When Young Melissa Sweeps /
poem by Nancy Byrd Turner ;
paintings by Debrah Santini.
Tyler, Gillian
Tyers, Kathy
Daystar / Kathy Tyers. Feb.2013
Tyers, Kathy
Exploring the Northern Rockies.
Tyers, Kathy
Firebird. Win.00
Tyers, Kathy
Froggy went a-courtin' / by Gillian
Tyler. June.2005
Uegaki, Chieri
Suki's kimono / written by Chieri
Uegaki ; illustrated by Stephane
Jorisch. Aug.03
Uglow, Loyd
Abraham Lincoln, Will You Ever
Give Up? / by Loyd Uglow;
illustrated by Kennon James. Jan.98
Firebird / by Kathy Tyers. Win.00
Turner, Robyn
Uglow, Loyd
Mary Cassatt. Nov.96
Tyers, Kathy
Turner, Robyn Montana
Firebird : a trilogy / Kathy Tyers.
Dorothea Lange. Nov.96
Tyers, Kathy
Turner, Wanda A.
Fusion Fire / by Kathy Tyers. Fall.00
Behind the power : the compelling
influence of a praying wife / Wanda
A. Turner. SprSum.02
Tyers, Kathy
Tutu, Desmond.
Children of God storybook Bible /
retold by Desmond Tutu. 40695
Twain, Mark
Adventures of Tom Sawyer / Mark
Twain; illustrated by Claude
Lapointe. Nov.97
Benjamin Franklin, you know what
to say / by Loyd Uglow; illustrated
by Greg Budwine. Apr.03
Uglow, Loyd
Benjamin Franklin, you know what
to say / by Loyd Uglow; illustrated
by Greg Budwine. Jun.03
Fusion Fire. Win.00
Ulmer, Michael
Tyers, Kathy
M is for maple : a Canadian
alphabet / written by Mike Ulmer
and illustrated by Melanie Rose.
One Mind's Eye. Win.00
Tyers, Kathy
shivering world / Kathy Tyers.
Tyers, Kathy
Tyers, Kathy
Shivering World. Win.00
Crown of fire / by Kathy Tyers.
Tyers, Kathy
Umberger, Carol
Circle of honor / Carol Umberger.
Umberger, Carol
Mark of salvation / Carol Umberger.
Truce at Bakura. Win.00
Umberger, Carol
Crown of Fire. Win.00
Tyers, Kathy
price of freedom / Carol Umberger.
Tyers, Kathy
Wind and shadow / Kathy Tyers.
Umnik, Sharon Dunn
Tyers, Kathy
Crystal Witness. Win.00
Tyers, Kathy
Tyers, Kathy
Daystar / Kathy Tyers. Feb.2013
Wind and shadow / Kathy Tyers.
Easy-to-do holiday crafts : from
everyday household items / edited
by Sharon Dunn Umnik. Sept.2005
Underwood, Deborah
The quiet book / by Deborah
Underwood ; illustrated by Renata
Liwska. 40513
Urbigkit, Cat
Brave dogs, gentle dogs : how they
guard sheep / by Cat Urbigkit.
Van Allsburg, Chris
mysteries of Harris Burdick.
Ungar, Richard
Rachel captures the moon / Richard
Ungar; adapted by Samuel
Tenenbaum. SprSum.02
Urbigkit, Cat
The guardian team : on the job
with Rena and Roo / Cat Urbigkit.
Polar Express. Nov.96
Van Allsburg, Chris
Unger, Harlow G.
But What If I Don't Want to Go to
College? : A Guide to Success
Through Alternative Education, Rev.
ed. / by Harlow G. Unger. Fall.00
Van Allsburg, Chris
Urdahl, Catherine
Emma's question / Catherine
Urdahl ; illustrated by Janine
Dawson. OctDec 2009
Polar Express / written and
illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg.
Van Allsburg, Chris
Unger, Merrill Frederick
Usher, Mark David
new Unger's Bible handbook.
Wise guy : the life and philosophy
of Socrates / M.D. Usher ; pictures
by William Bramhall. Sept.2006
Van Allsburg, Chris
Unobagha, Uzoamaka Chinyelu
Off to the sweet shores of Africa
and other talking drum rhymes / by
Uzoamaka Chinyelu Unobagha;
illustrated by Julia Cairns. Sum.01
Vagin, Vladimir
nutcracker ballet. Nov.96
Vagin, Vladimir
Updyke, Rosemary K.
Jim Thorpe : the legend
remembered / by Rosemary K.
Updyke. Aug.2004
Updyke, Rosemary K.
Jim Thorpe : The Legend
Remembered / by Rosemary K.
Updyke. MarMay.98
Upjohn, Sheila
Why Julian Now? : A Voyage of
Discovery / by Sheila Upjohn.
Urbigkit, Carl
Brave dogs, gentle dogs : how they
guard sheep = Perros guardianes,
perros valientes : como pastorean
las ovejas / by Cat Urbigkit ;
translated by Aída E. Marcuse =
Perros guardianes, perros valientes
: cómo pastorean las ovejas.
AprJune 2010
Polar Express / written and
illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg.
Peter and the wolf / by Vladimir
Vagin. Sum.01
Zathura : a space adventure /
written and illustrated by Chris Van
Allsburg. Jun.03
Van Camp, Richard
man called Raven / story by Richard
Van Camp ; pictures by George
Littlechild. Oct.03
Vail, Tom
Grand Canyon : a different view /
written and compiled by Tom Vail.
Vajda, Jaroslav J.
God of the Sparrow / text by
Jaroslav J. Vajda; illustrated by
Preston McDaniels. Fall.00
Van Camp, Richard
What's the most beautiful thing you
know about horses? / story by
Richard Van Camp ; pictures by
George Littlechild. Oct.03
Van de Weyer, Robert
Valent, Jennifer Erin
Letters of Pelagius, Celtic Soul
Friend / Edited by Robert Van de
Weyer. Jan.98
Cottonwood whispers / Jennifer
Erin Valent. AprJune 2010
Van De Weyer, Robert
Vallo, Lawrence Jonathan
Treasury of Christmas : Stories for
Families. Jan.97
Tales of a pueblo boy. Jun.03
Van der Jagt, A.
Van Allsburg, Chris
Jumanji / written and illustrated by
Chris Van Allsburg. Dec.2004
escape : the adventures of three
Huguenot children fleeing
persecution / by A. Van der Jagt.
Van Diest, John
Unsolved Miracles / Compiled by
John Van Diest. Nov.97
Nothing Here But Trees / by Jean
Van Leeuwen ; pictures by Phil
Boatwright. WinSpr.99
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Van Dyke, Henry
fourth wise man / based on the
story by Henry Van Dyke; retold by
Susan Summers; illustrated by
Jackie Morris. Sum.01
Van Gorder, A. Christian
No God but God : a path to MuslimChristian dialogue on God's nature /
A. Christian van Gorder. Jun.03
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Across the Wide Dark Sea : The
Mayflower Journey / Jean Van
Leeuwen; illustrated by Thomas B.
Allen. Nov.97
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Amanda Pig and Her Best Friend
Lollipop / by Jean Van Leeuwen ;
pictures by Ann Schweninger.
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Amanda Pig, Schoolgirl / by Jean
Van Leeuwen; pictures by Ann
Schweninger. MarMay.98
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Fourth of July on the Plains / by
Jean Van Leeuwen; pictures by
Henri Sorensen. Jan.98
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Growing Things / by Jean Van
Leeuwen ; photographs by David
Gavril. WinSpr.99
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Hannah of Fairfield / by Jean Van
Leeuwen; pictures by Donna
Diamond. Fall.00
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Oliver and Albert, friends forever /
by Jean Van Leeuwen; pictures by
Ann Schweninger. Sum.01
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Tickle Stories / by Jean Van
Leeuwen ; pictures by Mary Whyte.
Van Leeuwen, Jean
Touch the Sky Summer / by Jean
Van Leeuwen; pictures by Dan
Andreasen. Jan.98
Van Leeuwen, Jean\Schweninger,
Ann, ill
Oliver & Amanda and the big snow.
Van Meter, Vicki\Gutman, Dan
Taking flight : my story. Sept.96
Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth
My Name Is York / written by
Elizabeth Van Steenwyk; illustrated
by Bill Farnsworth. WinSpr.99
Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth
One Fine Day : A Radio Play. Aug.03
VanCleave, Janice Pratt
Janice VanCleave's 201 awesome,
magical, bizarre, & incredible
experiments / Janice VanCleave.
June 2009
VanCleave, Janice Pratt
Janice VanCleave's 202 oozing,
bubbling, dripping & bouncing
experiments / Janice VanCleave.
June 2009
VanCleave, Janice Pratt
Janice VanCleave's A+ projects in
biology / [Janice VanCleave].
OctDec 2009
VanCleave, Janice Pratt
Janice VanCleave's A+ projects in
chemistry / [Janice VanCleave].
OctDec 2009
VanCleave, Janice Pratt
Janice VanCleave's A+ projects in
earth science / [Janice VanCleave].
OctDec 2009
VanCleave, Janice Pratt
Janice VanCleave's guide to more of
the best science fair projects /
Janice VanCleave. June 2009
VanCleave, Janice Pratt
Janice VanCleave's guide to the
best science fair projects / Janice
VanCleave. June 2009
Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth
Prairie Christmas / written by
Elizabeth Van Steenwyk ; illustrated
by Ron Himler. Sept.2006
Vande Velde, Vivian
Hidden Magic / by Vivian Vande
Velde ; illustrated by Trina Schart
Hyman. MarMay.98
Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth
Traitor Among Us / by Elizabeth
Van Steenwyk. WinSpr.99
Vander Laan, Raynard
Vanasse, Deb
Vander Laan, Raynard
Distant Enemy / Deb Vanasse.
That the World May Know / Hosted
by Ray VanderLaan. Jan.98
That the world may know. Nov.96
Vanderpool, Clare
Moon over manifest / Clare
Vanderpool. 40848
Vandevenne, Jean
Some summer!. Nov.96
Eagle boy : a Pacific Northwest tale
/ by Richard Lee Vaughan;
illustrated by Lee Christiansen.
veil is torn : A.D. 30 to A.D. 70,
Pentecost to the destruction of
Jerusalem / Christian History
Project. Nov.2004
Vaughan, Robert
Veith, Gene Edward
Touch the face of God : a World
War II novel / Robert Vaughan.
Christians in a .com world : getting
connected without being consumed
/ Gene Edward Veith, Jr. and
Christopher L. Stamper. Fall.01
VanHecke, Susan
An apple pie for dinner / retold by
Susan VanHecke ; illustrated by
Carol Baicker-McKee. AprJune 2010
VanLiere, Donna
angels of Morgan Hill / Donna
VanLiere. June.2007
VanMeter, Larry A.
Miranda v. Arizona : the rights of
the accused / Larry A. VanMeter.
Vaughn, Ellen
Strand / by Ellen Vaughn. Fall.98
Veith, Gene Edward
Vaughn, Larry D.
God at work : your Christian
vocation in all of life / Gene Edward
Veith, Jr. Apr.03
Reel Story / by Larry D. Vaughn.
Vaughn, Marcia
I howl, I growl / by Marcia Vaughn ;
illustrated by Polly Powell. Apr.04
Cats, dogs, and, classroom pets :
science in art, song, and play.
Vansant, Rhonda\Dondiego,
Barbara L
Moths, butterflies, insects, and
spiders : science in art, song, and
play. Sept.96
Vaughan, David J.
Jonathan Edwards / by David J.
Vaughan. Spr.01
Vaughan, David J.
Statesman and saint : the principled
politics of William Wilberforce /
David J. Vaughan. Sept.2007
101 First-Prize Make-It-Yourself
Science Fair Projects / written &
illustrated by Glen Vecchione.
Heavenly Place : Words of
Inspiration to Bring a Little Bit of
Peace and Paradise into Your Life /
by Jaci Velasquez with Thom
Granger. WinSpr.99
Vecchione, Glen
Venkatraman, Padma
Blue ribbon science projects / [Glen
Vecchione]. OctDec 2009
Climbing the stairs / Padma
Venkatraman. June 2009
Veerman, David R.
Vernon, Louise A.
103 Questions Children Ask About
Right from Wrong / David R.
Veerman . . . [et al.]. Nov.97
Bible smuggler / by Louise A.
Vernon; illustrated by Roger Hane.
Veerman, David R.
Vernon, Louise A.
Ozzie & Harriet Had a Scriptwriter :
Making Tough Choices with Your
Teens in the Real World / by David
R. Veerman. Nov.97
man who laid the egg / Louise A.
Vernon; illustrated by Allan Eitzen.
Vernon, Louise A.
veil is torn
Vaughan, Marcia
veil is torn. Jun.03
Night preacher / by Louise A.
Vernon; illustrated by Allan Eitzen.
veil is torn : A.D. 30 to A.D. 70,
Pentecost to the destruction of
Vernon, Louise A.
Snap!. Nov.96
Vaughan, Richard Lee
soul of lion, the witch, and the
wardrobe / Gene Edward Veith.
Velasquez, Jaci
Vecchione, Glen
Vansant, Rhonda\Dondiego,
Barbara L
Veith, Gene Edward
The beggars' Bible / by Louise A.
Vernon; illustrated by Jeanie
McCoy. Oct.95
Vernon, Louise A.
Thunderstorm in church / Louise A.
Vernon; illustrated by Allan Eitzen.
Vernon, Robert
Escape from Fire Lake. Jan.97
Vervoorn, Tamie
Soul sister : trust / Vervoorn,
Tamie. June.2007
Vest, Douglas C.
On Pilgrimage / by Douglas C. Vest.
Victory at Jerusalem
Victory at Jerusalem. June.2007
Victory at Jerusalem
Victory at Jerusalem. Jun.03
Vigna, Judith
Black Like Kyra, White Like Me.
47 beavers on the big, blue sea /
written by Phil Vischer ; illustrated
by Jared Chapman ; character
designs by Dana Thompson.
Vischer, Phil
Vivaldo, Denise
Vogt, Esther Loewen
How to open and operate a homebased catering business. Mar.96
Song of the prairie. Mar.96
Coretta : the story of Coretta Scott
King / Octavia Vivian. June.2007
Voelker, Joyce
John Glenn's return to space / by
Gregory Vogt. Sum.01
I Am a Home Schooler. Jan.97
Extreme devotion / The Voice of
the Martyrs. Aug.03
Vogel, Carol Garbuny
Voigt, Cynthia
Nature's fury : eyewitness reports
of natural disasters / by Carol
Garbuny Vogel. Spr.01
Come a stranger / by Cynthia Voigt.
Voigt, Cynthia
Viking Treasury of Classics. Fall.98
Weather legends : Native American
lore and the science of weather /
Carole Garbuny Vogel. Dec.2004
Vischer, Phil
Vogt, Gregory
Voice of the Martyrs
Voetbers, Julie
Vogel, Carole Garbuny
Adam of the Road / by Elizabeth
Janet Gray, illustrated by Robert
Lawson. Sept.2005
Turkey red. Jan.96
Dear Terry. Jan.97
Viking Treasury of Classics
Vining, Elizabeth Gray, 1902-
Purple prairie. Jan.96
Vogt, Esther Loewen
Vivian, Octavia B.
I Live with Daddy / by Judith Vigna.
Vile village. Feb.03
Harvest gold. Jan.96
Vogt, Esther Loewen
Weather legends : Native American
lore and the science of weather /
Carole Garbuny Vogel. Mar.2005
Vile village
Vogt, Esther Loewen
Sidney & Norman : a tale of two
pigs / by Phil Vischer ; illustrations
by Justin Gerard. Mar.2007
Vogel, Carole Garbuny
Vigna, Judith
Wild horses / Julia Vogel ;
illustrations by Mike Rowe.
Dicey's song / by Cynthia Voigt.
Voigt, Cynthia
Elske / Cynthia Voigt. 40695
Voigt, Cynthia
Homecoming / by Cynthia Voigt.
Vogel, Jane
Fast forward to normal / written by
Jane Vogel; created by Lissa Halls
Johnson. SprSum.02
Voigt, Cynthia
Jackaroo / Cynthia Voigt. 40695
Voigt, Cynthia
Vogel, Julia
On fortune's wheel / Cynthia Voigt.
Vyner, Tim
Voigt, Cynthia
runner / by Cynthia Voigt.
Voigt, Cynthia
Seventeen against the dealer / by
Cynthia Voigt. June.2005
Tree in the Forest. Mar.97
Wadsworth, Ginger
Waber, Bernard
Camping with the president /
Ginger Wadsworth ; illustrated by
Karen Dugan. AprJune 2010
Bearsie Bear and the Surprise
Sleepover Party / by Bernard
Waber. MarMay.98
Waber, Bernard
Voigt, Cynthia
Courage / Bernard Waber. Apr.03
solitary blue / by Cynthia Voigt.
Waber, Bernard
Gina. Mar.97
Voigt, Cynthia
Sons from afar / by Cynthia Voigt.
Volo, Dorothy Denneen
Daily life during the American
Revolution / Dorothy Denneen Volo
and James M. Volo. Oct.03
Vooys, Geri
Christmas book : friendship : a
resource for leaders and mentors /
[Geri Vooys.]. Apr.04
Lyle walks the dogs : a counting
book / by Bernard Waber ;
illustrated by Paulis Waber. 40634
Wadsworth, Ginger
Words west : voices of young
pioneers / Ginger Wadsworth.
Waggoner, Brenda
Velveteen Woman : Becoming Real
Through God's Transforming Love /
by Brenda Waggoner. Win.00
Waboose, Jan Bourdeau
Morning on the lake / by Jan
Bourdeau Waboose; illustrated by
Karen Reczuch. Feb.03
Waboose, Jan Bourdeau
Vos, Ida
key is lost / Ida Vos ; translated by
Terese Edelstein. Apr.04
Waboose, Jan Bourdeau
Caring relationships / Ronald
Vredeveld. Win.02
Laura Ingalls Wilder : Storyteller of
the Prairie / Ginger Wadsworth.
Waber, Bernard
Morning on the Lake / written by
Jan Bourdeau Waboose ; illustrated
by Karen Reczuch. Fall.98
Vredeveld, Ronald
Wadsworth, Ginger
Skysisters / by Jan Bourdeau
Waboose, illustrated by Brian
Deines. Feb.03
Wagner, C. Peter
Praying through the 100 gateway
cities of the 10 / 40 window /
Edited by C. Peter Wagner, Stephen
Peters & Mark Wilson. Sep.97
Wagner, Heather Lehr
Elie Wiesel : messenger for peace /
Heather Lehr Wagner. Sept.2007
Wagner, Heather Lehr
Machiavelli : Renaissance political
analyst and author / Heather Lehr
Wagner. Sept.2006
Waddilove, Rachel
Vredevelt, Pam W.
Espresso for your spirit / Pam
Vredevelt. Win.02
Vries, Anne de
Journey through the night / by
Anne De Vries ; [translated by Harry
der Nederlanden]. Apr.04
toddler book : how to enjoy your
growing child / Rachel Waddilove.
June 2009
Wade, Becky
My stubborn heart : a novel / Becky
Wade. Oct.Nov.2013
Wagner, Heather Lehr
Medicis : a ruling dynasty / Heather
Lehr Wagner. Sept.2006
Wagner, Heather Lehr
Paul Revere : messenger for
freedom / Heather Lehr Wagner.
Wadsworth, Ginger
Vulliamy, Clara
Small / Clara Vulliamy. Feb.03
Benjamin Banneker : pioneering
scientist / by Ginger Wadsworth ;
illustrations by Craig Orback.
Wagner, Jenny
Motor Bill and the lovely Caroline.
Waldman, Neil
Wait, Lea
Stopping to home / Lea Wait.
Masada / written and illustrated by
Neil Waldman. Spr.01
Walker, Barbara J.
Waldman, Neil
Waite, Judy
Mouse, Look Out! / by Judy Waite ;
illustrated by Norma Burgin.
Waite, Terry
Footfalls in Memory / by Terry
Waite. MarMay.98
Walburg, Lora
The legend of the candy cane : the
inspirational story of our favorite
Christmas candy / by Lori Walburg
and Richard Cowdrey. Dec.2012
Two Brothers : A Legend of
Jerusalem / retold and illustrated
by Neil Waldman. MarMay.98
librarian's guide to developing
Christian fiction collections for
children / Barbara J. Walker.
Waldman, Neil
Walker, Barbara J.
Voyages : reminiscences of young
Abe Lincoln / Neil Waldman.
AprJune 2010
librarian's guide to developing
Christian fiction collections for
young adults / Barbara J. Walker.
Waldron, Kathleen Cook
The wilderness Passover. Mar.96
Wales, Ken
Sea of glory / Ken Wales & David
Poling. Win.02
Walburg, Lori
legend of the Easter Egg / by Lori
Walburg; illustrated by James
Bernardin. Spr.01
Walburg, Lori
Legend of the Easter Egg / by Lori
Walburg ; illustrated by James
Bernardin. WinSpr.99
Waldbauer, Gilbert
Birder's Bug Book / by Gilbert
Waldbauer. WinSpr.99
Waldman, Carl
Atlas of the North American Indian
/ by Carl Waldman; illustrations by
Molly Braun. SprSum.02
Waldman, Carl
Biographical dictionary of American
Indian history to 1900 / Carl
Waldman. Fall.01
Waldman, Carl
Encyclopedia of Native American
tribes / Carl Waldman. Mar.2007
adults / Barbara J. Walker.
Wales, Susan
chase : a novel / Susan Wales and
Robin Shope. Nov.2004
Walker, Celeste Perrino
Prayer Warriors : A Story of Power /
by Celeste Perrino Walker.
Walker, Diane
Abingdon book of Bible stories :
selected for 7-8 year olds. Mar.96
Walker, James
Desert Hawks. Jan.97
Wales, Susan
replacement : a novel / Susan
Wales and Robin Shope. Mar.2007
Walker, James
Oyster Pirates / James Walker.
Wales, Susan
Standing on the promises / Susan
Wales with Holly Halverson. Win.02
Walker, Barbara A.
Developing Christian fiction
collections…. Spr.01
Walker, James
The dreamgivers. Mar.96
Walker, James
The nightriders. Mar.96
Walker, Barbara J.
Walker, James
Developing Christian Fiction
Collections for Children and Adults :
Selection Criteria and a Core
Collection / by Barbara J. Walker.
The rail kings. Mar.96
Walker, Barbara J.
Walker, Jim
librarian's guide to developing
Christian fiction collections for
Ice Princess / by Jim Walker. Fall.98
Walker, James
The rawhiders. Mar.96
Walker, Jim
Murder on the Titanic / a novel by
Jim Walker. Fall.98
Walker, Jim
Voices from the Titanic / by Jim
Walker. Win.00
Walker, Jim
Warriors / by Jim Walker.
Walkup, Janna C.
God has a plan for little boys /
paintings by Kathryn Andrews
Fincher ; text by Janna Walkup.
AprJune 2010
Seeds! Seeds! Seeds! / written and
illustrated by Nancy Elizabeth
Wallace. Mar.2005
Walley, Susan
Best of Friends. Jan.97
Walkup, Janna C.
Wallis, Ethel Emily
God has a plan for little girls /
paintings by Kathryn Andrews
Fincher ; text by Janna Walkup.
AprJune 2010
Dayuma : Life under Waorani
Spears / Ethel Emily Wallis. Sep.97
Wallner, Rosemary
Walker, Laura Jensen
Dated Jekyll, Married Hyde / by
Laura Jensen Walker. Jan.98
Wall Street Journal Almanac
Wall Street Journal Almanac.
Sacagawea : 1788-1812 / by
Rosemary Wallner. Aug.2004
Walls, Pamela
Walker, Pam
Ecosystem science fair projects :
using worms, leaves, crickets, and
other stuff / Pam Walker, Elaine
Wood. June.2006
Wall, Wilma
jade bracelet : a novel / by Wilma
Wall. Mar.2007
Walls, Pamela
Wallace, Barbara Brooks
Walker, Pamela
Junior nature experiments on file /
Pamela Walker, Elaine Wood.
Sparrows in the Scullery / by
Barbara Brooks Wallace.
Wallace, Barbara Brooks
Walker, Sally M
Earthquakes. Nov.96
Walker, Sally M
Frozen secrets : Antarctica revealed
/ by Sally M. Walker. 40695
Walker, Sally M.
Sea horses / by Sally M. Walker.
Walker, Sally M.
Seahorse reef / by Sally M. Walker;
illustrated by Steven James
Petruccio. Win.02
Walker, Sally M.
Written in bone : buried lives of
Jamestown and Colonial Maryland /
Sally M. Walker. June 2009
Abby : California gold / Pamela
Walls. Win.02
Sparrows in the Scullery / by
Barbara Brooks Wallace. Fall.98
Wallace, Ian
Boy of the deeps / by Ian Wallace.
Wallace, Jeffery Scott
Discovering the four seasons / by
Jeffery Scott Wallace. Oct.95
Wallace, John
Abby : into the dragon's den /
Pamela Walls. Win.02
Walls, Pamela
Abby : king's ransom / Pamela
Walls. Win.02
Walls, Pamela
Abby : lost at sea / Pamela Walls.
Walls, Pamela
Abby : quest for treasure / Pamela
Walls. Win.02
Walls, Pamela
Abby : secret at Cutter Grove /
Pamela Walls. Win.02
Hello sunshine, good night
moonlight / illustrated by John
Wallace. Mar.2005
Walsh, Alex
Wallace, Mary
Walsh, Ann
I can make that! : fantastic crafts
for kids / Mary Wallace. June.2006
Moses, Me and Murder. Jan.97
Wallace, Nancy Elizabeth
Disney's The small one. Mar.96
Walsh, Ellen Stoll
Theodore all grown up. Jan.96
Walsh, Jill Paton
Connie came to play. Nov.96
Walsh, Jill Paton
When I Was Little Like You / by Jill
Paton Walsh; illustrated by Stephen
Lambert. MarMay.98
Walsh, Judith E.
brief history of India / Judith E.
Walsh. Sept.2006
Walsh, Sheila
mystery of Magillicuddy's gold / by
Sheila Walsh ; illustrated by
Meredith Johnson. October 2010
Walsh, Sheila
The Creepy Caves mystery / by
Sheila Walsh ; illustrated by
Meredith Johnson. Oct. 2010
Walsh, Sheila
The mystery of Magillicuddy's gold
/ by Sheila Walsh ; illustrated by
Meredith Johnson. Oct. 2010
Walsh, Kieran
Walsh, Sheila
Construction math / Kieran Walsh.
Will : God's mighty warrior / by
Sheila Walsh ; illustrated by
Meredith Johnson. October 2010
Uganda / Eric Walters & Adrian
Bradbury. 40026
Walters, Martin
The world of animals / [authors,
Martin Walters & Jinny Johnson].
Feb / Apr 2012
Walton, Charlie
When There Are No Words / by
Charlie Walton. MarMay.98
Walton, Darwin McBeth
Dance, Kayla! / by Darwin McBeth
Walton. Fall.98
Walton, James W.
Sent to the river God forgot. Jan.96
Walsh, Kieran
Music math / Kieran Walsh.
Walsh, Mary Caswell
Art of Tradition : A Christian Guide
to Building a Family / by Mary
Caswell Walsh ; illustrations by
Helen Caswell. WinSpr.99
Walsh, Sheila
Walton, John H.
Will : God's mighty warrior / by
Sheila Walsh ; illustrated by
Meredith Johnson. Oct. 2010
Old Testament today : a journey
from original meaning to
contemporary significance / John H.
Walton, Andrew E. Hill. Mar.2005
Walsh, Sheila,
royal tea party / by Sheila Walsh ;
illustrated by Meredith Johnson.
Walsh, Sheila
Chattaboonga's chilling choice / by
Sheila Walsh; illustrations by Don
Sullivan. Win.02
The Bible story handbook : a
resource for teaching 175 stories
from the Bible / John H. Walton and
Kim E. Walton. 40848
Walsh, Sheila,
Will, God's mighty warrior / by
Sheila Walsh ; illustrated by
Meredith Johnson. Mar.2007
Walsh, Sheila
Creepy Caves mystery / by Sheila
Walsh ; illustrated by Meredith
Johnson. October 2010
Walter, Mildred Pitts
Walsh, Sheila
Walter, Virginia A.
Hello stars! / by Sheila Walsh;
illustrated by Deborah Maze.
War and peace : a guide to
literature and new media : grades
4-8 / by Virginia A. Walter.
Second Daughter : The Story of a
Slave Girl. Mar.97
Walsh, Sheila
In search of the great white tiger /
by Sheila Walsh; illustrations by
Don Sullivan. Win.02
Walton, John H.
Walton, Mrs. O.F.
A peep behind the scenes / by Mrs.
O.F. Walton. Oct.95
Walton, Rick
So Many Bunnies : A Bedtime ABC
and Counting Book / by Rich
Walton : illustrated by Paige Miglio.
Walvoord, Linda
Razzamadaddy / by Linda Walvoord
; illustrated by Sachiko Yoshikawa.
Walters, Eric
When elephants fight : the lives of
children in conflict in Afghanistan,
Bosnia, Sri Lanka, Sudan and
Walvoord, Linda
Rosetta, Rosetta, sit by me! / by
Linda Walvoord ; illustrated by Eric
Velasquez. Mar.2005
Wangerin, Walter
Angels & all children : a nativity
story in words, music, and art /
Walter Wangerin, Jr. ; illustrated by
Tim Ladwig ; music by Randy
Courts. Mar.2005
Wangerin, Walter
Architecture. Jan.96
Ward, Jennifer
Warburton, Lois
Aztec civilization. Jan.96
Warburton, Lois
Cuban revolution. Jan.96
There was a coyote who swallowed
a flea / by Jennifer Ward ;
illustrated by Steve Gray. June.2007
Ward, Lynd
biggest bear / Lynd Ward.
Warburton, Lois
French and Indian War. Jan.96
Ward, Nick
Don't Worry, Grandpa. Jan.97
Mary's First Christmas / by Walter
Wangerin Jr. ; illustrated by
Timothy Ladwig. Fall.98
Warburton, Lois
Wangerin, Walter
Warburton, Lois
Naomi and her daughters / Walter
Wangerin, Jr. August 2011
Roman Empire. Jan.96
Hitler's Reich. Jan.96
Warden, Michael D.
Experience God in worship.
Wardlaw, Lee
Warburton, Lois
Wangerin, Walter, Jr.
The ancient Near East. Jan.96
In the Beginning There Was No Sky
/ written by Walter Wangerin, Jr. ;
illustrated by Lee Steadman.
Warburton, Lois
The relocation of the North
American Indian. Jan.96
Bow-Wow Birthday / by Lee
Wardlaw ; illustrated by Arden
Johnson-Petrov. WinSpr.99
Wardrope, William
Venezuela / [by William Wardrope].
Wangerin, Walter, Jr.
Peter's first Easter / written by
Walter Wangerin, Jr.; illustrated by
Timothy Ladwig. Spr.01
Warburton, Lois
The travels of Marco Polo. Jan.96
Wardrope, William
Venezuela / [written by William
Wardrope]. Dec.2004
Warburton, Lois
Wangerin, Walter, Jr.
Traditional Japan. Jan.96
Probity Jones and the Fear Not
Angel / Walter Wangerin / Tim
Ladwig. Sep.97
Ward, Hannah
Wangerin, Walter, Jr.
Doubleday Christian Quotation
Collection / compiled by Hannah
Ward and Jennifer Wild. WinSpr.99
Crazy Jacob / by Jim Ware. Sum.01
Swallowing the golden stone /
Walter Wangerin, Jr. Win.02
Ward, Jennifer
War, peace, and all that jazz
War, peace, and all that jazz.
War, terrible war
War, terrible war. Mar.96
Warburton, Lois
Ware, Jim
seed and the giant saguaro / by
Jennifer Ward ; illustrated by Mike
Rangner. Apr.04
Ware, Jim
Dangerous dreams / Jim Ware.
Ware, Jim
Prophet's kid / Jim Ware.
Ward, Jennifer
Ware, Jim
Somewhere in the Ocean / written
by Jennifer Ward and T.J. Marsh;
illustrated by Kenneth J. Spengler.
The stone of destiny : a novel / Jim
Ware. 41061
Wargin, Kathy-Jo
Edmund Fitzgerald : the song of the
bell / by Kathy-Jo Wargin &
illustrated by Gijsbert van
Frankenhuyzen. Nov.2004
Wargin, Kathy-Jo
F is for fireflies : God's summertime
alphabet / by Kathy-jo Wargin ;
illustrated by Linda Bronson. 40848
Wargin, Kathy-Jo
K is for kite : God's springtime
alphabet / by Kathy-jo Wargin ;
illustrated by Kim Gatto. August
Wargin, Kathy-Jo
L is for Lincoln : an Illinois alphabet
/ written by Kathy-jo Wargin and
illustrated by Gijsbert van
Frankenhuysen. SprSum.02
Wargin, Kathy-jo
legend of Mackinac Island / by
Kathy-jo Wargin ; illustrations by
Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen.
Latham and Rebecca Latham.
Waring, Diana
America 1750-1890 : The Heart of a
New Land / written by Diana
Waring. Nov.97
Waring, Diana
Beyond Survival : A Guide to
Abundant Life Homeschooling /
Diana Waring. Sep.97
Diana Waring's Ancient Civilizations
& the Bible / by Diana Waring;
original illustrations by Isaac
Waring. Jan.98
Waring, Diana
Westward Ho! : The Heart of the
Old West / written by Diana
Waring; with illustrations from
American History. Nov.97
Waring, Diana
Wargin, Kathy-jo
legend of sleeping bear / by Kathyjo Wargin ; illustrations by Gijsbert
van Frankenhuyzen. June.2005
Waring, Diana
Wargin, Kathy-jo
What in the World's Going on Here
: 4 Hours of Living History for Every
Parent, for Every Christian. Mar.97
Wargin, Kathy-jo
S is for snowman : God's wintertime
alphabet / by Kathy-jo Wargin ;
illustrated by Richard Johnson.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
candy factory mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Hodges Soileau.
Cereal Box Mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Win.00
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Cereal Box Mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner ;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Fall.98
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
copycat mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Hodges Soileau.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
disappearing staircase mystery /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Warner; illustrated by Hodges
Soileau. Apr.03
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Warkentin, Karla
Rescue in the Mayan jungle /
written by Karla Warkentin ;
illustrated by Ron Adair. Mar.2005
Firehouse Mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Basketball Mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Win.00
Ghost Town Mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Win.00
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Black Pearl Mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Win.00
haunted clock tower mystery /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Wargin, Kathy-Jo
V is for Viking : a Minnesota
alphabet / written by Kathy-Jo
Wargin ; illustrated by Karen
boxcar children / Gertrude
Chandler Warner ; illustrated by L.
Kate Deal. Apr.04
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Waring, Diana
What in the World's Going on Here
: 4 Hours of Living History for Every
Parent, for Every Christian. Mar.97
legend of the lady's slipper / by
Kathy-jo Wargin ; illustrated by
Gijsbert van Frankenhuyzen.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Warner; illustrated by Hodges
Soileau. SprSum.02
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
home run mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Fall.01
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Movie Star Mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Win.00
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Mystery at Peacock Hall / created
by Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Win.00
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Mystery of the Black Raven /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Warner; illustrated by Charles Tang.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
mystery of the empty safe / created
by Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Sum.01
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
mystery of the mummy's curse /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Warner; illustrated by Hodges
Soileau. Apr.03
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Mystery at the Alamo / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang.
Mystery of the Pirate's Map /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Warner; illustrated by Charles Tang.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Mystery at the Fair. Jan.97
Mystery of the Queen's Jewels /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Warner; illustrated by Charles Tang.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Mystery in New York / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Win.00
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Mystery in San Francisco / created
by Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Fall.98
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Mystery in the Mall / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Win.00
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
mystery of alligator swamp /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Warner; illustrated by Hodges
Soileau. Apr.03
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
mystery of the screech owl /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Warner; illustrated by Hodges
Soileau. SprSum.02
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Mystery of the Secret Message /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Warner; illustrated by Charles Tang.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
mystery of the spider's clue /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Warner ; illustrated by Hodges
Soileau. Apr.03
illustrated by Hodges Soileau.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Mystery of the Stolen Sword /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Warner; illustrated by Charles Tang.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
mystery of the tiger's eye / created
by Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Hodges Soileau.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Mystery on Blizzard Mountain /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Warner ; illustrated by Hodges
Soileau. Apr.03
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Niagara Falls Mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Outer Space Mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Panther Mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Win.00
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Pilgrim Village mystery. Nov.96
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
poison frog mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Fall.01
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
mystery of the star ruby / created
by Gertrude Chandler Warner ;
stuffed bear mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Hodges Soileau.
Warren, Susan
Tying the knot / Susan May Warren.
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
summer camp mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Hodges Soileau.
Warrick, Karen Clemens
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Warwick, Ellen
The clue in the recycling bin /
created by Gertrude Chandler
Warner ; illustrated by Robert Papp.
Injeanuity / written by Ellen
Warwick ; illustrated by Bernice
Lum. Dec.2006
Warner, Gertrude Chandler
Windy City Mystery / created by
Gertrude Chandler Warner;
illustrated by Charles Tang. Win.00
Warren, Andrea
Surviving Hitler : a boy in the Nazi
death camps / by Andrea Warren.
Warren, Jean
The wishing fish. Nov.95
If I had a tail / by Karen Clemens
Warrick ; illustrated by Sherry
Neidigh. Jun.03
Warwick, Ellen
Stuff for your space / written by
Ellen Warwick ; illustrated by
Bernice Lum. Aug.2004
Washburn Kim
Defender of faith : the Mike fisher
story / Kim Washburn. Feb / Apr
Watkins, Dawn L
Pulling together. Nov.96
Watkins, Dawn L.
Chickadee winter / Dawn L. Watkins
; illustrated by Gabriela Dellosso.
Watkins, Dawn L.
Jenny Wren. Sept.96
Medallion : a fantasy for young
readers / by Dawn L. Watkins ;
[edited by E. Anne Smith]. Apr.04
Watkins, Dawn L.
Washburn, Kevin
Once in Blueberry Dell. Mar.97
History's stories : a literary timeline
/ Kevin D. Washburn & Julia
Washburn. Jun.03
Watkins, Dawn L.
King came preaching : the pulpit
power of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
/ Mervyn A. Warren; foreword by
Gardner Taylor. Feb.03
Washington, Raleigh
Warren, Neil Clark
Wassiljewa, Tatjana
Date-- or soul mate? How to know
if someone is worth pursuing in two
dates or less / Neil Clark Warren.
Hostage to War : A True Story / by
Tatjana Wassiljewa; translation by
Anna Trenter. MarMay.98
The Lord's Prayer / by Rick Warren ;
illustrated by Richard Jesse Watson.
Nantucket Cats / by Dawn Watkins ;
illustrated by Lynn Elam Bonge.
Watkins, Dawn L.
Warren, Mervyn A.
Warren, Richard
Watkins, Dawn
Breaking down Walls : A Model for
Reconciliation in an Age of Racial
Strife. Jan.97
Water, Mark
Baker encyclopedia of Bible people
: a comprehensive who's who from
Aaron to Zurishaddai / edited by
Mark Water. Dec.2006
Warren, Susan
Waters, Kate
Happily ever after / Susan May
Warren. Apr.04
On the Mayflower : Voyage of the
Ship's Apprentice & a Passenger
Girl. Mar.97
Pocket change : five small fables.
Watkins, Dawn L.
Spelling Window. Mar.97
Watkins, Dawn L.
The cranky blue crab. Nov.96
Watkins, Dawn L.
Very Like a Star / by Dawn L.
Watkins; illustrated by Dana
Thompson. MarMay.98
Watkins, Dawn L.
Wait and see. Mar.96
Watkins, Dawn L.
Zoli's legacy I. Sept.96
Watkins, Dawn L.
Watts, Linda S.
Zoli's legacy II. Sept.96
Encyclopedia of American folklore /
Linda S. Watts. June.2007
Meet the Malones / Lenora
Mattingly Weber; illustrated by
Gertrude Howe. Aug.03
Watts, Murray
Weber, Lenora Mattingly
miracle maker : a novel / Murray
Watts. Fall.01
Nonie : an autobiography and
biography of the life of Lenora
Mattingly Weber. / Lenora
Mattingly Weber, David Weber.
Watkins, Samuel R.
diary of Sam Watkins, a
Confederate soldier / Samuel R.
Watkins ; edited by Ruth Ashby ;
illustration and map by Laszlo
Kubinyi. Aug.2004
Watkins, William D.
New Absolutes. Mar.97
Watson, Carol
365 children's prayers. Jan.96
Waybill, Marjorie Ann
Chinese eyes. Nov.95
Weber, Levi B.
Weather and climate : an
illustrated guide to science
Weather and climate : an illustrated
guide to science / the Diagram
Group. Mar.2007
Watson, Clyde
Father fox's Christmas rhymes /
Clyde Watson ; pictures by Wendy
Watson. Nov.2004
Dear Mr. Rosenwald / by Carole
Boston Weatherford ; illustrated by
R. Gregory Christie. June.2007
Talking to Angels. Jan.97
Weatherford, Carole Boston
Watson, Jan
Freedom on the menu : the
Greensboro sit-ins / by Carole
Boston Weatherford ; paintings by
Jerome Lagarrigue. Dec.2006
Weatherford, Carole Boston
Watson, Jean
Dan and Gramps. Nov.95
Watson, Nancy Dingman
Tommy's Mommy's fish. Nov.96
Watson, Patrick
Ahmek / by Patrick Watson. Spr.01
Weber, Levi B.
Possum Hollow / Levi B. Weber.
Weatherford, Carole Boston
Watson, Esther
Sweetwater run / Jan Watson.
AprJune 2010
Possum Hollow / Levi B. Weber.
Jesse Owens : fastest man alive /
Carole Boston Weatherford ;
illustrations by Eric Velasquez.
Webber, Christopher L.
Shout for joy and sing! : Psalm 65
for children / retold by Christopher
L. Webber ; illustrated by Preston
McDaniels. Apr.04
Webster, M. L.
On the trail made of dawn : Native
American creation stories / retold
by M.L. Webster. Mar.2005
Webster, M. L.
On the trail made of dawn : Native
American creation stories / retold
by M.L. Webster. Dec.2004
Webster, Matt
inside Israel's Mossad. Apr.04
Webster's American Family
Webster's American Family
Dictionary. WinSpr.99
Wechsler, Doug
Bizarre bugs. Nov.95
Watson, Renee
What Momma left me / Renée
Watson. 41061
Webber, Robert E.
Watts, Bernadette
Weber, Lenora Mattingly
lion and the mouse : an Aesop fable
/ retold and illustrated by
Bernadette Watts. Spr.01
Beany Malone / Lenora Mattingly
Weber. Aug.03
Blended worship. SprSum.02
Weber, Lenora Mattingly
Wechsler, Doug
Marvels in the muck : life in the salt
marshes / Doug Wechsler. 40026
Weddle, Linda Massey
How to raise a modern-day Joseph
/ Linda Massey Weddle. AprJune
Weedn, Flavia
The elephant prince : Inspired by an
old Nordic tale / by Flavia Weedn
and Lisa Weedn Gilbert. Oct.95
Weedn, Flavia
The little snow bear : an original
American tale. Nov.95
Weedn, Flavia
The moon maiden : Inspired by an
old Japanese tale / by Flavia Weedn
and Lisa Weedn Gilbert. Oct.95
Dragons of the deep / written by
Carl Wieland ; illustrated by Darrell
Wiskur. Sept.2005
Ida B. Wells-Barnett : powerhouse
with a pen / by Catherine A. Welch.
Weinberg, Leonard
Welch, Catherine A.
What is terrorism? / Leonard
Weinberg and William Eubank.
Margaret Bourke-White / by
Catherine A. Welch; illustrations by
Jennifer Hagerman. WinSpr.99
Weinberg, Pamela
Welch, Kristen
Your home is a learning place.
Don't make me come up there! :
quiet moments for busy moms /
Kristen Welch. August 2011
Weir, Christy
The very best book. Mar.96
Weedn, Flavia
The ragged peddler : Inspired by an
old Middle Eastern tale / by Flavia
Weedn and Lisa Weedn Gilbert.
Weisbarth, Bracha
Wegner, Paul D.
Weiss, Ann E.
Journey from Texts to Translations :
Origin and Development of the
Bible / by Paul D. Wegner. Win.00
Easy credit / by Ann E. Weiss.
Weide, Bruce
There's a wolf in the classroom.
Weidensaul, Scott
National Audubon Society First
Field Guide to Birds / by Scott
Weidensaul. WinSpr.99
Weidt, Maryann N.
Revolutionary Poet : A Story about
Phillis Wheatley / by Maryann N.
Weidt; illustrations by Mary
O'Keefe Young. MarMay.98
Weil, Sylvie
My guardian angel / Sylvie Weil ;
translated by Gillian Rosner.
To live and fight another day : the
story of a Jewish partisan boy / by
Bracha Weisbarth. Apr.04
Welch, Rollie James
A core collection for young adults /
Rollie James Welch. 40848
Well, Chris
Deliver us from Evelyn / Chris Well.
Wellington, Monica
Firefighter Frank / Monica
Wellington. Jun.03
Weiss, Harvey
Strange and Wonderful Aircraft.
Wellman, Sam
Billy Graham : The Great Evangelist
/ by Sam Wellman. Fall.00
Weitzman, David
Pharaoh's boat / written and
illustrated by David Weitzman.
August 2011
Wellman, Sam
George Washington Carver :
Inventor and Naturalist / by Sam
Wellman. Fall.00
Weitzman, David
subway for New York / David
Weitzman. Sept.2007
Wellman, Sam
Mother Teresa : Missionary of
Charity / by Sam Wellman. Fall.00
Wekesser, Carol
Child Welfare / Carol Wekesser,
book editor. WinSpr.99
Wells, H.G.
Undying Fire / by H.G. Wells.
Welch, Bob
Father for All Seasons / by Bob
Welch. MarMay.98
Weiland, Carl
Welch, Catherine A.
Wells, Melanie
soul hunter : a novel of suspense /
Melanie Wells. Dec.2006
Wells, Melanie
When the day of evil comes : a
novel of suspense / Melanie Wells.
Wells, Melanie
When the day of evil comes : a
novel of suspense / Melanie Wells.
Wells, Robert E.
How Do You Lift a Lion?. Mar.97
Wells, Robert E.
Werksma, Louann Nagy
Wells, Rosemary
Language of Doves / Rosemary
Wells / Greg Shed. Sep.97
Wells, Rosemary
Lincoln and his boys / Rosemary
Wells ; illustrated by P.J. Lynch.
October 2010
Wells, Rosemary
Lincoln and his boys / Rosemary
Wells ; illustrated by P.J. Lynch. Oct.
Wells, Rosemary
What's Faster Than a Speeding
Cheetah? / by Robert E. Wells.
Wells, Rosemary
Bunny Cakes / by Rosemary Wells.
Wells, Rosemary
Bunny Money / by Rosemary Wells.
Max cleans up / by Rosemary Wells.
Carry me! / Rosemary Wells.
Wells, Rosemary
Max's ABC / Rosemary Wells.
Werner, Kirk D.
American Revolution / edited by
Kirk D. Werner. Win.02
My very own birthday : a book of
cooking and crafts. Nov.96
My very own Mother's Day : a book
of cooking and crafts. Nov.96
Western Bird Songs
Wells, Rosemary
Western Bird Songs. Win.00
Streets of Gold / by Rosemary
Wells; pictures by Dan Andreasen.
Weston, Denise Chapman
Timothy goes to school / by
Rosemary Wells. Sum.01
Wells, Rosemary
Wells, Rosemary
Facts on File companion to the
American short story / edited by
Abby H.P. Werlock. Spr.01
West, Robin
Wells, Rosemary
Wells, Rosemary
Werlock, Abby H.P.
West, Robin
How Do You Lift a Lion?. Mar.97
Wells, Robert E.
How to open and operate a homebased communications business.
Waiting for the evening star. Jan.96
Edward in deep water. Sept.96
Playwise : 365 Fun-filled Activities
for Building Character, Conscience,
and Emotional Intelligence in
Children / Mark S. and Denise
Chapman Weston. Nov.97
Weston, Tamson
Hey, pancakes! / words by Tamson
Weston ; pictures by Stephan
Gammell. Oct.03
Wellwood, Jackie
Wells, Rosemary
Edward unready for school. Sept.96
Wells, Rosemary
Edward's overwhelming overnight.
Wells, Rosemary
Fisherman and His Wife / by
Rosemary Wells ; pictures by
Eleanor Hubbard. WinSpr.99
Busy Mom's Guide to Simple Living
/ by Jackie Wellwood. Jan.98
Westra, Sharon
rest of forever / Sharon Westra.
Wenham, John
Redating Matthew, Mark and Luke.
Westra, Sharon
season of dreams / Sharon Westra.
Wentroble, Barbara
You are annointed / Barbara
Wentroble. Jun.03
Westra, Sharon
Shine like stars : the continuing
story of Katie Fremont / by Sharon
Westra. June.2006
Sojourner Truth : American
Abolitionist / by W. Terry Whalin.
After the train / Gloria Whelan.
Westwood, Chris
What difference does it make? :
faith answers for kids
Forgive the River, Forgive the Sky /
by Gloria Whelan. WinSpr.99
What difference does it make? :
faith answers for kids / Debi Little
Brazzale. Feb.03
Whelan, Gloria
Whelan, Gloria
Virtual World / by Chris Westwood.
Wetterer, Charles M.
Snow Walker. Jan.97
Wetterer, Margaret K.
Clyde Tombaugh and the Search for
Planet X / by Margaret K. Wetterer;
illustrations by Laurie A. Caple.
What is the evidence for / against
the existence of God?
What is the evidence for / against
the existence of God? / sponsored
by the Faith and Science Lecture
Forum; director Jody Danneman;
produced by Bryan Gartman.
Weyn, Suzanne
Distant waves : a novel of the
Titanic / Suzanne Weyn. 40513
Whalen, Marybeth
The mailbox : a novel / Marybeth
Whalen. August 2011
Whaley, Vernon M.
dynamics of corporate worship.
Whalin, Terry
Wheeler, Brian K.
Photographic Guide to North
American Raptors / by Brian K.
Wheeler and William S. Clark.
Fruitlands : Louisa May Alcott made
perfect / Gloria Whelan. Mar.2005
Whelan, Gloria
Summer of the war / Gloria
Whelan. Mar.2007
Whelan, Gloria
That wild berries should grow : the
story of a summer. Nov.95
Whelan, Gloria
Yuki and the one thousand carriers
/ Gloria Whelan ; illustrated by Yan
Nascimbene. 39912
Wheeler, Cindy
More Simple Signs / by Cindy
Wheeler. Win.00
Wheeler, Joe
Whelchel, Lisa
So you're thinking about
homeschooling : fifteen families
show how you can do it! / Lisa
Whelchel. Oct.03
Great Stories Remembered. Win.00
Whelchel, Mary
Jumpstart your writing dreams / W.
Terry Whalin. June 2009
Wheeler, Joe L.
Whalin, Terry
Christmas in my heart / compiled
and edited by Joe L. Wheeler.
Getting along with people @ work :
a guide to building better
relationships on the job / Mary
Whelchel. Feb.03
Wheeler, Joe L.
Whelchel, Mary
What Would Jesus Think? / by Mary
Whelchel. Fall.98
Luis Palau / by W. Terry Whalin.
Focus on the Family presents heart
to heart stories for teachers /
compiled and edited by Joe L.
Wheeler. Oct.03
Whalin, W. Terry
Wheeler, Lisa
One Bright Shining Path : Faith in
the Midst of Terrorism / W. Terry
Whalin and Chris Woehr. Nov.97
Sixteen cows / Lisa Wheeler;
illustrated by Kurt Cyrus. Feb.03
When I grow up I can go anywhere
for Jesus. Nov.96
Whalin, W. Terry
Where Is little lamb?
Where Is little lamb?. Sum.01
Whirling Winds
Whirling Winds. Jan.98
Whelan, Gloria
Whalin, W. Terry
Whitcomb, John G.
Genesis flood : the biblical record
and its scientific implications.
Embracing the mysterious God :
loving the God we don't understand
/ James Emery White. Oct.03
White, John
Whitcomb, Susan Britton
White, James Emery
White, Linda J.
The Christian's career journey :
finding the job God designed for
you / Susan Britton Whitcomb.
mind for God / James Emery White.
Seeds of evidence. Aug.Sept.2013
White Deer of Autumn
great change / text by White Deer
of Autumn ; illustrations by Carol
Grigg. Dec.2005
White, James Emery
Serious times : making your life
matter in an urgent day / James
Emery White. Dec.2004
White, John
Sacagawea : Westward with Lewis
and Clark / by Alana J. White.
dark lord's demise / John White
with Dale & Sandy Larsen; cover
illustration by Vic Mitchell; interior
illustrations by Jack Stockman.
White, E. B.
White, John
Stuart Little. SprSum.02
Flirting with the World / by John
White. WinSpr.99
White, Alana J.
White, E.B.
Charlotte's web / by E. B. White ;
pictures by Garth Williams.
White, Elizabeth
White, John
Gaal the conqueror / John White;
cover illustration by Vic Mitchell;
interior illustrations by Jack
Stockman. Apr.03
Tower of Geburah / John White.
White, Mary A.
Harsh grief, gentle hope. Mar.96
White, R.E.O.
Listening carefully to Jesus / by
R.E.O. White. Sum.01
White, Ruth
Belle Prater's boy / Ruth White.
White, Ruth
search for Belle Prater / Ruth
White. Dec.2005
White, Stewart Edward
Daniel Boone : wilderness scout /
now fully told by Stewart Edward
White, and illustrated by James
Daugherty. Apr.04
Chance encounters of the heart /
Elizabeth White, Kathleen Fuller,
Susan Warren. Apr.03
White, John
iron sceptre / John White. Apr.03
Spirituality of St. Patrick / by Lesley
Whiteside. Jan.98
White, Ellen Emerson
White, John
Whitley, Peggy
Kaiulani : the people's princess / by
Ellen Emerson White. Win.02
Quest for the king / John White
with Dale & Sandy Larsen; cover
illustration by Vic Mitchell; interior
illustrations by Jack Stockman.
99 jumpstarts for kids'' science
research / Peggy J. Whitley and
Susan Williams Goodwin. June.2007
White, Ellen Emerson
Voyage on the Great Titanic : The
Diary of Margaret Ann Brady / by
Ellen Emerson White. WinSpr.99
White, John
White, Heath
sword bearer / John White;
illustrations by Jack Stockman.
Postmodernism 101 : a first course
for the curious Christian / Heath
White. Sept.2006
White, John
Whitlock, Matt
Tower of Geburah. Jan.96
White, James Emery
Whiteside, Lesley
gigantic little hero : a story about
perseverance / written and
illustrated by Matt Whitlock.
Whitlock, Matt
Humblebee : a story about pride /
written and illustrated by Matt
Whitlock. Oct.03
Who is the true Jesus? :
comparative analysis of the Jesus
of the Qu'an and Jesus of the Bible
Whitlock, Matt
Whitson, Stephanie Grace
non-praying mantis / written and
illustrated by Matt Whitlock. Oct.03
Edge of the wilderness / Stephanie
Grace Whitson. Feb.03
Whitlow, Robert
Whitson, Stephanie Grace
Who is the true Jesus? :
comparative analysis of the Jesus of
the Qu'an and Jesus of the Bible.
Life everlasting / Robert Whitlow.
Footprints on the horizon /
Stephanie Grace Whitson. Dec.2005
Who's on Noah's ark?
Whitlow, Robert
Whitson, Stephanie Grace
Life support / by Robert Whitlow.
garden in Paris / by Stephanie
Grace Whitson. Sept.2005
Why Papa Went Away and Other
Whitlow, Robert
Whitson, Stephanie Grace
Why Papa Went Away and Other
Stories. Jan.97
list / by Robert Whitlow. Spr.01
Heart of the sandhills / Stephanie
Grace Whitson. Feb.03
Who's on Noah's ark?. Sum.01
Whitlow, Robert
Mountain top / by Robert Whitlow.
Whitson, Stephanie Grace
hilltop in Tuscany / Stephanie Grace
Whitson. Dec.2006
Whitlow, Robert
trial / Robert Whtilow. Jun.03
Whitlow, Robert
Water's edge / Robert Whitlow.
Aug / Oct 2012
Whitlow, Robert
Water's edge / Robert Whitlow.
Aug / Oct 2012
Whitmore, Arvella
Trapped between the lash and the
gun : a boy's journey / by Arvella
Whitmore. Spr.01
Whitson, Stephanie Grace
Secrets on the wind / by Stephanie
Grace Whitson. Aug.2004
Whitson, Stephanie Grace
The key on the quilt / Stephanie
Grace Whitson. Apr.2013
claim of her own / Stephanie Grace
Whitson. AprJune 2010
Bangladesh / by Mariam Whyte.
Wichman, Linda
Whitson, Stephanie Grace
Valley of the shadow / Stephanie
Grace Whitson. Feb.03
Legend of the Emerald Rose / Linda
Wichman. June.2005
Wick, Lori
Whitson, Stephanie Grace
Watchers on the hill / Stephanie
Grace Whitson. June.2005
Bamboo & lace / Lori Wick.
Wick, Lori
Whitten, Teresa
Whitney, Donald S.
Whitson, Stephanie Grace
Bangladesh / by Mariam Whyte and
Yong Jui Lin. 40634
Whyte, Mariam
With the eyes of the heart. Jan.96
Spiritual disciplines for the Christian
life. SprSum.02
Why should I? : all about
obedience. SprSum.02
Whyte, Mariam
Whitlow, Robert
sacrifice / Robert Whitlow. Feb.03
Why should I? : all about
Whittier, John Greenleaf
poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier /
by John Greenleaf Whittier; edited
and introduced by William Jolliff.
Every Little Thing About You / by
Lori Wick. Win.00
Wick, Lori
proposal / Lori Wick. Jun.03
Wick, Lori
rescue / Lori Wick. Jun.03
Wick, Lori
Wickham, Martha
Sophie's Heart / by Lori Wick.
Mysterious Journey : Amelia
Earhart's Last Flight / written by
Martha Wickham ; illustrated by
David Lund. WinSpr.99
Wick, Lori
The hawk and the jewel / by Lori
Wick. Oct.95
Developing a Christian Imagination
: An Interpretive Anthology /
Compiled by Warren W. Wiersbe.
Wiersbe, Warren W.
Wide window
The knight and the dove / by Lori
Wick. Oct.95
Wiebe, Rudy
Chinook Christmas. Jan.97
Index of biblical images : similes,
metaphors, and symbols in
Scripture : based on the text of The
new international version of the
Bible / by Warren W. Wiersbe.
Wick, Lori
Wiebe, Rudy
Wiersbe, Warren W.
To Know Her by Name / by Lori
Wick. Jan.98
Chinook Christmas. Nov.96
Real worship. SprSum.02
Wiener, Gary
Wiersbe, Warren W.
Readings on A farewell to arms /
edited by Gary Weiner. Fall.01
transformation study Bible /
[general editor, Warren W.
Wiersbe]. AprJune 2010
Wide window. Feb.03
Wick, Lori
Wick, Lori
Where the Wild Rose Blooms / by
Lori Wick. Jan.98
Wiener, Gary
Wick, Lori
Whispers of Moonlight / by Lori
Wick. Jan.98
Readings on Gulliver's travels /
edited by Gary Wiener. Fall.01
Wierenga, Kathy
Wick, Lori
Who brings forth the wind? / by
Lori Wick. Oct.95
Croutons for breakfast / created by
Lissa Halls Johnson; written by
Kathy Wierenga. Jun.03
Wick, Lori
Wierenga, Kathy
Wings of the morning / by Lori
Wick. Oct.95
Double exposure / created by Lissa
Halls Johnson; written by Kathy
Wierenga. SprSum.02
Wiersbe, Warren W.
Your next miracle / Warren W.
Wiersbe. Win.02
Wiese, Jim
Rocket science : 50 flying, floating,
flipping, spinning gadgets kids
create themselves / Jim Wiese.
Wiese, Kim
My name is Falon / Kim Wiese.
OctDec 2009
Wick, Walter
Drop of Water : Book of Science
and Wonder / written and
photographed by Walter Wick.
Wickenden, Nadine
story of Jonah / illustrated by
Nadine Wickenden. SprSum.02
Wiersbe, Warren W.
Be alert / Warren W. Wiersbe.
Golden Age / written by Martha
Wickham; illustrated by Dan Brown.
Sector 7 / David Wiesner. Nov.2004
Wiersbe, Warren W.
Wiesner, David
Be alive / Warren W. Wiersbe.
three pigs / David Wiesner. Apr.04
Wiesner, David
Wiersbe, Warren W.
Wickham, Martha
Wiesner, David
Be transformed : an expository
study of John 13-21 / Warren W.
Wiersbe. Sept.2007
Wiersbe, Warren W.
Tuesday. SprSum.02
Wiggin , Kate Douglas
Birds' Christmas Carol / by Kate
Douglas Wiggin; with illustrations.
Maggie's homecoming. Jan.96
Hawk and the dove. Mar.96
Wiggin, Eric
gift of grandparenting : building
meaningful relationships with your
grandchildren / Eric Wiggin.
Wilcock, Penelope
Wiggin, Eric E
Maggie's secret longing. Jan.96
Wilcock, Penelope
The long fall. Mar.96
Wiggin, Eric E.
Wiggin, Eric
Hound for Hannah / Eric Wiggin.
Wiggin, Eric
Lesson of the Ancient Bones / by
Eric Wiggin. MarMay.98
Blood moon rising / by Eric E.
Wiggin. Sum.01
Wilcock, Penelope
Wiggins, VeraLee
Wilcox, Charlotte
Julius, the perfectly pesky pet
parrot. Jan.96
Powerhouse : Inside a Nuclear
Power Plant / by Charlotte Wilcox;
photographs by Jerry Boucher.
Wiggins, VeraLee
Wiggin, Eric
Mysterious Stranger / Eric Wiggin.
Wiggin, Eric
Mystery of the Sunken Steamboat /
Eric Wiggin. Nov.97
Wiggin, Eric
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm / by
Kate Douglas Wiggin; rewritten and
re-told for today's reader by Eric
Wiggin; illustrated by Joe Boddy.
Wiggin, Eric
Rebecca of the Brick House / by
Kate Douglas Wiggin; rewritten and
re-told for today's reader by Eric
Wiggin. MarMay.98
Wiggin, Eric
Rebecca Returns to Sunnybrook : A
Sequel / by Eric Wiggin. MarMay.98
Wiggin, Eric
Secret of the Old Well / by Eric
Wiggin. WinSpr.99
Shelby's big prayer. Jan.96
Wilcox, Charlotte
Wiggins, VeraLee
Skeeter, the Wildly Wacky Raccoon
/ by VeraLee Wiggins. WinSpr.99
Wilbee, Brenda
Sweetbriar Autumn / by Brenda
Wilbee. Fall.98
Wilbee, Brenda
Sweetbriar Hope / by Brenda
Wilbee. Win.00
Maggie : life at The Elms. Jan.96
Wiggin, Eric E
Powerhouse : Inside a Nuclear
Power Plant / by Charlotte Wilcox;
photographs by Jerry Boucher.
Wild & wacky totally true Bible
stories [sound recording] : all
about Christmas
Wild & wacky totally true Bible
stories [sound recording] : all about
Christmas. SprSum.02
Wild, Margaret
Wilbee, Brenda
Sweetbriar Summer / by Brenda
Wilbee. Jan.98
Old Pig / Margaret Wild / Ron
Brooks. Sep.97
Wild, Margaret
Wilbur, C. Keith
Early Explorers of North America /
C. Keith Wilbur. Nov.97
Wilbur, Frances
Dog with Golden Eyes / by Frances
Wilbur ; Mark Coyle, illustrator.
Wilbur, Helen L.
Wiggin, Eric E
Wounds of God. Mar.96
F is for friendship : a quilt alphabet
/ written by Helen L. Wilbur ;
illustrated by Gijsbert van
Frankenhuyzen. 40848
Tom goes to kindergarten / by
Margaret Wild; illustrated by David
Legge. Sum.01
Wild, Margaret\Huxley, Dee, ill
Remember me. Sept.96
Wilde, Oscar
story of the selfish giant /
[presented by] Morning Light
Media ; screenplay by David Mead.
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Dance at Grandpa's / Laura Ingalls
Wilder / Renee Graef. Sep.97
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Winter on the Farm / Laura Ingalls
Wilder / Renee Graef. Sep.97
Wilkins, Michael J.
Jesus Under Fire. Win.00
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Dance at Grandpa's / Laura Ingalls
Wilder / Renee Graef. Sep.97
Wildsmith, Brian
Christmas Story / by Brian
Wildsmith. WinSpr.99
Wildsmith, Brian
Prayer of Jabez for kids / originated
by Bruce H. Wilkinson; adapted by
Melody Carlson; illustrated by Dan
Brawner. Win.02
Easter story / by Brian Wildsmith.
Wilkinson, Bruce
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Deer in the Wood / Laura Ingalls
Wilder / Renee Graef. Sep.97
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Deer in the Wood / Laura Ingalls
Wilder / Renee Graef. Sep.97
Wildsmith, Brian
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Wildsmith, Brian
Going to Town / Laura Ingalls
Wilder / Renee Graef. Sep.97
Joseph / by Brian Wildsmith.
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Wildsmith, Brian
Going to Town / Laura Ingalls
Wilder / Renee Graef. Sep.97
Saint Francis. Nov.96
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Going West / Laura Ingalls Wilder /
Renee Graef. Sep.97
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Going West / Laura Ingalls Wilder /
Renee Graef. Sep.97
Exodus / by Brian Wildsmith. Spr.01
Prayer of Jabez for little ones /
Bruce H. Wilkinson and [adapted
by] Melody Carlson. Win.02
Wilkinson, Bruce
prayer of Jabez for teens / Bruce
Wilkinson with David Kopp.
Wilkinson, Bruce
You were born for this / Bruce
Wilkinson ; with David Kopp. 40391
Wiles, Deborah
Countdown / Deborah Wiles. 40634
Wilkinson, David
Wilkens, Steve
God, time and Stephen Hawking /
David Wilkinson. SprSum.02
Good ideas from questionable
Christians and outright pagans : an
introduction to key thinkers and
philosophies / Steve Wilkens.
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Saving Graces : The Inspirational
Writings of Laura Ingalls Wilder / by
Laura Ingalls Wilder; edited by
Stephen Hines. MarMay.98
Wilkinson, Bruce
Wilkerson, David
Suicide / by David Wilkerson.
Wilkinson, Mary Ruth
time to read : good books for
growing readers : [a booklist for all
who love books, children & God] /
compiled Mary Ruth Wilkinson and
Wilkinson-Tell. Apr.03
Wilkinson, Philip
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Summertime in the Big Woods /
Laura Ingalls Wilder / Renee Graef.
Wilder, Laura Ingalls
Summertime in the Big Woods /
Laura Ingalls Wilder / Renee Graef.
Wilkeshuis, Cornelis
The best gift of all. Nov.95
Eyewitness Christianity / written by
Philip Wilkinson ; photographed by
Steve Teague. June.2007
Wilkey, Michael
They Never Gave Up : Adventures
in Early Aviation / by Michael
Wilkey. Win.00
Wilkinson, Philip
Kingfisher student atlas / Philip
Wilkinson ; editors Margaret Hynes,
Russell Maclean. Aug.2004
Wilkie, Katherine E.
George Rogers Clark, boy of the
northwest frontier. Aug.03
Wilkison, Esther G.
Camp Sierra Secret / Esther G.
Wilkison. Nov.97
Finders keepers / by Will and
Nicolas. Apr.04
Williams, Barbara
Albert's gift for grandmother /
Barbara Williams ; illustrated by
Doug Cushman. June.2007
Searching for stormy weather with
a scientist / Judith Williams.
Williams, Judith
Williams, Barbara
Titanic crossing. Jan.96
Why is it snowing? / Judith
Williams. Sept.2005
Williams, Brian
Williams, Laura E.
Ancient China. Mar.97
Behind the Bedroom Wall / by
Laura E. Williams; illustrated by A.
Nancy Goldstein. Jan.98
Willard, Nancy
A visit to William Blake's inn :
poems for innocent and
experienced travelers / by Nancy
Willard ; illustrated by Alice and
Martin Provensen. Nov.2004
Willard, Nancy
Cinderella's dress / by Nancy
Willard ; illustrated by Jane Dyer.
Williams, Carol Lynch
24 games you can play on a
checkerboard / Carol Lynch
Williams ; illustrations by Jennifer
Kalis. 39912
Williams, Connie
Willems, Mo
Don't let the pigeon drive the bus! /
words and pictures by Mo Willems.
Right-hand Man / by Connie
Williams; illustrated by Timothy N.
Davis. MarMay.98
Knuffle Bunny : a cautionary tale /
by Mo Willems. Mar.2005
Dark Sun Rises / by Denise Williams.
Knuffle Bunny too : a case of
mistaken identity / by Mo Willems.
June 2009
Williams, Lucy M
Please pass up the salt. Jan.96
Culture wars : opposing viewpoints
/ Mary E. Williams, ed. Nov.2004
Williams, Mary E.
Williams, George Walton
Willems, Mo
best winds / Laura E. Williams ;
illustrated by Eujin Kim Neilan.
Williams, Mary E.
Williams, Denise
Willems, Mo
Williams, Laura E.
Best Friend. Nov.95
Education : opposing viewpoints /
edited by Mary E. Williams. Fall.01
Williams, Jay
Williams, Mary E.
Joan of Arc : warrior saint / Jay
Williams. 40513
Issues in racism / by Mary E.
Williams. Fall.01
Williams, John Tyerman
Williams, Mary E.
Pooh and the Philosophers : In
Which It Is Shown That All of
Western Philosophy Is Merely a
Preamble to Winnie-the-Pooh.
Middle East : opposing viewpoints /
edited by Mary E. Williams. Fall.01
Willems, Mo
Pigs make me sneeze! : an elephant
& piggie book / by Mo Willems.
Williams, Anita
captain's hat / by Anita Williams;
illustrated by Timothy Banks. Spr.01
Williams, Mary E.
Smoking / edited by Mary E.
Williams. Fall.01
Williams, Joshua
Williams, Anita
Treasure Keeper / by Anita
Williams; illustrated by Lynn ElamJones; edited by Dawn L. Watkins.
perfect date : God's only answer for
finding true love / Joshua & Kerry
Williams. Apr.04
Williams, Judith
Williams, Mary E.
Teen smoking / edited by Mary E.
Williams. Fall.01
Williams, Michael E
The turnabout Paul storybook.
Williams, Pat
paradox of power : a transforming
view of leadership / Pat Williams
with Jim Denney. Apr.03
Williams, Thomas
Crown of Eden / by Thomas M.
Williams. Win.00
Williams, Vera B.
A chair for always / Vera B.
Williams. Apr.2013
Williams, Ronald S.
Hush! The Lord Is Talking and
Other True Tales / by Dr. Ronald S.
Williams II ; illustrated by Nancy
Robinson. Fall.98
To darkness fled / Jill Williamson.
Oct. 2010
Williford, Carolyn
Faith tango : a liberating approach
to spiritual growth in marriage /
Carolyn and Craig Williford. Apr.03
Willimon, William H.
Forbidden gates / Denise
Williamson. 40695
Reading with Deeper Eyes : The
Love of Literature and the Life of
Faith / by William H. Willimon.
Williams, Sherley Anne
Williamson, Denise
Willis, Patricia
Working cotton / written by Sherley
Anne Williams ; illustrated by
Carole Byard. Apr.04
River of danger / Denise
Williamson. 40695
Out of the Storm / Patricia Willis.
Williamson, Denise J.
Williscroft, Gladys L.
Sunset coast. Nov.95
When stars begin to fall / Denise
Williamson. Win.02
Williams, Suzanne
Williamson, Jill
Mission possible : Paul Williscroft's
epic Christian struggle against Nazi
and communist oppression / Gladys
L. Williscroft. Feb.03
Library Lil / by Suzanne Williams;
illustrated by Steven Kellogg.
By darkness hid / Jill Williamson.
October 2010
Williams, Susan DeVore
Williamson, Denise
By darkness hid / Jill Williamson.
Oct. 2010
Simply SenseSational Christmas :
Simple, Beautiful Ways to Create a
Cozy Home for Christmas / by Terry
Willits ; with photographs by Tim
Olive. Fall.98
Williamson, Jill
Willner-Pardo, Gina
Captives / Jill Williamson.
Spider Storch, rotten runner / by
Gina Willner-Pardo; illustrated by
Nick Sharratt. Feb.03
Williamson, Jill
Williams, Suzanne
My Dog Never Says Please / by
Suzanne Williams; pictures by Tedd
Arnold. Jan.98
Williams, T. M. (Thomas Myron)
heart of chronicles of Narnia :
knowing God here by finding him
there / Thomas Williams. Sept.2005
Williamson, Jill
From darkness won / Jill
Williamson. 40848
Williams, T. M. (Thomas Myron)
Knowing Aslan / Thomas Williams.
Williamson, Jill
The new recruit : mission 1:
Moscow / Jill Williamson. Apr.2013
Williams, T.M. (Thomas Myron)
devil's mouth / Thomas Williams.
Williamson, Jill
To darkness fled / Jill Williamson.
October 2010
Williams, Thomas
bride of stone / Thomas Williams.
Willits, Terry
Williamson, Jill
Willner-Pardo, Gina
Spider Storch's desperate deal / by
Gina Willner-Pardo; illustrated by
Nick Sharratt. Spr.01
Wilner, Barry
Scott Hamilton : Star Figure Skater /
by Barry Wilner. Win.00
Wilsdon, Christina
National Audubon Society First
Field Guide to Insects / written by
Christina Wilsdon. WinSpr.99
Wilson, Anne
Wilson, Eric
Winch, John
Lord is my shepherd / illustrated by
Anne Wilson. Apr.04
Dark to mortal eyes : a novel / Eric
Wilson. Nov.2004
Old Man Who Loved to Sing. Jan.97
Wilson, Budge
Wilson, Jean
Courtship / Stories by Budge
Wilson. Nov.97
Crusader for Christ : The Story of
Billy Graham. Mar.97
Wilson, Budge
Wilson, John
fiddle for Angus. SprSum.02
Flames of the tiger / John Wilson.
Windle, Jeanette
Cave of the Inca Re / Jeanette
Windle. Feb.03
Windle, Jeanette
Wilson, Budge
Long Wait / by Budge Wilson;
illustrated by Eugenie Fernandes.
Cave of the Inca Re / Jeanette
Windle. Win.02
Windle, Jeanette
Wilson, Karma
Bear snores on / Karma Wilson;
illustrations by Jane Chapman.
Wilson, Diane L.
Crossfire / by Jeanette Windle.
Windle, Jeanette
DMZ / Jeanette Windle. Jun.03
Tracks. Aug.Sept.2013
Wilson, Mimi
Wilson, Don E.
Once-a-month cooking : a timesaving, budget-stretching plan to
prepare delicious meals. Mar.96
Smithsonian Book of North
American Mammals / edited by
Don E. Wilson and Sue Ruff. Fall.00
Wilson, Mimi
Windle, Jeanette
Wilson, Douglas
Table talk : easy activity and recipe
ideas for bringing your family closer
at mealtime. Mar.96
Wilson, N.D.
Windle, Jeanette
Leepike Ridge / N.D. Wilson.
Jungle Hideout / Jeanette Windle.
Wilson, P.B.
Windle, Jeanette
Night Come Swiftly / by P.B. Wilson.
Veiled freedom / J. M. Windle.
OctDec 2009
Wilson, P.B. (P. Bunny)
Windle, Jeannette
God is in the kitchen too / P.B.
Wilson. Aug.03
Freedom's stand / J. M. Windle. Feb
/ Apr 2012
Wilson, Richard L.
Windsor, Linda
Wilson, Elizabeth Laraway
American political leaders / by
Richard L. Wilson. Feb.03
Along came Jones / by Linda
Windsor. Aug.03
Books Children Love : A Guide to
the Best Children's Literature /
Elizabeth Laraway Wilson; foreword
by Susan Schaeffer Maccaulay.
Wilson, Walter L.
Windsor, Linda
Dictionary of Bible Types / by
Walter L. Wilson. Win.00
Deirdre / by Linda Windsor.
case for classical Christian
education / Douglas Wilson. Oct.03
Wilson, Douglas
What I learned in Narnia / Douglas
Wilson. 40848
Wilson, Elizabeth L.
Windle, Jeanette
Firestorm : a novel / by Jeanette
Windle. June.2006
Jana's journal / Jeanette Windle.
Books children love. SprSum.02
Wilson, Elizabeth Laraway
Books children love : a guide to the
best children's literature / Elizabeth
Laraway Wilson. Nov.2004
Windsor, Linda
Winkler, Kathleen
Maire : [a novel] / by Linda
Windsor. Sum.01
Vegetarianism and teens : a hot
issue / by Kathleen Winkler. Fall.01
Mama : a true story in which a baby
hippo loses his mama during a
tsunami, but finds a new home, and
a new mama / Jeanette Winter.
Windsor, Linda
Winner, Cherie
Winter, Jonah
Paper moon / Linda Windsor.
Everything bug : what kids really
want to know about insects and
spiders / by Cherie Winner.
Here comes the garbage barge! /
written by Jonah Winter ;
illustrated by Red Nose Studio.
October 2010
Winner, David
Winter, Jonah
Desmond Tutu. Jan.97
Here comes the garbage barge! /
written by Jonah Winter ;
illustrated by Red Nose Studio. Oct.
Windsor, Linda
Riona / by Linda Windsor. Win.02
Wine of Morning
Wine of Morning / directed by
Katherine Stenholm ; based on the
novel by Bob Jones. Fall.98
Winer, Yvonne
Birds build nests / written by
Yvonne Winer ; illustrated by Tony
Oliver. Aug.2004
Wingate, Lisa
Winnick, Karen
Mr. Lincoln's Whiskers / written
and illustrated by Karen Winnick.
Winnick, Karen B.
Sybil's night ride / written and
illustrated by Karen B. Winnick.
Larkspur Cove / Lisa Wingate.
Winslow, Barbara
Wingate, Lisa
Dance on a sealskin / story by
Barbara Winslow ; illustrations by
Teri Sloat. Oct.03
The prayer box : a novel / Lisa
Wingate. Oct.Nov.2013
Winget, Susan
Winslow, Barbara
Winkelman, Barbara Gaines
Home Coming : Unconditional Love
: Finding Your Place in the Father's
Heart / by Jack Winter; with Pamela
Ferris. Fall.00
Sockeye's journey home : the story
of a Pacific salmon / by Barbara
Gaines Winkelman; illustrated by
Joanie Popeo. Sum.01
Winkleman, Katherine K
Firehouse. Jan.96
Winters, Paul A.
Civil rights movement / edited by
Paul A. Winters. Win.02
Winwood, Linda Hacon
Mommy, why don't we celebrate
Halloween? / by Linda Hacon
Winwood; illustrated by Al Berg.
Wirt, Sherwood Eliot
Winter, Jack
Winkelman, Barbara Gaines
Autumn return / Sally Brice
Winterbourn. Fall.01
Dance on a Sealskin. Jan.97
Tucker's apple-dandy day / by
Susan Winget. Mar.2007
Puffer's surprise / by Barbara
Gaines Winkelman ; illustrated by
Steven James Petruccio. Dec.2004
Winterbourn, Sally Brice
Billy : A Personal Look at the
World's Best-Loved Evangelist.
Wise Men's Palace
Wise Men's Palace. Win.00
Winter, Jeanette
Biblioburro : a true story from
Colombia / Jeanette Winter. Feb /
Apr 2012
Winter, Jeanette
Cowboy Charlie : the story of
Charles M. Russell. Mar.96
Wise, Kurt P.
Something from nothing :
understanding what you believe
about creation and why / Kurt P.
Wise and Sheila A. Richardson.
Wise, Robert L.
Winter, Jeanette
bitter road to Dachau / Robert L.
Wise. June.2005
How sweet it is / Alice J. Wisler.
OctDec 2009
Wise, Robert L.
Wisler, Alice J.
Deleted! : a Sam and Vera Sloan
mystery / Robert L. Wise. Aug.2004
Rain song / Alice J. Wisler. 39912
narrow door at Colditz / Robert L.
Wise. Dec.2004
Caleb's Choice / G. Clifton Wisler.
Wisler, G. Clifton
Wise, Robert L.
gospel code : novel claims about
Jesus, Mary Magdalene and DaVinci
/ Ben Witherington III. Mar.2005
Witherington, Ben
Wisler, G. Clifton
Wise, Robert L.
Witherington, Ben
gospel code : novel claims about
Jesus, Mary Magdalene and DaVinci
/ Ben Witherington III. Nov.2004
Witherington, Ben
Jesus Quest : Third Search for the
Jew of Nazareth. Mar.97
Wired / Robert L. Wise. Aug.2004
Drummer Boy of Vicksburg / G.
Clifton Wisler. Nov.97
Wise, William
Wisler, G. Clifton
Perfect Pancakes If You Please /
William Wise; illustrated by Richard
Egielski. Nov.97
Mustang Flats / by G. Clifton Wisler.
Planet hunter : Geoff Marcy and
the search for other Earths / Vicki
Oransky Wittenstein. 40634
Wismar, Gregory J.
Wittmann, Patricia
Saints and Angels All Around / by
Gregory J. Wismar. Jan.98
Buffalo Thunder / by Patricia
Wittmann; illustrated by Bert
Dodson. Jan.98
Wisehart, Randall
Luke's summer secret / by Randall
Wisehart. Oct.95
Wittenstein, Vicki O.
Wisniewski, David
Wisehart, Randall
winding road to freedom / by
Randall Wisehart. Spr.01
Golem / story and pictures by David
Wisniewski. Aug.2004
Wisniewski, David
Wiseman, Eva
My canary yellow star / Eva
Wiseman. Apr.04
wave of the Sea-Wolf / story and
pictures by David Wisniewski.
Wiseman, Eva
Witcher, Geraldine
My canary yellow star / Eva
Wiseman. SprSum.02
Abingdon book of Bible stories :
selected for 5-6 year olds. Mar.96
Wittstock, Laura Waterman
Ininatig's gift of sugar / by Laura
Waterman Wittstock, photographs
by Dale Kakkak. Feb.03
Wizard of the Great Lake : the
story of Alexander Mackay
Wizard of the Great Lake : the story
of Alexander Mackay. Mar.97
Woelfle, Gretchen
Write on, Mercy! : the secret life of
Mercy Otis Warren / Gretchen
Woelfle ; illustrated by Alexandra
Wallner. Aug / Oct 2012
Wiseman, Eva
Witemeyer, Karin
Place Not Home / Eva Wiseman.
Head in the clouds / Karen
Witemeyer. August 2011
Wish You Were Here!
Witherington, Ben
Wish You Were Here!. Nov.96
Acts of the Apostles : A SocioRhetorical Commentary / by Ben
Witherington III. WinSpr.99
Write on, Mercy! : the secret life of
Mercy Otis Warren / Gretchen
Woelfle ; illustrated by Alexandra
Wallner. Aug / Oct 2012
Witherington, Ben
Wohlberg, Steve
Wisler, Alice J.
Hatteras girl / Alice J. Wisler. 40695
Wisler, Alice j.
Christology of Jesus. Win.00
Woelfle, Gretchen
Hour of the witch : Harry Potter,
Wicca witchcraft, and the Bible /
Steve Wohlberg. June.2006
illustrations by Sergio Martinez.
Nothing to do / by Douglas Wood ;
illustrations by Wendy Anderson
Halperin. Sept.2007
Wolgemuth, Bobbie
Wojciechowski, Susan
Christmas Miracle of Jonathan
Toomey / by Susan Wojciechowski.
Hymns for a kid's heart / Bobbie
Wolgemuth, Joni Eareckson Tada ;
illustrations by Sergio Martinez.
Wojtasik, Ted
Wolgemuth, Robert
No Strange Fire. Mar.97
She Calls Me Daddy : Seven Things
Every Man Needs to Know About
Building a Complete Daughter / by
Robert Wolgemuth. Jan.98
Wojtyla, Karol
Jeweller's Shop : A Modern Mystery
/ by Karol Wojtyla. Nov.97
Wolf, Allan
New found land : Lewis and Clark's
voyage of discovery / Allan Wolf.
Wolf, Bernard
If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem /
written and photographed by
Bernard Wolf. WinSpr.99
Wolkstein, Diane
Esther's Story / by Diane Wolkstein
; illustrated by Juan Wijngaard.
Wolfelt, Alan D.
Healing the Bereaved Child : Grief
Gardening, Growth Through Grief,
and Other Touchstones for
Caregivers / by Alan D. Wolfelt.
Jacob of Canaan. Nov.96
Wood, Jenny
I wonder why kangaroos have
pouches and other questions about
baby animals / Jenny Wood.
Man Who Loved Clowns. Mar.97
Wood, Michael
Wong, Janet S
Before it wriggles away / by Janet S.
Wong. Sept.2007
Legacy : the search for ancient
cultures. Sept.96
Wood, Robert W.
Wood Warblers of the United
States and Canada
Wood Warblers of the United
States and Canada. MarMay.98
When? : experiments for the young
scientist. Jan.96
Wood, Robert W.
Wood, Audrey
Who? : famous experiments for the
young scientist. Jan.96
King Bidgood's in the bathtub /
written by Audrey Wood ;
illustrated by Don Wood. Apr.04
Wood, Tim
Wood, Audrey
Stella & Roy Go Camping / by
Ashley Wolff. Win.00
Oh my baby bear!. Jan.96
Bat 6 / by Virginia Euwer Wolff.
Wood, Helen
Lament for a Son. Mar.97
Wolff, Ashley
Wolff, Virginia Euwer
Old turtle and the broken truth / a
story by Douglas Wood ;
watercolors by Jon J. Muth.
Wood, June Rae
Wolterstorff, Nicholas
Wolfe, Art
O is for orca : a Pacific Northwest
alphabet book. Nov.96
Wood, Douglas
Ancient Wonders / by Tim Wood.
Wood, Tim
Wood, Christine
Houses & Homes / by Tim Wood.
Character witness : how our lives
can make a difference in
evangelism / Christine Wood.
Wood, Tim
Wood, Douglas
Wood, Tim
Incas. Mar.97
Wolgemuth, Bobbie
Hymns for a kid's heart / Bobbie
Wolgemuth, Joni Eareckson Tada ;
Wild West / by Tim Wood. Win.00
Ancient computing : from counting
to calendars / by Michael Woods
and Mary B. Woods. Fall.01
Coming on home soon / by
Jacqueline Woodson ; illustrated by
E.B. Lewis. Mar.2005
Woods, Michael
Woodson, Jacqueline
Teaching Children to Pray. Fall.00
Ancient construction : from tents to
towers / by Michael Woods and
Mary B. Woods. Fall.01
If You Come Softly / by Jacqueline
Woodson. Win.00
Woodford, Chris
Woods, Michael
Digital technology / Chris
Woodford. Mar.2007
Ancient machines : from wedges to
waterwheels / by Michael Woods
and Mary B. Woods. Fall.01
Woodbury, Mary
The invisible Polly McDoodle.
Wooden, Keith
Woodson, Jacqueline
Woodford, Chris
Potassium / Chris Woodford. Oct.03
Woodford, Chris
Titanium / Chris Woodford. Oct.03
Woodger, Elin
Encyclopedia of the Lewis and Clark
Expedition / Elin Woodger, Brandon
Toropov ; foreword by Ned
Blackhawk. Aug.2004
messenger / Tim Woodroof.
Woodruff, Elvira
Christmas doll / by Elvira Woodruff.
Woods, Len
Handbook of world religions : a
Bible-based review of 50 world
faiths / Len Woods. OctDec 2009
Woodson, Jacqueline
Woods, Michael
Peace, Locomotion / Jacqueline
Woodson. 40848
Ancient medicine : from sorcery to
surgery / by Michael Woods and
Mary B. Woods. Fall.01
Woodthorpe, Michael
Woods, Michael
Riviera of Hades : Black Sea
assignment / Michael Woodthorpe.
Ancient transportation : from
camels to canals / by Michael
Woods and Mary B. Woods. Fall.01
Woog, Adam
Woods, Michael
Woodroof, Tim
other side / Jacqueline Woodson;
illustrations by E. B. Lewis. Fall.01
Ancient warfare : from foraging to
farming / by Michael Woods and
Mary B. Woods. Fall.01
Roosevelt and the New Deal / by
Adam Woog. WinSpr.99
Woog, Adam
The importance of Duke Ellington.
Woodsmall, Cindy
hope of refuge / Cindy Woodsmall.
Woolmer, John
Thinking clearly about prayer / John
Woolmer. Win.02
Woodsmall, Cindy
Sisters of the quilt : the complete
trilogy / Cindy Woodsmall. 40695
Wooten, Sara McIntosh
Industrial Revolution / by Sara
Wooten. Nov.2004
Woodsmall, Cindy
Woods, Len
I'm outta here! : facing the tough
choices after high school. Nov.96
The bridge of peace / Cindy
Woodsmall. August 2011
World Book : Deluxe Edition (CD)
World Book : Deluxe Edition (CD).
Woodson, Jacqueline
Woods, Michael
Ancient communication : from
grunts to graffiti / by Michael
Woods and Mary B. Woods. Fall.01
Woods, Michael
After Tupac & D Foster / Jacqueline
Woodson. 40026
World Book : Standard Edition (CD)
World Book : Standard Edition (CD).
Woodson, Jacqueline
World Book : The Family Reference
Site (CD)
World Book : The Family Reference
Site (CD). Win.00
Kirby and Everett L. Washington, Jr.
World Book Online
Wright, David
World Book Online. Win.00
Facts on File children's atlas / by
David and Jill Wright. Sum.01
Worley, Karla
Glimpses of Christ in Everyday Lives
/ by Karla Worley. WinSpr.99
Worship is…what?!
Worship is… hat?!. SprSum.02
Worship the King : blessed hope in
Scripture and song praising God for
all He has done
Worship the King : blessed hope in
Scripture and song praising God for
all He has done. Nov.95
Worth, Richard
Cinqué of the Amistad and the slave
trade in world history / by Richard
Worth. Fall.01
Millennium Myth / by N. T. Wright.
Wright, N. T.
New Testament and the People of
God / by N. T. Wright. Fall.98
Wright, David
Facts on File children's atlas / David
and Jill Wright. Oct.03
Worship is a verb
Worship is a verb. SprSum.02
Wright, N. T.
Wright, N. T.
Paul : in fresh perspective / N.T.
Wright. June.2007
Wright, David K.
Cuba / by David K. Wright. August
Wright, David K.
Frank Lloyd Wright : Visionary
Architect / by David K. Wright.
Wright, N.T.
Challenge of Jesus : Rediscovering
Who Jesus Was and Is / by N.T.
Wright. Fall.00
Wright, N.T.
Lord and His Prayer / by N. T.
Wright. MarMay.98
Wright, H. Norman
perfect catch : lessons for life from
a bass fisherman / by H. Norman
Wright. Spr.01
Wright, H. Norman
Ric & Rac's Woodland Adventure.
Worth, Richard
Wright, N.T.
Lord and his prayer. SprSum.02
Wright, N.T.
Jesus and the Victory of God / by N.
T. Wright. WinSpr.99
Wright, Nia
Johnny Appleseed : "select good
seeds and plant them in good
ground" / Richard Worth. 40513
Wright, Jason F.
The seventeen second miracle /
Jason F. Wright. 40695
My first Canadian atlas / by Nicola
Wright; illustrated by Tony Potter.
Worthen, Anita
Wright, Maureen
Wright, Sally S.
Someone I Love Is Gay : How Family
and Friends Can Respond / by Anita
Worthen and Bob Davies.
Sleep, Big Bear, sleep! / by
Maureen Wright ; illustrated by Will
Hillenbrand. AprJune 2010
Out of the ruins / Sally S. Wright.
Wright, N. T.
Worthington, Everett L.
Forgiving and reconciling : bridges
to wholeness and hope / Everett
Worthington. Nov.2004
Following Jesus : Biblical Reflections
on Discipleship / N. T. Wright.
Value Your Children : Becoming
Better Parental Disciple-makers /
Pride and Predator / by Sally S.
Wright. Fall.98
Wright, Sally S.
Wright, N. T.
Worthington, Kirby
Wright, Sally S.
Jesus and the Victory of God.
Publish and Perish / by Sally S.
Wright. Fall.98
Wright, Sally S.
Pursuit and persuasion / by Sally S.
Wright. Sum.01
The pastor's wife. Sept.96
Singing between the lines : fifteenminute music theory lessons for
your church choir / Ginger G.
Wyrick. Sept.2007
Wyatt, Valerie
Wyrtzen, Don
Science Book for Girls and Other
Intelligent Beings / written by
Valerie Wyatt; illustrated by Pat
Cupples. Jan.98
musician looks at the Psalms : 365
daily meditations / by Don Wyrtzen.
Wurmbrand, Sabina
Wright, Susan Kimmel
Dead Letters. Jan.97
Wright, Susan Kimmel
Death by babysitting. Nov.95
Wright, Tom
Wyborny, Sheila
Yaakov, Juliette
Wright Brothers. Aug.03
Senior high school library catalog /
edited by Juliette Yaakov. Mar.2005
Wright, Vinita Hampton
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Yaakov, Juliette
Grace at Bender Springs : A Novel /
by Vinita Hampton Wright. Fall.00
Any given day in the life of the Bible
/ Wycliffe Bible Translators. Spr.01
Senior high school library catalog /
edited by Juliette Yaakov. Mar.2007
Wright, Vinita Hampton
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis
Yagow, James S.
Velma still cooks in Leeway / Vinita
Hampton Wright. Fall.01
Flying free / by Sharon Dennis
Wyeth. Jun.03
Praise Prayers. Fall.00
Wright, Vinita Hampton
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis
winter seeking : a Christmas novella
/ Vinita Hampton Wright. Oct.03
Freedom's wings / by Sharon
Dennis Wyeth. Jun.03
Wubbels, Lance
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis
Far from the Dream / by Lance
Wubbels. Jan.98
Freedom's wings : Corey's diary / by
Sharon Dennis Wyeth. SprSum.02
Weaving a California tradition : a
Native American basketmaker / by
Linda Yamane ; photographs by
Dugan Aguilar. Apr.04
Wubbels, Lance
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis
Yancey, Philip
In the Shadow of a Secret / by
Lance Wubbels. Fall.00
Message in the sky / by Sharon
Dennis Wyeth. Jun.03
Wubbels, Lance
Wyman, Andrea
Church Why Bother : My Personal
Pilgrimage / by Philip Yancey ;
foreword by Eugene Peterson.
Keeper of the harvest. Sept.96
Red Sky at Morning / Andrea
Wyman. Nov.97
Original Jesus : Life and Vision of a
Revolutionary. Mar.97
Wubbels, Lance
Some Things Last Forever. Jan.97
Wulf, Linda Press
night of the burning : Devorah's
story / Linda Press Wulf. Sept.2007
Wulfsohn, Gisele
In a South African city / by Gisele
Wulfsohn. Aug.03
Yali story
Yali story. Sept.2006
Yamane, Linda
Wyman, Bruce C.
Yancey, Philip
I Was Just Wondering / by Philip
Yancey. WinSpr.99
Facts on File dict..environmental
science / Bruce Wyman, L. Harold
Stevenson. Win.02
Yancey, Philip
Wynne-Jones, Tim
Yancey, Philip
Rex Zero, king of nothing / Tim
Wynne-Jones. 40391
NIV student Bible / notes by Philip
Yancey and Tim Stafford. Aug / Oct
Wyrick, Ginger G.
Jesus I Never Knew. Jan.97
Yancey, Philip
NIV student Bible / notes by Philip
Yancey and Tim Stafford. Aug / Oct
Yancey, Philip
What good is God? / Philip Yancey.
Complete Guide to Creative GiftGiving. Win.00
Yates, Elizabeth
Yates, Cynthia
Yates, Elizabeth
Living well on one income, in a twoincome world / Cynthia Yates.
The next fine day. Mar.96
Yates, John W.
Yates, Elizabeth
Yancey, Philip
What's So Amazing About Grace? /
by Philip Yancey. Jan.98
Yang the Youngest and His Terrible
Yang the Youngest and His Terrible
Ear. Mar.96
Amos Fortune, Free Man / Elizabeth
Yates ; illustrated by Nora S. Unwin.
Yates, Elizabeth
Under the overpass / Michael
Yankoski. Sept.2006
Yates, Susan Alexander
Yates, Elizabeth
And then I had kids :
encouragement for mothers of
young children / Susan Alexander
Yates. Nov.2004
Yates, Elizabeth
Iceland Adventure / by Elizabeth
Yates ; illustrated by Kathy Pflug ;
edited by Gloria Repp. Original
title: Climbing Higher. WinSpr.99
Yates, Elizabeth
Yates, Susan Alexander
And then I had teenagers / Susan
Alexander Yates. Win.02
Yates, Susan Alexander
Mountain Born. Jan.97
house full of friends : how to like
the ones you love. Nov.96
Yates, Elizabeth
Yaxley, Trevor
Place for Peter. Jan.97
Yannuzzi, Della A.
Ernest Hemingway : Writer and
Adventurer / by Della A. Yannuzzi.
Alberta. Sept.96
Carolina's Courage. Jan.97
Hue & cry. Jan.97
Yankoski, Michael
Character matters! : raising kids
with values that last / John and
Susan Yates. Apr.03
Yates, Sarah
Yankoski, Michael
My 30 days under the overpass :
[not your ordinary devotional] / by
Mike Yankoski. Sept.2006
The journeyman. Mar.96
Yarhouse, Mark A.
Yates, Elizabeth
Homosexuality and the Christian /
Mark A. Yarhouse. 40695
Sarah Whitcher's story. Jan.96
William & Catherine : the life and
legacy of the Booths, founders of
the Salvation Army : a new
biography / Trevor Yaxley with
Carolyn Vanderwal. Oct.03
Yates, Elizabeth
Y'Barbo, Kathleen
Someday you'll write : secrets of a
story maker. Mar.96
confidential life of Eugenia Cooper /
Kathleen Y'Barbo. 40026
Yates, Elizabeth
Yeatts, Tabatha
Sound Friendships : The Story of
Willa and Her Hearing Dog. Jan.97
Holocaust Survivors / by Tabatha
Yeatts. Fall.98
Yates, Elizabeth
Yeatts, Tabatha
Swiss Holiday / Elizabeth Yates;
edited by Gloria Repp. Nov.97
Joan of Arc : heavenly warrior /
Tabatha Yeatts. 40513
Yasuda, Chizuko
Bible verse coloring pages /
illustrated by Chizuko Yasuda.
Yates, Cynthia
1,001 bright ideas to stretch your
dollars : pinch your pennies, hoard
your quarters, collar your dollars.
Yates, Cynthia
Yee, Patrick
Let's eat. Nov.95
Khan's Daughter : A Mongolian
Folktale / by Laurence Yep;
illustrated by Jean and Mou-Sien
Tseng. Jan.98
Yee, Patrick
Let's go. Nov.95
Yee, Patrick
Yolen, Jane
Yep, Laurence
Lady of Ch'iao Kuo : warrior of the
south / by Laurence Yep. SprSum.02
Let's make friends. Nov.95
Yep, Laurence
Yee, Patrick
Escape under the forever sky : a
novel / by Eve Yohalem. OctDec
The city of dragons. Nov.96
Let's play. Nov.95
A letter from Phoenix farm. Jan.96
Yolen, Jane
A mirror to nature : poems about
reflection / Jane Yolen ;
photographs by Jason Stemple.
Yep, Laurence
Yee, Wong Herbert
Mouse and Mole, fine feathered
friends / Wong Herbert Yee.
AprJune 2010
When the circus came to town /
Laurence Yep ; drawings by Suling
Wang. Mar.2005
Yolen, Jane
Baby bear's books / written by Jane
Yolen ; illustrated by Melissa Sweet.
Yezerski, Thomas
Yee, Wong Herbert
Officers' Ball / by Wong Herbert
Yee. MarMay.98
full hand / Thomas F. Yezerski.
Yin, Saw Myat
Yenne, Bill
Noah and the Ark / by Bill Yenne.
Yep, Laurence
Burma. Mar.96
Yin, Saw Myat
Myanmar / Saw Myat Yin.
Amah / by Laurence Yep. Fall.01
Cook's Family / by Laurence Yep.
Come to the fairies ball / Jane Yolen
; illustrated by Gary Lippincott.
AprJune 2010
Yolen, Jane
How do dinosaurs get well soon? /
Jane Yolen; illustrated by Mark
Teague. Jun.03
Yolen, Jane
Yoder, Carolyn
Yep, Laurence
Yolen, Jane
George Washington, the writer : a
treasury of letters, diaries, and
publications / [edited by] edited by
Carolyn Yoder. Nov.2004
King Longshanks / by Jane Yolen;
illustrated by Victoria Chess. Win.00
Yolen, Jane
Letting Swift River Go. Jan.97
Yep, Laurence
dragon's child : a story of Angel
Island / Laurence Yep ; with
Kathleen S. Yep. June 2009
Yep, Laurence
Dragon's Gate. Mar.97
Yep, Laurence
journal of Wong Ming-chung : a
Chinese miner / by Laurence Yep.
Yep, Laurence
Yoder, Elwood
Margaret's print shop : a novel of
the Anabaptist reformation /
Elwood E. Yoder. Mar.2007
Yolen, Jane
Lost boy : the story of the man who
created Peter Pan / by Jane Yolen ;
illustrated by Steve Adams. 41061
Yoder, James D.
Black spider over Tiegenhof. Nov.95
Yoder, Joseph W.\Keenan, Joy
Dunn, ill.
Rosanna of the Amish. Sept.96
Yohalem, Eve
Yolen, Jane
My Brothers' Flying Machine :
Wilbur, Orville, and Me. Aug.03
Yolen, Jane
Once Upon Ice and Other Frozen
Poems / selected by Jane Yolen;
photographs by Jason Stemple.
Yolen, Jane
perfect wizard : Hans Christian
Andersen / by Jane Yolen ;
illustrated by Dennis Nolan.
Yolen, Jane
Queen's own fool : a novel of Mary
Queen of Scots / by Jane Yolen and
Robert J. Harris. Spr.01
Yolen, Jane
Roanoke : the lost colony: an
unsolved mystery from history / by
Jane Yolen and Heidi Elisabet Yolen
Stemple ; illustrated by Roger Roth.
Yorkey, Mike
Linspired : the Jeremy Lin story /
Mike Yorkey. 41061
Young, Judy
curse of the raven mocker / Marly
Youmans. Aug.2004
S is for show me : a Missouri
alphabet / written by Judy Young;
illustrated by Ross Young.
Younan, Munib
Young, Karen
Witnessing for Peace: In Jerusalem
and the World. Aug.03
Blood bayou / Young, Karen. 40695
Youmans, Marly
Young person's occupational
outlook handbook
Young person's occupational
outlook handbook / editors@JIST.
Sea Watch : A Book of Poetry / by
Jane Yolen; illustrated by Ted
Lewin. Jan.98
Young, Karen Romano
Ice's Edge : Story of a Harp Seal Pup
/ by Karen Romano Young;
illustrated by Brian Shaw. Jan.98
Young, Louise O.
Young, Ben
Yolen, Jane
A book for black-eyed Susan /
written by Judy Young ; and
illustrated by Doris Ettlinger. 41061
one : a realistic guide to choosing
your soul mate / Ben Young &
Samuel Adams. Dec.2004
Ice Continent : A Story of Antarctica
/ by Louise O. Young ; illustrated by
Larry Elmore. WinSpr.99
Young, Robert
Sky dogs. Mar.96
Why Mike's not a Christian / Ben
Young. Mar.2007
Game Day : Behind the Scenes at a
Ballpark / by Robert Young ;
photographs by Jerry Wachter.
Yolen, Jane
Young, Ed
Young, Sue
The girl in the golden bower. Jan.96
Genesis / Art by Ed Young ; adapted
from the King James version.
Writing with Style / by Sue Young.
Young, Ben
Yolen, Jane
Yolen, Jane
Transfigured Hart / by Jane Yolen.
Young, Ed
Lon Po Po : a Red-Riding Hood story
from China / Ed Young. Apr.04
Yolen, Jane
Twelve Impossible Things Before
Breakfast / by Jane Yolen.
Young, Ed
Purple Mountain Majesties : The
Story of Katharine Lee Bates and
"America the Beautiful" / by
Barbara Younger ; illustrated by
Stacey Schuett. WinSpr.99
Seven blind mice. Nov.96
Younger, Marshal
Yolen, Jane
Young, H. Edwin
Welcome to the sea of sand.
10 Commandments of Parenting /
by Ed Young. Aug.2004
Yoon, Salina
Young, Judy
Count my blessings 1 through 10 /
Salina Yoon. Sept.2007
Younger, Barbara
Escape from the forbidden matrix /
Marshal Younger. Win.02
Younger, Marshal
The rise and fall of the Kidsborian
Empire / by Marshal Younger. Feb /
Apr 2012
Youngs, Bettie B.
teen's guide to Christian living :
practical answers to tough
questions about God and faith /
Bettie B. Youngs, Jennifer Leigh
Youngs, Debbie Thurman. Nov.2004
William Harvey : discoverer of how
blood circulates. Mar.96
Light in the shadow of jihad / Ravi
Zacharias. Apr.03
Yount, William R.
Zacharias, Ravi K.
Created to Learn : A Christian
Teacher's Introduction to
Educational Psychology. Mar.97
The lotus and the cross / Ravi
Zacharias. 40695
Youngs, Bettie B.
teen's guide to living drug-free /
Bettie B. Youngs, Jennifer Leigh
Youngs. Oct.03
Yount, Christine
Helping children know God.
Zagwyn, Deborah Turney
Youssef, Michael
Call of a Lifetime / by Michael
Youssef. MarMay.98
Hound without howl. Nov.95
Zahn, Barbara
Youth worker's encyclopedia of
Bible-Teaching ideas. Sept.96
On the Banks of Big Elk Creek : The
Life of Martha Finley--Beloved
Author of The Elsie Books / by
Barbara Zahn with Nancy Drazga.
Ytreeide, Arnold
Zalben, Jane Breskin
Amon's adventure : a family story
for Easter / Arnold Ytreeide. Aug /
Oct 2012
Don't go! / story and pictures by
Jane Breskin Zalben. SprSum.02
Youth worker's encyclopedia of
Bible-Teaching ideas
Yount, Lisa
Antoine Lavoisier : founder of
modern chemistry / Lisa Yount.
Yount, Lisa
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek : First to
See Microscopic Life / by Lisa
Yount. MarMay.98
Zamperini : Still Carrying the Torch
Ytreeide, Arnold
Amon's adventure : a family story
for Easter / Arnold Ytreeide. Aug /
Oct 2012
Yount, Lisa
Biotechnology and genetic
engineering / Lisa Yount. Sept.2005
Yount, Lisa
Biotechnology and genetic
engineering / Lisa Yount. Sept.2005
Yount, Lisa
Cancer / edited by Lisa Yount.
Yount, Lisa
Cloning / edited by Lisa Yount.
Yuan, Margaret Speaker
Beatrix Potter / Margaret Speaker
Yuan ; foreword by Kyle Zimmer.
Yue, Charlotte
wigwam and the longhouse / by
Charlotte and David Yue. Sum.01
Zamperini : Still Carrying the Torch.
Zapel, Theodore O.
Christmas on stage : an anthology
of royalty-free Christmas plays for
all ages. Jan.96
Zarins, Kim
The helpful puppy / by Kim Zarins ;
illustrated by Emily Arnold McCully.
Zarr, Sara
Zacharias, Ravi
New birth or rebirth? : Jesus talks
with Krishna / Ravi Zacharias. 40695
Once was lost / Sara Zarr. 40848
Zeeuw, P. de
Zacharias, Ravi
Augustine : the farmer's boy of
Tagaste / P. de Zeeuw. Mar.2005
Issues in Biomedical Ethics / by Lisa
Yount. Win.00
Who made God? : and other things
we wonder about / Ravi Zacharias,
Norman Geisler, general editors.
Zeigler, Donald J.
Yount, Lisa
Zacharias, Ravi K.
Zeinert, Karen
Yount, Lisa
Israel. Apr.04
Cults / by Karen Zeinert. WinSpr.99
Ziefert, Harriet
Zeinert, Karen
The turnip. Nov.96
McCarthy and the Fear of
Communism in American History /
by Karen Zeinert. WinSpr.99
Ziefert, Harriet
Zeinert, Karen
Persian Empire / by Karen Zeinert.
Three Little Pigs. Jan.97
Ziefert, Harriet
Ugly Duckling / retold by Harriet
Ziefert; illustrated by Emily Bolam.
Zeinert, Karen
Wisconsin / by Karen Zeinert.
Ziefert, Harriet
Zelinsky, Paul O.
When I First Came to This Land /
retold by Harriet Ziefert ; pictures
by Simms Taback. Fall.98
Rapunzel / retold and illustrated by
Paul O. Zelinzky. Fall.98
Ziefle, Helmut W.
Zeyl, Donald J.
Encyclopedia of Classical
Philosophy / edited by Donald J.
Zeyl. MarMay.98
Ziefert, Harriet
Cow in the House / retold by
Harriet Ziefert; illustrated by Emily
Bolam. MarMay.98
One woman against the Reich : the
true story of a mother's struggle to
keep her family faithful to God in a
world gone mad / Helmut W. Ziefle.
The Stourbridge Lion : America's
first locomotive / Karl Zimmermann
; illustrated by Steven Walker.
Ziner, Feenie
Squanto / by Feenie Ziner.
Zipes, Jack
Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales,
Children, and the Culture Industry /
Jack Zipes. Sep.97
Zisk, Mary
best single mom in the world : how
I was adopted / written and
illustrated by Mary Zisk. Feb.03
Zitzewitz, Paul W.
The handy physics answer book /
Paul W. Zitzewitz. 40848
Ziff, John
Zochfeld, Kathleen Weidner
Causes of World War I / John Ziff.
Cactus Café : A Story of Sonoran
Desert / by Kathleen Weidner
Zochfeld ; illustrated by Paul
Mirocha. Fall.98
Ziff, Marsha
Ziefert, Harriet
Dozen Dozens / by Harriet Ziefert ;
illustrated by Chris Demarest.
Reconstruction Following the Civil
War in American History / by
Marsha Ziff. Win.00
Zimmer, Kevin J.
Ziefert, Harriet
Gingerbread Boy / retold by Harriet
Ziefert; illustrated by Emily Bolam.
Ziefert, Harriet
Mother Goose Math / selected by
Harriet Ziefert; illustrated by Emily
Bolam. MarMay.98
Ziefert, Harriet
Rabbit and Hare Divide an Apple /
by Harriet Ziefert ; illustrated by
Emily Bolam. WinSpr.99
Birding in the American West : a
handbook / by Kevin J. Zimmer.
Zuck, Roy B.
Precious in His Sight : Childhood
and Children / Roy B. Zuck. Nov.97
Zulkey, Claire
An off year / Claire Zulkey. August
Zimmerman, Martha
Zweifel, Frances
Should I Keep My Baby? rev. ed. /
by Martha Zimmerman. Fall.98
Make-something Club Is Back :
More Fun with Crafts, Food, and
Gifts / by Frances Zweifel;
illustrated by Ann Schweninger.
Zimmermann, Karl
Steam locomotives : whistling,
chugging, smoking iron horses of
the past / Karl Zimmermann.
Zimmermann, Karl R.`